How to properly meet a girl online. What to write to a girl in the first message: original examples. “What do you want from her?”

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Life is too short to spend it alone, staring at the monitor. You can use the Internet to meet interesting girls. What phrases can you use to meet a girl on the Internet?

How to meet a girl on the Internet - phrases for dating

Guys often look for ready-made phrases and dialogues for meeting girls on the Internet.

To attract a girl's attention, you will have to work a little with your own head. If nature has gifted you with the beauty of David Beckham or the brutality of Fyodor Bondarchuk, then your chances of getting a response even to the emoticon you sent will be quite high.

Don't despair, even if you have an average appearance, you can meet girls 365 days a year.

Someday you will find among them the one with whom you want to spend the rest of your life.
Or. You will become a professional pickup artist.
How to hook a girl?

Don't forget that every girl is an individual who can be most offended by your cliched phrase.

The hackneyed “hello”, “how are you” or a smiley face simply screams that you have sent them to a dozen or so other potential victims and are waiting for one of them to take your bait.

Don't be surprised if there is no catch at all. Approach the dating process creatively.

Take a closer look at her photographs. For example, in the photo she is in front of the Colosseum.

You are writing:

  • “You’re probably as in love with Rome as I am.”

She's in the photo with the dog. Your phrase:

  • “I love Labradors. I want to get myself a puppy. Can you give me any advice on whether it’s hard to raise them?”

You're too lazy to waste time looking at photos.

Then come up with a suitable phrase that will not sound banal, but will do. Stretch her pride, show your appreciation of her beauty:

  • “You are dressed with impeccable taste. You are a professional stylist"
  • “I probably have no chance of meeting a girl, especially such a beauty. Let me know if this is not the case."
  • “You are indescribably beautiful. Don't be offended if I address you as "you""

Pay attention, your phrases should encourage a response or action. Do not try to use phrases found on the Internet.

Come up with something of your own. You will have to meet a girl one on one, where you will have to be yourself.

How to start a correspondence or procedure

It’s even easier to choose phrases for meeting a girl on VKontakte or another social network.

Here, in addition to photographs, you can see various details from the girl’s life: where she studies (studied), where she works, how many friends she has, what kind of music she likes, what she posts on her wall.

Let's briefly describe your procedure:

  1. Study her profile.
  2. Change your profile a little (set your status to her favorite music; subscribe to groups in which she takes part; clean out the archive of your photos).
  3. Comment on your favorite photos of her.
  4. Send her a private message.
  5. Invite her to add you as a friend.

A personal message should be personal. A template is the last thing you should count on.

All your tricks will not help if outwardly you are not her type at all. She may be happy with her boyfriend or a convinced bluestocking. Don’t delay communication on the Internet, otherwise your communication will remain virtual. Don't overwhelm her with messages - give her the opportunity to choose.

Try to think outside the box - this will help you achieve success when meeting girls on the Internet.

Don’t use forbidden and cliched phrases - try to show your individuality.

Find out her phone number, don't give her yours - she won't call. Don't call her right away.

A pause will add value to your call. You will succeed - the main thing is to believe in yourself and be optimistic. People love those who love life.
Success will appear, just show persistence and patience, listen to our recommendations.

I saw a beautiful girl - take it. Not you, means different. The competition is hellish. For one girl on a dating site, there are ten pick-up artists. While you are thinking about what to write to a girl after saying hello, normal guys are improving their seduction skills. On the other hand, your doubts brought you to our site - and that’s great. Once upon a time, it was hard for me to start dating. But I wanted to become different. I got into trouble, kicked myself, met the most beautiful girls. I wasn't looking for a life partner. I was gaining experience. And today I share it with you. First of all, I’ll tell you how to hook a girl with the first phrase. Come on, open the questionnaire. Not hers, but yours.


directive style

the right compliment

Answer the three main questions that interest her

How to interest a girl by correspondence: examples


not interested

Don't make mistakes at the start

platitudes and cliches

not a word about sex

What to write to a girl if she answered: we are moving towards the goal

Selection of a dating site

Before you text a girl, check: are you ready?

Correspondence is important. A full 30% of your literary talent determines whether she responds or not. Guess who owns 70% of the shares of the Dating enterprise? Your profile. , we've already sorted it out. Open and read. Only then send the girl the first message. By the way, even if you are the coolest guy on the site, remember about PMS, the funeral of your beloved rat, a broken nail and other fatal circumstances that no man can overcome. Add “ ” to your Favorites and switch to the next one - you’ll practice here later. Wait a minute though. Did you happen to text her: “Hi, how are you?” Then they simply didn’t notice you. Let's talk seriously about what to write to a girl in the first message in order to ignite the fire of love or at least curiosity in her heart from the very beginning.

How to anchor a girl from the first message: pickup lessons

When wondering what question to ask a girl to interest her, don’t reinvent the wheel. Everything has already been thought out for you. Write an opener. Openers are the first phrases of communication that make an impression. What touches her instincts, evokes emotions, attracts attention, sets you apart from the crowd of losers who sit on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and dating sites around the clock without a chance of sex.


When thinking about what you can write to a girl, try the game of intrigue. "Hello. I know something about you that others don’t know...” you write, and it’s unlikely she can resist scribbling to you: “I wonder what?” More examples: “Wow! What are you doing here?" or “You know what I liked about you? You combine two incompatible qualities. Usually men don’t like them, but I’m delighted.” The girl is a curious creature. He will languish until he finds out the answers. When intriguing, do not forget to pause between messages.


Provocation is what will force her to answer you. On a dating site, provocation serves as a catalyst for communication. Refrain from rudeness and vulgarity. Here are examples, take it and use it:

“I want to ask you an intimate question...” Yes, it will be tense, but her attention is already focused on you. Continue: “Do you happen to work in a creative environment - among designers, artists, photographers?” The young lady will be surprised, relax and probably ask what is intimate here. “Well, of course. This is a personal question. And the personal is always the territory of the intimate.” You not only provoked her reaction and emotion at the start, but also earned her a reputation as “not like everyone else.”

Provocation on a dating portal is not incitement. Provocation in the context of making an acquaintance is devoid of aggression directed at the partner. Here provocation is motivation, stimulation, motivation. A game, not a conflict. A gender challenge, not a confrontation.

Directive style


I gave you a couple of ideas on how to ask a girl to meet you on the Internet, but don’t copy them. Just…

  • Be confident and arrogant in a good way.
  • Communicate as equals or even from above.
  • Tailor your communication to a specific girl.
  • Don't talk too much - pick up the phone and call.

And further. The less we write to a girl, the more she likes us. Good luck!

The Internet has become a powerful communication tool; the idea of ​​online dating no longer seems strange. It remains to be seen how to meet a girl on the Internet, what to write, example phrases, . A friend of mine devoted 1 year and 11 months to the study and practice of this art, so I am writing based on the advice of an experienced pick-up artist.

Pros and cons of online dating

Arguments for"

  • The positive aspects of online dating include its accessibility and expansion of the search geography.
  • With each contact, experience grows, and the idea of ​​an ideal partner is more clearly formulated.
  • Communication is available 24 hours a day, you will always find someone to talk to. Compatibility programs help filter out unnecessary options.
  • You can express your opinion; it doesn’t take much time to listen to your virtual friend. The security of correspondence leads to high frankness, in life characteristic of the “fellow traveler syndrome”.
  • Any phrases can be structured correctly, there is time to make an impression. You receive psychological support, compliments, and relieve stress. If you need to stop the dialogue, simply leave the network.
  • Appearance doesn’t matter at the moment, just upload a few decent photos and the image is ready. True, when moving to video communication on Skype and chats, you will have to work on your appearance, but this stage does not occur immediately.
  • For men, this means significant cost savings on flowers, sweets, and a restaurant, as opposed to offline dates.
  • In the United States alone, 20% of marriages take place after meeting people online, and this figure is growing.


  • Psychotherapists report negative factors associated with online dating, police warn. You cannot know who is behind the mask. Even if the photograph, age and other formal characteristics are true, it is impossible to recognize habits, tastes, and significant values ​​from the profile.
  • Our mind picks up familiar phrases and features and, based on them, completes the image with which it communicates in the future. The very first meeting can break the built illusions. Often the fear of disappointment holds back the development of relationships.
  • Observation in practical everyday situations reveals a lot about a person; such experience cannot be obtained online.
  • Many interlocutors get stuck at the virtual stage of acquaintance, and like butterflies, flutter from flower to flower out of curiosity and thirst for new experiences. They delay the meeting, shrouding themselves in an aura of mystery and inaccessibility. Don't waste your time on them, look for others.
  • Don’t get carried away with a set of criteria, otherwise you’ll miss out on a congenial partner just because she has a different eye or hair color. Don’t trust the profile too much, call for a real date.
  • Finding a friend online can drag on, turn into the only source of communication, and then a companion is unlikely to appear next to you. Maintaining balance is the key to success.

Conclusion: Online dating is a valuable resource that is important to know how to use. Perhaps you will find your favorite one through the site.

Rules of communication on the Internet

For online “hunting” to be successful, you should adhere to simple rules for presenting yourself and communicating with objects of interest:

  1. Despite all the temptation to appear smarter, remain yourself, because during meetings you will not be able to use a search engine or carry on a conversation on an unfamiliar topic.
  2. The initiative in the conversation most often belongs to the guy, but maintain a balance between persistence and importunity.
  3. Ask for a phone number, invite you on a date, if you refuse, ask for the reason, you will find out the young lady’s attitudes and the degree of her interest in communication.
  4. Watch your speech. Although some liberties are allowed when flirting online, a smart girl will stop communicating in response to rudeness, profanity, and an abundance of grammatical errors.
  5. Do not complicate the dialogue with excessive frankness, at the same time do not remain silent, introduce yourself beautifully, preferably indirectly, with the help of small stories.
  6. Don't ask about ex-boyfriends and sex, she will tell you when she wants. In return, ask what qualities she values ​​in men and what she expects from a life partner.
  7. Do not complain, ask or offer money under any circumstances - this is perceived negatively and sharply reduces your rating.
  8. If you can’t determine the relationship, disappear for a while, then reappear online. The girl's questions about the reasons for her absence will become markers of what she thought about you.

How to properly meet a girl on the Internet

Where to meet a girl on the Internet? To protect yourself, use reliable sites with multi-stage verification of created accounts, photos, and documents. Where access is provided without registration, the information will be unreliable in 90% of cases.

Provide correct information yourself:

  • Don’t embellish it so that the girl doesn’t get upset when she sees a skinny programmer with glasses instead of a sultry macho man. Honestly indicate your height, weight, appearance, attach a real photo
  • In your profile or messages, it is better not to lie about the purpose of dating - flirting, an easy adventure without consequences, finding a girlfriend for a vacation, a serious relationship. The main thing is that you yourself understand what the correspondence is for and don’t waste your time
  • Fill out the questionnaire as much as possible so that you can be found based on similar interests and tastes. At the same time, you should not write criteria for evaluating women - such self-confidence is annoying
  • Avoid nude photos of yourself and when choosing an interlocutor if you are looking for a serious relationship

To speed up the process, use the services of sites - raising a profile, hero of the day, giving virtual gifts, etc. The girl’s profile contains tips; on such sites it is easiest to start a casual conversation and then move from words to action. Choose not the most rated applicants, where you will get lost in the crowd of fans, but also not the very last ones, whose profiles hang out on the site for a long time and uselessly. On what website can you actually meet? You will find the answer to this question in our review.

Dating on social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki)

A page on a social network reveals more information than a well-thought-out profile on a dating site. There is less control, more sincere expressions of emotions. Therefore, it’s easy to get to know a girl by studying her friends, preferred groups, and messages.

  • Upgrade your page. Choose good photos, format your status in an interesting way - without unnecessary emotions, with restraint and dignity. Join interest groups other than provocative associations like “Quick Pickup” or “Sex without Commitments.”
  • Start writing comments on her posts, both approving and challenging
  • Perhaps you have common interests or acquaintances, use this in dialogue
  • And again, do not delay the correspondence - there are dozens of girls like you, ask for a phone number, Skype, call for a meeting
  • Fake accounts are common on the Internet, do not get carried away by mirages, beauties with a minimum of information. Follow the rule of transition from quantity to quality - starting with a wide circle, gradually narrow the number of interlocutors and bring communication to the real world.


    Messengers Tam Tam, Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook and others have become a convenient dating tool. Some of them are combined with social network databases, telephone contacts, some contain dating chats with hint bots.

    Communication is suitable for a teenager who is starting to look for girlfriends. In large cities, local chats are created that narrow the search within the metropolis. The restriction actually increases the likelihood of meeting offline.

    However, you should not hang out in such services - leave chats on social networks, call, offer a meeting, otherwise the correspondence will turn into an online game without continuation.

    The first phrases for communicating on the Internet

    How to meet a girl on the Internet, where to start a dialogue? The main goal is not to be rejected right away. The first message should look original and attract attention. Trivial questions: “Hello! How are you?”, “Let’s get to know each other,” “What are you doing?” will go to spam.

    Think creatively, look for unconventional appeal. A profile or page on a social network will give ideas for correspondence and points of contact. Good examples are questions about the place shown in the photo, the name of a pet, a landmark, or a hobby.

    Ask how to care for a kitten or puppy, what you liked most about your vacation. If you studied, worked, or vacationed nearby, write about it. In the photo there is a girl on a bicycle or rollerblades - offer to ride together.

    When applying advice from pickup sites - “Girl, can you help me write a book about online dating” or “Didn’t I see you the other day in London?”, keep in mind that similar requests are also available to other applicants. Try to act unusual.

    Examples of correspondence

    1. Ask questions about tastes, films, books, favorite vacation spots, alternating this with your stories, without turning it into an interrogation.
    2. Tell me how she differs from others - most girls will quickly appreciate your approach and become interested in you.
    3. Avoid masculine and controversial topics - beer, football, fishing, religion, politics. They are not for starting a relationship. Ask about her hobbies, tell her about your plans and dreams.
    4. Use open-ended questions that require detailed answers. Example: instead of “Were you at work?” It’s better to write “How was your day?”
    5. “Eternal” topics - music, cinema, literature, hobbies, animals. Let the text of the message not be simple “What films do you like”, but more interesting (for example, what do you think of Oscar-winning films?)
    6. Write funny and tell stories, it will make you stand out from the crowd.
    7. The call to imagination works effectively (what would you do if you woke up on the ocean, how would you feel in the role of the Queen of England); such humorous questions and answers defuse the situation and bring you closer together.

    Try to stay natural, look for topics that are interesting to both, because the pleasure of communication is a mutual matter. Starting online, move the relationship to the real plane - and may you be lucky! By the way, an acquaintance finally found the girl of his dreams online...

Meeting a girl is always a very exciting and difficult moment for any man of any age. Therefore, in order to overcome this stage of relationships, many guys resort to online dating services, since meeting a girl on the Internet is much easier than in real life, however, there are also subtleties that should be taken into account and today’s article will be about them.

Where to start meeting a girl on the Internet?

It is better to start any acquaintance, no matter whether it is virtual or real, with a sign of attention, a compliment or a gift. If you want to meet a beautiful girl on a dating site, you must immediately come to terms with the fact that you will have much more competitors than usual, so you must somehow stand out from this gray mass. Fortunately, this is quite easy to do, if only you had money. Many services provide the opportunity to make a gift in the form of a virtual toy or flowers, which will subsequently be placed on the page with the girl’s profile. For special gifts, there is even the opportunity to give VIP status on the site, which allows you to significantly expand the capabilities of a girl’s profile (decorate your page, be invisible, hide age, etc.).

We agree that a gift requires money, which is not always available in sufficient quantities, but we are now talking about your potential future. Don't you already feel sorry for 1-5 dollars?! In addition, if you met in real life, you would most likely invite her to a cafe, restaurant, buy flowers, etc., which would cost much more than a harmless gift.

From all that has been said above, let us sum up the first conclusion: you should start meeting a girl on the Internet with a virtual compliment - flowers, VIP status, a soft toy, etc. In any case, the girl will like such a gift, she will pay attention to you, understand the fact that you really liked her, and you will be able to take the next step.

What to write to a girl when meeting online?

Now let's move on to the main thing and one might even say the final step on the path to acquaintance. Since your future joint relationships will depend on him: will they be friendly, loving, or absent altogether.

There are several rules that will include advice on what you can write to a girl and what you can’t:

  • Never reveal the whole truth about the purpose of your acquaintance with her. The answer should always be the same: “First of all, I’m looking for a girlfriend, and then how fate will turn out…”. Even if you want to marry her, want children from her and live together until the end of your days, do not write this. Some will understand this as a joke, others will perceive it as childish and frivolous. And of course, you don’t need to write about sex if you are looking for a girlfriend for an intimate relationship. Yes, you are being deceitful, but only in this case will you be able to win the girl.

  • Start the conversation by complimenting her. Appreciate the beauty of her hair, eyes, waist, long legs, flat tummy, etc. But just don’t resort to vulgarity - you don’t need to point out her breasts, buttocks or thighs at the first message. This needs to be mentioned, but not now!

  • Don’t rush to get her phone number or make an appointment, 80% will refuse right away. You must interest her first, and only then invite her to a cafe.

  • Be careful with punctuation and expressions. Your turns of phrase and mistakes will tell you a lot about you. Excessive “literariness” will show your pedantry, seriousness and may even scare off the girl a little. Keep it simple, build your sentences more concisely.

  • Ask questions more often, talk less about yourself, unless she asks for it herself.

  • Call her by name more often; it captivates any person when he sees or hears his beautiful name.

  • Before asking questions, study her profile and ask questions based on it. This way, you will have topics for conversation: hobbies, work, life principles, taste preferences, etc.

  • If you feel that your supply of ideas is running out, end the conversation (just name an important reason) and offer to continue it in a cafe over a cup of coffee.

  • Be sincere in your conversation, but present any fact beautifully. Even if you are an ordinary salesperson in a store, call yourself a consultant in the field of trade. Let there be a mystery in you.

  • If she asked you about having a car that you don't have. Walk out of the situation proudly: “I’m still saving up for a car... I don’t want to waste money on the cheap auto industry!” If you are ashamed of the car brand (Tavria), then answer that for you a car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.

  • Don't pause in conversation! Try to ask her as many questions as possible, and as soon as you see that a certain topic arouses her interest, develop it by asking leading questions and telling your own stories or news read.

  • Keep it simple! Don't memorize certain phrases or sentences; your speech should be natural but interesting.

If you can’t think of topics to talk about, then read our article:

Increasingly, young people are making new acquaintances via the Internet, because social networks have become an integral part of their lives. It is on the Internet that you can find a lot of interesting things, meet people from other countries and cities, find true friends and true love. But if we are talking specifically about meeting a girl they like online, as well as corresponding with her, then young people are quite often lost. Not everyone knows how to meet a girl on the Internet and conduct active correspondence, but such skills will obviously not be superfluous for any guy.

Therefore, it is worth reviewing a number of useful tips on how to meet and correspond with girls on the Internet in order to always feel confident and free. These skills will definitely come in handy in life and will become a valuable tip for those who have never met online before.

The Internet is simply a limitless thing, so the question of where you can meet a young lady online should not arise. Finding a suitable place to meet will not be so difficult, because there are quite a lot of sites designed specifically for this purpose. And so, on the Internet, you can meet a young lady in the following places:

  • popular social networks;
  • various kinds of messengers;
  • specially designed dating sites;
  • chats on various sites.

Yes, yes, they used to advertise in newspapers without photographs and wait until they wrote a letter, but now everything happens just instantly and you can get to know a person, and also see him, even if he is far away.

Advice! It is better for young guys to meet girls through social networks, because it is on these Internet spaces that the most active and interesting communication takes place.

Social media

Create a positive impression

Girls perceive everything more on an emotional background; dry specifics and standard communication are clearly not for them. To get to know a young lady well, you need to create a positive impression of yourself in the first message. There should not be any unnecessary words or farce in the correspondence; you just need to communicate politely, carefully and unobtrusively. It is this style of communication that will create the first positive impression of a person, and the girl will understand whether she wants to communicate with him further.

Don't act stupid

You need to think carefully about what to write to a girl so that it shows sympathy, but does not look vulgar and vulgar. If the correspondence is conducted on social media. networks, you should not send naked body parts to girls, constantly send emoticons with hints and write directly about intimacy. There is no need to tell girls about how many ladies you have already had intimate relationships with, because this is only a matter of pride for guys, but for girls it is something terrible and disgusting. Vulgarity has never graced anyone, so such a note in correspondence should be completely abandoned.

What else should you consider when dating?

If a guy has already received an answer to the question of how to find a girl on the Internet, then he must understand how to communicate with her. There are some nuances that young people do not pay attention to, but for a girl they can be very noticeable and play an important role. When trying to meet a girl, you need to ask if she is in a relationship, because not everyone flaunts their personal life on social networks. For dating sites, this amendment is not relevant, since people who want to start a relationship register there.

Competent letter

Many guys write to girls on the Internet without even thinking about how competently they do it. In fact, gross spelling and punctuation errors are very noticeable and do not leave the best impression.

If a guy writes an illiterate letter, the girl will conclude that she will have no prospects with such a man, because she will have to carry him all her life on herself, he will not be able to reach heights. Yes, everyone understands that when typing text from a smartphone or tablet, you can make various mistakes and typos, but you need to re-read everything carefully and only then send a message.

Note! A well-written letter is another factor that will help leave a good first impression and requires a little effort.

Page design

If a guy wants to meet a girl on the Internet and make a good impression on her, then he needs to design his page accordingly. The photo should show that the young man is serious and responsible, and not some kind of hooligan. Information about the person must be true; you must provide information about your hobbies. This will help the girl get to know the guy better, and she will know what exactly to talk to the young man about.

Live meeting

If a guy meets a girl on the Internet, you don’t have to think long about what to do next. Of course, young people will communicate online for some time and only after that they will decide to meet in person. This meeting will be the first date, for which you need to prepare very responsibly. You should buy flowers for a girl, you need to take her to a cafe or some interesting place, dress well, behave decently. All these factors will help to win the girl’s attention and prove to her that the correspondence was not just empty words, but has a really solid basis.

Short conclusion

Young people are increasingly meeting each other via the Internet. Guys often don’t know how to start a correspondence and it is because of this that they receive a negative response from a lady. Which I liked. But this can be completely avoided by following specific rules and not trying to present yourself as something the guy really isn’t. Correspondence must be conducted politely and carefully, without unnecessary hints or indecent words. Written speech should be literate, signs of attention should be light and pleasant. Only easy and relaxed communication can lead to further development of relationships, making them more interesting and diverse.

Knowing these little tricks, guys can easily meet girls and make a good impression on them. Young people must understand that success depends on both words and actions, so they need to think through every step.