Holland's method of studying the professional orientation of an individual. Test "professional orientation of personality"

Scales: professional types - realistic, intellectual, social, office (conventional), enterprising, artistic

Purpose of the test

The technique is intended to determine the professional type of personality.

The difference between G. Rezapkina’s technique and the traditional technique of J. Holland

Each pair is formed by professions belonging to different types according to Holland, but to the same subject of labor according to Klimov.

Test instructions

From each pair of professions, choose the one that is most attractive to you and write down on the answer sheet: the question number and option (A or B) of the profession you have chosen.


Option A Option B
Auto Mechanic Physiotherapist
Information protection specialist Logistics
Telecommunications operator Cameraman
Driver Salesman
Design engineer Sales Manager
Dispatcher Computer program designer
Vet Ecologist
Research biologist Farmer
Laboratory assistant Trainer
Agronomist Sanitary doctor
Breeder Procurer of agricultural products
Microbiologist Landscape designer
Masseur Educator
Teacher Entrepreneur
Administrator Theater and film director
Psychologist Trading agent
Insurance agent Choreographer
Jeweler-engraver Journalist
Art critic Producer
Editor Musician
Interior designer Guide
Composer Art Director
Museum worker Theater and film actor
layout designer Guide-translator
Linguist Anti-crisis manager
Corrector Art editor
Typist Legal Advisor
Programmer Broker
Accountant Literary translator

Processing and interpretation of test results

Key to the test

No. Option A Option B No. Option A Option B
1 R S 16 R S
2 I P 17 I P
3 O A 18 O A
4 R S 19 R S
5 I P 20 I P
6 O A 21 O A
7 R S 22 R S
8 I P 23 I P
9 O A 24 O A
10 R S 25 R S
11 I P 26 I P
12 O A 27 O A
13 R S 28 R S
14 I P 29 I P
15 O A 30 O A

How to work with the test key?

Each profession in the test material corresponds to one of six personality types. The key indicates which profession corresponds to which personality type. For example, for question No. 1, the respondent chooses “option A.” As can be seen from the key, this profession corresponds to the Realistic personality type. We add one point in favor of the Realistic personality type. If he had chosen "Option B", then, according to the Key to the test, he would have to add one point in favor of the Social personality type.

The designations in the key correspond to the first letter of the personality type: R - Realistic, S - Social, etc.

Processing test results

8-10 points - pronounced type;
. 5-7 points - moderately expressed type;
. 2-4 points - weakly expressed type.

The highest score indicates the dominant type. In their pure form, these professional types are rare - usually we can only talk about the predominant personality type. When choosing a profession, you need to take into account your professional type. If the profession does not match your personality type, work will be given to you at the cost of significant mental stress.

Interpretation of test results

1. Realistic type (R)

People belonging to this type prefer to do work that requires strength, dexterity, mobility, good coordination of movements, and practical work skills. The results of the work of professionals of this type are tangible and real - their hands created the entire objective world around us. People of the realistic type are more willing to do than to talk, they are persistent and self-confident, and prefer clear and specific instructions in their work. They adhere to traditional values, so they are critical of new ideas.

Related types: intellectual and office.

Opposite type: social.

A good salesman and a good repairman will never go hungry. Schenk

2. Intelligent (I)

People belonging to this type are distinguished by analytical abilities, rationalism, independence and originality of thinking, the ability to accurately formulate and express their thoughts, solve logical problems, and generate new ideas. They often choose scientific and research work. They need freedom to be creative. Work can captivate them so much that the line between work time and leisure time is blurred. The world of ideas may be more important to them than communicating with people. Material well-being is usually not in first place for them.

Related types: realistic and artistic.

Opposite type: entrepreneurial.

Scientific work is not suitable for a person who has both feet on the ground and both hands reaching for dollars. M.Larney

3. Social (C)

People belonging to this type prefer professional activities related to training, education, treatment, counseling, and service. People of this type are humane, sensitive, active, oriented towards social norms, and are able to understand the emotional state of another person. They are characterized by good speech development, lively facial expressions, interest in people, and a willingness to help. Material well-being is usually not in first place for them.

Related types: artistic and entrepreneurial.

Opposite type: realistic.

If the patient does not feel better after talking with the doctor, then this is not a doctor. V. Bekhterev

4. Office (O)

People of this type usually show a penchant for work related to the processing and systematization of information provided in the form of symbols, numbers, formulas, texts (keeping documentation, establishing quantitative relationships between numbers and symbols). They are distinguished by accuracy, punctuality, practicality, are oriented towards social norms, and prefer clearly regulated work. Material well-being is more important for them than for other types. They are inclined to work that does not involve extensive contacts and making responsible decisions.

Related types: realistic and entrepreneurial.

Opposite type: artistic.

An office can work without a boss, but not without a secretary. J.Fonda

5. Entrepreneurial (P)

People of this type are resourceful, practical, quickly navigate complex environments, are prone to making independent decisions, are socially active, are willing to take risks, and seek thrills. They love and know how to communicate. They have a high level of aspirations. Avoid activities that require perseverance, great and prolonged concentration of attention. Material well-being is important to them. They prefer activities that require energy, organizational skills, related to leadership, management and influence on people.

Related types: office and social.

Opposite type: research.

The profession of a raider is much less tempting than the related professions of a politician or a stock speculator. O.Henry

6. Artistic (A)

People of this type are original, independent in decision-making, rarely focused on social norms and approval, have an unusual outlook on life, flexibility of thinking, and emotional sensitivity. They build relationships with people based on their feelings, emotions, imagination, and intuition. They cannot stand strict regulation, preferring a free work schedule. People often choose professions related to literature, theater, cinema, music, and fine arts.

Related types: intellectual and social.

Opposite type: office.

Only poets and women know how to handle money the way money deserves. A. Bonnard

Galina Rezapkina, Moscow, Russia - professional psychologist

Tests aimed at identifying the aptitudes and abilities of adolescents and young people are widely used. The purpose of such questionnaires is to help a boy or girl decide on a career choice. Testing is also used in the learning process in secondary and higher educational institutions in order to monitor knowledge acquisition.

Adults also have to face tests not only while reading entertainment magazines. Most reputable companies use various types of testing in the process of selecting candidates for vacant positions. Such tests contain questions of both a professional and psychological nature. Sometimes a person does not even notice that he has been tested.

To take the test you will need a piece of paper and a pen.
This technique is aimed at determining the dominant hemisphere of the brain.
Answer the following questions using a scale of one to ten. Categorical denial corresponds to 0 points, unconditional agreement - 10 points. But if, for example, the very first question confuses you, because you do not consider yourself a gloomy person, but at the same time you are not a happy optimist, then you have all the other points at your disposal from 1 to 9. Try to give yourself a fair assessment " for the mood."

Some people love to sing. Others can listen to music all day long. Such people usually have a keen sense of everything that happens around them. Simply put, they love beauty. For them, art is the decoration of life. And there are people for whom the field of art is something completely unnecessary and useless. By answering the questions provided, you will find out which group you belong to.
1. Is there a difference between the words tone and nuance?

Yovaisha Questionnaire(determination of a person’s professional orientation)


Answer the questions without missing any of them.

a) color, perfection of forms;

b) their internal structure (how and what they are made of).

a) friendliness, lack of self-interest, sensitivity;

b) courage, boldness, endurance.

a) continue to develop this industry to comprehensively serve people;

b) create equipment that one could use in everyday life.

a) for social activities;

b) for a scientific invention.

a) the coordination of walking, the gracefulness of the parade participants;

b) external design of the columns (banners, clothing, etc.).

a) something practical (manual labor);

b) social work (on a voluntary basis).

a) new scientific equipment (in the field of physics, chemistry, biology);

b) new food products.

a) musical;

b) technical.

a) on team cohesion;

b) to create the necessary conditions for work.

10. What magazines do you read with great pleasure:

a) literary and artistic;

b) scientifically popular.

11. What is more important for a person:

a) create a prosperous, comfortable life for yourself;

b) create art.

a) technology;

b) justice.

13. Which of the 2 books would you read with great pleasure:

a) about the development of science in our country;

b) about the achievements of our country’s athletes.

14. In the newspaper two

a) about a new type of car;

b) about a new scientific theory.

a) work associated with constant movement (agronomist, forestry road foreman);

b) working with machines.

a) prepare students to work with people so that they help others create material wealth;

b) prepare students for practical activities, for the ability to create material wealth.

17. What, in your opinion, should be more appreciated among amateur performance participants:

a) the fact that they bring art and beauty to people;

b) the fact that they perform socially useful work.

a) physics;

b) physical culture.

a) concern for the welfare of citizens;

b) study of human behavior.

a) working with books in the library;

b) work in the fresh air, on expeditions.

gave preference in free time:

a) literature classes;

b) experiments in physics and chemistry.

a) as a famous athlete in international competitions;

b) as a well-known specialist in foreign trade for the purpose of purchasing goods for our country.

a) about outstanding artists;

b) about outstanding scientists.

a) a vivid image of the courage and bravery of the heroes;

b) excellent literary style.

a) work that is sedentary, but related to the creation of new equipment;

b) physical education or other work related to movement.

a) Popov and Tsiolkovsky;

b) Mendeleev and Pavlov.

27. Do you think that more attention should be paid at school to:

a) for sports, as this is necessary to improve health;

b) on the academic performance of students, as this is necessary for their future.

a) a message about the art exhibition that took place;

b) participation in the past rally in defense of human rights.

a) chief engineer of the plant;

b) director of a department store.

30. What do you think is more important:

a) know a lot;

b) create material wealth.

Key to Yovaisha Questionnaire:

On the completed answer sheet, the number of points is calculated in each column. The results are calculated under each column, which corresponds to a specific area of ​​professional focus.

1 column - field of art: 1a, 5b, 8a, 10a, 11b,17a, 21a, 23a, 246, 28a;

2nd column- area of ​​technical interests : 1b, 3b, 6a, 3b, 12a, 14a, 15b, 25a, 26a, 296;

3 column - area of ​​work with people: 2a, 4a, 6b, 9a, 126, 16a, 176,196, 236, 286;

4 column - sphere of mental work: 4b,7a, 10b, 13a, 14b, 18a, 20a, 21b, 26b, 30a.

5 column - sphere of physical labor: 2b, 5a, 13b, 15a, 18b, 20b, 22a, 24a, 25b, 27a;

6th column - 3a, 7b, 9b, 11a, 16b, 19a, 22b, 27b, 29a, 30b.

Normal 0 false false false RU X-NONE X-NONE

TEST for you: “Professional orientation of the individual”

Yovaisha Questionnaire

(determination of a person’s professional orientation)

Instructions: You will be offered a list of provisions or questions with two possible answers. Determine which option you prefer and record it on your answer sheet.

If you completely agree with option “a” and do not agree with option “b”, then put 3 in the cell with the number corresponding to the number of the question or statement and the letter “a”, and 0 in cell “b”.

If you do not agree with both option “a” and option “b”, then choose the one that is most preferable for you and rate it 2 points, the less preferable option is scored 1 point.

Answer the questions without missing any of them.

1. Imagine that you are at an exhibition. What attracts you most about the exhibits:

a) color, perfection of forms;

b) their internal structure (how and what they are made of).

2. What character traits do you like most in a person:

a) friendliness, lack of self-interest, sensitivity;

b) courage, boldness, endurance.

3. The consumer service provides various services to people. Do you consider it necessary:

a) continue to develop this industry to comprehensively serve people;

b) create equipment that one could use in everyday life.

4. Which award would you be more pleased with:

a) for social activities;

b) for a scientific invention.

5. You are watching a military or sports parade. What attracts your attention the most:

a) the coordination of walking, the gracefulness of the parade participants;

b) external design of the columns (banners, clothing, etc.).

6. Imagine that you have a lot of free time, what would you rather do:

a) something practical (manual labor);

b) social work (on a voluntary basis).

7. Which exhibition would you be most excited to see:

a) new scientific equipment (in the field of physics, chemistry, biology);

b) new food products.

8. If there were 2 clubs at school, which one would you choose:

a) musical;

b) technical.

9. If you were offered the post of director, what would you pay more attention to:

a) on team cohesion;

b) to create the necessary conditions for work.

10.What magazines do you read with great pleasure:

a) literary and artistic;

b) scientifically popular.

11. What is more important for a person:

a) create a prosperous, comfortable life for yourself;

b) create art.

12. For the well-being of society it is necessary:

a) technology;

b) justice.

13 Which of the 2 books would you read with great pleasure:

a) about the development of science in our country;

b) about the achievements of our country’s athletes.

14. In the newspaper two articles of different content. Which one would you be most interested in:

a) about a new type of car;

b) about a new scientific theory.

15. Which of the two outdoor jobs would interest you more:

a) work associated with constant movement (agronomist, forestry road foreman);

b) working with machines.

16. What, in your opinion, is the most important task of the school:

a) prepare students to work with people so that they help others create material wealth;

b) prepare students for practical activities, for the ability to create material wealth.

17. What, in your opinion, should be more appreciated among amateur performance participants:

a) the fact that they bring art and beauty to people;

b) the fact that they perform socially useful work.

18. Which area of ​​human activity, in your opinion, will be of dominant importance in the future:

a) physics;

b) physical culture.

19. What will bring great benefit to society:

a) concern for the welfare of citizens;

b) study of human behavior.

20. What type of scientific work would you choose:

a) working with books in the library;

b) work in the fresh air, on expeditions.

21. Imagine that you are a university professor. What would you like gave preference in free time:

a) literature classes;

b) experiments in physics and chemistry.

22. You have the opportunity to travel to different countries. Who would you rather go as:

a) as a famous athlete in international competitions;

b) as a well-known specialist in foreign trade for the purpose of purchasing goods for our country.

23. Which lectures would you listen to with great pleasure:

a) about outstanding artists;

b) about outstanding scientists.

24. What attracts you most when reading books:

a) a vivid image of the courage and bravery of the heroes;

b) excellent literary style.

25. You have the opportunity to choose a profession. Which of the two proposed options would you choose:

a) work that is sedentary, but related to the creation of new equipment;

b) physical education or other work related to movement.

26. Which outstanding scientists are you most interested in:

a) Popov and Tsiolkovsky;

b) Mendeleev and Pavlov.

27. Do you think that more attention should be paid at school to:

a) for sports, as this is necessary to improve health;

b) on the academic performance of students, as this is necessary for their future.

28. What would interest you most in print:

a) a message about the art exhibition that took place;

b) participation in the past rally in defense of human rights.

29. If you had the opportunity to occupy a certain position, which one would you choose:

a) chief engineer of the plant;

b) director of a department store.

30, What do you think is more important:

a) know a lot;

b) create material wealth.

Answer form for Yovaishi's questionnaire:










5 B



















































Key to Yovaisha Questionnaire:

On the completed answer sheet, the number of points is calculated in each column. The results are calculated under each column, which corresponds to a specific area of ​​professional focus.

1 column - field of art: 1a, 5b, 8a, 10a, 11b,17a, 21a, 23a, 246, 28a;

2nd column- area of ​​technical interests : 1b, 3b, 6a, 3b, 12a, 14a, 15b, 25a, 26a, 296;

3 column - area of ​​work with people: 2a, 4a, 6b, 9a, 126, 16a, 176,196, 236, 286;

4 column - sphere of mental work: 4b,7a, 10b, 13a, 14b, 18a, 20a, 21b, 26b, 30a.

5 column - sphere of physical labor: 2b, 5a, 13b, 15a, 18b, 20b, 22a, 24a, 25b, 27a;

6th column - sphere of material interests: 3a, 7b, 9b, 11a, 16b, 19a, 22b, 27b, 29a, 30b.

Analyzing the data obtained, it is necessary to highlight the columns containing the highest number of points, and these areas of activity can be considered preferred by the respondent.

The columns containing the lowest scores reflect the areas of activity rejected by the counselee.