Minor - analysis of the work. Analysis of the work “The Minor” (D. Fonvizin) The author’s attitude towards the heroes of the minor

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“The Minor” is a play in five acts written by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin. A cult dramatic work of the 18th century and one of the most striking examples of classicism. It was included in the school curriculum, was repeatedly staged on the theater stage, received a screen embodiment, and its lines were disassembled into quotes, which today live independently of the original source, becoming aphorisms of the Russian language.

Plot: summary of the play “Minor”

The plot of “The Minor” is well known to everyone since school years, but we will still recall a brief summary of the play in order to restore the sequence of events in our memory.

The action takes place in the village of Prostakovs. Its owners - Mrs. and Mr. Prostakov and their son Mitrofanushka - live the quiet life of provincial nobles. Also living on the estate is the orphan Sofyushka, whom the lady sheltered in her house, but, as it turns out, not out of compassion, but because of the inheritance, which she freely disposes of as a self-proclaimed guardian. In the near future, they plan to marry Sophia to Prostakova’s brother Taras Skotinin.

The mistress's plans collapse when Sophia receives a letter from her uncle Starodum, who was still considered dead. Stradum is alive and well and is going on a date with his niece, and he also reports a fortune of 10 thousand in income, which he passes on as an inheritance to his beloved relative. After such news, Prostakova begins to court Sophia, whom she has hitherto given little favor to, because now she wants to marry her to her beloved Mitrofan, and leave Skotinin with nothing.

Fortunately, Starodum turned out to be a noble and honest man who wished well for his niece. Moreover, Sophia already had a betrothed - officer Milon, who had just stopped with his regiment in the village of Prostakov. Starodub knew Milo and gave the young man his blessing.

In desperation, Prostakova tries to organize the kidnapping of Sophia and forcibly marry her to her son. However, even here the treacherous mistress suffers a fiasco - Milon saves his beloved on the night of the kidnapping.

Prostakova is generously forgiven and not put on trial, although her estate, which has long been a source of suspicion, is transferred to a state guardian. Everyone leaves and even Mitrofanushka leaves his mother, because he doesn’t love her, like, in general, no one else in the world.

Characteristics of heroes: positive and negative characters

As in any classic work, the characters in “The Minor” are clearly divided into positive and negative.

Negative heroes:

  • Mrs. Prostakova is the mistress of the village;
  • Mr. Prostakov is her husband;
  • Mitrofanushka is the son of the Prostakovs, an undergrowth;
  • Taras Skotinin is the brother of the Prostakovs.

Positive heroes:

  • Sophia is an orphan, lives with the Prostakovs;
  • Starodum is her uncle;
  • Milon is an officer, Sophia’s lover;
  • Pravdin is a government official who came to monitor affairs in the Prostakov village.

Minor characters:

  • Tsyfirkin – arithmetic teacher;
  • Kuteikin – teacher, former seminarian;
  • Vralman is a former coachman, posing as a teacher;
  • Eremevna is Mitrofan’s nanny.

Mrs. Prostakova

Prostakova is the most striking negative character, and indeed the most outstanding character in the play. She is the mistress of the Prostakov village and it is the mistress, who has completely suppressed her weak-willed husband, who establishes the lordly order and makes decisions.

At the same time, she is absolutely ignorant, has no manners, and is often rude. Prostakova, like other members of the family, cannot read and despises science. Mitrofanushka’s mother is involved in education only because this is how it is supposed to be in New World society, but she does not understand the true value of knowledge.

In addition to ignorance, Prostakova is distinguished by cruelty, deceit, hypocrisy, and envy.

The only creature she loves is her son Mitrofanushka. However, the mother’s blind, absurd love only spoils the child, turning him into a copy of himself in a man’s dress.

Mr. Prostakov

The figurative owner of the Prostakov estate. In fact, everything is controlled by his domineering wife, of whom he is terribly afraid and does not dare say a word. Prostakov has long lost his own opinion and dignity. He cannot even say whether the caftan sewn by the tailor Trishka for Mitrofan is good or bad, because he is afraid to say something that is not what his mistress expects.


Son of the Prostakovs, an undergrowth. His family lovingly calls him Mitrofanushka. Meanwhile, it’s time for this young man to enter adulthood, but he has absolutely no idea about it. Mitrofan is spoiled by his mother's love, he is capricious, cruel to servants and teachers, pompous, and lazy. Despite many years of lessons with teachers, the young master is hopelessly stupid, he does not show the slightest desire for learning and knowledge.

And the worst thing is that Mitrofanushka is a terrible egoist; nothing matters to him except his own interests. At the end of the play, he easily leaves his mother, who loved him so unrequitedly. Even she is nothing to him.


Brother of Mrs. Prostakova. Narcissistic, narrow-minded, ignorant, cruel and greedy. Taras Skotinin has a great passion for pigs; the rest is of little interest to this narrow-minded man. He has no idea of ​​family ties, heartfelt affection and love. Describing how well his future wife will heal, Skotinin only says that he will give her the best light. In his system of coordinates, this is precisely what marital happiness consists of.


Positive female image of the work. A very well-mannered, kind, meek and compassionate girl. Sophia received a good education, she has an inquisitive mind and a thirst for knowledge. Even in the poisonous atmosphere of the Prostakovs’ house, the girl does not become like the owners, but continues to lead the lifestyle that she likes - she reads a lot, thinks, and is friendly and polite to everyone.


Sophia's uncle and guardian. Starodum is the voice of the author in the play. His speeches are very aphoristic, he talks a lot about life, virtues, intelligence, law, government, modern society, marriage, love and other pressing issues. Starodum is incredibly wise and noble. Despite the fact that he clearly has a negative attitude towards Prostakova and others like her, Starodum does not allow himself to stoop to rudeness and outright criticism, and as for light sarcasm, his narrow-minded “relatives” cannot recognize it.


Officer, Sophia's lover. The image of a hero-protector, an ideal young man, a husband. He is very fair and does not tolerate meanness and lies. Milo was brave, not only in battle, but also in his speeches. He is devoid of vanity and low-minded prudence. All of Sophia’s “suitors” talked only about her condition, but Milon never mentioned that his betrothed was rich. He sincerely loved Sophia even before she had an inheritance, and therefore in his choice the young man was not guided by the size of the bride’s annual income.

“I don’t want to study, but I want to get married”: the problem of education in the story

The key problem of the work is the theme of provincial noble upbringing and education. The main character Mitrofanushka receives an education only because it is fashionable and “just the way it is.” In fact, neither he nor his ignorant mother understands the true purpose of knowledge. They should make a person smarter, better, serve him throughout his life and benefit society. Knowledge is gained through hard work and can never be forced into someone's head.

Mitrofan's home education is a dummy, a fiction, a provincial theater. For several years, the unfortunate student did not master either reading or writing. Mitrofan fails the comic test that Pravdin arranges with a bang, but because of his stupidity he cannot even understand this. He calls the word door an adjective, because it is supposedly attached to the opening, he confuses science history with the stories that Vralman tells him in abundance, and Mitrofanushka can’t even pronounce the word “geography”... it’s too tricky.

To show the grotesqueness of Mitrofan’s education, Fonvizin introduces the image of Vralman, who teaches “French and all sciences.” In fact, Vralman (that’s a telling name!) is not a teacher at all, but Starodum’s former coachman. He easily deceives the ignorant Prostakova and even becomes her favorite, because he professes his own teaching methodology - not to force the student to do anything through force. With such zeal as Mitrofan’s, the teacher and student are simply idle.

Education goes hand in hand with acquiring knowledge and skills. Mrs. Prostakova is mostly responsible for him. She methodically imposes her rotten morality on Mitrofan, who (here he is diligent here!) perfectly absorbs his mother’s advice. So, while solving a division problem, Prostakova advises her son not to share with anyone, but to take everything for himself. When talking about marriage, mother speaks only about the bride’s wealth, never mentioning spiritual affection and love. The young Mitrofan is not familiar with such concepts as courage, boldness, and valor. Despite the fact that he is no longer a baby, he is still looked after in everything. The boy cannot even stand up for himself during a clash with his uncle; he immediately begins to call his mother, and the old nanny Eremeevna rushes at the offender with her fists.

The meaning of the name: two sides of the coin

The title of the play has a literal and figurative meaning.

Direct meaning of the name
In the old days, minors were called teenagers, young men who had not yet reached adulthood and had not entered the public service.

The figurative meaning of the name
A fool, an ignoramus, a narrow-minded and uneducated person was also called a minor, regardless of his age. With the light hand of Fonvizin, it was precisely this negative connotation that became attached to the word in the modern Russian language.

Every person is reborn from a minor youth into an adult man. This is growing up, a law of nature. However, not everyone transforms from a dark, half-educated child into an educated, self-sufficient person. This transformation requires effort and perseverance.

Place in literature: Russian literature of the 18th century → Russian drama of the 18th century → The works of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin → 1782 → The play “The Minor”.

I really liked Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor”, ​​as it contains many instructive thoughts that are useful for me

Starodum caught my attention. Starodum bursts into the Prostakovs' house like the Spirit of Enlightenment. He discusses such important topics as education, family, dignity. I was interested in reading his speeches because I learned a lot about good behavior, honesty and virtue.

I really liked his statement: “A nobleman is unworthy to be a nobleman!” I don’t know anything more vile in the world.” I agree with him, since the title of nobleman must be earned, and not just inherited.

What is a noble state without noble deeds? I do not believe that noble fortune deserves more respect than noble deeds.

Wealth does not adorn a person as much as good, selfless deeds.

There were many funny moments in the comedy, but most of all I liked Mitrofanushka’s exam. He was sixteen years old, but he could not distinguish a noun from an adjective: “Door? This? Adjective?”

I believe that Prostakova’s final punishment is natural, since because of her selfishness and thirst for power, she wanted to force Sophia to marry Mitrofanushka. But evil is always punished.

I liked the comedy because it describes topics that are interesting to me: education and upbringing. I enjoyed reading about the upbringing and education of that time. I believe that this is the most instructive work of the 18th century.

Updated: 2017-01-26

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Let's look at the features of the comedy created by Fonvizin ("The Minor"). Analysis of this work is the topic of this article. This play is a masterpiece of Russian literature of the 18th century. This work is included today in the collection of Russian classical literature. It touches on a number of “eternal problems.” And the beauty of the high style still attracts many readers today. The name of this play is associated with the decree issued by Peter I, according to which “minors” (young nobles) are prohibited from entering the service and getting married without education.

History of the play

Back in 1778, the idea of ​​this comedy arose from its author, who was Fonvizin. “The Minor,” the analysis of which interests us, was written in 1782 and presented to the public in the same year. We should briefly highlight the time of creation of the play that interests us.

During the reign of Catherine II, Fonvizin wrote “The Minor.” The analysis of the heroes presented below proves that they were heroes of their time. The period in the development of our country is associated with the dominance of ideas. They were borrowed by the Russians from the French enlighteners. The dissemination of these ideas and their great popularity among the educated philistines and nobility was largely facilitated by the empress herself. She is known to have corresponded with Diderot, Voltaire, and d'Alembert. In addition, Catherine II opened libraries and schools, and supported the development of art and culture in Russia through various means.

Continuing to describe the comedy that D.I. Fonvizin created ("The Minor"), analyzing its features, it should be noted that, as a representative of his era, the author, of course, shared the ideas that dominated the noble society at that time. He tried to reflect them in his work, exposing not only the positive aspects to readers and viewers, but also pointing out misconceptions and shortcomings.

"Minor" - an example of classicism

An analysis of the comedy "Minor" by Fonvizin requires considering this play as part of a cultural era and literary tradition. This work is considered one of the best examples of classicism. There is unity of action in the play (there are no secondary plot lines in it, only the struggle for Sophia’s hand and her property is described), place (the characters do not move long distances, all events take place either near the Prostakovs’ house or inside it), and time ( All events take no more than a day). In addition, he used “speaking” surnames, which are traditional for the classic play, Fonvizin (“The Minor”). Analysis shows that, following tradition, he divided his characters into positive and negative. The positive ones are Pravdin, Starodum, Milon, Sophia. They are contrasted with Prostakov, Mitrofan, Skotinin by D.I. Fonvizin (play "The Minor"). An analysis of their names shows that they make it clear to the reader which features in the image of a particular character are prevalent. For example, Pravdin is the personification of morality and truth in the work.

A new genre of comedy, its features

At the time of its creation, “Minor” became an important step forward in the development of literature in our country, in particular drama. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin created a new socio-political. It harmoniously combines a number of realistic scenes depicted with sarcasm, irony, and laughter from the life of some ordinary representatives of high society (nobility) with sermons about morality, virtue, and the need to cultivate human qualities that were characteristic of the Enlightenment. Instructive monologues do not burden the perception of the play. They complement this work, as a result of which it becomes deeper.

First action

The play, the author of which is Fonvizin (“Minor”), is divided into 5 acts. Analysis of a work involves a description of the organization of the text. In the first act we meet the Prostakovs, Pravdin, Sophia, Mitrofan, Skotinin. The characters' personalities emerge immediately, and the reader understands that Skotinin and the Prostakovs - and Sophia and Pravdin - are positive. In the first act there is an exposition and plot of this work. In the exhibition we get to know the characters, we learn that Sophia lives in the care of the Prostakovs, who is going to be married off to Skotinin. Reading the letter from Starodum is the beginning of the play. Sophia now turns out to be a rich heiress. Any day now her uncle is returning to take the girl to his place.

The development of events in the play created by Fonvizin (“Minor”)

We will continue the analysis of the work with a description of how events developed. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th acts are their development. We meet Starodum and Milon. Prostakova and Skotinin are trying to please Starodum, but their flattery, falsity, lack of education and enormous thirst for profit only repels them. They look stupid and funny. The funniest scene in this work is the questioning of Mitrofan, during which the stupidity of not only this young man, but also his mother is revealed.

Climax and denouement

Act 5 - climax and denouement. It should be noted that researchers have different opinions about what moment should be considered the climax. There are 3 most popular versions. According to the first, this is the kidnapping of Sophia Prostakova, according to the second, Pravdin’s reading of a letter, which says that Prostakova’s estate is coming under his care, and, finally, the third version is Prostakova’s rage after she realizes her own powerlessness and tries to “get back "on his servants. Each of these versions is fair, since it examines the work of interest to us from different points of view. The first, for example, highlights the storyline dedicated to Sophia’s marriage. An analysis of the episode of Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor,” connected with marriage, indeed allows us to consider it key in the work. The second version examines the play from a socio-political point of view, highlighting the moment when justice prevails on the estate. The third focuses on the historical one, according to which Prostakova is the personification of the weakened principles and ideals of the old nobility that have become a thing of the past, who, however, do not yet believe in their own defeat. This nobility, according to the author, is based on lack of enlightenment, lack of education, as well as low moral principles. During the denouement, everyone leaves Prostakova. She had nothing left. Pointing to it, Starodum says that these are “worthy fruits” of “evil morality.”

Negative characters

As we have already noted, the main characters are clearly divided into negative and positive. Mitrofan, Skotinin and Prostakovs are negative heroes. Prostakova is a woman seeking profit, uneducated, rude, and domineering. She knows how to flatter to gain benefits. However, Prostakova loves her son. Prostakov appears as the “shadow” of his wife. This is a weak-willed character. His word means little. Skotinin is the brother of Mrs. Prostakova. This is an equally uneducated and stupid person, quite cruel, like his sister, greedy for money. For him, going to the pigs in the barnyard is the best thing to do. Mitrofan is a typical son of his mother. This is a spoiled young man of 16 who inherited a love of pigs from his uncle.

Issues and heredity

In the play, it should be noted that Fonvizin (“The Minor”) devotes an important place to the issue of family ties and heredity. Analyzing this question, let's say, for example, that Prostakova is only married to her husband (a “simple” man who doesn’t want much). However, she is actually Skotinina, akin to her brother. Her son absorbed the qualities of both of his parents - “animal” qualities and stupidity from his mother and weak-willedness from his father.

Similar family ties can be traced between Sophia and Starodum. Both of them are honest, virtuous, educated. The girl listens to her uncle attentively, respects him, and “absorbs” science. Pairs of opposites are created by negative and positive heroes. The children are the spoiled, stupid Mitrofan and the meek, smart Sophia. Parents love children, but they approach their upbringing in different ways - Starodub talks about truth, honor, morality, and Prostakova only pampers Mitrofan and says that he will not need education. A pair of suitors - Milon, who sees an ideal and his friend in Sophia, who loves her, and Skotinin, who calculates the fortune that he will receive after marrying this girl. At the same time, he is not interested in Sophia as a person. Skotinin does not even try to provide his bride with comfortable housing. Prostakov and Pravdin are in fact the “voice of truth”, a kind of “auditors”. But in the person of the official we find active strength, help and real action, while Prostakov is a passive character. The only thing this hero could say was to reproach Mitrofan at the end of the play.

Issues raised by the author

Analyzing, it becomes clear that each of the above-described pairs of characters reflects a separate problem that is revealed in the work. This is a problem of education (which is complemented by the example of half-educated teachers like Kuteikin, as well as impostors such as Vralman), upbringing, fathers and children, family life, relationships between spouses, the attitude of nobles to servants. Each of these problems is examined through the prism of educational ideas. Fonvizin, sharpening his attention to the shortcomings of the era through the use of comic techniques, places emphasis on the need to change outdated, traditional foundations that have become irrelevant. They drag people into the swamp of stupidity and evil, and liken people to animals.

As our analysis of Fonvizin’s play “The Minor” showed, the main idea and theme of the work is the need to educate the nobility in accordance with educational ideals, the foundations of which are still relevant today.

The topic of today's story is the history of the creation and analysis of Fonvizin's "Minor". The work of the author of Catherine’s era has not lost its relevance today. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” was included in the collection of classical literature. This work touches on a number of problems and issues that attract readers at all times.

An analysis of Fonvizin’s “Minor” should include a brief description of the heroes of this dramatic work. It is also worth talking about the idea of ​​the Russian writer. What inspired Fonvizin to write a comedy that has been popular for more than two hundred years? What shortcomings of society did the author primarily want to ridicule in his essay? And what was the reaction of contemporaries to this work? The answers to all these questions are contained in the article. But before we begin to analyze Fonvizin’s “The Minor,” we should talk about the main events depicted in the play.

Actions, as in any other dramatic work of the era of classicism, take place over the course of just one day.

The events take place in the village of the Prostakov landowners. What is the meaning of the title of the comedy “Minor” by Fonvizin? Even without knowing the meaning of this word, you can guess that it has a negative connotation. The meaning of the title of Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” should be sought in the realities of the 18th century. The writer's contemporaries used this term in relation to young nobles who did not receive a special certificate indicating that they had received an education. This document was issued by the teacher. If the young man did not have a certificate, he was not accepted into the service and was not allowed to marry.

In the comedy, the son of the main character, the landowner Prostakova, is called a minor. The work begins with a scene taking place in her house. Prostakova is angry with Trishka because he sewed a caftan that was too wide for her son Mitrofanushka. She does not take into account the fact that the servant does not have the necessary skills in tailoring, and giving him such instructions was initially a mistake.

A sixteen-year-old boy does not show much zeal in his studies, which is facilitated by the lack of education and stupidity of his mother. We'll tell you more about these characters later. First, the author introduces readers to Sophia, the positive heroine of the work.

The girl has not been living in Prostakova’s house for long. She is a relative of a landowner, and she has no fortune. At least that’s what Prostakova believes. But one day Sophia receives a letter from her uncle Starodum. Mrs. Prostakova is not able to read the message because she has not been taught to read and write. Pravdin, having read the letter, gives her a summary. In Fonvizin’s “The Minor,” this hero, along with Starodum, is a supporter of enlightenment.

What is the letter Sophia received about? Starodum writes to his niece that he will bequeath her a huge fortune. This excites almost all the characters in the comedy. Prostakova believed that the girl was an orphan. But an unexpected turn of events suggests that Starodum’s niece can be married off to the careless Mitrofan.

Skotinin also begins to dream about marrying Sophia. However, Sophia's heart is occupied. She is in love with officer Milon, whom she met in Moscow before she was orphaned. Soon she will meet the young man again, and he will save her from the claims of the selfish Skotinin and the despotic Prostakova.

Starodum comes to the small town where the main events take place. He recognizes one of Mitrofanushka’s teachers as his former coachman. The teachers of Prostakova’s son deserve special attention.

Kuteikin is a half-educated seminarian. Tsyfirkin is a retired sergeant. Vralman, whose name speaks very eloquently of his human qualities, does not teach Mitrofanushka anything, because he himself knows little. As already mentioned, he previously worked as a coachman. But he was fired and couldn’t find a suitable job, so he became a teacher. Prostakova does not notice that Vralman is incompetent in teaching, since she herself is extremely ignorant.

History of writing

Fonvizin’s idea for the comedy “The Minor” arose in 1778. The Russian writer spent more than a year in France, where he studied jurisprudence and philosophy. He observed how European aristocrats lived and came to a rather disappointing conclusion: the Russian nobility was mired in inertia and ignorance. Upon returning home, Fonvizin began writing the work. It took him more than three years.

The idea of ​​the comedy “Minor” by Fonvizin was very original at that time. The writer sought to ridicule the shortcomings of typical representatives of the landowner class. It is not surprising that both Moscow and St. Petersburg refused to stage his comedy for a long time.

Criticism of contemporaries

The theme of Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor" seemed interesting to the censors, but there were too many bold remarks in it. The premiere of the play took place in 1782. Fonvizin's work was a stunning success. True, the theater on whose stage the play was staged was almost closed. In addition, the comedy displeased Catherine II.

Idea of ​​the work

The spiritual decay of representatives of the nobility under serfdom is the main theme of the comedy discussed in this article. According to Fonvizin, pedagogical methods determine the moral character of an entire generation. In the 18th century, landowners often entrusted the upbringing of their children to half-educated sextons, illiterate nannies, and foreigners with dubious education. Such “teachers” are only capable of teaching young men like Mitrofanushka, the central character of Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor.”

The author of this work showed, using simple examples, that the nobles for the most part do not remember either honor or dignity. They do not serve the interests of the state, do not comply with moral and state laws. The poignancy of Fonvizin’s dramatic work is given by the victory of good over evil, which, however, is of a random nature. If Starodum had not returned from Siberia on time, and Pravdin had not received orders to take Prostakova’s property, everything would not have ended so well for Sophia. She would not have left the city with the young, educated officer Milon, but would have become the wife of the stupid Mitrofanushka.


The system of images in Fonvizin’s “Nedorosl” is quite simple. The characters are divided into positive and negative, almost all of them have meaningful surnames: Vralman, Starodum, Pravdin. Negative characters are representatives of the old nobility, trying with all their might to hold on to the outdated ideas of the serf system. They are opposed by heroes who support the ideas of the Enlightenment - Pravdin, Sophia, Milon, Starodum.

Positive and negative heroes

Among the characters in the comedy, several dual pairs can be distinguished. So, Sophia is opposed to Mitrofanushka. Starodum is an adherent of educational views. This is a man of new times. And therefore he represents the opposite of the landowner Prostakova. Milo is opposed to Skotinin. If the first is educated and brought up and has sincere feelings for Sophia, then the second wants to marry the girl for selfish reasons. Skotinin dreams of acquiring land where he will be actively involved in livestock farming, namely raising pigs.


An analysis of Fonvizin’s “Minor” cannot do without a description of this bright character. The stupid, spoiled young man is absolutely not prepared for an independent life. His mother, servants or nannies do everything for him. From Prostakova, the boy adopts an uncontrollable passion for money. He, like his mother, is rude and disrespectful to his family. Mitrofanushka inherited his weak-willedness from his father. A sixteen-year-old boy does not want to study, but wants to get married. He is the opposite of Sophia, an educated, serious, intelligent girl with a difficult fate.


When analyzing Fonvizin’s “Minor,” you should pay attention to the negative heroine. Prostakova is an uneducated, stupid woman, but at the same time very cunning. She is a practical housewife and loving mother. For Prostakova, Mitrofanushka’s carefree future and happiness come above all else. But in her upbringing she makes fatal mistakes, because she knows nothing about the correct pedagogical methods. She treats her son the way her parents once treated her. In running the household and raising her son, the landowner uses exhausted values ​​and ideas.


When analyzing Fonvizin’s “Minor”, ​​special attention should be paid to the hero, symbolizing educational ideas, which few knew about in Russia in the 18th century. Starodum communicates with Sophia in a completely different way than Prostakova communicates with Mitrofanushka. He uses completely different methods of education. Talking with Sophia as an equal, she instructs and gives advice based on her wealth of experience. Knowing nothing about Sophia’s feelings for Milon, he does not make decisions for her. Starodum wants his niece to marry a smart, educated officer, but does not impose his views on her.

In this image, the author depicted his ideal of a teacher and parent. Starodum is an authoritative, strong personality who has walked a worthy path. For modern readers, this hero, of course, is not an ideal educator. But Fonvizin’s contemporaries, inspired by educational ideas, were greatly impressed by him.

As was customary in classicism, the heroes of the comedy “The Minor” are clearly divided into negative and positive. However, the most memorable and striking are the negative characters, despite their despotism and ignorance: Mrs. Prostakova, her brother Taras Skotinin and Mitrofan himself. They are interesting and ambiguous. It is with them that comic situations are associated, full of humor, and bright liveliness of dialogues.

Positive characters do not evoke such vivid emotions, although they are sounding boards that reflect the author’s position. Educated, endowed with only positive traits, they are ideal - they cannot commit lawlessness, lies and cruelty are alien to them.

Let us describe each of the characters in more detail:

Heroes Characteristic Character Speech
Negative characters
Mrs. Prostakova The central negative character, a representative of the serf nobility. She is depicted as an uneducated, ignorant and evil woman, who holds all the power in the family: “I scold, then I fight, and that’s how the house holds together.” She is convinced that education is unnecessary and even harmful: “People live and have lived without science.” A two-faced person: she communicates haughtily, rudely, even aggressively with serfs, teachers, husband, brother, and tries to flatter the people on whom her position depends. Confirmation of the same thought is the change in attitude towards Sophia. Pravdin calls her “a despicable woman whose hellish disposition brings misfortune to the whole house.” The only person who inspires her with good feelings is her son Mitrofanushka, “dear friend”, “darling”. That’s why in the finale it’s even a pity for her, because he also turns away from her. Trishke - “cattle”, “swindler”, “thief’s mug”, “blockhead”; To Eremeevna - “beast”, “rascal”, “dog’s daughter”. To Starodum - “benefactor.” “Whatever the peasants had, we took it away, we won’t be able to rip anything off.” “Rogues, thieves, swindlers! I’ll order everyone to be beaten to death.”
Skotinin Another sharply negative character, the owner of a bestial surname, narcissistic and cruel. His only passion is pigs and everything connected with them gives his image a certain semblance of an animal. “I haven’t read anything since I was born... God saved me from this boredom.” “I love pigs...” “Are there pigs in your villages?” “I want to have my own piglets.” “... I’ll break the devil... if I were a pig’s son... “Eco happiness has fallen.” “I would have… by the legs, but on the corner,” “Oh, you damn pig!” - Mitrofan. “Look how she screamed” - about her sister.
Mitrofan A minor of sixteen years old, the son of provincial landowners. His name is “speaking”, because Mitrofan translated from Greek means “like a mother.” The same two-faced: a tyrant towards his family, humiliatingly asks for forgiveness from Starodum in the finale. He has undeniable cunning. For example, a dream where “mother beats father.” Education depends on life, environment, and the conditions of a person’s formation. Mitrofan, who grew up in an ignorant family, is himself ignorant, stupid and lazy. Mitrofanushka is not only a complete ignoramus who has an aversion to learning, but also an egoist; for him there is nothing significant except his own interests. “An ignoramus without a soul is a beast,” according to Starodum. Rude and cruel towards serfs, teachers, nanny, father. “Although he is sixteen years old, he has already reached the last degree of his perfection and will not go further,” Sophia says about him. “The damned pig,” as his uncle calls him, is the final result of the degradation of the nobility under a soul-crippling upbringing. Historically, a young nobleman who did not receive a written certificate of training from his teacher was considered a “minor.” He was not accepted into the service and was not allowed to marry. Thanks to comedy, the image of a “minor” has become a household word: this is usually what they say about stupid and ignorant people. Eremeevne - “old Khrychovka”; uncle - “Get out, uncle; get lost"; “garrison rat” - to teacher Tsyfirkin.. “Take them and Eremeevna too” - about teachers. “I don’t want to study, I want to get married.” “To hell with everything!”
Prostakov The person is weak-willed and weak. It’s definitely impossible to say about him that he is the “head of the family.” Submits to his wife in everything and fears her. He prefers not to have his own opinion - the scene with sewing a caftan: “Before your eyes, mine see nothing.” An illiterate “spineless henpecked man”, in essence, he is not such a bad person. He loves Mitrofan, “as a parent should.” “He is humble,” Pravdin says about him.
Positive characters
Pravdin A government official sent to check the situation on the Prostakov estate. Arbitrariness, in his opinion, is an unforgivable vice. Tyranny deserves punishment. Therefore, the truth will prevail and the estate of the cruel and despotic Prostakova will be taken away in favor of the state. “From the struggle of my heart, I do not fail to notice the malicious ignoramuses who, having power over their people, use it inhumanly for evil.” “So that there is no shortage of worthy people, special efforts are made to educate.”
Sophia Starodum's niece. A decent, kind, smart girl. Translated from Greek, her name is “wisdom”. Honest and educated. “God gave you all the pleasantness of your sex,... the heart of an honest man,” Starodum tells her. “How can the heart not be content when the conscience is calm... It is impossible not to love the rules of virtue... They are ways of happiness.” “I will use all my efforts to earn the good opinion of worthy people.”
Starodum Sophia's uncle and guardian. Acts as a sounding board, expressing the author’s thoughts. His name says that he was raised in the era of Peter and adheres to its ideals, when they served at court faithfully and honestly, without fawning before the “powers of this world.” And he honestly earned his fortune and position: he was in military service, and served at court. Has straightforwardness and impatience for injustice. A person endowed with power, in his opinion, should not in any way violate the rights of other people. “Enlightenment elevates one virtuous soul.” “Cash money is not cash dignity.” “Ranks begin, sincerity ceases.” “Have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times.” “The dignity of the heart is indivisible.” “The main goal of all knowledge.” human - good behavior."
Milo A handsome officer, Sophia's fiancé. Despite his youth, he already took part in hostilities, where he showed himself heroically. Modest. “A young man of great merit,” “the entire public considers him an honest and worthy person,” according to Starodum. "I'm in love and I have the happiness of being loved.”“I believe true fearlessness is in the soul, not in the heart...”
Minor characters
Tsyfirkin In the past he was a soldier, so he values ​​the concepts of duty and honor: “I took money for service, but I didn’t take it in vain and I won’t take it.” Rough, but straightforward and honest. “I don’t like to live idly,” he says. Starodum is called a “straightforward, kind person.” “Here gentlemen are good commanders!” “Here there is rapid fire every day for three hours in a row.” “Hello for a hundred years, yes twenty, and another fifteen, countless years.”
Kuteikin A half-educated seminarian with a “speaking” surname: kutia is a ritual porridge, a mandatory Christmas and funeral dish. The man is undoubtedly cunning, as evidenced by the choice of text when teaching Mitrofan: “I am a worm, and not a man, a reproach of men,” “that is, an animal, a cattle.” Greedy for money, tries not to miss what he has. Church Slavonic vocabulary: “utter darkness”, “woe is me a sinner”, “the call was”, “I came”, “fearing the abyss of wisdom”.
Vralman German Adam Adamovich is Starodum's former coachman. The man is a rogue, as his last name suggests, posing as a scientist who can teach “French and all sciences,” while he himself interferes with other teachers. The owner of a lackey's soul, tries to please Prostakova, praising Mitrofan. He himself is ignorant and uncultured. “They want to kill the turnip!” “Shiuchi with the wild hospots, as far as I’m concerned, I’m all with the little horses.”
Eremeevna Mitrofan's nanny. She sincerely serves in the Prostakovs’ house, loves her pupil Mitrofan, but is rewarded for her service like this: “Five rubles a year, up to five slaps a day.” “... I would have broken down with him... I wouldn’t even take care of my fangs.” ... you don’t know how to serve anymore... I would be glad if nothing else... you don’t regret your belly... but everything is not to your liking."
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