Essay based on the painting Bogatyrsky Leap by Viktor Vasnetsov. Description of the painting by Vasnetsov “Heroic Leap” Description of the painting by Vasnetsov Bogatyr Leap

Goals: enrich children's knowledge about epics; learn to divide a text into parts, understand a historical text, find analogies with real historical events, compose a story about an epic hero based on a picture; develop memory, speech, thinking, imagination.

Planned results: subject: the use of different types of reading (studying (semantic), selective, search), the ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content and specifics of a prose text, participate in its discussion, development of artistic and creative abilities, the ability to create your own text based on a work of art, reproductions paintings by artists, based on illustrations, based on personal experience; meta-subject:

- formulating the educational task of the lesson based on the analysis of the textbook material in joint activities, planning together with the teacher activities to study the topic of the lesson, evaluating one’s work in the lesson,

- using various methods of searching for educational information in reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias and interpreting information in accordance with communicative and cognitive tasks, mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning,

— answers to textbook questions based on a work of art; personal: nurturing a sense of pride in one’s homeland, its history, people, the formation, through literary works, of a holistic view of the world in the unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures and religions.

Equipment: exhibition of books on the topic of the lesson, reproduction of the painting by V. Vasnetsov “Heroic Leap”.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

- Read it yourself.

And strong, mighty heroes in glorious Rus'!

Do not let enemies ride across our land,

Do not trample the Russian land with their horses,

They will not outshine our red sun.

Rus' stands a century - it does not waver!

And it will stand for centuries without moving!

- Read it quickly.

- Read it expressively.

— What feelings did you have while reading?

- Determine the objectives of the lesson by reading the title of the topic.

III. Updating knowledge

Checking homework

— You should have divided the text into parts. How many pieces did you get? (Children's answers.)

- Well, when we check, we will find out which of you was right, with whom we will agree.

(Children answer using their notes.)

— Discuss with a friend the significance of Ilya Muromets’ three trips for the Russian state.

- Read the last lines of the epic. How do they help understand the character of the hero?

- Why did Ilya Muromets return to the stone and make a new note on it?

— How did Ilya Muromets feel about predictions?

— Give examples of triple repetition.

— Tell us about Ilya Muromets. Choose key words. Brave, courageous, cowardly, wise, smart, stupid, fair, cunning, strong, cruel, kind, selfless, greedy, capable of compassion.

(Children make up a story about Ilya Muromets.)

IV. Physical education minute

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

Work on the reproduction of the painting by V. Vasnetsov “Heroic Leap”

— Look at the reproduction of V. Vasnetsov’s painting “Heroic Leap.” Tell me what you see on it.

— Listen to how it was created.

(Tale from the teacher or students who prepared the message in advance.)

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov conveyed his attitude towards the people and their creativity through his paintings. He revealed all the power of the Russian Spirit by turning to epic images of heroes. One of the paintings of this direction was the canvas “Heroic Leap”, painted in 1914.

In the center of the picture is the figure of a hero sitting astride a mighty black horse. The author depicted the moment when the horse had just lifted his hooves from the ground, and already the dark forest, wide fields and gentle hills were far under his feet, and the clouds were near his head.

Vasnetsov uses his composition to convey a sense of movement. The figures are arranged diagonally, the animal’s legs are tucked in for a jump, the muscles are clearly tense, and the head is tilted. The pose of a hero expresses masculinity and determination. Frown eyebrows and a piercing gaze show that he was prepared to defeat the enemies of Rus' outright. His weapons and armor shine under the rays of the rising sun. The rider trusts his horse so much that he does not even look in the direction of movement. The tension of the moment emphasizes the background of the picture. The author used dark, deep tones to write it. The moment in time before sunrise is captured, the outlines of the forest and fields are barely visible.

To prevent the figures of the characters from merging with the ground, Vasnetsov painted them against the backdrop of a brightening sky, playing with delicate shades of red, blue and purple.

The painting was painted in the year the First World War began, through which the author tried to remind people of the former glory, power and unity of the Russian people.

- Compose your story based on this picture, expressing in it your attitude towards its hero. (Approximate answer. I really like to read epics, imagining myself as a mighty hero. Having seen V.M. Vasnetsov’s painting “Heroic Leap,” I immediately realized that this artist also endlessly loves and appreciates the inexhaustible treasury of Russian folk literature.

The huge black heroic horse has just pushed off the ground with its hooves, and the dense forest already seems like low grass, and the clouds are getting closer and closer. Such a horse will be able to overcome any distance in a matter of seconds in order to deliver the formidable rider to the desired goal.

A handsome and stern hero, tightly gripping the sides of a zealous horse with his strong legs. This is a real Russian warrior, even hordes of enemies are not afraid of him - let them tremble and tremble themselves! A silver helmet, reliable chain mail, and a shield will be able to protect the hero from the swords and arrows of the enemy, and a long, strong spear will strike terror into the invaders of Russian land. The warrior proudly and carefully looks around the endless expanses of his homeland; at the first danger, he is ready to stand up for his people.

This is what I felt when looking at the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Heroic Leap". I also realized that I, too, would not flinch at the decisive moment, I would be able to protect the weak and stand up for the truth when necessary.)

VI. Reflection

- Choose any beginning of a sentence and continue it.

Today in class I learned...

In this lesson I would praise myself for...

After the lesson I wanted...

Today I managed...

VII. Summing up the lesson

— Why did Ilya Muromets want to try all three roads?

— How did the hero’s trip end?

— What did you like about V. Vasnetsov’s painting?


The artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov painted many wonderful paintings during his life. From his youth, he began to get interested in painting and took drawing lessons. Today he is the author of many famous paintings, which numerous art fans will never cease to admire. Fairy-tale characters - the heroes of his paintings - always look so lively and interesting that you involuntarily begin to admire them. One of his works is called “Heroic Leap”. I want to talk about her.

In the picture we see a hero riding a mighty horse. The warrior behaves very confidently and menacingly. The artist depicted battle armor on it. It is clear that the hero is ready for battle. In one hand he has a whip to control the horse, and with the other hand he holds a stake with an iron tip, and is wearing a shield. The hero has a sword in his belt in front. Not only is he completely ready for battle himself, but the fighting spirit is also felt in the horse. He is ready to serve his master until the bitter end! The grandiose, high and unique jump that he made at the behest of his master proves his true devotion. The sky in the picture is a little overcast. The earth and trees are dark in color. Nature seemed to be preparing for the upcoming battle. But thanks to our mighty hero and his invincible appearance, we have nothing to worry about.

I think the picture fully lives up to its title. Both the graceful horse with its leap and the hero with an invincible appearance can be described by one name - heroic leap. The author, with his painting, once again reminds us of the steadfastness of the Russian spirit. Fairy-tale characters in Vasnetsov’s paintings always come to life and make us believe in miracles.

Along with the article “Essay on Vasnetsov’s painting “Heroic Leap”” read:

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is an outstanding artist. He is the author of recognized masterpieces stored in world-famous galleries. The artist paid special attention to fairy-tale and epic subjects. The painting “Heroic Leap” belongs precisely to this branch of Vasnetsov’s creativity.

The painting depicts a Russian epic hero. He is courageous and brave. In his eyes there is not a drop of fear or pity for the enemy of the Russian land. He is wearing powerful metal armor, a sharp dagger in the sheath, a shield in one hand, a whip in the other, and a long spear with a sharp polished tip attached to the saddle. All this suggests that he is ready for battle. His faithful comrade is his horse, which has long served him faithfully. She is black, wearing a gold bridle and a red saddle. It is located high above the ground, which creates the feeling of a powerful and fast jump. The central figure of a hero on a horse is made in bright, contrasting colors. The background is drawn in calmer and lighter colors. The background is Russian nature: a forest, field and sky blackening in the distance.

The picture is imbued with the spirit of patriotism. Creates a fighting and elevated mood.

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In his artistic work, the Russian painter Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov often turned to folk art and myths. Quite often, the heroes of his masterpieces were the mighty defenders of the ancient Russian land - the heroes. The author skillfully and colorfully was able to convey their fighting spirit and spirit, their mood and feelings about the upcoming battle.

Vasnetsov’s painting “Heroic Leap” did not escape my attention, in which, in the very center of events, the author depicted the ardent and fast gallop of a Russian hero on his faithful assistant - a brave and nimble horse. The picture seems so “alive”, as if I hear the impacts of hooves on the hard ground and gusts of fresh wind that flies towards the rider, creating an obstacle to his intentions.

The author shows the power and strength of the Russian spirit, depicting the horseman as if he is so great and powerful that he occupies space from the earth to the very heavens. It seems that the hero is touching the clouds with his head. His gaze is very stern, thus instilling fear in his enemies, which is one of his fighting approaches. This way he shows his advantage and hints to the enemy that the battle will be unequal.

The chain mail worn by the rider complements his image and is a means of protection from the enemy. The long spear, which protrudes far forward beyond the horse’s head, reminds me of the flight of an arrow across endless space, as if it were tearing apart the currents of wind along its path.

Vasnetsov depicts in detail every movement of the horse, its jump, tense and tucked legs, all this speaks of the good training of the animal, of its desire to please its “master”. And the hero completely trusted his animal instinct, and his gaze was riveted towards the viewer. Thus, the author shows the connection between human spiritual impulses and the feelings of animal instinct.

To create a warlike atmosphere, the author depicted the background, where forests and endless fields are visible in the distance, in dark colors. This allows you to focus your gaze only on the rider himself and his horse, as the central element of the picture. The painter also skillfully depicts dawn, the time when nature awakens from a night’s sleep, and warriors are ready to attack the enemy.

Description of the painting by Vasnetsov Bogatyrsky leap

Vasnetsov is a man who, through his artistic works, turned to the ancient literary works of the Russian people. Very often the main figures in his paintings were the main defenders of the Russian land - the heroes. Vasnetsov managed to very accurately portray the emotions of his characters, the general mood and fighting spirit, and their feelings about the upcoming battle.

One of these paintings is his artistic work “heroic leap”. It depicts an ancient Russian hero, who rushes very quickly on his strong and faithful horse. The picture is made in such a way that it perfectly conveys that atmosphere. There is a feeling as if you can hear the sound of hooves and feel the gusts of wind that blow into the rider’s face, trying to become an obstacle for him.

Vasnetsov shows his character as very strong and large, showing all the power of a strong heroic spirit. He seems so huge and powerful due to the fact that his huge body rises to the skies, it seems as if his head reaches the clouds. The hero himself has such a stern and menacing look that will inspire fear in any enemy. It’s as if he shows with his gaze to all enemies that the balance of power is initially unequal.

The rider is dressed in chain mail, which serves as a good complement to his image and protects him from enemy attacks. His long and powerful spear, visible from behind the horse’s head, which looks like an arrow, ready to fall on the head of any enemy.

The painting is made in such a way that the rider and his horse attract all the viewer’s attention, being the center of the image. Behind you can see a dense forest thicket and a huge endless field, which is depicted in the darkest colors. The time is depicted as dawn, when all nature and people are just beginning to wake up, which is an excellent time to strike. All this most accurately conveys the atmosphere of the setting and the feelings of the main character.

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Victor Vasnetsov is a talented artist who painted a huge number of wonderful paintings. He is rightly called a fairy-tale painter, since most of his subjects are illustrations for fairy tales and epics. Despite the fact that Vasnetsov’s paintings are many years old, they still surprise and delight people, and the work of the artist himself pleases and creates a wonderful feeling and mood.

You can plunge into a new fairy tale if you look and then carefully examine one of Viktor Mikhailovich’s paintings with such an expressive title as “Heroic Leap.” The hero of this picture seems not only to be somehow inspired, but to be a living and real person. It is known that this beautiful painting was created in 1914, and everyone, of course, understands what time it was.

From the history course you can remember that this was the beginning of a war that started slowly but lasted a long time. And, accordingly, no one could know how this war would end. But it was clear that in order to win, it was necessary to unite the entire people of Russia, because they have enormous strength of spirit and will, which will allow them to survive and win.

So, in order to strengthen patriotism in people, Viktor Vasnetsov decided to devote one of his paintings to this topic. And for this plot he chose the glorious and heroic defender of the Russian land - the hero. It can be seen that the powerful and strong hero, who confidently sits on a horse, is already ready to go into battle to protect his native land from the enemy. He has everything he needs to be a defender: a bow, sword and arrows. He prepared a shield for one of his hands; the hero needs it to protect himself from the enemy. But in the same hand he also has a stake, to which an iron tip is pre-attached. The hero needs him to attack himself and destroy the enemy.

The hero's left hand is also busy. The whip helps the defender of the Russian land to spur on his horse so that he can race faster and be able to get ahead of the enemy. The elongated legs of the horse show that the hero is not standing still, but the horse is carrying him towards the enemy, and soon the battle will probably begin. Every movement of the horse allows you to see the armor of the defender. Every detail on them is drawn clearly and in detail. And as soon as direct and bright sunlight hits them, they begin to sparkle and shimmer. But the strong horseman, despite riding fast, continues to peer into the distance in order to detect his advance faster than the enemy and to meet him fully armed. The piercing and lively gaze of the hero of the picture seems to be looking far ahead.

Viktor Vasnetsov’s canvas also depicts a horse that is not afraid of anything beautifully. She rushes quickly, and her beautiful and long mane flutters in the wind. Its color is black, so it shimmers when sunlight hits its fur. The heroic horse looks well-groomed and fresh. It is clear that he is surrounded by the care and love of his owner.

The horse's legs are not only fast, but also strong, since in any battle it must help its rider. And the rider’s appearance is serious and stern, and this is created with the help of a thick dark beard and mustache, which the hero never shaved off. It is immediately clear that both the horse and the rider are indistinguishable, like faithful and good comrades. Therefore, in any battle they help each other and help each other out, and this helps them win.

Showing the power and strength of his hero, the artist depicted the rest of the background of his painting much smaller. So, in the background of the painting you can see a dark and dense forest, which seems very small compared to the main figure of the painting. Both the hill and even the forest begin to be shrouded in some strange and cloudy haze. The bright and clear sky gradually begins to be covered with dark and terrible clouds, as if nature itself foreshadows something bad and dangerous.

It seems that nature is waiting for the enemy just like the hero and his beautiful horse. She froze in sad and sad anticipation. All nature changes before the onset of battle, but the artist with his painting tries to instill in people faith in victory, since such strong and courageous heroes will always protect the beautiful Russian land.

And in this pre-dawn hour, the epic hero will be able to defend the right to be winners. No one has ever managed to capture Russian soil! As soon as the battle is over, the sun will come out and the darkness will dissipate. And again there will be a clear day, clean and happy. And this will allow all people to live happily again in the artist’s native land. The picture perfectly reflects its title.

The hero, courageous and heroic, and his brave and courageous horse united in a single race. And this heroic leap is magnificent. And I want to believe that this fairy-tale hero is about to come to life and a miracle will happen. And people, especially in wartime, always want to believe in miracles and fairy tales.