The wife of Alexander Gradsky spoke about her son’s unusual abilities. Alexander Borisovich Gradsky biography and personal life of which we are so interested in Gradsky with his wife and son

Alexander Gradsky is a famous personality with versatile talents in the field of poetry, music and vocals.

The founder of rock in Russia, People's Artist of the Russian Federation and winner of a number of state awards that were awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of theatrical, musical and pop arts.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Borisovich Gradsky was born on November 3, 1949 in the city of Kopeisk, Chelyabinsk region. He was the only child of his parents - mechanical engineer Boris Abramovich Fradkin and actress Tamara Pavlovna Gradskaya. The future artist spent his childhood beyond the Urals, but in 1957 his family moved to Moscow, where he entered a music school at the age of 9.

Young Gradsky experienced studying at a music school through force - he was exhausted and oppressed by daily classes, but they did not discourage young Sasha’s passion for music. Alexander Borisovich was no different in his achievements in secondary school. As a child, he was more interested in the humanities and literature, which allowed Gradsky to write his first poem at the age of 14. At the same age, the future artist became interested in Western music - his favorites were the musicians of the group.

At the age of 16, Alexander Borisovich had already firmly decided that he would become a singer and musician. Then he took his mother’s surname, under which the artist’s first performances took place as part of the Polish student group “Cockroaches”. Alexander Gradsky’s first song, “The Best City on Earth,” was then performed at many regional concerts.

In 1969, Alexander entered the faculty of academic singing at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. In 1974, he graduated from the university, during which he received his first experience of solo performances. Gradsky later attended the Moscow Conservatory, where he studied with the Soviet composer.


After graduating from GMPI, Alexander Gradsky’s musical career began to rapidly gain momentum. He became one of the first musicians in the country who boldly experimented with Russian-language lyrics in rock. While still a student, he created the group “Skomorokhi”, whose repertoire consisted of Gradsky’s songs.

With “Skomorokhs” Alexander Gradsky toured the country, gathering full houses of fans. His popularity at that time simply went off scale - the musician gave several solo concerts every day lasting 2 hours. In 1971, the group also took part in the prestigious All-Union Festival “Silver Strings”, where in 20 minutes of performance they created a sensation and received 6 out of 8 prizes.

During the same period, Alexander Gradsky created the legendary songs “How beautiful this world is” and “How young we were,” which the musician did not perform at any of his concerts until 1990, despite the expectations of the audience.

Alexander Gradsky's solo songs were not his only direction in his work - the musician simultaneously worked on creating musical accompaniment for a number of films. “The Romance of Lovers,” written and performed personally by Alexander Borisovich in the film of the same name, became a breakthrough in Gradsky’s creative biography.

Alexander Gradsky - "Romance of Lovers"

For this composition, in 1974 he was recognized as “Star of the Year” according to the music magazine Billboard, whose experts praised Alexander Borisovich’s creative activity as “an outstanding contribution to world music.”

According to the musician, at that time he earned more than other famous people who could be seen on TV. He jokingly called his relationships with other music stars “neutrality.”

Alexander Borisovich wrote musical accompaniment for almost fifty feature films, as well as several dozen cartoons and documentaries. He also participated in some films as an actor.

In 1972, Alexander Gradsky played in “A Courtesy Visit”, in 1979 he made a cameo in the 2-part film “Tuning Fork”, and in 1991 in the film “Genius”. The musician performed vocal parts in another 20 films. Also appeared in 5 documentaries and 2 video clips.

Alexander Gradsky also proved himself in the fundamental format of stage productions. In 1967-1969 he participated in the work on the rock opera “The Fly-Tsokotukha”.

His next creation, also a rock opera, “Stadium” (1973-1985), became much more famous. The plot of this production was based on real events: the military coup in Chile in 1973. The general who came to power began massive repressions that led to thousands of deaths. One of the victims of this regime was singer Victor Jara, whose fate formed the basis of the rock opera.

Alexander Gradsky - rock opera "Stadium"

The work does not mention the name of the hero or the location of the action, but the entire outline of the narrative ambiguously points to Chilean events. The role of the Singer was performed by Gradsky himself. The main characters were presented by popular Soviet artists -, and.

At the end of the 70s, Alexander Gradsky released several records and began teaching at his native institute. Gnesins and at GITIS, where he headed the vocal department.

Since 1985, Alexander Borisovich has been working on the music for the first Russian rock ballet “Man,” based on the novel.

Ballet by Alexander Gradsky "Rasputin"

Afterwards, the musician works on two more ballets: “Rasputin” and “Jewish Ballad”. As a performer, Gradsky performed in 1988 at the Bolshoi Theater as the Astrologer in a production of the opera The Golden Cockerel under the direction of conductor Evgeny Svetlanov.

In the early 90s, when Gradsky had the opportunity to perform abroad, he decided to reduce his touring activities, becoming carried away by the development of the Theater of Contemporary Music. However, even with a “shortened” concert program, he managed to gain popularity abroad - he participated in joint musical projects with John Denver, Diana Warwick, Kris Kristofferson and other world-famous artists.

Alexander Gradsky - "How young we were"

For his musical activities, Alexander Gradsky was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia in 1997, and in 2000 received the highest honorary title of People's Artist of Russia. The President of the Russian Federation personally congratulated the rock musician on this award.

Alexander Gradsky continues to be active in music to this day. 15 discs were released under his authorship. Among the latest works, one cannot fail to note the opera “The Master and Margarita” with a unique cast of participants, on which Alexander Borisovich worked for more than 13 years.

The composer began working on the rock musical “The Master and Margarita” back in the 90s. The libretto, written by Pavel Grushko, lay idle for several years, Gradsky worked on the musical for another 7 years, and by 2009 the production was ready - but was never shown on stage.

“The Master and Margarita” exists only in the form of a recording, where the roles are played by Alexander Borisovich’s star friends, and he himself performed 4 parts of the central characters. Other parts went to musicians such as Joseph Kobzon and others.

Alexander Gradsky - opera "The Master and Margarita"

As Alexander Borisovich later claimed, he manages to finish works on time only if there is a customer, and the author is ready to redo his works for years.

From 2012 to 2015, Alexander Gradsky participated in the show “” as a mentor. He became a representative of the golden jury, which also included, and. On the show, the maestro worked together with his daughter - he invited Masha as an adviser when a decisive choice had to be made.

Alexander Gradsky on the show "The Voice"

The legend of Soviet and Russian rock music for several seasons in a row led his players to victory in the country's main vocal project. Among them are , and . According to some reports, it was Alexander Borisovich who was considered the highest paid judge of the project. Reporters voiced the figure of $7 thousand per day, while other mentors had the amount half as much. The musicians did not comment on whether this is actually true.

Daniil Gradsky - "Tears In Heaven"

In addition, Alexander Borisovich was remembered by the participants and spectators for the fact that he determined their age based on the performers’ voice data. The musician made a mistake only twice: he did not recognize Daniil’s son in the 3rd season of “The Voice” and did not understand who was behind the screen when Dima Bilan performed the song in the 4th season.

In 2013, publicist and television journalist Evgeny Dodolev published the book “Alexander Gradsky. The Voice". According to the author, he collected material for the publication for 20 years; it included interviews with the maestro and statements from his loved ones.

Alexander Gradsky - "The pendulum will swing"

Alexander Borisovich became the founder of the Gradsky Hall musical theater. The best members of the mentor’s team from the “Voice” project, including Busha Goman and others, become the actors of the theater group. His eldest son Daniil also works with his father. The young man is engaged in PR and promoting the official website of the theater.

Personal life

The personal life of Alexander Gradsky is quite bright. The founder of Russian rock was married three times. The first marriage took place in the early youth of the musician. His chosen one was Natalya Smirnova, with whom the man lived in official relations for only 3 months.

Gradsky himself calls this marriage a “youth act.”

In 1976, Alexander Borisovich married for the second time. The actress became his wife, but the rock musician could not find family happiness with her either.

Gradsky lived in an official marriage with his third wife Olga for 23 years. In this union, the musician had two children - in 1981, a son, Daniel, was born, and in 1986, the wife gave her husband a daughter, Maria. In 2003, this marriage also ceased to exist.

Since 2004, Alexander Gradsky has been living in a civil marriage with a Ukrainian model who is 30 years younger than the musician. He was always distinguished by humor and high self-esteem, so he met a girl right on the street, inviting her to “touch history.” Kotashenko did not recognize the star of Soviet and Russian rock, but called back two weeks later. Already on the first date, it became clear that Alexander Borisovich charmed the young lady. With Gradsky, Marina felt calm and at ease.

Gradsky’s young wife gave him a child in 2014, who was named Alexander. The birth of his son Alexander Alexandrovich took place in New York in one of the prestigious clinics. Gradsky’s wife maintains an even relationship with the other children. Gradsky's daughter Maria, who now lives in Miami, even accompanied Marina on her trip to America, where the baby was given birth. It is interesting that Alexander Gradsky Jr. was born on the birthday of his grandfather, Boris Fradkin, September 1.

Sasha grows up under the close attention of her mother - the girl refuses offers from film directors for the sake of her family, despite the fact that she graduated from the acting department of VGIK in the mid-2000s. They bought the boy a real guitar, but for now a child's size, and Alexander Alexandrovich has already mastered the song repertoire from his favorite cartoons and children's programs. In the future, the parents plan to send the young musician to the appropriate studio.

In the summer of 2016, photos of Gradsky and his wife on the beach spread around the Internet. Evil tongues called the couple “beauty and the beast,” and even the musician himself admitted that he was lucky that Marina chose him and did not find a younger couple.

Kotashenko herself never became a reason for gossip and gave no reason to doubt her attitude towards her husband. Now Alexander Gradsky lives with his family in the Moscow region in the village of Novoglagolevo, where he built a house with an area of ​​400 square meters. m, writes classical music and teaches vocals. Despite his popularity and active life position, the musician considers himself a marginal and apolitical person.

Gradsky does not like representatives of the press. Because of their annoyingness, he nicknamed the reporters “journalists.” The word took root in the musician’s vocabulary and went “to the people.” The composer has a personal website, where he introduces fans to the latest releases of his work, but the musician does not have an account on Instagram.

Alexander Gradsky now

In September 2017, after a break, Alexander Gradsky returned to the “Voice” project and again led his charge to victory. The winner of the first place in the 6th season of the television competition was.

Many fans of the show expected to see the maestro in the next season. But a year later, the name of Alexander Borisovich did not appear in any of the judges’ lists of three launched projects, including “Voice 60+” and “Voice. Children". The musician himself did not comment on the news.

In November 2018, it became known that Marina Kotashenko. Son Ivan became the girl’s second child and Gradsky’s fourth. The musician and his wife do not comment on the information.


  • 1972 – “How wonderful this world is”
  • 1974 – “A Romance of Lovers”
  • 1979 – “Only you believe me”
  • 1987 – “Let’s get started”
  • 1989 – “Monte Cristo”
  • 1994 – “Untimely Songs”
  • 1996 – “LIVE in Russia”
  • 2003 – “Reader”
  • 2009 – “The Master and Margarita”
  • 2011 – “Unformat”
  • 2014 – “Romances”

Alexander Gradsky is a famous musician and performer. His voice sounds as bright as in his youth, despite the fact that he will soon celebrate his 70th birthday. The man still actively gives concerts and tours. Many Russian films feature music written by the artist.

The younger generation of musicians receive instructions from Alexander. The man became a mentor in several seasons of the show project “The Voice”. His players invariably became winners.

Gradsky was married three times. Now he lives in a de facto marriage with Marina. Despite the 30-year age difference, the couple are happy and raising a little son, who was named after the musician himself.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Gradsky

The musician became popular back in the late 60s. He has a large number of fans who know his height, weight, and age. How old Alexander Gradsky is is known quite well. The performer will soon celebrate his 70th birthday. And many people believe that an error has crept into his biographical data, since the man looks much younger than his biological age.

Alexander Gradsky, whose photos in his youth and now remain unchanged for many years, weighs more than 90 kg with a height of 180 cm. Since his youth, the man has been actively involved in argument. He says he lives by the proverb “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

Biography and personal life of Alexander Gradsky

The boy was born in 1949 near Chelyabinsk. Mother - Gradskaya Tamara Pavlovna was an actress. Father - Fradkin Boris Abramovich worked as a mechanical engineer. His parents worked a lot, so our hero was raised by his grandmother for several years. When Sasha turned 8 years old, he moved to the capital of the Soviet Union. From childhood, the boy studied music. He played guitar and piano. Already at the age of 9, the boy declared that he would certainly become a great singer and musician. After his mother passed away, with the consent of his father, he changed his last name from Fradkin to Gradsky.

Alexander studied quite well at school. He received only good and excellent grades. In addition to music, the boy was fond of sports. He played football, skied and swam in the pool.

After graduating from school, yesterday's graduate is fruitfully engaged in his creative activity. He became one of the Soviet founders of rock. Alexander sang songs that were heard on the Western European stage. He sang a large number of hits performed by the Beatles and many others.

Our hero received his musical education at the world-famous Gnessin School. Then he became a student at the Moscow Conservatory, where Tikhon Khrennikov became his teacher.

The popular rock musician wrote a large number of songs and operas. His music can be heard in various Russian films. In the late 80s, Alexander Gradsky was accepted into the Union of Composers. The artist actively performs not only for citizens throughout the post-Soviet space, but also for numerous foreign music lovers.

The star several times became a mentor for the show program “The Voice,” in which his students took first place.

The biography and personal life of Alexander Gradsky proceed in parallel. At the age of 19, a guy married a girl named Natalya. The marriage did not last long. The artist himself does not like to remember him.

In the mid-70s, the man met one of the most famous Soviet actresses, Anastasia Vertinskaya. The girl played in the film “Scarlet Sails”. After living for two years, the lovers separated, but the marriage was dissolved only in the early 80s, when Alexander met his third wife, Olga. In marriage, Gradsky became a father twice. At the beginning of the new millennium, this marital union also fell apart.

Soon after his divorce from his third wife, our hero began to live with a girl named Marina. Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko, whose photos on the beach often appeared on the Internet, became parents in 2014. The baby was named Alexander in honor of his father.

Family and children of Alexander Gradsky

The family and children of Alexander Gradsky occupy the main place in his life. The popular rock singer was married several times. But time after time he failed. Since 2003, Alexander has been living in a de facto marriage with a woman named Marina. The artist’s happiness, he says, is immeasurable. He often travels with his wife.

Gradsky became a father three times. The eldest son and daughter Maria are already adults. They live with their families. And the youngest son only recently celebrated his fourth birthday.

The man’s mother had a great influence on his development. The woman acted in films, then made films. In the early 60s, Tamara Pavlovna suddenly passed away. She is buried in one of the capital's cemeteries.

My father worked as a mechanical engineer until he was very old. Only at the age of 83 did the man retire. In 2013, Boris Abramovich passed away. He is buried next to his wife.

Our hero was influenced by his maternal uncle. He danced with the famous Igor Moiseev. For many years the man wrote music. At the beginning of the new millennium, Boris Pavlovich died. He was buried in one of the capital's cemeteries.

Sons of Alexander Gradsky - Daniil, Alexander

The sons of Alexander Gradsky - Daniil and Alexander were born in different unions. Despite this, our hero’s children are his pride.

The popular performer named his first-born Daniel. The boy went in for sports and played football. In his youth, Danya became interested in music. He graduated from music school. The guy has been playing the guitar since adolescence. Currently, the first-born of the great musician has organized his own group, in which he plays bass guitar. The man was doing business. It has a small furniture store. Daniel is happily married. He recently had a son, who was named after the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir.

In 2014, the great performer became a father for the third time. They decided to name the boy after himself. The baby was born a hero. The newborn weighed more than 4 kg. His star father himself was present at the birth of the baby. Sasha Jr. is still small. He travels a lot with his parents. The boy draws, sings and dances well.

Daughter of Alexander Gradsky - Maria Gradskaya

The daughter of the great rock performer was born in the man’s third marriage. The girl was born in 1986. The baby has been incredibly artistic since childhood. She, as the artist put it, did not cry at birth, but sang. Already at the age of 2, the girl began going to a dance studio.

During her school years, the daughter of Alexander Gradsky, Maria Gradskaya, studied well. She delighted her parents with her vocal abilities. Masha participated in school events. At concerts she sang and danced.

After receiving a school certificate, yesterday's graduate enters Moscow State University. Currently, the girl works on television, where she hosts programs dedicated to music. But nothing is known about Maria’s personal life.

Wikipedia and Instagram of Alexander Gradsky

Wikipedia and Instagram of Alexander Gradsky allow you to find out a large amount of information about the Soviet and Russian pop star.

The artist is registered on social networks. He especially frequently updates information on Instagram. On the page you can find out how a man lives today. Here he posts photos with his sons, daughter and wife. On Instagram you can see pictures with friends and wards of the domestic star.

Wikipedia contains information about the artist’s parents and his family. The page provides information about the man’s creative path. Here you can find out what songs the artist sang, as well as in which films Alexander Gradsky’s songs were performed.

Alexander Gradsky is an outstanding, iconic personality, the founder of the Russian rock movement, Honored Artist of Theater and Cinema, winner of many state awards.

The childhood of a future rock star

Alexander was born in a small town near Chelyabinsk in 1949. The boy's father, Boris Abramovich, worked at a local enterprise as a mechanic, and his mother was the famous actress Tamara Gradskaya. When the boy was 8 years old, he and his parents moved to the capital, where a year later he began attending music school.

Alexander Gradsky in childhood

At first, Alexander studied without enthusiasm; discipline and constant tasks weighed down the guy’s creative nature. At that time, literature and other humanitarian subjects were closer to him. Only at the age of 14 did Gradsky begin to take his musical studies more seriously, which helped him finally decide on the choice of his future profession.

Alexander Gradsky in his youth

In 1965, Gradsky became the vocalist of the group “Cockroaches”, with which he recorded his first track “The Best City on Earth”. The song became popular and was played in many metropolitan clubs and discos. After graduating from school, Alexander entered Gnesinka, from which he graduated with honors in 1974.

The ups and downs of the innovator Gradsky

During his student years, Alexander organized his own project “Buffoons”. The group's work consisted of Gradsky's original rock songs, with which they toured throughout Russia. The creative apogee of the group came at the prestigious song festival in 1971, where the guys won six out of eight possible awards. The hits of that time were the compositions “How young we were” and “How beautiful this world is.”

The talented guy managed to write soundtracks for films by famous Soviet directors. In Andrei Konchalovsky’s film “Romance of Lovers,” Gradsky’s original song is heard. In 1974, Alexander was awarded two honorary titles: “Best Breakthrough of the Year” and “Star of the Year.” The musician's popularity was so high that the amount of his fees exceeded the income of established, famous artists.

In parallel with his musical activities, Gradsky began teaching vocals at Gnesinka and GITIS. Alexander also became the author of the legendary rock opera “Stadium”. The production depicted the difficult events of the 1973 coup d'etat in Chile. The main roles went to famous Soviet performers. Then no less popular rock productions came out: “Man”, “Rasputin”, “Jewish Ballad”.

During the period of perestroika, Gradsky began to develop his creativity abroad. He was lucky enough to collaborate with famous world artists: Liza Minnelli, Kris Kristoffersson. Returning to his homeland, the musician continued to direct, write songs, and also starred in a cameo role in the popular TV series “Gangster Petersburg.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin presents the award to Alexander Hrapdsky

In 2000, Gradsky was awarded the highest award, “People’s Artist of Russia,” which was presented to him personally by President Vladimir Putin. Since 2012, Alexander has been working as one of the hosts of the Channel One entertainment musical project “The Voice”. Thanks to their professionalism and rich experience, the wards of the rock music gurus became the winners of the show.

Stormy personal life

Gradsky was officially married three times. The musician's first wife was Natalya Smirnova, with whom he lived for about three months. Alexander believes that their relationship was a student hobby, youthful maximalism, which is why they broke up so quickly.

Alexander Gradsky with his first wife

Alexander's second marriage to actress Anastasia Vertinskaya also turned out to be short-lived. Gradsky's third official marriage turned out to be the strongest and longest. He lived with Olga for 23 happy years. They had two children: son Daniel and daughter Maria. In 2003, the couple divorced for reasons unknown to anyone.

Alexander Gradsky with Marina Kotashenko

A year later, Gradsky met his 30-year-younger fashion model Marina Kotashenko. The relationship developed rapidly, and after a few months the couple began living under the same roof. In 2014, the musician became a father again, Olga gave him a son, Alexander. Now Gradsky lives with his family in the Moscow region, writing new musical compositions.

His personality arouses interest among people of different ages and musical tastes. How old is Gradsky Alexander? Who does he live with now? What projects does he participate in? You will find all the necessary information in the article.

short biography

The future composer, poet and musician was born in the city of Kopeisk (Chelyabinsk region). This happened on November 3, 1949. My father worked as a mechanical engineer, and my mother was a professional actress. The Gradskys did not live in the province for long. When Sasha turned 8 years old, the family moved to Moscow. At first they had to huddle in an eight-meter communal apartment. The parents made a lot of efforts to ensure that their son received a decent education. They found the best music teachers for him. The secondary school that Alexander went to was located in the center of the capital.

At the age of 14, Gradsky lost his mother. The talented actress died suddenly. Ironically, it was this year that Sasha made her singing debut.

In 1974 he received a diploma of successful completion of the chamber faculty of solo singing (in Gnesinka).


Gradsky is the creator of one of the first rock bands in the Soviet Union. It was called "Slavs". Then the group was twice renamed “Skomorokhi” and “Scythians”. In 1969, the musicians managed to achieve popularity. Almost all of Moscow listened to the songs of “Skomorokhov”.

Since 1972, Alexander Gradsky began working in the studio. He wrote the music and lyrics himself. In 1973, Andron Konchalovsky turned to the composer with a request to write music for his film “Romance of Lovers”. The experiment turned out to be extremely successful. In 1974, the Western magazine Billboard awarded Gradsky the title of “Star of the Year,” assessing his contribution to the global music industry. From then on, our hero regularly delighted the Soviet public with new hits, attracting sold-out concerts. How old was Gradsky Alexander then? Approximately 25-26 years old.


“How old is Gradsky?” - is not the only question that fans of the composer ask. The female part is interested in the details of his personal life. We are ready to satisfy their curiosity.

It is known that Alexander has three official marriages behind him. The composer's first wife was Natalya Smirnova. How old was Gradsky at that time? About twenty. The young girl could not cope with the complex character of the musician of the group “Skomorokhi”. As a result, she ran away on the third day after the wedding. In a recent interview, Gradsky called his first marriage “an act of youth.” From this we can conclude that there were no strong feelings between him and Natalya. Soon the girl began dating another lead singer of Skomorokhov, Gleb May.

In 1976, Gradsky married again. His choice fell on the beautiful actress Anastasia Vertinskaya. The idyll in their relationship did not last long. In 1980, the marriage broke up.

Olga became the third legal wife of the composer. Little is known about her. However, it was in this marriage that Alexander twice experienced the happiness of fatherhood. In March 1981, his wife gave him an heir. The boy was named Daniel. And in January 1986, another addition to the family occurred. This time a daughter, Mashenka, was born. The marriage with Olga lasted almost 20 years. And the point is not that an idyll reigned in their relationship. Only friends and relatives knew that the spouses lived in different apartments. Gradsky regularly came to Olga to visit the children. In 2003, the marriage was officially dissolved. No scandals or complaints. How old was Gradsky at that time? Only 54 years old. A man in his prime. I must say that our today's hero was not alone for long.

Current wife

The composer met his fourth wife in 2003. The tall and slender blonde immediately attracted the master's attention. Surely you are wondering how old Alexander Gradsky’s wife is. 11 years younger than him. The girl moved to Moscow from Kyiv. She has studied at VGIK, worked in a modeling agency and filmed several films. How old was Gradsky’s wife at the time they met? Approximately 22-23 years old. What was so attractive to a young and beautiful girl in a man over 50? Most likely, charisma and incredible energy.

The couple has been living together for 10 years. They recently became happy parents. A charming son was born, who was named Alexander in honor of his father. Marina gave birth not in Moscow, but in New York. The caring husband found one of the best clinics in advance and paid for the medical services in full. Labor began 2 weeks earlier than planned. The composer was in Moldova at that time, where he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Republic. Next to Marina was Gradsky’s daughter from his third marriage, Maria. Immediately after the concert, the happy father rushed to a New York clinic to see his child. The Gradsky family returned to Moscow only on September 26. Now they live in the elite village of Novoglagolevo, which is 35 kilometers from the capital.

Fans are interested in how old Gradsky’s wife is now. Those who do not personally know the girl and see her only in photographs give her no more than 25 years old. According to Marina, proper nutrition, sports and, of course, love help her look good. On November 22, 2014, the composer’s wife celebrated her 34th birthday.

Creativity and recognition

Do you know how old Gradsky was when he was awarded the title “People’s Artist of the Russian Federation”? This happened in 2000. Knowing the master's date of birth, it is easy to calculate that he received the high award at the age of 51. V. Putin personally congratulated him.

Since 1987, Gradsky has been a member of the Union of Composers. He has 15 released discs and hundreds of songs to his credit. In addition, he wrote music for 40 films. And for the TV series “Gangster Petersburg” Alexander performed his song “The City That Doesn’t Exist”, which later became a hit. However, this composition is not considered the most popular. The song “How Young We Were” takes first place. Until 1990, Gradsky did not perform it at concerts, although the audience really liked it. The reason why the master did this remained unknown. But now everything has changed. For several years now, the master has been opening his concerts with this song.

Gradsky Alexander is among the first Soviet artists to travel abroad. He managed to work with such A-list stars as Sammy Davis and Liza Minnelli. The founder of Russian rock visited Sweden, Germany, Greece and even Japan.

Talented children

We have already mentioned that Gradsky has a son and daughter from his third marriage. The father tries to protect them from excessive media attention. How old are Gradsky’s daughter and his son? What are they doing? Now you will find out everything.

28-year-old Maria graduated from Moscow State University several years ago. The girl has an excellent relationship not only with her father, but also with her young stepmother. And she simply adores her little stepbrother. A year ago, Masha was offered a job on Channel One. She became a TV presenter on the talk show “In Our Time.”

Daniil, Gradsky’s first son, recently turned 33 years old. This is a charismatic and talented young man. He is a great singer and a born entertainer. Viewers of the “Voice” project were able to verify this. The third season was marked by the arrival of the star offspring on the show. Daniel went to “The Voice” without warning his father. And Gradsky, in turn, did not recognize his son. When the guy was singing, Dima Bilan and Pelageya turned to him. Despite the fact that his talent was appreciated by two jury members, Daniil decided to leave the show. This news saddened the audience. But the guy himself considered it dishonest to take someone else’s place. After all, many will think that he got into the project through connections.

The profession of Gradsky's son is an economist. Recently, the young man has been doing business and is interested in extrasensory perception. The composer loves all his children and tries to provide them with a decent future. Six months ago, he decided to build a house for Daniil in the village of Novoglagolevo. According to the approved project, it will be a two-story cottage with an area of ​​280 square meters.

Double anniversary

For those who do not know how old Gradsky is in 2014, we inform you. The famous musician is 65 years old. The festive concert took place on November 25 at Crocus City Hall. The maestro performed his famous hits, and was accompanied by the Academic Orchestra named after. Knowing the answer to the question of how old Gradsky Alexander is now, it’s hard to believe it. After all, he looks younger. Meanwhile, the composer celebrated a double anniversary - his 65th birthday and 50 years of creative activity. His friends and colleagues, including outstanding musicians, singers, actors and directors, came to congratulate Gradsky.


Knowing how old Gradsky is now, it’s hard to believe that he continues to record songs, compose music and participate in television projects as actively as in his youth. The composer's touring activities deserve special attention. Issues related to organizing concerts and inviting stars to corporate events, weddings and anniversaries are resolved by Gradsky’s personal assistant.

Participation in "The Voice"

For the third season we can watch Alexander Gradsky as part of the star jury. If you believe the information in the print media, the composer’s fee reaches $2 million. But for Gradsky, participation in the project is not only an additional source of income. The program provides him with an excellent opportunity - to select talented guys and make real pop stars out of them. After all, the master is no longer young, which means it’s time to start preparing a worthy replacement. How old was Gradsky in 2013 when his ward Sergei Volchkov won? It's not at all difficult to calculate. Then the composer was 64 years old. He bet on an intelligent Belarusian guy and hit the nail on the head. The guy easily beat the potential leader of the project, Nargiz Zakirova.

We are ready to tell you about Gradsky what will not be written in newspapers and magazines. Here are some interesting facts from his life.

  • Until the age of 14, he bore the last name Fradkin. But after the death of his mother, he decided to perpetuate her memory. For this, Alexander took her last name, becoming Gradsky.
  • Unlike other public people, the master does not like to be photographed.
  • In the group “Skomorokhi” he created, he was the keyboard player
  • It was Gradsky who came up with the words “scoop” and “zhurnalyuga”.


Now you know how old Gradsky is in 2014, where he lives, who his wives were and what talents his children have. We wish our beloved composer inspiration and success in his work. And, of course, happiness in your personal life.

Alexander Gradsky is a rock musician, multi-instrumentalist, People's Artist of Russia, a singer with a range of three octaves, a permanent member of the jury of the show "The Voice" - the titles and incarnations of this unique artist can be listed for a long time.

During his almost seventy-year life, Alexander was officially married three times, but he found true happiness in adulthood.

First experience

Gradsky first married in 1973 to student Natalya Smirnova. The young people were really very young, they were dating, and at some point the relationship lost its freshness and sharpness.

Gradsky decided that a wedding could revive extinguished feelings, and proposed to Natalya. The wedding took place, but there was no increase in romance in the relationship. The young people parted, “shaking hands.”

I took him with me

Three years later, Gradsky married a bright woman, the talented actress Anastasia Vertinskaya. They met at a party, at one of the parties. Gradsky tried to court him that evening, but to no avail.

Then, six months later, he had a concert near Alushta. Anastasia was vacationing in a neighboring village with her sister and friends. She found out about the concert, stopped the first ride (it turned out to be a ZIL truck), and went to see Gradsky.

When she got there, a drunken Alexander was sitting on the shore and wondering whether he should plunge into the sea or not. Suddenly he saw a certain person in a dressing gown, with cracked glasses. He didn’t even immediately realize that the exquisite Vertinskaya and this girl were one person.

Alexander and Anastasia somehow immediately began a relationship. It happened naturally, as Gradsky later recalls, they “merged in Crimean ecstasy.”

They returned from Crimea separately, Gradsky by car, and Vertinskaya by plane. On the way, Gradsky’s car got into an accident, Vertinskaya returned for him. And she took him home, and he stayed with her. In fact, the marriage with Vertinskaya lasted about two years.

In 1980, he had a new woman, who was also expecting a child from him.

Attempt No. 3

Gradsky noticed the young student Olga at a performance at the Shchukin School. A few places after him, he saw an amazingly beautiful girl, and the whole performance was focused on her.

Alexander met Olya during intermission, and after the performance everyone went to check out Gradsky. And Olya too. They began to communicate, and soon all the women faded into the background.

Olga was not an actress; she studied at the Faculty of Economics at Moscow State University. Gradsky then lived in a terrible apartment, Olga in a hostel, but they decided to keep the child and got married.

Gradsky lived with his second wife for 23 years; children were born in the marriage - son Daniel and daughter Maria. In 2003, the marriage broke up on the initiative of the wife; she preferred another man.

Demon in the rib

The master did not remain lonely for long. Already in 2004, he met his fourth wife, Marina Kotashenko. One day he was driving a car and saw a girl of extraordinary beauty through the window. Gradsky thought that if he didn’t get to know each other, he would miss the chance of his life.

Interesting notes:

But at that moment he looked completely unpresentable, in dirty clothes, disheveled. He was coming from a construction site.

Alexander couldn’t think of anything better than to shout: “Girl, you have a chance to touch a legend!” Marina not only didn’t recognize him, she didn’t even know who Gradsky was.

Not surprising - Marina is 31 years younger than Alexander, and her adult life was spent in Ukraine. This man seemed like an eccentric to her, but she took the phone and called him back.

Who is this girl?

At that time, Marina was 20 years old, she was born in 1984, in Kyiv. During my school years I danced and went to a modeling school.

In her hometown, Marina graduated from college with a degree in law, but later decided to move to Moscow to try her hand at the modeling business.

She and Gradsky began living together in 2001, and in 2009 Maria entered VGIK, in the workshop of Vsevold Shilovsky. After graduating from the institute, Shilovsky took her to work in his studio theater, where she received roles in the plays “The Key for Two” (Magda), “Masculine, Singular” (Jassant), “Bachelorette Party” (Lisbeth), “Mad Money” ), Lydia Yuryeva.

Since 2010, she has actively acted in films. In addition, Marina is one of the most sought-after models in Moscow. In 2014, Marina gave birth to a son, Alexander, and therefore decided to take a career break.

Alexander believes that a man develops a woman’s brains, especially if the woman is younger.

But in the case of Marina, as Gradsky himself admits, he did not have to develop the brains of his other half. She was quite smart and wise. With all her data, intelligence and beauty, she could find someone much richer, younger, more famous than he, Gradsky. This is what the master sincerely thinks. Therefore, he consoles himself with the thought that Marina loves him for some qualities unknown to him.

The couple's son is growing up as a very musical child; they bought him his first guitar at the age of three. Marina plans to send her child to an art school.

Photos of the famous master