Oily skin: typical problems and easy solutions. Oily facial skin: care rules How to care for oily problem skin

Oily skin is one of the normal options. With regularity and proper care, it does not cause any special problems, and it remains fresh and elastic much longer than dry. Wrinkles appear on it very late. However, at a young age, increased fat content leads to a pronounced greasy sheen, inflammation, and the appearance of comedones and pustules.

With age, oil production gradually decreases, but approximately 10% of people still have oily skin after 30 years.

Causes of increased fat content

The main cause of oily skin is the high intensity of functioning of the sebaceous glands, which in turn is provoked by increased production of progesterone. In many cases, this problem manifests itself at a young age and coincides with a period of active hormonal changes. It is at this time that proper care for oily skin is especially important. The greatest fat content is observed in the forehead and nose area.

After the end of the active period of hormonal processes, fat production is significantly reduced, resulting in fewer rashes, acne and pimples.

Main problems

Oily skin before the age of 25 is considered almost normal, but if a similar problem persists after reaching the age of 30, then consultation with an endocrinologist becomes highly desirable.

Perhaps the reason for increased fat content is hormonal imbalances. In this case, to eliminate it, treatment of the underlying disease will be required. However, in most cases, this is just a feature that requires proper care, the use of special products, the necessary knowledge on how to care for oily facial skin in summer, protect it from UV irradiation, what to do to prevent irritation, etc.

  1. Enlarged pores. This is perhaps the biggest problem that arises with this type of skin. Pores often become clogged due to the accumulation of dirt, excess oil, and dead skin cells. Active proliferation of bacteria begins. The result is a grayish complexion and the appearance of pimples, which provoke even greater expansion and stretching of the pores.
  2. Oily shine- appears as a result of increased greasiness, leading to the accumulation of fat and dirt in the pores. As a result, the face looks dirty.
  3. Inflammations and blackheads. They are a consequence of clogged pores, slowing down local metabolic processes, and insufficient blood supply.
  4. Peeling. It’s a little strange, but skin with increased oil content tends to peel. It appears as a result of the accumulation of dead cells on the surface of the skin.
  5. Problems with choosing cosmetics. Makeup doesn't last well on oily skin. In order for it to hold up well, you have to follow special rules.

How to determine it?

You can determine your skin type using a simple test: wash your face using baby soap and pat dry with a terry towel. Do not apply any products to it, just leave it to breathe for about 2 hours.

The essence of the test is to apply a paper napkin to any part of the face. Instead of a napkin, you can use glass, papyrus paper, or a mirror. If oily traces remain on the surface of the object, then the skin is characterized by increased oil content. The absence of spots indicates a normal or dry type.

Caring for oily skin at different ages

Program "20+"

The main goal of facial care at a very young age is to get rid of excess fat and maintain a fresh complexion. At the age of 20, the sebaceous glands actively produce fat, so cleansing the skin becomes the most important task.

Cleansing procedures are best done twice a day. If the oil content is low, it is enough to use soap and special lotions to care for your face. If severe, you should select cleansers containing fruit extracts or tea tree oil, under the influence of which enlarged pores are tightened.

The optimal option is when care products for oily skin contain a large amount of moisturizing components, but little fat (lipids). The use of rich, heavy creams is not advisable even if a feeling of tightness occurs after washing, since it is caused by insufficient moisture content. Creams containing vitamin E that have a fairly light consistency are perfect for oily skin. They help retain moisture.

Before the age of 25, rarely does anyone think about wrinkles, but it is necessary to take care of their prevention from this age. To do this, you should protect your face with products containing UV filters and a light night cream.

Program "30+"

With age, fat production decreases significantly - by an average of 30%. Oily shine is no longer as intense as in youth. A “side effect” of this process is a decrease in skin elasticity. Skin metabolism and cell renewal also slow down. Impaired blood supply to tissues leads to deterioration of complexion and reduced muscle tone. Although oily skin ages much more slowly than dry skin, nevertheless, after 30 years this process is already quite pronounced. Therefore, facial care in middle age has some peculiarities.

In the morning you should cleanse your face of oil. The most suitable cleanser is water with foam. It is better not to use regular soap. Hot water should also be avoided, as it will dilate pores and blood vessels and stimulate fat production. You can wash your face with water with the addition of herbal infusions: parsley, mint. Acidified water (a little lemon juice is added to it) perfectly tightens pores and tones the skin.

Toning is an essential part of skin care for oily skin after 30. It is recommended to prepare toner at home using cucumber, citrus juices, a few drops of alcohol or vinegar. It is necessary to regularly scrub, peel and gommage.

It is also important not to forget about masks. It is advisable to add aloe and lemon juice to them. For high fat content, it is recommended to use masks based on whipped egg whites.

Program "40+"

After 40 years, the skin rarely retains increased oil content, since fat production is reduced almost threefold, but the consequences in the form of enlarged pores, skin contamination, and a tendency to inflammation remain.

After waking up and before going to bed, your face should be cleansed using special cosmetics designed for oily skin. Makeup should not be left on overnight - this will cause even more dirt and accelerate fading.

Scrubs should also contain lemon juice. An excellent option is a scrub composition with sea salt, bran, and honey. The best homemade scrub recipes.

In middle age, it is important to take care to prevent wrinkles. To care for aging skin, masks based on a mixture of potato starch with milk, honey and salt are suitable.

Necessary procedures


Correct care for oily skin at home begins with a basic washing procedure. Increased fat content does not mean the need to wash your face several times a day. It is important to do this in accordance with the rules and use the appropriate means.

For this skin type, the ideal option is a special gel for oily skin. The procedure should be started with warm water: it helps open the pores. After this, foam gel is applied to the face and massaged with a brush. As a result, the pores are freed from excess fat, and you can move on to cool water: it noticeably narrows them and makes them almost invisible.


Proper care for oily skin involves frequent cleansing. A common mistake women make is using strong cleansers containing pure alcohol, which stimulates the production of sebum and leads to an even greater complication of the situation, since the skin tends to quickly restore the fat layer. It is better to replace alcohol lotions with soft cleansing foams designed for special care for oily skin types.

It is also advisable to use special means to increase local immunity and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. Toilet soap tightens the skin of the face and leaves a residue. Products used for oily skin should dissolve easily in water.

When choosing foams and gels for cleansing care, you need to pay attention to the pH level: it should not exceed 4.5. It is also important that the product contains antibacterial components, lemon, tea tree, and basil oils. It is unacceptable to contain alkalis in foams: they are completely unsuitable for this type of skin.

To cleanse the T-zone (it is characterized by high fat content), sour milk is an excellent cleanser. It can be replaced with yogurt or kefir. A cotton pad should be soaked in one of these products and wiped especially oily areas of the face (nose, forehead, chin), following the direction of the massage lines.

Another effective remedy is a mixture of regular ground coffee with sea salt (read more about). The ingredients are mixed (they are taken in equal parts) and applied to the face (it should be pre-moistened with water). After a light facial massage (in circular movements), the composition is washed off with warm water. This treatment has both a drying and cleansing effect.


For oily skin, it is recommended to perform the peeling procedure quite often - at least once every three days. After it, the face is cleansed of dirt accumulated in the pores, and the oily sheen disappears. Peeling prevents the appearance of acne, inflammation, and the development of dermatological diseases. The best time for the procedure is the evening hours, since the face is subjected to a kind of mini-stress during peeling.

Lemon peeling is perfect for oily skin (read more about peeling with fruit acids). To prepare the composition, citrus fruits are crushed in a blender and a little olive oil is added.

Another option is salicylic peeling, which has a pronounced drying effect.


Rules of application:

  • Before starting the procedure, cleanse the face and neck area and remove makeup.
  • Steam your face using a steam bath or a towel previously soaked in warm water. This will open the pores and completely get rid of oily accumulations.
  • Do not apply the scrub to irritated areas of the skin, damage, or wounds.
  • Before using any product, conduct a test by applying the composition to a small area of ​​skin. If after this the skin in the treated area becomes oily, you should change the proportions of the components or replace them with others.
  • Do not rub your face after peeling.


  • Clay based scrub

This natural component is ideal for proper care of oily skin: it intensively absorbs excess fat, removing it along with dirt and dead cells. Clay also tightens enlarged pores and tightens the skin of the face.

For oily skin, the ideal option is black and dark brown clay. You can also use a mixture of them. The clay is diluted with boiled water until a thick mass is obtained, then applied to the face. You need to keep the composition until the clay dries completely. While washing off the scrub-mask, massage your face in a circular motion.

  • Brown sugar scrub

Dilute brown sugar with chilled milk, massage the resulting product onto your face for several minutes, rinse. Facial care with this product helps to give the skin a matte appearance and makes it very soft.

  • Green clay scrub

For pronounced pores on the face, it is preferable to use green clay for care. It should be mixed with low-fat yogurt or yogurt and rubbed over the face with gentle massaging movements, then rinsed off.


Care for oily skin must certainly include special masks that have a drying, tightening effect, eliminate oily shine and prevent inflammation and irritation.

  1. A mask with lemon juice and low-fat cream (the ingredients are taken in approximately equal proportions) is perfect for those with high fat content. The mask enriches the skin with vitamin C and makes pores less noticeable.
  2. A mask based on potato starch, milk, honey with the addition of a small amount of salt produces a pronounced cleansing effect.
  3. A mask of raspberries with the addition of rice flour refreshes, cleanses, tightens, tightens.
  4. A mask based on a mixture of rolled oats with beaten egg whites will do an excellent job of removing oily shine, tightening, and drying the skin of the face.

Application of cosmetic ice

Advice on how to properly care for oily skin at home would be incomplete without mentioning such an important procedure as using ice. To prepare it, it is recommended to use an infusion of medicinal herbs (sage, calendula, St. John's wort) and white semi-dry wine. Water can be replaced with mineral water. The facial care procedure consists of rubbing it daily with such cubes.

Nutrition rules

In order not to stimulate fat production, it is better to avoid foods with a pungent or irritating taste: pepper, seasonings, vinegar.

The basis of the diet should be:

  • dairy, lactic acid products;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • cereal porridge.

Selection of cosmetics

General requirements for decorative cosmetics for oily skin are:

  • dryness;
  • absence of creamy components;
  • the presence of drying and (preferably) anti-inflammatory agents;
  • dullness.

Powder and foundation should be matte, have a dense texture, and have increased stability. The presence of kaolin () in their composition will help eliminate oily shine. Zinc oxide in the foundation will have an additional anti-inflammatory effect. Many cosmetologists advise stopping using powder altogether, as it clogs pores and provokes inflammation and acne. As for blush, eye shadow, and eyeliner, liquid and cream ones are definitely not suitable.

It’s not for nothing that oily skin is called problematic. There really are a lot of problems with it, especially in the summer heat. How to deal with them?

Shared the main tips - cosmetologist, dermatologist Svetlana Timofeeva.

Problem 1. Oily shine

On hot days, sebum is intensively produced, and excess sebum must be removed to cleanse pores and remove oily shine from the face, especially in the T-zone, where the sebaceous glands are more active. To cleanse in summer, you can use milk, tonics, gel, liquid soap with a neutral pH or slightly acidified. It is carried out twice a day. It is better to avoid contact with chlorinated water; first pass it through a filter.

In order to degrease the skin, from time to time you can clean it with alcohol-containing lotions, which many cosmetologists generally discard, since they very dry the skin, which provokes it to produce even more sebum. However, if immediately after using them you restore the hydrolipidic barrier by applying a non-greasy moisturizer with a light texture, then there will be no feeling of dryness.

Alcohol-containing lotions have a disinfecting effect, which is exactly what oily skin needs. After all, sebum is a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, and it clogs pores, which is why blackheads and comedones form. Remove sebaceous secretions Cleansing masks and gommages based on cosmetic clay also help. They carefully remove dead cells of the stratum corneum and help narrow pores. They can be done 2-3 times a week.

Problem 2. Untidy makeup

For those women who are used to mask skin defects with decorative products, summer brings even more trouble. If in winter it is possible to hide problems such as enlarged pores and acne under a layer of foundation, then in summer it is almost impossible. Decorative cosmetics begin to melt in the heat, mix with sweat and drain from the face. The view is becoming completely unpresentable.

Special makeup products for oily skin will help solve the problem. Instead of a rich foundation, you can hide uneven terrain and other defects with loose powder. Regular talc powder is not the best choice in this case. She looks very messy. It is worth replacing it with mineral-based powder.

You can tidy up your face and refresh your appearance a little with the help of mattifying wipes, which remove sweat from the face and absorb excess sebum. There are napkins that also powder your face. They should not rub the skin, but lightly blot it. There is no need to touch up your makeup afterward. If special napkins are not at hand, you can blot your face with ordinary paper napkins and then irrigate it with thermal or mineral water.

Problem 3. Sun tanning

Many owners of oily skin have repeatedly noted that after tanning their condition improves: it flakes less, pimples dry out, and inflammation subsides. However, these changes are only good at first glance. Excessive insolation undermines the protective functions of the skin and damages the skin barrier. In addition, persistent redness of the skin appears, and the already enlarged pores expand even more.

Therefore, you should try to spend as little time as possible in the open sun and protect yourself with creams with ultraviolet filters. For oily skin, sunscreens with zinc oxide are best, which not only blocks ultraviolet radiation, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect. When buying sunscreen, pay attention to its texture - it should be super light: you don't need excess fat.

Problem 4. Skin redness, loss of tone

On hot days, the face glows with heat, red, heated. Pig-constricting masks containing menthol help counteract this. They provide a long-lasting cooling and lifting effect.

You can tone your skin in the heat using the most accessible means - chamomile decoctions, calendula, nettle, yarrow, linden blossom. Green tea is also suitable. By the way, it additionally has an antioxidant effect, fighting free radicals, which are especially aggressive in the summer. You can rinse your face with herbal decoctions after washing, or you can freeze them in ice cube trays and keep them ready in the freezer, using them as needed.

Problem 5. Skin dehydration

Oily skin suffers much less from a lack of moisture than dry skin, but its owners often experience a feeling of tightness in the summer, especially if their life is spent under air conditioning. At the same time, in the heat, ordinary creams seem too heavy, greasy, and sticky.

Instead, it is best to use gel-based creams. Irrigation of the face with thermal water well restores moisture loss and additionally tones the skin. This procedure moisturizes the skin and helps reduce sebum production. You can spray water from a spray bottle several times a day, right on top of your makeup, and after that you don’t need to dry off with a towel.

If you look in the mirror and see a greasy pancake, this post is for you. In it we will tell you how to properly care for oily skin, how to deal with excess oily skin, how to choose the right products, and what mistakes to avoid in care so as not to add problems to oily skin.

Types of oily facial skin

Cosmetologists call oily skin seborrheic. There are two types of seborrhea.

    Thick seborrhea. The skin is thick, rough, textured. The pores are enlarged and large, clogged with sebum. The main problem is blackheads, closed comedones, subcutaneous lesions and acne.

    Liquid seborrhea. The skin is greasy and shiny, like a fresh pancake spread with butter. The pores are large, shallow and empty. Fat flows out of them freely, the pores do not become clogged. The main problem is excessive sebum production.

In this post we will talk about skin care with liquid seborrhea. And in the next one - about problem skin with thick seborrhea and a tendency to acne.

Cleansing oily skin

Makeup remover

Micellar water is perfect for removing makeup for oily skin. It is light, comfortable, and does not leave a film or unpleasant sensation on the face.

A good option for removing stubborn makeup is hydrophilic oil. Don't be afraid to use oils to cleanse oily skin. They easily dissolve both stubborn makeup and sebum. At the same time, hydrophilic oil is easily washed off and does not leave a film on the face.


It is better to choose gels for washing. They clean deeply and effectively. Remember that cleansing should be gentle. Avoid aggressive surfactants (sulfates and soaps). They disrupt the epidermal barrier and cause dehydration.

Pay special attention to gels with acids. Best of all - with salicylic acid. They deeply cleanse pores and help regulate sebum secretion.

For more thorough daily cleansing, use sponges and sponges. They, like washbasins, must be soft. A loofah won't work. Look for cellulose sponges.

The main thing when using sponges is the delicacy of the effect. Don't rub your skin. The more you rub your skin, the greater the risk of irritation and tearing down the protective barrier. And this will provoke even more sebum secretion.

Don't forget to change your sponges often, preferably once a week. Exfoliated skin particles accumulate on them, and a wet bath is a breeding ground for the proliferation of microbes.

Never combine makeup removal and washing. For oily skin, it is especially important to separate these stages. One product is not enough to completely cleanse oily skin.


In addition to high-quality daily cleansing, oily skin needs proper deep cleansing. Oily skin tends to be thick and prone to hyperkeratosis (thickening of the upper stratum corneum of the skin). Therefore, proper exfoliation is especially important.

Toning oily skin

Lotions for oily skin

The lotion is an excellent choice for intensive therapeutic care. It contains active components in high concentration. For oily skin, look for sulfur, zinc, camphor, acids. Lotions with these components remove excess sebum, help regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and mattify.

Remember that lotions usually contain alcohol. Large amounts of alcohol dry out the skin. Therefore, use alcohol carefully.

Toners for oily skin

The cream is a must-have care product for any skin type. If you have oily skin, you often want to give it up, but you can’t do that.

In addition to the main task of a face cream - to create a protective barrier on the skin and retain moisture - The main mission of a cream for oily skin is to restore balance. The cream should regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and mattify the skin.

What to look for on the label: zinc, sulfur, camphor, calcium carbonate, acids, enzymes, rosemary, sage, witch hazel, chamomile, thyme, perlite, iris, algae, citrus fruits.

Choose products with the lightest possible texture - cream-gel, gel, emulsion, fluid. Look for oil-free creams (without oils) based on silicones, glycerin, and aloe.

Serum for oily skin

To more effectively combat excessive oily skin, add them to your care and use them under cream. Serums complement and enhance the effect of the cream. Look for products that balance, sebum regulate, clarify, and gently exfoliate.

In addition, for oily skin, serum can be replaced with cream. Especially in summer and in the heat.

Masks for oily skin

    Clay masks. A must-have for oily skin care. They perfectly absorb excess fat and impurities and deeply cleanse the skin. Our favorite in the world of clay is kaolin (white Chinese clay). It perfectly removes oil and does not tighten or dry out the skin.

  • Decorative cosmetics for oily skin

    For oily skin, it is better to use dry textures instead of cream ones.

    Be sure to take it on board primers and bases for makeup. Choose ones that are specifically formulated for oily skin. They are needed so that the makeup is fixed and does not flow during the day.

    Tonal choose light, mattifying, silicone-based and oil-free products. Rich textures based on oils will float on oily skin.

    Powder for oily skin - a must-have. It absorbs excess oil and does not allow the skin to shine. Look for mattifying products. But don't overdo it. There is no need to powder your face in eight layers.

    Pay special attention to mineral powders. They are finely dispersed and do not clog pores. In addition, minerals have an additional healing effect. And special night powders help you wake up with a normal face, and not a greasy pancake, for example, Larenim.

    Matting wipes- another must-have in the cosmetic bag of the owner of oily skin. They consist of special paper, similar to parchment, with a thin mineral coating. When you apply this wipe to your skin, the layer of minerals absorbs oil and leaves your skin feeling fresh and matte.

    At the same time, you don’t need to rub your face with mattifying wipes, just gently blot them, so they don’t damage your makeup. Use wipes throughout the day as needed to remove excess oil. And then lightly powder your skin - and it will again become fresh and matte, as if you had just washed your face.

    The main mistakes in caring for oily skin are a passion for degreasing and neglecting moisturizing.

    Violent degreasing

    When a greasy pancake looks at you from the mirror, you want to neutralize it and degrease it with all your might. Therefore, we begin to use alcohol lotions and harsh cleansers with aggressive surfactants, scrub the skin with a scrub and throw away the cream. This is wrong.

    Aggressive skin degreasing leads to disruption of the epidermal barrier and dehydration. The skin tries to restore the barrier and begins to synthesize fat even more. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

    Cleansing should always be gentle, for any skin type. Avoid sulfates and soap.

    Do not rely heavily on alcohol, use it very carefully. In large quantities and with frequent use, alcohol greatly dries the skin. It is more relevant for acne to disinfect and fight bacteria.

    Use of aggressive antibacterial components

    Cosmetic companies combine products for oily and problem skin with acne into one line. Therefore, you can often find triclosan in them.

    Triclosan kills both harmful and beneficial bacteria on the skin's surface and disrupts the skin's pH. While it can still be justified in treatments for serious forms of acne, in case of liquid seborrhea without inflammation it is absolutely unnecessary.

    Neglecting hydration

    Moisturizing for oily skin is a must. But this is the first step we skip when we are struggling with excess fat. When the skin is oily, it seems that it does not need cream. This is a mistake.

    Fat does not equal moisture. Oily skin is high in lipids, which help maintain a healthy epidermal barrier and retain moisture. But this does not mean that oily skin does not need moisturizing. Needs and how.

    If oily skin is not moisturized, it can easily become dehydrated. There will be a feeling of dryness and tightness. And you will be tortured to treat her. Having oily and dry skin at the same time is not a challenge for the faint of heart. There is no need to bring it to this.

    In addition, neglecting the cream leaves the skin “bare” and open to external influences - sun, wind, frost. This leads to premature aging and wrinkles. Who wants wrinkles?

    Neglecting SPF protection

    There is a stereotype that oily skin is not friendly with SPF, because all sunscreens are oily and thick. This is wrong. There are many lightweight SPF creams designed specifically for those with oily skin. For example, in pharmacy brands - Avene and Uriage.

    SPF for any skin type is a must. And if you have oily skin, you don’t need to be afraid of it.

    Let's sum it up

      There are two types of oily skin - with thick and thin seborrhea. With thick seborrhea, the main problem is clogged pores, blackheads and acne. If it is liquid, there is excessive sebum production.

      For liquid seborrhea, use soft cleansers, peelings, scrubs, and clay masks in your care. Choose toners, lotions, serums and creams that cleanse, balance and mattify.

      In decorative cosmetics, give preference to dry textures. Use makeup bases, powder and mattifying wipes.

      Avoid aggressive cleansing and strong antibacterial ingredients. Don't neglect moisturizing and SPF protection.

    How do you take care of oily skin? Share your wisdom in the comments.

    Stay with us and be beautiful.

    See you again on LaraBarBlog. ♫

Skin becomes oily when the sebaceous glands begin to produce excess sebum. This is a natural process that you cannot stop, but you can take measures to control and care for oily skin. Oily skin can cause a lot of inconvenience and trouble, but with proper daily care and a gentle attitude, you can overcome this problem.


Cleaning your face

    Wash your face twice a day. Proper cleansing and daily care are the most important steps to follow when dealing with oily skin. Gently cleanse your face twice a day, morning and evening, using warm water and soap or simply rinsing your skin with water. At first, use a gentle cleanser, as too aggressive products can, on the contrary, increase the amount of sebum produced.

    Use cosmetics that do not contain fat. If you have oily skin, you should choose cosmetics that do not aggravate the situation. Read labels carefully, and always choose “fat-free” or “water-based” products. There are different opinions about the effect of cosmetics on sebum secretion, but heavy makeup can clog pores.

    Use moisturizers. Very often, people with oily skin avoid using moisturizers, believing that their skin does not need additional hydration. Of course, you should avoid oil-based moisturizers that contain ingredients that can clog your skin's pores. Oil-free moisturizers can help restore your skin's moisture balance.

    Don't wash your face too often. If you have oily skin, you may be tempted to wash your face throughout the day to control oil production. Avoid this and try to wash your face only in the morning and evening. Frequent washing can dry out your skin and cause irritation.

    Control everything that touches your face. While the oiliness of your skin is largely determined by your genes, it's a good idea to control everything that touches your face. When greasy hair touches the face, it transfers some of the oil to the skin.

    Eliminate excess fat

    1. Try using face masks. Facial masks and clays can be effective in removing excess oil from the skin, but there is also a danger that too frequent use can lead to dryness and irritation. Be careful when using masks and try to concentrate their use on the oiliest areas of the skin. Do not use masks and clays too often. Instead, you should only use them the night before special occasions, such as a party or a big presentation at work.

      • You can purchase masks specifically for oily skin.
      • Be prepared to try several products before you find the right one.
    2. Use blotting paper. Constantly oily skin throughout the day can be very frustrating, and washing your face too often can only make it worse. In this case, you can use regular blotting wipes to help remove excess oil from the surface of the skin. This is a great method that can be used discreetly and quickly, no matter where you are or what you are doing.

      • There are a number of similar products available on the market that you can purchase to remove shine throughout the day.
      • You can also use a piece of tissue or toilet paper.
      • Be gentle with your skin and don't rub it too hard.
    3. Try using a mild astringent. Astringents are often included in skin care regimens, but you must use them carefully as they can be drying and harsh. Drying with such products is not a solution to the problem of oily skin and may even worsen the situation. If you want to use it, make sure to choose a mild, alcohol-free and fat-free one.

      Talk to a professional. Visit your doctor or dermatologist if you are following a good daily skin care routine but the oiliness does not improve. A specialist will be able to tell you what next steps to take and may even prescribe you some medications.

) I gave you advice on how to make sure that your care is truly gentle and benefits your skin. These tips apply to all face types. Today we’ll talk about...

I have suffered from oily skin since I was a teenager. Plus, I suffered from terrible acne. I struggled with this in different ways. Under the influence of inspiration and hope that everything will change, one stage of caring for my unhappy skin sometimes reached 4-5 steps, i.e. first wash (with something vigorous), until the skin squeaks, then tonic (equally vigorous), then scrub (more, more), then some kind of mask (super-duper cleansing), then cream (of course from shine, read - completely drying out the skin).

From such a shock, the skin became better at first, then worse... I gave up... Until I myself, by trial and error, after many, many, many hours of studying the Internet, literature, and the experience of other “victims”, came to the conclusion, what exactly is the rule for oily, acne-prone skin? "Less is better" works best.

Why am I writing this to you? Then, so that you take my advice seriously and read it thoughtfully (and read it again and again each time, especially if in the store your hands reach for another gel/scrub/foam/tonic that promises deep cleaning and other miracles). These are really effective tips for caring for oily skin, which I have suffered through and tried more than once.

Maybe you will think that they are too simple, or maybe too crazy. This is fine! After all, they are not at all similar to what advertising and glossy magazines tell us.

So, go ahead!

How to care for oily skin?

2. Tip two(gentle)
The rule says: the oilier the skin, the more acne, the more often you should scrub. THIS IS WRONG! I wanted to write that it should be the other way around, but I believe that scrubs are a “duty” inspired by advertising. If this were so important for the skin, nature would give us the opportunity to change our skin like snakes))) In order to maintain skin renewal in its natural rhythm, it is enough to make a clay mask or gassoul once (maximum twice) a week (Moroccan clay, much fatter and softer than regular clay).
Why? The principle here is the same as in the first tip: the more top layer of skin you remove, the more (and faster) it grows + more fat is produced in order to “smooth out” such gross interference in the natural rhythm of the skin.

3. Tip three(anti-chemical)
No skin, especially oily skin, will tolerate a lot of chemicals. This means, carefully read the composition on the tubes. Both skin cleansing and care should be no tensides, no emulsifiers (PEG), no artificial preservatives or synthetic fragrances. This is very important! All these components of cosmetics, which are found almost everywhere, irritate the skin to the highest degree. Sometimes it’s worth excluding all this from care and cleansing, and the skin, as if by magic, becomes matte and clean. As for essential oils, you also need to be careful with them. And they can cause rashes. In general: are you thinking about how to care for oily skin? choose hypoallergenic products(organic cosmetics are best), and you will be happy!

4. Tip four(toning)
Choose foundation for face you need to be very careful and thoughtful! Study the composition carefully, especially the makeup. After all, if you applied the cleansing gel and washed it off, then you will wear foundation all day. 50% of the condition of your skin depends on the quality (read, composition) of foundation. What to look for: foundation for oily skin prone to breakouts should not contain:

  • emulsifiers (PEG and similar)
  • paraffins
  • other petroleum products (silicones, etc.)

The most annoying thing is that the foundations that best cover up skin imperfections contain either all or part of them. You probably think that makeup for oily skin, which most often says “oil-free,” is completely harmless. This is not always the case. In the near future I will post the results on foundations, and you will be horrified. (Here it is! It's ready!)

For example, toners such as Vichy Aéra Teint Fluid(with mattifying effect!!!) or Clinique Superbalances Makeup contain not only silicones (which form a film on the skin and immediately clog pores), but also other harmful substances.

5. Tip five(the simplest)

... it says - no cream in the evening. It sounds crazy, but it's true. I have already described