What a creative person can learn. Creative people - what are they like? Creative people are conservative but rebellious

You are the creator. Your life is creativity. Your purpose is to create something new! Perhaps no one told you about this. Now it's time to find out who you really are. Just as a drop of water expresses the entire world ocean in its structure, so a person can express in himself all the qualities of the Supreme Creator. He is the most developed creative personality. You are just a student who learns the basics of creativity, living an infinite number of lives. Through the disclosure of your creative potential, you get to know yourself and at the same time you get to know him. It turns out that you recognize it in yourself.

Man as a creative person

Representatives of such sciences as philosophy, psychology, sociology, pedagogy, history, art history, etc. study creativity and creative activity. This concept can be compared with such concepts as “life” and “activity”. There are two approaches to defining the concept of “Creativity”.

The first is when creativity is understood as innovation. Creativity is an activity characterized by uniqueness, originality, leading to the creation of something qualitatively new, socially valuable and humane. The second is when creativity is the creation of spiritual values, where the Creator himself clearly manifests himself. Only developing your creative abilities and creating something new can give you great Happiness.

Happiness is knowing yourself as the Creator...

Happiness is Creating Here and Now...

Happiness is bringing your Creativity into this world with Unconditional Love.

Notice when you experience the highest peak of happiness? When you do something based on your inner creative potential. Therefore, you can imagine such a small chain...



Therefore we can conclude that


Ask yourself a few questions right now.

Who am I? Who am I?

What are my talents? What is the creative potential?

What is my creativity? What do I do with love in my free time?

If you have answers to all the questions, then congratulations! You are a real creative person.

10 signs that you are a creative person

Do you like to dream...

... so much so that you “fall out” of reality. Creative individuals are always dreamers. Many may think that dreaming is just a waste of time. But no. Neuroscientists say that imagination activates the same processes in the brain that are directly related to creativity.

Do you like to express yourself...

... always, everywhere, in everything. A creative person can be immediately recognized by his appearance. Non-standard hairstyles in punk style, bright colors of clothes in the wardrobe, many tattoos on the body and so on. It will be fatal for a creative person if you do not allow her to express herself the way she wants. My expression is my personal blog that you are reading now. Here are my ideas, thoughts and my creativity.

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... in books, films, things, travel, etc. For a creative person, it is important to “eat creative food” for emotions and mind more often. Grayness about us! Everything new causes new connections in our brain, which then appear in the world as something new. It’s not for nothing that they say that we return from travel as completely different people.

Taking risks

... and you don’t care what the people around you think. Creative people constantly face misunderstandings. Often their work is not appreciated by anyone. Many famous creative personalities became such after their death, when their work began to be recognized. Always take risks and do what has never been done before!

You learn from your mistakes...

... and you get a great experience. Edison made 10,000 attempts before he created the light bulb. Do, do and do again. No one has ever created anything new without mistakes. This is the meaning of all creativity - to look for something new.

You turn pain into a new product...

... because this pain is so strong that it needs to be transformed into something. Many songs, paintings, books, films were created in conditions of heartbreaking pain experienced by the authors. My personal development project “7 Spheres” was also born from this pain. It’s terrible to realize that your children will also suffer in this world and there will be no one to tell them what to do in this life.

You often feel like you're running out of time...

... when you create for hours on end. This happens to me often. I think with you too. I can neither eat nor drink. Just do your own creativity. Do you know why hunger disappears? Because you feed on the love that is inside of you. Create more, eat less!

Acting out of intrinsic motivation

... and not out of a desire for reward or external recognition. It’s just fun for you to do it. Are you enjoying your creation? So you're on the right track. Often external motivation leads to the fact that a person does not do what he should do in life. Don't go down this path. Listen to your intuition!

10 skills for developing a creative personality

You will agree with me that of all types of human activity, creativity is the only way to fill our lives with the brightest colors. It allows us to expand our consciousness, do new and interesting things, and be closer to using our creative potential. Sometimes you look at great musicians, artists, artists and say to yourself: “I wish I could do that!” Why not. Everyone is born with creativity. You just need to discover it in yourself and start developing it. I’ll tell you about skills that will help you develop a creative personality.

Dreaming skill

This is the very first skill that needs to be developed. I'm a terrible dreamer. Sometimes I fall out of the “real world” into the world of my ideas and incredible dreams. With the help of my imagination, in seconds I come up with a new design for my apartment or the architecture of the future center for personal development “7 spheres of life”. People often tell me that I am flying in the clouds. You've already landed. But I don't want to. I have a blast there. There I am the real Creator. I do what I want! Dream and imagine more. Creativity without imagination is simply impossible.

Concentration skill

Any thing that you can imagine in your imagination can appear in reality. To materialize an idea, a large amount of energy is required. If you look at most creative people, they are very energetic. It's like they have an Energizer battery inserted into them. But you need to be able not only to accumulate energy, but also to be able to concentrate it. I can sit for hours writing the next interesting article for my blog until it is perfect. But this does not mean that you need to be hyperactive. Not at all. You need to be able to both concentrate and relax.

Faith Skill

According to your faith it will be given to you. These are well-known words from the Bible. Believe in your creativity. I often see that a person feels somehow deprived because he cannot discover the creativity in himself. With every new creation, with every new goal achieved, self-belief becomes truly powerful. If some idea of ​​​​creating something great is stuck in your head, then it means you already have everything you need for this. Just do it! The Higher Powers have already believed in you, but you still don’t believe in yourself.

Discipline Skill

On the one hand, the creative process must be approached cheerfully and playfully, as children do. On the other hand, a creative person must develop the skill of discipline. When working on a project, creative people tend to show persistence and determination. When we look at great artists, painters or other creative people, on the surface everything seems so exciting and simple. But in reality, to become a creative person, you need to work a lot. Every day for several hours.

Rebellion Skill

The development of human creative abilities is impossible without rebellion. Such people always see the world somehow in their own way, so to speak, “outside the box.” Personally, I see the whole process of personal development and education completely differently than it is now. Therefore, a new rebel has already been born in me, who does not want to put up with the current state of affairs. We must educate harmonious and creative individuals, and not specialists with an incomprehensible amount of knowledge that becomes outdated every year.

Openness Skill

Always be open to something new, even if it goes against established dogmas. If there were no creative individuals, the world would not change. Something is being created every second. Every second someone is criticized. Why? Because people are afraid of change. Change is always death. And we are all afraid of death. Every time we die and are born again. Don't be afraid to die and then you will be open to everything new and unknown.

Solitude Skill

Nikola Tesla once said: “In continuous solitude the mind becomes sharper. You don't need a large laboratory to think and invent. Ideas are born in the absence of influence on the mind by external conditions. The secret of ingenuity is solitude. Ideas are born in solitude.” I completely agree with him. Every day I practice at least 1 hour of silence. Creative people definitely need to listen to themselves, their intuition, their creativity.

Observation Skill

This skill follows from the previous one. My frequent observation and interest in life and people help me generate a wide variety of creative ideas. There are two roles you can play in life. The role of an actor or the role of an observer. So the first role is played by most people. The actor is given a speech, they come up with a production, a script, and so on. He's a performer. The one who comes up with all this first observes the process around him. Play two roles, but don’t forget about the observer, who is the Creator!

Love Skill

Creative people don't just enjoy their work, they love it passionately. But passion alone does not lead to great achievements. Imagine a writer who is so in love with his work that he does not want to change a single line of it. And a musician who does not strive for a better sound. A creative person must not only love his work, but also be objective, constantly criticizing himself. Know how to separate your love for yourself from creativity itself. Improve your creations without unnecessary pride.

Responsibility Skill

Not all creativity is created out of love. You can create something out of fear, anger, resentment and other negative emotions that you may be filled with. Be responsible for everything you create. Perhaps your creativity will bring a lot of suffering to someone. You shouldn't run, you shouldn't deny it. Know that everything has two sides to the coin. Don’t think that creativity is such a bright concept. Not at all. Create with love and responsibility!

“Creative people have a harder time understanding themselves because they are more complex,” says New York University psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman, who has spent many years researching creative thinking. From a psychological point of view, a creative personality hardly lends itself to clear characteristics. Such people think paradoxically, experience ambiguous feelings and avoid routine. It's impossible to create a portrait of a "typical" creative person, but there are some characteristics that distinguish creative people from the rest.


Creative individuals are always dreamers, although they have probably been told more than once that dreaming is a waste of time. Meanwhile, neuroscientists argue that imagination activates the same processes in the brain that are directly related to creativity.

Attention to detail

A creative person sees new opportunities everywhere and actively absorbs information, which becomes the basis for his self-expression. As the American writer Henry James said, a writer is a person from whom nothing escapes.

WITHyour opening hours

Many masters of the pen and musicians admitted that they created their best works either very early in the morning or late in the evening. For example, Vladimir Nabokov sat down to work from the very early morning, barely waking up. People with high creative potential do not follow a standard daily routine.

INtime for privacy

There is a stereotypical opinion that creative people are loners, but this is not entirely true. They just need solitude more than others - a necessary condition for creating new works. This is due to the function of imagination - you need to give yourself time to just dream.

Transforming pain into creativity

Many of the most famous and beloved songs, books, and films were created in conditions of heartbreaking pain experienced by their authors. Everyday problems often become a catalyst for creativity. In psychology, this is called post-traumatic growth: a person is able to use his experiences and mental trauma for significant creative growth.

Durability atfailuresOh

Persistence is an extremely necessary quality for a creative person. Failures very often await creative people, but they know how not to make a tragedy out of it. And even benefit.

Psearch for new experiences

Creative people love new experiences, they are constantly looking for new sensations and food for the mind, and this is an important factor for creative growth.


Natural observation and interest in the lives of other people often helps to generate original ideas. For example, Marcel Proust spent many years observing people and writing down his observations, which was reflected in his wonderful books.

INimportant questions

Creative people are insatiable in learning. They love to explore life in all its manifestations and, even as they grow up, retain their childlike interest in new things. Through communication and deep reflection, they constantly ask themselves a lot of questions to which they seek their own answers.


Creative activity, as a rule, is associated with risk - in various aspects of life. Creativity is the act of creating something out of nothing, the realization of something that existed only in the imagination of the author. This activity is not for the timid.

INopportunity for self-expression

Nietzsche believed that life and the world should be viewed as a work of art. Creative individuals constantly seek opportunities for self-expression in everyday life - every moment they create life itself.

Intrinsic motivation

Creative individuals rely on their internal motivation. They act primarily based on their own inner desires, rather than on the desire for reward or external recognition.

Overcomingowns borders

The ability to dream, which is the hallmark of a creative mind, helps us look beyond our usual way of looking at the world and explore other ways of thinking, which is critical to creating something new.


Creative individuals have probably noticed that when they write, dance, draw, etc., they are outside of real time, in a special “state of flow.” This is a mental state in which a person transcends consciousness, achieving a state of increased concentration and calm.

Aversion to routine

Diversity of experience is of great, perhaps decisive, importance for creativity. Creative individuals love emotional shocks, love learning new things and strive to avoid what makes life monotonous and routine.

Invisible opportunities

And finally, the most important point that distinguishes extremely creative people from everyone else: this is the ability to see opportunities where others do not notice them. Creativity is the ability to connect dots that others would never think of connecting.

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Creative people - what are they like? Of course they are creative and everyone is different. But they have something in common and even the same. Here is a list of 10 paradoxical traits of creative people:

1. Strong, but not trained
A creative person has quite a lot of physical energy, but, unfortunately, it is not spent much. After all, the work of a creator is, first of all, the work of his brain. Concentrating exclusively on intellectual work makes a healthy body look weak. This is why it is important to maintain a balance between mind and body.

2. Smart but naive
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi recognizes that creative people are smart, they are distinguished by flexibility and originality of thinking, and the ability to hear different points of view. But almost everyone naively believes that creativity can be measured through creative tests and developed through specialized seminars.

3. Playful but selfless
Creative people love to relax. As they say, nothing hedonistic is alien to them. But when it comes to the “birth” of a new project, they are able to work like obsessed people. For example, the Italian artist Paolo Uccello, when developing his famous “theory of perspective,” did not sleep the whole night and walked from corner to corner.

Csikszentmihalyi notes that most creators work late into the night and nothing can stop them.

4. Dreamers, but realists
This is the mystery of creative people. They are great inventors, they can come up with anything, but most of them look at life quite realistically. Apparently, William Ward was right when he said that a pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist hopes for a change in the weather, and a realist sets sail.

5. Extroverted but reserved
We are used to dividing people into extroverts and introverts. It is believed that the former are sociable, easily get along with people, have charisma, etc. And the latter, on the contrary, live in their inner world, where only the “chosen ones” are allowed.

But, according to Csikszentmihalyi's observations, truly creative people combine both of these traits. In public they are the life of the party, but among loved ones they are quiet and taciturn.

6. Modest but proud
Creative people are usually very modest. They do not expect praise - the process of creating something new is important to them. However, at the same time, they will not let anyone down and will not allow their own dignity to be humiliated.

7. Masculine but feminine
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi argues that creative people often do not conform to their gender roles. Thus, female creators are often distinguished by their tough character, while men, on the contrary, are sensuality and sentimentality.

8. Rebels but conservatives
What is creativity? That's right - creating something new. In this regard, creative people are often known as rebels, since their ideas go beyond the norm. But at the same time, many of them find it difficult to part with their ossified habits, change roles, etc.

9. Passionate but objective
All creative people are passionate about their work. It would seem that passion should blind, but truly creative people always look at what they do objectively.

Csikszentmihalyi emphasizes that a creative person must adequately perceive criticism, as well as separate his “I” from his work.

10. Open but happy
One of Leonardo da Vinci's creative secrets was “sensual acuity.” Creators are always open to new experiences, even if they cause them pain. At the same time, internally these are harmonious, happy people, since they know how to enjoy the creative process itself.

As you can see, creative people are truly full of contradictions. But as Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi says, it is these paradoxes that help them adapt to almost any situation, adapting everything around them to achieve their goals.

What is creativity? A landscape painted on canvas, or a poem filled with emotional experiences, a new architectural masterpiece or a delicious dish prepared by a chef? Creativity inspired by the impulse of the soul is expressed in different things; it is unique and priceless not only for the author, but sometimes for all of humanity.

Creativity - what is it?

Uniqueness is the main criterion of this concept. The very concept of “creativity” implies a process of human activity that creates certain values, both material and spiritual. Such a result can only be achieved by the author of this work. This fact gives value to the final result. At the same time, in the process of creative production, the author expresses his personal aspects.

Psychology of creativity

Science, technology, the arts, an ordinary day in everyday life - all of these can be areas in which a person shows his uniqueness. An entire branch of psychology studies human creative activity. Psychology actively studies creativity, inspiration, imagination, individuality and intuition. Many years of studying these areas have not produced clear answers to the questions of what creativity is and how to introduce it into the lives of ordinary people. The psychology of creativity is based on the relationship that develops between the author and the product.

Philosophy of creativity

A person has no limits in the world of desires and fantasies. An egoist desires everything that other people do not have, a person who is obsessed with a dream desires what does not exist in nature, in a reasonable person the thirst for creativity results in. The entire philosophy of creativity is aimed at the fact that harmony and beauty were created, and the created masterpieces served for the benefit of civilization.

Types of creativity

A creative person can seek the realization of his ideas, plans, flights of fancy in different types of activities:

  1. Scientific creativity– various kinds of discoveries, the final product is knowledge.
  2. Technical creativity– practical or technological development, the final product – a mechanism or structure.
  3. Artistic creativity– the aesthetic basis of the world, the desire for beauty. The final product is an artistic image (poem, painting, sculpture).
  4. Co-creation– this is the perception of works of art, their interpretation.
  5. Children's creativity- the process of a child’s imagination, his fantasy.
  6. Pedagogical creativity– a special approach to teaching knowledge, its goal is to teach something new.

What develops creativity in a person?

No one can give a clear, definite answer to the question posed. In order to discover and develop, a person must answer the question, what is creativity specifically for him? Harmony can contribute to the development of a person’s creative abilities; it is worth trying to look at the familiar world with different eyes, from a new angle. Having cleared your consciousness, it is much easier to scoop up the new things that the world offers. A true creator lives in every person.

What promotes creativity?

Tolerance for the outside world and inner peace are the basis of the creative process. It is easier for a person open to the world, devoid of stereotypes and prejudices, to sense the subtlest matter of creativity, to feel the light breath of the muse behind his back:

  1. It's worth finding a melody that has a positive impact on the creative process.
  2. Writing by hand rather than using a computer promotes creativity.
  3. Meditation is the best way to relax and put your thoughts in order.
  4. Free association activities will awaken your imagination.
  5. You shouldn’t get hung up on it, sometimes you should think about something far away. For example, about how to celebrate the New Year in 2030.
  6. Blue and green colors influence creativity.
  7. A change of environment can promote creativity.
  8. Laugh, even through force. This will have a positive effect on the brain.
  9. Do something with your hands.
  10. Practice. During sports, not only does the body become stronger, but the brain is also significantly relaxed.
  11. Try something new. Life and creativity are closely connected, new emotions can be brought, for example, by traveling abroad, conquering mountains, diving to the depths of the sea.
  12. Sleep, that “morning is wiser than evening” really works.

Where does any creativity begin?

A concept or idea is the beginning of any work by an artist, composer, writer, inventor, fashion designer. The creative process begins with a figurative sketch, the concept of the entire work. For each individual, this process occurs in its own way, but is always divided into three stages. Without following such a plan of action, the plan will be born spontaneously and will not always be realized.

  • cognition and creative processing of impressions;
  • the emergence of an artistic concept;
  • implementation of the plan.

Creativity and imagination

New images are created based on the reality of the surrounding world. But seasoned with imagination, they make creativity truly unique. allows you to get an idea of ​​something without coming into contact with it. Creativity in human life is always associated with imagination; examples of it can be seen when studying the process of creation. For example, when creating fairy-tale creatures and various objects, special techniques are used.

  • movement – ​​subjective transfer of an object to new, unusual situations;
  • typing – assigning an object to a specific type;
  • analogy – creating an image by analogy with another;
  • exaggeration or understatement;
  • addition - new functions and properties are attributed to the object;
  • agglutination - creating an image from two different ideas.

Creativity and Creativity

Often, most people perceive these concepts as one whole. But such a comparison is wrong. The word “creativity” came to the business community in the late 80s, and only after that it began to be used in wide circles. Creativity is the ability that a person can demonstrate in non-standard, creative thinking, his ability to put forward unique ideas. Creativity implies the activity of creation, the ability to overcome stereotypes, it is the motivation for something new. Creativity and creativity are closely related, they are increasingly difficult to separate from each other.

How to develop creativity?

Striving for more is normal human development in any area. is limitless for a person, and with proper training it can surprise the owner who doubted the presence of at least some creative rudiments in his personality:

  1. Morning ritual. When we wake up, we immediately take a pen, a notepad and write. About what? About everything! The main thing is to write, you don’t have to think too much. You should write at least 750 words.
  2. We ask a question to any object or action: “What if?” For example, what if dogs could talk? What if all the people in the world were silent? This method is called.
  3. Splitting and combining different words. This method will definitely force the brain to turn off habitual thinking and turn on fantasy. You need to take two different words, split them up and combine them. For example, pillow + blanket = blanket, curtains + tulle = adit.
  4. The Torrance method is based on the same type of scribbles, which are also called doodles. It is worth drawing identical symbols on a sheet of paper (several circles or squares, crosses, diamonds, and so on). We turn on our imagination and draw using drawn figures.
  5. Method of focal objects. We “take” a random object, for example, a pencil, a comb, the sky, and open a book (newspaper, magazine) to any page. We “grab” random 5 words and connect them with the subject into a story.

Creative crisis

Fantasy does not turn on, inspiration does not come, everything around is gray and gloomy and clearly does not contribute to the birth of a new idea or masterpiece. can affect any person whose activity or life is in one way or another connected with creativity. What is the problem with creativity? You shouldn’t look for answers in the world around you without understanding yourself. Finding answers to the questions “What is creativity? How to start creating again? Where can I find creative inspiration? will be ineffective if a person does not find the strength to find peace.

  1. It is necessary to create (write, draw, design, etc.) in the same place.
  2. It is worth setting aside the same time for creative activities.
  3. Before starting work, you should listen to the same song.
  4. Use the same things for work, for example, the same text editor for writing, the same brushes and easel for drawing.
  5. You should work every day; order is destroyed most of all on the weekends.

Books about creativity

Drawing inspiration from books, many are inspired by the lives of the heroes and the examples of their lives. The world of creativity is unusual, bright and passionate, represented in many works by famous authors:

  1. "Steal Like an Artist" by Austin Kleon. The author tells readers how to discover creativity within themselves.
  2. “Muse, where are your wings?” Yana Frank filled with inspiration and written for people who have decided to devote their entire lives to creativity.
  3. Bringing Ideas to Life by Scott Belksy will tell you how to overcome doubts, set priorities and achieve results.
  4. “Genius to Order” by Mark Levy offers an unusual way to find a solution to a problem - freewriting.
  5. “Create and sell” S. Voinskaya. The book tells you how to sell your creation.