What an expression about Karl. Where did the meme about Carl come from? History of the development of the phrase

So our communication moved to the Internet. Numerous memes have taken the place of the usual bureaucratic expressions and stable expressions of speech. Sometimes we pick up such a pattern, but we ourselves have no idea where it comes from. So now we’ll talk here, on the Internet, about the Internet. Let's talk about the origin of one of the latest popular memes - "..., Karl!"

The phrase was quite recently found everywhere, but now its usage has subsided somewhat. So where did the expression "Carl" come from?

Hello from series lovers

So, who is this Karl and what did she do that his name has become so in demand as an expressive particle?

For an inexperienced viewer, knowledge of history will give ideas about some Frankish king. Who, if not Charlemagne, can conquer the world, albeit in this way? But no! The whole thing is completely different.

So, it’s time to stop tormenting the reader looking for answers and introduce him to the hero who bears this famous name. We bring to your attention the most famous series based on comic books: “The Walking Dead”. In it, Carl is the name of a teenage boy left with his father in a post-apocalyptic world filled with zombies.

We are sure that those who are familiar with this serial film first-hand have never been among the ignorant. But for the rest, we will further tell you which particular scene from the series will give a comprehensive answer to the question of where the expression “Karl!” came from.

Description of the context in which the phrase appears

The search for the origins of the famous meme leads to the third season of The Walking Dead. At the end of the fourth episode, perhaps one of the most tragic in the history of the plot, a scene occurs between the main character, Sheriff Rick Grimes, and his son Carl.

For reference: the front of healthy people, which includes our heroes, was destroyed. The sheriff's wife goes into labor, after which she does not survive. Karl becomes a witness to the death, and with this news he stands before his father.

So, the scene: a silent, grief-stricken boy, a man who understands the tragedy from his eloquent son. Then the scene takes on a dramatic development: Rick Grimes is screaming and clutching his head on the ground, and Carl is still standing in a stupor, simply heartbroken. At the end of his desperate, anguished cries, the man says his son's name several times. That's how it all started.

It took some time since the scene premiered (November 2012) for the phrase to become a meme. Now you can tell your friends where the expression “Karl!” came from.

History of the development of the phrase

First the phrase "Carl!" They tried to popularize scenes of a conversation between father and son along with a video segment. But for some reason this option did not gain much popularity.

Fans then began making jokes about various themes from The Walking Dead, including putting their own humorous spin on the visual drama of the scene. It was with this spirit that a selection of the best expressions of Rick Grimes was published in 2013. Fans took the time to select the best material, including many photos of this scene with various dialogue options.

The phrase “shot” only in 2015, when in the city of Stavropol, on Maslenitsa, local chefs intended to bake a three-meter pancake. The visitors of the holiday never saw the dish, but pieces of the failed pancake were distributed. “Damn, they handed it out to people with shovels. With shovels, Karl!” - it’s just asking from the tongue.

Meaning of the phrase

We have already learned where, when and in what context the name Karl was pronounced, we have become familiar with the series that became the “parent” of this meme. So what does the expression “Karl!” mean?

In a scene from the series, Rick Grimes, after a woeful monologue, with particular expression repeats one of his phrases to his son, at the end calling his name. The verbal formula of the meme was formed in the following form: a statement, repetition of the most active element of the phrase with enhanced expression, the omnipresent “..., Karl!”

Frequent use of the meme formula

So we know where the expression “..., Karl!” came from. Nowadays, the most common picture is a comic book (based on a photo from the series) with a father and son, where the latter complains about something, and the father answers him. Often the father's answer says that it was worse before. Worse, Karl!

How many nostalgic moments have been captured by folk meme art in meme pictures with Rick and Carl! And how, instead of telephones, children used to take cups tied with thread, and about how they put movies on to download all night, and how in the summer they went to weed potatoes in the garden instead of the sea.


So, now we know where the expression “Carl!”, one of the popular memes on the Internet, came from. It turned out that the action-packed series “The Walking Dead” is sending us such greetings. It is in the third season of the series that the search for the origins of the meme takes us, and not into history, where one might think that Charlemagne, for example, is mentioned in this way. Although the popularity of the phrase is now declining, the humor inherent in it does not leave us.

We wish you a good mood and a pleasant time! Have fun, Karl!

The meme about Karl seems to have passed its peak of popularity, but continues to delight us on the Internet. Most of you have long noticed these comics about a boy with a big hat and his emotional father, but some still don't understand what it's all about. Rain decided to figure out where this meme came from and when it was picked up in Russia.

The emotional meme originates from the post-apocalyptic series “The Walking Dead” on the American TV channel AMC. The series is based on the comic book series of the same name about people trying to survive a zombie apocalypse.

The plot behind the meme is as follows: Rick Grimes (the main character of the series) realizes that his wife Laurie died in childbirth, after which he begins to cry, scream and fall to the ground. His son Karl just stands there and is silent all this time.

This meme became popular 2 years ago. After the release of the fourth episode "The Killer Inside" of the third season, a week later the excerpt was re-edited and posted on YouTube on March 13, 2013 under the title Rick Finds Out That Carl is Gay.

The meme, however, did not immediately become popular. Just in December 2013, Buzzfeed published “The 19 Best Dad Jokes From Rick Grimes.” It contained the main message of the joke.

This meme reached Russia a couple of years later, and it became especially popular in early 2015, becoming one of the most popular jokes on the Russian Internet.

Later, on April 22, Alexey Navalny and Leonid Volkov began to use this meme not only on the Internet. At a briefing by the Anti-Corruption Foundation, the Democratic Coalition intends to participate in elections to legislative assemblies in the Novosibirsk, Kostroma and Kaluga regions through public primaries.

Then Navalny and Volkov took a photo during the event next to the sign “Primaries, CARL.”

Charles- a meme message and meme comic, which was born thanks to the series “The Walking Dead”.


Surely many Internet users, and especially readers of various public pages on social networks, have come across the “Karl” meme at least once. Having originated on the Internet more than a year ago, it still does not lose its relevance and is still in the “top popularity” of memes.

The Carl meme originated from the TV series The Walking Dead. In episode 4 of season 3, the main character communicates with his son named Karl. The subject of the conversation was the main character's wife, who was about to give birth to a child. As is typical in such scenes, the boy named Carl remains silent, and Rick Grimes immediately realizes that his wife has died during childbirth. The hero begins to sob and lament “oh, no-no-no.” And in the end he falls to the ground from a great overabundance of feelings.

The first joke on this topic appeared almost immediately after the release of the series. The author was not distinguished by his originality and simply re-uploaded the episode with the main character crying, calling the video “Rick finds out Carl is gay (The Walking Dead)”, which translated into Russian means “Rick found out that Carl is gay.” The video has received more than a million views. After that, the potential meme was forgotten for a while.

But in December 2013, the joke got a second wind when Buzzfeed published "the best jokes from Rick Grimes." It was at this moment that the outline of the meme was outlined.


The meaning of the meme is that while the boy does not answer, the hero dramatically repeats a certain phrase, adding the name “Carl” to it. Most often, there are variations of jokes on the theme of Rick’s childhood, in which the meme-maker identifies him with himself. So the joke became a little nostalgic.

As a result, after some time, the word “Carl” began to be used in isolation from the original meme simply to emphasize or emotionally embellish an event. Just add “Carl” to the end of the sentence and no emojis are needed.

“Karl” in Russia began to end a phrase not so long ago, around the beginning of 2015, when an Internet meme about a boy in a wide-brimmed hat and his father began to gain popularity among the Russian audience.

What does “Carl” mean at the end of a phrase and what movie is the meme from?

Exclamation “Carl!” was first heard in the post-apocalyptic series “The Walking Dead”, and on November 14, 2012, a user under the nickname MichiganSt35 uploaded a serial excerpt on YouToube in which the main character Rick Grimes becomes hysterical from the realization that his wife died in childbirth, and his son Carl, the same boy in the hat, whose image will later become a meme, stands silently nearby. This passage, for which the author, in his desire to “fuck”, chose a rather unconventional title - Rick Finds Out That Carl is Gay (“Rick finds out that Carl is gay”), did not attract the attention of a wide audience, however, in December of the same year, Buzzfeed, the American online news media company, published “19 of the best dad jokes from Rick Grimes” (by the way, the so-called “dad” jokes themselves are a Western meme, a peculiar combination of Russian “bayans” and flat, monotonous humor), after which the images of a sad boy in hat with a wide brim and his father accompanying each of his teachings with a reproachful “Karl!”, became one of the most popular Western Internet memes of that time.

Where did it come from in Russia and where it could be heard

In 2015, the meme about Karl reached Russia, and the most often used version was in which the boy asks his father for the latest iPhone model, without which life “sucks,” to which he receives the quite expected answer that in the old days there were no iPhones , there were no telephones at all, but everyone was happy with everything. This expression received another surge in popularity in connection with a scandal in the same 2015, when the fact that residents of Stavropol on Maslenitsa were fed pancakes from shovels was widely publicized. The Internet meme had two variants of implementation - “Carl got too greedy” and “Father is trying to explain something to his son.” Only the end of the phrase remained standard - an emotional repetition of the last words with the obligatory “Karl”, with a questioning or exclamatory intonation.

Interesting fact. On April 22, 2015, the leaders of the Russian opposition A. Navalny and L. Volkov were photographed next to the sign “Primaries, CARL”, making it clear that they, as representatives of the Democratic coalition, intend to participate in the elections to the legislative assemblies of the Novosibirsk, Kostroma and Kaluga regions through public primaries - preliminary internal party elections.

Over time, the origin of the meme began to be forgotten, and now the exclamation “Carl!” in the Russian-speaking environment it is used in situations when someone has to “chew everything” or simply to designate a narrow-minded person. It is often written in online battles on forums, the phrase is said by everyone and everything, but not everyone understands where it came from, why it is so popular and what it means.

The meme about Karl seems to have passed its peak of popularity, but continues to delight us on the Internet. Most of you have long noticed these comics about a boy with a big hat and his emotional father, but some still don't understand what it's all about. Rain decided to figure out where this meme came from and when it was picked up in Russia.

The emotional meme originates from the post-apocalyptic series “The Walking Dead” on the American TV channel AMC. The series is based on the comic book series of the same name about people trying to survive a zombie apocalypse.

The plot behind the meme is as follows: Rick Grimes (the main character of the series) realizes that his wife Laurie died in childbirth, after which he begins to cry, scream and fall to the ground. His son Karl just stands there and is silent all this time.

This meme became popular 2 years ago. After the release of the fourth episode "The Killer Inside" of the third season, a week later the excerpt was re-edited and posted on YouTube on March 13, 2013 under the title Rick Finds Out That Carl is Gay.

The meme, however, did not immediately become popular. Just in December 2013, Buzzfeed published “The 19 Best Dad Jokes From Rick Grimes.” It contained the main message of the joke.

This meme reached Russia a couple of years later, and it became especially popular in early 2015, becoming one of the most popular jokes on the Russian Internet.

Later, on April 22, Alexey Navalny and Leonid Volkov began to use this meme not only on the Internet. At a briefing by the Anti-Corruption Foundation, the Democratic Coalition intends to participate in elections to legislative assemblies in the Novosibirsk, Kostroma and Kaluga regions through public primaries.

Then Navalny and Volkov took a photo during the event next to the sign “Primaries, CARL.”