Children's script for the New Year of the Dog. Scene for the New Year New Year of the dog holiday

Description: The year 2030 passes under the sign of the dog. Our website offers a universal entertainment program for children, which is suitable for both a kindergarten and an elementary school or theater, a palace of creativity, a circle, etc.

Our scenario includes fun games, riddles, competitions, funny questions - and everything is about a dog.

So, let's begin.

Our New Year's guest - Druzhok


1. Buddy
2. Santa Claus
3. Snow Maiden
4. Baba Yaga
5. Snowman
6. Forest evil spirits (several children)

Act 1. Baba Yaga and Santa Claus

The evil Babka Yaga enters the hall and begins to scare the children:

Baba Yaga:
– Who is this smart guy who came to our fairyland? Did I, the mistress of this forest, invite you to visit me? I can't stand children, all kinds of boys and girls. Ugh! only drool and snot, screams and screams, laughter, running... But I’m old, and I’m tired of the noise! Oh, I’ll cast a spell, I’ll bewitch everyone, I’ll turn them into snags, I’ll kill them all!

/Starts spinning and spinning, waving a broom at the children, running around the hall, and scaring the kids/

Baba Yaga:
- Well, were you scared? Did you want to go to mommy and daddy? Leave while you're still alive!

/Father Frost comes into the hall/

Father Frost:
- Well, hag, what’s going on here? Have you ever decided to scare the kids and ruin their holiday? Now I’ll show you how to spoil the kids’ mood. Oh, I'll freeze it!!!

Baba Yaga:
- What are you doing, Santa Claus! I was joking! This is such a game! Tell me children, we played with you?

- No!

Father Frost:
“The kids won’t lie!” Well, Grandma Ezhka, hold on!

/Starts running after her with a staff, Baba Yaga runs away from him across the hall, and then completely runs away from the hall/

Father Frost:
- Oh, I’m tired of catching up with Baba Yaga. Treacherous old woman! Always ruins the holidays. Well, it’s okay, I’ll still have a preventive conversation with her. Now we need to start preparing for the holiday. My assistants, Snowman and dog Druzhok, have probably already wrapped all the gifts. All that remains is to put them in the magical self-propelled sleigh and hit the road.
- Granddaughter, Snowy! Friend! Snowman!
- Where are they all? I'll go look for my guys.

/Leaves the hall to look for his assistants/

Act 2. Snowman, Snow Maiden and Buddy

/The Snowman, the Snow Maiden and the dog Druzhok enter the hall./

Snow Maiden:
– What a great fellow you are, my friends, you packed all the gifts beautifully and tied them with ribbons! It's nice to see. The children will be delighted with our gifts. Where is Grandfather Frost? He's been wandering through the forest for a long time, he's worked hard, poor thing, he's probably tired of covering the Christmas trees and birches with snow.

– While we’re waiting for grandpa, let’s play some fun New Year’s games with the guys!

- Let's! I brought a lot of fun games from the land of dogs that the kids will love!

Games for the New Year of Dogs for children

Game 1. ………….

………………is hidden……………………..

Game 2. ……………………

……………….in full version…………………….

Game 3. …………………………

………………….full version………………………….

Snow Maiden:
– What smart guys here! I'm delighted with them!
– And now I suggest you look in the magic mirror, what does Grandfather Frost do?

/Takes out a magic mirror and turns off the light a little, the actors run away from the hall unnoticed/

Act 3. Santa Claus got lost

/Santa Claus walks through the forest and cannot find his way home, he is lost, the scenery is a dark forest, the moon, snow/

Father Frost:
- Hey, Snow Maiden! – echo: chka-chka-ka-ka-a-a...
- Aw! My friend! echo: zhok-zhok-ok-ok-ok...
- Hey, Snowman! echo: vik-vik-ik-ik...
“They are nowhere, no one answers, and I’m old, lost in the forest, I won’t find my way home, I guess I’ll be walking here until spring comes.” Oh, trouble, trouble, what would a holiday be without Santa Claus?

/Baba Yaga peeks from behind a tree and rubs her hands/

Baba Yaga:
- Well, Santa Claus, got lost in my forest? Serves you right. Let the New Year not come this time! And the guys will be left without gifts! These children, ugh, they are so disgusting, let them sit at home and cry! A-ha-ha-ha!

Father Frost:
- Shame on you! You are an old woman and you probably also have grandchildren?

Baba Yaga:
- My grandchildren are the evil spirits of the forest and swamp. You never invited them to the holiday. My entire family holds a grudge against you! And they never received the smallest candy as a gift!

Father Frost:
- Well, your guys are good dancers! Baba Yaga, let's make a treaty!

Baba Yaga:
- Agreement?

Father Frost:
- Agreement!
“Will you show me the way home, and I’ll invite your devils and kikimors to the holiday?” A? How do you like the deal?

Baba Yaga:
- Deal!

/Baba Yaga leads Father Frost out of the forest to the edge of his estate/

Baba Yaga:
- I owe you! Remember, I owe you a favor!

Father Frost:
- Yes, I remember, I remember. Bring your kids to us for a holiday on New Year's Eve!

/The cheerful Grandma-Hedgehog jumps like a frog out of the hall, dancing/

Snow Maiden:
- Hooray! Grandfather has been found! The mirror didn’t lie that you were lost and looking for your way home.

Father Frost:
– Thanks to Baba Yaga, if it weren’t for her, I would have stayed in the forest for the winter.

- Father Frost! It's time to harness the sleigh and go visit the guys!

- In places!

/Everyone seems to get into a sleigh and leave the hall/

Act 4. We've arrived!

/Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Buddy, Snowman enter the hall/

Father Frost:
- Hello guys!

- Hello!

Snow Maiden:
– Our journey has been long, but finally we are visiting you and we are glad to see you so smart, cheerful, and friendly! We brought you a lot of gifts and will put them under the Christmas tree for now. /Santa Claus puts a bag under the Christmas tree/

Father Frost:
– This time we are not alone with the Snow Maiden. Friends are with us: Snowman /Snowman bows/
– And the dog – Druzhok – a symbol of the coming 2030!

- Bow-wow! Guys, I'm glad to become your friend! I am a very cheerful dog, I know how to give a paw! Dance the dog waltz and sing songs! I also really love candy! /looks up mysteriously and licks his lips/
“I want to tell you riddles about me; whoever names the answer correctly gets candy from me.” Agreed?

Riddles from Druzhka

…………….in full version…………………….

The Snow Maiden gives candies to those who guess the correct answers.

Act 5. Gifts stolen

/While the dog is asking riddles, one of the kikimoras or the goblin secretly sneaks into the hall and steals a bag of gifts and runs away from the hall unnoticed/

- Well done boys! All the riddles have been solved!

Snow Maiden:
- Great! It's time to move on to the main thing - the round dance and gift-giving!

Father Frost:
-Where are the gifts?

- Oh, they're gone!

Snow Maiden:
- Guys, did you see who stole the gifts?

- Kikimora!

– Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, don’t be upset! I'll pick up the kidnapper's trail and find what's missing! /the dog runs away from the hall/

/Santa Claus sits down on a chair out of grief./

Snow Maiden:
- In the meantime, we are waiting for our friend, the guys and I will train to be brave and skillful. And we will hold cool competitions.

1 competition: “Multi-remote”

The task is for guests to name as many cartoon dog characters as possible.

Example options:

………………..15 options in the full version of the script…………………..

The winner with the most correct answers receives an incentive souvenir - a magnet, or a keychain with the symbol of the year - a dog.

2nd competition: “Dog professions”

The competition is similar to the previous version, but you need to remember not cartoons, but where dogs are used, in what areas of human activity. In other words: “professions of dogs.”


…………………..20 variations in the full version…………………………..

Snow Maiden:
– You are all great, you know a lot of good and useful things about dogs.
– Now let’s look in our magic mirror, how is our friend, Druzhka, doing? /takes out a mirror and all three of them look into it/

/the lights go out, the actors leave the hall/

Action 6.


This was an introduction to the script. To purchase the full version of the script, go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for download via a link on the website, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 299 R ub.

Regular readers of the website “Holiday Again” have been appreciating one important quality in me for many years now. As it turned out, I know how to charge with inspiration and awaken imagination.

I hope the same will happen with this selection of competitions for the Year of the Dog. If you don’t mind, write your ideas in the comments so that everyone can benefit from the results of our collective work!

As usual, all tasks are simple and kind, children and adults can participate at the same time.

I tried to play with all the dog associations that came to my mind at the time of writing the article. Most often, I make additions before 15:00 on December 31, so I recommend visiting the page again before the holiday night.

Dog Waltz or "I love you, that's a plus"

A win-win family dance at the very beginning of the holiday, in which couples are selected by lot. Every year we never cease to be amazed at how harmoniously the dancers are chosen: a 70-year-old grandfather and a one-year-old granddaughter, a grandmother with a 16-year-old grandson, a mother with her younger sister, a father with his father...

In the Year of the Dog, I propose to identify couples by matching the dog breed in the picture (cards can be placed under the plates before the holiday begins, or simply offer to draw lots from a hat). Dachshund with dachshund, bulldog with bulldog, poodle with poodle!

These couples remain faithful to each other throughout the New Year's party. They not only dance together during the disco, but also take pictures and participate in competitions.

If someone did not get a partner (an odd number of guests), place him third in the pair that included the smallest guest of the holiday. Kids go to bed early even on New Year's Eve.

Puppy delight

Personally, my puppies are delighted with all sorts of special effects that are acceptable for an apartment. These can be tabletop cold fountains, spring crackers with different fillings, and special pistols with cartridges that shoot streamers and confetti.

As a goal, you can offer a small spare artificial Christmas tree without decoration. Just give it free rein... In just a couple of minutes it will be covered with paper springs, fake money, petals and sparkles.

Puppy delight-2

We are holding a win-win lottery. To do this, children can collect personal belongings of guests in one box before the start of the holiday, and small gifts in another box. You don’t even need to wrap them in wrapping paper, it’s more interesting.

Place two children with their backs facing each other. One pulls out a gift at random, the second at the same moment - an object from another box. A New Year's candle - for mom (she handed over lipstick), a chameleon mug - for dad (he threw a tie into the box), etc.

At the end of the lottery, we give equal prizes to children for their diligence, since kids often react sharply to all this random luck.

101 Dalmatians and many other breeds

This is a standard guessing table game in which the guest who names the number closest to the correct answer wins (usually the host shows a transparent jar of change and gives the prize to the person who names the amount most accurately).

We will show you a picture with dogs (can be any breed). Five seconds is enough, let them guess!

If the prize is nice, the activity of the guests is very high.

There are 104 dogs in this picture. .

Camera gun

This competition is dedicated to the beloved Prostokvashinsky Sharik and his photo gun.

Have a few guests open their smartphone camera and get ready to take photos. We will have children as hares that we have to “run for half a day to give away a photograph.”

Stretch the blanket on both sides at a height of 70-80 cm from the floor (there will be something like a screen). Children wearing bunny masks hide behind a screen and jump sharply for a split second, then hide back. How often you should appear on camera is the choice of the hares themselves.

Adjust the height of the screen according to the ears of the largest hare. When they are sitting, they should not be visible.

You need to take 10 photos per minute (if more, the first 10 photos are counted). The winner is the one whose photo gun caught the most hares. Prize for him!

During the “hunt” we turn on New Year’s music.

To make the photos different and funny, show your children funny hand movements and expressive facial expressions in advance.


A catdog is a cartoon character who has the image of a cat on one side and a dog on the other. We don’t care much about how they get along in one body, the main thing is that they complete the New Year’s task together.

We select pairs of participants and invite them to do one simple thing together. To do this, you need to sit next to each other and hug.

The right hand of one and the left hand of the other sculpt this same kotops from a burdock constructor (fold a paper airplane, make a dog from a snake puzzle, braid a pigtail, tie a bow on a box, dress a doll, sculpt dumplings or dumplings, etc.)

It must be some kind of action that is usually performed with both hands. How difficult it is for the participants and funny for the audience...

“Yes, I ate the dog on this matter”

This is a mini-interview with a comic microphone that guests give to the host of the holiday while sitting at the table. Round. Everyone needs to remember some business in which they “ate the dog” this year.

The most striking answer needs to be confirmed visually (the presenter does not inform about this in advance, of course). Eat a dog. Chocolate. 55 In front of everyone.

"Dog in Boots"

This is perhaps the most “singing” dog cartoon; with its name I hint at a karaoke battle. Personally, when I prepare guests for a performance, I suggest deciding on a number a couple of weeks in advance so that there is time for rehearsals. Only then will people enter on time and sing as artistically as possible, without peering at the running line with the text.

Here is what I remember from the hits about our symbol of the year: “Man is a Dog’s Friend”, “Lucy”, “A Dog Named Friend Has Missed”, “Everyone Knows This (from the film “Adventures of Electronics”, all hits from the cartoon “Dog” in boots”, “Dogs can bite”, “Walking with Doggy” (Lolita once sang).

You can also remember “Blue Puppy”... A strange attitude towards this color tarnished the reputation of the great cartoon musical, but the essence is good and the music is gorgeous.

There is no creature more fun than a dog!

A win-win “Crocodile” on the theme of our symbol of the year. Each guest must show with their movements an object from a dog’s life. Here's the first thing that comes to mind: collar, muzzle, bone, walk with the owner, kennel, chain, haircut, bowl, leash, breed, fleas, team, training, dog show.

Oh how hard it is to show some of these words... Try it in front of a mirror!

There are also a lot of humorous poems about dogs on the Internet, here is one of them that I am going to learn with my son:

I decided to buy a dog.
And I want to ask everyone:
Like the name of the breed
What do I dream of buying?
To cost three rubles,
and had lunch once every three days!
But at the exhibition anyone
The championship title is MINE!
So that it's scary on the street,
To protect the car,
But at the same time (very important!)
I didn’t take up any space!
To be very fluffy,
But don't scratch my fur!

So that I could before the threshold
Wipe all your paws yourself!
To have a switch in it:
Click! - plays. Clicked - asleep,
So that I never know
What and where do dogs hurt...
To write once a week,
and still knew how to fly,
Walking around the yard together
in puddles so as not to step!
So as not to bark loudly in your ears,
So that you don’t chew your slippers...
THIS is the kind of dog
I gladly took it!

A dog named Druzhok has gone missing

You need to hide a dog (plush, plastic, edible or any other), and then give the children a small quest of three steps. Twice they find a clue, the third time - the dog itself or several dogs according to the number of children at the holiday.

Riddle options:

  1. Ordinary riddles (for children from 3 to 6 years old), the solution to which is pieces of furniture or household appliances. For example, we give the first riddle in verse: “The house is windowless and closed, But it’s cold inside. If a cat is sitting next to you, it means the cat is hungry...” Children guess the word “refrigerator”, find the second riddle there: “He has a big back, And on it he allows you to write and draw, And sculpt, and cut out...” It is clear that the third clue is somewhere near the desk. They find the text again: “Everyone is happy about her for the New Year, Although her outfit is scratchy...”. Children find dogs under the Christmas tree, naturally.
  2. Mini-quests (for children 7-11 years old). This is a series of puzzles with ciphers that will also lead to a festive find. It would take a long time to describe all this, take the appropriate tasks

Beethoven and others

This task is for savvy lovers of well-known dog names. We will guess nicknames from pictures.

For example, in the picture there is a balloon. The players remember a dog named Sharik (he appears in “Heart of a Dog”, in the cartoons “A Kitten Named Woof” and “Prostokvashino”).

In the picture there is a squirrel and an arrow next to each other? Well, yes, these are the cosmonaut dogs Belka and Strelka.

Also: Mitten - the fictional dog Mitten, a portrait of Beethoven - a charming St. Bernard with such a nickname, a picture with a big tooth - White Fang, a plump middle-aged woman - the dog Aunt (Kashtanka), a pirate - a smart dog from the cartoon "Notes of a Pirate".

Not purebred dog

There are dog breeds that know everything. There are some that only lovers of these animals know about.

We call two participants. We give an orange to our right hand (meaning the word “Yes”), to the other hand a pickled cucumber on a fork (the word no). This is me as an example, of course. Just two different objects with which players express their opinion about the real existence of such dogs.

We read out a list that contains the real names of dog breeds and three fictitious words. There is a prize for the one who recognizes the non-pedigreed words!

Here are the real ones: Alaskan Malamute, Basenji, Brial, Boerboel, Keeshond, Shorthaired Pointer, Italian Greyhound, Miniature Schnauzer, Shih Tsu, Japanese Chin. Here it is correct to raise an orange (“Yes, there is such a dog”)

Well, come up with three things: Siberian Losharik, Tut-on-boor, Hryun-terrier. Here we raise a cucumber (“No, there is no such breed”)

Mix up words to confuse participants.

Trained dogs

To participate in the task, we take all the children and one adult (for example, a large man). We take them into the next room for a minute and tell them about the special alarm system.

You will show them these signals in different sequences behind the backs of the spectators, and the “trained dogs”, looking at you, will carry out commands.

For example:

You unclench and clench your fists - you have to jump and dance;
join your hands in the form of a large ring - stand in a round dance
press your palm to your lips - it’s time to run and kiss your mother (an adult large man should also have his mother at the holiday)
shake your hands - everyone falls to the floor and jerks their arms and legs
put your palms under your cheeks and close your eyes - everyone freezes in the position in which they saw your team
hug yourself with your arms - the dogs rush to each other with hugs
and so on in different sequences to the music.

Like a cat and a dog

This is a relay race, two teams participate - cats and dogs. You need to compete for something worthwhile... For a sausage.

It is difficult to organize an active competition in a standard room with a set table, so a team competition for speed is needed.

For example, give each team clothespins, string, and individual cardboard letters that spell out "Happy New Year" (I usually buy and cut up inexpensive pre-made garland). Place teams opposite each other so they can see each other's progress.

Teams of dogs and cats must quickly hang the letters in the correct order.


Guide dogs are very smart and trained dogs that help blind people. Admiration and low bow to these animals.

At your New Year's party at home, you can play a fun obstacle course. Place plastic water bottles on the floor, string string between chairs, piles of soft toys, bags, etc. Let the first player see all this and evaluate the complexity of the route. Then blindfold him and let him walk through the entire obstacle course, listening to the “guide”’s commands: “Now raise your right leg, step 40 cm to the left, walk sideways in small steps, bend down, etc.”

We show the second player a new obstacle course, but while he is being blindfolded, quietly remove all objects from the path. The “guide” continues to give recommendations in the same spirit: “Bend down, take a big step, to the right, another right, another right, bend down.” It's fun to watch a player make his way through invisible obstacles.

Dog in the manger

I have prepared 2 A4 pieces of paper for you. There are stills from films and cartoons, places to write down the names of these masterpieces.

Divide the guests into groups of 4-5 people (each team has 2 pieces of paper, a total of 16 pictures, whoever gives the most answers).

These films and cartoons are: “101 Dalmatians”, “Lady and the Tramp”, “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Once Upon a Time There Was a Dog”, “Bobik Visiting Barbos”, “Scooby-Doo”, “Kashtanka”, “Bring Back Rex” "", "Dog in Boots", "Blue Puppy", "Belka and Strelka", "Pluto", "Heart of a Dog", "Dog in the Manger", "Hachiko", "Come to Me, Mukhtar", "K-9" , “Mumu”, “Beverly Hills Baby”, “White Bim Black Ear”, “Barbos the Dog and the Unusual Cross”, “Beethoven”, etc.

Divide the guests at the table into two teams, alternately show the frame, count the points. To avoid thinking for a long time, sound a bell on the count of three. Prize for the winning team!

dog's heart

Creative master classes, which are fashionable nowadays, are also held at home. There are many wooden dog-shaped blanks in craft stores, but you can do without them.

For example, I will bake gingerbread cookies in the shape of hearts (no connection with Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog”, I’m just using a popular phrase) and invite the children to paint gingerbread cookies with sugar pencils.


All guests can sit at the table, but ask one child over 4 years old to go “on stage” and turn away. He must guess his family and friends by their voices, but they will not speak, but will bark in different dog voices. Rough, squeaky, drawn-out or abrupt, with anger and joy. The voice needs to be changed as much as possible to confuse the player.

Naturally, the child must know all the guests by name.

Symbol of the year or Amazing transformation

The point is this. Place all the guests in a circle with their backs facing each other and hand out opaque bags with different accessories and outfits. Of course, it will be impressive if everyone has bright New Year’s accessories: caps, hats, masks, ears, wigs, unusual glasses, etc.

If you didn’t have time to buy all this beauty for all your guests, collect baby bibs and pacifiers, diving masks, kitchen aprons, shower caps, etc.

The main thing is that one of the packages contains a dog mask!

On command, guests quickly take out the contents of the bags, put them on and wait for the host’s command to turn around and admire each other. It's fun!

The guest who got the role of the symbol of the year comes to the center of the circle and shows him performing the lucky dance)).

Named GAV?

Comic guessing of an object in a box. Basically, you can just put all the guests in a circle and the surprise box in the center. Let everyone take turns expressing their guesses, and the prize goes to the one who is closest to the truth and somehow guessed that there is a mug with a picture of a dog, for example.

The other option is more complicated. Say that you hid an object that contains the syllable “WOOF.” There are few such words in the Russian language, I remembered these: gavotte, harbor, agave, Hawaiian, tomahawk. Of all the above, only a small hatchet, reminiscent of an Indian weapon, can be put in the box. Tomahawk.

For children and adults, only one word with the syllable “woof” comes to mind in the first seconds of the prank. No one speaks out loud, but everyone is having fun.

PAW Patrol

Eh... I only came up with a name for this competition)).

Stray Dog Blues

If among my readers there are representatives of the generation that loves and remembers the hits of the beat quartet “Secret”, this New Year you must definitely include these blues. Put the kids to bed, sit comfortably in the chair and listen!

More ideas for a home party

Look at collections of my works from past years. There will be repetitions here and there, but you will definitely find a lot of new and interesting things:


This is my traditional request. If you have an interesting idea, write in the comments. Let's gather all the fun stuff and spend the New Year at home so that the children remember our efforts with warmth and joy 30 and 40 years later.

We offer a new version of popular entertainment for your favorite holiday - N New Year's impromptu musical fairy tale for the Year of the Dog “Santa Claus and the Dog”. This fairy tale is for a friendly adult company, which the organizers of the venture can easily arrange at the appropriate moment of celebration, when the guests are ready to have fun themselves and will gladly please their friends. If desired, you can add your own “jokes” to the proposed script by adding humor customary in this company to the text, replacing musical excerpts with more playful and danceable ones, and coming up with funny costumes or props for the characters.


The owner of the dog



Father Frost

Christmas tree


Presenter (text)

Fairy tale text.

Leading: Once upon a time there was a Dog.

Sounds 1 (Dog Exit)

Leading: He was old and no longer possessed such agility and strength as before.

Sounds 2 (And my health)

Leading: The Dog had an Owner, he was evil and greedy.

Sounds 3 (Master's Exit)

Leading: The Master decided to take his Dog to the forest and leave him there. I put a rope around his neck and dragged him. And the Dog resists, kicks, but there is nothing to do, his strength is not the same.

Sounds 4 (Dog whines + instrumental music)

Leading: They came to the forest. In the forest, the Fir trees and Pines sway and rustle with their needles.

Sounds 5 (Sounds of nature)

Leading: The owner left, but the Dog remained in the forest. And in the forest now there are three females for every one male. Suddenly the Dog sees Squirrel running.

Sounds 6 (Squirrel Exit)

Leading: She saw the Dog and was happy. Such luck is an ownerless man. A little old, but an old horse doesn’t spoil the furrow. And she said to the Dog:

Sounds 7 (I want to get married, I want to get married).

Leading: And she took him to her hole on Pine. But the dog didn’t climb trees, didn’t eat nuts, and gave Belka a twist.

Sounds 8 (Forget me)

Leading: And then a Fox appeared between the Pines and Fir Trees. She walked and sang:

Sounds 9 (And I'm single)

Leading: The Fox sees, the Dog is sitting. The fox is around him this way and that.

Sounds 10 (I need your love)

Leading: But Belka didn’t like the fact that some, so to speak, Fox was coveting her prey. She was indignant.

Sounds 11 (Oh, you're painted)

Leading: But the Dog stopped them. He was not used to living in the forest; he really wanted to go home.

Sounds 12 (I'm tired, I want)

Leading: And suddenly none other than Santa Claus appeared in the distance. Well, it was the eve of the New Year.

Sounds 13 (Santa Claus is coming out)

Leading: The dog was so excited, dreaming so much about the help of Santa Claus that he screamed in a voice that was not his own.

Sounds 14 (Help me)

Leading: And Santa Claus says that he lost his gifts in the forest and has been walking for three days and cannot find them. And he himself should help.

Sounds 15 (Good people)

Leading: The dog strained all his aged sense of smell. And he rushed off in search of gifts.

Sounds 16 (I can do it)

Leading: He found a bag of gifts under the Christmas tree. The Fir-Pine trees rustled their needles with joy. Squirrel and Fox began to hug. And Santa Claus was so happy that he began to sing.

Sounds 17 (Ask for what you want)

Leading: And the Dog says to him:

Sounds 18 (I'm tired, I want)

Leading: The Fox and the Squirrel began to persuade the Dog to stay. Well, they really liked him.

Sounds 19 (Stay, boy)

Leading: But the Dog went home with Santa Claus. And the Fox and Belka went home.

Sounds 20 (Girlfriends)

Leading: Santa Claus and the Dog came to his Master. Santa Claus says:

Sounds 21 (Why are you)

Leading: Santa Claus scolded the man and told him to take care of and cherish his Dog. Moreover, it is a guarantee of good luck and a symbol of the coming 2018. And everyone began to dance, have fun and rejoice at the coming of the Year of the Dog.

Sounds 22 (Dog Waltz)

MUSIC FOR A TALE (archive folder):

P . S . To access files from an archived folder, you must:

- download the folder archive (by left-clicking on it, in the window that opens, select - SAVE FILE and OK)

- right-click on the archive;

- select in the pop-up window - EXTRACT TO CURRENT FOLDER and click on this line:

- a working folder with the same name appears, in which the necessary files are located.

Perhaps a sketch written specifically to celebrate the Year of the Dog will also be useful for New Year’s programs (thanks to the author N.G. Kopeikina)

We present to your attention a modern New Year's scenario with fun competitions and incredible adventures designed for preschool children, which can be played out with pleasure both in kindergarten and in a narrow family circle.


Golden comb cockerel - as a symbol of the passing year; The dog is a symbol of the New Year; Snow Maiden; Santa Claus and all the guys.

The children enter the hall where the Cockerel sits on a throne near the Christmas tree.


I'm very glad to see you
We'll be friends now!
I've been sitting on the throne for a whole year,
In a gilded crown,

And annoying enemies
I will not give up my kingdom!
So New Year guys
I will meet you!

Something got a bit boring
We need to invite guests!

Oh, who will come to visit us first today? Let's figure it out.


Our Santa Claus has a granddaughter
Not Tanya, not Lena, and not even Rose!
Not Valya, not Sveta, not Shurochka,
Her name is just...

The children answer in unison - Snow Maiden!


This is the correct answer!
There is only one secret!
May the holiday be good
Everyone needs to clap their hands,
Everyone stand together in a round dance
And call the Snow Maiden!

Children get up in a round dance and call the Snow Maiden

The door opens, the Snow Maiden comes in

Snow Maiden:

Hello, hello, Petya!
Hello, friends!
Did you know, children?
Who am I?

The children say together: Yes!


Hello Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden:

My path was long
I walked for many days!
Cheeks flushed
The fur coat is all white!

To catch fire
Lights now
To keep everyone warm
Let's start dancing!

Children, together with Cockerel and Snow Maiden, dance and sing the song “Ay Yes the Christmas Tree” Words and music by L. Mochalova


Oh yes Christmas tree,
good, good
Oh yes Christmas tree
She came to visit us!

Clap-clap hands
More friends, more friends
Top-top with legs
Let's dance more fun

Oh yes Christmas tree
High, high
Oh yes Christmas tree
Reaches to the ceiling!

Oh yes Christmas tree
Don't shoot, don't shoot
Oh yes Christmas tree
Light up the lights!

There is a knock on the door. A loud woof-woof is heard!

The Snow Maiden opens the door and the Dog comes in.


I'm so glad to see you!
I came to you children
To have fun now
Let us all celebrate the holiday!

I am now the symbol of the year
And for you guys
I brought good luck
With joy to boot!

I will serve you!
I will give everyone friendship!

Snow Maiden:

Hello dear guest,
Make yourself at home with us!
Let's find out what your name is,
Let's get to know each other!

Guys, let's try to guess what our Dog's name is?

Children list nicknames they know

Snow Maiden:

Did you guess right or not?
Give us the correct answer.
What's your name, Dog?


Call me Bug!
I help people!
Remember the turnip, friends?

After all, if I, kids
Didn't intervene right away
Turnip in the garden
It would have stayed that way!

The dog goes to the throne. The cockerel flaps his wings and tries to peck her


Leave while you're still alive!
Why did you come here!?
I won't give the throne to you
I will reign myself!


The year is passing, your Petya!
New Year is rightfully mine!
Respect the custom
Give up the throne quickly!

The Cockerel flaps his wings at the Dog, the Dog growls

Snow Maiden:

Oh, don’t quarrel between Zhuchka and Petya
We need to cheer you up!
Will you help me children
Will their dispute be resolved peacefully?

The children answer unanimously - Yes!

Snow Maiden:

Why isn’t our Petenka happy?
Why did you get ruffled again?
You would sing us a better song
Snami came out to play!

We'll amuse you
To make peace
Come on, friends
Have fun together!

We will take the brushes in our hands
And as a gift to our Bug
Let's draw a portrait
There is only one secret!

To make it more fun to play,
You need to blindfold yourself!

We play the game "Blind Portrait". All children can participate

A game:

On a large sheet of whatman paper, the guys take turns, blindfolded, and begin to draw the Dog. The first is the torso, 2, 3, 4, the child is the paws, 5, 6, 7, etc. tail, head, ears, eyes, (you can add accessories: leash, collar, doghouse, etc.). When the portrait is finished, the children unblind their eyes and everyone can laugh at what happened.


You made me laugh!
I have fun with you!
It was not in vain that I came to visit you,
Let's become friends!

Cockerel (dissatisfied):

Oh oh oh!

Snow Maiden:

Our drawing is so good!
You won't find it more beautiful!
Petya stop being sad,
Let's dance better!

Let the bug dance with us
Let's dedicate our song to her!

The song is from the movie "Adventures of Electronics" lyrics by Yu. Entin, music by E. Krylatov "There is no creature more devoted to a dog!"

Children, Snow Maiden and Zhuchka dance and sing

At this time, Petya quietly unfastens Bug’s tail from the clothespin and hides it under the Christmas tree.

It's time to play a new game, or more precisely, a quest!

Dog (almost crying):

I have kids, woe
I will now live in shame!
My ponytail has disappeared, guys.
He disappeared somewhere!

I will become completely different
If I'm without a tail!
Help, find
Give me my ponytail back soon!

Cockerel (angrily):

Ha ha ha! No matter how it is!

Snow Maiden:

The bug danced with us
She wagged her tail
She frolicked so much, danced so much,
That she lost her ponytail!

And the prankster Cockerel
He was hidden under the guise!

So that we can find him
You have to go through a difficult path!
So listen up guys
My first riddle!

He's on a leash
The thread is held in the hand
Light, festive, funny
And it's inflatable to boot!

Children name the answer - a balloon

The Snow Maiden brings out balloons according to the number of children. You need to burst them by sitting on them. There is a note in one of the balloons

Snow Maiden (reads the note):

How many corners are there in the room?
Take so many steps

Children take steps and approach the dog’s footprints laid out on the floor. The tracks diverge left and right. In the middle there is a bottle (with a card), a box and a piggy bank.

Snow Maiden:

To find the way
You must answer correctly!
Where does the wizard genie live?
There is a hint waiting for you

He settled:

A) In the piggy bank

B) In the box

B) In a bottle

Children guess the answer, find a map and follow the signs that lead them to a large New Year's card. On it, pictures with numbers encrypt the word: “Christmas tree”

1 - Yo
2 - Lisa
3 - Koshka
4 - A ist

Snow Maiden:

If we solve the code
Of course we'll find out
Where do we need to go
To find the bug's tail!

Children guess and find a tail under the Christmas tree


Oh thank you guys
You helped me a lot!
Solved all the riddles
They quickly found my tail!


Well, you defeated me
But I won’t give in!
Don't compare your strength with me
I'll get angry and shut it down!
And to peck someone,
This is a piece of cake for me!

The dog growls

Snow Maiden:

What should we do, guys?
So that everyone is happy?
Tell me what to do
To please us all
Don't annoy anyone
Should I reconcile the bug with Petya?

We need wise advice
Who can give us an answer?

Goes both winter and summer
He's wearing a red fur coat!
His beard is gray
There's a young girl with him
And this girl is me!
Have you guessed it, friends?

He gives gifts to children
Everyone seriously believes in him!
The best grandfather in the world

Children answer in unison - Grandfather Frost

Snow Maiden:

Well done!
I'll ask all the guys
Call your grandfather!
True, he became deaf,
Speak up!

Children call Santa Claus

The door opens, Santa Claus comes in

Father Frost:

Did you guys call me?
Were you guys waiting for me?
Well, meet me, here I am!
Hello my granddaughter!

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, we can't argue
There is no way to decide without you!
Can you give us some advice?
Who should give in?

Who will take the throne of honor?
Well, which one of them will leave?
Bug or Cockerel
Whose deadline is today?

Dog and Cockerel together:

Grandfather, judge!

Father Frost:

Every year has
Symbol and chapter!
There is an important rule
Bug, you're right!

The old year is ending
Having completed the cycle,
He says goodbye to us
Giving up my place!

So Petya the Cockerel
Listen to the advice:
We are really waiting for our friend
The answer is from you!

If you don't give in
The bug has its place,
The New Year will pass, alas,
Ours is not interesting!


I understand everything, I'm leaving,
I was wrong, children!
I will free the throne for the bug!


Goodbye, Petya


On me, my friends
Don't be too angry
Bug, I'm sorry,
That's all, goodbye!

Father Frost:

We don't want this holiday
We are not sad!
Let's cheer up the cockerel
We won't let you go gloomy!

And now for Petya,
Our favorite
Children will cook
Goodies for the long journey!

Children are divided into two teams. Beans and peas are scattered on the floor. Teams are given two bags


Petya's first command to the track
Collect a bag of delicious peas!

Snow Maiden (to the second team):

To have our Cockerel
Full and happy with everything
Collect it in a bag
Beans for him!

Children collect beans and peas in different bags


Thanks to all! I'm leaving
I'm on my way again!
I'll be there for you guys
My dears miss you!

Everyone says goodbye to Cockerel, he leaves. The bug takes the throne.

Father Frost:

And now we begin
Competition for the best experts!
And we remember all the fairy tales
About dogs and puppies!

Children take turns naming cartoons and fairy tales in which there is a dog character, the strongest wins! Hints (Kitten Woof, Paw Patrol, Prostokvashino, Once upon a time there was a dog, Barboskins, Peppa Pig, Tom and Jerry, Goofy, 101 Dalmatians, Who said meow, Fox with a rolling pin, Turnip, Bunny's house, etc.)


Oh, what good guys!

Snow Maiden:

And of course Santa Claus,
For these successes,
I brought you gifts,
Dear children!

Father Frost:

Now the time is coming
For the gifts of the rich!
You are poems about the New Year
Do you guys know?

The children answer unanimously - Yes!

Father Frost:

Will you read me a poem
Loudly, with expression!
So that I open my bag
To everyone's surprise!

Children read poetry, Santa Claus distributes gifts. The heroes say goodbye to the guys and wish them a “Happy New Year!”

Father Frost ,
Dog ,

Props: gifts for participation in competitions, “snowballs” (paper balls), bags, ball.

The parents take their places, the music fades away, and the Storyteller appears, holding a small chest.

A time of magic, miracles and good fairy tales. Hello my dears, I have prepared for you an amazing story that has been waiting in the wings for many years. Please sit back comfortably, throw away all negative thoughts, while I get ready (rummages in the chest for a few seconds and takes out a scroll) .

Our hall lacks the main listeners, for whom we actually write our magical stories (the doors swing open and the children enter, taking their places).

In a distant country, many years ago, there lived a girl who terribly disliked New Year. But one day everything changed, because it’s not for nothing that miracles come to life at this time of year.

(Zlyuchka appears)

What a nightmare! All these toys, gifts, garlands, candies, costumes! How angry this all makes me! How I don’t like all this! I wish I could just cancel this New Year! Who needs it anyway?

(Children answer in unison)

Why? Why do you need this holiday?

Child 1:
We receive gifts
We are waiting for Santa Claus
We sing sonorous songs,
And we spread smiles!

Child 2:
We decorate the Christmas tree at home,
And congratulations to each other,
And we chew candy
We all live happily!

Child 3:
And also, we dance in circles,
We all play together in the garden,
And we play and we laugh,
I love this holiday!

Child 4:
We also teach poems,
And we put on suits,
We are waiting for fireworks and firecrackers,
We love this holiday!

Child 5:
And beautiful toys
And garlands and little animals,
The lights are burning, burning,
The bells are ringing!

And what? You can hang garlands every day, just think!

(Bells sound, the door swings open, Santa Claus appears with the Dog)

Father Frost :
What is it, what happened?
Not enough magic?
How could this happen?
Where is the belief in miracles?

Lost a long time ago!

Father Frost :
Not good things
Also, baby, you can’t
New Year, a special holiday,
It's time to celebrate!

Think about it, sit down
Write down all your wishes,
And we are with this kids,
Let's drive all sadness away!

And also, my new friend,
Everyone around him knows him
Will help with this
Restore faith in miracles!

Dog :
I am the symbol of the coming year
And here I am standing at the threshold,
I'll straighten my fur coat and my ears,
And I will fill your days with happiness!

Father Frost :
Guys, are you ready for the New Year?

(Children answer in unison)

Dog :
I'm so perky
And I love to play, I love,
And today the children are with you,
I want to play, I want to!

Game "Catch the Snowball".
3-4 children are selected. Everyone gets a packet. The presenter throws snowballs. The task is to catch as many “snowballs” as possible. The winner will receive a symbolic prize.
Props: “snowballs” (paper balls), bags.

Father Frost :
It will definitely be a fun year
All sorrows will go away,
There will be joy, sweets,
Miracles await you, kids!

Dog :
I will protect you
Protect from adversity
I will help you
And spread smiles!

Father Frost :
I know, I know that kids
We have prepared a surprise
And today our Zlyuchka,
They will be fun!

Dog (addressing Zlyuchka):
How are you? Has it improved?

I look like a cloud
And there’s still that thorn in my soul,
I don't want a holiday
I don't like New Year!

Father Frost :
What offended you?
Why isn't it fun?
Why are you so angry?
You need to have fun!
Tell me why
Maybe I can help!

Yes, I have never received a normal gift in my life! Why should I love this holiday?

Father Frost :
Or maybe you behaved badly?

Who's bad? Am I bad? Yes, I'm just a golden child! I stole tangerines last year, and the year before, I actually stole a New Year’s tree!

Dog :
I would bite you! Okay, tangerines, but a whole Christmas tree!

Father Frost :
And now the guys will tell us how to behave in order to get on my list of good children!

Riddles about good deeds and politeness (you can use others, for example):

1. I'm for good deeds
What do I always say?
(Thank you)

2. I'll pick up the paper
Where will I take it?
(To the ballot box)

3. For candy, for a toy,
And for the sweet cheesecake,
I'll say a good word
(Thank you)

4. I'll start the day with a smile,
What will I tell everyone?

5. When I leave,
I will say a word
I'll say goodbye to everyone,
I'll try to be polite!

6. Elders must be respected
Seniors need...
(To help)

7. I won't be naughty
And I won't be rude
And before eating
I'll wash my hands with soap...

I've never done anything like this!

Father Frost :
But in vain, I give gifts to obedient children and then help them all year.

Dog :
Just like the next symbol of the year. You see, you need to be kinder, more careful, more polite.

It's all boring!

Dog :
Just think about your behavior for now, and I’ll play with the guys!

Just think!

Competition “What is New Year?”
The presenter takes the ball and, asking this question, throws it to the child, who answers and returns the ball.
Props: ball.

Father Frost :
And to finally convince you, the guys have prepared something else!

(Children's number. Children can read, sing New Year's songs, or dance)

Tell me, are there dances on New Year’s Day?

Dog :
Of course, like these, for example!

(Starts dancing, and the kids must repeat)

Tell me, do they give you sweets?

Dog :
Of course they do! Do you know what sugar bones are waiting for me in the kennel?

What do you need to do to receive a gift?

Father Frost :
Change! Stop being dirty, stealing Christmas trees, being sarcastic, being rude, and ruining things.

Or maybe I’ll do all this next year, and this year I’ll receive a gift. Take my word for it! It’s just that after all these poems and such a warm atmosphere, I wanted to celebrate the New Year as it should be, with a Christmas tree, tangerines, gifts, firecrackers. Believe me please!

Father Frost (addresses the children):
Shall we believe it?

(Children answer)

Do you need to do a round dance?

Dog :

(Music plays and children dance in a circle)

Father Frost :
Thorny little one, do you want a real New Year's miracle?


Father Frost :
Then, on the count of three, Christmas tree, light up!

(New Year's lights on the New Year's tree are lit)

Dog :
What a beauty!

(The storyteller appears)

Just like that, one girl’s faith in magic and miracles was restored. You should love the New Year only because the whole city and the whole country are filled with the warmth of colorful lights, the aroma of tangerines and goodness. Our fairy tale has come to an end, and in conclusion I would like to wish you all the best, brightest, most joyful! Be happy and don't be sad!

Dog :
Oh, Grandfather, haven’t we forgotten anything?

Father Frost :
There are gifts in my bag
I'll give them to the kids,
And a lot, a lot of joy,
Now I’ll give it to them!

And I won’t offend Zlyuchka,
After all, I am very kind,
I give everyone gifts,
Hold them guys!

(Gives New Year's gifts)