E511 – Magnesium chloride. Magnesium chloride is a unique chemical reagent Magnesium chloride

Carry out a simple experiment: standing upright, stretch upward and tense your muscles. Are you experiencing pain in your ankles, almost instant fatigue, or slight tremors in your hands? The body signaled a magnesium deficiency. The trace element directly or indirectly regulates almost all biochemical reactions.

It is designed to replenish the supply of useful substances, registered in the European codification under the number E 511 (E-511).

Magnesium chloride is the main name of the food additive. International synonym for Magnesium Chloride.

Other names:

  • magnesium choride;
  • magnesium hydrochloride;
  • magnesium chloride, name according to IUPAC standard;
  • bischofite (from a natural mineral, a source of magnesium chloride);
  • chloride de magnesium, French;
  • Magnesium chloride, German.

Type of substance

It is an inorganic compound, magnesium salt.

Magnesium chloride is produced by dehydration of the natural mineral bischofite, followed by dehydration in the presence of hydrogen chloride. The reaction occurs at temperatures up to 200ºC.


Index Standard values
Color white, light gray, yellow or light brown shade allowed
Compound magnesium chloride, chemical formula MgCl 2
Appearance powder, granules, flakes
Smell absent
Solubility good in water, organic liquids
Main substance content no less than 97%
Taste bitter-salty
Density 2.316 g/cm 3
Other high hygroscopicity


Additive E 511 is packaged in polyethylene bags with a thickness of 0.220 mm. After filling, they are brewed and placed in an outer packaging container:

  • bags made of natural threads (linen, jute);
  • four- or six-layer paper bags;
  • cardboard-winding drums;
  • soft containers (big bags).


The main areas of use of the E 511 additive are the food industry and medicine.

The product is approved in all countries without any daily limit.

Magnesium chloride is used as a hardener in the production of canned vegetables. The stabilizer preserves the integrity of plant fibers, prevents softening and loss of presentation.

Additive E 511 slows down the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, thereby extending the shelf life of products.

Magnesium chloride can perform other technological functions:

  • thickener in jelly confectionery products, yoghurts, including those intended for feeding children;
  • nutrient medium for baker's yeast;
  • pH level regulator in soft drinks.

The substance is a safe source of magnesium. Included in medicinal and dietary products as a functional additive.

Additive E 511 slows down the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, thereby extending the shelf life.

Magnesium chloride has gained particular popularity in the medical field. The effectiveness of bischofite has been proven in the complex treatment of dermatitis, gynecological problems, diseases of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems. Additive E 511 as an active component is included in gels, ointments, and solutions for compresses.

Therapeutic baths with bischofite were recommended by the Ministry of Health for use for physiotherapeutic purposes more than 30 years ago. The substance easily penetrates through the skin into cells. Due to the gradual release of magnesium ions, it nourishes the body with useful macroelements. The procedure is still in high demand.

Magnesium chloride is an effective antiseptic. It is recommended for use as a mouth rinse for infectious diseases, as well as as a prophylactic during seasonal epidemics.

In cosmetology, the additive E 511 in the form of compresses, baths, lotions is used to eliminate skin problems: acne, fine wrinkles, cellulite.

Benefits and harms

Magnesium chloride is absorbed in the small intestine and is easily absorbed by the body. It is a biologically active product. Shows anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunotropic effects.

Large doses of the substance are irritating to the stomach and intestines and can cause diarrhea. Magnesium chloride baths contraindicated for people with heart and blood diseases.

  • Great Salt Lake Minerals, USA;
  • US Magnesium LLC, USA;
  • Israel Chemicals Limited (ICL), Israel;
  • Chaoyang Jinda Titanium Co., Ltd, China.

Fans of Japanese cuisine will be interested to know that magnesium chloride is the main ingredient in nigari (bitter juice) brine. The substance is evaporated from deep sea water. Added to soy milk to speed up curdling and give tofu a special taste.

is a biological supplement that has numerous benefits and properties that are beneficial to our health. It increases vitality, prevents the development of many diseases and fights the signs of premature pregnancy.

Magnesium is a fairly common mineral in nature and very important. It is believed that it is involved in more than 300 processes and biochemical reactions occurring in our body.

Among the main advantages magnesium chloride One can highlight the activation of vitamins, enzymes and antibodies that strengthen the immune system and thereby prevent the development of many diseases.

Moreover, he stimulates energy production in cells. And this is very important for maintaining the health of the brain and nervous system.

Thus, there are many reasons to include this mineral in your diet. And today we will tell you about them!

Magnesium is essential for calcium balance

Most health experts emphasize the importance for our health. But very few people mention magnesium and its roles for all functions in the body.

But calcium and magnesium, as a rule, work together, supporting the functioning of various systems (at the same time, they have different effects on metabolism).

This is largely due to the activity of the thyroid gland. Its task is to maintain the balance of two minerals in the blood.

If magnesium levels decrease for some reason, then calcium levels must rise to compensate for this deficiency.

And where can you get the missing calcium, you ask? If a mineral imbalance occurs, the body begins to take the calcium it needs from the bones and teeth.

And everything would be fine, but as a result of this, the bones weaken and become vulnerable to various infections and damage.

For this reason it is very important increase consumption and try to achieve its balance with calcium levels.

Improves kidney health

Magnesium chloride helps to activate and optimize the functions of the kidneys, thereby facilitating their work.

If you provide your body with a sufficient amount of this mineral (supplement), then with its help you will be able to remove acidic compounds, which tend to accumulate in the kidneys.

Fights fatigue and overwork

Magnesium chloride will help relieve symptoms of emotional exhaustion and physical fatigue. The point is that he effectively restores muscles after damage and acts as a preventative against fatigue and cramps.

People who play sports professionally or lead a very active lifestyle, as well as all those who want to increase their stamina and physical performance, are recommended to regularly consume this mineral.

Magnesium is also very useful for strengthening muscles. It helps them stay in good shape and develop normally.

Reduces cholesterol levels

Yes, magnesium has the ability to reduce levels of so-called “bad cholesterol,” especially when consumed regularly.

This is a very important property because it has a positive effect on health and normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Purifies the blood

Magnesium chloride is good against all kinds of toxic substances.

Thanks to this property, the acid-base balance is regulated, which helps prevent the development of many diseases.

Maintains mental balance

Magnesium chloride will also be a great ally for supporting your mental health. After all, it activates various brain functions and stimulates the transmission of nerve impulses.

Its sufficient level in the body helps prevent and cope with depression, as well as overcome stress and increased anxiety.

Fights arthrosis and is good for bones

Since magnesium chloride prevents calcium deficiency in the body, it can be called a natural cure for arthrosis (osteoarthritis). Moreover, he improves the condition of bones and teeth.

How to prepare magnesium chloride and how to take it correctly?

To ensure that our body has a sufficient amount of magnesium, there are several options:

  • Magnesium chloride can be purchased in crystalline form at pharmacies and prepared at home;
  • You can buy it in tablets (dietary supplement);
  • Or consume more food, rich in this mineral.

How to prepare crystallized magnesium chloride?

If you have chosen this form of taking this mineral, then here is a simple recipe:


  • 30 g crystallized magnesium chloride
  • 1 liter of water

Cooking method:

  • Boil a liter of water. When it cools down a little, pour it into a glass container and dilute the required amount of crystallized magnesium chloride in it. Mix well and cover with a lid (for storage).

Directions for use/consumption:

In addition, magnesium chloride can also be used topically, that is, apply compresses to, since it is perfectly absorbed through the pores(magnesium salts).

Chemical reagents are one of the main components in laboratory practice. All research, analyzes and experiments are based on them. But, unfortunately, none of the listed laboratory processes is possible without laboratory glassware, laboratory equipment and instruments. If complex laboratory studies require special laboratory equipment or technology (electronic laboratory scales, reflux condenser, magnetic stirrer), then for most laboratory analyzes it is enough to have on hand simple, often in demand laboratory glassware, either from ordinary, quartz, or borosilicate laboratory glass, for example: a cup Petri, mortar and pestle, beakers, which can be bought on our website, less often from other materials - porcelain, plastic.

In modern laboratory practice, a large number of chemical substances and solutions are used, more than 10,000 items. Among them: chemical elements, as well as compounds in the form of salts, acids, alkalis and other aggressive substances. One of the frequently used chemicals is magnesium chloride.

(bischofite or magnesium chloride) is a binary chemical reagent of inorganic origin containing the elements of magnesium and chlorine, more popularly magnesium salt of hydrochloric acid. This substance is highly soluble in water and alcohol. It is non-toxic, explosion- and fire-resistant, therefore it belongs to the third class of hazardous substances. In its pure form, magnesium chloride is transparent crystals in the form of small needles without a pronounced odor, but depending on the impurities included in its composition, the color can be pink, white or brown. The composition of bischofite, a natural mineral containing magnesium chloride, includes a large number of trace elements (up to several dozen), including sulfate, as well as hydromicas. This chemical composition makes this substance a unique natural product, which has found its use not only as a raw material component, but also as a finished product. Magnesium chloride can also be obtained from sea water by evaporating the salt from it.

This chemical reagent was first obtained at the beginning of the 19th century by the English scientist G. Davy.

Beneficial properties of magnesium chloride

Due to its unique composition, the scope of application of this chemical reagent is so enormous that it is difficult to imagine an industrial sector where it is not used:
- food – food additive E511, which is added to baby and dietary formulas, soft drinks, when canning vegetables and fruits, in the production of fermented milk products and bakery products, and is used as a substitute for table salt;
- oil and gas – component of killing and drilling fluids;
- chemical - for the production of compounds containing magnesium, synthetic rubbers and refractory materials;
- mining – prevention of dust explosions during the extraction and storage of non-metallic and ore materials;
- textile – stabilizing component when dyeing fabrics;
- agriculture – feed additive, mineral fertilizer;
- construction is a component of many materials;
- forestry - to extinguish steppe and forest fires;
- municipal services - de-icing agent (on contact with snow or ice it causes them to melt).

Magnesium chloride in medical practice

This chemical reagent is widely used in pharmacology and medicine. It is included in many medications for the treatment of cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases, and also has anabolic and bactericidal effects in dermatological, dental, ophthalmological and otorhinolaryngological practice. Magnesium chloride normalizes blood circulation and improves the functioning of the nervous system, has an anti-edematous, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect.

Despite the beneficial effects of magnesium chloride on the human body, self-medication with it can be dangerous and lead to serious functional disorders.

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Magnesium chloride may help you fight depression, dizziness, and fatigue. However, when taking antibiotics, it may reduce the effectiveness of this type of treatment.

Magnesium chloride is used as a dietary supplement and contains an unparalleled number of health benefits that can help you keep your body looking youthful. In addition, by consuming this supplement, you will feel young, energetic, and magnesium chloride will help the body fight and prevent various infections.

This substance is extremely beneficial for people of all ages, although like any other active pharmaceutical substance, it also has several important contraindications that should be kept in mind.

Magnesium chloride is a compound consisting of chlorine and magnesium that has many beauty and health benefits. In fact, these compounds are used for both industrial and medicinal purposes. Want to learn more about the beneficial properties of magnesium chloride? Read on.

Magnesium chloride offers the following beneficial properties:

  • It serves as an excellent blood purifier, helping to regulate acidity levels in the body. Thanks to this property, magnesium chloride can help you fight a number of diseases.
  • Magnesium chloride helps get rid of excess acidity in the kidneys, thus ensuring kidney health.
  • It stimulates brain function and the transmission of nerve impulses, therefore it has an impact on the overall balance of human mental activity.
  • It is ideal for athletes and people who are quite physically active because it helps prevent muscle damage, cramps, general and/or muscle fatigue.
  • It promotes the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system while helping to prevent heart disease.
  • It helps dissolve bad cholesterol, promoting good blood circulation and fighting disease.
  • Magnesium chloride is a powerful anti-stress drug that also helps fight depression, dizziness and fatigue.
  • It plays a very important role in regulating body temperature.
  • It helps prevent hemorrhoid problems, improves intestinal health and helps in cases such as colitis, constipation, etc.
  • It helps fight prostate problems and prevents their occurrence.
  • Research suggests that magnesium chloride may help prevent cancer.
  • Magnesium chloride strengthens the immune system, helps fight and prevent colds, infections, and phlegm accumulation.
  • It prevents premature aging by making the body more energetic and promoting cell regeneration.
  • It is key to preventing osteoporosis as it promotes better calcium accumulation in the bones.
  • Magnesium chloride prevents the formation of kidney stones, which means it prevents the formation of calcium oxalate in them.
  • It promotes women's health by reducing the telltale symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and regulating hormone levels in the blood.
  • It fights free radicals and, therefore, prevents the occurrence of tumors and warts.
  • Magnesium chloride cleanses the arteries, and therefore prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

Contraindications for the use of magnesium chloride

Although magnesium chloride offers a large number of health benefits, it should be noted that its use is not recommended in some cases, meaning that certain people should consult their doctor before taking it.

  • It is not recommended for people who suffer from diarrhea because it has a laxative effect.
  • It should not be prescribed to patients with kidney disease, especially if they suffer from renal failure.
  • Magnesium chloride should not be taken by patients who suffer from ulcerative colitis because it may worsen diarrhea.
  • If you are taking antibiotics, magnesium chloride can significantly reduce their effectiveness, which means that in such cases, you should consume magnesium chloride at least three or four hours before taking antibiotics.

How can I prepare magnesium chloride?

Although you can buy magnesium chloride in tablet form, a recipe for making it at home is also a good idea. You will need the following ingredients and items:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 30 g crystallized magnesium chloride
  • 1 wooden spoon

What should I do?

Boil one liter of water and let it cool. Then pour water into a glass jar and dissolve 30 grams of crystallized magnesium chloride in it. Stir the solution with a wooden spoon so that the drug dissolves, close the jar properly for storage.

How much magnesium chloride should you take?

The amount of magnesium chloride you should take largely depends on your current health problem and your age. We always insist that before taking any medications or treatments, you should consult with your doctor to find out exactly how much of a particular drug you should take.

Magnesium chloride (Magnesium chloride, bischofite, food additive E511)- an inorganic chemical compound of magnesium with chlorine, magnesium salt of hydrochloric acid.

Physicochemical characteristics.

Chemical formula:

MgCL 2 - anhydrous magnesium chloride. White lamellar crystals with a pearlescent luster, density 2.3 g/cm 3, melting point 707°C, boiling point 1412°C. Dissolves in water with strong heating and in ethyl alcohol. In humid air it smokes and blurs.

MgCL 2 ×6H 2 O - magnesium chloride hexahydrate, magnesium chloride hexahydrite, bischofite. White monoclinic, extremely hygroscopic crystals, density 1.56 g/cm 3 . Decomposition temperature 120°C. At 151°C it loses water and HCl. Let's dissolve well in water. Soluble in ethanol, methanol.

Solubility of anhydrous magnesium chloride in various solvents

Solvent Temperature, °C Solubility, g/100g solvent
Ethanol 0 3,6
10 4,3
20 5,6
40 10
60 15,9
Methanol 0 15,5
20 16
40 17,8
60 20,4
Sulfur dioxide 0 0,014
Acetone Slightly soluble
Pyridine 0 1,28
25 1,06
Water 0 52,9
10 53,8
20 54,8
25 55,5
30 56
40 58
60 61,3
80 65,8
100 73
150 95,3
200 135,3


Magnesium chloride is used in construction, public utilities, agriculture, metallurgy, medicine, fire fighting, mineral water production, etc.

Magnesium chloride is effectively used as a de-icing agent at temperatures down to minus 35°C. The dissolution reaction in water occurs with the release of heat, so bischofite is effective in crystalline form.

Magnesium chloride (bischofite) is sprinkled on roadways and sidewalks in winter. This eliminates icing and the associated risk of accidents. This coating has an additional positive effect - increasing the time between repairs of roads. The main destruction of asphalt road surfaces in European winter conditions is noticeable in the spring. This is due to the fact that water from precipitation fills cracks and microcracks in the asphalt pavement. Then, at sub-zero temperatures, the water turns into ice, expands in volume and breaks the asphalt. During the subsequent thaw, the number of cracks in the asphalt increases, and water fills the cracks again. And when the water freezes, it breaks the asphalt again. Thus, the greater the number of thaws in winter, the worse the condition of the asphalt in spring.

In winter, magnesium chloride is used when transporting various bulk materials: sand, crushed stone, ore, coal, etc. Such materials are prone to freezing into lumps due to their residual moisture. In order to facilitate loading and unloading operations in winter, such materials are subject to treatment in the form of sprinkling with crystalline magnesium chloride or pouring with brine aqueous solutions. Treatment is carried out in advance or after freezing. The consumption of magnesium chloride depends on the humidity of the material and the ambient temperature.

Consumption of bischofite (magnesium chloride) to prevent icing of bulk materials

Humidity of bulk material, % Consumption of crystalline bischofite, kg/t bulk material
-10°С -20°С -30°С
1 3 6 6
2 7 11 17
3 10 17 25
4 13 22 34
5 17 28 42
6 20 34 51
7 23 39 59
8 27 45 67
9 30 51 76
10 33 56 84
11 36 62 93
12 40 67 101
13 43 73 110
14 46 79 118
15 50 84 126
16 53 90 135
17 56 95 143
18 60 101 152
19 63 107 160
20 66 112 169

Application of magnesium chloride in magnesium cements.

Magnesia cement is obtained by mixing magnesium oxide pre-calcined to 800°C with a 30% aqueous solution of MgCl 2 (two parts by weight of MgO to one part by weight of anhydrous MgCl 2).

Magnesia cement began to be used already at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, mainly for the manufacture of xylolite floors (xylolite - wood stone), as well as facing tiles and small architectural forms. Xylolite was made on the basis of magnesium binder, the filler of which was sawdust.

Xylolite was introduced into construction practice in 1882 by S. Kopfeld. In the 50s of the last century, xylolite floors were quite widespread in our country. Warm seamless floors had a low abrasion coefficient, low thermal conductivity and high hygiene. Currently, analogues of xylolite floors are linoleum and other polymer materials.

The wide scope of industrial and civil construction in subsequent years required cheap building materials and, as a rule, in very large volumes, as well as simple technological work methods, which was satisfied by another binder - Portland cement. And for some time the magnesium binder was virtually forgotten. This was facilitated by a number of other reasons, for example, the lack of a sufficient theoretical basis in the science of building materials.

In the early 90s, interest in magnesium binder reappeared. This was largely due to the unique properties of this material, such as valuable environmental characteristics, namely the ability to protect against electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency range, anti-electrostatic properties, intrinsic safety and non-flammability.

Magnesia binder and materials based on it have high strength characteristics that are close in their values ​​to natural materials. But more importantly, unlike natural materials, magnesia cement has abnormally high tensile and bending strength (up to 20 MPa and above), which is due to the characteristics of hardened magnesite, which contains magnesium oxychlorides crystallizing in the form of fibers. Fiber crystals not only increase the strength of cement, but also act as a reinforcing material.

Materials based on magnesium binders have very high, unlike other binders, adhesion not only to minerals, but also to organic substances. Due to the high density of the material, low alkalinity and the presence of the mineral bischofite in magnesium cements, organic fillers in them do not rot, which allows us to assume possible bactericidal properties and resistance to the formation of mold and mildew.

When using magnesium binder in building mixtures, especially with the addition of magnesium silicates, a dense, pore-free material is formed that has high wear resistance, oil and gasoline resistance, and water resistance.

The advantages of magnesia cement also include the rapid rate of increase in strength. Usually, at the age of one day, the strength of concrete and mortars reaches 30-50%, and at the age of 7 days, 60-90% of the maximum value.

Unlike magnesia, cement concretes and mortars based on Portland cement are known to have delayed hardening, heterogeneous composition and conglomerate structure. Therefore, traditional concrete floor coverings do not meet modern standards for wear resistance and crack resistance. Crystalline and colloidal new formations formed during the hydration process dry out and become denser over time, which is accompanied by shrinkage of the cement stone.

A special feature of the magnesium binder is that solutions of magnesium salts are used to mix it. Most often, an aqueous solution of MgCl 2 is used for this purpose (usually in the form of the bischofite mineral MgCl 2 × 6H 2 O).

Caustic magnesite is a fast-hardening binder, the beginning of setting occurs no earlier than after 20 minutes, and the end no later than after 6 hours (GOST 1216).

Magnesium chloride is used to increase the body's resistance and productivity of farm animals. For dry feeding, crystalline magnesium chloride is used; for other types of feeding, it is used in the form of brine.

Feeding rates of magnesium chloride brine, per head per day:

Dry cows - 20–25 ml;

Dairy cows - 400–1000 ml;

Calves up to 6 months of age - 2–25 ml;

For ewes - 2–3 ml;

For fattening pigs - 5–10 ml.

For poultry (regardless of age), magnesium chloride brine is added to feed (dry food, milk, water) - 1–2 ml/kg of feed. The gain in live weight of broiler chickens increases by 5-7% and feed consumption per 1 kg of gain decreases by 10-14%. The safety of chickens increases by 2-3%. The introduction of crystalline magnesium chloride into the diet of laying hens in an amount of 400-800 mg/kg of feed has a positive effect on the strength of egg shells, increases egg production by 2-5%, and increases the safety of birds by 1-2%.

Magnesium chloride is part of a complex feed additive for sows. Additive composition: magnesium chloride 79.8%; ascorbic acid 0.2%; glucose 20%. This supplement is used for the last 30 days of pregnancy. Multiple pregnancy increases by 5-8%. The weight of the nest upon weaning increases by 12.7%.

Increased dust content in any production is a threat. Dust that does not contain carbon can threaten the health of personnel and be the basis of various occupational respiratory diseases. Dust, which contains carbon, can also threaten the lives of personnel and be the basis for an explosion of dust-air mixture. The dustiest industries are considered to be mining and processing of minerals.

Local places of dust formation are places equipped with grinding and transportation mechanisms (especially overloading). Such places require the installation of dust suppression devices. Dust suppression with water is considered the simplest and most effective. Adding magnesium chloride to water significantly increases the dust suppression effect. The consumption of crystalline magnesium chloride additive is up to 0.438 kg/m 2 of dust-forming surface.

Alloys of magnesium with aluminum, zinc, copper, manganese, bismuth, titanium, cadmium are melted under a layer of coating flux, because magnesium ignites upon contact with furnace gases (bright red spots appear at first, which then turn into a bright white flame).

Anhydrous magnesium chloride is included in fluxes for melting magnesium.

Composition of fluxes for melting magnesium alloys

Component Flux composition,% by weight
№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6
MgCl 2 anhydrous 58 60 60 72 50 20
KCl 37 35 - - 33 -
MgF 2 5 - - 28 17 -
NaF - 2 - - - -
CaF2 - 3 - - - -
NaCl - - 40 - - 80

The flux preparation process begins with the dehydration of magnesium chloride from the hexahydrate compound MgCL 2 × 6H 2 O. To do this, prepare a mechanical mixture of magnesium chloride hexahydrate and ammonium chloride in a weight ratio of 3:1. This mixture is poured onto iron baking sheets and a small amount of water is added. The baking sheets are heated to a temperature of 150-200°C with vigorous stirring. Then the temperature is gradually increased. The formation of sintered pieces occurs, which must be crushed for easier release of crystallization water. Dehydrated magnesium chloride has the form of a powdery non-caking mass. Anhydrous magnesium chloride of low quality (poorly dehydrated) causes boiling and bubbling upon contact with molten metal, floats on the surface of the metal in clumps and makes the protective coating non-uniform.

Anhydrous magnesium chloride is melted in welded iron crucibles. As magnesium chloride melts (stirring all the time), sodium chloride and potassium chloride are introduced into it. At a temperature of 700°C, the mixture is poured into iron pans, preheated to 100-110°C. After cooling, the flux is crushed and, if necessary, finely ground fluoride salts are added. Flux is hygroscopic, so it is stored in a tightly closed container. Flux consumption depends on technological methods and ranges from 3 to 30% of the weight of the metal.

To avoid contamination of the magnesium alloy with harmful impurities, the metal is melted in welded iron crucibles. Graphite and fireclay crucibles are not used.

The use of magnesium chloride is regulated by the following standards:

GOST 7759-73 "Technical magnesium chloride (bischofite). Technical conditions",

GOST 171-81 "Compressed baker's yeast. Technical conditions."


Magnesium chloride is obtained in large quantities by evaporating sea brines.

In addition, magnesium chloride is obtained by dehydrating the bischofite mineral, followed by dehydration in a stream of hydrogen chloride at 100-200 °C.

Magnesium chloride is a by-product of the reduction reaction of titanium from titanium tetrachloride.