Quiz games for girls. Quiz games for girls are great holiday fun. Questions about the birthday boy

Usually, teachers and parents spend a lot of time organizing even the most minor children's events. At the same time, problems rarely arise with the selection of mobile competitions. More often the question arises: how to persuade children to sit quietly for a while and how to conduct a quiz.

There are a few important things to keep in mind when preparing your quiz questions:

  • Age of children. At school age, every year matters. What is interesting to seven-year-olds may already seem boring to eight-year-olds.
  • Interests. Favorite games, films, books. This is one of the most important factors in choosing questions.
  • Venue.
  • The theme of the holiday, if present. For example, it could be a birthday in the style of pirates or fairy tales. Then most of the questions should correspond to the given topic.

Organization rules

In addition to preparation, the organization of the quiz itself also plays an important role. Active children are sometimes not so easy to interest in intellectual play. There are several tips to help organizers cope with this task:

  1. You need to create a buzz around the quiz before it even starts. You can invite the guys to split into teams. Let them think about a name, a motto, and choose a captain. Teams can answer questions one by one, and for each correct answer they will receive a token. Whoever scores more wins.

If there are not very many children at the holiday, then each child can play for himself. You can take the quiz right at the table.

  1. Before asking a question, children can be asked to choose a topic. That is, you will have to divide all the questions into groups. For example, animals, plants, cartoons, sports and so on. Here everything will depend on the interests of the young company.
  2. There must be musical accompaniment. It will be boring to answer questions in silence. For quizzes, it is better to choose rhythmic tracks without words.
  3. As a result, absolutely all participants should receive memorable prizes.

Funny quizzes

Children take special pleasure in participating in quizzes where the tasks are funny. The questions with answers given are more suitable for children aged 8-9 years.

Question Answer
What letter is in first place in our country, and in fourth place in America? Letter R.
Which hand is easier to stir sugar in a mug? In which a spoon is held.
How to transfer water in a sieve? Freezing.
When is it easier for a cat to come home? When the door is open.
Which wheel does not spin when driving? Spare.
What to do when you see a little green man? Cross the road.
Which month has 28 days? In everyone.
What will happen to the blue pebble if it falls into the sea? It gets wet and drowns.
Three cats catch three mice in three minutes. How long will it take one cat to catch one mouse? In three minutes.
What bird doesn't lay eggs? Rooster.

Such questions can quickly amuse both the guests and the birthday boy.

Slightly younger children who are in first grade or are just getting ready to go to school (7-8 years old) will enjoy a cool quiz with the following tasks:

Tasty questions

It happens that guests behave very actively throughout the holiday. In this case, asking questions at the table about food would be an excellent solution. Most likely, they will whet the children's appetite. This kind of entertainment is usually enjoyed by both adults and children.

You will need to prepare different products and place them on plates. It should be a mixture of sweet, spicy, salty, sour. The participant will need to guess which product he was given to try (his eyes must be blindfolded). Or all actions can be replaced with questions:

Questions about the birthday boy

On a birthday, the owner of the holiday deserves special attention. Therefore, you can arrange a quiz with questions about the birthday boy. Let the guests show how well they know him. Older children (11-12 years old) will enjoy this game. The tasks can be both serious and fun. Here are sample questions for the quiz:

  1. When was the birthday boy born?
  2. What's his favorite song?
  3. What's your favorite movie?
  4. What does he do in his free time?
  5. What is his sister/brother's name?
  6. How old is his cat/hamster/turtle?
  7. Where did he spend last summer?
  8. Can he swim?
  9. What class are you in?

Any child will love this kind of attention. And after the game is over, you can take out the cake with candles and make a wish.

Quiz for everyone

If the company is of different ages. For example, if there are children aged 10 and 13 at the festival, then you can choose games that will be interesting to absolutely everyone. Moreover, adult guests will also be able to participate. Such entertainment should be offered in the middle of the event.

Guess the melody

The game is suitable for a company that has already met, warmed up and is having fun. This quiz will require a host, a computer or stereo system, and a selection of music. It is better to choose songs from different genres. Let it be children's songs from cartoons, soundtracks from films, and popular melodies. The presenter plays excerpts of songs, and players must guess the name.

Another option is a quiz. All guests are divided into two or three teams (depending on their number). You are given one word and a limited time. Each team must come up with as many songs as possible with a given word.


The long-known and beloved game is suitable for absolutely all ages. And the birthday boy may be the center of attention. The rules are:

  1. The presenter takes one item from each player (bracelet, pen, tie, etc.) and puts it in one box (maybe a bag, hat).
  2. The birthday boy stands with his back to everyone and does not see what is happening.
  3. The presenter takes one thing and asks: “What should this phantom do?”
  4. The main character of the celebration comes up with a task, and the participant must complete it.

Tasks can be like this:

  1. Sing a funny song.
  2. Tell a funny joke.
  3. Crow 10 times.
  4. Dance the dance of the little ducklings.
  5. Pet the cat.
  6. Eat three candies.

The tasks largely depend on the imagination of the owner of the holiday. For each completed task, you can give players small prizes.

What? Where? When?

This will be a fun intellectual quiz. It is better to prepare complex questions, depending on the age of the guests, in advance. The rules are as follows:

  1. A question is asked and a limited time is given to think.
  2. Each team discusses the answer and writes it down on paper.
  3. The correct answer is announced, and the team that guesses correctly is awarded a point.

Whichever team ends up with more points will be the winner. You can increase the number of points for particularly difficult questions or for quickly writing the correct answer. The number of rounds may not be limited. And the winners must receive prizes.

When preparing a birthday quiz, you can consult with your child and listen to his wishes. He can tell you exactly what will be interesting to him and his guests, what games they like to play and what questions would be most interesting to them.

Videos with quizzes:

After watching these videos, you will get more options for questions for a children's quiz.

1. What is the name of the liquid cosmetic product for washing hair? (Shampoo.)

2. What is a rubber pacifier for a baby called? (Dummy.)

3. What is another name for the children's toy top? (Yula.)

4. How many months does a year consist of? (12.)

5. What is a strand of hair that is curled or curly called? (Curl.)

6. What is the name of a children's winter cart with 2 runners? (Sled.)

7. What month begins winter? (December.)

8. What is the name of the special book in which students’ progress is noted? (Magazine.)

9. What is the name of a measure of length equal to 10 centimeters? (Decimeter.)

10. Name in order the colors of the stripes on the flag of the Russian Federation. (White, blue, red.)

11. Which animal ate the grasshopper in the song from the cartoon “The Adventures of Dunno”? (Frog.)

12. Which note is followed by the note “D”? (To.)

13. What color is obtained when red and yellow are combined? (Orange.)

14. What bird has forty “A”s in its name? (Magpie.)

15. What is the name of the household electrical appliance for grinding coffee beans? (Electric coffee grinder.)

16. What is the name of the device for preserving food at low temperatures? (Fridge.)

17. What is the name of a vehicle designed to fly people into space? (Spacecraft.)

18. Which character in E. Uspensky’s fairy tale shot pigeons with a slingshot? (Old woman Shapoklyak.)

19. Which character in K. Chukovsky’s poem “Telephone” asks to send galoshes? (Crocodile.)

20. What book did Carlo Buratino’s dad buy when he sold his jacket? (ABC.)

21. Which character captivated the main character of the poem “Tsokotukha Fly”? (Spider.)

22. What is another name for the boletus mushroom? (White.)

23. To what celestial body did Dunno and Donut fly? (Moon.)

24. Which bird does not have its own nest? (Cuckoo.)

25. Which bird has the smallest body size in the world? It can be confused with an insect. (Hummingbird.)

26. Who sings this song?

If I'm scratching my head, it's okay.

There is sawdust in my head, yes, yes, yes. (Winnie the Pooh.)

27. What is the stem of a word? (Part of a word or word without ending.)

28. Baba Yaga's home. (Hut on chicken legs.)

29. Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the prince’s wife? (Frog.)

30. What did Cinderella lose? (Crystal slipper.)

31. The device on which Baba Yaga flies. (Mortar.)

32. Cheerful onion man. (Cipollino.)

33. The hero of a Russian folk tale, traveling on a stove. (Emelya.)

34. How many brothers did Ivan the Fool have? (Two.)

35. The smartest shorty of the Flower City. (Knowledge.)

36. Postman of the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin.)

37. Who said the magic words: “Fly, fly, petal, across the west, to the east...”? (Zhenya.)

38. Who caught the unusual pike? (Emelya.)

39. Who did the ugly duckling become? (Swan.)

40. Who got into Through the Looking Glass? (Alice.)

41. There are only three in this tale: three heroes, each with three objects. Name this fairy tale. (“Three Bears.”)

42. From what city were the heroes of the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen”? (Bremen.)

43. It flashes over the flower, dances, and waves its patterned fan. (Butterfly.)

44. The miracle stove stretched out like an accordion under the window. (Battery.)

45. That was the name of the mother of Jesus Christ. (Maria.)

46. ​​Strong wooden house

With a small round window.

He stands on a long leg,

To prevent cats from getting in. (Birdhouse.)

47. People always have it,

Ships always have it. (Nose.)

48. Lives in the water, has no beak, but pecks. (Fish.)

49. Relative of the bench. (Shop.)

50. They don’t sow, they don’t plant,

They grow up on their own. (Hair.)

51. He will come running and hide the sun, and then cry some more. (Cloud.)

52. A beautiful picture that can be stuck anywhere without glue. (Sticker.)

53. A farm cat, whom Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino loves very much. (Matroskin.)

54. They are rowed while sailing a boat. (Paddle.)

55. There is salt water in it, you can’t drink it. (Sea.)

56. What kind of long snake lay down in the middle of the street,

As soon as you turn on the tap, it will flow and flow? (Hose.)

57. Who is in charge on the ship? (Captain.)

58. Warm house in the garden for cucumbers and tomatoes. (Greenhouse, greenhouse.)

59. What was the name of the owner of the Little Humpbacked Horse? (Ivan.)

60. Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver;

He must know a lot

Because he... (artist).

61. What was the famous fairy tale soldier made of? (Tin.)

62. I need this notebook to put grades there. (Diary.)

63. According to Shapoklyak, so green and flat. (Crocodile Gena.)

64. From whom did the dishes run away? (From Fedora.)

65. This is what your mom and dad’s vacations are called. (Vacation.)

66. What is the name of the number that appears in a schoolchild’s diary? (Grade.)

67. First you need to brew it, and then drink it. (Tea.)

68. What is the short name for a flying saucer? (UFO.)

69. This is what they call an orange, an apple, and a tangerine. (Fruit.)

70. The sailors “tear” her. (Deck.)

71. What is another name for a good or evil sorceress in fairy tales? (Fairy.)

72. His scythe will mow the field,

In winter, cows feed on it. (Hay.)

73. Seven brothers in the calendar - 5 work and 2 rest. (Week.)

74. He is afraid of everything in the world. (Coward.)

75. He gets to his house on the roof using a motor on his back. (Carlson.)

76. In the fog, he sends his light to ships - a saving signal. (Lighthouse.)

77. They lay me on the mattress, I call it... (sheet).

78. Inside it is cold, cold, it is opened by a hungry person. (Fridge.)

79. There is glass in the window and a picture on the wall. (Frame.)

80. A lamp standing on the floor on a long leg. (Floor lamp.)

81. Neither a ship, nor a boat, nor oars, nor sails, but if it floats, it does not sink. (Raft.)

82. What were the names of the first two people whom the Lord created? (Adam and Eve.)

83. This product, which is made from milk, is usually eaten with pancakes. (Sour cream.)

84. Hanging in the garden, among the trees, you can swing in it and sleep. (GIamak.)

85. This boy was raised by animals. (Mowgli.)

86. We have Santa Claus, and in Europe - ... (Santa Claus.)

87. Satirical children's film magazine. (“Jumble.”)

90. What did the Wolf use to catch fish in the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf”? (Tail.)

91. Frozen water. (Ice.)

92. If you don’t abandon it, the ship will sail away. (Anchor.)

93. Sugar in pieces. (Refined sugar.)

94. Bottom of shoes. (Sole.)

95. Bed sheet for the little ones. (Diaper.)

96. Granddaughter of Santa Claus. (Snow Maiden.)

97. Fairytale hat. (Invisible.)

98. Not attending school without a good reason. (Absenteeism.)

99. The shortest month. (February.)

100. Chief chimney specialist. (Chimney sweep.)

Quiz for March 8th at school

For girls in grades 4-5 - questions with answers. For each correct answer to the quiz, the girls' team receives 1 point.

1. This metal attachment protects your finger when sewing.

2. He explains in detail how to prepare the dish.

3. Rectangular or oval detergent.

4. What dish, made from milk and eggs, do adults and children like to eat in the morning.

5. What is the name given to dried apricots from which the pit has been removed?

6. What is the name of a flat device for carrying dishes or empty dishes?

7. It can be tea, coffee and lunch.

8. What is the name of lump sugar?

9. What kind of dish should you get if you mix: potatoes, beets, carrots, sauerkraut, onions, salt and pour sunflower oil over it all?

10. Why do you need a colander in the kitchen?

11. How is it customary to put down the fork and knife at the end of a meal?

12. Flowers gathered in a bunch?

13. What are the names of cloth or paper squares for wiping lips and hands after eating?

14. Continue: “I porridge with butter...”.

15. What outerwear does not have sleeves?

16. What is cooked “in its uniform”?

17. What kind of juice is added with salt?

18. Which fastener requires a loop?

19. What is the name of pickled cucumber soup?

20. Riddle:

They are poured into a frying pan,

And when they are baked,

They call it the sun.


1. Thimble. 2. Recipe. 3. Soap. 4. Omelet. 5. Dried apricots. 6. Tray. 7. Service. 8. Refined sugar. 9. Vinaigrette. 10. For washing vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries and draining the broth. 11. On the plate, not crosswise, but parallel and with the handles to the right. In this case, the tips of the fork are directed upward. 12. Bouquet. 13. Napkins. 14. You won’t spoil it. 15. Vest. 16. Potatoes. 17. Tomato. 18. For the button.19. Rassolnik. 20. Pancakes.

On the eve of the holiday, educators, teachers and parents of children begin to think through the concert program. For a celebration organized, for example, on Women's Day, one of the most popular elements will be quizzes for girls.

Such entertainment allows children not only to have fun, but also to gain new educational information. In addition, these games bring kids together, adding variety to their leisure time.

Quizzes for girls: goals and objectives

So, properly organized intellectual and cognitive competitions will be interesting to every little girl. The main thing is to figure out what questions you will ask. Quizzes for girls can be different. However, they have the same goal - to develop the cognitive interest of children and broaden their horizons.

Don’t forget that when preparing any quiz for girls, you need to take care in advance not only of questions and tasks, but also of prizes.

Think about which teams would be best to divide the participants into, who will be the captain, what names you can come up with, how to organize work places.

Where to start the quiz?

First of all, of course, the presenter announces the name of the competition itself. A quiz for girls with answers to the questions asked can begin with beautiful music, selected depending on the theme of the event.

Everything continues with introductory words, congratulations, and reading poems. After that, we smoothly move directly to the quiz. How to organize it? What should a quiz for girls be like? You should familiarize yourself with the answers to these questions long before the holiday.

A game, for example, can consist of several rounds at once. Questions will be asked to the teams in turn. They are led, of course, by captains. Points are awarded for each correct answer. The team's task is to recruit as many of them as possible. If the answer is incorrect, the question goes to the opponents. The most important thing is not to quarrel during the game, remain polite and calm.

Questions on history, etiquette, literature

For example, you can organize a tournament. As part of the quiz for girls, ask them certain questions about history - about the great women of the Russian land. Ask the children about the princess who first accepted the Orthodox faith, about the great empress, about the world's first female astronaut, etc.

In the second round, you can talk to the girls about etiquette. Ask about how married and unmarried women are treated in the UK, Germany, Spain, France, Poland and other countries.

Well, of course, we shouldn’t forget about issues related to literature. These can be tasks on the topic of myths, legends, fairy tales. You can, for example, compete to see which team knows more princesses or princes. There are plenty of fairy-tale characters, for that matter, so you can come up with a huge number of questions for a literary tour.

Young fashionistas

The above entertainments are educational and intellectual. However, what else can games for girls include? The quiz must contain questions about fashion.

Show the girls pictures of various costumes, ask them when and in what country they were in fashion. Ask questions about current trends: what can be worn and where, how to combine clothes, what accessory will suit a certain style.

Rest assured, such tasks will definitely appeal to young fashionistas, because a future real woman has already been hidden in each of them since birth. So give them maximum pleasure!

For little housewives

Questions for a quiz for girls, naturally, should also contain something related exclusively to a warm, soft feminine theme. Let the young ladies prove themselves to be real good housewives.

For example, you can ask about the first and second courses of Russian cuisine, about dishes intended for certain products, about the ingredients used in cooking.

Ask riddles, for example, about napkins (chintz, linen or paper squares for wiping hands after eating), about a tray (a flat stand for serving lunch, breakfast or dinner at the table), about a service, tablecloth, dairy and bakery products, etc. d.

You can hold a quiz for girls based solely on a specific topic - even if it’s culinary. You can also ask many questions here. For example, about where pizza came from, what dish we can’t prepare the first time, what vegetables are used to make mashed potatoes and pancakes, what product is “the head of everything,” etc.

So you can see that organizing a quiz for girls is not difficult at all. The main thing is to decide what exactly the little princesses like, show a little patience and imagination, and think about the most interesting questions and rewards. Happy holiday!

Goals: promote the development of thinking, reaction speed, cognitive activity, and the creation of an atmosphere of mutual assistance; identify children's intellectual abilities.

The class is divided into two teams, which are asked questions from different areas of knowledge. The team with the most correct answers in total wins.


1. A huge island or continent that sank in the ocean so long ago that few people believe in its existence? (Atlantis.)

2. An ancient Greek scientist whose oath every doctor knows? (Hippocrates.)

3. Cossack ataman, leader of campaigns in Siberia? (Ermak.)

4. 16th century soldier armed with a matchlock? (Musketeer.)

5. Another name for Ancient Greece? (Hellas.)

6. Home of a large feudal lord in the Middle Ages? (Lock.)

7. Pseudoscience about combining various substances to produce gold? (Alchemy.)

8. The “holy” book of Muslims? (Koran.)

9. A state headed by one person? (Monarchy.)

10. The name of the Arab religion? (Islam.)

11. An ordinary member of the monastery community? (Monk.)

12. People's Assembly in ancient and medieval Rus'? (Veche.)

13. Is it removed at the entrance to the mosque? (Shoes.)

14. What year was the Battle of Kulikovo? (1380)

15. Hired workers who moved river boats manually using string and oars? (Barge Haulers.)

16. Description of your own life? (Autobiography.)

17. Hidden, most often buried in the ground, things not taken by the owner and later discovered by chance? (Treasury)

18. A structure for target shooting with handguns and pneumatic weapons? (Tir.)

19. Short belt whip? (Whip.)

20. Slave, captive? (Slave.)

1. An ancient Roman city that disappeared almost instantly as a result of a volcanic eruption? (Pompeii.)

2. An exclamation indicating the joy of discovery? (Eureka.)

3. Where is the residence of the Pope? (Vatican.)

4. A throwing weapon of the Australian aborigines? (Boomerang.)

5. The girl kidnapped by Zeus, after whom a part of the world is named? (Europe.)

6. Weapons used in ancient times and the Middle Ages? (Sword.)

7. The doctrine of predicting the future by the location of the stars? (Astrology.)

8. The name of the legendary king of England, the hero of chivalric novels? (Arthur.)

9. Armed forces of the state? (Army.)

10. Holy city of Muslims? (Mecca.)

11. What was the name of a person who opposed the teachings of the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages? (Heretic.)

12. Owner of land and serfs in the Middle Ages? (Feudal lord.)

13. A place of worship for performing religious ceremonies? (Temple.)

14. In what year did the Battle of the Ice take place? (1242)

15. An old warrior, a participant in the war in the past? (Veteran.)

17. Parking of troops outside a populated area for overnight or rest? (Bivouac.)

18. Military or civilian uniform? (Uniform.)

19. In the old days, a striking weapon in the form of a short staff with a heavy spherical head made of metal or stone? (Mace.)

20. A person living on alms, collecting alms? (Beggar.)


1. Hundredth part of a number? (Percent.)

2. Which is lighter: 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (Equally.)

3. Can multiplication result in zero? (Yes.)

4. What is a quarter of an hour? (15 min.)

5. Specific unit for measuring oil volume? (Barrel.)

6. First point coordinate? (Abscissa.)

7. Science that studies the properties of figures on a plane? (Planimetry.)

8. A device for measuring angles? (Protractor.)

9. Scientist whose most famous achievement was the “sieve” for sifting out prime numbers? (Eratosthenes.)

10. Statement that requires proof? (Theorem.)

11. Part of a line consisting of all points of the line lying on one side of a given point? (Beam, half-line.)

12. A segment connecting two points on a circle? (Chord.)

13. What are the lengths of the sides of the “Egyptian” triangle? (3; 4; 5 segment units.)

14. Translate the words “stretched bowstring” into ancient Greek? (Hypotenuse.)

15. Graph of the function y = kx + b (Straight line.)

16. Sum of the angles of a triangle? (180°.)

17. Who said: “Mathematics is the queen of sciences, and arithmetic is the queen of mathematics”? (K. Gauss.)

1 8. Absolute value of a number? (Module.)

19. Independent variable? (Argument.)

20. Third power of the number? (Cube)

1. The place occupied by the digit in the notation of the number? (Discharge.)

2. Three horses were running. Each horse ran 5 km. How many kilometers did the driver travel? (5 km.)

3. Can division result in zero? (Yes.)

4. What part of an hour is 20 minutes? (1/3.)

5. Unit of mass of gemstones? (Carat.)

6. Second point coordinate? (Ordinate.)

7. Science that studies the properties of figures in space? (Stereometry.)

8. A device for constructing a circle? (Compass.)

9. The great scientist whose name the rectangular coordinate system now bears? (R. Descartes.)

10. Statement accepted without proof? (Axiom.)

11. A segment connecting a point on a circle to the center? (Radius.)

12. The sum of the lengths of all sides of a polygon? (Perimeter.)

13. What is the root sign called? (Radical.)

14. Translate the words “pine cone” into ancient Greek? (Cone.)

15. Graph of the function y = x3? (Cubic parabola.)

16. Sum of the angles of a square? (360°.)

18. Equality that is valid for all permissible values ​​of the variables? (Identity.)

19. Dependent variable? (Function.)

20. Second power of a number? (Square.)


1. The person running the orchestra? (Conductor.)

2. Complex sports facility? (Stadium.)

3. Singer-poet? (Bard.)

4. In boxing: is the referee's cry indicating that the boxer has been knocked out? (Out.)

5. A wealthy patron of the arts and sciences? (Maecenas.)

6. The final part of the distance, competition? (Finish.)

7. First public paid showing of a new performance? (Premiere.)

8. Sports running 42 km 195 m? (Marathon.)

9. A short break between the actions of a play or concert? (Intermission.)

10. How many players are in the rugby team? (15 people.)

11. Dance step? (Pa.)

12. Formal lunch or dinner? (Banquet.)

13. Arrow case? (Quiver.)

14. A place in the auditorium reserved for several people? (Lodge.)

15. An object worn on the body and considered a magical remedy against illness or misfortune? (Amulet.)

16. A man dancing with a lady? (Cavalier.)

17. Combinations of sounds that are perceived as chaotic or chaotic? (Cacophony.)

18. The stand on which the artist supports the canvas? (Easel.)

19. A list of exhibits compiled in a certain order? (Catalog.)

20. Musical ensemble of six performers. (Sextet.)

1. A group of singers? (Chorus.)

2. Boxing area fenced with ropes? (Ring.)

3. An artist who performs leading roles in an opera? (Soloist.)

4. In chess: is there a position of the king in which there is no protection for him? (Mat.)

5. Preliminary announcement about a performance or concert? (Announcement.)

6. The starting point of a speed sport competition? (Start.)

7. Where do you sell tickets? (Cash register.)

8. Walk, walking for relaxation, treatment? (Exercise.)

9. Tower clock with music? (Chimes.)

10. How many players are on the basketball team? (12 people.)

11. An antique round building for performances and competitions in Ancient Greece? (Arena.)

12. Big dance party? (Ball.)

13. Travel bag? (Backpack.)

14. Piercing edged weapons used in fencing? (Rapier.)

15. Grace, beauty in movements? (Grace.)

16. Aivazovsky’s main “sitter”? (Sea.)

17. Chess prize awarded annually by the International Chess Press Association to the best chess players of the year? ("Oscar".)

18. The source of sound that serves as a standard for sound purity when tuning musical instruments and in singing? (Fork.)

19. A board or plate for mixing paints? (Palette.)

20. Musical ensemble of five performers? (Quintet.)


1. “Queen of Flowers”? (Rose.)

2. What is the largest land animal? (Elephant.)

3. Commercial fish that die after spawning? (Chum salmon.)

4. Fossil elephant? (Mammoth.)

5. Short-tailed crayfish? (Crab.)

6. A South American mammal that usually hangs from branches with its back down? (Sloth.)

7. Wild mountain sheep? (Arhar.)

8. An insectivorous mammal that lives underground? (Mole.)

9. Predatory freshwater fish? (Pike.)

10. Giant toad? (Yeah.)

11. Northern sled and hunting dog? (Laika.)

12. Which edible mushrooms appear first? (Mols and lines.)

13. What birds walk part of the way to us from the south? (Landrail.)

14. How many legs does a spider have? (Eight.)

15. What kind of fish builds a nest? (Stickleback.)

16. Eyes on horns, hell on your back? (Snail.)

17. From what day (according to the calendar) is the beginning of autumn considered? (From September 21 - the day of the autumnal equinox.)

18. Which birds have females that are larger and stronger than males? (In carnivores.)

19. What animal sleeps upside down all winter? (Bat.)

20. Was it used to make the famous shagreen leather? (Shark.)

1. Spectacled snake? (Cobra.)

2. Hippopotamus? (Hippopotamus.)

3. Tailless amphibian with warty skin? (Toad.)

4. An aquatic plant considered sacred in India and China? (Lotus.)

6. South American antelope? (Gnu.)

7. A bat with big ears? (Ushan.)

8. Which bird hatches chicks even in winter? (Crossbill.)

9. Coleopteran insect? (Bug.)

10. Striped African horse? (Zebra.)

11. Common name for small commercial fish of the herring family? (Sprat.)

12. A very dense and dark forest of coniferous trees? (Taiga.)

13. Which bird “barks”? (Male partridge: during the spring in the spring, he makes a sound similar to a dog barking.)

14. What bird makes a nest out of fish bones? (Kingfisher.)

15. Who has ears on their feet? (Grasshopper.)

16. No brain, but more cunning than the beast? (Trap.)

17. From what day (according to the calendar) is the beginning of spring considered? (From March 21 - the day of the vernal equinox.)

18. Which legs grow first in tadpoles - front or back? (Rear.)

19. Fig tree? (Fig.)

20. Which living creature has the highest body temperature? (At the sparrow, t = 45.9°.)


1. What is the largest ocean? (Quiet.)

2. Which continent has no rivers? (In Antarctica.)

3. Deepest lake? (Baikal, 1620 m.)

4. Large estate in Brazil? (Hacienda.)

5. Tourist trip by water? (Cruise.)

6. A reference book about some historical place, museum, tourist route? (Guide.)

7. Icy crust on the snow after a short thaw? (Present)

8. In which sea do the inhabitants of three parts of the world fish? (In the Mediterranean Sea.)

9. Rotating model of the globe? (Globe.)

10. The inscription on the postal envelope indicating the recipient's location? (Address.)

1 1. An area of ​​stable low atmospheric pressure? (Cyclone.)

12. Gaseous shell surrounding the Earth? (Atmosphere.)

13. A large space, not inhabited by people, devoid of vegetation? (Desert.)

14. What is the hardest mineral? (Diamond.)

15. Significant flooding of the area as a result of rising water levels in the river during the snowmelt period? (Flood.)

16. Which river crosses the equator twice? (Congo.)

18. Where does the river flow into the sea, lake or other river? (Mouth.)

19. Line of apparent contact between the sky and the earth’s or water’s surface? (Horizon.)

20. Highest point of a mountain peak? (Peak.)

2. Where is the Arabian Desert located? (In Africa.)

4. Cattle farm in the USA? (Ranch.)

5. A group of pack animals carrying people and cargo? (Caravan.)

6. A person who accompanies tourists and introduces them to the area and attractions? (Guide.)

7. A drifting ice mass that broke away from a glacier with a deeply submerged underwater part? (Iceberg.)

8. What part of the world is washed by all four oceans? (Asia.)

9. A period of time equal to the period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun? (Year.)

10. Collection of geographical maps? (Atlas.)

1 I. Region of stable high atmospheric pressure9 (Anticyclone.)

12. Molten mass in the depths of the Earth? (Magma.)

13. A stream of water rapidly falling from a height? (Waterfall.)

14. A piece of iron ore that has the property of attracting iron objects? (Magnet.)

15. Tremors and vibrations of individual sections of the earth's surface? (Earthquake.)

16. Which sea does not a single river flow into? (Red Sea.)

17. What is the shallowest ocean? (Northern Arctic.)

18. A depression in the ground through which a water stream flows? (Red.)

19. Sun setting beyond the horizon line? (Sunset.)

20. A device for determining the sides of the horizon? (Compass.)


1. Financial institution? (Bank.)

2. The monetary unit of Germany? (Mark.)

4. Secret theft of valuables that does not involve violence? (Theft.)

5. Brazil's monetary unit? (Real.)

6. Is the Greek god the patron of trade? (Hermes.)

7. Part of the salary paid in advance? (Advance.)

8. Colloquial designation for a million monetary units? ("Lemon".)

9. Monetary unit of Russia? (Ruble.)

10. Oversaturation of the circulation area with paper money? (Inflation.)

11. Periodically organized auctions? (Fair.)

12. Payment in advance (partial is possible)? (Prepayment.)

13. Intermediary? (Broker.)

14. Monetary unit of Norway, Sweden, Denmark? (Crown.)

16. Established mandatory payment collected from citizens and legal entities? (Tax.)

17. A risky and dubious undertaking undertaken with the expectation of random success? (Adventure.)

18. Giving out property for a loan? (Pledge.)

19. A debt document is an obligation to pay a certain amount of money within a certain period of time? (Bill.)

20. Weight of cargo without packaging? (Net.)

1. Government agency conducting border inspections? (Customs.)

2. Japanese currency? (Yen.)

3. Security? (Promotion.)

4. A sale where the purchase goes to the highest bidder? (Auction.)

5. What is the monetary unit of Italy? (Lyra.)

6. Is the Slavic god the patron of trade? (Whiteer.)

7. Fixed salary? (Salary.)

8. The part of the clothes where the money is put? (Pocket.)

9. US currency? (Dollar.)

10. Are expenses exceeding income? (Scarcity.)

1 1. Number of copies of a printed publication of one title? (Circulation.)

12. Income received by the owner of the share? (Dividend.)

13. Antique dealer? (Antique)

14. Monetary unit of Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg? (Franc.)

15. Fixed-term contract? (Contract.)

16. Property that passes after the death of its owner to a new person? (Inheritance.)

17. An insolvent debtor who refuses to pay his creditors due to ruin? (Bankrupt.)

18. Borrowing money or valuables under certain conditions? (Loan.)

19. Organization or person who invested capital in economic development? (Investor.)

20. Weight of cargo with packaging? (Gross.)


1. The code word used to open the doors of one underground treasury? (Sesame.)

2. A short allegorical story in verse or prose with a moralizing conclusion? (Fable.)

3. The richest drake in the world? (Scrooge.)

5. An ancient folk tale about legendary heroes, gods, and natural phenomena? (Myth.)

6. The name of the hero from the city of Murom? (Ilya)

7. The fruit in which Cinderella's dress was hidden? (Nut.)

8. Mountains that the heroes of Jules Verne’s novel overcame? (Andes.)

9. A short satirical poem about a topical social event or addressed to a specific person? (Epigram.)

10. Vodyanoy’s place of residence? (Swamp.)

1 1. The country where the great storyteller H. C. Andersen lived and worked? (Denmark.)

12. A fairy-tale creature that could make gold coins with a simple blow of its hoof? (Antelope.)

13. I. A. Krylov’s fable about the Monkey, the Donkey, the Goat and the Bear? ("Quartet".)

14. Edible hero of a Russian fairy tale? (Kolobok.)

15. The name of the most famous Rodionovna? (Arina.)

17. Whose name does the Moscow Art Theater bear? (Named after M. Gorky.)

18. Memories of past events made by a contemporary or participant in these events? (Memoirs.)

19. Conversation between two persons, exchange of remarks? (Dialogue.)

1. A light and simple structure with which the Indians solve their housing problem? (Wigwam.)

2. A dramatic work with a fun, funny plot? (Comedy.)

3. What did Flint's parrot scream? (Piastres.)

4. Russian writer who gave us the “Malachite Box”? (77. 77. Bazhov.)

5. Caustic, caustic mockery, evil irony? (Sarcasm.)

6. The girl who entered into a fight with the Snow Queen herself? (Gerda.)

7. The most “truthful” person in the world? (Baron Munchausen.)

8. The brave leader of the free wolf tribe in R. Kipling’s fairy tale “Mowgli”? (Akela.)

9. Quote, proverb, saying, excerpt from a poem, placed by the author after the title of the work or before individual chapters to explain their intent? (Epigraph.)

10. The bird into which the hero of the Russian fairy tale Finist turned? (Falcon.)

11. In many fairy tales - the tallest tower in the house, in which the maiden awaits the goodness of the young man? (Terem..)

12. The country in whose territory, according to rumors, the residence of the Snow Queen is located? (Lapland.)

13. The name of Lord Glenarvan's ship in "The Children of Captain Grant" by Jules Verne? ("Duncan.")

14. Restless long-nosed wooden boy? (Pinocchio.)

15. The cart that remained in place in I. A. Krylov’s fable? (WHO.)

17. The Pushkins’ ancestral village in the Pskov region? (Mikhailovskoe.)

18. A large poetic work on a historical, heroic or sublime lyrical theme? (Poem.)

19. Speech by one person, addressed to listeners or to himself? (Monologue.)

Prizes are awarded.