What salary is considered average, what is high, and what is low in your city, and describe what life is like for each of these salaries? The highest paid professions in the world and Russia The highest paid professions for humanists

Remember yourself in your youth, when after school you were faced with the choice of which higher education institution to choose to continue further education. Have you always pursued the goal of making good money and securing a stable future for yourself? Or maybe you longed to get a profession for your soul? Man was created for a good life, and if you share this opinion, it’s time to retrain and, after getting acquainted with the list of the most profitable professions in Russia, choose a more suitable occupation for yourself.

Profession "manager"

They say that leaders are not made, but rather born. Only a small percentage of Russians can feel themselves in the role of director of a company, but it’s worth taking the risk if you feel that this is truly your calling. In Russia, the profession of a director (not a school director, of course) is the highest paid. See this for yourself using the example of average salaries in the country:

  • General Director - 275 thousand rubles;
  • Commercial director - 190 thousand rubles;
  • Financial director - 170 thousand rubles;
  • Technical director - 140 thousand rubles.

From heaven to earth: top 10 profitable professions

In order to make good money, it is not at all necessary to be born a Rockefeller or to be a thief in law. And not everyone can become the head of an Investment Bank. The ability to direct your strength and complete dedication to your favorite work is always generously paid. Despite the fact that for 2016-2017. The average salary in Russia is only 20 thousand rubles; a small percentage of highly specialized specialists can always earn several tens of times more. Don't believe me? Then check out the list of the most profitable professions in Russia with a description of the activity and the minimum wage.

Surely everyone today tries to eat not only to satisfy the basic needs of the stomach, but also to get at least minimal pleasure from eating. That is why establishments where you can have a tasty snack are often chosen as a place for meetings and various events. The most talented chefs today often surpass musicians and actors in popularity. The main thing is to show imagination in preparing the dish and attract the attention of visitors to the establishment. Thus, today's chef can become the owner of a luxurious restaurant in which reservations will be made months in advance.

Any large organization today requires logisticians. A person of this specialty develops a route of movement from the manufacturing organization to the point of cargo acceptance. It is important for a logistician to ensure that goods do not remain idle, so good computer skills are always welcome. Do you have doubts about the salary of a logistician? Imagine the volume of goods the company works with, and doubts will immediately dissipate.

Minimum salary: 45 thousand rubles.

​They say that toothache is the worst in the world, so dental professionals are never left without clients. It is important to obtain a narrowly focused specialization and engage, for example, only in examining the oral cavity, installing braces, and treating caries. Build yourself a clientele and be sure that they won’t be able to live a single day without your help.

Despite the fact that the chief accountant of a company occupies a very modest place after the director, the success of the enterprise depends precisely on the person involved in finance. Of course, we are talking about legal salaries, which, as a rule, are very high for accountants.

Minimum salary: 30 thousand rubles.

In the age of computer technology, a programmer is a semblance of an omnipotent person. A qualified specialist can count on good earnings, because every day there are people who need to change the firmware on their phone, reinstall the operating system, or at least install a rare program. A programmer can work either in a company or take orders remotely from home.

An auditor, like an accountant, is a person whose activities extend to managing the finances of a company. Today, the auditor’s responsibilities include auditing financial statements, managing financial documentation, and providing advice in this area.

Minimum salary: 35 thousand rubles.

The company’s reputation depends on valuable advice in the business environment, so no one skimps on the salaries of such specialists. The task of a business consultant is to find the most profitable solution to a given situation. Often, people in this profession also master teaching and act as speakers at business trainings and seminars.

Minimum salary: 40 thousand rubles.

An information technology specialist, or “IT specialist” for short, is the most respected employee in any structure. If you have a basic technical background, you are eligible to apply for this position by taking responsibility for maintaining the database.

Minimum salary: 60 thousand rubles.

It’s not for nothing that oil is called “black gold”, because it is the workers in this industry who, as a rule, are underground millionaires. Due to the need for constant production in the oil and gas industry, personnel are selected most carefully and their work is generously paid.

Minimum salary: 60 thousand rubles.

Without exaggeration, the success of the company as a whole depends on a good manager of an organization. A good manager must be able to distribute the work of all employees of the company and, if necessary, take on their workload. Purposeful people can cope with the task even without special education.

Minimum salary: 100 thousand rubles.

The highest paid professions in Russia

If you think that the salaries of dentists, managers and IT specialists are not for you, and you were born for more, it’s time to find out who becomes a millionaire with their real work in a matter of years. Instead of lyrical digressions, you should go straight to the numbers. First, you should abandon the belief that people from show business are the richest people. It's no secret that even with excellent parameters it is quite difficult to become an actress, model, and singer. It's a matter of chance and connections. You can only earn real money with your own mind.

The managing director of an investment bank earns three million a year. And not dollars, but rubles! This is the highest paid profession in Russia in 2016, which only a small percentage of applicants can apply for, but it’s still worth a try.

People involved in obtaining and refining petroleum products are never poor, especially the leaders of this environment, who receive two million dollars a year (but it is impossible for an ordinary person to get into this position through an interview). Any manager can become a millionaire; the main thing is to correctly distribute the workload of employees, monitor the activities of the entire company and have patience. Understand for yourself that you too can become the owner of the highest paid profession in Russia, the main thing is to want it!

HeadHunter asked 10 thousand working residents of Russia what wage they consider worthy. It turned out that the average salary is only 53% of the worthy remuneration for work, according to those surveyed.

Only 9% of respondents admitted that they consider their salary worthy. 22% of respondents called it “normal”. Another 69% of workers do not consider their current pay as decent.

Workers from the Southern, North Caucasus and Central Federal Districts are most dissatisfied with it, and the Moscow region and the Northwestern Federal District showed the highest level of satisfaction with monthly income.

It is worth adding that the highest salary offered now is in Moscow and the region - 58 thousand rubles, and the lowest in the Central Federal District, not counting Moscow and the region - 28 thousand.

HeadHunter analysts asked respondents to indicate the amount of salary that, in their opinion, would be worthy. In general, in Russia the salary in . At the same time, in Moscow, a decent salary, according to respondents, is , in St. Petersburg and the region - . In third place is the Far Eastern Federal District, its working residents consider a decent salary of at least 69 thousand rubles.

The most modest expectations in the Northwestern Federal District (excluding St. Petersburg and the region) are 43 thousand rubles. And the largest gap between decent wages and the regional average was in the Volga Federal District: the difference between them was more than 100%.

“A decent salary is a rather vague concept,” explained Maria Ignatova, head of the HeadHunter Research Service. - For some, this is income that allows them to satisfy any needs without restrictions. In this case, the worthy salary will be the one that does not end at the end of the month, when any desire that arises can be realized without delay, since the money is always on hand. But for some, this is a salary that simply allows them to live normally, pay for food, loans, and kindergarten. People rarely think about any savings. They live according to the principle of “here and now.”

Managers are traditionally considered to be the leaders in terms of salary in Russia. According to the recruiting portal Superjob, offers for top managers - directors of organizations and heads of main business areas - start from 220-250 thousand rubles.

The upper limit is usually hidden behind the wording “by agreement.” This means that the salary depends on the qualifications of the applicant and will be supplemented by a bonus system for achieving certain results.

In some positions, managers' earnings are close to a million rubles.

In second place are highly qualified specialists in the IT field. Recruiters claim that this direction is more promising. A mobile application development specialist who has proven experience can, after only 3–4 years of work in the industry, qualify for a salary that a manager can reach in 10–12 years.

Also among the highest paid specialists are airline employees. Managers (for example, technical director) are offered from 300 thousand rubles, the pilot-in-command - from 350 to 470 thousand rubles or more, the head of the flight attendant service - from 150 thousand rubles. In addition, airlines typically pay employees annual bonuses based on performance.

Aeroflot recently introduced one-time payments for the employment of flight personnel: the aircraft commander receives 650 thousand rubles, the second pilot - 350 thousand rubles.

The highest paying vacancies of July in Moscow

  1. Marketing director / head of marketing department in a pharmaceutical company - up to 300,000 rubles.
  2. Financial director of a group of companies - from 260,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  3. Director of Accounting, Reporting and Tax Planning - up to 230,000 rubles.
  4. Head of the procurement department - from 200,000 to 350,000 rubles.
  5. Director of External Logistics - from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles.
  6. Lead Python / TeamLead developer - from 140,000 rubles.

Top 10 industries with the highest average earnings according to Rosstat

  1. Financial and insurance - 68,593 rubles (the average salary of the highest paid workers in the industry is 253,668 rubles).
  2. Mining - 66,973 rubles (197,326 rubles).
  3. Fishing and fish farming - 64,425 rubles (266,058 rubles).
  4. Activities in the field of information and communications - 57,601 rubles (207,307 rubles).
  5. Scientific research and development - 57,516 rubles (176,438 rubles).
  6. Professional scientific and technical activities - 56,250 rubles (199,302 rubles).
  7. Production of coke and petroleum products; chemicals and chemical products; medicines and materials used for medical purposes - 53,341 rubles (183,803 rubles).
  8. Repair and installation of machinery and equipment - 47,354 rubles (132,395 rubles).
  9. Construction - 45,941 rubles (139,270 rubles).
  10. Metallurgical production of finished metal products, except machinery and equipment - 44,162 rubles (116,307 rubles).

Who has the best prospects?

Good salaries can be earned by specialists who are not specialized (like pilots, for example) or who are not the most experienced (like managers with extensive experience).

Superjob analyzed employer proposals for employees with at least average qualifications and one to three years of work experience.

Here's what the top 10 professions with the fastest growing salaries look like.

  1. Oracle Developer.
    Annual salary increase: 21%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–120,000 rubles.
  2. Foreign exchange specialist.
    Annual salary increase: 20%.
    Average earnings: 55,000–70,000 rubles.
  3. Chief designer.
    Annual salary increase: 19%.
  4. Head of Software Testing Department.

    Average earnings: 120,000–165,000 rubles.
  5. Lawyer in international law.
    Annual salary increase: 18%.
    Average earnings: 80,000–120,000 rubles.
  6. Head of Internet projects.
    Annual salary increase: 17%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–150,000 rubles.
  7. Java programmer.
    Annual salary increase: 14%.
    Average earnings: 100,000–130,000 rubles.
  8. Tax lawyer.
    Annual salary increase: 13%.
    Average earnings: 70,000–110,000 rubles.
  9. PHP programmer.
    Annual salary increase: 12%.
    Average earnings: 90,000–120,000 rubles.
  10. Systems Analyst.
    Annual salary increase: 11%.
    Average earnings: 90,000–140,000 rubles.

As for the prospects, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation found that the most in-demand employees today are qualified workers in metalworking and engineering production, high-level specialists from the fields of science, culture, construction, transport (in particular, pilots) and lawyers.


The demand for specialties directly depends on socio-economic conditions. This affects the level of wages and shapes the specifics of the market. There are many jobs that pay well in most countries in the world. There are such specialties in every field of activity.

The highest paid professions in Russia

There are many specialties that, once mastered, can make a good profit. Highly paid jobs in Russia:

  1. High level manager. This is the highest paid profession in Russia and other countries of the world. Banking executives earn more. The work requires maximum employment; you will have to work 14–15 hours a day. Salary is up to 500 thousand rubles.
  2. Internal Communications Manager. This specialty involves organizing the work of company employees. For this you can receive from 100 thousand rubles per month.
  3. IT specialist. Salary – from 60 thousand rubles. Knowledge of several programming languages ​​and world-class certificates, for example, Microsoft, are required. This direction is the leader among those in demand.
  4. Accountant. A specialist with work experience can receive from 55 thousand rubles. It is important to understand that accountants have enormous responsibility. The upper level is 350 tr.
  5. Auditor. Salary starts from 100 thousand rubles.
  6. Lawyer. Specialists in this field are in great demand. At the entry level, the salary is from 35 thousand rubles. You need to constantly improve your skills. A specialist with extensive work experience and education receives up to 350 thousand rubles.
  7. Sales and purchasing managers. The size of the salary is influenced by the region, business sector, corporate policy and other factors. The average level of payment is 45 thousand rubles.
  8. Marketer. A specialist with extensive work experience and recommendations receives 100–200 rubles.
  9. Logistician The average payment is 45 thousand rubles. What is important here is not theoretical knowledge, but practical skills and experience.

For girls

The popular belief that it is difficult for a woman to find a well-paid job is wrong. Profitable options for girls:

  1. Internal communications specialist – 100–300 rubles.
  2. Advertising Manager. Girls are successful in this area. By getting a job as an advertising manager and proving yourself early on, you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Beauty industry specialties. There are many professions in this area, each of which can be highly paid. It is impossible to define salary limits. Income depends on the girl’s skill level, the range of services provided, and the level of workload.
  4. Accountant - up to 350 tr.
  5. Tourism Manager. Having taken a leadership position, you can receive up to 10 thousand dollars per month. An additional bonus is frequent travel.

For men

Representatives of the stronger sex have access to almost all highly paid professions. The following categories can be distinguished:

  1. Pilots. This job is responsible, so the salary is up to half a million rubles per month.
  2. Construction sector. Most specialties in this category are for men. Engineers and architects are especially valued. A construction specialist receives at least 50 thousand rubles.
  3. SMM specialists. This direction has recently gained popularity, but is considered in demand and highly paid. SMM specialists are engaged in promotion on social networks.
  4. Programmers (50 thousand rubles and above).

Medical specialties in Russia

It's sad, but in our country doctors don't earn too much. List of lucrative medical jobs:

Working professions

Physical labor can also be profitable. Some blue-collar jobs don't even require higher education. To receive a good salary, you need to diligently fulfill your responsibilities and develop. You can become an employee of a large company, a small team, or even start your own business. Rating of highly paid and in-demand working specialties:

IT industry specialists

Earnings in this area are good. The highest paid IT specialties:


Software engineer

Systems Engineer

System administrator

Software Developer


Web developer

Graphic designer

System Analyst


Financial Analyst

In the gas and oil industry

The pay in this area is decent. Profitable vacancies:


Average monthly salary (thousand rubles)

Director of Geology

Drilling Director

Directional or directional drilling engineer




Automatic operator and surveyor

Desalting and dewatering plant operator and technologist


For humanists

You don't have to be technically minded to make good money. There are many humanities professions that bring good income. The following are well paid:

  1. Brand manager. These specialists are required in many enterprises. To become a good brand manager, you need to have a creative streak. The salary is unlimited, depends on the level of the company, starts from 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Etiquette specialist. This direction has received a second life. A person giving private etiquette lessons receives 70–100 thousand rubles.
  3. Politician. This profession also falls into the humanitarian category; there is no upper limit here.