Mariam Turkmenbayeva, who is she dating? Mariam Turkmenbaeva personal life. Mariam Turkmenbaeva: The new song QuestPistolsShow will become the soundtrack of your whole life. Participation in a dance group

Singer, dancer and choreographer, lead singer of the group Quest Pistols Show. Also known as a participant in the show “Everybody Dance! "on the STB channel, where she took first and third places.

Mariam Turkmenbaeva
Mariam Aleksandrovna Turkmenbaeva
Birth name Maria Alexandrovna Turkmenbaeva
Date of birth April 12 (1990-04-12) (age 28)
Place of birth
  • Sevastopol, Ukrainian SSR, USSR
Country Ukraine Ukraine
Years of activity 2004 - present  V.
Tools vocals [d]
Genres pop/euro-pop
Teams Quest Pistols Show (since 2016)
Labels Kruzheva Music


Mariam Turkmenbaeva was born into a family of athletes on April 12, 1990 in Sevastopol. Almost all her adult life she has been dancing in the hip-hop style.

At the age of 10, Mariam joined the Sevastopol dance group “We”. At the age of 16 she came to the Olympus club. Later she moved to Kyiv and became a participant in the show ballet “Quest” under the direction of Yuri Bardash.

Two years later she became a participant in the show “Everybody Dance! " By this time, she had already been a member of many groups and performed in Svetlana Loboda’s show ballet. Mariam managed to take third place at the competition.

After her first participation in the show, Mariam Turkmenbaeva left for the USA. There she trained with the best choreographers in the world. She honed her skills, thanks to which already in 2012 she was able to take first place in the competition “Everyone Dances. Return of the Heroes."

Quest Pistols Show

Today, not a single member from the original lineup remains in the group, but the popularity of the group does not fall. The group is produced by Yuri Bardash, with whom Mariam has already worked in other projects. Now the Quest Pistols Show group focuses on choreography and special effects during performances. The updated composition and format fell in love with the Russian public.

Video clips

Quest Pistols Show includes:

The Quest Pistols group has retrained: now it is a show project with dancers from different countries. The first work, and at the same time the presentation of new heroes, was the video “Santa Lucia”. In April they presented another one - “Wet”, and a little earlier - the EP “Soundtrak”. Our immediate plans include an autumn tour across Russia, including St. Petersburg and Moscow, and in the future around the world.

The guys create the show, inspired by Cirque de Soleil and Broadway productions, but they tell us where they all started and give useful advice to newcomers. And they didn’t sweat it and danced especially for us.

Why did you start dancing?

Anton: As a teenager it was more of a hobby; for a long time I just had fun copying Michael Jackson. No one could have imagined that this would eventually develop into something serious. But over time, I realized that I find myself in this much more than in any other activity or entertainment. From the age of sixteen, dancing became my way of life.

Anton Savlepov, soloist

Vanya: In kindergarten, everyone danced, but I danced the most and my parents noticed it. Until I was 13, I didn’t understand what I was doing, and only then did I realize what an amazing thing it was.

Ivan Krishtoforenko, master of hip-hop, collected many dance awards in Russia and Europe

Washington: I guess I just wanted to meet the girl who was dancing. And then somehow everything happened by itself. I was invited to a dance project in France, and I spent 4 months there. During this time, I forgot about the goals for which I came to dance - I just loved it.

Mariam: It's hard to remember the moment when I decided that I would dance. It was probably when I was 6 years old, when I watched the film “Dancer” by Luc Besson, I was very inspired by its main character. I asked my mother to send me to dance, but my parents chose ballroom, which I didn’t really like - I felt a different culture in myself. Already at the age of 12, I found the only club in the city where they taught hip-hop dancing, and I realized that this was mine. And my main teachers were music videos, which I spent all day watching on MTV, learning and repeating all the movements. Now, dancing in “Santa Lucia” and “Wet”, I understand that for some these clips are new home aids. Everything is cyclical.

Mariam Turkmenbaeva studied with famous Hollywood choreographers and participated in many foreign dance shows

Nikita: At first I was more interested in breaking, it was also just a hobby. But over time I realized that what I do can be real art, if you look more broadly and understand the philosophy and limitless possibilities of dance.

Nikita Goryuk, soloist

What does dancing mean now?

Vanya: The most amazing thing is that in all the time I was dancing, I never considered it work or sport. I always do this because it’s fun, everything comes from the heart, from the soul. I love it, and God grant that it never becomes my job.

Anton: Dance is my way of communicating with the world. The way I express myself, the sense of rhythm, movement, emotion - it's all one. Now everything we are has become a dance, embodied in our unique performance of the Quest Pistols Show. We expressed everything we have discovered about ourselves and dance over the past few years. In the production we combined the best dancers, digital, and new dance music.

Washington: Dance for me is a feeling, it is love.

Mariam: Lifestyle. If you do this professionally, then it simply cannot be otherwise.

Nikita: Only advantages: good spirits, a sense of life and music, a healthy body and a daily battle with yourself. Dance is a universal thing, it is a body language in which you can easily declare your love or confess something completely immodest; this is the highest level of flirting. This is exactly what our new video “Wet.

Anton: Listen to yourself, listen to the rhythm of your heart and find it in music. This is the main secret and the most effective method to start really dancing.

Washington: For those who are just starting to take up dance, I would give advice to pay attention not only to those modern styles that are popular now, but also to the classical ones. Learn history, just watch old movies. This is the foundation that will explain the nature of dance.

Vanya: Dance as much as possible, dance with people, in the streets, at home and in discos. Over time, you will understand everything or just feel it. "Santa Lucia" inspired many to go dancing or wear brighter clothes, showing their character and inner feelings. This is our message.

Mariam: First you need to understand why you want to dance. If you just want to dance at a disco, then you can sign up for a studio and go there 2-3 times a week, keeping yourself in great shape. If you want to make dance your way of life and achieve something in it, then the hall should become your new home. You need to master different styles: classical, hip-hop, contemporary. Watch the video, absorb the culture, carefully analyze the technique and practice. And don’t be lazy at all!

Nikita: Find a few moves that come easy to you and perfect them, don't try to master a whole style or dance. By repeating these few movements, you will create your own style, and you will be able to add more and more new movements to it. This is how technology is formed.

Mariam Turkmenbaeva became famous thanks to the television project “Everybody Dance”. This show was broadcast on Ukrainian TV channels. Mariam was awarded 3rd place. The girl has been studying dancing for 17 years; from the age of twelve she began to study hip-hop dance.

Mariam's biography is full of tours and participation in many dance projects. The real name of the dancer is Turkmenbaeva, according to her passport, Maria Alexandrovna. Her zodiac sign is Aries, since she was born on April 12th. It’s a significant day, the day of cosmonautics, which is probably why the flight on stage in dance was chosen. Year of birth 1990. Born in Sevastopol, in the same city from the age of 10 she became interested in dancing. The girl inherited flexibility and endurance from her parents, professional athletes.

The girl's height is 165 cm, and her weight is approximately 45-48 kg.

New creative stage

As a teenager, Maryam participates in her hometown in a group of dancers called “We” under the direction of Daria Stiletskaya. From the age of 16 she was a member of the Olympus club. The club was led by Alexander Bosov. Later he moves to Kyiv. She was attracted to the capital by the show ballet “Quest” with Yuri Bardash. The girl studies a lot, and her talent has not gone unnoticed. Maryam receives many invitations to appear in music videos.

Television and dance projects

Inspired by the prize in the “Everybody Dance” project, the dancer went from the United States of America to New York and Los Angeles to study with the best choreographers on the planet. The training lasts 4 years, and on the next television show project “Battle of the Seasons. Everyone Dances” in 2012 in their native Ukraine, Mariam and Evgeniy Kot won the victory. The girl was awarded the title of the best dancer of Ukraine. Show “Everyone Dances. Return of Heroes" also could not have happened without her participation.

Participation in a dance group

Maryam is the lead singer of Quest Pistols. But this is now, first she was accepted as the main choreographer, and only later she was invited as a full-fledged member of the group performing on stage. The first popularity and recognition comes, the first fans are acquired.

Many viewers remember the video of the group “Quest Pistols Show” with the simple name “Heat”. The dances for this video were choreographed by Mariam Turkmenbaeva. There was another sensational video with the participation of a dancer in the group for the song “Wet”.

The process of creating the “Quest Pistols Show” team

Three choreographers created their own group, unlike any other, with a name that translated into Russian means “pistols in search.” Their concert performances surprised the audience, but the guys’ unusual shocking style found its fans, and the group gained popularity. A few years later, they separated, but not for long; the composition changed, but the style and manner of performing concert numbers remained the same. Maryam Turkenbaeva, having joined the team, decorated and brought diversity to the male community. Today, the group has gained popularity not only in their homeland, but also in Russia.

Personal life

Her boyfriend is dance partner Evgeny Kot. The young couple met long before the television project, where they both took part. After the show, a bright feeling arises between them, which continues to this day. Now Mariam is 26 years old, she is still not married, and has no children yet.


Fans of Maryam’s talent can find interesting photos in the group on VKontakte, where videos of the girl’s performances, her clips, and master classes are posted. The address of the group and the VK page, where you can find out the latest news from the life of Mariam Turkmenbayeva, can be easily found through a search engine. It contains not only informative information, here you can chat with your dance floor star, express your admiration for her, talk about what outrages fans, ask questions to your favorite. Just type her name.


Mariam loves cinema; she is most attracted to reflective films. She is a big dreamer and believes in the best, which is why she tries to make her life and the lives of her loved ones much better. Mariam loves everything related to Indian culture.


People find answers to many questions by entering the word “Wikipedia” into a search engine. According to it, Instagram is one of the social networks where you can introduce your photos and videos to your friends. And Maryam is no exception. Many unexpected photos and statements of the dancer are on her pages in all communication networks. The girl is very sociable, this is facilitated by the name she was given at birth. The name Maria refers to an open woman with a cheerful and easy-going character.

Instagram of Mariam Turkmenbaeva (mariam_tu):

Sings or not

Regarding whether Maryam sings in the group or just dances, we can say that Turkmenbayeva is a creative person who does not like to stand in one place for a long time. Dancing is her passion and her love since childhood, it has become her profession and the meaning of life. But sing? Certainly! She's a woman. In addition, Maryam knows how to cook and has a sense of humor. All members of the group, which included the famous finalist of dance show projects, refused to eat meat. They are vegetarians and adherents of a healthy lifestyle.


Instagram star with half a million followers, Essina O’Neill, last week “opened” the world’s eyes to the essence of the social network, telling how she spends hours processing photos in applications for the sake of followers’ likes. Mariam Turkmenbaeva from Quest Pistols Show is not in danger of having a nervous breakdown over such trifles. Her profile is a kaleidoscope of live and sincere shots with friends, family, cats, dogs and quotes from great people. We know for sure that she doesn’t have time to pore over production shots, because now she is in the midst of rehearsals for a large-scale show, which will take place on November 28 at Stereo Plaza. A girl originally from Sevastopol joined the Quest Pistols team last year just before the premiere of the dance hit “Santa Lucia”. Before that, she worked as the main choreographer of the group, and even earlier participated in the first season of the television project “Everyone Dances,” studied dance in New York and Los Angeles, and in 2012, together with her boyfriend Evgeny Kot, won the “Battle of the Seasons. Everyone dances." Mariam is still searching for her look and changes her hair color more often than Kim Kardashian posts selfies: blonde, brunette, with light green strands and pink bangs - the stage loves the brave, and we love artists who are ready for beauty experiments. Two weeks before the show, we meet Mariam and the subjects of her favorite Instagram photos.

First photo on Instagram

Subscribers: 43.2

Subscriptions: 472

Publications: 1,241

Mariam: I like to communicate with people through Instagram, using photos to convey my state of today or a minute, and perhaps inspire someone with my dance excerpts. I am not ashamed to show people that I am a simple person and in my life an important role, first of all, is assigned to close and loved ones, and only then to the “costs” of the profession: parties, bonuses, interviews, etc...

Initially, I registered on Instagram to keep in touch with friends and family from other cities and countries at a distance, and after a certain time, the number of my subscribers increased significantly, and I realized that it was very cool to motivate and inspire people using such a simple application.

I follow friends, close people to follow their moments in life, international artists, designers, accounts with nature photographs, etc.

I don’t strive to please the majority of users and make my account popular with 1m followers-admirers, I like the audience of my Instagram - these are people of a certain way of thinking, tastes, perception and character, and this is more valuable.

Of course, most of my Instagram posts are taken up with photos from the world of the Quest Pistols Show. In this shot you can see the mood that always accompanies our team. I love the guys very much and enjoy every meeting with them.

Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers and it's great to be able to capture a little sunshine on a cloudy day.

Dubai. I was very impressed by the desert and its scale, especially when I think about the fact that it was the bottom of the ocean. I am inspired by nature and travel, I understand that not all people can visit the most mysterious places on our planet, so I try to publish interesting photos from our tours in order to immerse my subscriber at least for a second in the atmosphere in which we are at the moment.

This photo is of my sister. This is a person very close to me. She is very gentle and beautiful. My angel.

My mother and the cat that I found a few months ago in the forest. I like to publish simple everyday photographs, I have never strived to show only one side of my life - the stage, so you can also see behind the scenes photos from the series on my Instagram.

My friend is Olga. Space dancer. Here she is filming in Canada for the video "Dance with the Wind."

Ira is my new friend.

On my Instagram you can observe nature, animals, elements. I am very fascinated by the monkeys, especially the series of photographs of them in the hot springs. There is probably some special depth in these shots; they remind me of Tibetan monks.

Bruce Lee. One of those who is close to me with his views on life. I always share sayings of great people or pictures of my inspirations, such as Michael Jackson, Pharrell Williams and others.

Quest Pistols Show photo shoot for our new show “Futurismo” and the video clip “Alien”, which we will present in the coming days.

The Quest Pistols group has retrained: now it is a show project with dancers from different countries. The first work, and at the same time the presentation of new heroes, was the video “Santa Lucia”. In April they presented another one - “Wet”, and a little earlier - the EP “Soundtrak”. Our immediate plans include an autumn tour across Russia, including St. Petersburg and Moscow, and in the future around the world.

The guys create the show, inspired by Cirque de Soleil and Broadway productions, but they tell us where they all started and give useful advice to newcomers. And they didn’t sweat it and danced especially for us.

Why did you start dancing?

Anton: As a teenager it was more of a hobby; for a long time I just had fun copying Michael Jackson. No one could have imagined that this would eventually develop into something serious. But over time, I realized that I find myself in this much more than in any other activity or entertainment. From the age of sixteen, dancing became my way of life.

Anton Savlepov, soloist

Vanya: In kindergarten, everyone danced, but I danced the most and my parents noticed it. Until I was 13, I didn’t understand what I was doing, and only then did I realize what an amazing thing it was.

Ivan Krishtoforenko, master of hip-hop, collected many dance awards in Russia and Europe

Washington: I guess I just wanted to meet the girl who was dancing. And then somehow everything happened by itself. I was invited to a dance project in France, and I spent 4 months there. During this time, I forgot about the goals for which I came to dance - I just loved it.

Mariam: It's hard to remember the moment when I decided that I would dance. It was probably when I was 6 years old, when I watched the film “Dancer” by Luc Besson, I was very inspired by its main character. I asked my mother to send me to dance, but my parents chose ballroom, which I didn’t really like - I felt a different culture in myself. Already at the age of 12, I found the only club in the city where they taught hip-hop dancing, and I realized that this was mine. And my main teachers were music videos, which I spent all day watching on MTV, learning and repeating all the movements. Now, dancing in “Santa Lucia” and “Wet”, I understand that for some these clips are new home aids. Everything is cyclical.

Mariam Turkmenbaeva studied with famous Hollywood choreographers and participated in many foreign dance shows

Nikita: At first I was more interested in breaking, it was also just a hobby. But over time I realized that what I do can be real art, if you look more broadly and understand the philosophy and limitless possibilities of dance.

Nikita Goryuk, soloist

What does dancing mean now?

Vanya: The most amazing thing is that in all the time I was dancing, I never considered it work or sport. I always do this because it’s fun, everything comes from the heart, from the soul. I love it, and God grant that it never becomes my job.

Anton: Dance is my way of communicating with the world. The way I express myself, the sense of rhythm, movement, emotion - it's all one. Now everything we are has become a dance, embodied in our unique performance of the Quest Pistols Show. We expressed everything we have discovered about ourselves and dance over the past few years. In the production we combined the best dancers, digital, and new dance music.

Washington: Dance for me is a feeling, it is love.

Mariam: Lifestyle. If you do this professionally, then it simply cannot be otherwise.

Nikita: Only advantages: good spirits, a sense of life and music, a healthy body and a daily battle with yourself. Dance is a universal thing, it is a body language in which you can easily declare your love or confess something completely immodest; this is the highest level of flirting. This is exactly what our new video “Wet.

Anton: Listen to yourself, listen to the rhythm of your heart and find it in music. This is the main secret and the most effective method to start really dancing.

Washington: For those who are just starting to take up dance, I would give advice to pay attention not only to those modern styles that are popular now, but also to the classical ones. Learn history, just watch old movies. This is the foundation that will explain the nature of dance.

Vanya: Dance as much as possible, dance with people, in the streets, at home and in discos. Over time, you will understand everything or just feel it. "Santa Lucia" inspired many to go dancing or wear brighter clothes, showing their character and inner feelings. This is our message.

Mariam: First you need to understand why you want to dance. If you just want to dance at a disco, then you can sign up for a studio and go there 2-3 times a week, keeping yourself in great shape. If you want to make dance your way of life and achieve something in it, then the hall should become your new home. You need to master different styles: classical, hip-hop, contemporary. Watch the video, absorb the culture, carefully analyze the technique and practice. And don’t be lazy at all!

Nikita: Find a few moves that come easy to you and perfect them, don't try to master a whole style or dance. By repeating these few movements, you will create your own style, and you will be able to add more and more new movements to it. This is how technology is formed.

Mariam Aleksandrovna Turkmenbaeva was born on April 12, 1990 in the city of Sevastopol. Her parents are athletes by education and profession. Her family influenced her to dance hip-hop almost her entire adult life. She began preparing for a career as a choreographer from childhood. At the age of 10, Mariam joined the Sevastopol dance group "We". At the age of 16 she came to the Olympus club. Later she moved to Kyiv and became a participant in the show ballet "Quest" under the direction of Yuri Bardash.

Show "Everybody Dance"

Two years later, Mariam qualified for the show “Everyone Dances” on the STB channel. By this time, she had already been a member of many groups and performed in Svetlana Loboda’s show ballet. Mariam managed to take third place at the competition. After her first participation in the show, Mariam Turkmenbaeva left for the USA, where she trained with the best choreographers in the world. She honed her skills, thanks to which already in 2012 she was able to take first place in the competition “Everybody Dance. Return of Heroes.”

Quest Pistols Show

Mariam collaborated with the group "Quest Pistols Show" for a long time as a choreographer. Now she is actively teaching and choreographing dance numbers for popular groups. Her popularity was raised by the video “Santa Lucia”, in the creation of which the girl took an active part. She also choreographed dances and starred in the videos “Heat” and “Wet”. After another change in the composition of the group “Quest Pistols Show” took place in 2016, Mariam Turkmenbaeva officially became its soloist.

Today, not a single member from the original lineup remains in the group, but the popularity of the group does not fall. The group is produced by Yuri Bardash, with whom Mariam has already worked in other projects. Now the group "Quest Pistols Show" focuses on choreography and special effects during performances.

Personal life

The young and talented dancer Evgeniy Kot performed together with Mariam at the second show. The couple did not hide the fact that they had established not just friendly, but romantic relationships. In an interview with Ukrainian publications, Mariyam Turkmenbaeva shared plans for a joint trip with Evgeniy to Tahiti. Evgeniy supports all the experiments Mariam conducts with her appearance. Over the past few years, the girl has changed her hair color and hairstyle several times. She managed to wear a short haircut and wear long, bright curls, which are now at the peak of popularity.

Hobbies and interests

Mariam is interested in cinema. Likes to watch philosophical films that make you think about how to improve your life and the lives of those around you. She loves Indian culture and everything related to India.

    Mariam is a professional dancer and choreographer. She was born in 1990, so it turns out that she is now 25 years old. The girl is originally from Sevastopol. She took part in various dance competitions, including Everyone Dance. She was 18 years old at the time, and Mariam took third place. Her direction is hip-hop.

    Here is a video of her performance:


    Full name: Turkmenbaeva Maria Aleksandrovna.

    Hometown: Sevastopol.

    Famous and talented Ukrainian dancer. She started dancing at the age of ten. Her parents, by the way, are athletes, and therefore genetics also played a role here. In Sevastopol, Mariam visited a club called Olympus. When she was 16 years old, she moved to the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv. There she studied in the show ballet Quest. Over time, the girl was noticed and began to be invited to appear in music videos.

    Mariama's first real success came during the show Everybody Dance, where she eventually took third place. Then she went to the USA to the leading choreographers of the planet and learned the art of dancing from them. 4 years later, in 2012, she won the title as the best dancer of Ukraine together with Evgeniy Kot in the Battle of the Seasons. Everyone dances.

    Personal life.

    Mariam is not married yet, but there is a young man, his name is Evgeniy Kot. Yes, he is his dance partner. They knew each other even before the project Everyone Dances, but soon their relationship developed into a romantic one, which the couple themselves admitted.

    Mariam's VKontakte page:;

    VKontatka group dedicated to Mariam:

    There are photos, videos, clips, master classes, performances, the latest news and other information about this charismatic and creative girl.

    In the photo are Evgeny Kot and Mariam Turkmenbaeva.

    Mariam Turkmenbaeva was born in Sevastopol and is currently twenty-five years old. She dances professionally and has acted as a backup dancer in many videos, the most famous being with the Quest Pistols. More about her with photos and other information on her personal page.

    Mariam Turkmenbaeva is a young star of dance shows. She was born in Ukraine in the city of Sevastopol. She took part in the national television project: Everyone Dances, and took an honorable third place. Then she already went on the show Everyone Dances. Return of the heroes. The girl is 25 years old and participates in the Quest Pistols Show. There is a guy Evgeny the cat.

    Mariam Turkmenbaeva is a dancer from Ukraine who is a super finalist of the 2008 project Everyone Dances.

    Mariam's specialty is a choreographer.

    Dancing is Mariam's favorite pastime. She has been doing them since she was 10 years old.

    Mariam is also interested in cinema. He loves to watch films with philosophical themes.

    Mariam Turkmenbaeva likes Indian culture and everything connected with India.

    Mariam has no husband or children. She still has a long way to go.

    Maryam Turkmebayeva (real name Masha, Maria) became more famous after the song Santa Lucia and the video for it were released. She dances very beautifully. And this is not surprising, because she has been dancing since childhood. She also participated in the TV project Everyone Dances.

    She was born in 1990 on April 21. She is now 25 years old. Not everything is good in her personal life, she doesn’t have a boyfriend. She is not yet married and has no children.

    Mariam Turkmenbaeva is a dancer who participates in many famous competitions.

    Her current age is twenty-five years old.

    She starred in many famous videos. She also participated in the popular show - Everyone Dances.

    In this video you can see her dancing.

    Mariam Turkmenbaeva was born in Sevastopol in April 1990.

    Excellent hip-hop dancer. She took part in many dance competitions.

    Her first recognition came after her participation in the dance project Everyone Dances.

    Now Mariam is actively collaborating with the music and dance group Quest Pistols.

    In general, he is an interesting personality and choreographer who has a decent number of fans.

    And her creative journey is just beginning.

    Mariam is a pseudonym, in fact her name is Masha. Originally from Sevastopol.

Mariam Turkmenbaeva became famous thanks to the television project “Everybody Dance”. This show was broadcast on Ukrainian TV channels. Mariam was awarded 3rd place. The girl has been studying dancing for 17 years; from the age of twelve she began to study hip-hop dance.

Mariam's biography is full of tours and participation in many dance projects. The real name of the dancer is Turkmenbaeva, according to her passport, Maria Alexandrovna. Her zodiac sign is Aries, since she was born on April 12th. It’s a significant day, the day of cosmonautics, which is probably why the flight on stage in dance was chosen. Year of birth 1990. Born in Sevastopol, in the same city from the age of 10 she became interested in dancing. The girl inherited flexibility and endurance from her parents, professional athletes.

The girl's height is 165 cm, and her weight is approximately 45-48 kg.

New creative stage

As a teenager, Maryam participates in her hometown in a group of dancers called “We” under the direction of Daria Stiletskaya. From the age of 16 she was a member of the Olympus club. The club was led by Alexander Bosov. Later he moves to Kyiv. She was attracted to the capital by the show ballet “Quest” with Yuri Bardash. The girl studies a lot, and her talent has not gone unnoticed. Maryam receives many invitations to appear in music videos.

Television and dance projects

Inspired by the prize in the “Everybody Dance” project, the dancer went from the United States of America to New York and Los Angeles to study with the best choreographers on the planet. The training lasts 4 years, and on the next television show project “Battle of the Seasons. Everyone Dances” in 2012 in their native Ukraine, Mariam and Evgeniy Kot won the victory. The girl was awarded the title of the best dancer of Ukraine. Show “Everyone Dances. Return of Heroes" also could not have happened without her participation.

Participation in a dance group

Maryam is the lead singer of Quest Pistols. But this is now, first she was accepted as the main choreographer, and only later she was invited as a full-fledged member of the group performing on stage. The first popularity and recognition comes, the first fans are acquired.

Many viewers remember the video of the group “Quest Pistols Show” with the simple name “Heat”. The dances for this video were choreographed by Mariam Turkmenbaeva. There was another sensational video with the participation of a dancer in the group for the song “Wet”.

The process of creating the “Quest Pistols Show” team

Three choreographers created their own group, unlike any other, with a name that translated into Russian means “pistols in search.” Their concert performances surprised the audience, but the guys’ unusual shocking style found its fans, and the group gained popularity. A few years later, they separated, but not for long; the composition changed, but the style and manner of performing concert numbers remained the same. Maryam Turkenbaeva, having joined the team, decorated and brought diversity to the male community. Today, the group has gained popularity not only in their homeland, but also in Russia.

Personal life

Her boyfriend is dance partner Evgeny Kot. The young couple met long before the television project, where they both took part. After the show, a bright feeling arises between them, which continues to this day. Now Mariam is 26 years old, she is still not married, and has no children yet.


Fans of Maryam’s talent can find interesting photos in the group on VKontakte, where videos of the girl’s performances, her clips, and master classes are posted. The address of the group and the VK page, where you can find out the latest news from the life of Mariam Turkmenbayeva, can be easily found through a search engine. It contains not only informative information, here you can chat with your dance floor star, express your admiration for her, talk about what outrages fans, ask questions to your favorite. Just type her name.


Mariam loves cinema; she is most attracted to reflective films. She is a big dreamer and believes in the best, which is why she tries to make her life and the lives of her loved ones much better. Mariam loves everything related to Indian culture.


People find answers to many questions by entering the word “Wikipedia” into a search engine. According to it, Instagram is one of the social networks where you can introduce your photos and videos to your friends. And Maryam is no exception. Many unexpected photos and statements of the dancer are on her pages in all communication networks. The girl is very sociable, this is facilitated by the name she was given at birth. The name Maria refers to an open woman with a cheerful and easy-going character.

Instagram of Mariam Turkmenbaeva (mariam_tu):

Sings or not

Regarding whether Maryam sings in the group or just dances, we can say that Turkmenbayeva is a creative person who does not like to stand in one place for a long time. Dancing is her passion and her love since childhood, it has become her profession and the meaning of life. But sing? Certainly! She's a woman. In addition, Maryam knows how to cook and has a sense of humor. All members of the group, which included the famous finalist of dance show projects, refused to eat meat. They are vegetarians and adherents of a healthy lifestyle.