What does spelled taste like? Useful properties of spelled, preparation and reviews. Useful and medicinal properties of spelled

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


We all periodically include healthy cereals in our diet: oatmeal, rolled oats or pearl barley. There is only one cereal that has become forgotten over time, although it contains no less nutrients. Spelled, what is it, what is its benefit? Now only botanists can answer these questions. The instructions below will help you not only learn about the product, but also prepare a delicious and nutritious dish.

What is spelled cereal

Do not confuse spelled with pearl barley, because this is a different type of plant. It has several features that distinguish it from other cereal crops:

  • brittle spikelet;
  • film-coated grain;
  • a color that echoes the shade of red brick.

Spelled, what is it? A plant characterized by wild growth. From him came wheat, which grew under human supervision. Germination of seeds is possible even at home. To prepare dishes based on spelled cereal, you must first clean the grains, which is difficult to do. This fact served to gradually replace spelt with other, softer cereal crops. Only nutritionists still give recommendations on including it in the diet.

Beneficial features

Why is spelled cereal so beneficial? The first thing people fell in love with is its nutritional value. In medieval times, people were associated with constant physical labor, and whole grain spelled porridge easily restored lost strength. In addition, the 18 amino acids in the grain shell have not yet been found in any product of animal origin, but these substances are the basis of a healthy diet. At the same time, grain gluten is contained in such quantities that it will not cause a gluten allergy in people intolerant to this substance.

Spelled also justifies the statement that healthy food cannot be tasty. How? Boiled spelled gives off a nutty aroma - this attracts both adults and children. Lastly, spelled porridge with a calorie content of 127 kcal per 100 g helps to develop properly. In addition to the listed properties, spelled has several other beneficial effects on the body:

  • normalization of digestion;
  • improvement of psycho-emotional state;
  • replenishment of spent energy;
  • cancer prevention;
  • giving greater elasticity to the skin;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • elimination of male and female infertility;
  • prevention of depressive moods;
  • lowering sugar levels;
  • cleansing the body.

How to use spelled flour

To process spelled into flour, the grain is ground without removing the gluten. Various grinding systems are used in production. Whole grain spelled flour is used not only for porridge, but for many other dishes. Prepare with it:

  • soups;
  • crackers;
  • flakes;
  • Dessert;
  • airy creams or sauces;
  • bread, bakery products, cake layers, cookies and even spelled pasta.

How to cook spelled

Boiled spelled is a classic recipe for porridge with water. Here's what you'll need to prepare:

  • crushed spelled grain - 2 tbsp.;
  • water – 4 tbsp.;
  • butter – 300 g;
  • granulated sugar, salt to taste.

This is how to prepare spelled porridge:

  1. Using a colander, rinse the spelled with water.
  2. Place a pan of water on the fire and bring to a boil.
  3. While stirring, pour in the cereal.
  4. Reduce heat and cook for another half hour.
  5. Add sugar and salt, and just before serving, add butter, which will only emphasize the nutty hue.

Spelled can not only be a hearty breakfast, but also lunch. To do this you will need a slow cooker and the following ingredients:

  • spelled cereal – 500 g;
  • water – 2 tbsp.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrot – 1 pc.;
  • beef pulp – 400 g;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • salt and ground pepper to taste;
  • greenery.

Here is the recipe:

  1. First soak the spelled in milk or water and leave for 6 hours. This is necessary so that the grains do not stick together.
  2. Cut the washed beef into small pieces, sprinkle with pepper and salt.
  3. Turn on the multicooker in the “Frying” or “Stewing” mode, place butter, beef, grated carrots and onion rings on the bottom. Wait 15 minutes.
  4. Gradually add spelled grain and fill everything with water.
  5. Leave to simmer for another half hour.
  6. To serve, use clay pots; don’t forget to sprinkle herbs on top.

Video: beneficial properties of spelled

Healthy nutrition is the basis of a full human life. It depends on the products that are included in the diet. For example, spelled, what is it? A healthy and tasty cereal crop that people for some reason forgot about for a while. To see the benefits of spelled cereal and dishes made from it, watch a video about what this grain can do and what diseases it can cure.

What is spelled or How is biodiversity disappearing?

Spelled is an ancient wheat, or rather, the ancestor of modern wheat. They write on the Internet that spelled has been known since Neolithic times, and became famous not only by Pushkin, but also by Herodotus and Homer. In Armenia, spelled porridge is quite a national dish. In Rus', spelled was also grown and eaten until it became unprofitable.

This is where things get interesting: spelled is a grain that is unprofitable for the agricultural industry. It does not respond to the tricks of the chemical industry - productivity grows poorly, no matter how much you flavor it with fertilizers. A hectare sown with spelled yields fewer centners than the same hectare sown with wheat. But we have an eternal battle for the harvest! Gradually they simply forgot about spelled. But now, in the wake of interest in farming and healthy eating, spelled is receiving a rebirth.

Myths around spelled

Spelled is a very poorly studied cereal. And this provokes waves of misinformation about her. Let's list only the most odious:

  1. Spelled and spelt are the same thing. No! Spelled (triticum turgidum L. subsp. dicoccum) and spelt (triticum aestivum L. subsp. spelta) are botanically different cereals, related to wheat; it is not for nothing that they have different Latin names. The first is closer in its characteristics to durum wheat varieties, the second – to soft ones.
  2. Spelled does not contain gluten. Wrong. Spelled contains gluten (gluten). Moreover, in some spelled varieties the percentage of gluten is quite high (up to 43%). However, people with gluten intolerance often respond well to spelt as opposed to wheat. What is the reason? It is possible that spelled protein is different from wheat protein. It also happens that a person develops a reaction not to gluten itself, but to the pesticides contained in wheat. Or you came across spelled with a low gluten content (there is that too).
  3. All spelled is the same and very healthy. And so and not so. Spelled is actually healthier than wheat, mainly because all its benefits are contained in the grain, and not in the shell, which is threshed from the wheat grain. In addition, spelled is rich in proteins, microelements and essential amino acids. However, it is important to understand that the composition of the grain that ends up on your plate depends on the variety, manufacturer, and even the weather in which the spelled was grown. Even one producer can produce spelled of different quality in different years, not to mention the fact that producers in Russia grow different varieties of spelled.

Two spelts - two worlds. And something in between

There are only two varieties of spelled in the Russian register of agricultural crops:

  • membranous spelled, variety “Fleece” (the grain is in a dense film, which makes it difficult to thresh). According to the VIR (All-Russian Institute of Plant Growing), spelled variety “Runo” is a descendant of a plant found and brought by the institute’s workers in 1927 in Armenia.
  • naked emmer, “Grammy” variety (the grain is in a very soft film, it is practically naked, so no special processing is needed - threshing with a combine during harvesting is sufficient). According to our information, the “Gremmy” variety is a hybrid obtained by crossing spelled and durum wheat, bred in Tatarstan in the 90s of the last century.

In addition to the two spelled varieties mentioned above, others are grown in Russia and around the world.

Spelled: which one to choose

LookBio editors crack the spelled eggs of three manufacturers on both cheeks:

  1. Arivera spelled, organic, Euroleaf certificate, grown in Mordovia on the Biosphere farm

“Arivera” grows and sells the “Fleece” variety, that is, membrane spelt. After harvesting, it has to be threshed and cleaned, which is why spelled grains from “Arivera” are more matte, with a “milky” coating, similar to unpolished brown rice. This cereal is less “clean” than its counterparts in this revision, again, due to the spelled variety, in which the grain adheres very tightly to the shell film, making it more difficult to pull out and sort. However, “Arivera” assures us that this is precisely the ancient cereal, unaltered by selection, that Pushkin’s Balda ate.

We love Arivera spelled for its Euroleaf organic origin and authenticity. In addition, the producers provided us with the results of the spelled analysis carried out at the Italian Institute for the Study of Cereals. The indicators are off the charts: proteins: 15.5%, gluten: 43%. And this is the highest protein and the highest gluten among the spelts of this revision. Perhaps, if you are gluten intolerant, then this particular spelt should not be tried.

2. Spelled “Black bread”, organic, certificate “Pure dew BIO” (private Russian standard), grown in the Tula region on the farm “Black bread”

“Black Bread” grows and processes the “Grammy” variety, that is, naked spelled. In it, the shell peels off directly when harvesting with a combine (this is what the founder of the company, Pavel Abramov, told us). Due to its bare grain, this spelled looks “cleaner” - the grains are smoother and more uniform.

We love the “Black Bread” brand because this spelled is a little more convenient to cook (due to the purer grain) and, most importantly, because the company makes flour from its spelled. Organic spelled flour can qualitatively improve everyday dishes, make them more unusual and, most importantly, healthier, because, as we know, there is much more benefit left in grain and spelled flour than in wheat flour. There is one thing: spelled flour is not so “sticky”, so it often has to be mixed with wheat flour. The “Black Bread” spelled has a protein value of 9.3% (indicated on the package), but it contains less gluten than the “Runo” spelled, so it is better to try this spelled for people who are afraid of gluten.

3. Spelled and spelled products “Smart Mom”, grown in the Ulyanovsk region for LLC “For the Benefit of Everyone”

“Smart Mom” is a whole series of products made from spelled and spelled flour: cereals, crushed cereals, flakes, horns and spaghetti - you can buy all this, at least in the capital’s stores. For its products, the company purchases two varieties of spelled: “Runo” and “Volzhsky wild”. Yes, we remember that the latter variety is not in the state register of agricultural crops, but we will assume that this does not mean anything. Nikolai Voronkov from the company “For the Benefit of Everyone” told us that since “Runo” produces larger grains and less debris, it is used for cereals (whole and crushed), while the “Volzhsky Wild” variety is used for pasta flour and processing into flakes. Nikolai also says that spelled grows well without fertilizers, so there is no point in using them for the farmer.

Despite the fact that we are for organic, and these products are not organic, we like spelled and products made from it from the “Smart Mom” brand because they give us variety, which is very important in the home kitchen. Spelled spaghetti and spelled horns have an interesting taste and go great with spicy sauces. Such pasta is several times healthier than regular pasta due to its high protein content and, mainly, fiber (up to 10.7% in Smart Mom cones). Spelled grain is quite well cleaned, and spelled flakes “Smart Mom” are generally a miracle product that successfully replaces oatmeal. Spelled “Smart Mom” contains 14.6% protein, 10.7% fiber, as well as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and B vitamins. We also like “Smart Mom” because they not only made packaging from “biodegradable plastic”, but also decided to change it when they found out that, and they plan to switch to regular film, calling for its recycling, and in the future - to packaging entirely made of cardboard, including recycled ones.

Spelled Recipes

Each manufacturer gives its own recipes for spelled dishes on the packaging. Not long ago we published a wonderful one from Marina Orlova (Barn). But since we eat spelled here with all our might, I offer my recipe. Let's call it:

Spelled with vegetables and turmeric according to LookBio recipe

  1. Soak the spelled in cold water for 4-6 hours or overnight (for less cooking).
  2. Let the spelled cook for 20-30 minutes in salted water (depending on the variety and manufacturer).
  3. While the spelled is cooking, prepare the vegetables: chop the onions, finely chop the carrots, divide the cauliflower into small florets, and dice the zucchini. If desired, add asparagus spears, cherry tomatoes (whole) and/or mushrooms.
  4. Fry the vegetables in coconut oil, starting with the onions and adding carrots, cauliflower, zucchini and asparagus one at a time. Reduce heat, keep for about 10 minutes. Before turning off the burner, generously add turmeric (you can use curry), pepper, and salt if desired.
  5. Add the finished spelt to the pan with the vegetables, stir, and hold together for about 2 minutes. Add coconut oil if you like it thicker.

Eat Spelled with vegetables and turmeric according to the LookBio recipe as a separate dish for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Coconut oil gives the dish a pleasant sweetness and velvety texture. Turmeric improves intestinal function. And healthy, local (ideally organic) foods not only benefit you, but also help preserve our earth for our children.

Spelled is the ancestor of other cereal crops, the semi-wild parent of modern wheat. It has retained its original unique properties, since it is not prone to crossing with other species.

Currently, this grain crop goes by many names, such as emmer, spelled, emmer, kamut and others. The ears have a reddish-red hue. The taste of the cereal has pleasant sweetish-nutty notes.

It is stable to various contaminants and radioactive radiation, which cannot be said about the more common types of wheat.

Spelled is considered an environmentally friendly product because it does not tolerate the presence of chemical compounds and mineral fertilizers in the soil. Therefore, it does not contain harmful nitrates and carcinogens.

Because of its unique beneficial properties, spelled is called the “black caviar of cereals,” or “a gift from the ancestors.”

Spelled contains a wide range of components. In terms of the presence of vitamins and microelements, spelled is ahead of modern wheat.

One can highlight a high content of vegetable protein - up to 37%, a number of vitamins B, PP and E, 18 amino acids, microelements (iron, phosphorus, copper, potassium, calcium, etc.). All these compounds are contained not only in the core of each grain, but also in its shell.

Indications for use

People are advised to consume this variety of cereal:

  • with weakened immunity;
  • those prone to excess weight and obese patients;
  • elderly;
  • suffering from frequent, including acute, respiratory diseases;
  • with diabetes mellitus;
  • with constant mental and physical stress and chronic overwork, fatigue;
  • in case of disruption of normal bowel function;
  • with high blood pressure;
  • during pregnancy.

What's the use

Due to the wide variety of components necessary for humans, eating spelled dishes contributes to:

  • normalization of intestinal function;
  • stabilization of psychological balance;
  • restoration of energy losses during physical and emotional stress;
  • getting rid of anemia;
  • prevention of cancer;
  • normalization of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin;
  • blood pressure stabilization;
  • restoration of reproductive function in men and women;
  • reducing the development of atherosclerosis by lowering cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • minimizing the risks of developing infectious diseases;
  • improving the general condition of the body, preventing stress, depression, chronic malaise;
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • increasing concentration, visual acuity, improving memory;
  • removal of toxins from the body.

Spelled dishes do not provoke the occurrence and development of celiac disease - an allergy to gluten, which is part of other cereal crops (barley, oats, wheat, rye).

In dietetics

Diets based on spelled dishes have worked well. Thanks to the slow absorption of carbohydrates, the feeling of satiety is maintained for a long time, and the presence of B vitamins in the composition promotes the correct and regular absorption of fats, which is especially important in the fight against excess weight. At the same time, the functioning of the digestive tract is improved, toxins are removed from the body, and cholesterol levels are reduced.

In cosmetology

With regular consumption of einkorn products, complexion improves, nails become stronger, and hair structure is restored.

Spelled flour is added to various ointments and creams to create excellent facial and hair care products. To cleanse the skin and rejuvenate it, use crushed cereal without additives or impurities - this is a good and, most importantly, natural scrub.

Culinary certificate

Currently, spelled dishes are gaining popularity. Nutritionists played an important role in this, declaring the incomparable benefits of cereals.

Various soups and cereals, creams and sauces are prepared from it, and added to side dishes for meat and fish. Since spelled has wonderful taste, it is also used for making desserts, included in salads, and used instead of rice when preparing pilaf and cabbage rolls. Vegetables are stuffed and stewed with spelled and used together with other grains.

The grains produce high-quality flour, which, unfortunately, is rarely used in bread baking - the finished bread turns out to be tough and quickly becomes stale.

The most popular among spelled dishes is porridge. It is traditionally prepared with water or milk. This porridge plays an important role in the children's diet. For kids, various fruits, berries and nuts are added to the recipe.

How to choose

In the store you can find products with different names - spelled, emmer, kamut, emmer, spelt - but you should remember that these are the same cereal. The cereal should be golden in color, clean, without scales. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the expiration date, production date and sealing of the packaging.

When choosing, coarse grains have the advantage. You should not opt ​​for instant products - such spelled has already gone through the stage of heat treatment and has lost some of its beneficial qualities. In addition, these cereals often contain various food additives, including synthetic vitamins, flavorings and taste enhancers.

Subtleties of storage

Cereals used to be put into bags and stored in dry, dark rooms. Today it is recommended to place it in the refrigerator in an airtight container. The maximum storage period is a little more than six months. Next, spelled gradually begins to lose its beneficial properties and excellent taste.


Traditional porridge on water


  • 2 cups of cereal;
  • 1 liter of water (or 4 glasses);
  • butter;
  • salt and sugar to taste.
  1. The cereal should be washed under running water in a large, deep bowl. This must be done until the water becomes clear. Drain the water.
  2. Pour the required amount of fresh liquid into the cooking container. When it boils, gradually add the washed cereal. Cook over medium heat for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. At the end of cooking, add salt and sugar to taste.

The porridge should be consumed warm, adding a piece of butter to the plate before serving. The porridge turns out rich, with a wonderful creamy and nutty taste.

Porridge with fruits for a slow cooker


  • half a kilo of spelled cereal;
  • 1/2 l milk;
  • a small amount of berries and fruits;
  • vanilla sugar.
  1. Pour warm milk into the multicooker container and add the cereal.
  2. Set the “Porridge” mode for half an hour.
  3. Season the finished dish with vanilla sugar.
  4. Place in a heap on a plate and form a well in the center.
  5. Using a blender, blend fruits and berries until smooth. Place the resulting mass into the previously formed depression.

The treat is ready!

Side dish for meat dishes in a slow cooker


  • half a kilo of spelled cereal;
  • a glass of walnuts;
  • half a kilo of mushrooms (preferably champignons);
  • 1.5 liters of light beef broth;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • butter;
  • salt and pepper as desired.
  1. Cut carrots, mushrooms and onions into small strips. Finely break the nuts.
  2. Grease the multicooker container with oil.
  3. Place on the bottom, observing the order: onions, carrots, champignons, nuts. Add salt and pepper.
  4. Set the “Frying” mode for ten minutes.
  5. 5. Pour meat broth, add cereal.
  6. 6. Switch to “Quenching” for half an hour.

The side dish is ready!

Before preparing dishes from spelled cereal, it is recommended to pre-soak it in water or milk. This is necessary so that during cooking it does not stick together and is crumbly.

Spelled has earned all sorts of praise for its beneficial qualities, unique composition and unusual taste. It is recommended to everyone who adheres to the principles of healthy eating in everyday life.

The benefits and harms of spelled is a very interesting question, especially considering that many have not even heard of such cereals. To evaluate it, you need to understand what spelled is and what unique properties it has.

What is spelled and where does it grow?

The grain crop called spelt is a cereal plant with reddish-brown spikelets and oblong dark grains. The Mediterranean countries are considered the birthplace of the cereal; the first mentions of this cereal are found in Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Turkey and Armenia. Currently, the cereal is actively cultivated in Iran and India, in America, and in Russia - in the southern regions of Dagestan.

Cereals were most popular in Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries and were considered a wild variety of wheat. In the 20th century, it was found that it was more correct to define spelled as a separate cereal crop, which is rather the ancestor of wheat.

In the middle of the last century, cereals almost went out of everyday use, replaced by numerous varieties that were easier to grow and process. Only in recent years has increased interest in spelled been revived again; fans of healthy eating have appreciated the many beneficial properties of this cereal.

Chemical composition and calorie content of spelled

The productivity of spelled is not very high; the grains are difficult to clean and thresh. However, these shortcomings are compensated for by the rich composition of the cereal. It contains:

  • dietary fiber, or fiber;
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids;
  • valuable mineral components potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium and magnesium;
  • macroelements iron, zinc, selenium and copper;
  • manganese, when consuming a small amount of cereal you can get half the daily requirement of this element;
  • a huge amount of B vitamins, namely B1, B2, B6 and B9;
  • vitamin E;
  • nicotinic acid PP.

The calorie content of 100 g of cereal is 337 calories. When boiled, the nutritional properties of the product are slightly reduced - up to 127 calories per 100 g.

Considering the beneficial properties of spelled cereal, it is not surprising that, in the wake of interest in healthy eating, breeders again began active work on improving the cereal crop.

Glycemic index of spelled

Spelled cereal is a product useful for diabetes. The glycemic index of cereal is 40 units. This indicator means that spelled porridge is safe for moderate consumption for this disease and does not lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar.

Is there gluten in spelt?

Many people suffer from gluten intolerance, in other words, they have trouble digesting the gluten found in most cereals. Spelled also contains gluten, so it cannot be considered an absolutely safe product. But at the same time, cereal contains much less gluten than regular wheat. Therefore, in small quantities the product can take its place even in the diet of patients with celiac disease.

The benefits of spelled for the body

The rich composition and unique characteristics of the cereal give it many beneficial properties. When consumed regularly, the benefits of spelled cereal include:

  • lowers the level of bad cholesterol and protects blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques;
  • speeds up metabolism and strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes blood pressure and glucose levels;
  • promotes normal functioning of the stomach, helps get rid of the problem of constipation;
  • cleanses the body, quickly removing toxins and toxic substances from it;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • qualitatively improves blood composition, preventing the development of anemia;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and brain activity.

Cereals are an effective prevention of oncology; its properties prevent the occurrence of malignant tumors.

Spelled for weight loss

The low calorie content of boiled cereal makes it an ideal product for weight loss. Spelled porridge satisfies well, but does not harm the figure, helps remove excess substances from the body and replenishes the supply of vitamins and minerals. It is very reasonable to use it as a basis for dietary nutrition; cereal will help you say goodbye to extra pounds in just a few days.

When losing weight, spelled bread will be of great benefit - it has a pleasant taste, but is lower in calories than regular wheat bread.

Spelled diet

Healthy cereal contains all the substances necessary for the body and is well absorbed by the stomach. Therefore, spelled is excellent for a mono-diet - a diet based on just one product.

The rules of the spelled diet are quite simple.

  1. The duration of the diet should be from 3 to 7 days, but no more, otherwise the body will be harmed.
  2. During the diet, you can only eat cereals cooked in water without sugar and salt. You can also leave vegetables, fruits, lean poultry and fish in your diet, but in minimal quantities.
  3. The daily portion of spelled should be divided into 5 or 6 small meals; the porridge should be actively washed down with plain water throughout the day.

In a week's diet on cereals, you can lose about 5 kg and not suffer any harm to your health.

Is it possible to use spelt while breastfeeding?

During lactation, cereals are the basis of the diet of a young mother. Spelled is highly recommended for consumption, since it delivers a maximum of useful substances to a woman’s body, and with breast milk they are transferred to the child.

However, it must be remembered that cereal contains a small amount of gluten and can harm the baby by causing an allergy. Therefore, it should be introduced into the diet gradually and in small portions, observing the child’s reaction.

At what age can spelled be given to children?

Spelled porridge is introduced into the diet of babies simultaneously with other porridges, starting from 8 months. The first portions of porridge should be very small; you need to make sure that gluten does not cause an allergy in the child.

Attention! Since cereals have some contraindications, you should consult your doctor before introducing them into your baby’s diet.

How is spelled useful for gout?

The cause of gout is a severe metabolic disorder, due to which harmful uric acid salts accumulate in a person’s joints. The benefit of spelled porridge is that the product effectively speeds up metabolism, which will be especially valuable for gout patients. Waste, toxins and excess salts will no longer linger in the body, and attacks of the disease will occur less frequently.

Is spelled good for gastritis?

Due to its rigid structure, croup is not recommended for consumption during an exacerbation of gastritis; it will irritate the walls of the stomach. But during the period of remission, its properties will be very useful, it will improve metabolism and promote healthy secretion of gastric juice.

Use of spelled for medicinal purposes

There are several interesting recipes that demonstrate the benefits of spelled flour. If used correctly, it will become an effective medicine.

Cough mixture

Healthy cereal will help with a cold cough if you prepare the following remedy from it:

  • Grind 20 g of hard grains in a blender or coffee grinder to flour;
  • mix 2 eggs and 40 g of honey with beaten yolks;
  • add 2 large tablespoons of butter;
  • to stir thoroughly.

The healing mixture is taken three times a day before meals, 1 teaspoon until the cough subsides.

Porridge with honey for diarrhea

Another cereal-based remedy will help quickly stop diarrhea. Necessary:

  • Grind 50 g of spelled grains into flour, and then heat it in a hot dry frying pan;
  • boil water in the volume of one glass and, stirring, pour flour into it;
  • remove the porridge from the stove and add 40 g of honey to it.

Porridge is consumed in small portions for diarrhea; it has pronounced strengthening properties.

Spelled in home cosmetology

The beneficial properties of spelled are used not only in cooking, but also for facial skin care. They exfoliate keratinized particles of the epidermis, making the skin softer, and at the same time saturate it with valuable vitamins.

Face masks

To soften and refresh your skin, you can prepare the following mask:

  • 2 large spoons of spelled are mixed with 25 g of fat sour cream;
  • add 1 raw egg and mix thoroughly;
  • spread the mask over the face for half an hour.

Face and body scrub

Cereal works very well as a scrub. To deeply cleanse and smooth the skin on the face and body, you can make the following product:

  • the grains are ground in a coffee grinder or blender and mixed with coffee;
  • add honey to give the scrub a fairly thick consistency;
  • Apply to the face and lightly massage the skin for several minutes, after which the product is washed off.

How to cook spelled

The main area of ​​application of cereals is still cooking. Most often, porridge is cooked from it, but sometimes the grains are sprouted and eaten raw or made into bread. The benefit of sprouted spelled is that it contains more fiber and plant acids than regular grains.

Spelled porridge on water

The easiest way to cook cereal is in water; it will be tasty and will not cause harm even if you have a sensitive stomach. The only ingredients you need are 1 cup spelled, a little salt and 3 cups water.

  1. Before cooking spelled, the grains are sorted and washed thoroughly.
  2. Then pour the cereal with 3 glasses of water, place it on the stove and turn up the heat to high.
  3. When the porridge boils, the heat will need to be reduced and the pan covered with a lid.

The porridge is cooked for half an hour, stirring regularly, and tasted from time to time. A couple of minutes before the porridge is ready, add salt and, if desired, sugar; you can also season the dish with a piece of butter.

Spelled porridge with milk

If there are no contraindications and good lactose tolerance, you can cook cereal with milk, although you need to take into account that it will be more high in calories. Making porridge is very simple.

  1. A glass of cereal is filled with water and left for at least 4 hours, or better yet, overnight.
  2. After soaking, the cereal is washed under the tap, and then 500 ml of milk is poured in and placed on medium heat.
  3. Cook the porridge for about half an hour, tasting from time to time. Add salt before removing from heat.

Advice! When the spelled milk is ready, you will need to close it with a lid and wait another half hour. Properly steamed porridge tastes much better.

Spelled pasta

Cereal grains serve as raw materials for creating flour, and from it, in turn, spelled pasta is made. They differ from wheat ones in color - spelled pasta is dark, almost brown. However, the main difference lies in the properties of the products.

  1. Spelled pasta is made without adding any chemicals, starch or dyes. They are more natural and do not harm the body.
  2. The benefits of spelled pasta are higher because they contain more protein and vitamins.
  3. Due to minimal processing of flour, dark spelled pasta has a richer taste and aroma.

Spelled pasta is much healthier than regular white pasta, and is allowed for consumption even with stomach and intestinal ailments.

Important! Brown ones need to be cooked a little longer than white wheat ones - about 10 minutes.

Spelled in a slow cooker

A multicooker helps you quickly and without any hassle prepare truly interesting and tasty cereal-based porridges. For example, in just an hour you can make porridge with mushrooms and vegetables and spend almost no effort.

The following recipe is popular:

  • pour 500 g of washed cereal, 200 g of chopped mushrooms, 1 chopped onion into the multicooker bowl;
  • grate 1 medium carrot and add to the ingredients;
  • pour 200 ml of olive oil and 2 glasses of water into the porridge components, add pepper and salt to taste;
  • The kitchen appliance is set to the “frying” mode for a quarter of an hour, and then the “quenching” mode is started for another half hour.

The finished porridge can be seasoned with herbs or pieces of fruit.

Harm of spelled and contraindications

Spelled cereal benefits almost everyone, and the harm from it is minimal. The product has very few contraindications:

  • severe allergy to gluten, albeit in small quantities, but it is contained in spelled;
  • intolerance to wheat cereals.

The harmful properties of spelled are that it should not be consumed in large quantities; due to its high carbohydrate content, it will cause flatulence and bloating. A small bowl of porridge three times a week will be enough.

What is the difference between spelled and wheat?

The two cereals are very similar to each other and are close relatives. But they have important differences.

Useful elements in spelled are contained in large volumes; it has a higher content of copper, manganese and zinc. But spelled contains less substances that cause flatulence and bloating. Therefore, consuming it is generally safer for your health than wheat - stomach upset after spelled rarely occurs.

How to select and store spelled

The popularity of spelled is gradually returning, and now you can find it not only in specialized health food stores. Cereals are also found in regular supermarkets. The benefits and harms of spelled flour and cereals depend mainly on the quality of the product.

Choosing a product is very simple, you need to pay attention to:

  • production and shelf life - spelled should not be expired;
  • packaging tightness;
  • color and composition of the grain - good spelled has a dark golden hue, and there is no debris or husk in it.

It is recommended to pour spelled from an open bag into a dry plastic container and put it in the refrigerator. Low temperatures will not harm the properties of the cereal, and spelled will not absorb the aromas of other products in the kitchen cabinet. As for shelf life, cereal from an opened package can be used for 8 months.


The benefits and harms of spelled are determined by the quality of the cereal and how well it is prepared. Well-cooked spelled will benefit everyone who does not have a severe gluten allergy.

Spelled was a popular grain crop in ancient times. Excellent soups and side dishes were prepared from it, which turned out to be very filling and tasty. Spelled - what it is, how to prepare it correctly and what properties it has, let's take a closer look.

Spelled cereal - what is it?

Today it is called a wild relative of wheat. Outwardly it looks like a reddish-red spike. It has a spicy taste, with a sweetish-nutty note. It also has other names - spelled, einkorn or kamut.

Scientists have found that this crop does not tolerate chemically contaminated soils, so it is grown exclusively on environmentally friendly lands. It is also not capable of accumulating carcinogens, mineral fertilizers for cereals and other plants, and other substances, which makes it even more attractive as a healthy dish.

Composition and calorie content

Due to the lack of ability to cross with other crops, spelled was able to retain its composition in its original form. That is why it is much healthier than modern varieties of wheat.

Spelled composition:

  • vegetable protein in amounts up to 37%;
  • vitamins of groups B, PP and E;
  • 18 types of amino acids;
  • many microelements such as iron, potassium, phosphorus, copper, calcium and others.

It is worth noting that the substances are contained not only in the grains, but also in its shell.

Spelled: benefits and harm to the body

The cereal plant is often prescribed for various diseases, as one of the components of a healthy menu.

But there are also some contraindications, so the benefits and harms of spelled for the body must be known before consuming it.

Benefits of Emerald:

  • a source of large amounts of energy when exhausted by physical activity;
  • normalization of intestinal function;
  • prophylactic against oncology;
  • normalization of blood pressure and psychological state;
  • decrease in glucose;
  • beneficial effects on skin condition, vision, memory, concentration, and ability to conceive.

Harm to the body is only possible if a person is intolerant to the product. The very rejection of the product lies in the presence of gluten in the grains, which is found in all cereals of the wheat genus. Failure to take the substance is expressed in digestive disorders - bloating, diarrhea.

If you take spelled dishes despite intolerance, you may develop celiac disease, for which there is no effective cure yet. The only way to protect yourself from exacerbation of the disease is not to consume products made from wheat cereals.

Benefits for weight loss

The opinion of nutritionists on this topic is unanimous - it is precisely because of the rejection of such foods rich in beneficial microelements that modern people have so many different diseases. The calorie content of the cereal is 127 kcal; with a high protein content, it is very useful during sports and is well suited for dietary nutrition.

How to cook cereal?

The grain is used in various dishes - soups, sauces, side dishes in its pure form and with stewed vegetables. It even makes good flour, but it is rarely used in baking - the products turn out to be harsh and dry out quickly. But the simplest and most popular option for preparing it is simple porridge cooked in water or milk.

We offer for consideration several simple and tasty recipes for dishes made from einkorn.

Important! When choosing, it is recommended not to purchase instant porridge. They most often contain flavor enhancers and various synthetic additives. Also, due to partial heat treatment, they have already lost some of the nutrients.

Old Russian spelled porridge

The most common spelled porridge is prepared in water. If you like sweet porridges, you can add a little more sugar, enrich it with pieces of dried fruit, fresh fruit, raisins or nuts, and add a little honey before serving. Or, on the contrary, add stewed vegetables, spices, pour over the sauce - you get a hearty and tasty side dish for meat dishes.

  • spelled - 2 cups;
  • water - 4 cups;
  • cube of butter;
  • salt and sugar - 1 tsp each.

How to cook spelled:

  1. Rinse the grains well through a sieve or in a deep container, draining the dirty water.
  2. Boil water, add salt and sugar, add spelled and cook until tender, stirring.
  3. When almost all the water is absorbed, add oil. Wait until it melts and stir the porridge. Turn off when there is no water left in the container.

Cereal soup recipe

  • turkey - 500 gr;
  • spelled - 50 gr;
  • carrots, green bell peppers and onions - 1 unit each;
  • salt - ½ tbsp. l. (adjust according to taste preferences);
  • mixture of peppers - a pinch;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • tomatoes - 3 fruits;
  • cauliflower - 100 gr;
  • drain oil - 30 g;
  • greens optional;
  • water - 1.3-1.5 l.

First, prepare the broth: rinse the turkey and put it in water. From the moment of boiling, cook for a third of an hour, not forgetting to collect the foam, otherwise the broth will turn out cloudy. Let the meat cool, then separate it into portions and put it back into the broth.

Next, prepare the vegetables: chop the onion and garlic and simmer in hot oil in a saucepan. In the meantime, cut the carrots into quarters, the peppers into cubes, simply separate the cabbage into inflorescences, peel the tomatoes and divide them into cubes. Gradually, as you prepare the vegetables, add them to the saucepan to sauté, stirring occasionally.

Let the vegetables simmer for a few more minutes together, adding salt and seasoning, meanwhile washing the spelled. Add the cereal to the vegetables, cook for another five minutes, and add to the broth with the meat. Bring the soup to a boil, cook for about five minutes, add chopped herbs, and after a couple of minutes turn off the heat. Leave covered for a third of an hour.

Cooking in a slow cooker with meat

  • pork tenderloin without veins and films - 1 kg;
  • einkorn - 500 gr;
  • walnut kernels - a glass;
  • champignons - 500 gr;
  • carrots and onions - 1 unit each;
  • drain butter - a couple of spoons;
  • salt - table. level spoon (adjust to taste);
  • water - 1.5 l.;
  • pepper - tea l.;
  • Bay leaf.

Rinse the meat, cut into small slices. Peel and chop the onions, mushrooms and carrots, chop the nuts. Place oil in a multi-cooker bowl, heat for a couple of minutes in the “Fry” program, add vegetables, mushrooms and nuts. Fry for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, boil water.

Use a wooden or silicone spoon to collect in a separate bowl, pour hot water and place the meat in it, add salt and bay leaves. Cook for 40 minutes in “Soup” mode, cover with a lid.

The next step is to rinse the spelt and place the finished meat in the broth. Along with the cereal, send the sautéed meat prepared earlier. Pepper, turn on the “Stew” mode for half an hour and cover again.

Spelled pasta for garnish

Spelled pasta is no less tasty than classic wheat pasta. Pasta makes an excellent side dish, tasty and healthy.

  • spelled pasta - 175 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • salt - third table. l.;
  • drain butter - 30 gr.

Boil water, put pasta in it, add salt. Wait until the water boils again and set aside for 10 minutes. Then drain in a colander, transfer to the main dish and season with oil.

The side dish is ready. You can add fried mushrooms, chicken or pork dishes, pour over nut sauce, and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

What is spelled and how is it useful for the human body. Why you should try spelled porridge for weight loss. Spelled is one of the best food products for humans.

Spelled: what kind of grain is it

Spelled is a whole grain crop from the cereal family. In fact, the only difference is in the structure of the grain and ear, but in composition they are the same. Filmy grain retains its mineral and chemical composition even when ground. The cereal does not cross, and therefore does not lose its characteristics for many years. Spelled is resistant to chemical attack and radiation contamination.

An ancient type of wheat called “spelt” originated around the fifth millennium BC. e. This culture gained particular popularity in Ancient Rome and Greece, where they made bread for sacrifices from it.

In Ancient Rus', they learned about spelled only by the 10th century. The peasants could not get enough of it, because einkorn (as spelt was previously called) was very unpretentious to the weather. Spelled hard scales, rich in fiber, were able to withstand dry summers and severe winters; this did not affect the yield. But still there was a main drawback - the ears yielded little grain and were poorly cleaned. It took a lot of effort to grind them into flour.

Approximately from the middle of the 19th century, a decrease in the volume of spelled crops began and the development of other softer grain crops began. As a result, this unpretentious type of wheat was forgotten. However, times are changing and nutritionists are again putting spelled porridge on a par with the most beneficial foods for our health.

Spelled: benefits and harm

Cultivated naked wheat contains proteins, minerals and vitamins only in the fruit layer and seed coat, which are screened out during processing. The part used for grinding usually contains starch. At the same time, with spelled grain everything is completely different - minerals are found in the shell, center and fruit layer. Therefore, spelled does not lose its beneficial qualities.

The hard-to-remove and dense film of spelled grains, accounting for 25% of the total volume, is considered a disadvantage. In order to process “clogged” cereal, it is necessary to go through a rather labor-intensive peeling process. It is this impenetrable film that prevents radioactive and harmful substances from reaching the grains, therefore spelled, which is grown in places with poor ecology, is less dangerous than other cereal crops growing nearby.

Nutritionists, botanists and doctors increasingly began to pay attention to the ancestor of wheat. Scientific research has proven the benefits of spelled for the human body.

Normalization of cholesterol and sugar levels

Fighting excess weight

The benefits of this cereal for weight loss have been noticed by nutritionists, which is why porridges made from its grains are included in various diets. This is due to the fact that spelled is a product with an average glycemic index (value 45). The carbohydrates in spelled grain are slowly absorbed and then processed by the human body into energy. Gradual breakdown significantly inhibits hunger, while energy is released in portions and never “settles” in the form of fat.

Stabilization of the digestive system

The coarse fibers of the grains of this cereal improve intestinal motility; they serve as a “broom”, removing harmful accumulations and waste products from the inner walls. Through cleansed intestinal walls, the human body can absorb nutrients in larger quantities and faster.

Stimulation of the production of male sex hormones

The beneficial qualities of spelled are also due to the high content of nicotinic acid in it. The latter is involved in various chemical reactions of the body. One of the key functions is the production of male sex hormones: testosterone, androstenedione and dihydrotestosterone. With intensive production of hormones of this group in the body, fat masses quickly turn into muscle mass, and the amount of glucose in the blood decreases.

Ensuring resistance to stressful situations

Nicotinic acid helps the adrenal glands more intensively produce dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine - stress resistance hormones. Therefore, spelled is very useful for activating emotional forces.

Strengthening bone tissue

100 g of spelled seeds contains 10 g of calcium and 150 mg of phosphorus. This amount of elements has a good effect on the general condition of the bones.

Spelled harm

Unfortunately, there are no ideal products that would suit absolutely every person. To date, no harm has been identified from spelled, provided it is used wisely and correctly. There is a small percentage of people who are intolerant to even small amounts of gluten. This factor can be called the only contraindication for the use of spelled.

Calorie content of spelled

Calorie content of 100 g of dry spelled is 339 kcal. This amounts to 16.36% of the daily recommended intake. The energy value of 100 g of boiled spelled is 127 kcal (that is, 6.13% of the recommended amount per day).

Spelled: glycemic index

Spelled is a special variety of wheat with a GI of 40, which differs in shape and size from all varieties known today. The spelled grain is large and protected on the outside by a film. Due to this, this cereal is protected from any negative influences, in particular from radiation.

These grains are superior to wheat in terms of chemical composition. They help strengthen the human body, normalize blood glucose levels, improve the functioning of the heart, endocrine system, central nervous system, and blood vessels.

Is there gluten in spelled?

Some people have a so-called celiac disease that prevents them from eating most grains and grains due to their gluten content. Spelled, unlike wheat, turned out to be a real salvation for such people. Instead of cereals and bread, spelled is introduced into the diet. Gluten and microelements are contained in it in balanced quantities. In addition, the volume of vegetable protein in spelled reaches 35%. It is also necessary to note the high content of the following beneficial substances:

  • Microelements.
  • Amino acids.
  • Vitamins of group B, PP, E;.
  • Iron.
  • Potassium.
  • Calcium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Zinc.
  • Magnesium.

What do you eat spelled with?

The range of uses of spelled cereal is very wide. Its grains are used to make porridge, various dietary soups, included in salads and used as a side dish. Desserts, pilaf, and risotto are prepared based on this cereal. Bread is baked from its flour, crackers, sauces, puffed creams are made, and noodles are made.

Spelled cereal goes well with meat, sour cream, fish, mushrooms, butter, carrots and onions. Interesting dishes include nutmeg, ginger, black pepper, grated cheese, herbs, lemon zest, and garlic. When soaked in kefir, spelled acquires a sweetish aroma.

Spelled pasta: benefits and harms


Spelled pasta is a valuable dietary product, since the hard shell of the grains protects them from the effects of pests and diseases. This allows you to minimize the use of all kinds of chemical fertilizers. This product has a natural pleasant taste, the color of weak tea. Pasta retains its organoleptic and beneficial properties for two years if stored at normal room temperature.

The calorie content of spelled pasta is 361 kcal per 100 g of dry product.

Pasta contains: spelled flour, water. The product retains virtually all the beneficial qualities of spelled and is also a source of easily digestible protein. The product contains many valuable amino acids, little gluten, and therefore has a low level of allergenicity. Eating spelled pasta helps strengthen the human body's defenses, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body.


Spelled pasta in cooking

Spelled pasta is prepared in the same way as any durum wheat pasta. In a large amount of salted boiling water, stirring for 7-10 minutes. The product goes well with vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, tomato and other sauces, as well as cheese.

Spelled porridge

Spelled porridge is the leader among all cereals in terms of the amount of important nutrients. A dietary product that includes vegetable protein and many amino acids that are simply essential for the human body. Spelled porridge is not just healthy, it is delicious. You can cook it in different ways: with milk, with water, in a slow cooker with the addition of meat, mushrooms, fruits, seafood, and berries.

Currently, there is only one known contraindication to consuming spelled porridge - individual intolerance to any component of the product.

Spelled porridge on water

Let's start with the most accessible and simple recipe, which does not require many ingredients. This dish is simply perfect for breakfast. In addition, it can be served as an excellent side dish for meat and fish.

For this recipe, you should prepare the following list of products: one glass of cereal, 3.5 glasses of water, salt to taste.

Preparation steps:

  • First you need to sort out the cereal and remove debris. Then rinse it several times in running water until the liquid becomes clear.
  • Pour three glasses of water over the cereal and place over high heat until it boils. Next, close the lid of the pan, reduce the heat and cook for half an hour, stirring. If all the liquid has been absorbed, but the dish is not ready yet, simply add another 0.5 cup of water. Cook for another 5 minutes, and then add sugar and salt. Serve with a small piece of butter.

Spelled porridge with milk

Another very popular option with a pleasant creamy note. This dish has a higher calorie content compared to the one cooked in water. Prepare spelled for your child's breakfast.

For this recipe you need to prepare the following list of products: 1 glass of cereal, 100 g of butter and 500 ml of milk.

Stages of preparing porridge:

  • It is necessary to soak the cereal in advance. It is advisable to do this at night. The minimum time for such soaking is 4 hours. After the time has elapsed, be sure to rinse it in water. Pour in milk and place on the stove. Cook over medium heat until fully cooked.
  • If the liquid has evaporated but is still raw, pour in 0.5 cups of water. After this, wrap the pan in something warm and leave for 35 minutes. Serve with a small piece of butter.

Spelled for weight loss

Will spelled help you lose weight? Surely this question worries many beginners who have just set out on the path of proper nutrition. In fact, cereals and all varieties of wheat porridge are its basis. The calorie content of the product prepared without butter is extremely low and amounts to only 150 Kcal, and without any additives - 127.

You can read numerous reviews on the Internet about how useful spelled is for quick weight loss. The use of this product maintains a feeling of satiety for a long time, and all the necessary minerals and vitamins enter the human body, especially B6, which helps maximize the absorption of fats. The only thing that may confuse you is the rather high cost, like for wheat. And you can’t find spelled in every store. But this minus is not so terrible, because no one has canceled purchases in online stores. Thus, those who have doubts can safely enrich their diet with this healthy grain without fear of gaining excess weight.

Diet based on spelled cereal

An environmentally friendly product is the basis of proper nutrition. However, there are also spelled diets. Spelled will be the best choice for mono-diets - for three, five and seven days, if you cook the porridge without sugar and only with water. When losing weight on spelled, a person experiences much less stress, since such a diet does not impose strong restrictions.

The weight loss system in this way has the following rules:

  • First of all, you need to divide your daily diet into five to six meals.
  • It is advisable to consume spelled dishes before lunch.
  • All other meals should consist of vegetables, fish dishes, lean meat, unsweetened fruits, and natural juices.
  • Half an hour before a meal, it is important to drink a glass of water. In addition, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water throughout the day.
  • It is necessary to reduce the consumption of coffee and tea, as these drinks can retain fluid.

The loss of excess weight per week of such a diet will be up to 5 kg. If desired, spelled can be supplemented with wild rice or buckwheat.

Useful properties of spelled for diabetics

  • Normalization of sugar levels.
  • Restoration of lipid metabolism.
  • Reduced body weight and hunger.
  • Improving the functioning of the endocrine system.

The large amount of coarse fiber and cellulose in spelled has a positive effect on the entire human digestive system. Nicotinic acid stimulates the adrenal glands, which produce dihydrotestosterone and testosterone, which help the transition of fat mass into muscle mass and help reduce blood glucose.

Due to its composition, spelled has a positive effect on the diabetic body and helps:

  • Increase hemoglobin.
  • Strengthen general immunity.
  • Reduce the risk of developing infectious diseases.
  • Restore the nervous system: relieves anxiety, depression, mood swings.
  • Prevent the development of various cancers.
  • Maintain normal bone condition.
  • Improve vision.
  • Remove toxins.

Taking spelled by a diabetic:

  • Improves the condition of the body.
  • Activates emotional uplift and also improves overall performance.
  • Improves memory and promotes concentration.
  • Clears blood vessels of cholesterol plaques and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system: improves heart function, increases blood circulation, and equalizes blood pressure.
  • Improves the condition of skin, nails and hair.

Spelled while breastfeeding

Spelled porridge is made from a special type of grain. It is freed from the shell, crushed well, and then polished. The chemical composition of spelled is very diverse; it contains many useful vitamins, as well as magnesium, calcium, potassium and zinc. Spelled porridge is very healthy for breastfeeding, it is easily digestible, but it does contain gluten. The only contraindication to eating this porridge is an allergy to gluten in the child or mother.

According to the New Testament Biblical legend, on Friday of the first week of Lent, the pagans desecrated all Christian food with the blood of idol sacrifices. To prevent the followers of Christ from eating unclean foods, the holy prophets ordered them to eat wheat with honey.

2000 years ago wheat was not the same as it is today. At that time, people were familiar with its wild species - emmer, which is known as spelt.

Growing places

Spelled is the common name for several types of wheat that are similar in the structure of their ears. Spelled is called double grain wheat, Zanduri wheat, Urartu wheat, spelled, Maha wheat and Timofeev wheat.

Wild einkorn or Zanduri wheat has been preserved unchanged since ancient times in Morocco, Turkey, and some areas of France. Wild eminkorn is found in Turkey, Iraq, Iran and the former Jordan, in areas where there is high rainfall. In other places, cultivated species of einkorn and einkorn are grown.

The external distinguishing feature of wild varieties from conventional wheat is the grain completely covered with a thin film. Spelled, unlike its descendant, has fragile and brittle stems. Spelled wheat is unpretentious to the soil: it grows on depleted and freezing lands, it is not afraid of heavy rains, drought and pests, therefore in the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Babylon, as well as in Rus' and Asian countries, it was the main cereal crop. Over time, it was replaced by wheat. The reason is the labor-intensive process of harvesting and processing the spelled crop.

Chemical composition

In the 20th century, they stopped growing spelled and preferred more fertile wheat, which feeds most of the people with its harvest. In pursuit of quantity, people forgot about quality - reserves of useful substances are hidden in one grain of spelled wheat. There are more of them than in an ear of wheat. One third of it consists of proteins that have collected the maximum amount of essential amino acids. Spelled is ahead of its cultivated relative in the content of iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium and calcium. The predominant vitamins are B1, B2, B5, B6, vitamins E, K and PP.

Useful properties of spelled

Hulless cultivated wheat contains minerals, vitamins and proteins only in the seed coat and fruit layer, which are screened out during processing. And the part that is used for grinding mainly contains starch. With spelled grain, everything is different - minerals are accumulated in the shell, fruit layer and in the center - the endosperm. Therefore, crushed spelled does not lose its beneficial properties.

The dense and difficult to remove film of spelled grains, accounting for 25% of the total volume, is considered a disadvantage. To process “clogged” cereal, you need to go through a labor-intensive peeling process. It is these impenetrable scales that prevent harmful and radioactive substances from reaching the grains, so spelled grown in places with poor ecology is less dangerous than other botanical crops growing nearby.

Botanists, doctors and nutritionists increasingly began to pay attention to the ancient ancestor of wheat. Through scientific research, they found out and proved the benefits of spelled for the body.

Normalizes sugar and cholesterol levels

Fights excess weight

The benefits of spelled for weight loss have been noticed by nutritionists, which is why porridges made from wild wheat grains are included in diets. And all because spelled is a product with an average glycemic index with a value of 45. The carbohydrates contained in the grain crop are slowly absorbed and processed by the body into energy. Gradual breakdown inhibits hunger, and energy is released in portions and does not “settle” in the form of fat.

Stabilizes the digestive system

Coarse grain fibers improve intestinal motility and serve as a “broom”, removing harmful accumulations and processed products from the inner walls. Through cleansed intestinal walls, the body is able to absorb nutrients faster and in larger quantities.

Stimulates the production of male sex hormones

The beneficial properties of spelled are due to the high content of nicotinic acid, which is involved in chemical reactions in the body. One of the main functions is stimulation of the adrenal glands and the production of male sex hormones: testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, androstenedione. With intensive production of hormones of this group in the body, fat masses turn into muscle mass, and the amount of glucose in the blood decreases.

Provides resistance to stressful situations

Nicotinic acid causes the adrenal glands to more intensively produce adrenaline, dopamine and norepinephrine - hormones of resistance to stressful situations. Therefore, spelled is useful for activating emotional forces.

Strengthens bone tissue

In 100 gr. spelled seeds contain 150 mg of phosphorus and 10 g. calcium. This amount of elements has a beneficial effect on the condition of bones.

Harm and contraindications

All representatives of the “Wheat” genus contain gluten protein, and spelt is no exception. Gluten is needed to glue particles of ground grains together. Thanks to gluten, wheat flour produces a dough that does not fall apart. Some people's bodies perceive gluten as an enemy: they produce antibodies that try to get rid of it. In the process of fighting, the walls of the small intestine are damaged, diarrhea, bloating, and anemia occur.

A mild form of gluten intolerance can develop over time into a severe form and lead to celiac disease. This pathology cannot be treated; there are no medications against it. The only way to overcome the disease is to avoid eating anything that contains gluten. The ban includes products made from wheat flour, including spelled, with one caveat: contraindications to spelled do not apply to people with partial gluten intolerance. Since spelled cereal contains less gluten than wheat and causes less allergic reaction. Otherwise, spelled does not harm the body.

Application of spelled

Grain crops are held in high regard by nutritionists. For people who are overweight and obese, they recommend replacing spelled with wheat and other cereals. A healthy person can include spelled products in their diet without giving up traditional wheat. The most popular is spelled porridge, which is prepared as an independent dish or as a side dish. Many people eat spelled as part of traditional dishes, replacing rice, buckwheat, and millet.

After the beneficial properties of spelled (the second name for spelt) were discovered, the “spelt boom” began. Cereal soups, vegetable stews, meat and fish dishes with spelled appeared in restaurants and cafes. Spelled flour even began to be sold. It differs from wheat in color: it has a dark shade and is less sticky.

Baking made from spelled flour has not become widespread in Russia, but has become popular in the West. Buns, pancakes, cheesecakes, pies, cookies, pasta and bread made from spelled are healthier than those made from traditional wheat and are less dangerous for your figure. The only negative is that these products are hard and quickly become stale.

From time to time, every person tries to diversify their diet with various dishes from cereals. Most people know very well what rolled oats, millet, and barley are. But few people can answer the question “spelt - what is it?” Although several centuries ago spelled porridge was one of the most common dishes in Rus'. In the article you will learn more about the product - spelled benefits and harms, a description of the cereal and its use.

What is spelled: description

Spelled or spelled wheat (emmer wheat) is a special type of wheat (Triticum dicoccum). Today, spelled is an environmentally friendly, natural and healthy product that forms the basis of a healthy diet.

Photo: Spelled (spelt wheat, emmer)

Like durum wheat (from which spaghetti is made), it has 28 chromosomes.

You should also know the difference between spelt and spelt in order to buy exactly the product you need. There is no fundamental difference between the two varieties of wheat, since the first of them is the botanical predecessor of spelled; there are differences in the set of chromosomes of these cereals, which cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Where does spelt grow?

Researchers suggest that the birthplace of this cereal is the Mediterranean countries. Cereal culture was widespread in Turkey, Babylon, Ancient Egypt, Armenia and some other states. Scientists believe that spelled appeared in the 6-5 millennium BC, the most ancient finds of grains of this plant were discovered in the valleys of the Ararat Mountains, in later times cereals were found in Poland, the Caucasus, and Russia.

Today, the main suppliers of spelled cereal are the USA, Armenia, Dagestan, Turkey, India and Iran. In Russia, cereals were very popular in the 17th and 18th centuries. This cereal crop is considered unpretentious, tolerates drought well, but does not tolerate contaminated soil.

Physical properties of spelled and characteristics

Many people who have heard about this type of wheat are interested in the question of what kind of grain it is and how it differs from other more famous ones. Externally, this cereal crop resembles wheat, but it is classified as a wild plant. The annual grass has stems, leaves and rather brittle ears of a red or brick color. People often called it red wheat.

This variety of cereals has the following characteristics:

  1. Resistant to drought, does not crumble under unfavorable weather conditions.
  2. The grains are much larger in size than regular wheat grains.
  3. Cereals are protected with film.
  4. It is quite difficult to produce flour from them, since they are poorly separated from the chaff during threshing.
  5. Baked goods made from flour of this type of wheat quickly become stale, since the flour does not give them softness.

Today, the cereal crop is valued by people who adhere to proper nutrition not only for its beneficial properties, but also for its delicate nutty flavor.

This variety of cereals is sometimes confused with other varieties of wheat, for example, kamut or spelled. The cereal itself is also divided into several types:

  • Traditional film;
  • Gymnosperm;
  • Wheat from Garfagnano (Italian variety), grown only in northwestern Tuscany.

The crop is sold in the form of grains for germination, flour, crushed form (cereals) and already sprouted grains.

Spelled benefits and harms

Spelled benefits and harm to the body

Composition and nutritional value

Today, many people are interested in what the beneficial properties of this cereal are for women and men. The fact is that this variety of wheat has never been crossed with other species, that is, it is not genetically modified, in addition, this cereal crop is not fertilized due to the fact that it does not tolerate the effects of chemicals. The product is completely natural.

Whole grain spelled contains the following useful components:

  • Vitamins A, groups B, E, PP, H, K;
  • Magnesium;
  • Iron;
  • Zinc;
  • Potassium;
  • Copper;
  • Sodium;
  • Calcium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Omega-3;
  • Omega-6.

The product is also famous for being very nutritious due to the large amount of carbohydrates it contains. One hundred grams of cereal contains 340 kcal. Cereals also contain fats, proteins, dietary fiber, fiber, and carbohydrates necessary for the body.

Useful properties of spelled for the body

Thanks to its unique composition, the cereal is a huge success among vegetarians and adherents of a healthy diet, but some people are still concerned about the specific benefits of it. Researchers have found that including dishes made from this variety of wheat into the diet significantly increases a person’s performance, improves the functioning of the digestive system, is a preventative against constipation, increases immunity, since it contains a large amount of vitamins, normalizes brain function, helps improve memory, concentration, prevents stress.

Use for medical and cosmetic purposes

Use of spelled in medicine and treatment

Doctors recommend including spelled porridge with water in the diet of people suffering from diabetes, since its grains have a low glycemic index. Also, cereal is indispensable for obesity, as it triggers metabolic processes in the body, which promotes weight loss. Other medicinal properties of cereals are as follows:

  • Reducing blood cholesterol levels;
  • Normalization of glucose levels in the blood;
  • Stabilization of blood pressure indicators;
  • Activation of metabolism;
  • Stabilization of the central nervous system;
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Activation of the digestive system;
  • Cleansing the body of toxins;
  • Prevention of infections, cancer, stroke, atherosclerosis, heart attack, anemia;
  • Ensuring bone health.

In addition to the basis of dietary nutrition, cereals have also found their use for cosmetic purposes. Scrubs are made from flour or cereal crushed with a coffee grinder, which help cleanse the skin of the face and body, smooth out wrinkles, normalize blood circulation, and get rid of cellulite. Very often, these scrubs are prepared with the addition of honey and essential oils, such as neroli, jasmine, patchouli and some others, which increases their effectiveness.

Spelled in cooking: recipes

Today, few people will answer the question of how to cook spelled, since this variety of wheat is considered to be long forgotten, but is gradually returning to its former demand. Nevertheless, some ancient spelled recipes have survived to this day, and, in addition, a large number of new ones have been invented.

How to cook spelled: use in cooking

It is known that the grains have a pleasant sweetish-nutty flavor, so they have become a real find for chefs who use them in the preparation of the following dishes:

  • Soups (with the addition of mushrooms);
  • Breading for frying meat and cutlets;
  • Sauces (using spelled flour);
  • Baking;
  • As an additive to minced meat or fish.

Also, after frying, crushed spelt can be added to various salads, stewed with beans or lentils, and replace rice in pilaf or dolma.

For breakfast, it is appropriate to eat spelled flakes or porridge made from this cereal, which will be useful not only for adults, but also for children.

When asked how to cook spelled, cooks answer that you should not heat the grain for too long in order to retain as many of its beneficial properties as possible.

Spelled porridge

  1. Old Russian spelled porridge is prepared from a mixture of ½ cup of yogurt and a glass of milk, which is poured over 200 grams of cereal and left to steep for six hours.
  2. After this period has expired, the cereal is transferred to a saucepan, into which ½ cup of milk and the same amount of water are then poured.
  3. Everything is thoroughly mixed and simmered over low heat until the water and milk have completely evaporated.
  4. Next, you can add sugar, butter, chopped berries and fruits to the porridge.

Spelled porridge: recipe

Spelled in a slow cooker: preparation

Spelled in a slow cooker is prepared according to the same principle, but the grains can be allowed to swell in plain water without adding yogurt. For those who want to lose weight faster, you can cook porridge from this cereal simply in water without adding milk, so it will have fewer calories.

Delicious spelled soup

The soup made from this grain is tasty and nutritious. In order to prepare it, the housewife will need the following products:

  • 100 grams of cereal;
  • Three tablespoons of cream;
  • Green onions;
  • One onion;
  • 15 grams of butter;
  • A liter of meat broth;
  • Salt, ground pepper, nutmeg to taste.

The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. The onion is peeled and finely chopped, fried in a frying pan with butter.
  2. Next, the onions and cereal are placed in the meat broth, spices are added, and everything is cooked for about 50 minutes.
  3. Cream is added to the almost finished soup, and the food is mixed using a mixer.

The finished dish is poured into plates and served sprinkled with chopped green onions.

Spelled pasta

A very tasty and healthy dish is spelled pasta, which is prepared from the flour of this cereal with the addition of water and table salt. The calorie content of such pasta is 339 kcal per 100 grams of product; they contain all the useful components of the cereal. Pasta made from flour of this type of wheat is prepared according to the principle of regular pasta, but their cooking time may vary slightly; the manufacturer usually indicates how long to cook it on the product packaging. The finished dish is served with butter, cheese or red sauce.

Spelled flour is used to make baked goods and bread, dough for pizza bases, and cookies. The second course made from this cereal is also very popular.

Spelled as a side dish: recipe

Spelled as a side dish: recipe at home

To prepare it you will need the following products:

  • Half a kilo of cereal;
  • Two glasses of water;
  • Bulb;
  • Carrot;
  • 400 g beef pulp;
  • Greenery;
  • Salt and ground pepper to taste;
  • 150 g butter.

Prepare the dish in a slow cooker according to the following recipe:

  1. The cereal is soaked in water or milk for six hours before cooking.
  2. The beef is washed and cut into small cubes, sprinkled with salt and pepper, and placed in a slow cooker.
  3. Next, carrots and onions are peeled and cut, also placed in a slow cooker, everything is filled with oil. The multicooker is turned on to the “Frying” or “Stewing” mode for 15 minutes.
  4. Next, spelled cereal is placed in the multicooker, and everything is stewed together for another 15-20 minutes.

The finished food should be served in clay pots, garnished with herbs.


This product has no significant contraindications, it can be eaten by everyone, doctors do not recommend eating it only for those people who have an individual intolerance to grains.

It is worth noting that although cereals contain a practically insignificant amount of gluten compared to other grains, some people who have a strong allergic reaction to this substance should also avoid eating it. In other cases, cereal dishes do not cause any harm to the body.

Where to buy and how to store

Having learned about the benefits of spelled, many people want to know where they can buy this product. It is quite problematic to find cereals on the shelves of regular supermarkets; you can only find products with them, for example, bread or buns.

You can buy spelled flour or cereal in specialized health food stores, or you can do it online.

After purchasing and opening the package, you need to store the cereal in food containers with an airtight lid, preferably in the refrigerator and not in a cupboard; you should not store it next to strong-smelling foods, as it tends to absorb aromas.