Poles that attract each other. Opposite magnetic poles. What types of magnets are there?

Magnet poles (attraction and repulsion between magnet poles)
Magnetic poles (attraction and detraction between magnetic poles)

Like poles of a magnet repel, opposite poles attract. You can easily verify this if you take two magnets and try to bring them together with different sides. At first glance, due to the property of magnetic poles of the same name to repel, it is possible to make an experiment on magnetic levitation: when one magnet hangs in the air above another magnet (due to the fact that the repulsion between the magnets compensates for the attraction of the upper magnet by the Earth).

Magnetic levitation is a well-known experiment. Many have seen (at least in a photo) how a piece of a superconductor hovers over a magnet. Or a drop of water and even a frog, which hovered between the poles of a powerful magnet.

A superconductor is a diamagnetic material (just like water or a frog). With two permanent magnets (i.e., ferromagnets), such a trick, alas, will not work. The magnets will either repel and leave the sphere of interaction, or turn with opposite poles and attract each other. A stable equilibrium is impossible here. Let me quote from the book Nurbey Vladimirovich Gulia - Amazing physics: What the textbooks were silent about; chapter Does Mohammed's coffin fly? :

"...in 1842, Professor S. Earnshaw published an article in the Proceedings of the Cambridge University, where he proved that a ferromagnetic body located in the field of permanent magnets cannot be in a state of stable equilibrium. That is, Earnshaw did with the help of mathematics what Hilbert expressed in words - he imposed a ban on the free floating of magnets and the metals attracted by them, and by no combination of magnets and iron pieces it is possible to suspend either one or the other so that they do not touch any other bodies."

In other words, to observe magnetic levitation involving only ferromagnets, one of them needs contact with other bodies. For example, one of the ferromagnets can be tied to a thread. Of course, this will not be real levitation, although it may look impressive.

I came across two magnets that were shaped like washers with holes in the center. The diameter of the holes was such that the magnets fit freely onto the glass rod. Placed the stick vertically. I wrapped tape around the bottom of the stick so that the bottom magnet would not fall through or fly down. I put the magnets on the stick. If the magnets touched with the same poles, the top magnet was pushed upward and “hung” on the stick. Of course, this was not full-fledged levitation, because... If it weren’t for the stick, the magnets would have turned opposite poles towards each other and stuck together. To demonstrate this, you need to remove the top magnet, turn it over and put it back on the wand. The magnets will be attracted.

Properties of permanent magnets. 1. Opposite magnetic poles attract, like magnetic poles repel. 2. Magnetic lines are closed lines. Outside the magnet, magnetic lines leave "N" and enter "S", closing inside the magnet. In 1600 English physician G.H. Gilbert deduced the basic properties of permanent magnets.

Slide 9 from the presentation "Permanent magnets, the Earth's magnetic field". The size of the archive with the presentation is 2149 KB.

Physics 8th grade

summary of other presentations

“Three types of heat transfer” - Aerostats. Heat exchange. How can convection be explained from the point of view of the molecular structure of gas. Solar energy. Comparative table of thermal conductivities of various substances. Draw a conclusion from the picture. Liquid. Heat sink. Use of double window frames. Thermal conductivity. Types of heat transfer. How can one explain the good thermal conductivity of metals? Radiant heat transfer. Why is convection impossible in solids?

"Boiling process" - Pressure. Formula. Specific heat of vaporization. Is it possible to make water boil without heating it? Q=Lm. Fluid temperature. Cooking. Gases and solids. Boiling in everyday life and industry. Definition. Application. Similarities and differences. Substance. Boiling. Heating process. Solve problems. Boiling process. Boiling point. Boiling point of a liquid. Heating and boiling processes. Vaporization.

“Optical instruments” physics - Using a microscope. Use of telescopes. The structure of an electron microscope. Refractors. Content. Types of telescopes. Microscope. Projection apparatus. Creation of a microscope. The structure of the telescope. Optical instruments: telescope, microscope, camera. Telescope. Camera. Electron microscope. History of photography. Reflectors.

“Creating a scientific picture of the world” - Revolution in medicine. Changes. Louis Pasteur. Lord of Lightning. Rene Laennec. Russian and French biologist. German microbiologist. Science: creating a scientific picture of the world. James Carl Maxwell. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. The sensations continue. Hendrik Anton Lorenz. Scientists studying the phenomenon of radioactivity. Heinrich Rudolf Hertz. Coup. Edward Jenner. Revolution in natural science. Rays penetrate various objects.

“Physics in grade 8 “Thermal phenomena”” - Thematic planning of lessons in the section “Thermal phenomena”. Lesson development. Modeling the lesson system for the section “Thermal Phenomena”. Teaching methods. Psychological and pedagogical explanation of the perception and mastery of educational material. Continue to develop students' knowledge about energy. General subject results. Personal results. Analysis of diagnostic work performance. Educational and methodological complex.

“Permanent Magnets” - Study of the properties of permanent magnets. Magnetic anomalies. Magnetic field. Globe. Origin of the magnetic field. Magnetic properties of bodies. Magnetic action of a current-carrying coil. Closedness of power lines. Earth's magnetic field. North Pole. Permanent magnets. Magnetization of iron. Opposite magnetic poles. Magnetic field on the Moon. Magnetic actions. A magnet having one pole. Magnetic lines of force.

Christmas Eve. The evening before Christmas. Fussy, but at the same time peaceful. An evening usually spent with family. An evening in which miracles are expected.

Sasha narrowed his eyes, wincing from the prickly snowflakes. In the light of the street lamps, the snow seemed much more magically silver than in the rays of the sun. If only he wouldn’t be so in your eyes... Myron pulled his scarf higher and pulled his hat down over his eyebrows. Quite cool, good thing there is no wind.

On this evening it is customary to be with family - Sasha knew this very well. But - alas - not today, definitely. Now that the anger has cooled down and the nerves have calmed down, misunderstanding has set in - how could one quarrel with everyone at once? At first, having quarreled to pieces in the Kaimanovs, Sasha wanted to go to his room, but at the door he ran into Thea. Excited, he made some kind of barb, thereby angering his girlfriend. And then Dan also fell under the hot hand. So what now? Sasha walks alone along the almost deserted streets, cursing himself for freaking out and leaving. And even on the evening before Christmas. It didn't turn out well.

“I’ll be back later, when everyone is asleep,” Myron decided to himself and, having cleared the snow from the bench, sat down on its edge.

And it kept snowing. Slow, easy. A typical windless winter evening. It would seem, how does Christmas Eve differ from other winter evenings? A year has already passed, and miracles have not happened. Unless there are various surprises, both pleasant and not.

Myron seemed to have woken up from a dream. Before he had time to come to his senses, someone’s cold small palms first touched his cheeks, and then thin arms wrapped around his neck.


Sasha rubbed his eyes and took a closer look. He simply couldn't believe his eyes. This is the same girl with whom he had a chance to walk in the fresh green park in the summer... And she hasn’t even changed! A cute round face, red-brown eyes, a light, almost weightless body. Even the clothes are the same - a red dress and black sandals.

It's cold! - Sasha was indignant.

I'm not cold. “I’m used to it,” Rakuri shrugged.

I don't believe it...

Well, don't believe it. Why are you sitting here alone? Did you go to the store again?

Sasha laughed:

It's too late to go buy bread! I'm walking... Why are you here, and undressed too?!

I promised to return.

Myron looked at her carefully. And really, she promised. And she returned. But it felt like she knew exactly where to look for Sasha, and that he would be alone.

But I won’t feed you anymore, I don’t have any money with me,” Sasha smiled sadly, throwing up his hands.

And don't. - Rakuri put her hands on his broad shoulders. - You showed me your world, now I want to show you mine.

Rakuri took Myron by the hand and, taking steps back, made him stand up and follow her. Sasha hesitated a little, not knowing whether to do this, but still decided to go.

How do you not freeze? - Sasha asked, perplexed, following the girl.

When we come to my world, you yourself will understand,” Rakuri said with slight sadness. - I'll introduce you to someone else.

They walked further in silence. Sasha simply didn’t know what to start talking about. Rakuri's appearance was not just unexpected - it was stunning. He did not expect to meet her at all; it seemed to him that after the summer walk she would never appear again. But here it is - quite real, material. Only my hands are very cold. Although, is it any wonder it’s so cold outside? In the end, Sasha could not resist and wrapped his scarf around Rakuri's neck. She looked around in surprise, stopping.

It's cold for me to look at you. You’ll get sick on top of that,” Sasha grumbled.

I’m telling you seriously, I won’t get sick,” Rakuri smiled in response and moved on.

Myron shook his head and suddenly noticed that all the buildings had disappeared somewhere, and instead of them an unfamiliar icy void appeared, only snow was still slowly falling from the sky. There are only snowdrifts and bare trees around, and somewhere in the distance there are black rocks reaching into the sky. Sasha squeezed Rakuri's hand tighter, looking around worriedly.

What kind of place is this?!

“We are already in my world,” Rakuri said calmly. - Sorry, there is no cafe here like in your world, so I can’t treat you. As you should do when inviting someone to visit.

Rakuri slowly walked through the snow creaking under her feet, not letting go of Sasha’s hand. He tightly squeezed her miniature palm, and with his other hand he carefully grabbed her shoulders because it was quite difficult to go down these snowdrifts without falling. And so they walked for about half an hour until they reached the foot of the mountains. Myron squinted his eyes, trying to see what was there. He saw several caves, the entrances to which were hung with thick but tattered fabric. My heart began to beat restlessly - someone lives there, and not just one or two people. Although, do people live here?

Don't worry. As long as you are next to me, no one will touch you,” Rakuri said encouragingly and led Myron into one of the caves.

Who is this?! - Someone’s thick and menacing voice was immediately heard.

Sasha recoiled back from this unexpected exclamation. The first thing that caught his eye was a woman dressed in a dress with blond hair tied in a ponytail and scarlet eyes, and on her shoulder was a sheath with a two-handed sword. Moreover, she turned out to be quite tall and muscular, which surprised Sasha, who was accustomed to short people due to her two-meter height. She walked up to Myron and Rakuri with long strides and, bending down, gazed into the face of a man she did not know.

Valerie, stop it,” Rakuri said in a calm, even cold voice. - His name is Sasha. I brought him here.

This time its owner turned out to be a short, good-looking guy, although at first glance Sasha thought it was a girl. The guy was sitting on the floor and fiddling with his white and surprisingly long hair, on which a veil was secured with rose pins. He got up from the floor and came closer to get a better look at Sasha.

Isadel! - Valerie barked at the guy.

“Don’t yell at me,” he answered calmly.

While they were sorting things out among themselves, Myron looked around the cave, which he was unable to do right away. Suddenly it felt cozy here, albeit in its own way. Books, old kerosene stoves, shabby toys and some strange rubbish are scattered everywhere. And it looks like the cave has been built for a long time.

Never mind. I don’t bring guests often,” Rakuri said.

And then Sasha felt some movement from behind, so, turning around, he prepared to defend himself, but instead of the expected danger, a small, gentle, gray-eyed girl appeared in front of him, taller than Rakuri, but just as fragile and thin, with curly lavender hair, dressed in a dress by size. The girl blinked her eyes in surprise, not understanding who she saw in front of her.

Well... I’m Sasha,” Miron tried to introduce himself, but scared the girl a little with his chesty and hoarse voice.

Oh, redhead! - the girl giggled playfully. - I'm Loralei!

Get away from him! He is not from our world! - another voice rang out.

Sasha saw approaching a short but menacing woman dressed in a dress with sharp features and long hair below the waist. Already from afar it was visible how she sparkled with her evil yellow eyes. Approaching, the woman looked at Myron with a contemptuous look, and then, looking at Rakuri with irritation, disappeared into the next cave. Sasha didn’t even understand what the woman wanted to say.

This is Remilia. She’s always like this,” Rakuri explained. - This is where I live. With them. But you haven't seen everyone yet.

And don't! - Valerie snorted and, turning sharply, went further into the cave.

Sasha looked at Isadel and Loralei. The guy was fiddling with his hair and carefully examining Myron from head to toe with his intelligent, piercing gaze, and the girl was smiling carefree. Everything was so chaotic, unnatural and strange that even his head began to spin, and Sasha leaned on Rakuri’s shoulder, as if this could save him from falling.

Went. “You’ve seen enough,” she said and led Sasha by the hand out of the cave.

Myron took a deep breath of fresh frosty air. He still couldn’t gather his thoughts and understand where he ended up. They walked quite far from the caves, and the heart continued to beat quickly. Sasha still couldn’t calm down.

“You know, I think I should confess to you,” Rakuri said slowly. - You will laugh, but I created this world.

Are you a goddess?

I'm a Diva. And everyone you saw is also a Diva. Yes... I am a goddess.

Sasha looked at the light, weightless figure of Rakuri and tried to understand how she could be the one who creates worlds. No, it doesn’t fit in my head at all. This girl cannot be the creator of worlds.

Don't you believe me? - asked Rakuri.

How can I just believe this? - Sasha spread his hands. - Okay, you brought me into this world, introduced me to strange people... But I can’t just believe that you created all this... So aren’t you cold?

Not at all... Turn away.

Turn away.

Myron shrugged, but still turned away. And just a couple of seconds later someone’s big hands lay on his shoulders. Sasha almost jumped in surprise and turned around. Rakuri had disappeared somewhere, but instead of her stood an unusually tall woman, about three heads taller than Myron, with black, pitch-colored long hair. Only after looking closer did Sasha realize that this woman had the face of the little girl with whom he came into this world.

Rakuri?! - Myron exclaimed.

Yes, it’s me,” she tilted her head to the side. - Believe me, I'm not human.

You're so... tall...

You must be embarrassed.

Rakuri came closer. She was breathing loudly and irregularly, worried. Her palm, which had become wide, lay on Sasha’s shoulder, and the other Rakuri touched his red hair. Myron looked up at her and was silent. Slowly and hesitantly, he touched her hand to his shoulder.

“So cold...” flashed through Sasha’s head.

Everything is always icy here. We are all cold too. And they’re empty from the inside,” said Rakuri. - In fact, I’m not at all what you want me to be. You and I are like two poles - completely different.

Funny. Opposite poles attract,” Sasha smiled. - It can’t be that you’re empty inside. I don't think so.

You can think whatever you want, but you won’t change my essence.

Myron looked into her cold, calm eyes and smiled warmly. After changing her appearance, the scarf did not disappear from Rakuri's neck. That's why she didn't seem cold and empty to Sasha. The scarf made her look more alive. More native.

You're a stupid little girl. How can you say that? Everyone can change. An empty glass can be filled with wonderful wine,” Sasha said affectionately.

Rakuri pulled away abruptly and in an instant returned to her usual appearance. Her face became sad and a little scared. Small drops of tears rolled from her scarlet-brown eyes. Sasha sat down next to him and extended his arms to hug him, but Rakuri pulled away, but this did not stop Myron from making another attempt and still embracing Rakuri in his arms. But she did not cry; the tears quickly dried on her cold face. Rakuri pressed Sasha's jacket onto his back with her small hands and buried her face in his shoulder. But she didn’t cry, didn’t even sob.

You are good, Sasha. And I'm no good. Neither bad nor good. “I’m just a Diva,” said Rakuri, pushing Myron away from him. - It's time for you to go home.


Sasha stood up abruptly and looked around. Literally a few meters away from him and Rakuri stood four people. Very tall people, hardly any of them reach Sasha’s shoulder. One of them - a white-haired guy - looks menacingly, an uncontrollable flame splashes in his red eyes. And how he isn’t cold in just his pants with suspenders is not clear. The tallest of them is a woman. Her face and hands are disfigured with scars, one eye is covered with a bandage, and the other - bluish-crystal - looks wary. Shaking a shock of unwashed dark hair, the woman continually wraps her cloak around her. Next to her is a fair-haired girl, also in a raincoat and pants, she looks more friendly than the other two.

The guy’s name is Dick, that woman with the scars is Rachel, and she is Yoko,” she immediately listed all the Rakuri, getting up from the snow.

Who is this man? - Rachel asked.

Sasha,” they calmly answered her.

Is he a Diva?

Dick looked at Sasha very carefully, appraisingly, but quickly looked away. Myron knows how to make equally menacing eyes. Yoko approached him and, looking intently into his eyes, smiled, thereby forcing Sasha to respond in kind.

It’s time for you to go home,” Rakuri reminded. - They'll take you through.

Yes, let us...! - Dick was about to shout, but he was interrupted.

I said: carry out!

Dick was forced to shut up, but, however, he still snorted angrily. Yoko extended her hand to Sasha, and Rachel just chuckled.

And you? - Sasha became worried.

And I stay at home. Hold the scarf...

Keep it for yourself.

Myron restrained himself so as not to cry. It became terribly sad. Why doesn’t she want to see him off, but trusts it to those whom Sasha sees for the first time?..

My children won't do anything to you. See you. - That was the last thing Sasha heard before Rakuri suddenly disappeared.

Went. “We’ll see you off,” Yoko said, smiling.

Myron had no choice but to follow them. The path along which he was led turned out to be completely different from the one he and Rakuri followed to reach the rocks. Sasha trudged behind the trio, looking at their broad backs. Why did she call them her children? This is exactly what Myron asked them.

She created us. She created everything here,” Rachel said.

Because she's a Diva? - asked Sasha.

Because she is a goddess.

“So after all, you are a goddess. I was not mistaken,” thought Sasha.

He was no longer surprised that Rachel, Yoko and Dick disappeared, and instead of the icy emptiness, buildings and roads appeared. It's snowing here too. Prickly sparkling snow.

“Why didn’t you promise to return, fool? Although, no, she said “see you later,” Myron thought upset. “You’re not empty at all. You’re good.”

After standing for a minute in thought, Sasha went home. They were probably waiting for him there. After all, it’s Christmas, you need to be with your family.

Opposite poles

I walked around a huge supermarket, throwing into the cart the first thing that came to hand. I tried not to think about what I needed these knives, carpet cleaner and cheap watch with shiny rhinestones. The selection of goods should be as random as possible. As does the choice of cash register at the end of the trading floor.
The cashier girl smiled a friendly smile, inquired by rote about the number of packages required, and began to take barcode readings with clear movements of the robotic arm. The scanner worked flawlessly. The packages were not torn. And the goods did not even fall from the conveyor belt. But there was still hope when, with fingers trembling with excitement, I entered the PIN code of my bank card into the keyboard... Well!!! No. Everything is fine. "Your check." And still the same radiant smile.

I left the Porsche far from the entrance. In the very corner of the parking lot. The supermarket employee following on my heels was shaking my aching nerves more than the cold wind. “I wonder if I really look like the type of person who steals carts?” While this thought made me smile, it still worried me. I wanted to shout: “You can’t wait!” But I only increased my pace, trying to escape from my annoying pursuer.

The Porsche stood out as a proudly bright spot among the gray automobile iron standing next to it. He knew his worth and knew how to tell everyone around him about it. For those who will never get into such a car. Those who will never experience the power of its engine will never feel the warm luxury of the leather interior. She's too expensive for them. Just like for me now.

I was sitting behind the wheel, but did not move, waiting the allotted ten minutes. Now there was no need for this. The experiment with the store, and the clean roof of the sports car, deliberately left under the crow's nests, confirmed my worst suspicions. I became the same as everyone else. I give up... But habit is second nature. It will be difficult to get rid of her. Very difficult.
First you have to sell the car. Then - an apartment in a high-rise building. After…. Only after many years will everything that happened to me be forgotten so much that it will seem like a fairy tale. A strange invention that you can’t even talk about - they will laugh at you. And only a tattered diary will remind me that it still happened.

February 12, 1996.
I didn’t write for a long time because I couldn’t - I’m not left-handed after all. And my cast was removed only yesterday. Nothing special happened this month. Except that I almost got fired. But everything is in order. On the morning of January 5th, I was in a hurry to go to work, and got up before the janitor. It was so slippery that I fell right next to the entrance. I was lucky: I only hit my hand, and the ambulance arrived just an hour later. At the emergency room, a nurse I knew let me in out of turn. And the doctor was there and not even drunk. True, the film in the x-ray turned out to be defective. So they took the picture only the third time. Displaced fracture. It's good that it's closed.
While I was on sick leave, our laboratory was downsized. They didn’t completely liquidate it only because the director is a relative of Ivan Petrovich (well, yes, that same one). Only him and Professor Nikolaev were left. The old man was needed for scientific appearance and the appearance of useful work. The rest were sent to other departments for which there were no instructions from above. Well, they were going to fire me. As absent and extreme.
Is there anything else I can break?

February 19, 1996
The first day of work after sick leave went well. The laboratory director sent himself on vacation. So no one will fire me for another month. And the professor and I won’t be disturbed from playing checkers and talking about life. The old man is a good and interesting person. Eh, if only the boss had taken longer to treat his nerves at the dispensary!

February 26, 1996
On the way to work, climbing over a dirty snowdrift left by road workers at the sidewalk, I tripped, fell and broke my glasses. Fortunately, nothing else was damaged. But the most annoying thing is that about five minutes later this snowdrift was swallowed up by a snowblower!
The professor, not at all surprised by my shabby appearance, poured me a glass of port and began to listen with interest and sympathy about my next adventure. This is how it happened in our laboratory - I fall, and he listens.

February 29, 1996
Today the old man greeted me slightly excited. He waited with visible impatience for me to undress and sit down at my desk. All this time he walked around the laboratory, putting his hands behind his back and nervously twitching his head in time with his steps. He seemed to be echoing himself: “Yes, yes! That’s right!” I was intrigued. It was not often that I saw the professor in such tension. It was too much even for him. Finally, he couldn’t stand it: “Yes, listen, you, after all!”

The next half hour completely flew out of the fabric of the familiar and normal. It turned out that the professor had been writing down what he thought was the most important of my daily stories for many months. Systematized, with nothing to do. I analyzed it in order to shake off the moss from the old convolutions. I was looking for logic. And then yesterday it dawned on him. Probably the pressure outside was changing. He was not too lazy to stay in the laboratory overnight so that he could draw diagrams of my life on a graph plotter (so that’s what they are for, it turns out, these boxes are heavy!)!
Apparently, notes of distrust were too clearly audible in the words with which I assessed this titanic work, because the professor every now and then began to shout, beat his chest with his fist and added: “Yes, I’ll fail if I’m wrong!”
Finally, he grabbed a heavy horseshoe magnet and raised it above his head threateningly: “Look and listen carefully!” This argument seemed convincing to me, and I shut up. The professor raised a second magnet above his head, this time a bar magnet, and brought these two visual aids together with opposite poles. They naturally stuck to each other. But I thought it unsafe to applaud this successful experience. The old man, with difficulty pushing the magnets apart, explained: “This is you!” he put a horseshoe under my nose. “And this is trouble!” - He showed me another magnet. “You are attracted!” This truth did not please me, but it did not surprise me either. I myself have long suspected this. Without diagrams and even without magnets: “Is that all? Maybe then we’d better play checkers?”
But the old man was adamant: “Look further!” He repeated the same experiment, only this time, moving the flat magnet relative to the horseshoe-shaped one by ten centimeters. Now they touched only with their blue poles and, naturally, repelled. The professor invited me to see this for myself, and I was afraid to refuse. But I still didn’t understand the point.

And everything turned out to be very simple. When Nikolaev was finally able to descend to earth from the heaven of his genius, he easily and clearly explained to me the essence of this strange theory. In his opinion, I was a unique person. The troubles that beset me with enviable regularity were tied to me at certain time intervals. To avoid them, you just need to move your life a little back. About ten minutes, judging by his calculations. Or, to put it even more simply, as soon as you are about to do something, stop, wait the allotted minutes, and - go ahead! The trouble is already behind us!
For all the madness of this assumption, there was something in it. And I decided to try.

March 6, 1996
Everything is fine again. During these days I have not broken a single cup. I have never been hit with mud by a passing car. The neighbor's poodle even stopped barking at me!

March 12, 1996
The method works. Now I'm sure of this. And the proof is my misfortunes. They haven't gone anywhere. They still happen. But not with me. They walk ahead of me by the allotted ten minutes and happen to someone else. To those who find themselves in the place where I should be.

March 19, 1996
I brought the professor a box of his favorite port wine. I spent my last stash. The refrigerator is empty, and payday is still a week away. But I couldn’t do otherwise: today I was supposed to be hit by a car.

March 26, 1996
What happened this week is difficult to describe in a nutshell. But I will try to state the main thing: luck has taken the place of troubles in my life! I noticed this before, from the very beginning of the experiment. But he was afraid to frighten or jinx him, having admitted it to himself. But after my second birth, I believed so much in the genius of the professor that I went even further in testing his theory. I started playing. Little things: lotteries, slot machines. I won a little. But then - always!
And yesterday I went to the casino. And even though I don’t really know how to play roulette, I always knew what to bet on. After an hour of playing, when the stakes had already become indecently high, I realized from the looks of the guards that it would be difficult to leave. But I wasn't scared at all. I slowly cashed out my winnings. I waited ten minutes and went to the exit. The security had no time for me at that moment: they were working together to extinguish the electrical wiring that had shorted out in the cash register.

April 12, 1996
They finally signed my resignation letter. Now I don’t have to go to the other end of the city every day to this stupid laboratory.

April 27, 1997
I bought an apartment in a high-rise after a week-long trip to Montecarlo. Well, of course, I left a little for living, so as not to wander around the cheap Moscow gambling establishments. Thank God we have a free country. And no one yet asks how much money you live on.

September 8, 1998
I don’t understand those who suffered from the default. What kind of idiots you have to be to not have time to convert rubles into foreign currency!

March 18, 2000
They put it... How can I wash it now? You'll have to keep an eye on the servants so they don't saw off a piece!


November 6, 2008
And why did I buy Gazprom shares for 300 rubles in the summer, and on margin too?! Yes, and where did that damn professor go?!

December 12, 2008
Banks demand repayment of loans. They threaten with court and bailiffs. But there is no professor! He started this experiment and left me alone! Escaped! He's dead, he's an infection!!! And I had so much hope for him...

January 12, 2009
Today I will do what I want, trying not to wait the allotted 10 minutes. I still have hope that I have not become the same as everyone else. That my bad luck is still with me.
Let the dishes break, clothes tear and tires burst! I'll be looking forward to it. If only it turned out that the aim was just off. The interval between “+” and “-” has changed. And if so, I will find my fortune. No matter how much time and effort it takes me.


Finally, the Porsche left the parking lot. The security guard, who had been standing nearby almost at attention all this time, came to life and wheeled the cart to the glass doors of the supermarket. And he managed just in time to catch the silent scene, the participants of which were sellers, cashiers, customers and an old woman who won a hundred thousand rubles as the millionth visitor to the store.