Sentences with the word "y". Writing lesson. Letter Y. lesson plan in the Russian language (grade 1) on the topic Learning new material

Target: Introduce students to the letters Y; develop phonemic awareness, differentiate and characterize the sound [th], develop the skill of reading syllables, sentences with studied letters, logical thinking; cultivate curiosity. Improve the skills of writing syllables and words with the letter y.



Writing lesson. 1 class

Subject : Capital letter Y.

Target: Introduce students to the letters Y; develop phonemic awareness, differentiate and characterize the sound [th], develop the skill of reading syllables, sentences with studied letters, logical thinking; cultivate curiosity. Improve the skills of writing syllables and words with the letter y.

Student activities and planned results:

Subject: distinguish between sounds and letters, characterize the sound [th"] - consonant, voiced, soft;

Regulatory: accept trainingtask, carry out the solution of an educational task under the guidance of a teacher, name the elements of the letters Y correctly, in accordance with the model. Analyze the written letter, choose the most successful option, indicating it with a dot, focus on the best option in the writing process. Observe the sound [th"] at the end and in the middle of a word, hear it, designate it in writing with the letter y. Copy words and sentences from the printed font without errors;

Cognitive:reproduce the shape of the letter being studied and its connection with another letter according to the algorithm. Compare the written letters И, й with the model. Write words with the studied letters under dictation and with commentary. Correctly indicate the boundaries of the sentence;

Communicative:perform syllabic-sound analysis of words with the sound [th"]. Follow the rules for working in pairs;

Personal: evaluate your activities.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

The bell gave us a signal.

The time has come to work.

So let's not waste time

And we begin to work.Slide 1. Writing lesson.

2. Updating knowledge.

There is a commotion among the words,

What strange words

All the houses were occupied.Slide 2 houses with words.

Guys, do you know these words?

What happened to them? (letter missing)

What kind of letter is this? (Y – short)

Name the words that populated these houses. (bunny, T-shirt, kettle, barn, yogurt, snake)

What is the meaning of the letter Y - short in words? (Important)

Why? (If it is not in its place in a word, then the word becomes incomprehensible and loses its meaning and meaning).

Why did this letter get such a name?

And our guests will help us with this, only you need to guess what their names are. slide emoticons

When we get scared or see something unexpected, do we speak? OH!

When we hurt ourselves, fall, prick ourselves, do we scream?


When we need to call out to someone, do we shout?


What can you say about the names of our heroes?

(Interjections. Express feelings, states, but do not name them.)

What do these names have in common? (Letter Y)

How many sounds are in each name? (2)

Say the last sound.

What is it - vowel or consonant? Why? (When pronouncing the sound Y, the lips are not opened wide, a small gap forms between the teeth, the middle of the tongue touches the palate)

Let's determine: what is it - hard or soft, say it again? (There is a ringing in the ears; when it is pronounced, a voice and noise are heard. The sound Y is pronounced softly)

Let's conclude!!!

(the sound Y is a consonant, voiced, always soft).

In words containing the letter “th” we hear the sound I, but we don’t sing it, but pronounce it intermittently, briefly.

We recite a poem together (in chorus):

Together we will say in unison:

You need to remember the short letter Y!

This letter is not easy

Because comma

He sits on her shoulders.

Slide writing the letter Y (capital) p.25.

3. Setting goals and determining the topic of the lesson.

The purpose of the lesson.

1. Get acquainted with the writing of the capital letter Y.

2. We will compare printed and written letters.

3. Let's learn to write words and sentences with a new letter.

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Introducing the letters J, y. (Appendix No. 1)

Come on, likes, bark together,

You need to remember the letter Y.

This letter is not easy

Because comma

Sits on her shoulders.

The letter Y is called “And short.”

Y like I in your notebook.

So that Y is not confused with I,

Write a tick at the top.

Give her a hat -

The letter I will become short.

A. Shibaev

Let's compare printed and written letters.

What does the letter Y look like?

How many elements does this letter consist of? (3)

Name the elements of the capital letter th.

Write a capital letter Y.

Read from the board. (Appendix No. 2)

Ma my lei

May howl drink

Lai roi wei

Let me sing this

5. Physical education minute"Hares"

Jumping and jumping in the woods
Hares are gray balls
(Hands near the chest, like the paws of hares; jumping).
Jump - jump, jump - jump -
The little bunny stood on a stump
(Jumping forward - backward)
He lined everyone up in order and began showing them exercises.
Once! Everyone walks in place.
Two! They wave their hands together.
Three! They sat down and stood up together.
Everyone scratched behind the ear.
We reached four.
Five! They bent over and bent over.
Six! Everyone lined up again
They walked like a squad.

6. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

Let's work with vocabulary words and write them down in a dictionary.

(Appendix No. 4)


What is yogurt?

Let's come up with a sentence with the word yogurt.

Good reading students read the text. Everyone listens carefully and answers my questions.


The hare was most afraid of the wolf in his life, the mouse was afraid of the cat, and some scratched children were afraid of Yoda. When they see him, they start screaming and hide under the bed. But if it were not for iodine, the scratches would not heal for a long time, and the scratched finger would bleed for a long time. Iodine is needed not only to treat scratches.

If there is no iodine in the air, water or food, then people begin to get sick. Most iodine is found in sea water and sea air. This is because algae grows in the sea, which contains a lot of iodine. It is from these algae that iodine is made at the factory.

What interesting things have you learned about iodine?

What is iodine obtained from?

Let's conduct a sound-letter analysis of the word “iodine” (work with diagrams).

Read the quatrain of V. Lunin. Name the words that are opposite in meaning to the words “good” and “evil”. Write down the words that the hero of the poem shouts.

Read the words, divide the words into syllables. Write down words of two syllables. (darling, my, wash).

Getting to know words that answer the question Which? (lemony, smart, peaceful). Recording in the copybook.

Pictures on the board: tram, trolleybus. (Appendix No. 3)

What is this? (transport)

What types of transport do you know?

What traffic rules are you familiar with?

What three colors does the traffic light have? (red, yellow, green). Writing words in copybook.

What sound do all these words end with?

Let's read S. Marshak's poem "Ball" (Slide 8)

What do you know about trams and trolleybuses?

Come up with sentences with these words and write them down in your notebook.

The tram runs on rails.

A trolleybus is traveling along the road.

VII. Summing up the lesson.

Reflection - During the lesson I learned......

- I remembered …….

I learned……

I was surprised......

Conduct self-assessment using the algorithm.

And again a section for you learning letters. As you guessed correctly, today we have a consonant letter "Y". Why consonant? And make a sound. Well, how easily does sound travel? Of course, he encounters obstacles, his tongue and teeth get in the way.

You won’t see this sound at the beginning of a word so often, but in the middle and at the end of a word as often as you like. So start with this, come up with words with the sound “Y”. Lay out or sculpt the letter.

I'm just offering to help you practical material: artistic word, games, tongue twisters, riddles.

Letter "Y"

Funny poems

Iodine is good, iodine is not evil.

In vain you shout: “Oh-oh-oh!” –

I just saw a bottle of iodine.

Iodine sometimes burns, of course,

But it will heal faster

Iodine smeared wound.

V. Lunin

A bird flies over the gate,

But he doesn’t sit on the gate.

E. Tarlapan

I have a needle and thread

I am learning to sew from my mother.

If I prick my finger,

I'll pour iodine into the wound.

Oh-oh and Ay-ay

- Oh oh oh! - said Oh-oh. –

I, my friend, am quite big!

- Go for a walk,

All will pass! - said Ai-ai.

G. Vieru

Because comma

Sits on her shoulders.

V. Kozhevnikov

A yogi would help Ivan,

May the yogi live beyond the sea.


Distressed Magpie

Returning from class.

I spent the entire lesson chatting with the jay.

And she returned home with a deuce.

Proverbs and sayings

1. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

2. Make new friends, but don’t lose old ones.

3. Don't be afraid of the cold. Wash up to your waist.


Game "Who is more".

Think of words with the sound [th] at the beginning (iodine, yogi, iota), in the middle (T-shirt, watering can, snake), at the end of a word (May, tea, region).

Game "Turning words".

Change the words so that they denote a request, an order, an incentive to action: worth ( stop), washes ( my), builds ( build), sings
(sing), decides ( decide), plays ( play), repeats ( repeat), floats ( swim), thinks ( think).

Game "Where is the sound".

The teacher asks the children to determine the position of the letter “th” in the words: strong, jockey, puck, iodine, ruler.

Game "Recognize the sound."

Clap your hands once when you hear the sound [th] in the words: fox, husky, player, face, washbasin, nightingale, bus, trolleybus, scissors, car, snake, name, tea.

Game “Say the Word”.

Game "Curious".

- What is your name? (Andrey.)

- What do you like for breakfast? (Egg.)

– What type of transport do you prefer? (Tram, trolleybus.)

– Where do you like to go on your days off? (To the museum.)

– What do you use to collect water to water the flowers? (Into the watering can.)

– What fruit do you like? (Quince.)

– What drink do you like? (Tea.)

Game "The letter is lost."

Fill in the missing letters in the words:

sha – ba, gero –, tramva –, studying – those.

Game "Turning words".

1. Fill in the missing letters in the words:

Answer: T-shirt, nut, bunny, husky, gang;

watering can, lath.

2. Change each word so that it contains the letter "th".

Builder ( construction), pour ( watering can), hare ( bunny), reader ( read), winter ( in winter).

Game "Entertaining Models".

Make up words using the following models.

1. – – th (May, bark, tea, howl, fight.)

– – th – – (T-shirt, T-shirt, seagull, jay, nut.)

2. – – ah (Edge.)

– – – ah (Barn, lichen.)

– – – – ah (Custom, occasion.)

- - - to her (Museum, lyceum, jockey, wheatgrass.)


Well, my dears, yours practical advice added one more letter, this letter "Y".

1. Indicate the erroneous judgment. 1) In the word DECIDED, all consonant sounds have a pair of hardness - softness. 2) In the word RAZ, the letter Z stands for the sound [s]. 3) In the word

LEARN all consonant sounds are unvoiced.4) There are ANOTHER four sounds in the word.
2. Indicate the erroneous judgment.1) In the word RUTHLESS, the letter T denotes an unpronounceable sound. 2) In the word SHELL, all consonant sounds have a pair of hardness - softness. 3) In the word AROUND, the letter G denotes the sound [k]. 4) In the word NOW there are more letters than sounds.
3. Indicate the erroneous judgment. 1) There are seven sounds in the word BICYCLE. 2) In the word BICYCLE, the letter D stands for the sound [t]. 3) In the word RIDE, all consonant sounds are unvoiced. 4) The word THREE has two syllables.
4. Indicate the erroneous judgment. 1) In the word UNHAPPY, the consonant T denotes an unpronounceable sound. 2) In the word SOON, the first sound is [f]. 3) In the word CHANCE, the softness of the consonant [t'] in writing is indicated by the letter b (soft sign). 4) The word BROTHERS has fewer sounds than letters.
5. Indicate the erroneous judgment. 1) In the word MONEY, all consonant sounds are soft. 2) In the word TRAINS, there are the same number of vowels and consonants. 3) In the word SERIOUSNESS, the letter E means 2 sounds. 4) In the word TRAIN, the last sound is [t].

1. In which row is the letter A missing from all words? 1) teach, assume, manage 2) represent, purpose, decorate 3) give birth,

fantasy, l..laboratory4), ug..sat, grow..sti
2. In which row is I missing in all words? 1) try..try, connect..union, from..give 2) get lost..steel, develop..mind, priority..thet 3) privileged..alloyed,, ex..exit 4) simple. .swears, falls..gardener, disdainfully
3. In which row is the letter O written in all words? 1) region..knot, iz..gayu, k..secretary2) for..rya, g..lantery, repentance3) expressive, r..drain, k..leidoscope4) ukr.. pardon, offer, note
4. In which row is the letter E missing in all words? 1). ) to be dissolved, t..temperature, dist..rane
5.Which series consists of words in which only unverified unstressed vowels of the root are missing? 1) indestructible, impression..decay, bicycle 2) touching, ex..death, p..decay 3) grow..sla, declare, define..give 4) medic.. cops, continent, miniature
6.Which series consists of words in which only the tested unstressed vowels of the root are missing? 1) bless, shorten, r..splendid2) preliminary, skip..roll, election campaign3), di..gonal4) presupposed. .vital, prophet..become, p..noram
7. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing? 1). quit, resign, end..end
8. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing? 1). wifely, m..licking, m..todika
9. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing? 1). gat, overheat, obligatory
10. Which series consists of words in which only unverified unstressed vowels of the root are missing? 1) invite, coax, grow..sti2) represent, purpose..dec..dec.3) d..birth, fantasy, l..laboratory4) teach.. put, assume, simplify
11. Which series consists of words in which only the tested unstressed vowels of the root are missing? 1). supreme, overcoming, dynamic
12. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing? 1). ral, zap..zas..repetition
13. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing? 1) heat..heat, s..burn, set fire..gatel2) set..burn, hw..stun, trace..slipping3) over..break, boil, side..ron4) about.. yawning, touching...dream, l..skating
14. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing? 1). zidium, softened, softened

Organizing time:

The long-awaited call was given,

The lesson begins.

Today the Wise Owl came to our lesson. She has a magical chest of knowledge. The owl will share his knowledge with us, but in return we must put our new knowledge in this chest.

Updating the topic and purpose of the lesson.

A minute of penmanship:

Wise Owl brought letters to class.

What letters did the Owl bring?

What are letters?

What kind of letters are there?

Game “Third Wheel”

Among the letters N, I, Y, which letter is the odd one out and why?

In a moment of penmanship, the Wise Owl invites you to write letters and their combinations and, y, I, y, Iy, Y.

Let's remember the rules of sitting when writing.

Read the poem written on the board.

The host of our lesson will be the letter Y.

Learning new material

Features of the letter Y.

Why is the letter called that?

When does the letter Y become capital?

Name words that begin with the letter Y.

Physical exercise (for the eyes).

Features of the sound th.

Name the sound represented by the letter Y.

What are speech sounds?

What sounds are there?

What do we know about the sound th?


I'll name the words. If the sound th is in the middle, then the girls will stand up, and if this sound is at the end of the word, then the boys will stand up.

May, war, think, cunning, bunny, snake, museums.

Why didn't anyone stand up when the last word was called?

Change the word so that the sound y appears in it.

The role of the letter Y in a word.

You have cards with words on your desk. Each line contains two identical words. Replace the letter I with Y in one of them.

What happened to the words?

Dividing words into syllables.

Divide the words into syllables.

Now check the correctness of your work with the option proposed by the Wise Owl on the board.

How many syllables are in a word fights?

Why is there a syllable with one vowel I, and no syllable with one letter Y?


There are words ending in “-ay”,
They drive the “loaf” together with us.
How do you hear a word with an ending?
on “-ay”,
Then immediately squat quickly.

May, tea, lei, edge, barn, decide, winter, harvest, big, decide, read, tram.

Speech development

Make a sentence using any of the words written on the card.

Wise Owl suggests writing down a sentence from a poem in a notebook.

The owner abandoned the bunny.

How do you evaluate the girl’s action?

Underline the letter Y in the words of the entire sentence.

Lesson summary

What knowledge can we put into Owl’s smart chest today?


Draw pictures at home, depicting the letter Y the way you imagine it.

You can choose words with the letter Y, make sentences where the words contain the letter Y.