Hat is an active game for a large company. General rules of the game Game hat tasks

"Hat" is a game for a large good company, which everyone plays together. Each of the players takes turns trying to explain, show or draw a word, and everyone else tries to guess this word. Those who succeed, as well as the player who explained the word, receive victory points. It happens that you need to explain several words at once, and time is always limited. Moreover, the player can reduce the time allotted to him or complicate his task in some other way and then he will receive more points. Players take out new words from the Hat. The number of options is huge. The participants of the game themselves choose what to fill the Hat with, changing the complexity of words, themes, and language. Each time the Hat may contain new words unknown to the players, and if you wish, you can even come up with words yourself for playing the “Hat”.

Preparing for the game

Separate the cards into separate decks: “Hat”, “Explain”, “Draw” and “Show”. Shuffle each deck separately and place them face down on the table. Place the “+1/+5” cards with “+1” facing up in the center of the table so that it is convenient for all players to take them. Place the “-1/-3” cards nearby. Prepare a watch with a second hand or a stopwatch, as well as clean paper and a pen. You can use a mobile phone or PDA as a stopwatch. You will also need some kind of container from which players will take out sheets with words, better Just someone's Hat will be suitable for this purpose. But it can be any headdress or, for example, a bag or package. Place the sheets of paper with the words you will use in your Hat. Players should not look to see which words go into the Hat.

A game

The owner of the Hat starts the game. If there is no such thing or there are several of them, then the right to make the first move is determined by lot. This player reveals the top card from the Hat deck. The card indicates the method and number of words played. Depending on the specified method, the player must explain, draw or show these words. The rest of the participants in the game must guess these words. When explaining, the player cannot name the word he is explaining, words with the same root (to the word or its parts), this is a word translated into another language. You also cannot write, draw, or show anything with gestures. While drawing, the player cannot speak or show anything. You cannot write letters or numbers (including Roman ones). It is allowed to point with your hand at the participant in the game who is expressing the correct versions of the guessed word, and nod. When pointing, you cannot speak, but you can only depict the words with pantomime. You also cannot write letters and numbers in the air, but you can show counting on your fingers. Each “Hat” card indicates the time during which you need to play (explain, show or draw) the corresponding number of words. The time is always timed by the player sitting to the right of the player playing the card. The player can make it more difficult for himself to play the words and get more points for it:
  • You can reduce the time; to do this, you need to roll the dice and refer to the special table included in the game set. The time limit for playing words will depend on the result of the roll, method and number of words;
  • you can draw the top card from the Additional Conditions deck that matches the way the words are played. Only one card is drawn. By taking the Additional Condition, the player will have to play all the words taking into account the rule specified on the taken card.
  • The player decides which complication to use and what to do first: roll the dice or draw a card. You can use only one or both complications at once. When the player has decided on the method, number of words, time and additional conditions, he draws the first word from the Hat. From this moment on, time is recorded. If several words are to be played out, you can immediately take the words in the required quantity from the Hat, but the player should not look at them at once, but only one by one, as they are explained. Of course, words that have not yet been played cannot be shown to other participants in the game.

    We played a lot of different word games at camp.
    At the camp near Boston, all the adults seem to come for an evening game of “hat.”
    This time they played “hat”, sometimes 2-3 circles of 12 or even 18 people at a time.
    Of course, the children wanted it too.

    It’s like with toys - if the mother especially loves one of the toys or books, then the children also begin to highlight this toy.
    And we began to figure out how we could play “hat” with the children.
    One of the versions was like this:
    we make adult-child pairs,
    the leader walks behind the circle and, if necessary, helps the children quietly read the required word (however, many children begin to read much better in the game),
    and give them 30 seconds to explain.

    By the end of the week, many children were much better able to explain the meaning of words, and even learned to explain words with gestures.
    So how do you play the hat?
    Preparing for the game: cut the paper into narrow strips, approximately 1 by 10 cm,
    and each participant in the game writes 4 words,
    in large block letters,
    words - only nouns in the nominative case,
    not too abstruse, well-known words.
    Each word is on its own piece of paper,
    and we do not bend or fold the pieces of paper.
    We put all the pieces of paper in a bag called a hat or cap.
    With the children, at the first stage we gave them printed simple words like “cat, garden, fence, peas, coin, pocket, fox, saw” - which are easy to read and easy to explain.

    All players are divided into pairs
    and the partners sit opposite each other.
    (You can be seated as you wish, you can draw lots - who will go with whom)

    First part of the game -
    explanation in words,
    without cognates.

    While one pair is playing, the rest are silent, do not give hints, do not interrupt, and do not express their versions.

    The presenter announces “to the start, attention, march!”
    And one player takes out a stack of pieces of paper from the “hat”, takes the top word, reads it to himself,
    and then explains to his partner in words the meaning of this word,
    and he tries to guess.

    If you have a word with two roots, then you cannot use either root.
    for example, "anteater" cannot be explained as "an animal that eats insects."

    You can explain using quotes from famous poems and songs, but we do not allow explanations by letter or “begins with such and such a letter.”

    If the first player explained the word to his partner and he named it correctly, then they take this piece of paper for themselves, this is their win. And then they try to have time to explain one more word.

    If an explanation was started, but not fully explained or not guessed, then the piece of paper is sent back to the hat.
    Likewise, if you make a mistake.
    You can’t put aside more than one piece of paper per turn, you have to try to explain it somehow.

    The explanation lasts 30 seconds (with adults - we play for 15 or 20 seconds)
    When time is up, the next player takes the hat.
    At the leader’s command, he begins his explanation.
    Sometimes the same word is explained 2-3 times until they come up with a way to explain it.

    Then, when the words in the “hat” end,
    Each pair counts the “catch” - how many words they managed to explain.
    It would be good to memorize words - this helps in the second and third rounds of the game.

    Memory comes to the rescue here.
    Those who remember the words from the first round find it easier.

    tree - birch!
    delicious cookies!
    water the garden!

    sometimes one word and gestures are enough, sometimes the partner cannot remember the word - and you have to put this piece of paper aside.

    The third round - only with gestures.

    It's extremely fun, and even fun to watch from the outside!

    The man stretched his arms out to the sides and waves them. Is this a bird? This is a plane? Or maybe a windmill? No, that's not it. Sometimes people are so stupid that you want to scream at the top of your lungs: “It’s a washing machine!” But the rules require remaining silent, the timer is inexorably counting down, and when friends finally identify the ill-fated unit, they will still have to show them inspiration.

    "Hat" is an artistic game for a pleasant company. In it you have to pull all sorts of words and concepts out of a hat, and then show, explain and draw them. Each participant takes turns becoming the presenter, and the other players guess what exactly he is trying to convey to them. If the word is named correctly, both the one who guessed it and the presenter receive victory points. To earn more points, the presenter can voluntarily reduce the time allotted to him or complicate his task: for example, draw only rectangles or show with his fingers clenched into fists.

    Before the start of the game, players will need to acquire a Hat and a timer. The ideal Hat would be the headdress of the same name, but it can be successfully replaced by any container from which you can blindly pull out leaves with words, for example, an opaque bag or a deep box. The timer should measure time with an accuracy of five seconds: it is most convenient to use the built-in one in a smartphone or tablet, but a sports stopwatch will also work. Now we need to fill the Hat with words. To do this, you can cut one or several ready-made sets into it (four such sets are included in the box with the game), or you can write the words yourself on pieces of paper - but then guessing them will not be so interesting. After mixing the words in the Hat, the participants choose the first leader and begin the game.

    On his turn, the presenter first opens a card from the “Hat” deck. It indicates how many words he will pull from the hat and how he will convey them to other players, for example: “Explain three words,” “Draw one word,” or “Show two words.” Each task has its own standard in minutes and seconds: for the examples given, these are forty seconds, one minute and three and a half minutes, respectively.

    Then the presenter can, if he wants, choose a complication: reduce the time allotted for guessing or draw an additional condition card. If desired, he has the right to do both - if he is absolutely confident in his own abilities or needs additional victory points. To shorten the time, the presenter rolls the dice and checks a special table: the fewer the results, the faster he will have to complete his task. An additional condition card is drawn from the deck corresponding to the method of completing the task: “Explain”, “Show” or “Draw”. This condition - for example, not using verbs during an explanation or drawing with your left hand - will apply to all words of the task.

    Finally, the players start the timer, the presenter draws the required number of words from the Hat and, in turn, explains them, shows them or draws them. When explaining, the player must only speak, and it is forbidden to name the hidden word, related words or parts of it - including in foreign languages. When drawing, you cannot write anything, or help yourself with words and gestures. Showing words is allowed with any movements, but you should not “write” letters and numbers in the air, or make any sounds. As soon as the word is guessed, the presenter moves on to the next one. This continues until the presenter completes his task or the timer rings.

    At the end of the turn, victory points are awarded. If the presenter managed to explain, show or draw at least one word, he keeps the task card - it brings two points. However, if the player did not have time to deal with all the required words, he receives one penalty point. A similar fine is imposed for violating the rules. Victory points for complications are awarded only if all the necessary words are successfully guessed: for reducing the time they give 1 or 2 points, and the value of additional conditions is indicated on their cards. For each word guessed, the player receives a point, and if several people named the word at the same time, points go to each of them.

    The game continues until all the task cards from the “Hat” deck are played or until the words run out. The player who scores the most points is declared the winner.

    Ready-made sets of additional words for “Hat” can be purchased separately. They are folded in such a way that no one, including the owner, can read the words ahead of time. Before the game, just cut a strip of paper into the Hat along the dotted lines and mix the resulting pieces of paper. The simplest words are printed on white paper, complex ones (such as abstract concepts or scientific terms) are printed on green paper, and combinations of two or more words are printed on red paper. By inventing your own sets of words, the “Hat” can be used not only for entertainment, but also for learning, for example, foreign languages.

    Forum on the game "Hat" on the BG website G

    If you have any questions about the rules of our game, we will be happy to answer on a special forum about it on the international portal BoardGameGeek in Russian.

    Many faces of entertainment

    “The Hat” is based on folk entertainment, known in Russia under a variety of names: “Associations”, “Pantomime”, “Crocodile” and even “Slouched Dog”. This game has no less options than names: you can guess words by ear or pull them from pre-written ones, play in pairs, teams or each for himself, limit yourself to pantomime or explanations... “The Hat” not only offers players uniform rules and eliminates the need to invent words, but also brings into the game the refined atmosphere of a high-society salon for noble ladies and gentlemen. Perhaps it was in this environment that the history of this ever-popular game began.

    The game involves two or more pairs of players. Each pair forms a team. The number of players must be even.

    The game also requires a leader who does not take part in the game.

    The game requires a hat (hence the name of the game) or any other opaque container, as well as cards (cut or torn pieces of paper).

    Before the game starts, each player must come up with six (or more, sometimes less) words and write them on cards (one per card), without showing them to anyone. The exact number of words is agreed upon before the start of the game; all players must write the same number of words.

    Words must be common nouns in the basic form of the language in which the game is played (for the Russian language - nominative singular). Some use the names of characters (real and fictional) - this makes the game more difficult and interesting.

    Words must be written in legible handwriting, preferably in large capital block letters.

    When all the players have come up with and written down the words on the cards, all the cards are folded and placed in a hat.

    After this, the players are randomly divided into teams. It is convenient to use playing cards for this. Pairs of cards (red and black suits) of the same value are drawn from the deck, according to the number of players; mixed and distributed. Players who receive cards of the same value form a team. If you don't have cards on hand, you can write team numbers on cards and distribute them randomly.
    [edit] Gameplay

    Participants are seated in two rows facing each other, so that players of the same team sit opposite each other.

    Before the start of each round, the presenter times the time (usually 20 or 30 seconds).

    At the command of the leader (or, in his absence, a player of the other team), the player of the first team, sitting on the right in his row, takes a card with a word from his hat and tries to explain its meaning to his counterpart.

    When explaining, it is not allowed:

    * Use of cognate words (the word “corral” cannot be explained using the word “drive”). If the hidden word has multiple roots, then not a single root can be used in the explanation.
    * Using direct translations of words or their roots into other languages ​​(you cannot explain the word “dining room” using the word “table”)
    * Using direct translations of the roots of foreign words (the word “liberal” cannot be explained using the word “freedom”)
    * Using gestures (including pointing to objects)

    The use of similar-sounding words, synonyms, lengthy explanations, metaphors and other techniques that do not contradict the above rules is allowed and even encouraged. At the same time, words that are consonant with the meaning also need to be explained, and not named directly.

    The counterpart puts forward versions of what word is written on the card. Explanations and versions must be spoken loudly so that all players can hear them.

    If the counterpart guessed the written word and the appointed time has not yet passed since the beginning of the round, then the card becomes the property of the playing team and the player takes the next card from the hat. If the second word is guessed, then the player takes out the third, and so on.

    If a player violates the rules during an explanation, the card is removed from the game.

    The tour ends after the designated time or when the card is confiscated due to a violation of the rules.

    Of course, these games are wonderful and suitable for any company. But sometimes, especially when the same people often get together and play, even the most beloved games get a little boring and you really want something new. This is what the game has become for us Hat! Yes, it combines elements of games already familiar to us all, BUT, nevertheless, this is exactly the new thing that we were missing.

    This is how the manufacturer describes the game. “The hat is a game for a big good company, which everyone plays together. Each of the players takes turns trying to explain, show or draw a word, and everyone else tries to guess this word. Those who succeed, as well as the player who explained the word, receive victory points. It happens that you need to explain several words at once, and time is always limited. Moreover, the player can reduce the time allotted to him or complicate his task in some other way and then he will receive more points. Players take out new words from the Hat. The number of options is huge. Participants in the game choose what to fill the Hat with - changing the complexity of words, themes, and language. Each time the Hat may contain new words unknown to the players, and if you wish, you can even come up with words yourself for playing the “Hat.”

    Now let’s talk a little more about the composition and course of the game.

    The game includes:

    Cards Hat – 24 pcs.
    Cards with additional conditions
    - “Explain” – 8 pcs.
    - “Draw” – 8 pcs.
    - “Show” - 8 pcs.
    Cards +1/+5 – 24 pcs.
    Cards -1/-3 – 8 pcs.
    Sets with words – 4 pcs.
    Time table

    Preparing for the game:

    Before starting the game, you need to lay out the “hat”, “explain”, “show” and “draw” cards in three piles. Cards “+1/+5” and “-1/-3” are also placed in the center of the table. You will also need a stopwatch, a sheet of blank paper and a pen, and also a hat or something that replaces it, where cards with words are placed.

    Progress of the game:

    The player who starts reveals the top card from the "hat" pile. Cards of this type indicate the way to explain the words, their number, as well as the time during which these words need to be drawn/explained or shown. In the upper right corner is written the number of points that the player will receive if his words are guessed. The player who correctly guesses the words takes a card from the “+1/+5” pile - one winning point.

    Explain– in this case, the player cannot name words with the same root, and also cannot show or draw this word. You can name synonyms or antonyms or tell what this word means.

    Drawing, the player cannot tell or show anything. You cannot write letters and numbers. You can point your hand at a participant who has begun to guess the word correctly, thereby showing that he is moving in the right direction.

    Showing word, you can't say anything.

    For example, the player draws the hat card

    This means that you need to explain 2 words (pulled from a hat) in words in 35 seconds. If the player succeeds, he receives 2 victory points. (the one who guesses the word gets 1 point for each word guessed). After this, the player pulls out 2 cards with words from the hat and explains them one by one.

    Does everything seem extremely simple? Yes, it is so, but the rules allow you to complicate your task and thereby earn more points! A player who wants to complicate the task for himself, after taking the “Hat” card and already knows how he will have to clarify the words, can do the following:

    Reduce time for clarification (all you need for this is a dice and a temporary table)

    You can draw a card of additional conditions (the top card is taken from the corresponding pile. If, for example, on the “Hat” card it is indicated that the words need to be shown, then the card of additional conditions must be drawn from the “show” pile).

    Additional conditions can be very different - show the words while sitting or constantly smiling, show with your fingers clenched into fists, or even show the word blindfolded.

    When explaining words with the help of a picture, additional conditions can be to draw only squares and rectangles, to draw only ovals or circles, to draw with the left hand.

    And with a simple explanation of words, conditions can be, for example, singing the words or after each spoken word, saying “Hat”, etc.

    You can use one of the complications, or you can use both at once.

    For example, if for the Hat card, you decide to shorten the time and roll the dice and the number 3 appears on the dice, then according to the time table, you need to explain 2 words in 20 seconds (instead of 45 seconds, which were originally on the card)

    At the end of each round, victory points are counted.

    Playing "Hat" is fun with a small group (for example, four of you), but it is much more fun and interesting if you try to play in teams! Another good thing about the game is that you don’t have to play according to the proposed rules. You can make the game more complicated and confusing, or, conversely, simplify and adapt the rules for younger players!

    On my own behalf, I can add that at the moment this is a favorite game in our adult company, as well as in the company of children of different ages (those who cannot read yet are helped by a “partner”)! For young children, you can make your own cards with words (by the way, additional sheets of paper with empty cells for this are included in the game)

    Various and fun games for you!