Thurisaz in magic. Rune Thurisaz: meaning in fortune telling and magic. Why do you need an amulet with the Thurisaz rune?

In its design, this rune is often too similar to Vunyo, and in some sets it is generally difficult to distinguish both runes from one another.

Name: THURISAZ or THURS great-tours; the Germans, however, associated it with a tower (Turm) or a gate (Tog), and the Anglo-Saxons with a thorn (Thorn). It is also considered a symbol of Thor's Hammer (Mjollnir).

Runic formula — ᚦᚢᚱᛁᛋᚨᛉ

Action of Turisaz: organizing space.

Deity: Thor, the thunder god (Jupiter). (???)

Top (Thorr), among the Germans Donar: god of thunder and lightning, son of Odin and Hlodyn, aka Fjörgyn; his wife's name was Siv, his sons (from the giantess Yarnsaxa) were Modi and Magni. From Siv he had a daughter, Trud. Controls lightning while wearing iron gloves. Thunder is the roar of his chariot drawn by goats. Armed with the hammer Mjollnir, he defeated the giants (which is why Tacitus identifies him with Hercules). A symbol of strength opposing Chaos. He had a red beard, so animals with red and red fur are dedicated to him - squirrel, fox, robin, redtail, etc., and plants - rowan and others with red berries, as well as oak. They were sacrificed to him in the spring. The day of the week Thursday (Donnerstag, Thursday) is dedicated to him.



Character: energy rune.

Essence: reversible rune.

Images of the Thurisaz Rune:

  • the farmer cuts down the forest for fields,
  • builders are digging up tree stumps for construction,
  • the child cleans up his room,
  • the entrepreneur squeezes competitors out of the market,
  • The hypnotist penetrates the client's subconscious,
  • a student erases a note with an eraser,
  • programmer structures databases,
  • the director “builds” his subordinates,
  • a mosquito stings a person
  • maniac kills girls
  • a sprout breaks through the soil,
  • the toadstool poisons a person,
  • the blizzard sweeps up snowdrifts,
  • the knife cuts through the fabric,
  • a drill drills a hole in a part,
  • the house develops the surrounding area with the hands of its residents,
  • the Duma passes laws
  • an aggressor country attacks another country,

The meaning of the Thurisaz Rune

A structured space for yourself. It makes it easier for the actor to perform other actions and creates a kind of “security buffer.”

The order in the early structured space is constantly disrupted, becoming chaotic inside and out. Insufficient order in the surrounding space is a stimulus for Thurisaz’s action.

The result of this action is the presence around the figure of an ordered external space “under him”.

Application of the Thurisaz Rune in magic

“Troll Rune”, designed to awaken the deep dormant forces of Nature and the human subconscious. However, one or even three troll runes are not enough to evoke “negativity”.

Rune of reflection. They write it, wanting to reflect before the decisive step, think everything over again, weigh all the pros and cons. It helps you concentrate, evaluate your actions, avoid hasty decisions, and protects you from deception and self-deception.

The main focus of the magical power of the Thurisaz rune can be characterized as structuring, ordering chaos - this is due, among other things, to the fact that this rune is dedicated to the god Thor - the god who protects the city of the gods from the forces of Chaos and fights with its representatives - the giants. It is believed that the Thurisaz rune effectively helps when it is necessary to concentrate and achieve self-discipline, during meditation, in any matter that requires clear control or self-control.

At the same time, some caution should be observed when working with this rune, it is often believed that its effect may have a somewhat unkind connotation.

Interpretation of the Thurisaz Rune in fortune telling

Mantic meaning: radical changes, radical revision of established views (often painful); chthonic forces, natural magic, the sphere of the unconscious, threshold states; resolving a problem through conflict, extreme measures (ideological conflict).

Relocation, forced movement. Don’t make hasty decisions, leave yourself time to think (the Old Norse word “thing” begins with this letter - veche, council, modern parliament).

The image of the Thurisaz rune is a man standing before flying on the top of a mountain: everything is left behind, everything is left below; wings must grow behind his back in order to step into the void, and in fact, to fly.

An important note to the reverse Thurisaz: action should not come from weakness. Weakness pushes a person to hasty actions. When he is strong, he acts quickly, immutably, with conviction in the correctness of his actions. Haste is an attempt to get rid of a burden from your head, to get rid of external troubles without resolving internal problems. If action comes from a place of weakness, it will lead to regret and dissatisfaction.

The primary sign of our life is mad rush and vanity. People have no time to be silent, to think, to reflect on what they are doing. They are like a furiously working washing machine that, instead of washing, tears the laundry into shreds. Our dissatisfaction with the past is associated with ill-considered and hasty actions. When a person switches to a slow rhythm, he enters the egregor channel. The man who acts slowly becomes strong. He immediately sees what is happening.

Qualitative changes in people's lives are not indifferent to the Cosmos. A change in the level of being attracts the attention of the Higher World. The hierarchy always monitors who moves to a higher level of development. Therefore, when entering the elevator, you should not fuss too much - there is a very serious company of assistants who know how to transform the human body. It only depends on him to give consent, to part with the past - to take the first step, and then everything will happen quite spontaneously.

The further a person develops, the more he understands that the lion's share of what happens to him, even if it is imitated as a free decision, free will, occurs under the influence of automatically acting laws, under the pressure of certain evolutionary mechanics. But this does not at all relieve responsibility for decisions made independently before the Gate. The guardian of the threshold monitors exactly how sincere we are, how ready we really are to reconsider our baggage and enter new to another level. When faced with Thurisaz, you will find that this is the rune of very important turns and updates, for which, despite the current laws, a person naturally bears responsibility, because it happens to him.


In straight position: time for reflection, making an extremely important decision. Fate gives time for a short stop, protecting and providing the opportunity to take an accurate and sure step - into something new. Don't carry the ballast of past experiences with you. You only need to take what you need.

Inverted: fate stops you, because you are going in the wrong direction! Fortunately, the situation is not too hopeless. Yes, you once made the wrong decision, arrogantly overestimated your strengths, did not listen to wise advice - and your actions brought more problems than they solved.

Features provided:

In straight position: make the right choice. Accurately calculate forces. Find a patron. With precise action, launch a chain of events leading to success. See the true faces of your surroundings and evaluate their potential.

Inverted: return to the starting point and do it all again. Although painful, it is very effective to cleanse yourself of illusions - both your own rightness and hopes for someone from your environment.

Rune's warning:

In straight position: Thurisaz affects not only you. It greatly changes the entire area of ​​the situation and, above all, reveals the true face of each person. Therefore, everything that was hidden will come out - quarrels, resentments, suspicion, arrogance... You are given a chance to really evaluate the people around you and use their help in accordance with their abilities.

Inverted: turning back is very tough. Lack of understanding of the situation, blind submission to circumstances, arrogance, stubbornness without a deep understanding of the topic, haste, the desire to get more quickly and more - this is what led to failure. Don't blame anyone! Even if your plans were great, admit that they are impracticable, at least for now.

In straight position: wisdom, concentration, the ability to wait and let others speak, and then with one word, gesture, action, start the process - this is what you need.

Inverted: humility and the desire to realize your weaknesses are where your strength lies. You were given a lesson on what not to do.


  1. Kolesov E., Thorsten A. - "Runes. Futhark Classical and Armanic"
  2. A. Platov, A. van Dart - "Practical course of runic art"
  3. Oleg Sinko - "Runes: the practice of predictions"
  4. Konstantin Selchenok - "Astrological interpretation of runes"
  5. T. Carlson - "Utark»
  6. Vladimir Smirnov (HaukwithR Gandwiki) — « Runika. Directory of values"

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Externally, the Thurisaz rune is similar to the English letter D - , but nevertheless it can sometimes be confused with the Vunyo rune due to the similarity in writing. True, their meaning is completely different; the thurisaz rune implies the ordering of space.

Origin of the Thurisaz rune

The word “turs” itself, translated from the Old Icelandic language, means giant. According to Scandinavian mythology, it is from these huge creatures that the TOP people are protected. Thor himself was a representative of the family of giants and only he protected people from them.

Giants in mythology personify chaos while Thor fights its manifestations. The Thurisaz rune personifies Thor's struggle with world chaos and giants. All interpretations of the meaning of this rune are closely intertwined with these metaphorical ideas.

Thor always carries his hammer with him, which is often used as a body amulet. Since ancient times, this talisman has been used by people to protect themselves from enemies and negative external energy influences.

Every time Thor uses his hammer it always comes back to him. All this symbolizes that after every action you should expect a response. Thurisaz reminds people that it is important to remember the possible consequences of every action.

Although this rune has a protective function, if used incorrectly, a person can be seriously harmed due to its super-powerful energy influence.

To defeat the enemy, you can use the internal power of the Thurisaz rune. At the same time, we should not forget that if used incorrectly, the power of the rune can turn against its owner. It is for this reason that it is recommended to approach the use of the power of this ancient sign with extreme caution.

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune

Thurisaz is a rune of power, the meaning of which cannot always be interpreted positively. Mainly it represents powerful energy protection. Also, some interpret it as a symbol that helps to survive a temporary streak of bad luck.

Basic meaning

It is quite difficult to determine which of these interpretations is closest to the truth. Probably, the rune affects each person in a special way, manifesting new properties.

It is also worth considering that if positive runes predominate in the layout, then Thurisaz will have positive energy and vice versa. Also another positive meaning of this rune is unexpected gifts of fate and luck in life. If it falls on a person, this may indicate that he will soon make a successful life choice.

If Thurisaz predicts bad news, then this information should not be taken as truth, because there is a high probability of an erroneous explanation. Most likely, the rune pushes a person to make more informed decisions. The rune indicates to a person that any important actions must be performed only if there is complete confidence in one’s abilities and in the final positive outcome.

Love and relationships

If we consider the relationship situation, then Turisaz indicates that a person will soon meet his true love, with whom he will connect the rest of his life. In some other situations, the appearance of this rune is interpreted as the need for a person to refrain from expressing his self-confidence.

Also, sometimes the rune indicates that in relationships you need to make concessions more often, which will help make them stronger and strengthen the love between partners. In other words, this rune tells a person to become more sensitive and listen more often to the wishes of his loved one.

An interesting arrangement, from the point of view of love fortune-telling, is the combination of the Thurisaz and Gebo runes. The appearance of these symbols indicates that the current relationship will be long-lasting and truly happy.

Work and career

When fortune telling about a career, the interpretation of this rune often means that a person has some kind of powerful protection, which can be expressed both in the presence of influential and authoritative patrons, and in a serious position held. At the same time, such gifts of fate should not be disposed of too freely, because at one moment all this power will be lost, which will lead to very serious negative consequences.

It should be taken into account that the occurrence of Tursiz when fortune telling about a career means the need for a more calibrated and thorough approach when performing any actions related to business expansion and interaction with partners.

What does the inverted rune Thurisaz mean?

The interpretation of the inverted Thurisaz rune is almost indistinguishable from the negative interpretation of an ordinary rune. Moreover, in this case, the person will not take into account the advice coming from the magical sign. He will do as he sees fit, because the rune will guide him along a path that completely contradicts his internal ideas and worldview. Based on logical considerations, a person will ultimately receive an obvious negative result from his rash actions.

Inverted, the rune calls on a person to act with extreme caution and caution. If it falls out together with the Nautiz rune, then this is a sign of the need to endure. You need to understand that any rash word and thoughtless decision can lead to serious consequences. At the same time, the rune demonstrates the weak-willed character of a person, which will not allow him to take serious and risky steps.

When inverted, Thurisaz symbolizes the unshakable will of a stubborn person who acts according to his own desires despite the life signs around him and the advice of loved ones. The rune can also represent someone who has a clouded mind due to the influence of other people or personal misconceptions about the universe.

If Odin appears along with this rune, then this means that the person himself is to blame for all his troubles and all his suffering and he has no one to blame for the negative events happening around him.

If you have been constantly lucky lately, then you need to determine how long such a successful life period will last. Such positive circumstances directly depend on the person himself and his actions.

It is necessary to do everything in a timely manner, and also to approach every issue and every case with full responsibility and a true professional approach. This is the only way to protect yourself from any everyday problems and failures that can await everyone throughout their lives.

Application of the Thurisaz rune in magical practice

This rune is quite often and widely used by various esotericists to perform magical rituals. In addition, it is used to create powerful amulets, amulets and talismans. With the help of Thurisaz, magical practices can achieve the following goals:

  1. Provide powerful energy protection to a person from external negative influences aimed at suppressing his vitality;
  2. Overcome rivals and competitors on the way to your goal;
  3. Increase internal life resources to make a person more confident and determined to achieve the necessary tasks;
  4. Find true love and create a strong family union;
  5. Open up spiritually and understand the structure of the world on a subtle energy level;
  6. Form the foundation for new life achievements.

In magical love rituals, Turisaz plays a protective role, which consists in creating a reliable energy barrier that protects rivals from the external negative influence.

Amulets and talismans in the form of Thurisaz

When creating amulets in the form of Thurisaz, artisans invest protective functions in this rune. If a person is regularly subjected to both physical and moral attacks, then this symbol will help protect him from such influence. At the same time, it is important not to forget that wrong actions can result in negative consequences for the owner of the rune. In some cases, the power of the rune begins to act in the opposite direction, so you need to be extremely careful.

In such circumstances, most magicians and experienced esotericists do not advise using this rune for magical purposes and even as a talisman in the absence of the proper knowledge.

The meaning of the tattoo in the form of the Thurisaz rune

Often, tattoos in the form of the Thurisaz rune symbolize certain life shocks and changes that a person has experienced. Sometimes such a drawing is applied with the purpose of causing some fateful changes to occur in life. It should be taken into account that the power of the rune allows you to remove the main negativity from life, which has a positive effect on the general well-being and morale of the wearer of such a tattoo.

Runic formulas with Thurisaz

Today you can find several basic formulas in which the Thurisaz rune is present.

Description of the most common runic formulas with the Thurisaz rune.

Keys of meaning: gate, field of fall, rest, place of inaction, God Thor, obstacles, thorn, inaccessibility, stop and rest is necessary. Sleep and peace. Cleansing. Warlike Rune. Farewell to the past.

Radical changes. Breaking through and clearing barriers. New start. Revitalizing strength and initiative. Patronage. The purposefulness of a powerful force. Determination. Instinctivity. Achievements and career potential. Emotional shock. Warning of potential danger. The most important thing is not to rush and time will tell the solution.

Inscription of the Thurisaz Rune. The first main line is drawn from top to bottom. Then step back a little from the top, put a point and measure down an angle of 45 degrees. Place a point and draw a line from the first line to the point - this will be line number two. Then, from the end of line number two, measure an angle of 45 degrees downwards and from line number two to the base, draw line number three, from top to bottom.

Element – ​​fire.

Motto of the Rune Thurisaz. Think about your goal, whether it is as desirable as you think. Always remember that any obstacles only strengthen you and your willpower. Obstacles teach you new things and help you discover your talents, while enemies show you your shortcomings and what needs to be eradicated in yourself.

More articles:

In the Thurisaz Rune, action and inaction exist simultaneously.

Our life is a constant rush and bustle. There is simply no time for a person to stop and rest; many people work too hard, and there is also no time to think and analyze their actions. Rune Thurisaz provides such an opportunity. Switching to a slower pace of life allows you to see what was hidden or not noticed before.

The Thurisaz rune is the key to reflection. It symbolizes the gate through which a person must make the transition to a new level. A critical situation that requires full commitment. It is very important to remember here that you need to do both internal and external work on yourself. With its help you can make the right decision and find answers.

Reflecting on your life and in-depth analysis of your actions will help you avoid self-deception. Once a person realizes and lets go of the past, he can move on with pure thoughts.

Rune Thurisaz makes it clear that the moment has come in life when you need to engage in internal development. The gates standing on the way offer the traveler a halt. To rethink the essence of your existence. Internal cleansing will help clear up dark spots. Give way to new energy so that it can fill the empty shelves in the soul.

You need to give time to awaken your inner strength. Over time, the spiritual experience will develop into focused power that will bring radical changes in life. A filled vessel will glow with the energy of life, attracting bright thoughts. By overcoming old barriers, new perspectives will open up.

Also, Runa Thurisaz is a gate, or rather the distinction between the earthly and divine worlds. Approaching this place shows you that you are ready to fill your life with light.

The meaning of the direct rune

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune says that in order to go further, you need to make a stop. Thurisaz - Rune of inaction. The time has come for reflection, which will ultimately determine the outcome of events in the future. For a person, this period is filled with obstacles. To overcome them, you need to turn to your inner voice, which will not deceive. It is worth remembering that passage through the gates without waiting is not possible. This is the stopping period. Here you find yourself face to face with the display of what is hidden inside you. This hidden must be brought to the surface and analyzed before the opportunity to make the right decision arises.

At some point in life, it may seem that Fate is being played with. Actually this is not true. She tries to point out mistakes to a person in order to correct them in time. Otherwise, you can miss your happiness. You need to correctly understand and apply the meaning of the rune.

To make the right decision, it is worth turning to the experience of the past. Rushing in this serious matter will not lead to anything good. Behind a closed door, love and happiness await. The main thing is to choose the right key.

The Thurisaz rune strengthens and fixes a person’s ability to wait. Now is not the right time to make a responsible decision. The Thurisaz rune contains processes of deep transformative forces.

In order to understand how the Thurisaz Rune works and what it is, do the following. Imagine that you find yourself standing on the top of a high mountain, with a gate in front of you. Your entire life path is behind your shoulders and down there. You are preparing to go through the gate and want to take a step forward, but at the last moment you stop. Stop for a minute and look at your past: the joy of victories, the bitterness of defeats - all this brought you exactly here. Look at all this and let it go with blessings. By letting go and forgiving your past, you gain strength. This delay is preparation for a new step forward, you are ready to take this step.

There are two sides to the Thurisaz Rune. One side is reflection and analysis of the situation. Secondly, the decision made must be implemented and put into practice. When a solution to a problem comes to us, the energy for action also comes. If the right time is missed and doubts take over, then the energy goes away, and the situation continues to escalate and consume the person.

Turisaz calls for caution and looking at the situation from the outside. It is always worth remembering what circumstances brought you to this point. Do not scold or condemn your past under any circumstances; it must be analyzed, examined from all sides, and released. Remove all attachments from the past, it is now just an experience, it is not presented in a bad or good light.

The meaning of the reversed rune

Key meanings: take your time. Unforeseen situation. Dangerous situation. Don't try to knock on closed doors. Hidden anger. Showing weakness. Weak condition. Rivalry and competitors in various spheres of life. Lack, deficiency of physical and psychological protection. Apathy and depression. Lies. Inactive feelings. Discontent. Thirst for revenge. Sharp and inappropriate reactions. Uncontrollable force. Difficult relationships with a person who is either unyielding and intractable, or who is specifically looking for reasons for discord. Dubious friends and partnerships. Most likely, it will take less effort to solve the problem than you think. Understand the underlying reasons for what is happening.

The inverted Thurisaz rune indicates that the person is passionate about self-deception. Luck is running out. You can't break into a closed door without knowing what's hidden behind it. A person can expect anger and disappointment. Overwhelmed by negative feelings, he will begin to express a desire for revenge.

Such a storm of emotions can be caused by a partner’s infidelity and deceitful friends. The appearance of sharp reactions carries with it serious consequences. You cannot rush to conclusions, because this concerns future fate as a whole. Until there are intelligible solutions in your thoughts, it is better to refrain from any action.

Inverted Thurisaz speaks of accelerated development. But even in accelerated development, stops are necessary. There will be a need to comprehend the old and integrate the new. Take advantage of such delays.

Always remember that the nature of advancement directly depends on the specifics of the position, the sincerity of intentions and the inflexibility of willpower.

Think about the fact that you are not tormenting yourself with your own suffering. Reflection and reflection again, that’s what is needed in the inverted Thurisaz Rune.

In this situation, hasty decisions will lead to repentance. Impulsivity must be restrained. Don't try to get out of places you haven't yet entered. Be calm, maintain composure and trust in the will of heaven.

Perhaps the plan contains a flaw that can ruin everything. It is necessary to rethink what was planned and find the flaw.

Do not create new difficult situations from unresolved old ones. If you feel weak, do not take action under any circumstances. This condition will lead to a hasty and not the best decision. Act only if you feel confident and determined.

Thurisaz in magic

The Thurisaz rune is used in magic to protect against lies. It can come from strangers, as well as from oneself. An amulet with her image will protect family harmony from evil tongues. It also protects against thieves and gossips.

Thurisaz is a powerful sign that can give strength to overcome barriers. It helps to defeat the enemy and enhances mental clarity. The wearer of the amulet increases his sense of dignity. This in turn helps him defeat the enemy and refrain from evil deeds.

  • For the successful start of a new business.
  • Help in removing barriers.
  • Clearing the way during difficult times.
  • Eliminating opponents or countering them.
  • Strengthening thought processes.
  • Strengthening your sense of self-worth.
  • Stopping bad behavior. Dissolution of negative energies.
  • A talisman against invented illusions and lies.
  • A vigorous defensive or defensive position.
  • Protecting the home from gossip.
  • Turisaz in fortune telling: interpretation

Meaning in fortune telling

In love

She shows that not everything in the relationship is as smooth as it seemed. The time has come when you need to negotiate with your partner. Give preference to the cold voice of reason, without succumbing to heartache. The presence of Turisaz in the scenario indicates the appearance of an opponent. This person has coveted something that belongs to others and is ready to fight to possess it.

In this situation, it is worth thinking carefully about how important and necessary relationships are? How serious are the intentions? If retreat was never contemplated, and plans to tie the knot are also strong, then you need to fight! And if not, then there’s no need to rack your brains.

In progress

Runa says that at work and in business there is a real war for survival. There will be tough competition. Therefore, you should prepare to remain a winner. Otherwise, all your work will have to start from scratch.

In health

You need to be very careful. Surgery is possible. It may be required for various reasons. Starting from diseases and ending with crime. A fight with a knife wound, or injuries received as a result of an accident. Be careful!


Turisaz says this is an unstable period when hasty decisions lead to collapse and destruction. It is impossible to predict how events are likely to unfold. Anger and frustration will be replaced by a wave of enthusiasm. It is thanks to him that a person will find a loophole and bypass all the pits.


An ardent personality, driven to satisfy his desires and whims. Passion and energy are always present in a person, often an intemperate person. A person constantly thirsts and strives for pleasure, quenching and the embodiment of his ideas that haunt his head. He is willing to take risks fighting for his idea. This moment sharpens all instincts and gives strength. Protecting loved ones and loved ones is a very important matter for him. He will be able to overcome any barriers to defend justice. The ability to limit yourself and stay within the limits of permitted behavior is not your strong suit. You crave the excellent and brilliant implementation of the colossal ideas hidden in your thoughts. Struggle and competition sharpens all your senses, reveals your abilities and gives you auxiliary strength. You have enough strength, and you have the opportunity to defend a just goal. You are able to protect everyone you love and value from external enemies. You constantly challenge fate. No action happens suddenly. You need to plan and think through every step in advance. Change will be hard earned, but it will surely come.

Runa Thurisaz is the twists of fate and development for the future path, for which a certain responsibility is assigned to a person, because changes occur, regardless of him, he is responsible because it is with him that all this happens.

Inverted (reverse) position.

The main meaning of the Thurisaz rune - manifestation of weakness (coercion).
RUNE -Thurisaz. Inverted (reverse) position. Main theses. Lethargy; weakness; stubbornness; self-destruction; insincerity; confusion; self-deception; hatred; regrets caused by hasty decisions; feeling threatened; unpleasant consequences of hasty decisions; forced travel in company with someone.
Advice of the Thurisaz rune in an inverted (reverse) position. Do not exaggerate your importance in the processes around you and do not overdo it with delusions of grandeur. Even if you have a sharp mind and correctly understand what is happening, you still will not be able to influence what is happening in any way. There is no point in trying to open a locked door. When making any decisions, do not rush and think everything through first, otherwise you will create many new problems without solving the old ones.


RUNE -Thurisaz. Inverted (reverse) position. MORE DETAILS

RUNE Thurisaz in an inverted (reverse) position notifies you that the situation you are in now is not the best. You have fallen into the trap of forced actions. You are weak in expressing your strength. You don't have the courage to see the situation as it really is. You are in the thick of things and it paralyzes you. You forgot that you can get out of this situation by wanting to do it and diving out of the swamp into the ocean. Much does not depend on you now, but it is worth analyzing the situation in order to draw the right conclusion. The only thing you can do now is to analyze and analyze what is happening and think about it for the future.

The reverse (inverted) rune Thurisaz also warns of the dangerous consequences of hasty decisions. The Thurisaz rune in an inverted (reverse) position leads to the idea that you need to wait, since the gates to a successful resolution of the situation are still closed. The instructions of the reverse (inverted) Thurisaz rune become very important in those moments when you are faced with any decisive choice. She warns that you will hastily commit incorrect, erroneous actions - a series of destructive, unjustified actions. Try to be as objective as possible and calculate all possible options for the development of the situation.

The Thurisaz rune, its inverted (reverse) position in the runic layout symbolizes the active protection of a person in front of anything and anyone, however, feelings of security and protection from above arise only when you actively and independently think about the current situation , if you remain inactive, waiting for an opportune moment. You can hardly count on help from above. Only after you have thought through the current situation in all possible options can you count on receiving a blessing from above.
The necessary conditions for passing the tests are prudence and caution - this is how the interpretation of the reverse (inverted) position of the layout of the Thurisaz rune looks like. We are talking not only about studying personal factors of motivation, but also about your inadequate perception of what happened. In a superficial analysis of the problem in which we find ourselves, we may not be able to discern any additional nuances.
The reverse rune Thurisaz, its inverted (reverse) position, precisely gives signals that you, like any other person, tend to act rashly, due to the fact that the formed problem has not been fully thought through by you. Analyze everything thoroughly and you will certainly find some nuances that will turn out to be key in the next analysis. The more knowledgeable and informed you are, the wider the possibilities for your actions.

The situation you are asking about is very complex. Your actions are directly related to external pressure. You are afraid to analyze the situation and face the truth. Unfortunately, no matter what you do, things only get worse. In this situation, circumstances are not in your favor, and no matter how much you would like to intervene to change the situation, nothing will be able to significantly change. Decisions that are not thought out and taken hastily can only lead to problems. Think about the situation and figure it out, although nothing seems to depend on you, even if at the moment life is so unpleasant for you that you even think about death.

This page contains information on the topic

The Thurisaz rune is sometimes called the Turs rune, both names are absolutely equivalent, since they are modern reconstructions and are not original. The variant Thurisaz is of Germanic origin, the variant Turs (Þurs) is Old Norse. We do not know what this rune, used in the common Germanic 24-rune Uthark and a number of later runic systems, was originally called. However, many researchers believe that the Thurisaz rune over time was transformed into the letter “thorn” () of the modern Icelandic alphabet, which corresponds to the English digram “th”. This is where the Old Norse reconstruction "Þurs" came from, which literally translates as "thurs", that is, "giant".

The Thurisaz rune, the meaning of which is multifaceted and in fortune-telling practice strongly depends on the alignment, in the most general terms can be reduced to the image of a powerful, irresistible force. Rune Tours is the rune of a critical situation that requires the exertion of all forces. This is not a negative rune; on the contrary, it often carries an obvious creative meaning. Even graphically, it resembles an ax, a weapon with which you can destroy a barrier or build a fortification.

  • Semantics of the rune: blow (prick), door in the meaning of “opportunity”
  • Rune transliteration: D (th, )
  • Old Norse rune name: Thurse (þurisar)
  • Norwegian rune name: Thurs
  • Icelandic name for the rune: þurs
  • Anglo-Saxon rune name: Thorn
  • Germanic name of the rune: Thyth (Thurisaz)

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune, regardless of the context, suggests that we are talking about some changes, often drastic ones. However, it is rather the likelihood of change, the opportunity or need to change something, but not the action itself. That is why in some cases the interpretation of the Tours rune, the photo of which is presented above, can be extremely individual.

The meaning of the Turs rune in the upright position

Turisaz in an upright position indicates active protection, some action, a successful combination of circumstances, overcoming difficulties. Most often, the point is that the difficulties that arise in front of you should be perceived as a kind of test. Getting through the difficulties is entirely up to you. In this sense, the situation requires maximum concentration, composure, deep reflection, and in most cases, self-restraint. Until your position is analyzed, until you understand the situation and determine a clear strategy of behavior, you should not take any action.

Turisaz in a relationship indicates that what happened to you is not a blow of fate at all, it is just a “small injection” comparable to a vaccination. In order to easily handle more complex situations of this kind in the future, you should first practice on something less significant. The Thurisaz rune hints that you need to “slow down”, otherwise you may simply “skip” past a real opportunity. Whether it’s in the area of ​​relationships or business issues, your main enemy is haste, the desire to do everything as quickly as possible.

Do not rush under any circumstances, as they say - measure seven times and cut only once. At this stage, there is no need to run forward headlong, such behavior will only lead to even bigger problems. You just need to pull yourself together and look at the situation with an open mind. Runa Terse advises: assess all the risks, deal with “unfinished business,” take your past experience into account, and only then boldly move forward. A new evolutionary round awaits you.

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune in an inverted position

Inverted Thurisaz speaks of lethargy, weakness (most likely spiritual, but possibly physical), inactivity, and inability to make an important decision. Reversed Thurisaz in a relationship can indicate insincerity, prejudice, and self-deception. You've probably faced the consequences of making rash decisions, having to travel with someone you don't want to be around. The Tours rune in love (if it is in an inverted position) indicates that you are afraid to look at the situation unbiasedly, without “rose-colored glasses.” You only act when you are “pressured” and that is a problem.

The rune gives a direct indication that any efforts you make to fix everything will only make everything worse. You don’t sit, your hands are complicated, but you act, but to no avail. However, it is important to correctly interpret the inverted Thurisaz. After all, the rune not only describes the situation, it also indicates that there is a way out! Under no circumstances should you give up, but you need to act more confidently and measuredly. In other words, you need to think very carefully before taking a step forward. This is not difficult, but you need to find the strength to discard everything unnecessary and understand where the root of the problem lies. The inverted rune Turs in love often suggests that the main difficulty is in yourself. You are biased, acting according to the will of feelings, not reason. You should definitely change your strategy.

Don't exaggerate your own importance. The world does not revolve around you and it is likely that you actually pay much less attention to others than you think. Catch yourself, don't suffer from delusions of grandeur. But even if you are right in everything, realize that there is no point in breaking into a closed door. The best thing you can do now is to clearly understand everything and perceive the experience for the future. Thurisaz reversed in a relationship can indicate that you may need to rest. There is no need to break off the relationship, you need to let the situation “settle”, do not rush to conclusions.

Using the Thurisaz rune in rituals

The magical uses of the Thurisaz rune are quite extensive. It can be used in active, dynamic, moderate-aggressive rituals to focus all your energy. The Tours rune allows you to clear the way, build something new, it does not give strength, but teaches you to use the resources and opportunities that you already have. It will help you win in a truly difficult situation. The rune allows you to concentrate, concentrate all your mental resources on a specific issue. Also, the Thurisaz rune (photos of its variations are presented above) can act as a talisman against deception, including self-deception.

Using the Thurisaz rune in runescripts

The meaning of the Turs rune in runescripts can vary significantly not only depending on the nearby runes, but also on its position. Actually, such a pattern is typical for all runes, but in the case of Thurisaz there are some nuances. Most often it is used for protection, but in a targeted manner, unlike Algiz, which provides “general” protection. Terse is great for attracting success in any endeavor.

Terse is popular in magical practices related to love and relationships, as it helps to overcome misunderstandings and destroy obstacles caused by coincidence. Often, a well-composed runescript with the Turs rune makes it possible to take circumstances into your own hands and completely “immobilize” the enemy. Here are just some (the most popular) runescript combinations using Thurisaz:

  • "Turisaz Teyvaz Turisaz." This is a powerful, targeted protective principle that can be focused on a specific person or area. “Turisaz Teyvaz Turisaz” suppresses directed negativity and opens up opportunities. Also, “Turisaz Teyvaz Turisaz” can be used to get rid of “outdated” and to combat bad habits.
  • "Turisaz Gebo Turisaz." This combination allows you to get what you want. But this is not at all a notorious “freebie”; “Turisaz Gebo Turisaz” works if you have enough of your own resources, but circumstances interfere with you or you are missing some minor detail. “Turisaz Gebo Turisaz” in relationships can be used to stabilize and break the “vicious circle”.
  • "Turisaz Hagalaz Turisaz." Although this formula is extremely effective, it should only be used in the most critical cases because it has a powerful kickback. “Turisaz Hagalaz Turisaz” is total destruction, and again, purposeful. Theoretically, "Turisaz Hagalaz Turisaz" in love can be used to break off someone's relationship. Of course, the consequences of such actions for you will be terrifying.
  • "Uruz Turisaz". This is a fairly simple combination, which, however, is distinguished by impeccable functionality. “Uruz Turisaz” is used to “attract” something. This could be good luck in general or a specific blessing. Moreover, it is always better to specify the goal for Uruz Turisaz.
  • "Isa Turisaz Isa." In general, the principle of operation of this runescript is identical to the scheme with Hagalaz. Only in this case we are not talking about destruction, but about introducing something (or someone) into a state of “non-movement”. For example, in love magic, “Isa Turisaz Isa” is used to suppress a man’s attraction to a specific woman.
  • "Eyvaz Turisaz." A simple and fairly universal combination that allows you to protect yourself from a problem using, let’s say, active defense. The Eyvaz Turisaz runescript focuses all your aspirations on protection, your reflexes are sharpened, you act intuitively but correctly.
  • "Turisaz Kenaz Turisaz." This combination allows you not only to block, but to completely “cut off” negativity that did not appear yesterday or even the day before. Often, “Turisaz Kenaz Turisaz” is used to get rid of curses, both personal and family. In addition, “Turisaz Kenaz Turisaz” protects against rash actions in critical situations.
  • "Turisaz Algiz Turisaz." This runescript is characterized by increased efficiency and complexity. That is, to combine “Turisaz Algiz Turisaz” you don’t even need a specific goal, such a talisman will protect you “from everything.” But there is one caveat: “Turisaz Algiz Turisaz” is very energy-intensive and requires a constant supply of energy.
  • “Kenaz Gebo Turisaz.” This is a rather interesting runescript that has a permanent effect. “Kenaz Gebo Turisaz” allows you to find a way out of a situation, solve a problem and instantly counterattack, that is, immediately start a new round (of a relationship or business). “Kenaz Gebo Turisaz” is a strong combination, but to use it, you need to have a clear understanding of what is happening and a well-thought-out plan of action.
  • "Thurisaz Raido." The meaning of this runescript is obvious. "Thurisaz Raido" protects on the way. This could be travel or “climbing the career ladder.” That is, semantically, any phenomenon or event can be linked to the “Thurisaz Raido” runescript, but one must not forget that the Raido rune still denotes forward (explicit) movement.
  • "Nautiz Turisaz". This runescript can be used in two cases: either to remove an obstacle and get what you want, or to erect an obstacle and block someone’s path to their goal. “Nautiz Thurisaz” is a simple but very powerful combination that can also be used in love magic. “Nautiz Turisaz” in a relationship can easily return warmth and sincerity to your home, but only if it is really necessary for both.

Of course, the Turs rune can be used in hundreds of combinations with other runes. With its help, you can create not only runescripts, but also powerful gang runes. Here it is important to understand one simple principle: for an ax to cut down a tree, you need a hand that will hold this ax. And the hand must be strong enough, otherwise the weapon will slip out and the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

Philosophy of the Teyvaz rune, genesis and semantics of the image

Rune Turs refers to the first attu (ettir), embodying the first phase of creation, the framework of the human personality and the Universe. After the emergence of creative potential (Uruz, the first atta rune), there is a need to “clear the path”, destroying everything old, unnecessary, unprincipled. This nihilistic principle is embodied by “thurs”, “giant”, and the Thurisaz rune. The meaning of the image in this sense is purely creative - it is a thunderclap, a flash of creation, it is the force that once fenced off the Cosmos from Chaos.

According to Eddic texts, thurs are the first living beings in the Universe. The giants began to create order among chaos, such is the potential and meaning of the Turs rune - the possibility of a new beginning, the guardian of the highest law. This is Themis, who holds a sword in her hands for a reason; she is ready to use it if the need arises. As already noted, the statutory outline of the Thurisaz rune (photo presented above) looks like a stylized ax, on the one hand - a weapon, on the other - a household tool. In the context of the obvious semantics of the image, many researchers interpret the Terisaz rune from a purely negative point of view. However, we should not forget that destruction is the destiny of the Hagalaz rune.

On the other hand, it is important to note that early Scandinavian scholars translated the word “ters” (“thurs”) not as “giant” (“giant”), but as “demon”. Of course, this is a deliberate but unsuccessful attempt by Christian missionaries to denigrate the original faith of the Scandinavians. After all, their giant is, first of all, the embodiment of the forces of nature, it is an element, an integral attribute of existence. And all the destructive power of the Thurisaz rune is directed only against that which disrupts the order of the Cosmos (again, in contrast to the semantics of the Hagalaz rune). Continuing the consideration of the “Christian” approach to the interpretation of runes (and their early researchers were Christians), we can recall that the Turs rune is sometimes called a “thorn”; it appears in the aspect of phallic symbolism along with the Teyvaz (Tyre) rune. Obviously, any symbols with sexual overtones were perceived by Christians as “unclean.”

However, a comparison with a spike is appropriate. After all, the thorn protects the rose from external negativity. Also, the purely masculine, military potential of the Thurisaz rune serves to protect those who need this protection. In this regard, the meaning of the Turisaz rune is not identical to the meaning of the Teyvaz rune, but these images are certainly close. Let's remember traditional European fairy tales, where the hero makes his way through thickets of thorny plants to reveal the truth. In such a context, Thurisaz can act as a defender of ancient truths, and if the researcher is relentless, he overcomes this difficulty and achieves enlightenment. In fact, such an interpretation of the meaning of the Ters rune, first expressed by K. Meadows, is really close to the shamanic tradition of Ancient Scandinavia.

That is, the Thurisaz rune in the form of a thorn rather than an ax can act as a kind of allegory for overcoming fear, detachment from illusions and self-deception. K. Meadows provides evidence that the Thurisaz and Odal runes were often used to mark property boundaries. Moreover, if Odal acted as a symbol of control (power), drawing the line between “mine” and “strangers,” then Thurisaz was used to protect against attacks from the outside.

  • Potential of the Thurisaz rune: releasing power, protecting what is, clearing the way for a new beginning
  • Basic esoteric qualities: accentuated protection, power (physical and spiritual), awakening, initiative
  • Practical aspect in esotericism: a universal source of strength for defense or attack, clearing space of unnecessary “junk”, overcoming external difficulties
  • Calling the Thurisaz rune: don’t rush things, think first and only then act, focus and get rid of what you don’t need

Of course, despite the amazing versatility of these runes, you need to work with Thurisaz very carefully. After all, as we remember, an ordinary ax for chopping wood can, if necessary, turn into a formidable weapon. In addition, the Terse rune will not give you what you do not have. It will allow your own resources to focus on the goal. But sometimes this is exactly what we lack to win - concentration.