Short riddles for children 7-8 years old. Funny riddles with a trick for children and adults. Sample list of riddles for lotto

Riddles are a universal means of developing children's intelligence, which appeared in human communities along with speech. They still remain a favorite pastime for children, as well as a way to understand the world and teach logic.

Written in verse or prose, riddles are useful for delighting guests on a child’s birthday (up to 10 people or more), and will help pass long hours while traveling by road, waiting in a medical or other institution. And during classes to prepare for school and during lessons in the lower grades, teachers often use riddles on various topics for children so that they better understand the material.

The most common questions are about fruits and vegetables, household items, about school and the surrounding nature - it is in these areas that little people from 6 to 8 years old are best oriented. It would be reasonable to choose from 5 to 10 riddles for each topic.

The originality of the topic, non-standard and fascinating presentation - all this improves the learning process, gives positive emotions and makes it easier for the children to solve the proposed examples. Simple and complex, sometimes with a trick, the riddles in this case will not leave a single crumb indifferent.

First, children can be asked a few simple questions to warm up (here you will find tips with answers). Easy and understandable riddles, for which it is easy to find a solution, will give students or children invited to a birthday party self-confidence and allow them to move on to more complex verbal problems.

Everyone is familiar with riddles about family members and cozy home joys - about grandma and her fairy tales. Such questions always liberate children:

Who always knits mittens for the grandchildren for the winter,
The ancients will tell tales and legends,
Will she lovingly bake pancakes from apples? -
This is our favorite...

Before going to bed, the kids really look forward to it -
Everyone is running for picture books.
You can play and make friends with her yourself
only those who truly believe in miracles.

And here is a problem about a device that will count down the year that will pass before the next birthday comes (clock):

Sometimes they stand
Sometimes they go
Sometimes they lie
And sometimes they hang.
But sit down,
I'll whisper to you right away,
They never had a chance

What do some parents use to bring their children to kindergarten, school or to visit for a birthday? (Car)

The beast has four wheels
It is now standing under the windows in the yard.
Dust rushes from under the wheels -
Ours is flying along the highway...

What is always overhead at any time of the day and where does space begin? (Sky)

I'm talking about this “canvas”
Only one thing is known.
When it's day, it's magical -
Like silk, clear and blue.
But anyone can notice
When it’s night, it’s dark, with polka dots.

Riddles for children! Test yourself

Tricky riddles

When children have successfully solved all the easy questions, it's time to give them more difficult riddles, for which they will need all their imagination and associative thinking. The provided examples with answers will help you with this. There should also be from 7 to 10 difficult puzzles.

Birthday animators can ask the kids a problem about the legacy of corsairs (treasures):

What was hidden in the caves
and in the darkness of the earth?
we are in hiding places on maps
Not everything has been found yet!

Children of all ages (from 6 to 10) will be surprised by a trick question about dreams:

What miracles!
For many centuries,
No one saw
Through glasses.

Primary schoolchildren will not be left indifferent by riddles about school and familiar educational accessories (chalk, bookcase, pointer):

Snow-white bunny-thumb
Jumps quickly along the school board,
Jumps after a child's palm,
Leaves a bright white mark.

Glass doors
Wooden walls,
Any books there are like home -
This is familiar to everyone.

Look, she's light
So long and thin.
She is in the hands of a student,
Ocean and river
Will notice on maps
And he will definitely indicate.

Riddles about the world around us and the gifts of nature

Natural phenomena are the first thing children become familiar with when they leave the house and go outside. Trick riddles about living and inanimate nature always delight and surprise children. A birthday, a trip on a train or bus, a lesson - in any situation, the weather and the landscape outside the window (trees along the road, vegetables in the garden, fruits in the garden) can become an excellent topic for conversation.

Start with a riddle about the sun:

Above us is very nice
And there is a good friend,
What shines and warms,
Shines all around.
At least a friend like that
useful for us to have
Dangerous in his eyes
Look straight ahead.

Children over 6 years old will be interested in this unusual puzzle with a trick about the wind:

Naughty - a light blue-eyed wanderer
I embraced the steppe, the fields and the whole village at once.
He is in no hurry to say goodbye to the trees -
Everything moves the poplar leaves.

Children love delicious riddles about the gifts of nature - vegetables and fruits. This is another reason to remind them how vegetables differ from fruits from trees (six-year-olds should know from 10 to 15 names from each group).

Offer them complex and interesting questions with answers about cabbage, cucumbers and turnips - vegetables familiar from everyday life and fairy tales:

Lyoshka sat down on one leg,
He wears one hundred and one clothes,
and each without a clasp.

Without windows, entrances, exits and doors
A room full of people.

The grandmother, the cat, the mouse, the granddaughter and grandfather were pulling,
And they pulled out...

Riddles about fruits and berries are great for children 6 years old. They can easily solve a puzzle about such healthy fruits as plums:

Outside is a dark blue coat,
on the reverse side there is a bright yellow lining,
inside the miracle fruit is sweet, sweet.

Here are some great original riddles with a trick about red currants and gooseberries:

Under the leaves on the branches in a row
The red lanterns are on.

You can't pick these berries until you prick your fingers.
These emeralds are useful for girls and boys.

It is useful to combine solving riddles about fruits and vegetables with visiting gardens, orchards or fields outside the city, which will help combine wellness with learning.

Riddles about fauna representatives

Residents of forests, mountains and fields, as well as all the four-legged inhabitants of the village are long-time acquaintances of the children. Therefore, solving riddles about animals is an interesting pastime for children from 6 to 8 years old. It is worth choosing at least 10 of the most interesting puzzles.

Start with trick questions about the snail and the tiger:

With a mustache, but not a cat,
crawls along the path little by little,
lives under the grass and flowers,
carries his own castle.

All in stripes, like a cat,
but huge - a hundred times larger,
All honest people are afraid of him,
This beast is dangerous and powerful!

Children aged 6-7 years, gathered for a birthday or educational activity, will be delighted with tricky puzzles about a bat, a platypus and a crocodile:

This lady is like this -
Resting in the light of day,
Like an owl and an owl.
And besides,
note for yourself -
Always sleeps like an acrobat -
Upside down.

Like in the Australian river
This animal needs to frolic.
His unusual nose is like a duck’s beak,
But it doesn't quack, and it's not a bird.

A log floated down the Nile past the shore,
This is terrible, insidious and cunning!
To the one who accidentally fell into the Nile River,
Nose, paws or tail will be bitten off...

The proposed riddles with answers will help you make any holiday - the birthday of your son or daughter, a meeting of friends, as well as lessons for children who are 6-7 years old, in a pre-school group or in primary school, unforgettable, creative and interesting.

Riddles for children, Guess? Riddles about Forest Animals

Quite often there are situations when a child needs to be occupied or distracted with something, for example, while sitting in line at the doctor, traveling in a car, bus or plane (where there is no opportunity to stomp around and stretch their legs, or play active games). And this is true not only for very young children: sometimes it is not easy to keep a 5-6 year old active child from running around the corridors of the clinic, or withstand whining on a bus ride, etc.

At this moment, everyone thinks, of course, about board games, about the new toys stored in the suitcase, about pencils and felt-tip pens... And they completely forget about the so-called verbal entertainment, like playing “cities”, “words”, “titles and names”. Guessing riddles will also be great fun for children! And the parents themselves, seeing how the eyes of the kids light up when they guess the correct answer, will enjoy it and pass the time profitably by paying attention to their children. Riddles for children 7 years old are usually not very complex (but also not as primitive as for children 3-4 years old), the rhyming lines are easy to remember, you can memorize a few of the ones you like with your child, so that later you can “impress” friends or grandparents.

It’s good if you know a lot of riddles by heart, but if not, it doesn’t matter, for this there are collections of riddles, books, and finally the Internet! If you're going on the road, you can download a bunch of riddles and puzzles to your phone or tablet; if you're in an area with a free or accessible wireless network, read them directly online.

By the way, a great idea for older children is to come up with riddles themselves - whether they rhyme or not, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to be smart. You yourself will be surprised at your children’s talent to come up with unexpected, interesting and funny riddles, because children are creative by nature! Praise, laugh, solve puzzles, invent your own ideas, in general, have fun with your children!

The benefits of riddles

The benefits of riddles can hardly be overestimated - this is folk wisdom absorbed from childhood, it is also the development of imagination, thinking, logic, and skills in building cause-and-effect relationships. It sounds a little abstruse, but in fact it is very important to be able to correlate, compare and draw conclusions. It seems to adults that this is elementary: “green with pimples, tasty, crunchy, grows in the garden” - that means a cucumber. But for a small child this is not at all so obvious, because there is so much green (grass, leaves, balloons) and tasty (lollipops, apples) and crunchy things in the world! But to put it all together and so that all the signs relate to one object - this is the task...

Growing up, kids memorize many riddles and shout the answers without waiting for the end of the quatrain - which means they need to change the rhymes or complicate the questions. Riddles for children 5-7 years old can be on various topics: at this age, children know well the names of vegetables, fruits, items of clothing, characters from fairy tales and cartoons. They already understand some allegories and comparisons can make generalizations.

A selection of riddles for children 5-7 years old

This staircase is big

We are lucky without getting tired.

Up will deliver, down will send

and does not know fatigue!


House with round walls

the color is white.

So the walls began to crack

and his tenant squeaks.

(Egg and chicken)

Who spins on the floor and sings all the time “UUH!

The more fun it is to spin,

the song is louder and faster!


We trust her with our teeth.

We want to have a clean mouth.


Glass doors

wooden walls,

books are like home there

we are familiar with this.


Who is mustachioed, but not a cat,

lives under the blades of grass,

creeps along the path,

the house is carried on the shoulders.


Accelerates with soft light

darkness on the path

he helps us a lot

don't trip on the bridge


Famous singer,

daring fellow,

shouts to the sun - get up,

Shine and warm everyone!


I look like a mirror

I reflect things too.

Stars, clouds, haystacks

and river banks -

reflected in me

Well, the fish are in the depths.


On a dark night for many years

she gives light to everyone


Three windows of three colors

there are lights on the road

their teams know everything

even our children

(Traffic light)

Striped like a cat

but much more

beware his people,

This is a powerful predator!


He will peel and cut

for vegetable salad,

can't cook without it

no potatoes, no cabbage soup


Fur coat with rings

bleating by the river


The children are waiting for her at night

and they run after the book.

He can come up with it himself

only those who believe in miracles

(Fairy tale)

What's hidden in the caves

and in the depths of the earth?

we are on pirate maps

Not everyone has been found yet!


Gray beast

rustling in the corner

near the door on the floor,

only a cat will enter the house

the beast will run away immediately


And not a mushroom, but with a hat,

not a bud, but opening



If you hurt your finger

then don't hide behind the sofa!

Will save us from germs

cotton wool, peroxide and….. (iodine)

You can print out the interesting riddles you like for 7-year-old children and make your own collection, which you can take with you on the road, or decorate them beautifully and give them as a birthday present to one of your friends. This will not only make a good gift, but will also be a fun activity for the holiday.

At the age of 7, a child, as a rule, already attends school. Therefore, he definitely needs relaxation and distraction from daily lessons. Interesting and exciting riddles for a 7-year-old child will help to positively influence and inspire the child. Therefore, it’s worth turning on your imagination and coming up with an exciting adventure for your child who is tired of notebooks and books.

Why do we need riddles for a 7 year old child?

It is very important for seven-year-olds to communicate with their parents as much as possible. Therefore, any event will be to their liking. In joint games, a daughter or son will understand that they are needed, important and enveloped in the attention of the most beloved people in this world. In addition to close communication, riddles for a 7-year-old child will also help:

  • develop logical thinking;
  • think outside the box;
  • use your imagination to the fullest;
  • develop the ability to achieve a goal;
  • become more diligent.

All these factors are very important for a child who has entered a new period in his life and has begun continuous schoolwork.

How to arrange a real holiday with riddles

In order for the tasks you set to be solved easily and quickly, you need to figure out how to convey them to your son or daughter. Even the most ordinary riddles for a 7-year-old child, embodied in a playful form, will be received with great interest. For example, you can come up with the following entertainment options:

  1. For each riddle solved, give the child tickets made of colored paper. At the end, count the number of collected coupons and award a consolation prize or winner's prize.
  2. Place accessories and items in the box that correspond to the answers to the questions asked. When the question is asked, the child must find an object in the container that is suitable for the correct answer. And next to it you can place a box containing various accessories (wigs, horns, masks) that will need to be put on if the answer is incorrect. At the end, participants are awarded prizes.

Interesting riddles about animals for children 7 years old

Of course, both boys and girls love cats, dogs, elephants and rhinoceroses. Therefore, riddles about animals for children 7 years old are an excellent option. For example, they may be like this.

Instead of a nose - a trunk,

A huge beast is walking around the zoo.

She lives in a hollow,

Red, fluffy.

He hides nuts in the house for the winter,

Jumps around the park from branch to branch.

He is not afraid of winter or frost,

He catches fish from a pond from under the ice.

The white fur coat keeps him warm.

In the north and in the zoo it lives.

(Polar bear)

In winter he flaunts white through the forest,

And in the spring he changes his fur coat.

Little coward, who is it, baby?

The hare, the bird are afraid of him,

In the forest, he makes everyone coward out of fear.

And at night he howls at the moon.

Who is this, someone will say, well?

He wears a house on his back,

If someone approaches, he immediately hides in it.

Sly, red-haired, these are miracles,

Her bushy tail is... (fox).

Purrs at the window

Tender, fluffy... (cat).

Protects houses and does not let strangers in.

Only his owners on the threshold, whom he knows.

They call me those

Who doesn't know soap?

Although I'm a pure eccentric,

Only a nickel in the mud.


Slowly she crawls

He carries his house on his back.

And people are sometimes called that way,

Which take a very long time to assemble.


He seems angry when he growls

And in winter he sucks his paw and sleeps in a den.


Loves honey, prefers cold.

He rests all winter and gains strength.


Doesn't catch fish

And he builds networks.

He grazes in the field and plucks grass,

Then he treats us to fresh milk.

Small, seemingly harmless,

And as soon as you bite your nose, it immediately hurts and hurts.

Doesn't let me sleep

Small, but sings in your ear.

Riddles for logic and attentiveness

Sometimes children should ask questions that require thinking to answer. Therefore, logic riddles for 7-year-old children are very relevant and interesting. For example, they could be as follows.

There are five cherries growing on a birch tree, and four cherries growing on a fir tree. How many cherries are there in total on two trees?

(Not at all, cherries do not grow on birches and fir trees)

Are there questions that cannot be answered with “yes”?

(Are you sleeping?)

If there are four cats, two dogs and two sofas in a room, how many legs are there in the room?

(8, cats and dogs have paws, not legs)

The red T-shirt was soaked in the Black Sea. What will the T-shirt become after this?

This is my mother's child, but not my sister. Who is this?

There are five slides on the school playground. Two of them were painted, how many slides are there?

(Five, the painted ones didn’t disappear anywhere)

What is easier, one kilogram of potatoes or one kilogram of carrots?

(Weigh the same)

Who walks without getting up from a chair?

(Chess player)

Which month has 25 days?

How many glasses of yogurt can you drink on an empty stomach?

(One. The rest will not be on an empty stomach)

Two mothers and two daughters were walking in the park. How many are there in total?

(Three. Mom, grandmother and granddaughter)

You overtook the runner who was second in the relay. What place do you occupy now?

What does half a pineapple look like?

(For the second half of the pineapple)

Funny and mischievous riddles for 7 year old children

If you want to cheer up your beloved child, then funny riddles for 7-year-old children will come in very handy. For example, they may be like this.

Who gnaws the pine cones on the Christmas tree,

Well, of course it is... (They will say a monkey, but this is a squirrel)

One dumpling is cooked for five minutes. How long will it take to cook three dumplings?

(Five minutes)

Why does a person turn his head if he needs to look behind him?

(Because there are no eyes on the back or back of the head)

The hippopotamus climbed the tree with four paws and climbed down using only three. How did this happen?

(No way, hippos don't climb trees)

Short riddles for 7 year olds.

Sometimes a child is restless and inattentive, and therefore does not want to listen to long riddles. In this case, short riddles for children 7 years old will help.

First the fields are covered in yellow,

Then it turns white and flies away.


The cheat has a red tail,

She is cunning and bares her teeth deftly.

There is a bridge in the sky, but you can’t walk across it. (Rainbow)

In the morning they disappear from the sky, at night they light our way. (Stars)

Motivation for children

Every task, even in a playful form, should be encouraged. This will help encourage the child to further participate in such activities. You don’t have to buy something expensive; you can just give them candy or a small toy. The point is for boys and girls to understand that such an activity is not only exciting, but also promises a reward.

Riddles for younger schoolchildren with answers

1. Where are the green mud swamps,

A ballerina appeared.

She's on one leg

She stood until dark. (Heron.)

2. He plays on the chimney,

Wires serve as a harp,

Everyone knows a musician

Although I've never seen it. (Wind.)

3. Tourists are floating along the river

Or they walk.

They always have it in their backpack

Comfortable light home. (Tent.)

4. Not a tailor, but always

Walks around with needles. (Hedgehog.)

5. Flies through the sky without wings,

He bursts into tears and disappears. (Cloud.)

6. Our hats are like rings

Like rings of waves near a river.

Russula we are friends,

Our name is mushrooms... (Volnushka.)

7. Under fallen leaves

The mushrooms hid together.

Very cunning sisters

These yellow ones... (Chanterelles.)

8. He’s not used to bowing,

Fat, important... (Borovik.)

9. Huddled together like chickens

There are mushrooms near us... (Honey mushrooms.)

10. She doesn’t sit still

Spreading news on its tail. (Magpie.)

11. It is decorated with a tuft

And he lives in a dry hollow.

All forest people know:

This bird's name is... (Hoopoe)

12. Lives in a swamp,

He sings with his soul,

Legs like knitting needles

And he himself is small. (Sandpiper.)

13. Not a hillock

There is a girl in a headscarf.

But autumn will come -

She will take off her scarf. (Birch.)

14. Gray feather -

Golden neck. (Nightingale.)

15. I'm not afraid of anyone -

I'll attach myself to anyone. (Burmock.)

16. He was yellow, he became white,

As soon as the breeze blows -

He will fly boldly towards the clouds,

He is a flying flower. (Dandelion.)

17. This yellow fruit is growing

Where it's summer all year round.

He's like the edge of the moon

You all should know him. (Banana.)

18. This horse has striped clothes,

Her clothes look like a sailor's suit. (Zebra.)

19. The forest is falling,

Not a lumberjack

Builds dams

Not a hydraulic engineer. (Beaver.)

20. Along the paths, along the lowlands

An invisible man walks through the forest,

Repeating after me

All words are in the silence of the forest. (Echo.)

21. What kind of arrow is this?

Did you light up the black sky?

The black sky lit up -

It sank into the ground with a roar. (Lightning.)

22. How to name needles

At the pine and Christmas tree? (Needles.)

23. The sheep's brother is menacing and horned. (Ram.)

24. It flows, flows, flows.

Winter will come - she will fall asleep. (River.)

25. Along the yellow river Limpopo

A green log is floating.

Suddenly silt rose in the river,

And it turns out... (Crocodile.)

26. Walks along the sea,

Overtakes seagulls

And it will reach the shore,

This is where it will disappear. (Wave.)

27. We will find cities and seas,

Mountains, parts of the world -

Fits on it

The whole planet. (Globe.)

28. A flower flies over a flower

And it flutters and flutters. (Butterfly.)

29. Although he has four legs,

He won't run along the path. (Chair or table.)

30. What kind of water at once

Can't you take a look? (Sea.)

31. Who lives in water all his life,

And he doesn’t drink the water itself:

Neither lake nor river,

Or any other? (Fish.)

32. Where is the water from year to year

Doesn't run or flow

Doesn't sing or gurgle,

And he always stands like a pillar. (In the well.)

33. When he’s not there, everyone calls: “Here!”

But as soon as he comes, they run in all directions. (Rain.)

34. In heaven, a blacksmith forges a crown. (Thunder.)

35. Sometimes it’s white, sometimes it’s red.

Either loving or dangerous. (Fire.)

36. Long-legged skater

Completed the notebook sheet!

Every dance is a circle,

What's his name, buddy? (Compass.)

37. He weaves a net, not a hammock,

Although he is not a fisherman at all.

And he sets his nets not in the river,

And in the corner, on the ceiling. (Spider.)

38. He goes out in the hot summer

Dressed in a white down jacket.

But the wind will blow - instantly

The down jacket flies around. (Dandelion.)

39. Look at the baby -

He leads out, slowly,

Neat, clean,

Letters and numbers.

One-two! One-two!

Weaves words from letters.

And, crumbling in your hand,

Disappears on the board. (Chalk.)

40. It goes, it runs,

And it continues.

But overtake, stop

It's not meant to be. (Time.)

41. I warned him

So that he wakes me up.

He was worried until the morning

He kept walking, walking, walking! (Alarm.)

42. Nimble sixty sisters

My brother has one!

But if there is no one sister.

That's not even there. (Hour and minutes.)

43. Them in exactly one year

Twelve will pass.

Will line up in a row

And they pass in a row. (12 months.)

44. This shift is passing

For centuries, unchanged.

Goes from cold to warm

Well, then vice versa. (Seasons.)

45. If you become friends with me -

You won't get lost on the hike. (Compass.)

46. ​​First, find a consonant,

And then look at the face.

While you are struggling with the question -

The answer digs the ground with its nose. (Mole.)

47. The beginning of a word is a measure of weight,

And the ending is from the forest.

You can solve the problem

Guessing the breed of dog. (Poodle.)

48. Mom has a sister,

You won't find a kinder one!

I'm very proud

After all, she is mine... (aunt.)

49. At least read from the beginning,

At least from the end.

And the answer will be -

Part of the face. (Eye.)

50. Someone in the morning, slowly,

Inflates a red balloon

And how will he let it slip out of his hands -

It will suddenly become light all around. (Sun.)

51. I love it when the sea is quiet,

But I don’t like bad weather.

Always persistent and dashing

I wink at the ship. (Lighthouse.)

52. He is the skinniest of all,

But it still happens

That once every four years

He gets better within a day. (February.)

53. If you look east in the morning -

You will see a red bun.

And in heaven he is not lazy

Lean towards the west all day. (Sun.)

54. There is a back, four legs,

Not a dog or a cat. (Chair.)

55. The first syllable is a pronoun,

The second syllable is frog singing,

Well, the word itself is in nature,

Whether it grows in the garden or in the vegetable garden. (Pumpkin.)

56. Joy in the eyes,

Surprise in the eyes

In our family today

Another addition!

In our house

A girl has appeared!

Now I'm her brother

And she is to me... (sister.)

57. He has four legs,

The paws are scratchy,

A pair of sensitive ears.

He is a thunderstorm for mice. (Cat.)

58. She speaks silently,

And it’s understandable and not boring.

You talk to her more often -

You will become 10 times smarter. (Book.)

59. Has three different eyes,

But it won’t open them right away:

If the eye opens red -

Stop! You can't go, it's dangerous!

Yellow eye - wait,

And green - come on in! (Traffic light.)

60. Wooden sisters,

Two little sisters,

They knocked on the sides

I answered: “Thump-there-there.” (Drum.)

61. Carpenter with a sharp chisel

Builds a house with one window. (Woodpecker.)

62. There is a commotion in the yard,

Peas are falling from the sky,

Nina ate six peas

She now has a sore throat. (Grad.)

63. The sun ordered - stop,

The Seven Color Bridge is cool!

A cloud hid the light of the sun -

The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow.)

64. Guess it, guys,

What kind of digital acrobat is this?

If it stands on your head,

It will be exactly three less. (Nine.)

65. Black, tailed,

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite,

And from class to class

Doesn't let me in. (Two.)

66. She will fluff up her sides,

Its four corners,

And you, when night comes,

It will still attract you. (Pillow.)

67. Four blue suns

In grandma's kitchen

Four blue suns

They burned and went out.

The cabbage soup is ripe, the pancakes are sizzling.

No need for sun until tomorrow. (Gas stove.)

68. On the stepladder

Bagels are hung up.

Click and click - five and five -

69. Five steps - ladder,

There is a song on the steps. (Notes.)

70. House without windows and doors,

Like a green chest.

There are six chubby children in it

It's called -... (pod.)

71. Eight legs are like eight arms,

Embroider a circle with silk.

The master knows a lot about silk,

Buy silk, flies! (Spider.)

72. Her appearance is like a comma,

The tail is crocheted, and it’s no secret:

She loves all lazy people

But her lazy people are not. (Two.)

73. I eat coal, I drink water,

As soon as I get drunk, I’ll speed up.

I'm driving a hundred-wheel train

And I call myself... (locomotive.)

74. Mathematical relations:

The more you take from it,

The bigger it gets. (Pit.)

75. The canvas, not the path,

Horse, not a horse - a centipede

It crawls along that path,

The whole convoy is lucky. (Train.)

76. I puff, puff, puff,

I drag a hundred carriages. (Locomotive.)

77. On the hand, and on the wall,

And on the tower above

They walk with and without fight,

Everyone needs it - you and I too. (Watch.)

78. I'm so sweet, I'm so round,

I consist of two circles.

I'm so glad I found it

For myself, friends like you. (Eight.)

79. He's old, but that's okay

There is no one kinder than him.

He's my dad's dad

But for me he... (grandfather)

80. Units of magnitude:

A mole got into our yard,

Digging the ground at the gate.

A ton of earth will enter your mouth,

If the mole opens his mouth. (Excavator.)

81. Thirty-three sisters -

Written beauties,

Live on one page

And they are famous everywhere! (Letters.)

82. I am stronger than ten horses.

Where in the fields I will walk in the spring,

In summer bread will become a wall. (Tractor.)

83. In the clearing near the fir trees

The house is built from needles.

He is not visible behind the grass,

There are a million residents there. (Anthill.)

84. He is golden and mustachioed,

There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. (Ear.)

85. What kind of birds fly by?

Seven in each pack,

They fly in a line,

They won't go back. (Days of the week.)

86. Guess what, guys?

What kind of figure is an acrobat?

If it stands on your head,

It will be exactly three more. (Six.)

87. Three brothers heat the stoves,

Three are plowing near the river,

Three brothers mow together

Three people bring mushrooms into the house. (Twelve months.)

88. Twelve brothers

They follow each other

They don't bypass each other. (Months.)

Rhyming exercises (Riddles for collective answer)

There is no end to the line

Where are the three dots?

Who will come up with the end?

He will be... (well done.)

She keeps buzzing, buzzing,

It circles and circles above the flower,

She sat down and took the juice from the flower,

Honey is prepared for us... (a bee.)

Helps us with the farm

And willingly settles in

Your own wooden palace

Dark bronze... (starling.)

We are in the forest and in the swamp,

You will always find us everywhere:

In a clearing, at the edge of the forest,

We are green... (frogs.)

Instead of a nose - a snout,

I am cheerful... (pig.)

I'm rushing like a bullet, I'm forward,

The ice just creaks

Let the lights flicker.

Who's carrying me? (Skates.)

On the ice platform there is a cry,

A student is rushing to the gate.

Everyone shouts:

"Washer! Hockey stick! Hit! -

A fun game... (hockey.)

There are a lot of them in the summer,

And in winter they all die out.

Jumping, buzzing in your ear,

What are they called? (Flies.)

Who is without notes and without a pipe

Who is this? (Nightingale.)

I am in any bad weather

I respect water very much.

I keep away from dirt -

Clean gray... (goose.)

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

I sucked a brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to roar.

This forest beast... (a bear.)

I can’t feel my legs with joy,

I'm flying down a snowy hill!

Sports have become dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this? (Skis.)

I took two oak blocks,

Two iron runners

I filled the bars with slats.

Give me snow! Ready... (sleigh.)

I catch bugs all day

I eat worms

I don’t fly to warm regions,

I live here, under the roof.

Tick-tweet, don't be shy!

I am experienced... (sparrow.)

A collection of riddles for fun and educational activities with children. All children's riddles are given with answers.

Riddles for children are poems or prose expressions that describe an object without naming it. Most often, the focus in children's riddles is on some unique property of an object or its similarity with another object.

For our distant ancestors, riddles were a kind of means of testing the wisdom and ingenuity of fairy-tale heroes. Almost every fairy tale asked questions that the main characters had to answer in order to receive a magical gift.

It is customary to separate riddles for children and adults. In this section you will find only children's riddles, solving which turns into a game and not only teaches, but also develops your child's logic. Their number is constantly growing, because people continue to come up with ideas, and we continue to post the most interesting ones.

All riddles for children have answers so you can test yourself. If you are playing with a very young child, then you should look at the answers in advance, because you need to make sure that he already knows the word that is the answer. Play riddles with your child and he will understand that learning can be interesting and even fun!

Children's riddles: how to choose?

Surprisingly, children's preferences for riddles are so different that it is not possible to identify any trend. Of course, kids are delighted with riddles for children about birds, animals, all sorts of bugs and spiders. Older children love to play riddles about fairy-tale characters and modern cartoon characters.

To turn solving into an entertaining game, you need to choose a topic in accordance with what you are doing now and where you are. On vacation outside the city, choose children's riddles about animals and birds; if you went mushroom hunting in the forest, choose riddles about mushrooms. This choice will bring you and your child new experiences and joy. Imagine that you are relaxing on a lake or river and your child sees a fish. What if you prepared fish riddles in advance and took them with you? You are guaranteed success in playing a riddle game on a water and sea theme.

Attention: the site contains riddles for children with answers! Just click on the word "Answer".