Alla Dukhova, ballet "Todes": biography of the director, composition of the ensemble, history. Alla Dukhova, ballet "Todes": biography of the director, composition of the ensemble, history Age of Alla Dukhova Todes

Alla Dukhova is without a doubt one of the most prominent people in the world of Latvian and Russian choreography. The ballet “Todes” headed by her has been a standard of plasticity, grace and dance skill for many years. That is why the personality of its permanent leader always remains so interesting and curious for dozens of Internet users. Today we decided to talk a little about this bright and extraordinary woman. After all, in the life of our today’s heroine there were many interesting episodes.

Early years, childhood and family of Alla Dukhova

Alla Dukhova was born on November 29, 1966 in the small village of Kosa, located in the Komi-Permyak district of Russia. However, the future dancer practically did not live in this place. A year after the birth of their daughter, her parents moved to Riga, where, in fact, our today’s heroine spent her childhood.

It was in Latvia that the future celebrity began to show an extraordinary passion for dancing. Starting from the age of eleven, Alla studied in a variety of dance studios and choreographic ensembles. She was praised by teachers and recognized figures in the art of dance. Her success increased, and therefore quite soon the young dancer began performing with groups of older ages.

When Alla was in tenth grade, a circus came to Riga on tour. The dancer came to the first performances as a spectator, however, by a happy coincidence, she later managed to get backstage. The decisive role in this case was played by the acquaintance with the daughter of the main trainer.

After a short conversation, Alla Dukhova managed to catch the eye of the circus director, and therefore, quite unexpectedly, she managed to get a job on one of the circus attractions. Alla Dukhova gladly accepted the offer to collaborate with the circus troupe, and therefore very soon set off with the team on a new tour.

Subsequently, the circus settled in Moldova. A huge number of people always came to the performances of the group in Chisinau. Alla Dukhova participated in almost all performances, and therefore very soon managed to become a real star of the local circus troupe. Her career was moving upward, but one day all previous successes were erased by a serious ankle injury. The doctors' verdict was disappointing - it was necessary to end my career in the circus.

Anniversary of Alla Dukhova

At this moment, a dark streak came in the life of the young dancer. Our today's heroine began working as a janitor, and later found herself a job as a freight forwarder at a moped production plant. At that time, the girl was depressed, and therefore rarely came out of her state of depression. However, at one fine moment, the same dancing helped to escape from difficult thoughts.

Even before she came of age, the girl began teaching in a children's dance group at one of the Soviet pioneer camps. Working in a new capacity gave her great pleasure, and therefore Alla Dukhova always gave her one hundred percent in her classes.

The diligence and work of the young teacher was appreciated by figures of Soviet art, who once invited the girl to work in one of the Houses of Culture. Here our today's heroine created her first dance ensemble, “Experiment,” in which she began performing together with her sister Dina. The main direction for the dance group was breakdancing, which had just appeared in the Soviet Union.

Amazing audiences with their unusual dances, Alla and her sister often became winners of prestigious grand prix at various festivals and competitions. Her first successes began to bring the girl considerable profit. The Experiment group performed in various parts of the Baltic states and other regions of the USSR, and therefore at one point her favorite hobby became a stable source of income for Alla.

The formation of the ballet “Todes” and the subsequent success of Alla Dukhova

A new chapter in the dancer’s bright biography began after our today’s heroine met members of the St. Petersburg ballet “Todos” in Palanga. The guys also danced breakdancing, but there were no serious successes in their careers at that time.

Despite this, the choreographic skills of the guys from St. Petersburg made a huge impression on Alla Dukhova and her sister Dina, and therefore very soon the dance groups began performing together.

Alla Dukhova's ballet "Todes" - Super DIM defile

On March 8, 1987, the Experiment group and street breakers from St. Petersburg performed on the same stage for the first time. On the same day, a new name for the group, “Todes”, appeared for the first time on signs and posters, formed as a result of the merger of the names of two groups. From the first days of the new team's existence, Alla Dukhova became its leader and ideological inspirer. After the team went on their first tour, our today’s heroine also took on managerial responsibilities for the first time.

Alla remains today as the permanent leader of the cult group. Over the twenty-five years of its existence, “Todes” has reached unprecedented heights and has become a special phenomenon on the Russian and Latvian stage. At different periods of time, the Dukhova dance ensemble performed with many Russian and world pop stars.

So, in particular, the choreographic team appeared on stage together with Philip Kirkorov, Tatyana Bulanova, Sofia Rotaru, as well as Mariah Carey, Ricky Martin and many other music stars. Currently, the groups of many pop artists are completely formed exclusively from former students of Alla Dukhova.

Some members of the Todes group today act as musical performers themselves. Singer Angina, Vlad Sokolovsky - all this is not a complete list of names.

Alla Dukhova today

Remaining the living embodiment of the dance industry, the Todes ballet today continues to perform at major concerts, festivals, and show programs. Very often, Alla Dukhova’s team also appears on stage with solo performances. The group's tours continue almost continuously.

Currently, our today's heroine continues to lead the ensemble, as well as several dance schools in Russia and other countries of the world. In addition, the talented woman produces her own clothing line.

Personal life of Alla Dukhova

Alla Dukhova says little about her personal life. It is known that the artist is now married for the third time. Her husband's name is Anton. He collaborates with the Todes ballet as a lighting director. From different marriages, Alla Dukhova has two sons - Volodya and Kostya. Today the founder of the Todes ballet lives in Latvia with her family. She has a large house in her native Riga.

Alla Dukhova's ballet "Todes" has existed for almost 30 years. At first it was a very small team. Its leader and creator Alla Dukhova was an unknown young girl at that time. She and her dance group came to conquer Moscow. Then no one could have imagined what a brilliant future was in store for her and her small team.

Alla Dukhova

Alla Dukhova - director of the ballet "Todes" - was born on November 29, 1966 in the village of Kosa (Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug). A year later the move to Riga took place. There Alla met her parents and sent her to a music school. But the girl liked dancing more. At the age of 11, the future celebrity joined the Ivushka ensemble. But she dreamed not only of dancing, she wanted to be a stage director. A. Dukhova organized her first team at the age of 16. It was called "Experiment". Only girls danced in it. The dances of her group were based on modern Western choreography. Alla studied foreign school herself, using videotapes.

At one of the festivals in which A.V. Dukhova took part with her “Experiment,” fate brought her together with the male group of breakdancers “Todes” from St. Petersburg. The guys really liked Alla’s choreography. The girl, in turn, gained respect for the breakers for how skillfully they performed their tricks. As a result, the two teams decided to unite.

Today A. Dukhova very often takes part in television programs, gives interviews, and is a member of the jury of dance television projects.

History of the team

Alla Dukhova created the ballet “Todes” on March 8, 1987. This event took place in North Ossetia, on the team that she then led, there were three girls: Ivona Konchevska, Dina Dukhova and Alla Dukhova herself. The ballet “Todes” (breakers), with which the girl’s group merged, consisted of seven young guys, they were: S. Voronkov, G. Ilyin, R. Maslyukov, A. Glebov and A. Gavrilenko. The performances were choreographed by Alla Dukhova. The ballet “Todes” quickly gained popularity. Very soon it became difficult for A. Dukhova to combine the work of a director and dance herself. The issue was resolved by the team, choosing her as leader.

Soon the Todes ballet set off to conquer the capital. There, the artists worked as backup dancers for Russian pop stars: S. Rotaru, K. Orbakaite, L. Dolina, V. Leontyev, V. Meladze, V. Presnyakov and many others. They even had a chance to perform on stage in Monte Carlo with R. Martin, M. Kerry and M. Jackson.

Gradually, the ballet grew, he became cramped in the ranks of the backup dancers, and he began to perform independently and tour. Studio schools began to open, and recently a theater appeared.


Most recently, the dance theater was opened by Alla Dukhova. The Todes ballet performs here with its performances. The theater opened in March 2014. Alla Dukhova and her artists dreamed about this event for many years. The performances of the Todes ballet are stunning shows with first-class choreography, fantastic costumes, magnificent lighting effects and 3D scenery.

The choreographer and director of the performances is Alla Dukhova.

Despite the fact that the theater has only existed for two years, it is already very popular.


Alla Dukhova’s show ballet “Todes” in its recently opened theater invites viewers to watch the following unique performances:

  • Attention is a bright spectacular show about love and life. Without a single word, the play will tell about how complex the world of relationships between a man and a woman is.
  • The play “Magic Planet” is where the actors tell young spectators that they need to be brave, honest, faithful and strive for their dreams.
  • The play “Dancing Love” is a story about young lovers who dream of becoming famous. They believe that a big city will help them to realize themselves without breaking their love. Is this really true?
  • The performance “We” is an enchanting show that contains the best dance numbers from the almost 30 years of existence of the “Todes” ballet.


The main cast of Alla Dukhova's ballet “Todes”:

  • A. Ilyasova.
  • A. Zelenetsky.
  • A. Shcheglova.
  • M. Smirnov.
  • D. Petrenko.
  • E. Koval.
  • V. Shapkin.
  • A. Sotnikov.
  • D. Ponomarev.
  • A. Mankova.
  • D. Kiseleva.
  • Yu. Korzinkina.
  • D. Gorkov.
  • D. Ishmetov.
  • V. Medvedev.
  • E. Aglyamova.
  • A. Radev.
  • Y. Agapova.
  • Zh. Kurbanova.
  • A. Osipov.
  • P. Volosov.
  • A. Liventseva.
  • S. Gogin.
  • E. Nuikina.
  • A. Kaverina.
  • M. Scibor-Gurkovsky.
  • I. Parinov.
  • T. Shchedrina.
  • E. Heimanis.
  • A. Hwang.
  • A. Tunik.
  • A. Remeslov.
  • I. Surina.
  • A. Zubova.
  • I. Nesterenko.
  • M. Shabanov.
  • A. Khazaryan.
  • D. Written.
  • Ya. Sivtseva.
  • E. Vasiltsov.
  • R. Dmitrischak.
  • D. Alexandrov.
  • I. Leimin.
  • I. Efimenko.
  • M. Tarelko.


Alla Dukhova's ballet “Todes” gives young talents and even adults the opportunity to show their creative abilities and learn to dance beautifully. The team has opened many schools in different cities. Everyone is welcome to attend the training. People with any physical fitness, weight and age can study at the Todes school; there are no restrictions, the main thing is the desire to dance, diligence and good attendance at classes. Classes are conducted by soloists of the ballet “Todes”, who have undergone pedagogical and psychological training and were allowed to work after successfully passing the exam. Students of the studio school take part in festivals and reporting concerts.

The school also has its own workshop, where you can purchase or have comfortable clothes made to order for rehearsals. The studio gives children an excellent education and good prospects for the future.

Alla Dukhova is a choreographer, founder of the dance group Todes, which from a choreographic group over 30 years of existence has turned into a real brand.

Today, the brainchild of the Todes Wind Ballet is not only a dance group whose name is known all over the world, but also a network of dance schools, which includes 80 branches, and the Alla Dukhova TODES Dance Theater, which opened in Moscow in 2014.

Childhood and youth

Alla Vladimirovna Dukhova was born in the village of Kosa, Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug in November 1966. But a year later the Dukhov family moved to Riga. Alla spent her childhood and teenage years there. The first meeting with the world of choreography took place in the capital of Latvia.

Dukhova was a musical girl. Parents noticed this early and sent their daughter to the Riga Music School. One day, my mother noticed that little Alla, after music lessons, quietly entered the choreography class next door and for a long time, as if spellbound, watched the children’s classes. Upon arriving home, the girl accurately reproduced what she saw in front of the mirror.

When Mom asked Alla what she wanted to do more, her daughter immediately gave an unequivocal answer: dancing and choreography. Mom took her daughter to a local folk dance ensemble called “Ivushka,” where at that time the teachers were Laizane, Shurkin and Dubovitsky. They became Dukhova’s main mentors in professional choreography and teachers for her entire future life.

Ballet "Todes"

Alla dreamed of learning to dance well, as well as creating choreographic numbers and full-fledged performances. At the age of 16, she gathered a team of like-minded people. Then it consisted only of girls and was called “Experiment”. This experiment was successful and gained considerable popularity. Which is not strange, since Dukhova took as the basis for her dance performances the choreography of Western European and American schools, which was under an unspoken ban at the beginning of the Soviet 80s as too frank.

Alla Dukhova with the Todes team in her youth

Alla collected her experience bit by bit from cassettes with performances of Western dance groups, and watched street breakers.

Once “Experiment” Dukhova, performing at a dance competition in Palanga, crossed paths with a Leningrad youth breakdancing group that bore the sonorous and memorable name “Todes”. The choreographer liked the risky tricks in the dances of “Todes”, and the guys from the Leningrad group admired the sharp and automatic movements of the girls from the Riga “Experiment”.

Performance of the ballet "Todes"

This sympathy led to the fact that the teams merged into one, taking the name men's. It organically intertwined choreography and breaker movements. It was something completely new and unlike anything else. In 1987, Alla was collectively elected as the creative director of the new ballet, because it was becoming more and more difficult to combine both production and organizational work.

During a tour of the North Caucasus, Todes' performances were an unprecedented sell-out. The guys were advised to try to perform in the capital. They thought that they were already quite ripe for its conquest, and went to Moscow. It wasn't easy for them at first. The guys lived in the Lyubertsy hostel, looked for venues for performances themselves and faced many difficult organizational issues. But on their path and on the path of Dukhova, they met Alexander Birman, who worked at the Riga Philharmonic.

He helped the ballet get to Chelyabinsk, where popular singers and other “exposed” pop stars were touring at that time. The dancers performed between the singers' numbers and immediately received a sea of ​​applause.

After the Chelyabinsk tour, Sofia Rotaru invited the Dukhova ballet to perform with her. Their collaboration lasted 5 years. Then “Todes”, which had already become popular, decided to go and develop in its own way.

The 5th anniversary of the group was celebrated with the first solo concert of “Todes”. It was organized and financed by philanthropist and entrepreneur Igor Popov. After this concert, the team began to regularly receive offers for joint performances from and other pop stars.

, – with whom the Dukhov ballet has performed. The team has conquered the most famous music festivals from “New Wave” to “Slavic Bazaar”. But the greatest victory of Alla and her “Todes” took place on the international stage. The dancers performed at the Music Awards in Monte Carlo together with and. The Brass team danced in the ballet twice - during its performances in Munich and Seoul.

"Todes" at a Michael Jackson concert

In 2014, an important event took place in the life of Alla Dukhova - the opening of the TODES Dance Theater in the capital of Russia. The repertoire of the theater group includes the performances “Dance Love!”, “Magic Planet TODES”, Attention, “WE”, “And I’ll Dream About This...”. To create the show, modern lighting equipment is used, 3D scenery and original costumes are used, which makes each production unique.

Dance school

Since 1992, the Todes ballet group has been constantly expanding. In 1997, the second cast of the Dukhova ballet grew to 150 dancers and celebrated its 10th anniversary. From the same year, Alla began renting premises in Lefortovo, where she opened her first ballet dance school, “Todes”.

Soon 2 more appeared - in St. Petersburg and Riga. Over the next 10 years, the network of schools expanded throughout Russia, the CIS countries and even appeared in Malta. The most talented dancers, graduates of Dukhova schools, now demonstrate their skills on world stages.

In 2011, the “base” of the Dukhova ballet from Lefortovo moved to Paveletskaya embankment. Over the 24 years of the ballet's existence, several generations of dancers have changed. One thing has remained unchanged: “Todes” still attracts full houses of fans around the world. The ballet's tours continue continuously.

Now this school, located in Moscow, is attended by the children of friends and colleagues in the artistic workshop of Dukhova - Philip Kirkorov, and others. Alla does not strive to make every child a dance floor star; in her opinion, it is much more important to instill a love of dance and learn to move freely.

The creative biography of the choreographer has another bright page - the talented woman produces her own clothing line, Todes Wear, for everyday life, sports and dancing. The choreographer also presented a collection of perfumes intended for children. Care products are distinguished by the fact that they are created only from environmentally friendly ingredients.

Personal life

Dukhova’s personal life is eventful, but the choreographer herself says little about them. The dancer got married for the first time at an early age - at 22 years old. Discord in the family began after the husband thought about immigrating to the United States. Alla at that time was pregnant with her first son, Vladimir, and did not want to leave her homeland. The birth of a child did not stop his father from making a decision - the couple divorced.

After her second marriage, which also ended in separation, Dukhova’s husband was Anton Kis, the permanent lighting designer for the ballet “Todes”. From her third husband, Alla gave birth to a son, Konstantin. And if the elder Vladimir became a theater director, receiving a bachelor's degree from the New York Film Academy, the younger one became interested in sports and dancing. Despite his large build, the young man has amazing flexibility, which his mother noticed long ago. The guy often takes part in productions of Todes.

The choreographer had to sacrifice his personal life for the sake of his profession for the third time: Alla broke up with Anton. Now all the choreographer’s attention is directed to his sons and granddaughter Sofia, whom Vladimir gave her. In an interview, the choreographer notes that he does not consider himself a feminist, but wishes every woman to be under the protection of a reliable and caring husband. The divorce did not prevent Anton and Alla from maintaining friendly relations; the ex-spouses continue to communicate.

The choreographer lives in 2 houses. In Riga, together with her sister’s family, Dukhova built a 15-room mansion, and in Moscow, in the early 2000s, she purchased an apartment on Zvenigorodskaya Street. This is a spacious apartment, partially designed in antique style.

Alla Dukhova now

2018 turned out to be eventful in the creative life of the choreographer. This includes the holding of TODES DANCE BATTLE, and participation in the award ceremony of the VI Real MusicBox Prize, and the performance of Todes studios in Turin at the lighting ceremony of the Winter Universiade 2019.

Now Dukhova continues to develop the Todes school network. Its branches continue to open throughout the country, and the strongest ones participate in the annual “Todes Fest” show.

In 2018, gala concerts of school participants were held in Kazan, Voronezh, Sochi, and Moscow. Reports on the work done, photos of festival participants appeared on the pages of the official website of the ballet “Todes” and personal "Instagram" Alla Vladimirovna. A new theater performance, “See You in a Fairy Tale,” was also announced there, the premiere of which started at the beginning of 2019.