Why I liked the story poor Lisa. "Poor Lisa": reviews of the story. About its meaning

Plot This lyrical work is based on a love story between a poor peasant girl Lisa and a wealthy nobleman Erast. To meet the beauty he likes, he buys lilies of the valley from her, which she collected in the forest for sale. Lisa charmed the guy with her naturalness, purity and kindness. They started dating, but, unfortunately, the happiness was short-lived. Soon Erast got bored with the girl and found a more profitable match for himself. The young man regretted his rash act for the rest of his life. After all, Lisa, unable to bear parting with her beloved, drowned herself in the river.

The main topic This sad tale, of course, is love. It serves as a test for the main characters. Lisa is devoted and faithful to her beloved, literally dissolves in him, completely surrenders to her feelings, and cannot live without him. While Erast turns out to be a pitiful, petty and narrow-minded person, for whom material wealth is much more important than feelings. For him, his position in society is more valuable than love, which he quickly became bored with. Lisa cannot live after such a betrayal. She cannot imagine her future without love and is ready to say goodbye to life. Her attachment to her beloved is so strong. He is even more important to her than life itself.

Main idea“Poor Lisa” is that you need to completely surrender to your feelings and not be afraid of them. After all, this is the only way to overcome selfishness and immorality. In his work, Nikolai Mikhailovich shows that sometimes poor people are much kinder than wealthy gentlemen.

Surprisingly, Karamzin does not blame Erast for Lisa’s death at all, but explains to the reader that the big city had such a negative influence on the young man, making him more cruel and depraved. The village brought up simplicity and naivety in the main character, which played a cruel joke on her. But not only Lisa’s fate was tragic, but also Erast’s, because he never became truly happy and for the rest of his life he felt a strong sense of guilt for his fateful act for the girl.

Yours the author builds the work on the opposition. Erast is the complete opposite of an honest, pure, naive and kind girl from the lower class. He is a selfish, cowardly, spoiled young man belonging to a noble family. Their feelings are also different. Liza’s love is sincere and real, she cannot live even a day without her lover. While Erast, as soon as he got his, on the contrary, begins to move away and his feelings quickly cool down, as if nothing had happened.

Thanks to “Poor Lisa,” you can learn from the mistakes made by the main characters. After reading this story, I want to become at least a little more humane and responsive. Nikolai Mikhailovich tries to teach the reader to be kinder, more attentive to others, and to better think about his words and actions. This story also awakens a feeling of compassion for other people, makes you reconsider your behavior and attitude towards the world around you.

Option 2

Karamzin, with his stories, made a great contribution to the development of Russian literature, including prose. He decided to apply new techniques in narrative prose. He abandoned the traditional plots of works taken from the mythology of ancient states. He used an innovative technique, that is, he began to write about modern events, and even stories about ordinary people. So a story was written about a simple girl Lisa, who was called “Poor Lisa.”

The author worked on the story for two years, from 1789-1790. Karamzin did not try to write a story with a happy ending. As I already said, he was an innovator in Russian prose. In this work, the main character died and there was no happy ending.

While reading this work, several sub-topics stand out that form the main theme of the story. One of the topics is when the author begins to describe the life of the peasants in full swing. He repeatedly emphasizes the relationship between the peasant and living nature. According to the author, the main character, who grew up in communication with nature, cannot act as a negative character. She grew up observing centuries-old traditions. She is cheerful and kind. And in general, Karamzin expressed in Lisa all the best qualities of a person. She is ideal from all sides and the formation of the beauty and meaning of the work “Poor Lisa” begins with this character.

The main thought can safely be called true love. Lisa fell in love with a rich nobleman. The girl immediately forgot about social inequality and plunged headlong into the dark pool of love. He girl did not expect betrayal from her beloved. When she found out that she had been betrayed, she threw herself into the lake out of grief and drowned. The theory of the little man was also touched upon here, that is, there cannot be full-fledged love between people who belong to different strata of society. Most likely, such relationships do not need to be started, because they will not last long in the first place. All this is because they were born and accustomed to their special life. And if you got into other layers, you felt out of place.

The main problem of the story can be called that Lisa succumbed to an impulse of feelings, and not to reason. We can safely say that her momentary weakness ruined her.

Poor Lisa - Analysis 3

N.M. Karamzin wrote the work “Poor Liza” very beautifully. The main characters were a simple peasant woman and a young rich nobleman. Having created this work, the young writer gains great fame. The idea for the author to write this story was the Simonov Monastery, which was located not far from the house where Karamzin spent time with close friends. With this story, Karamzin wanted to show that there are huge misunderstandings between the relationships between peasants and nobles. It was with this thought that the heroine Lisa was created.

Karamzin described Lisa as a very sincere and pure-minded person; she embodied his own image of principles and ideals, which was not entirely clear to Erast. Although she was an ordinary peasant woman, she lived as her heart told her. Lisa was a very well-read girl, so from her conversation it was difficult to determine that she was of peasant origin.

Erast, Lisa's lover, was an officer who lived a high life. I was only thinking about how I could brighten up my life with entertainment so as not to get bored. Despite the fact that he was very smart, his character was very changeable. He did not think that Lisa would never be able to become his wife, because they were from different classes. Erast, truly in love. Having a wayward, weak character, he could not withstand and carry his love with Lisa to the end. He preferred a lady from his society, did not think about the feelings of poor Lisa. This, of course, did not surprise anyone, because money for high society has always been in the foreground rather than real, sincere feelings. Therefore, the ending of this story was very tragic.

Despite the fact that the work is written very interestingly. The end of the sentimental love story ended with the tragedy of the main character Lisa. The reader is literally imbued with the events described. Nikolai Mikhailovich was able to describe the story he once heard in such a way that the reader literally carries through himself all the sensuality of the work. Each new line is filled with the depth of feelings of the main characters. In some moments you involuntarily become imbued with the harmony of nature. The author was able to describe the place where Lisa committed suicide so accurately that the reader is left in no doubt about the veracity of this story.

Thanks to the uniqueness of the work, Nikolai Karamzin added his masterpiece to Russian literature. Thus taking a huge step in its development. Thanks to its inherent sentimentality and tragedy, the work became a model for many writers of that time.

Essence, meaning, idea and thought. For 8th grade

The story “Poor Liza” was first published in 1792. Its publication is carried out by the author himself. At that moment, Nikolai Mikhailovich was the owner of the Moscow Journal. It is on its pages that the story appears. A simple story with a simple plot brought the writer extraordinary fame.

In the story, the narrator is the author. The story tells about the life of a young peasant girl. She works tirelessly. To earn extra money, a girl goes to the city. He sells berries and flowers there. In the city, Lisa meets a young man, Erast. Erast is a nobleman. Has some wealth. He is described as a frivolous person who lives for fun. But at the same time, he was already bored with everything.

Lisa, on the contrary, is described as pure, trusting, kind, and inexperienced in anything. However, two opposite heroes - Lisa and Erast - fall in love with each other. They are happy. It seems to them that happiness will last forever.

However, everything changes after intimacy. Erast begins to lose interest in the girl. And at some point he disappears from her life. But Lisa still loves him. She is trying to find her lover. And it soon turns out that Erast lost all his wealth at cards. And in order to save his position, he is forced to marry.

Lisa cannot survive the betrayal. Without telling anyone about her experiences, she decides to die. The pond near the Simonov Monastery became her last refuge.

The author sympathizes with his heroine. He is bitter about Erast’s immoral act. The author condemns the hero. But he softens, knowing that Erast himself cannot forgive himself. He is in torment. According to the writer, Erast’s torment is just.

Karamzin wrote the work “Poor Liza”, guided by foreign literature. From it he took the stylistic direction. “Poor Liza” was written in the style of classical sentimentalism.

During Karamzin's time, classicism flourished. The works of many writers were published in several volumes. But N.M. Karamzin is considered the author of short stories. And the work about a peasant girl is also written in the genre of a short story. But it is also called a short story. Despite the small volume, “poor Liza” did not belong to any cycle of stories. After publication in the Moscow magazine, the story gained wide popularity and recognition. Subsequently, the Work was published as a separate book.

The story raises questions of morality, social inequality, betrayal, and the theme of the “little man” is touched upon a little.

Themes of immorality and betrayal are still relevant today. Very often people do things without thinking that they might cause pain.

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The story of N.M. Karamzin's "Poor Liza", a review of which is the subject of this review, was published in 1792 and immediately won the love and recognition of the then reading public with its original plot, new interpretation of the characters, as well as the author's main idea that ordinary peasants can also love and suffer. For its time, it was a breakthrough not only in plot and ideological terms, but also in style. The story was written in an easy and accessible language, which other poets and writers later began to write in.

Readers about the plot

The work “Poor Lisa,” a review of which will help schoolchildren pay attention to the main points of the story, is positively assessed by modern users, who, however, almost always make a reservation about the time of its creation.

Almost all of them point out that the story itself is too melodramatic: in their opinion, the love of a simple peasant woman for a nobleman is described in overly sentimental tones, which gives the text some conventionality. However, readers also note the touching naivety of the narrative, which gives the work a unique charm. The review of the book "Poor Lisa" will be useful for students to characterize the images of the characters. According to the audience, the somewhat idyllic description of the heroine’s life, her romantic relationship with Erast, their love oaths of fidelity, separation and, finally, the betrayal of the young man and the tragic suicide of the girl are retold by the author quite convincingly, so that the work is read easily and with interest.

About heroin

Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza” became a new word in Russian literature at the end of the 18th century. The review of the work shows the attitude of the modern reading public towards a work more than two hundred years ago. Most people perceive the work very positively. They point to the touching image of the girl, her spiritual purity, naivety, gullibility and sensitivity. They admit: against her background, Erast loses in every way.

About its meaning

Users unanimously say: the author managed to create a surprisingly complete image, which became the main center of the story. The composition of the story “Poor Lisa,” a review of which must be taken into account by the school teacher when preparing for lessons, as an indicator of the opinion of modern youth about this ancient work, is based largely on the characteristics of the girl, descriptions of her feelings and experiences. Therefore, many readers admit that they mainly focused on it.

About Erast

One of the most famous and outstanding writers of the late 18th - first half of the 19th century was N.M. Karamzin. “Poor Lisa” (reviews of the story prove the continued interest of modern audiences in this work, which was written in the style of sentimentalism) is perhaps his most famous work of art. Users, leaving their opinions about him, point out the unseemly image of Erast. In their opinion, the young man behaved very unworthily towards his beloved, and this led to her death.

Most readers consider him to be the direct cause of her tragic death. However, Karamzin did not make his heroes so clear-cut. “Poor Liza” (reviews of the work show that some readers perceived the love story and the fate of the heroes differently) is a story in which living persons act with their own merits and demerits.

Positive opinions about the hero

Some readers rightly argue that the main character is not so bad. They indicate that he is kind, sympathetic, and polite. In addition, they note that the young nobleman sincerely loved the girl and was very unhappy after her death. So, the hero of the story turned out to be a living person with all his advantages and disadvantages. However, almost all users indicate that the young man became a victim of class prejudices and succumbed to weakness. In this respect, the image of the girl again wins in comparison.

About the language

The review of the book “Poor Liza” is interesting because all readers unanimously recognize its undoubted literary and stylistic merits. All users claim that the author wrote in a living, simple language that is understandable and accessible to everyone. The audience credits Karamzin for the fact that he became a pioneer in writing short works, the meaning of which was deeply philosophical. Many rightly believed that all the famous writers of the first half of the 19th century came from Karamzin’s school. In fact, the story is distinguished by unusually vivid images and amazing clarity in the author’s conveyance of his thoughts. Users correctly note that he managed to bring the Russian language to a new level of development, bringing it closer to the modern one.

Author's opinion

The review of the story “Poor Lisa” shows that readers give credit to the writer for the fact that he indicated his indirect participation in what was happening, which gives the work greater authenticity. In a few lines, he indicates that he heard this story from Erast, and it is he who has the final assessment of what is happening. A similar technique was subsequently used by many famous prose writers of the 19th century. Users pay attention to the humanistic pathos of the author’s assessment: the writer deeply mourns the tragic death of the heroine and empathizes with Erast. Thus, the review of the work “Poor Liza” shows that the reader was interested in learning about the narrator, who appears as a deeply feeling person and capable of understanding the grief of others.

N. M. Karamzin is one of the most prominent representatives of Russian sentimentalism. All his works are imbued with deep humanity and humanism. The subjects depicted in them are the emotional experiences of the heroes, their inner world, the struggle of passions and the development of relationships.
The story “Poor Liza” is rightly considered the best work of N. M. Karamzin. It touches on two main problems, the disclosure of which requires a deep analysis and understanding of Russian reality in the 18th century. and the essence of human nature in general. Most contemporaries were delighted with “Poor Lisa.” They absolutely correctly understood the idea of ​​the author, who simultaneously analyzed the essence of human passions, relationships and the harsh Russian reality.
The most interesting is the love line of this work. Never before in Russian literature has love been described so vividly and so beautifully. Analysis of the characters' feelings and experiences absorbs the author.
Lisa and Erast are representatives of different social classes: she is from a poor family, he is a rich nobleman. The image of Lisa is beautiful and romantic, she captivates with her spiritual purity and nobility.
The girl was born into a family of honest and hardworking people, and she herself works tirelessly. Lisa speaks of her mother with deep respect and love and is grateful for the fact that she gave her life. In addition, the girl is extremely honest and believes that money can only be taken for work. She refuses to take a ruble from Erast for flowers, because they are not that expensive. Lisa is an example of spiritual purity and purity.

Her chosen one, Erast, is presented in a completely different light. The author gives him the following description: “... this Erast was a rather rich nobleman, with a fair mind and a kind heart, but weak and flighty, he led an absent-minded life, thought only about his own pleasure, looked for it in secular amusements, but often did not find it " Erast is the complete opposite of Lisa, he does not have her integrity, her purity. He is corrupted by secular life, has already learned a lot, but is also disappointed.
Lisa captivates Erast with her beauty and innocence. He admires her, even tries to fight the desire to be in a closer relationship with her. “I will live with Liza like brother and sister,” he thought, “I will not use her love for evil and I will always be happy!”
But Erast’s good intentions are not destined to come true. Young people succumb to passion, and from that moment their relationships change. Lisa is afraid of punishment for her action, she is afraid of the thunder: “I’m afraid that the thunder will kill me like a criminal!” She is happy and deeply unhappy at the same time. The author shows his attitude towards love and says that “the fulfillment of all desires is the most dangerous temptation of love.” Nevertheless, he still does not condemn his heroine and still admires her, because nothing can discredit a beautiful, pure soul.
In the end, Erast decides to leave Lisa. First, he goes to war, loses his entire fortune at cards, returns and marries a rich widow for money. Erast is trying to pay off Lisa with money. The girl experiences a strong mental shock and, unable to bear it, throws herself into the pond. Her death is tragic and terrible, the author speaks about it with deep sorrow.
At first glance, Erast appears to be an insidious seducer, but in reality this is not entirely true. It is not without reason that, in order to somehow justify the hero, Karamzin says that Erast was unhappy all his life and considered himself a murderer.
In the story “Poor Liza,” Karamzin touched on very serious and important problems, but did not indicate the way to resolve them, and he did not set such a goal for himself. The imperfection of the social structure and human nature is a real fact, and it is pointless to reproach anyone for this. P. Berkov writes the following about this: “Most likely the idea of ​​the story is that the structure of the world (not the modern one, but in general!) is such that the beautiful and just cannot always be realized: some may be happy... others... . can't."

What is interesting about N. M. Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza”? N. M. Karamzin is one of the most prominent representatives of Russian sentimentalism. All his works are imbued with deep humanity and humanism. The subjects depicted in them are the emotional experiences of the heroes, their inner world, the struggle of passions and the development of relationships. The story “Poor Liza” is rightly considered the best work of N. M. Karamzin. It touches on two main problems, the disclosure of which requires a deep analysis and understanding of Russian reality in the 18th century. and the essence of human nature in general. Most contemporaries were delighted with “Poor Lisa.” They absolutely correctly understood the idea of ​​the author, who simultaneously analyzed the essence of human passions, relationships and the harsh Russian reality. The most interesting is the love line of this work. Never before in Russian literature has love been described so vividly and so beautifully. Analysis of the characters' feelings and experiences absorbs the author. Lisa and Erast are representatives of different social classes: she is from a poor family, he is a rich nobleman. The image of Lisa is beautiful and romantic, she captivates with her spiritual purity and nobility. The girl was born into a family of honest and hardworking people, and she herself works tirelessly. Lisa speaks of her mother with deep respect and love and is grateful for the fact that she gave her life. In addition, the girl is extremely honest and believes that money can only be taken for work. She refuses to take a ruble from Erast for flowers, because they are not that expensive. Lisa is an example of spiritual purity and purity. Her chosen one, Erast, is presented in a completely different light. The author gives him the following description: “... this Erast was a rather rich nobleman, with a fair mind and a kind heart, but weak and flighty, he led an absent-minded life, thought only about his own pleasure, looked for it in secular amusements, but often did not find it " Erast is the complete opposite of Lisa, he does not have her integrity, her purity. He is corrupted by secular life, has already learned a lot, but is also disappointed. Lisa captivates Erast with her beauty and innocence. He admires her, even tries to fight the desire to be in a closer relationship with her. “I will live with Liza like brother and sister,” he thought, “I will not use her love for evil and I will always be happy!” But Erast’s good intentions are not destined to come true. Young people succumb to passion, and from that moment their relationships change. Lisa is afraid of punishment for her action, she is afraid of the thunder: “I’m afraid that the thunder will kill me like a criminal!” She is happy and deeply unhappy at the same time. The author shows his attitude towards love and says that “the fulfillment of all desires is the most dangerous temptation of love.” Nevertheless, he still does not condemn his heroine and still admires her, because nothing can discredit a beautiful, pure soul. In the end, Erast decides to leave Lisa. First, he goes to war, loses his entire fortune at cards, returns and marries a rich widow for money. Erast is trying to pay off Lisa with money. The girl experiences a strong mental shock and, unable to bear it, throws herself into the pond. Her death is tragic and terrible, the author speaks about it with deep sorrow. At first glance, Erast appears to be an insidious seducer, but in reality this is not entirely true. It is not without reason that, in order to somehow justify the hero, Karamzin says that Erast was unhappy all his life and considered himself a murderer. In the story “Poor Liza,” Karamzin touched on very serious and important problems, but did not indicate the way to resolve them, and he did not set such a goal for himself. The imperfection of the social structure and human nature is a real fact, and it is pointless to reproach anyone for this. P. Berkov writes the following about this: “Most likely the idea of ​​the story is that the structure of the world (not the modern one, but in general!) is such that the beautiful and just cannot always be realized: some may be happy... others... . can't."

In the 9th grade we are now studying sentimentalism - the works of N. M. Karamzin. Maybe you remember "Poor Lisa"? This is the story we are analyzing with our students. But every time I re-read this work, I feel sadness not from the tragic fate of the main character, but from the fact that every year the analysis of this work brings less and less pleasure. Perhaps they would remove this story from the program... It would be better if the chapters from “The History of the Russian State” were studied in more detail, or another work by this author would be included in the program. But it is “Poor Liza” that should give children an idea of ​​Russian sentimentalism! No, of course, I have great respect for Karamzin as a historian, but as a sentimentalist, he has a unique effect on the reader’s perception of children, and this, in turn, confuses me.

Everything is in order with the features of this direction in the story: feelings come first. It’s just that the things that the author writes about are so unreal that sometimes you just have to analyze them somehow detachedly, as if we are talking about events not from real life. This is the main reason for my reluctance to work with this story.
So, as they say, I’ll follow hot on the heels of the last lesson. At first, the children were outraged by the fact that Lisa’s mother was an old woman. I tried not to focus on this issue, but the children are smart: they calculated that the unfortunate girl’s mother should be no more than 35 years old. Why then, they ask me, does the author call the woman an old woman? Further: how could a 15-year-old girl alone go to the city and sell flowers - this was unrealistic at that time, and the peasant woman was probably illiterate. The girl had to sit at home and do needlework and household chores, but not go for walks wherever she pleased. They had land that was rented out; after all, they had some kind of income.
Lisa’s mother, it turns out, cried constantly because of the death of her husband, and this caused her vision to deteriorate; she was not even able to do simple work. The students concluded that the mother was simply a lazy person who did not think about the future of her growing daughter.
During Erast’s first meeting with Lisa, the girl did not take the ruble (she was selling lilies of the valley), which the young man offered her out of the kindness of his heart, but did not refuse 5 kopecks. The children were indignant: what’s wrong with this!

If Lisa and her mother were poor, then why refuse help!
What happened next was even more interesting: Lisa started going on dates with Erast in the evenings when her mother went to bed. The girls were indignant in chorus: wow! Our mothers control us now, but that was the 18th century! And why didn’t she marry a peasant, because she knew that nothing would work out with a nobleman? In addition, if the mother had given the order, the daughter would have married the man they found for her.
Then began the “analysis” of the main character, Erast, a young man “with a fair mind and a kind heart, kind by nature, but weak and flighty.” It was difficult to understand how a person with a fair amount of intelligence could act so vilely towards Lisa. Further, when it becomes clear that Erast got everything he wanted from the poor peasant woman, an episode follows in which Lisa meets her lover on the street, and he explains that he lost and is now engaged to a rich widow, with whom he had already moved to live before the wedding. Here the children were also surprised: how could this happen, it’s indecent. But at the end of the story, Lisa does not refuse the 100 rubles that Erast hands her. Everyone was outraged: why did she take this money, even if she didn’t remember it, why didn’t she throw it away? Did she really want to console her mother with this money by committing suicide? The girls still couldn’t understand why Lisa drowned herself, it was a sin! And you simply cannot admire this heroine!
That's the whole analysis.
Did you like it? What can we talk about next? No, we still need another sentimental work for analysis - more vital, convincing for the younger generation. Today's children don't believe poor Lisa! And there is still romanticism ahead... Realism with its “typicality” would sooner come.