Efimenkova organization and methods of correctional work of a speech therapist. Mazanova E.V. School logo center. Documentation, planning and organization of correctional work: a methodological manual for speech therapists, a book on the topic. III. Psychological characteristics

Organization of speech therapy work

The organization of correctional speech therapy work at the school speech therapy center is carried out on the basis of the Instructive Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 2 dated December 14, 2000. “On the organization of the work of a speech therapy center in a general education institution.”

Correctional and developmental speech therapy classes are conducted with students in grades 1–4 who have various speech disorders (speech therapy reports):

“General speech underdevelopment” (GSD);

“Mild general underdevelopment of speech” (NVONR);

“Phonetic - phonemic underdevelopment of speech” (FFNR);

“Phonological underdevelopment of speech” (FND);

“Writing and reading disorders” caused by the speech disorders listed above;

"Impaired pronunciation."

Deviations in the speech development of children studying in general education institutions have different structures and degrees of severity. The presence in schoolchildren of even mildly expressed deviations in phonemic and lexical-grammatical development (ONR, NVONR, FFNR, FNR) is a serious obstacle to mastering the general education school curriculum and requires mandatory speech therapy assistance - correctional and developmental speech therapy classes.

Place of speech therapy classes in the curriculum

Correctional and developmental speech therapy classes are conducted during the school year (from September 15 to May 15) at least 2 - 3 times a week with each group in accordance with thematic planning, on the basis of which calendar and thematic planning is drawn up for each speech therapy group.

Classes with students at the speech therapy center are held outside of school hours. The schedule of speech therapy classes is drawn up by a speech therapist teacher, taking into account the operating hours of the educational institution.

Correctional speech therapy classes are conducted both individually and in groups. The frequency of group and individual classes is determined by the severity of the speech development disorder. The duration of a group speech therapy session is 40 minutes, an individual session is 20 minutes.

Number of speech therapy sessions for speech correction

Correction of sound pronunciation disorders:

from 35 to 90 lessons, depending on the number of impaired sounds and the severity of impairments in mobility and the structure of the articulatory apparatus

Prevention and correction of writing and reading disorders:

Stage I – max 85 lessons;

Stage II – max 65 lessons;

Stage III – max 70 lessons.

The purpose of speech therapy classes

The main goal is providing assistance to students who have impairments in the development of oral and written speech (primary) and who experience difficulties in learning and communication , through the correction and prevention of speech disorders in speech therapy classes.

Objectives of speech therapy classes

The main tasks are:

Development of the sound side of speech (pronunciation; sound analysis and synthesis, differentiation of sounds by sonority-dullness, hardness-softness; sound - syllabic structure of words);

Development of vocabulary and streamlining of the grammatical structure of speech;

Formation of coherent speech;

Development and improvement of psychological prerequisites for learning;

Formation of full-fledged educational skills;

Development and improvement of communicative readiness for learning.

Educational technologies and methods in speech therapy work

In the process of implementing the program, the following educational methods and technologies are used in speech therapy classes:


Methodology Agranovich Z. E.

Methodology Efimenkova L. N., Misarenko G. G.

Methodology Kashe G.A., Filicheva T.B.

Methodology of Kornev A.N.

Methodology of Lalaeva R.I.

Methodology of Sadovnikova I. N.

Methodology Yastrebova A.V.


Technology of speech therapy examination.

Sound pronunciation correction technology.

Technology for the formation of speech breathing in various disorders of the pronunciation aspect of speech.

Technology for the development of intonation aspects of speech.

Technology for correcting the tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech.

Technology for the development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech.

Speech therapy massage technology.

Technology of differentiated learning (technology of level differentiation).

Gaming technologies.

Information and communication technologies (ICT).

Developmental learning technologies (DT).

Technology of gradual formation of mental actions.

Interdisciplinary connections

When drawing up thematic planning, we took into account the interdisciplinary connections of speech therapy with such sciences as general and special psychology, neuropsychology, psycholinguistics, psychodiagnostics, anatomy and physiology of ENT organs, as well as methods of teaching the native language.

Thematic planning

Thematic planning is compiled taking into account modern requirements for the correctional and developmental activities of a speech therapist teacher and education in general, presented in the Federal Educational Standard.

The following can be used as a basis for thematic planning:

Instructive and methodological letter “On the work of a teacher-speech therapist at a secondary school.” Compiled by Yastrebova A.V., Bessonova T.P., M.: 1996.

Program Kashe G.A., Filicheva T.B. “Program for teaching children with underdevelopment of the phonetic structure of speech (In a preparatory group for school).” M.: Education, 1978.

Methodical materials Bogomolova A.I. “Pronunciation disorders in children: a manual for speech therapists.” M.: 1979

Efimenkova L.N., Misarenko G.G. Organization and methods of correctional work of a speech therapist at a school speech center: A manual for speech therapists

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L. N. Efimenkova G. G. Misarenko



MANUAL FOR Speech Therapist
Recommended by the Main Educational and Methodological Directorate of General Secondary Education

State formations of the USSR
BBK 74.3 E91

Reviewer: methodologist of the Department of Defectology at MSIUU A. G. Kulagina, Efimenkova L. N., Misarenko G. G.

E91 Organization and methods of correctional work of a speech therapist at a school speech center: A manual for speech therapists. - M.: Education, 1991. - 239 p.: ill. - 15B^ 5-09-003511-3.

The manual is intended for speech therapists, primary school teachers and administration of secondary schools where speech centers operate, as well as parents.

E 4310010000-542


Inf - LETTER-91" No. 233 BBK 74.3

15V\ 5-09-003511-3

© Efimenkova L. N., Misarenko G. G., 1991

This book is based on many years of experience of practicing speech therapists working at school speech therapy centers.

Until now, practicing speech therapists have experienced significant difficulties in organizing speech therapy work. This is explained by the fact that a speech therapist teacher, as a rule, serves three or four schools located in different places in the region, and is often forced to work at a speech center and, at the same time, at the school most distant from him.

In addition, children of different ages and with various speech disorders come to the speech therapy center, and the existing instructions do not adequately reveal the essence of the organization of the speech therapy process.

Corrective work is carried out in parallel with the education of children at school, so the speech therapist teacher must work closely with primary school teachers, teachers of extended day groups and the administration of the school where the speech therapy center is located. Due to the fact that there is virtually no speech therapy propaganda in the media, employees of secondary schools, district (city) departments and public education departments often do not have a correct idea of ​​the goals and objectives of speech therapy work.

Taking this into account, the authors sought to most clearly and specifically cover the entire speech therapy process (organization of the speech therapist’s working time, including vacation time, staffing groups and subgroups, the number of students enrolled in the speech therapy center, etc.).

Speech disorders encountered in primary school students are a serious obstacle to their mastery of writing and reading at the initial stages of learning to write and read, and at later stages to their mastery of the grammar of their native language and the programs of humanitarian subjects. There are often cases when, due to speech disorders, a child practically does not master the primary school curriculum, and in the most severe cases, the question even arises of the impossibility of his education in a public school. With proper organization and conduct of correctional work, a speech therapist teacher helps such children cope with their existing speech disorders and, on an equal basis with other students, master school knowledge.

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The book consists of three sections.

Section I, “Organization of the speech therapy process,” shows the organization of the speech therapist’s working time. The issues of distribution of the teaching load, the principle of staffing groups and subgroups taking into account the age and speech disorders of students are covered in detail, approximate samples of the schedule of work with groups and subgroups are given, and the content of the speech therapist’s work during the holidays is determined. Here, uniform samples of types of documentation and its maintenance are offered, and the storage periods for all types of documentation at the speech therapy center are specified.

The current methodology for examining students' oral speech does not satisfy practicing speech therapists, since it requires individual forms of examination. Considering the large number of children and the variety of speech disorders they have, the speech therapist teacher is not able to deeply and thoroughly study the children entering the speech therapy center in the time allotted for the examination. Therefore, he either does not fit into the time allotted for the examination, or conducts the examination formally, which inevitably affects the quality of speech therapy work, since it is the examination of students’ oral and written speech that is the determining stage for all subsequent educational and correctional activities.

The authors propose a fundamentally new approach to studying students, recommending conducting a frontal examination. The frontal form provides a more in-depth study of the child’s speech capabilities, facilitates the rapid establishment of contact between the speech therapist and the child and significantly reduces the examination time.

In addition, the form of a general speech map proposed by the authors will allow the teacher-speech therapist to more clearly see the picture of speech disorders that students enrolled in a speech therapy center have, and to more correctly assemble them into groups and subgroups.

The proposed form 4 of the general speech card reduces the volume of documentation, completely eliminating the currently existing cumbersome individual speech cards of children. Passport and anamnestic data of students are recorded on small-format individual cards, which are filled out on one side by the students’ parents, which significantly reduces the speech therapist’s time working with documentation.

In the same section, taking into account the diversity of speech disorders, the authors propose the content and methods of examining each type of speech disorder.

Section II is devoted to the methodological work of a speech therapist teacher.

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It details the relationship between a speech therapist teacher and primary school teachers, with speech therapists working in preschool institutions, with parents of students enrolled in a speech therapy center, as well as the relationship between school speech therapists. It also shows the importance of promoting speech therapy knowledge among teachers and parents.

Section III “Content and methods of correctional work” systematizes methods of correctional work with groups of 1st grade students studying under the 1st (IV) and 1st (III) programs and having general speech underdevelopment, and with groups of 2nd grade students. x classes studying under the 1st (IV) and 1st (III) program and having a writing disorder.

The material is illustrated on all topics with a variety of tasks.

Thus, sections I and II of this book represent detailed comments on existing instructional documents, and section III offers a new approach to conducting educational and correctional work with children suffering from speech disorders.

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Since speech therapy centers operate, as a rule, at secondary schools, the beginning and end of the school year, the time and duration of vacations correspond to the standards established in schools. The duration of the next vacation for speech therapists also corresponds to the duration of the next vacation for teachers of secondary schools.

According to the existing procedure, 25 primary classes are attached to the speech therapy center, which includes all primary classes of the school where the speech therapy center is located and the school (or schools) located nearby.

The teaching load of speech therapists is 20 academic hours per week. (Order of the Ministry of Education of the USSR No. 94 of May 16, 1985 and Instructions on the procedure for calculating wages of educators, paragraph 87, subparagraph B.)

After leaving the next vacation until September 1, the speech therapist checks the condition of the equipment in the speech therapy room: technical teaching aids, lighting, etc.; inspects visual and educational aids and brings them into working condition; prepares the necessary documentation and visual and speech material for examining students. If necessary, the speech therapist teacher replenishes his arsenal of visual educational aids by prescribing them from the Educational Collection Office or producing them himself. On these same days, the speech therapist gets acquainted with the personal files of students newly enrolled in schools attached to the speech therapy center.

The first two weeks of the school year (from September 1 to September 15) are set aside for the complete formation of groups and subgroups that will study at the speech therapy center in the current school year. To do this, the teacher-speech therapist conducts an examination of the oral speech of students admitted to the first grades of schools attached to the speech center, and the written speech of those students in grades 2-4 who transferred to classes attached to the speech center from other schools. At the same time, the speech therapist teacher clarifies the lists of groups pre-compiled by him in May of the previous school year from among students in grades 2-4.

Page 6

The examination of first-graders’ oral speech is carried out in two stages. During the first week of September, the speech therapist teacher conducts a preliminary examination of the oral speech of all students admitted to the first grades and identifies children who have certain deviations in speech development. At the same time, he selects those students who need systematic correctional classes. This is done in the morning during school hours.

During the second week of September, the speech therapist teacher conducts a secondary in-depth examination of the oral speech of those children whom he selected for classes at the speech center during the preliminary examination. A secondary in-depth examination of children’s oral speech is carried out in a speech therapy room or in any convenient room of the school attached to the speech center during the second half of the day, i.e. after school.

Regular classes at the speech therapy center are held from September 16 to May 15.

The last two weeks of May (from May 16 to May 31) are reserved for examining the oral and written speech of students in grades 1-3 with the aim of pre-completing groups with writing and reading disorders for the new school year.

Methods and techniques for examining students’ oral and written speech are covered in detail in the section “Organization and methods for examining students’ oral and written speech.”

All organizational work of the speech therapist teacher, carried out from September 1 to 15 and from May 16 to 31, is recorded on the corresponding page of the “Attendance Log”.

By September 15, the speech therapist teacher completes the examination of students’ oral and written speech, finally completes groups and subgroups, determines the number of students for individual lessons and, based on this, draws up a lesson schedule and long-term plans for working with each group of students.

The class schedule is compiled based on the following time parameters:

lesson time for a group of 1st grade students is 35 minutes, for a group of 2nd-4th grade students - 45 minutes;

class time with a subgroup - 20-25 minutes;

The time for individual lessons is 15-20 minutes with each student.

Between group classes, breaks of 10-15 minutes are allowed, between subgroup classes - 5-10 minutes. The speech therapist teacher can use this period of time to check written work completed by students in class, record and

(Students in 4th grade are not surveyed due to the fact that they are moving to secondary school).

Page 7
analysis of the mistakes made in order to, when planning the next lesson, provide for work to correct these errors, as well as for other work at his discretion: a speech therapist can conduct a group of children and separate them into classes or, conversely, gather a group of children (this may be necessary in the first months of work with first-graders, especially 6-year-olds), prepare a board or lay out visuals and handouts for the next lesson, etc.

The speech therapist determines the number of working hours per day depending on the operating mode of the schools attached to the speech center (one shift or two shifts), the number of groups and subgroups, the presence of a branch, etc.

A prerequisite is speech therapy classes after school. Students who do not attend extended day groups come to classes from home. Pupils who attend extended day groups are sent by teachers of extended day groups to speech therapy classes from any scheduled moment in accordance with the schedule of speech therapy classes. This schedule should be known to teachers and be in each extended day group1.

The schedule of speech therapy classes is drawn up in such a way that each group of students studies 3 times a week, preferably at the same time. This is especially true for groups of 1st grade students. Classes with groups of 3rd grade students who have a writing disorder due to immaturity of phonemic processes, as well as classes with mixed groups of 2nd-3rd and 3rd-4th grade students who have a writing impairment due to immaturity of phonemic processes can be carried out 2 once a week. Work on correcting sound pronunciation in subgroups and individually is carried out at the discretion of the speech therapist 1-3 times a week in each subgroup or with each student, depending on the severity of the speech defect.

Note: taking into account the special mode of the school day for 1st (IV) grade students and their age-related psychological characteristics, it is advisable to conduct classes with groups of these students after naps, i.e. after 16 hours.


School holidays are always filled with various kinds of events that are organized and conducted by teachers.

Teachers of extended day groups do not have the right to detain a child or not

allow him to attend classes with a speech therapist due to his slow performance of homework

assignments or any other reason. Just like a primary school teacher does not

can independently decide whether his student should attend speech therapy

classes or not. If a speech therapist has conflicts of this kind, he reports

a memorandum on unauthorized actions of a teacher or teacher to the director

schools, and in case of failure to take proper measures - to the inspector of the district department of public education.

Page 8

Some students go during the holidays to camps, holiday homes, on excursions, etc., so speech therapy classes are not conducted during the holidays.

During the autumn holidays, the teacher-speech therapist conducts an examination of the state of written speech of students in grades 2-4 on written work in order to identify dysgraphic children and monitor students who previously studied at a speech therapy center. If there are free places in the group with a writing disorder, it is replenished with new students.

During the winter holidays, a speech therapist teacher examines the state of written speech of 1st (IV) grade students using copybooks and notebooks. In addition, he replenishes the equipment of the speech therapy room with the necessary visual aids, educational tables, posters, etc., visits the district (city) methodological office and fellow speech therapists to exchange work experience, conducts conversations and consultations for parents of students involved in speech therapy center.

In the event that there are no specialized speech therapy preschool institutions in the area of ​​the speech therapy center (or speech therapy groups at mass kindergartens) and there is no speech therapist in the district children's clinic, the teacher-speech therapist turns out to be the only speech therapist in the area, so during the spring holidays at school he conducts examinations of children in kindergartens closest to the speech therapy center. He checks the state of oral speech of children who will come to school in the fall. The speech therapist identifies children with speech disorders and makes an appropriate entry in the exchange medical records.

If there are other speech therapists in the school area (in preschool institutions or a children's clinic), then during the spring holidays it is advisable to carry out a method of association between speech therapists at school speech therapy centers and speech therapists at preschool institutions to develop measures to ensure continuity in the work of school and preschool speech therapists.

In addition to the work listed above, during school holidays, the teacher-speech therapist, as necessary, consults students studying at the speech therapy center with specialist doctors (psychoneurologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist), invites more experienced speech therapist colleagues for consultation on individual difficult children, or turns to with help from the Research Institute of Defectology of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. It is necessary to take into account that a child’s consultation with any medical specialist is possible only with the consent and in the presence of one of the parents or a person replacing them. If the parents or the person replacing them give their consent to the consultation, but cannot be present during it, the speech therapist must have a written statement that the parents allow the speech therapist to show the child to a specialist doctor (with a mandatory indication of which specialist). ).

Page 9

A speech therapist teacher can use vacation time to conduct speech therapy propaganda among parents and the population of the area.
WORK OF A Speech Pathologist TEACHER IN JUNE.

June is the most convenient time to improve the professional level of speech therapists. Therefore, it is advisable for district (city) methodological offices and teacher training institutes to organize month-long courses and seminars in June to exchange best practices. Similar seminars can be organized by senior speech therapists in their areas. Speech-language pathologist teachers can attend such seminars organized in other districts.

Mazanova E.V. School logo center. Documentation, planning and organization of correctional work: a methodological manual for speech therapists. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2009.

The purpose of this manual is to help the speech therapist organize and conduct diagnostic activities, as well as plan correctional work with children of primary school age.

The manual consists of three parts. The first part discusses the main regulatory documents that can guide a teacher-speech therapist at a school speech center. The second part of the manual proposes a program for overcoming five forms of dysgraphia. The third part examines the system of correctional work for all five forms of dysgraphia.

The book is addressed to speech therapists of general education and special schools of various types; primary school teachers and Russian language teachers; students and parents.



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To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.