Are there any holidays in July? Children's educational games, lessons, crafts. Cooperatives in the modern world

July 2, 2018- International Day of Sports Journalists (since 1995 by decision of the International Sports Press Association).

July 2, 2018- International Day of Sports Journalists /since 1995/;

July 3, 2018 - 135 years since the birth of Franz Kafka (1883–1924), Austrian writer;

July 4, 2018 - 100 years since the birth of P.D. Kogan (1918–1942), Russian poet;

July 5, 2018 - 225 years since the birth of P.I. Pestel (1793–1826), Russian Decembrist;

July 5, 2018 - 110 years since the birth of V.G. Suteev (1903–1993), children's writer, artist and illustrator;

July 5, 2018 - 75 years ago the Battle of Kursk began (1943);

July 6, 2018 - World Kissing Day, which was first invented in the UK, and then it was approved by the United Nations;

July 7, 2018 - Day of Military Glory of Russia: Day of the victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish fleet in the Battle of Chesma (1770);

July 7, 2018 - 155 years since the birth of V.L. Durova (1863–1934), circus performer;

July 10, 2018 - 100 years since the birth of D. Aldridge (1918–2015), English writer;

July 10, 2018 – Military Glory Day. Victory of the Russian army under the command of Peter I over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709);

July 11, 2018 - World Chocolate Day. It was first coined by the French in 1995;

July 13, 2018 - 205 years since the birth of N.L. Benois (1813–1898), Russian architect4

July 13, 2018 - 95 years since the birth of M.I. Pugovkina (1923–2008), Russian actor;

July 13, 2018 - 90 years since the birth of V.S. Pikul (1928 – 1990), Russian writer;

July 14, 2018 - 275 years since the birth of G.R. Derzhavin (1743–1816), classic of Russian literature;

July 14, 2018 - 115 years since the birth of E. Stone (1903–1989), American novelist;

July 14, 2018 - 100 years since the birth of Ingmar Bergman (1918–2007), Swedish film director;

July 14, 2018 - 90 years since the birth of N.V. Dumbadze (1928–1984), Georgian writer;

July 15, 2018 - 165 years since the birth of M.N. Ermolova (1853–1928), Russian actress;

July 15, 2018 - 110 years since the birth of B.L. Gorbatov (1908–1954), Russian writer;

July 16, 2018 - 145 years since the birth of A.V. Nezhdanova (1873–1950), Russian singer;

July 16, 2018 - 90 years since the birth of A.D. Dementyev (1928), Russian poet;

July 16, 2018 - 90 years since the birth of R. Sheckley (1928–2005), American science fiction writer;

July 17, 2018 - 95 years since the birth of E.I. Osetrova (1923–1993), writer and historian;

July 19, 2018 - 125 years since the birth of V.V. Mayakovsky (1893 – 1930), Russian poet;

July 19, 2018 - 115 years since the birth of O.I. Vysotskaya (1903–1970), children's writer;

July 19, 2018 - 90 years since the birth of V.I. Porudominsky (1928), children's writer and popularizer;

July 20, 2018 - International Chess Day. Celebrated by decision of the World Chess Federation since 1966;

July 20, 2018 - 115 years since the birth of G.A. Skrebitsky (1903-1964), naturalist writer;

July 21, 2018 - 120 years since the birth of L. S. Sobolev (1898–1971), Russian writer;

July 21, 2018 - 115 years since the birth of N. A. Sokolov (1903–2000), artist, graphic artist, member of the Kukryniksy creative union;

July 21, 2018 - 85th anniversary of the birth of D. Gardner (1933–1982), American writer;

July 21, 2018 - 80 years since the birth of Nani Georgievna Bregvadze (1938), Georgian singer;

July 22, 2018 - Trade Worker's Day(established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2013 N 459 “On Trade Worker Day”);

July 22, 2018 - 140 years since the birth of J. Korczak (1878–1942), Polish teacher and writer;

July 23, 2018 - 115 years since the birth of I.E. Vsevolozhsky (1903), children's writer;

July 24, 2018 - 190 years since the birth of N.G. Chernyshevsky (1828–1889), Russian writer, literary critic;

July 25, 2018 - 125 years since the birth of B.V. Ioganson (1893–1973), Soviet painter;

July 27, 2018 - 165 years since the birth of V.G. Korolenko (1853–1921), Russian writer;

July 28, 2018 - Day of the Baptism of Rus'. On this day, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the day of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, the baptist of Rus';

July 29, 2018 - 100 years since the birth of V.D. Dudintsev (1918–1998), Russian writer;

July 30, 2018 - Navy Day (since 1939 on the last Sunday of July);

July 30, 2018 - 120 years since the birth of Henry Moore (1898–1986), English sculptor;

July 30, 2018 - 90 years since the birth of L.A. Tokmakov (1928–2010), artist and illustrator of children's books;

It is not surprising, but it is a fact that July seems to be taking a break from the holidays: in other months, significant and memorable events of international and domestic scale go beyond a hundred, and in the second month of summer there are barely three dozen.

It turns out that the vast majority of humanity is resting, going on vacation, and the month of July tends to bother itself less with various important events. Nevertheless, they do exist.

And several of them fall on July 2. With International Cooperative Day, everything is clear. Especially in the agricultural sector - they feed the people. Under Soviet rule, for example, there were collective farms (kolkhozes), then they were replaced by state farms. Now there are entire agricultural complexes that produce and process products and have their own branded stores selling them. Cooperation is widespread in trade and other industries.
Everything is clear and Happy World UFO Day. Many in different countries, it seems, saw numerous objects flying in the sky, but scientists have not determined their essence - either messengers of the Cosmos, brothers in mind, or the same rocket launched for the purpose of testing, and so on and so forth . Cosmonauts are also at a loss: they recorded UFOs rapidly flying past their ships, but they still haven’t decided on the essence and origin of unidentified objects.
July 2 is also known for its other truly wonderful holiday - International Sports Journalist Day. And really, how can we do this without the sports press? Especially when the Summer or Winter Olympic Games, football or hockey battles for the World or European Championships, and other prestigious cups take place. On our planet, every day there are competitions - in swimming, including synchronized skating, figure skating, tennis - you can’t list them all. In the world of elite sports, Soviet and Russian commentators are well known - Nikolai Ozerov, Alexey Popov, Vladimir Gomelsky, Dmitry Guberniev, Vladimir Stognichenko, Viktor Gusev - and how many of them are still heard today?! Plus a great many foreign sports commentators. And real masters of the pen, specializing in sports topics and even publishing reputable books on it that sell like hot cakes. This holiday is loved both in our country and in near and far abroad!
July 7 - Ivan Kupala - the grandest holiday of the Eastern Slavs in honor of the summer solstice and the peak of nature's flowering. It contains shades of both Christianity and paganism. There are many beliefs around him. It is on the night of Ivan Kupala that a flower of magical power may appear on a fern. And everyone who plucks it begins to understand the language of animals, becomes perspicacious, and easily sees treasures buried in the ground. The symbol of the holiday is the Ivan da Marya flower, symbolizing the union of water and fire. Bonfires on the banks of rivers and other bodies of water, jumping over them, mass bathing, seem to cleanse the souls of people. And the wreaths on the heads of beauties made of wild flowers scare the evil spirits to death, and can even reward the betrothed. The kids are generally cheerful and cheerful on this day. They run around the streets with buckets, watering cans, pots, kettles, and well, douse passers-by with cool water from head to toe. And this pampering is not forbidden to them - such is the custom! Before Ivan Kupala, it is generally necessary to atone oneself in order to cleanse the soul and heart of all evil spirits.
July 10 is Russian Post Day. How can you live without her?! Of course, now we have the Internet, active instant messaging instead of even air letters that take a long time to reach you. But no one has yet canceled parcels or, for example, money transfers. And government officials continue to exchange telegrams sent through the postal service on one or another important occasion. And epistolary art is still in demand. It's nice to receive a letter, a greeting card, written by hand - they have a living, kindred spirit, more pleasant than the dry and mean lines of Internet correspondence!
On July 10, another wonderful national holiday is celebrated - the Day of Military Glory - the Battle of Poltava. The Northern War lasted more than two decades (1700 - 1721). The Battle of Poltava stands apart in it. The Swedes were led into battle by King Charles XII, having at his disposal 24 thousand infantry and 20 thousand cavalry. Mazepa actively helped him. They were opposed by our Menshikov, Sheremetev, Bruce, and also with infantry, cavalry and artillery, and Peter the Great led the entire battle, which lasted only two hours. He did not flinch even when an enemy bullet pierced his hat. The Russians prevailed over the Swedes. They found eight thousand killed and three thousand captured. The enemy treasury also became Menshikov's trophy - 400 thousand rubles for Charles XII and 4,300 for adversary Mazepa. Let's add to what has been said - the devastating battle for the Swedes took place in 1709 and according to their calendar on June 28.
July 17 is the birthday of the naval aviation of the Russian Navy. In fact, it is more fair to consider that naval aviation appeared in the Navy of the Fatherland several years earlier. Namely, on August 6, 1912, the first military seaplane was lowered onto the waters of the Rowing Canal in St. Petersburg. However, historians insist that the real birthday of our military naval aviation is precisely July 17, 1916, when Russian naval military pilots in the skies over the Baltic won a victory over their rivals, the German aces. As for the Russian Navy itself, it appeared already in 1695 on the Sea of ​​Azov. And the first military airplane was flown by none other than Lieutenant Stanislav Drozhansky. At the same time, the exact date is known - September 16, 1910. Eight years later, our naval forces already had 76 seaplanes at their disposal. During the Great Patriotic War, aircraft of the USSR Navy carried out over 35 thousand combat missions. We shot down five and a half thousand enemy aircraft in the sky. Now we have four navies - the Pacific, Black Sea, Baltic and Northern, and all of them are supported by aviation.
July 20 is International Chess Day. Statistics estimate that today over 605 million people of all ages and different nationalities play this most exciting game in the world. The holiday has been celebrated on the initiative of the World Chess Federation (FIDE) since 1961. The planet is proud of chess champions of different years - Levon Aronian, Vladimir Kramnik, Adolf Andersen, Elizaveta Bykova, Henry Bird, Anatoly Karpov and other celebrities who won world champion titles in this oldest and smartest game!
July 28 is the Day of the Baptism of Rus'. The holiday is very young, introduced by Presidential Decree in 2010. In honor of the memory of the equally apostolic Prince Vladimir, also known among us under the name Red Sun, the grandson of Grand Duchess Olga, wife of the illustrious Prince Igor, who was baptized back in 955 in Constantinople. Ruled Russia from 945 to 962. We have had a state religion since 988. Now the church is separated from the state, but plays a very significant role in the spiritual development of society. The number of believers exceeds seventy percent of the total population, despite the fact that in Russia there are several faiths - Christians, Muslims, Catholics, Jews, and so on. Christians make up the absolute majority.
July 31 is the Day of the Maritime Fleet of the Russian Federation. Established by Presidential Decree in 2006. Although it has been celebrated in the USSR since 1939. We acquired the first ship "Eagle" (named after the coat of arms of the state) under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich back in 1669. And under Emperor Peter the Great, by 1700 we already had forty sailing and 113 rowing ships. We have come a long way since then - modern Russia today has four of the most powerful fleets in the world - the Baltic, Pacific, Northern, Black Sea plus the Caspian Flotilla.

There are no red days in the calendar in July, but there are enough holidays this month. Of course, celebrating every day with children is very problematic, and it is not necessary. Choose several interesting dates that will be of interest to both you and the children, and having prepared in advance, organize a real holiday. And it doesn’t matter whether it is marked in red on the calendar or not, whether it is celebrated around the world, in Russia or in one particular African country - the main thing is your desire. There are memorable dates in July that can also be celebrated in a fun, useful and interesting way.

July 1

July 3

July 4th

July 5

  • 5.07.1901 - Sergei Obraztsov’s birthday

In 1931, Sergei Obraztsov created a unique puppet theater. There is a reason to go to a puppet theater or do theatrical performances at home. If you don’t yet have a home puppet theater, let’s make one

July 6

  • 6.07.1916 - Marc Chagall's birthday.

Let's get acquainted with the paintings and draw with the children.

July 7

July 8

July 10

  • Russian Military Glory Day - Day of the victory of the Russian army under the command of Peter I over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava. The Battle of Poltava, a decisive episode of the Great Northern War, took place on July 8 (June 27, old style) 1709. The Russian army of Peter I and the Swedish army of Charles XII took part in it.

July 11

  • Russian Post Day

How long have you used Russian Post? This is the one whose blue boxes can still be found in the city. Before mailboxes are completely removed, send letters to your loved ones, even if they live in the same apartment with you. Remember how nice it is sometimes to look into your mailbox and find not only bills there, but also news from relatives.

July 12

July 13

July 14

  • 14.07.1862 - Gustav Klimt's birthday

We are looking through an art album with paintings by Gustav Klimt.

July 15

  • 15.07.1606 - Birthday of Harmens Rembrandt

We take out Rembrandt reproductions and hang them on the wall. You can go to the museum.

July 17

  • 17.07.1846 - Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay was born

The birthday of the scientist and traveler Miklouho-Maclay is a professional holiday for ethnographers. Ethnography is a science that studies the life and customs of peoples, their material and spiritual culture. On this day you can visit the ethnographic museum.

July 18

  • Metallurgist Day
  • 18.07.1985 - The first Tetris was created

Who among us has not played Tetris? Do you know that Alexey Pajitnov was inspired to invent Tetris by a puzzle. We buy or make our own Tetris prototype and solve puzzles with the whole family.

July 19

  • 19.07.1893 - Birthday of Vladimir Mayakovsky

We learn and recite poems correctly. We are organizing a poetry evening.

What kind of Russian person doesn’t like holidays? The heart sings, the soul smiles. These days I want to live with even more pleasure. What holidays await Russians in the hot summer month of July? Let's talk about it.

Celebration of Cooperatives

The day of this international holiday in Russia is July 1. People first started talking about cooperatives in 1844 in England. It was there that English weavers from Rochdale created the first small cooperative.

It is believed that it was with this step that the era of economic freedom and independence of the working population began.

Fifty years later, the International Co-operative Alliance was organized in London, which was independent of government influence and worked closely with the United Nations (UN).

In 1995, the UN put forward an initiative to celebrate the centenary of the formation of the alliance, which was celebrated on the first Saturday of July. This was the first number. At this point, the cooperative alliance had approximately 760 million members in 100 different countries.

The cooperative's activities are based on respect, shared responsibility, equality, solidarity and justice.

Cooperatives in the modern world

Today their activities are aimed at the struggle for employment and prosperity, and at the revival of spiritual values. In addition, cooperatives provide all kinds of services for the population of their country, so cooperative day is a holiday. In Russia, on July 1, it is celebrated by all people whose fate is connected with cooperatives.

Modern cooperatives provide Russians with 170,000 services, divided into more than 130 types. In Russia, cooperation is developing even in its most remote corners. For example, it is common practice for the elderly population in rural areas, far from civilization, to issue goods on credit until they receive a pension.

International Cooperative Day is equivalent to the July holidays in Russia. This was done with the aim of drawing attention to these organizations and expanding links with governmental and non-governmental organizations and cooperative movements.

Professional holiday of traffic police workers

Due to the fact that the number of motorists is increasing every year, traffic police officers play an invaluable role in regulating traffic and suppressing deviations from the general rules of behavior on the road.

You should not envy the guards of the road; their work is very difficult and dangerous. They have to stand on the road both on hot summer days and in winter frosts, while constantly fulfilling the plan for penalties. And all around, car owners and pedestrians constantly violate traffic rules.

Despite the fact that they are constantly criticized by car owners, it is difficult to imagine what would happen on the roads without their participation. Therefore, they have the right to have their own holiday.

A little history

Traffic police inspectors have been celebrating their holiday in Russia since 1936. On July 3, the first State Traffic Inspectorate was founded under the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also on this day, the Regulations on the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia of the NKVD of the USSR were approved.

The inspectors' task was to suppress emergency situations on the road. In addition, they took into account vehicles and developed technical standards for the operation of vehicles.

As soon as this service began performing its duties, signs and markings appeared on the roads indicating the behavior of car owners on the road. And by the beginning of the 40s, traffic rules were developed and a single model of a driver’s license was established.

From 1998 to 2002, the traffic police was called the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (GIBDD), but somehow the name did not stick and every citizen of Russia calls it whatever they want.

Statistics show that the number of road accidents has decreased due to strict control over drunk drivers. However, the number of vehicle thefts has increased, so road inspectors can only dream of peace.

We wish all traffic inspectors good luck in their difficult work and instruct them to celebrate their holiday in July in Russia with passion and scope.

What's so memorable about the 4th of July?

Our neighbors, the Ukrainians, celebrate Forensic Expert Day on the Fourth of July. We don’t have any international days. Of course, we can remember the day of remembrance of the genocide of Jews during the Great Patriotic War. This holiday is celebrated on the 4th of July in Israel.

Let us note that on this day the Orthodox Church remembers the following saints:

  1. Hieromartyr Terenty.
  2. Bishop of Iconium.
  3. Hieromartyr John Budrin.
  4. Archimandrite Danilovsky.
  5. Martyr Nikita Sukharev.
  6. Hieromartyrs Alexy Skvortsov.
  7. Venerable Maximus the Greek.

If we turn to folk signs, then on this day it is worth collecting linden blossoms to make healthy tea from it. The holiday in Russia on July 4th is popularly called Terenty's Day.

A holiday of love, family and fidelity

The folk Orthodox holiday Peter and Fevronya Day is usually celebrated on July 8th. We first learned about a holiday in Russia called the Day of Love, Family and Fidelity in 2008. Since then, this number has been assigned to this family holiday.

On March 26, 2008, the Federation Council decided to designate the eighth of July as the Day of Love and Fidelity. State Duma deputies approved it, and all religious organizations in Russia supported this decision, because each religion has its own examples emphasizing ideal family relationships. Moreover, July 8 coincides with the day of honoring the famous married couple Peter and Fevronya Muromsky, whose fidelity deserves admiration.

Who are they - Peter and Fevronya?

Prince Peter ascended the throne in the city of Murom in 1203. He was the second son of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. The story goes that when Peter fell ill with leprosy, he had a dream in which he was told that in order to be cured of the disease he must marry a peasant woman from the village of Laskova, which is located on Ryazan land. That girl's name was Fevronya.

Fevronya was a good-natured, wise and beautiful girl who understood the language of wild animals, knew how to use medicinal herbs and had the ability to get rid of all sorts of diseases.

To heal, Peter left his throne, since the rebellious boyars did not want to see Fevronya next to the Grand Duke, and lived with her as a commoner.

At this time, Murom was trembling in the struggle for the throne, which had become vacant, and the boyars moved in search of Peter. Prince Peter and Princess Fevronya returned together. Thanks to her kindness and her deeds, she was able to win the love of the people of Murom.

When the couple reached old age, they took monastic vows in different monasteries and asked God to allow them to die on the same day. They wished to be buried in one stone tomb with a thin partition.

They gave their souls to God on June 25, 1228. According to the new calendar, this day falls on July 8th. They were buried in Murom, in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The symbols of this holiday are daisies and a bear, which are given to the best families of Russia on this significant day.

Flight Attendant Holiday

People of the most romantic professions - flight attendants and stewards - celebrate their professional holiday in Russia on July 12.

They are otherwise called flight attendants. Their activities are aimed at ensuring the comfort and safety of citizens during flights on airliners.

On the same date, Orthodox holidays in July in Russia include Peter's Day or Peter and Paul. This day marks the end of Peter's Fast and it is customary to wash with water from three springs.

Congratulations to trade workers

Trade workers celebrate their professional day annually on the fourth Saturday of July. In 2017 it is a holiday on July 22 in Russia. In Ukraine, this holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday of the hottest summer month.

Women are most often found in this profession. In ancient times, this work was considered worthy. It was accepted that if a person is engaged in trade, it means that he has a good mind and has weight in society.

In modern Russia, a large number of people work in trade, who necessarily possess such qualities as politeness, understanding and calmness.

Memorial Day of St. Stephen of Makhrishchi

Stefan Makhrishchsky was the interlocutor of St. Sergius of Radonezh. He built a monastery on the Makhru River, as he always strived for solitude. Stefan always helped people who came to him.

After his death, he still helps people who turn to him in prayer. People order his icons and try to visit the monastery he founded. This is the Holy Trinity Stefano-Makhrishchsky stauropegial convent, which is located in the Vladimir region in the village of Makhra.

Day of Akila, Watches

Aquila was a disciple of one of the 12 apostles who were disciples of Jesus.

On this day, the farmers established peace with the owner of the fields. They did this, hoping that the field would provide them with a good harvest the next year. To do this, at the end of the harvest, they left a bunch of rye on the last strip, and a pot of porridge in front of the strip.

This day was called patrols due to the fact that summer was ending and often strong winds could ruin the harvest, so they had to keep an eye on the field, that is, be on patrol.

Celebrating tigers

The initiative to create Tiger Day came from the countries in which these animals live and breed. The purpose of creating an international day is to draw attention to the population of these predatory animals.

Tiger Day is celebrated in different ways around the world, but mostly on this day they honor animals in zoos and treat them with delicacies.

Celebrating Finogei Day

Among the holidays in July, Finogei Day is also distinguished. This is a national holiday celebrated on July 29th.

On this day they commemorate the Hieromartyr Athenogenes and his disciples who died for the Christian faith.

A few final words

Russians are proud of the variety of holidays they celebrate throughout the year, and the July holidays in Russia are no exception. Summer time is rich in its professional, folk and Orthodox holidays. Study every significant date, because this is the heritage and history of our country.

Holidays in July 2019

Combat Veterans Day - July 1st holiday

Meeting every morning with a clear understanding that nothing threatens us is a habit for us, something ordinary and even commonplace. But in fact, this is great happiness! And we must thank the people who defended their native spaces with their breasts for such a wonderful gift.

Holidays in July 2019

International Sports Journalist Day - July 2

On July 2, “sharks of the pen” all over the planet are happy to raise a glass to their own health and success in connection with their professional holiday - International Sports Journalist Day. Not everyone can learn to write high-quality articles - for this you need to possess not only certain professional skills, but also talent.

Holidays in July 2019

International Ufologist Day - holiday July 2

World UFO Day or World UFO Day, as it sounds in the language of polite Britons and relaxed Americans, is a professional holiday of people involved in the study of paranormal phenomena and objects from other galaxies. It is celebrated starting from the first year of the new millennium.

Holidays in July 2019

Day of Workers of the State Automobile Inspectorate - holiday July 3

In Russia, July 3 is celebrated annually as the Day of Workers of the State Automobile Inspectorate (SAI). The first traffic police appeared in the capital back in 1919. It was formed under the automobile unit of the transport department of the Moscow City Council.

Holidays in July 2019

International Cooperative Day - July 6, 2019

In Soviet times, such associations as collective farms existed in our country. The definition of this term is as follows: “collective farming”. And today these organizations are quite common throughout Russia - in essence, modern livestock and crop production sectors are based on their functioning.

Holidays in July 2019

World Kissing Day - holiday on July 6, the history of the appearance of the kiss

World Kissing Day is celebrated annually on July 6th. This unofficial holiday originated in the late 19th century in Great Britain. And about twenty years ago it was approved by the United Nations. A kiss is traditionally considered one of the most important manifestations of love and tenderness.

Holidays in July 2019

Ivan Kupala - July 7 holiday, history, traditions and rituals

The holiday of July 7, Ivan Kupala is also often called Midsummer's Day. It came to us from ancient times and was celebrated earlier in almost all European countries. Midsummer's Day has always been filled with various rituals that are associated with water, fire and herbs. The history of the name of the holiday is quite interesting.

Holidays in July 2019

Sea and River Fleet Workers Day - holiday July 7, 2019

Sea and River Fleet Workers' Day is a professional holiday for sea and river fleet workers, celebrated every year on the first Sunday of July. And in 2019 this holiday falls on July 7th.