Cash transactions of the account. What primary accounting documents are used to document cash transactions? Cash transactions: cash payment limit

The cash register occupies a significant place in accounting - after all, inspectors pay special attention to the correct display of cash transactions. How to properly organize the work of a cash register in the accounting of an enterprise and individual entrepreneur, read further in the article.

Cash and accounting - what are the rules of reflection?

In accounting, cash transactions are reflected using account 50. Cash transactions are considered to be all actions performed with cash and monetary documents in a company and any entrepreneur.

What kind of operations these are, you will learn from our article “The concept and types of cash transactions (legal regulation)”.

Account 50 is active, its debit reflects the receipt of assets, and its credit reflects the disposal. Depending on the type of business operation, account 50 can correspond with many accounting accounts.

So, for example, the posting of cash (withdrawal from a bank account) at the enterprise’s cash desk is reflected as follows: Dt 50 Kt 51. And vice versa, the delivery of cash to the bank from the enterprise’s cash desk is Dt 51 Kt 50.

The receipt of cash from the buyer in payment for goods/services is reflected as follows: Dt 50 Kt 62. Cash settlement with the supplier is formalized by posting Dt 60 Kt 50. In this case, it is necessary to comply with the limits for cash settlements between legal entities established by the Bank of Russia in clause 6 of the instructions from 07.10.2013 No. 3073-U.

Receipt of credit funds to the cash desk - Dt 50 Kt 66 (67), loan repayment by depositing cash from the cash desk - Dt 66 (67) Kt 50.

Payment of wages to employees from the cash register is Dt 70 Kt 50, and cash settlements with the founders by paying dividends are Dt 75 Kt 50. The issuance of cash to the report is reflected by posting Dt 71 Kt 50, and the return to the cash register from the report of the balance of the unspent amount is reflected as follows: Dt 50 Kt 71.

The sale of fixed assets for cash is formalized by posting Dt 50 Kt 62, and the entry of proceeds from retail sales to the cash desk - Dt 50 Kt 90.

Details on conducting cash transactions in companies are contained in the BR Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Directive).

Balance limit

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Directive, any enterprise planning to carry out cash transactions must set a limit of funds for storage in a place specially established by management (cash desk).

The cash balance limit is displayed at the end of the working day by adding up the total in the cash book. At the same time, individual entrepreneurs and small businesses may not set limits at their cash registers.

To determine the maximum allowable cash balance in the cash register (limit - Lim), data on the type of activity of the company is used, and the formula is also taken into account:

Lim = Vyr/RP × DSB,

Vyr - the volume of cash received during the billing period, received from the sale of goods/products, performance of work/services;

RP - settlement period, measured in working days, during which the company will accumulate cash (for legal entities - no longer than 92 days);

DSB - frequency of depositing money to the bank (for example, if money is deposited every two days, then the indicator is 2).

For the second method of calculating the cash balance limit, see.

Accumulation of money in the cash register in excess of the established limit is not allowed, except on days when salaries and social payments are paid.

To hand over money to the bank or to collectors for transportation to a banking institution, the enterprise appoints a special representative whose powers include the specified responsibilities. Such a representative, as a rule, receives authority after the head of the enterprise issues a corresponding order.

To carry out work at the cash desk, the head of the enterprise (or the individual entrepreneur himself) appoints special responsible employees - cashiers, whose responsibilities include working with cash and ensuring the fulfillment of all established cash norms. Each cashier gets acquainted with the list of his job responsibilities upon signature.

Documentation of cash transactions

When cash is received, cash orders are used, filled out according to f. 0310001; for expenses - expense orders according to f. 0310002. In this case, individual entrepreneurs may not draw up cash documents (orders) and registers (cash book), as mentioned in paragraphs. 4.1, 4.6 Instructions.

The execution of cash documents is entrusted to the chief accountant, as well as to the accountant, cashier, or other person (official or individual entrusted with accounting), whose responsibilities include conducting cash transactions. The manager draws up cash documents if there is no chief accountant, cashier or other person authorized to conduct cash transactions on staff (at the workplace) (clause 4.2 of the Directive).

Cash register documents are signed by the chief accountant or an authorized accountant and cashier, and in their absence, by the head of the enterprise. The cashier must have his own seal with details confirming the conduct of cash transactions, and sample signatures of officials authorized to sign cash documents.

If there is a senior cashier on staff, then the fact of his transfer/acceptance of money to/from the cashier is reflected in the cash book according to f. 0310005. Each entry on the movement of funds between the senior cashier and cashiers is confirmed by their signatures.

A special place (room) is allocated for the cash register, in which the safety of both cash and cash documents can be ensured.

The responsibilities of the cashier include not only counting the cash arriving at the cash register, but also checking the cash document for compliance with the sample, the presence of reliable signatures and the accuracy of the indicated amount. In addition, the availability of supporting documentation listed in the order is checked. Cash is accepted by counting, and the person depositing funds into the cash register must observe the counting process.

Accounting for cash received at the cash desk is kept in the cash book, prepared according to f. 0310004. In this case, each entry in this register is made by the cashier on the basis of each cash order (f. 0310001 and 0310002). The cashier must withdraw the balance in the cash register at the end of each working day - the final entry is made in f. 0310004 and certified by his signature. If there were no cash transactions during the day, then no entries are made in the book.

At the end of his working day, the cashier must verify all entries made in f. 0310004, with the available cash documents, withdraw the balance and put your signature. Also, the reconciliation must be carried out and signed in the book by the chief accountant or responsible accountant.

Cash documents and registers can be issued in paper or electronic form. In this case, paper documents can be drawn up using typewriting or filled out by hand. Signatures on paper documents must be affixed by hand.

Corrections cannot be made to cash documents. In registers, corrections are acceptable, but it is necessary that the date of the correction be indicated, as well as the initials and signature of the employee making the corrections.

To prepare cash documents and registers in electronic format, special technical means are used to ensure the protection of records from unauthorized corrections and distortions of information, as well as to identify the responsible person. Once such documents have been digitally signed, they cannot be corrected.


Reflection of cash transactions in accounting is carried out using active accounting account 50. In this case, the receipt of cash (monetary documents) is recorded as a debit, and the disposal as a credit.

Each enterprise and individual entrepreneur is required to comply with cash discipline and the rules prescribed in the Directive of the Central Bank dated March 11, 2014 No. 3210-U. This regulatory document also presents samples of unified forms, the use of which is mandatory for everyone except individual entrepreneurs (they are exempt from maintaining a cash book and receipt and expense orders).

Objectives and principles of cash accounting. The objectives of cash accounting are:

    Complete and timely registration of transactions related to the movement of working capital at the cash desk and in bank accounts.

    Control over the availability of funds, their safety and intended use.

    Complete, timely and correct reflection in the accounting registers of current transactions for the receipt and disposal of this capital.

    Monitoring compliance with settlement, payment and budget discipline.

    Control over the timely return to the bank of amounts not used for their intended purpose in accordance with the allocated limits and estimates.

    Correct and timely inventory of cash, transactions on bank accounts and reflection of its results in accounting.

The solution to these problems largely depends on strict adherence to the following basic principles of cash accounting:

    Free funds must be kept only in the bank, and their issuance and use are carried out in accordance with their intended purpose.

    Payments are made by bank transfer after shipment of inventory items, performance of work and provision of services or simultaneously with them. Advance payment is allowed only in cases provided for by law and the organization’s accounting policies.

    Payments are made with the consent (acceptance) of the payer or on his instructions; without consent - only in cases provided for by current legislation.

    Payments are made at the expense of the payer’s own funds or through bank loans.

    Funds are written off from the account in an amount sufficient to satisfy all requirements for the organization, carried out in the order in which the client's orders and other documents for write-off are received.

    The insufficiency of funds in the organization's account to satisfy all the requirements placed on it causes the write-off of these funds by applying the established order of payments.

Repayment of claims in the calendar order of receipt of documents provides for the satisfaction of these claims by writing off funds related to one queue.

Storing funds. To receive, store and spend cash, businesses must have a cash register.

Storing cash and other valuables that do not belong to the enterprise in the cash register is prohibited.

In the event of a cashier suddenly leaving work (illness, etc.), the valuables under his account are immediately recalculated by another cashier, to whom they are transferred, in the presence of the head and chief accountant of the organization or in the presence of a commission of persons appointed by the head of the organization. An act signed by the indicated persons is drawn up on the result of the recalculation and transfer of valuables.

In small enterprises that do not have a cashier on staff, the latter’s duties can be performed by the chief accountant or another employee by written order of the head of the organization, subject to the conclusion of a liability agreement with him.

Accounting for cash transactions is carried out in accordance with the “Procedure for conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation, letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated September 22, 1993 No. 40.”

The procedure for conducting cash transactions is regulated by the Central Bank (CB) of Russia.

Cash transactions are the most numerous and most common in an enterprise. Their accounting is accompanied by the preparation of documents, the main of which are:

    agreement on full individual responsibility of the cashier;

    cash receipt order (form No. KO-1, (Appendix 1);

    expense cash order (form No. KO-2), (Appendix 2);

    journal for registering incoming and outgoing cash orders (form No. KO-3);

    payroll (form No. T-53);

    advance report (form No. AO-1), (Appendix 3).;

    announcement for cash contribution (form No. 0402001);

    cash book (form No. KO-4) (Appendix 4);

    book of accounting of funds accepted and issued by the cashier (form No. KO-5);

    act of checking the cash register (form No. KM-9);

    act of inventory of funds at the cash desk (form No. INV-15).

The main feature of maintaining and filling out cash documents is that blots are not allowed in them. If an error is made during registration, the incorrectly written number must be crossed out with one line (so that the incorrect entry is visible), and the correct result must be written on top. In addition, the entry “Corrected Believe” is made, the signatures of the responsible persons (cashier and chief accountant or cashier and manager) are affixed, and the signatures are certified by the seal of the enterprise.

Cash accounting is carried out on an active synthetic account 50 “Cash”. The debit records the receipt of funds in the cash register, and the credit records the outflow of funds from the cash register.

Sub-accounts can be opened for account 50 “Cashier”:

    50-1 “Organization cash desk”;

    50- “Operating cash desk”;

    50-3 “Cash documents”, etc.

In subaccount 50-1 “Cash of the organization” the cash in the cash register is taken into account. If an organization carries out cash transactions with foreign currency, then subaccounts are opened to account 50 “Cash” for separate accounting of the movement of each cash foreign currency.

Subaccount 50-2 “Operating cash desk” takes into account the availability and movement of funds in the cash desks of commodity offices (piers) and operational areas, stopping points, river crossings, ships, ticket and baggage offices of ports, train stations, etc. This sub-account is opened by organizations if necessary.

Subaccount 50-3 “Cash documents” takes into account postal and bill stamps in the organization’s cash desk, paid air tickets and other monetary documents.

Any cash receipt (revenue, amounts from accountable persons and buyers, loans from individuals, money from a bank by check, etc.) is formalized by a cash receipt order, consisting of a direct cash receipt order and a receipt for it.

The cash receipt order is issued by the accounting employee in one copy and signed by the chief accountant.

The second part of the cash receipt order is its detachable part and serves as a supporting document of the person who deposited cash into the cash register. The receipt is signed by the chief accountant, certified by the seal (stamp) of the cashier and registered in the Journal of registration of incoming and outgoing cash documents. After this, the receipt is handed over to the person who deposited the money, and the cash receipt order with the “Received” stamp canceled is attached to the document that served as the basis for the business transaction for the receipt of funds.

After checking the compliance of the records, the cash receipt order is signed by the chief accountant.

The issuance of cash from the cash register is formalized by an outgoing cash order, taking into account the same requirements that apply to issuing a cash receipt order. In addition to the chief accountant, the cash receipt order is also signed by the head of the enterprise.

Cash can be issued from the cash register using other documents: invoices, applications for cash withdrawal, etc.

The documents that were the basis for the issuance of money are canceled by placing a “Paid” stamp on them, indicating the details of the cash receipt for the total amount of payment for each document. This procedure is carried out in order to exclude the reuse of payment documents.

One-time payments of money from the cash register to individuals are made using cash receipts.

The primary accounting documents confirming the expenditure of cash are a copy of a sales receipt, an invoice, reports of accountable persons on the expenditure of received cash, an agreement (contract) for individual transactions between legal entities.

Cash orders are accepted and issued only on the day they are issued. On the same day, the cashier reports to the accounting department about the cash flow for the current working day.

All incoming and outgoing cash orders after their issuance are registered in the Journal of Registration of Incoming and Outgoing Cash Documents, which is maintained in chronological order.

After recording in the Journal of registration of cash receipts and expenditures, the specified documents or payment (settlement and payment) statements replacing them, applications for the issuance of money, invoices and other documents are used to fill out the Cash Book.

The cash book is an accounting register of strict accountability. That's why it's numbered and laced. Its last page is certified by a seal indicating the following entry: “This book has __ sheets numbered and laced together” and confirmed by the signatures of the manager and chief accountant.

Entries in the cash book are made in duplicate using carbon paper. The tear-off sheets of the cash book are a report. The first copies and tear-off sheets are numbered with the same numbers. Entries in the cash book are made immediately at the time of receipt or disposal of funds. At the end of the working day, the total of transactions for the day is summed up and the balance of money in the cash register at the end of the day is determined.

Accounting processing of a cash report consists of carefully checking the correctness of the execution of incoming and outgoing cash documents, the correspondence of the entries in the report with the data of the documents attached to it, calculations of the results of transactions for the day and balances at the beginning and end of the working day. The amounts of cash received and deposited at bank institutions are reconciled with the corresponding bank statements for current and other accounts. After checking the cash report, the numbers of the corresponding accounts are entered in a special column of the report.

The calculation for establishing a cash balance limit for an enterprise is carried out in thousands of rubles. Based on the amount of cash revenue for the last 3 months, average daily and average hourly revenue are calculated:

Average daily revenue =

Average hourly revenue =

The indicator “Average daily revenue consumption” is calculated using the formula:

Along with the use of Russian currency, an organization, due to the nature of its activities, can carry out certain transactions in foreign currency in settlements between resident legal entities on the basis of agreements (contracts) concluded between them. Accounting for cash transactions in foreign currency is carried out in accordance with the Bank of Russia Instruction “On the procedure for resident legal entities to carry out purchase and resale operations of foreign currency on the domestic foreign exchange market of the Russian Federation” No. 7 dated June 29, 1992 (as amended on December 7, 1998 .).

Foreign exchange transactions related to the movement of capital can only be carried out with a license or permit issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Foreign exchange transactions, regardless of their nature (current or related to capital movements), are carried out in the real currency of settlements and payments and must be converted into Russian currency - the ruble.

Withdrawal of funds from a foreign currency account is allowed:

    to pay for products (works, services) for import operations;

    in connection with the export and transfer from Russia abroad of currency values, as well as the implementation of international money transfers;

    in case of sale of funds on a foreign exchange exchange;

    to pay off obligations to the bank for settlement and cash services;

    for travel expenses;

    for other purposes permitted by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Exchange rate difference is the difference between domestic and foreign currencies in the valuation of the most liquid part of assets (cash on hand, in bank accounts and in transit, short-term securities), as well as liabilities. It is calculated in the ruble valuation of foreign currency at the rate quoted by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of calculation or the date of reporting for a specific reporting period, and the valuation of the specified assets and liabilities, calculated at the rate quoted by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of their acceptance for accounting in a given period or date preparation of reports for the previous reporting period. International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 21, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates (as amended in 1993), treats exchange differences as those resulting from reporting the same number of foreign currency units in the reporting currency at different exchange rates. Thus, the exchange rate difference is a consequence of changes in the ruble valuation of certain types of property and liabilities, the value of which is expressed in foreign currency, and it does not matter with whom the settlement is made - with a legal entity or an individual. The basis for converting funds denominated in foreign currency into rubles may, in addition, be a change in the exchange rates of foreign currencies quoted by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The result of the conversion is a positive or negative exchange rate difference. In conditions of economic stabilization, the exchange rate of the ruble against foreign currency is growing, and when passive accounts are revalued, positive exchange differences are formed. The same result is obtained when the balances of foreign currency funds in the cash register and in bank accounts are revalued when the ruble exchange rate falls.

Exchange differences are taken into account as non-operating income or non-operating expenses. Positive exchange rate differences during the reporting period are reflected in the credit of account 91 “Other income and expenses” subaccount 3 “Positive exchange rate differences”. Negative exchange rate differences are taken into account as the debit of account 91 “Other income and expenses” subaccount 4 “Negative exchange rate differences”.

In the opposite situation, negative exchange rate differences are formed.

In practice, domestic business activity has received the greatest relevance cash payments. This has a lot to do with comfort and versatility.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the use of “cash” should not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the need to record cash transactions.

Regulatory and regulation

The area of ​​use of cash is strictly regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in particular by the Recommendations of the Bank of Russia dated October 2013 No. 3073-U.

Often companies use cash from the cash register for such needs, as payment of wages, provision for reporting, as various settlements with partners and for crediting to current accounts, and so on.

Regardless of the purposes for which they are used, one should build on Recommendations No. 3210-U. This regulatory act contains all the necessary subtleties of correct compliance with the organization’s cash discipline.

Procedure in 2018

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation issued Order No. 94n dated October 2000, which approved the Chart of Accounts and Instructions for Cash Transactions.

Based on the Order, it was introduced account 50 “Cash desk”, which is intended exclusively for accounting of cash transactions with financial assets in the company.

Section 5 of the Guide to using the Chart of Accounts allows companies to create subaccounts for account 50 50-1 “Company cash desk”, 50-2 “Operating cash desk”, 50-3 “Monetary documentation”.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that subaccount 50-1 “Company cash desk” is used exclusively for the movement of cash funds through the cash register.

In the process of conducting transactions with foreign currency, you should open separate sub-accounts for each separate foreign currency.

Subaccount 50-2 “Operating cash desk” is used exclusively for accounting for cash flows at the cash registers of commodity organizations, ticket offices, station ticket offices, and so on.

Subaccount 50-3 “Cash documentation” is used as a record of documentation, which is rightfully considered cash coupons:

  • for fuels and lubricants;
  • for food;
  • vouchers;
  • received notifications for postal transfers;
  • state duties and so on.

The main feature of such documentation is rightfully considered to be valuation.

Any company must have cash limit.

This terminology refers to the permissible amount of cash that may be in the company's cash register at the end of the working day. The amount that exceeds the limit must be deposited at a banking institution.

The limit can be determined by the company independently, based on work activity, taking into account not only the objects of income, but also the issuance of cash.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that companies that are directly related to small businesses, including individual entrepreneurs, have all the legal rights not to set limits and to leave as much cash in the cash register for safekeeping as necessary (according to paragraph 2 of the current Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation).

By separate divisions

Separate divisions that regularly deposit funds with a banking institution, must include includes established cash limits. The main company itself, with existing separate divisions, necessarily sets limits taking into account the existing separate divisions.

The main company is obliged to transfer the documentation on the basis of which the cash limit for a specific separate division was established to the OP for review and storage.

If the limit is exceeded

Funds exceeding the limits must be transferred to a banking institution. Excess is allowed in such days, How:

  • payment of wages;
  • receiving funds from a banking institution;
  • weekends or holidays.

On such days, the law does not provide for any penalties.

By cash

In addition to the cash account under consideration, there is also a limit on cash payments between legal entities or individual entrepreneurs. Its size is 100,000 rubles within one agreement (according to paragraph 6 of the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated October 2013).

In other words, for example, if a company decides to purchase products worth 150,000 rubles from a legal entity within one agreement, but plans to pay in installments, then the amount of cash payment cannot exceed 100,000 rubles in total. The remaining balance must be paid by bank transfer.

As for transactions with individuals (acceptance/issuance), companies/individual entrepreneurs have the right to carry them out without any restrictions.

In the process of receiving cash from an organization, it must be formalized in the following way:

  • the fact that an organization receives cash from the banking institution where the current account is located is recorded according to debit 50 credit 51 “Current account”;
  • the fact of return by a person who received accountable funds for which a report was not provided (financial capital was not spent) is documented according to debit 50 credit 71 “Carrying out settlements with accountable persons”;
  • Payment by consumers for products or services is formalized according to debit 50 credit 62 “Carrying out settlements with clients and customers”.

In a situation where an organization provides financial resources from the cash register, such a movement should be registered Thus:

It is worth additionally paying attention to the fact that according to the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation, organizations that use cash payments in the course of their work activities, must:

  • ensure reliable representation of cash transactions in accounting;
  • strictly comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and cash discipline;
  • Avoid completing documentation regarding cash flow accounting with errors.

If there are any violations, administrative punishment is provided in the form of a fine of up to 50,000 rubles (for each detected offense). For this reason, you must always be extremely vigilant to avoid problems with regulatory authorities.


It is rightfully considered one of the components of the company's control system. Thus, it is possible to confirm the compliance of accounting information with the current state of affairs regarding compliance with all stipulated legislation of the Russian Federation, including ensuring the safety of financial capital in the company, and to suppress all violations.

The option of monitoring cash register checks and cash transactions is often used. As a rule, it is handled by accountants or cashiers.

It is known that an impressive amount of cash turnover entails a high risk of unreliable representation of transactions, errors, and so on, up to abuse of authority.

For this reason, most domestic companies put forward strict requirements for compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Moreover, special local acts, which include certain rules.

When mentioning the audit of cash transactions itself, what is immediately implied is not any separate component, but a whole list of special procedures.

In turn, it can be planned or unscheduled, and can also be carried out by authorized persons of the company (specially formed groups) or external regulatory authorities.

There are often situations when owners or management have certain doubts about the proper level of reliability of those responsible for carrying out cash transactions. If this was the case, then they have the right to involve freelancers with whom the agreement was signed in control.

According to generally accepted rules, the actions of companies that are directly related to the acceptance or issuance of funds in cash are considered cash transactions. Any persons who are capable and legally capable can become their participants.

To make it possible to uniformly document the movement of finances, certain forms of documentation were formed and subsequently approved.

The forms are used by entities for cash payments and are used when conducting cash transactions. They must be filled out.

Basic documentation rightfully considered:

  • expenditure order (meaning cash and receipt);
  • cash book;

It is important to pay attention to the fact that representatives of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation do not have the legal right to verify the specified documentation.

Officially, the authorized representative must be provided with all relevant seals and stamps, including samples for filling out. Next, you should definitely explain your rights and obligations with a mandatory signature after review.

As for maintaining a cash book, this process is explained in detail by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Without exception, all entries in the cash book are subject to support by cash register and cash register companies. At the end of the work shift, the cashier must verify all the information in the document in the KO-4 form with the information that is displayed in the orders. Upon completion of this procedure, the remaining cash balance is calculated.

In the process of issuing wages to hired employees or scholarships, responsibility in forming and maintaining. All information in it must fully correspond to the information in the cash book and cash register.

Additional information on accounting for cash transactions is presented in this video.

All cash payments of the organization are reflected in special account 50 “Cash”. And every action with money is called a cash transaction. In the article, we will dwell in more detail on the features of accounting for cash transactions at an enterprise and individual entrepreneurs, consider accounting account 50, postings to account 50, reflecting the main cash transactions, and documenting cash transactions.

By the way, accounting for non-cash payments is kept on account 51; read more about the features of accounting for non-cash funds.

The main document regulating all cash transactions is the Regulation “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation” dated October 12, 2011 No. 373-P. Also, starting this year, the Bank of Russia Directive “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions of legal entities” was issued. persons and a simplified procedure for conducting cash transactions for individual entrepreneurs and business entities.”

Rules for conducting cash transactions

According to this provision, it is not necessary for the cash register to have a separate room; it is enough to allocate some area in the room. In small organizations where there are few cash transactions, a special place, as a rule, is not equipped. Otherwise, a special room with an iron door, an alarm button and a small window must be allocated for the cash register.

All cash and other material assets listed in the cash register must be stored in a safe. The key to it is kept only by the cashier, and a duplicate in a sealed envelope is stored in the safe of the head of the organization.

There should be no foreign valuables in the cash register safe. In the case of an inventory, all surplus found is included in the organization’s income. But shortfalls are recovered from the cashier, unless another guilty party is identified.

The cashier is responsible for the valuables entrusted to him. To do this, an agreement on full financial responsibility is concluded with him. There is no criminal liability for improper conduct of cash transactions and shortages. But various penalties may be applied to the guilty person:

  • deductions from wages of identified shortages;
  • rebuke;
  • dismissal under the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The amount of cash on hand has a certain limit. Read how the cash balance limit is calculated. During the day it is allowed to exceed the established limit, but at the end of the working day, if the excess occurs, then all excess cash must be deposited at the bank.

But there are situations when it is not possible to send money. In this case, they resort to a little trick: the entire amount in excess of the limit is registered as an account, usually to the manager or chief accountant, and the next morning it is returned as an unused accountable amount.

It is also allowed to exceed the limit on salary payment days. But nowadays this is rare, since all transfers are made by non-cash method directly to salary cards.

Each operation of issuing funds must be carried out with a written order from the manager or according to the provided statement.

Preparation of documents for cash transactions

Any posting or expenditure of funds must be documented by a receipt (PKO) or expenditure (RKO) cash order. In this case, each operation is reflected by an entry in the cash book, and PKO and RKO are taken into account in the journal for registering incoming and outgoing cash orders.

The cash receipt slip must indicate in words the amount to be received, the date and signature of the recipient. When issuing a cash receipt order, the cashier must issue a receipt with his signature and the seal of the organization.

The transfer of cash from the cash desk to the current account is carried out on the basis of an announcement for a cash contribution. In turn, to receive cash from a current account, a form is drawn up.

When preparing cash documents, you need to remember that these documents cannot tolerate any corrections or errors. Therefore, if you provide incorrect data, you must fill out a new cash document form.

Accounting - cash transactions entries

As mentioned above, account 50 “Cash” is used to account for cash. Account 50 in accounting is where cash is recorded, which means that cash receipts into the cash register are reflected in debit, and cash outflows from the cash register are reflected in credit. Next, let's take a closer look at cash transactions using examples with postings.

Cash consumption

1 - reporting

Issuance is carried out on the basis of an application endorsed by the head. The application must indicate the amount and its purpose, as well as the deadline for submitting the report. If it is not specified, the report must be provided within 3 days. Overspending is also issued only by order of the manager.

To issue travel allowances, there must be an order to send the person on a business trip, as well as an order from the manager.

For all these cases the wiring will be the same.

D71 K50 - money was issued on account.

2—delivery of cash to the bank.

The documents on the basis of which this cash transaction is carried out are a bank statement on a current account, a memorial order. The transaction for depositing cash at the bank looks like this:

D51 K50 - money was transferred from the cash register to the current account.

Similarly for foreign currency accounts and special bank accounts.

D52, 55 K50 - cash was transferred from the cash desk to a foreign currency (special) account in the bank.

Read about the features of accounting for currency transactions on account 52

If the funds are deposited at the bank, but are not received in the current account, then a posting is made through the account. 57 “Translations on the way.” The postings look like:

D57 K50 and D51 K57.

3 - payment of wages.

Salaries are issued to personnel on the basis of payroll or payroll. If there is a statement, you do not need to sign for receipt again at the RKO. The posting for issuing salaries to staff looks like this:

D70 K50 - wages were issued to employees.

4 - payment of income from participation in the organization to persons who are not employees of the organization, the posting has the form D76 K50.

5 - payment of deposited amounts, most often according to a statement. For this operation, wiring D76 K50 is also performed.

6 - a shortage of funds in the cash register was detected.

D94 K50 - a shortage at the cash register is reflected.

Receipt of cash

1 - receiving funds from the current account, posting D55 K51.

The counterfoil of the check to receive cash from the current account must be attached.

2 - receiving cash from customers, posting D50 K62.

3 - return of unused accountable amount - D50 K71.

4 – return of overpaid wages – D50 K70.

5 - contributions from the founders have been made to the authorized capital - D50 K75/1.

Features of accounting for cash transactions for individual entrepreneurs

According to the new Decree, for individual entrepreneurs with simplified tax accounting, there are a number of concessions in cash management:

  • the concept of “cash” does not apply to entrepreneurs themselves;
  • the ban on spending funds received at the cash desk for personal needs has been lifted;
  • You don’t have to set a cash limit;

According to the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3210-U, from June 1, 2014, a new accounting of cash transactions is being introduced to maintain cash discipline and correct accounting of funds in the cash register, established new rules for conducting cash transactions 2019.

Also, as before, in the Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 373-P, it will be necessary to establish and calculate the cash balance limit, and make a special calculation of the limit. The new procedure for conducting cash transactions provides for the old forms of incoming and outgoing cash order 2019 (KO-1 form according to OKUD 0310001 PKO - receipt and KO-2 form according to OKUD 0310002 RKO-consumable), the form and sample of which can be downloaded for free.

All legal entities, except individual entrepreneurs, are required to maintain a cash book and draw up cash documents. For non-application of a cash balance limit, this is the only “simplification” of the procedure for conducting cash transactions. Otherwise, they must fully comply with all the rules established for legal entities.

A detailed description of maintaining a cash book in 2019 is given, as well as a sample for filling it out, and there is also the opportunity to download a cash book form for free.

The forms of cash documents remained the same. True, as previously wanted, some of the details, such as corresponding accounts (sub-accounts), were not removed from the forms. It will be necessary to issue a new order on the cash limit, because the old one referred to the old Regulations of the Central Bank. Individual entrepreneurs will no longer have to maintain a cash book and comply with the cash balance limit, as well as issue cash documents (receipt and expense cash orders).

This article provides explanations about cash transactions in 2019. The maintenance and completion of the cash book is described. A calculation of the balance, a sample and the opportunity to download a cash register limit form and an order for establishing it are given. Forms for incoming and outgoing cash order are provided.

When conducting cash transactions, recipients of budget funds are guided by this Directive, unless otherwise specified by a regulatory legal act regulating the procedure for conducting cash transactions by recipients of budget funds.

2. To conduct operations for accepting cash, including their recalculation, issuing cash (hereinafter - cash transactions), a legal entity, by an administrative document, establishes the maximum allowable amount of cash that can be stored in the place for conducting cash transactions, determined by the head of the legal entity (hereinafter - cash desk), after displaying in the cash book 0310004 the amount of cash balance at the end of the working day (hereinafter referred to as the cash balance limit).

A legal entity independently determines the cash balance limit in accordance with the appendix to this Directive, based on the nature of its activities, taking into account the volume of receipts or volumes of cash disbursements.

A payment agent operating in accordance with Federal Law No. 103-FZ of June 3, 2009 “On activities for accepting payments from individuals carried out by payment agents” (hereinafter referred to as the payment agent), a bank payment agent (subagent) operating in accordance with Federal Law No. 161-FZ of June 27, 2011 “On the National Payment System” (hereinafter referred to as the bank payment agent (subagent), when determining the cash balance limit, cash accepted in the activities of the payment agent, bank payment agent ( subagent).

A division of a legal entity at the location of which a separate workplace (workplaces) (hereinafter referred to as a separate division) is equipped, depositing cash into a bank account opened for a legal entity in a bank, the cash balance limit is established in the manner prescribed by this Directive for a legal entity .

A legal entity, which includes separate divisions that deposit cash at the cash desk of a legal entity, taking into account the cash balance limits established for these separate divisions.

A copy of the administrative document establishing a cash balance limit for a separate division is sent by the legal entity to the separate division in the manner established by the legal entity.

Note: There is a sample cash limit 2019, which provides a detailed calculation of the cash balance. Given by the manager or by order of the individual entrepreneur.

A legal entity stores cash in bank accounts in banks in excess of the cash balance limit established in accordance with paragraphs two to five of this paragraph, which is free cash.

Accumulation by a legal entity of cash in the cash register in excess of the established cash balance limit is allowed on days of payment of wages, scholarships, payments included in accordance with the methodology adopted for filling out federal state statistical observation forms, into the wage fund and social payments (hereinafter - other payments), including the day of receipt of cash from a bank account for the specified payments, as well as on weekends and non-working holidays if a legal entity conducts cash transactions on these days.

In other cases, accumulation by a legal entity of cash in the cash register in excess of the established cash balance limit is not allowed.

Individual entrepreneurs and small businesses may not set a cash balance limit.

Note: Individual entrepreneurs and small businesses may not set a cash limit. Those. keep any amount of money in the cash register.

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3. An authorized representative of a legal entity delivers cash to the bank in which the legal entity has a bank account, or to an organization included in the Bank of Russia system that carries out transportation of cash, collection of cash, operations for receiving, recalculating, sorting, forming and packaging cash of bank clients (hereinafter referred to as an organization included in the Bank of Russia system), for crediting their amounts to the bank account of a legal entity.

An authorized representative of a separate division may, in turn, deposit cash at the cash desk of a legal entity, or to the bank in which the legal entity has a bank account, or to an organization included in the Bank of Russia system, for crediting their amounts to the bank account of the legal entity.

4. Cash transactions are carried out at the cash desk by a cashier or other employee, a certain head of a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur or another authorized person (hereinafter referred to as the manager) from among his employees (hereinafter referred to as the cashier), with the establishment of the corresponding official rights and responsibilities with which the cashier must be read under signature.

If a legal entity or individual entrepreneur has several cashiers, one of them performs the functions of a senior cashier (hereinafter referred to as the senior cashier).

Cash transactions can be carried out by the manager.

A legal entity or individual entrepreneur can conduct cash transactions using software and hardware systems.

Software and hardware systems designed to accept banknotes must have the function of recognizing at least four machine-readable security features of Bank of Russia banknotes, the list of which is established by a regulatory act of the Bank of Russia.

4.1. Cash transactions are drawn up with incoming cash orders 0310001, outgoing cash orders 0310002 (hereinafter referred to as cash documents).

Cash documents can be drawn up upon completion of cash transactions on the basis of fiscal documents provided for in paragraph twenty-seven of Article 1.1 of the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ "On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) settlements using electronic means of payment."

The paying agent, bank payment agent (subagent) draws up a separate cash receipt order 0310001 for cash accepted during the activities of the payment agent, bank payment agent (subagent).

Individual entrepreneurs who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, keep records of income or income and expenses and (or) other objects of taxation or physical indicators characterizing a certain type of business activity, cash documents may not be processed.

4.2. Cash documents are prepared:

  • chief accountant;
  • an accountant or other official (including a cashier) specified in an administrative document, or an official of a legal entity, an individual with whom agreements have been concluded for the provision of accounting services (hereinafter referred to as the accountant);
  • manager (in the absence of a chief accountant and accountant).

4.3. Cash documents are signed by the chief accountant or accountant (in their absence, by the manager), as well as by the cashier.

In the case of conducting cash transactions and drawing up cash documents by the manager, cash documents are signed by the manager.

4.4. The cashier is provided with a seal (stamp) containing the details confirming the conduct of a cash transaction (hereinafter referred to as the seal (stamp), as well as sample signatures of persons authorized to sign cash documents when registering cash documents on paper.

In the case of conducting cash transactions and drawing up cash documents by the manager, sample signatures of persons authorized to sign cash documents are not drawn up.

4.5. If there is a senior cashier, transactions for the transfer of cash between the senior cashier and cashiers during the working day are reflected by the senior cashier in the accounting book for cash received and issued by the cashier 0310005, indicating the amounts of cash transferred. Entries in the book of accounting of funds accepted and issued by the cashier 0310005 are made at the time of transfer of cash and are confirmed by the signatures of the senior cashier, cashier.

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4.6. The legal entity records cash received at the cash desk, with the exception of cash accepted during the activities of a paying agent, bank payment agent (subagent), and cash issued from the cash register in the cash book.

The paying agent, bank payment agent (subagent) maintains a separate cash book to account for cash accepted in the activities of the paying agent, bank payment agent (subagent).

Entries in the cash book 0310004 are made for each incoming cash order 0310001, outgoing cash order 0310002, issued respectively for cash received and issued (full posting of cash to the cash desk).

At the end of the working day, the cashier checks the actual amount of cash in the cash register with the data of cash documents, the amount of the cash balance reflected in the cash book 0310004, and certifies the entries in the cash book 0310004 with a signature.

Entries in the cash book are verified with the data of cash documents by the chief accountant or accountant (in their absence, by the manager) and signed by the person who carried out the specified reconciliation.

If no cash transactions were carried out during the working day, no entries are made in the cash book.

5.1. When receiving cash receipt order 0310001, the cashier checks the presence of the signature of the chief accountant or accountant (if they are absent, the signature of the manager) and when drawing up cash receipt order 0310001 on paper - its compliance with the sample, except for the case provided for in paragraph two of subclause 4.4 of clause 4 of this Directive, checks the correspondence of the amount of cash entered in numbers with the amount of cash entered in words, the presence of supporting documents listed in the cash receipt order 0310001.

The cashier accepts cash by sheet, piece by piece.

Cash is accepted by the cashier in such a way that the cash depositor can observe the actions of the cashier.

After accepting cash, the cashier checks the amount indicated in the cash receipt order with the amount of cash actually received.

If the amount of cash deposited corresponds to the amount specified in the cash receipt order 0310001, the cashier signs the cash receipt order 0310001, puts a seal (stamp) on the receipt for the cash receipt order 0310001 issued to the cash depositor and gives him the specified receipt for the cash receipt order 0310001. When registering cash receipt order 0310001 in electronic form, a receipt for cash receipt order 0310001 can be sent to the cash depositor at his request to the email address provided by him.

If the deposited amount of cash does not correspond to the amount specified in the cash receipt order 0310001, the cashier invites the cash depositor to add the missing amount of cash or returns the excess deposited amount of cash. If the cash depositor refuses to add the missing amount of cash, the cashier returns the deposited amount of cash to him. The cashier crosses out the cash receipt order 0310001 (if the cash receipt order 0310001 is issued in electronic form, he makes a note about the need to re-issue the cash receipt order 0310001) and transfers (sends) it to the chief accountant or accountant (in their absence - to the manager) for re-issuance of the cash receipt order 0310001 to the actual amount of cash deposited.

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5.2. Lost power. - Directive of the Bank of Russia dated June 19, 2017 N 4416-U.

5.3. Acceptance of cash deposited by a separate division into the cash desk of a legal entity is carried out in the manner established by the legal entity, according to cash receipt order 0310001. Receipt.

6. Cash withdrawal carried out by .

The issuance of cash for the payment of wages, stipends and other payments to employees is carried out according to cash receipts orders 0310002, payroll slips 0301009, pay slips 0301011.

6.1. Upon receipt of cash receipt order 0310002 (payroll slip 0301009, payroll slip 0301011), the cashier checks for the presence of the signature of the chief accountant or accountant (in their absence, the signature of the manager) and when drawing up the specified documents on paper - its compliance with the sample, except in the case of provided for in paragraph two of subclause 4.4 of clause 4 of this Directive, the correspondence of the amounts of cash entered in numbers with the amounts entered in words. When issuing cash using cash order 0310002, the cashier also checks the presence of supporting documents listed in cash order 0310002.

The cashier issues cash after identifying the recipient of the cash using the passport or other identification document presented by him in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the identity document), or according to the power of attorney and identification document presented by the recipient of the cash. Cash issuance is carried out by the cashier directly to the recipient of the cash indicated in the cash receipt order (settlement and payroll sheet, payroll sheet) or in the power of attorney.

When issuing cash by power of attorney, the cashier checks the compliance of the surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the recipient of the cash specified in the cash order with the surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the principal specified in the power of attorney; correspondence of the surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the authorized person indicated in the power of attorney and the cash receipt order, the data of the identity document, and the data of the identity document presented by the authorized person. In the payroll statement (payroll), before the signature of the person entrusted with receiving cash, the cashier writes “by proxy.” The power of attorney is attached to the cash receipt order (settlement and payroll slip, payroll slip).

In the case of issuing cash according to a document issued for several payments or for receiving cash from different legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, copies of it are made and certified in the manner established by the legal entity or individual entrepreneur. A certified copy of the power of attorney is attached to the cash receipt order (payroll slip, payroll slip). The original power of attorney (if any) is kept by the cashier and, at the last cash disbursement, is attached to the cash receipt order (payment slip, payroll slip).

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6.2. When issuing cash using cash order 0310002, the cashier prepares the amount of cash to be issued and passes cash order 0310002 to the cash recipient for signature. If cash expense order 0310002 is issued electronically, the recipient of the cash can affix an electronic signature.

The cashier recalculates the amount of cash prepared for issue in such a way that the recipient of the cash can observe his actions, and issues cash to the recipient in a sheet-by-piece, piece-by-piece recalculation in the amount indicated in the cash receipt order.

The cashier does not accept claims from the recipient of cash for the amount of cash if the recipient of the cash has not verified the correspondence of the amounts of cash entered in figures with the amounts entered in words in the cash receipt order, and has not recalculated the cash received by him piece by piece under the supervision of the cashier.

After issuing cash according to the cash receipt order, the cashier signs it.

6.3. To issue cash to an employee on account (hereinafter referred to as the accountable person) for expenses related to the activities of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, cash order 0310002 is drawn up in accordance with the administrative document of the legal entity, individual entrepreneur or a written application of the accountable person, drawn up in any form and containing a record of the amount of cash and the period for which cash is issued, the signature of the manager and the date.

The accountable person is obliged, within a period not exceeding three working days after the expiration date for which cash was issued on account, or from the date of return to work, to present to the chief accountant or accountant (in their absence, to the manager) an advance report with attached supporting documents. The check of the advance report by the chief accountant or accountant (in their absence, by the manager), its approval by the manager and the final settlement of the advance report are carried out within the period established by the manager.

6.4. The issuance from the cash desk of a legal entity to a separate division of cash necessary for carrying out cash transactions is carried out in the manner established by the legal entity, according to cash expense order 0310002. (consumables)

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6.5. The amount of cash intended for payment of wages, scholarships and other payments is established according to the payroll (payroll). The deadline for issuing cash for these payments is determined by the manager and is indicated in the payroll (payroll). The duration of the period for issuing cash for wages, scholarships and other payments cannot exceed five working days (including the day of receipt of cash from a bank account for these payments).

The issuance of cash to an employee is carried out in the manner prescribed in paragraphs one through three of subclause 6.2 of this clause, with the employee affixing his signature to the payroll sheet (payroll).

On the last day of issuing cash intended for the payment of wages, scholarships and other payments, the cashier in the payroll sheet (payroll) puts a seal (stamp) or makes the inscription “not issued” opposite the names and initials of employees who have not received cash issuance, calculates and records in the final line the amount of cash actually issued and the amount of cash not issued, checks the indicated amounts with the total amount in the payroll sheet (payroll), puts his signature on the payroll sheet (payroll) and passes it on to the chief accountant or accountant (in their absence, to the manager) for signing.

For the amounts of cash actually issued according to the settlement and payroll (payroll) statement, an expense cash order is issued.

7. Measures to ensure the safety of cash during cash transactions, storage, transportation, the procedure and timing of checks of the actual availability of cash are determined by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur.

8. This Directive is subject to official publication in the "Bulletin of the Bank of Russia" and in accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia (minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia dated February 28, 2014 No. 5) comes into force on June 1, 2014, with the exception of paragraph five point 4.

8.2. From the date of entry into force of this Directive, the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated October 12, 2011 No. “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation”, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 24, 2011 No. 22394 (Bulletin of the Bank) shall be declared invalid Russia" dated November 30, 2011 No. 66).

Central Bank
RF E.S. Nabiullina

Note: - the legality of tax authorities carrying out checks on compliance by organizations and individual entrepreneurs with the procedure for working with cash and the procedure for conducting cash transactions, cash settlements with other organizations is shown.

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Maintain a cash book electronically for free

If the cash register limit is exceeded by the end of the day?

The current procedure for storing cash at the cash register is not always convenient, except for small businesses where there is no cash limit. Often, more money accumulates in the cash register than the law allows. The fines for exceeding the cash limit are quite impressive. They range from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles.

You can bypass the restriction on the cash limit at the cash desk if you give the excess to the account. This will avoid a fine of 50,000 rubles. for violation of the procedure for working with cash (Article 15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses
Directive of the Central Bank of Russia 3073-U establishes the limit for cash payments and the rules for the implementation and payment of cash payments between legal entities in rubles and foreign currency.