Professional development project plan. Development of professional design Increasing the creative growth of teachers

Relevance of the project

The strategy for the development of education in modern Russia is determined by the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r; Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2012 No. 761 “On the National Strategy of Action in the Interests of Children for 2012 - 2017”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No. 599 “On measures to implement state policy in the field of education and science ", State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2012 No. 2148-r; Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”; decisions of the State Council of the Russian Federation and the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Science, Technology and Education.

One of the priority tasks in determining the strategy for the development of the Russian education system for the period until 2020 is the creation of a modern system of continuous education, training and retraining of professional personnel, ensuring the development of professional competencies of teachers. The strategic goal of the socio-economic development of the Kemerovo region is to increase the competitiveness of the region and the welfare of its residents. This goal involves ensuring stable economic growth and its diversification; creating the groundwork for the growth of new competitive production sectors, etc. Employers, the labor market and society as a whole are interested in this, realizing the importance of training competent personnel to achieve this goal. Its achievement is impossible without teachers. This, in turn, requires bringing the level of professional development into line with the requirements of professional standards. From the professionalism of the teacher, ability for professional growth, their mastery of new competencies, readiness to solve the designated tasks.

All over the world there is a growing interest in training good teachers, attracting them to work for a long time, their professional development and motivation of work. The achievements of students have a close connection with the nature and quality of processes occurring in the classroom, primarily with the activities of the teacher. However, building the right teacher education policies to ensure that every classroom has a competent, supported and motivated teacher remains a challenge. Professional standards will help eliminate difficulties in the professional activity of a teacher and expand his understanding of the processes occurring in education.

Professional standards “Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general secondary general education) (educator, teacher)”, “Teacher of additional education for children and adults”, “Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education)”, approved by orders The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation is called upon to motivate teaching staff to improve the quality of professional activity. Professional standards are a tool for improving the quality of education as an objective measure of a teacher’s competence. One of the main objectives of professional standards is to provide guidelines and prospects for the professional development of teachers.

The number of teachers in educational organizations in the Kemerovo region engaged in educational activities is characterized by relative stability: as of the beginning of the 2015/16 academic year, 38,640 people work in them. The majority of teachers are represented by the age group from 31 to 45 years: as of September 1, 2015, their share was 38.17%.

Another large group is teaching workers aged 46-55 years (27%). Along with the annual increase in the share of teaching staff in the age categories “56 – 60 years” and “more than 60 years” in educational organizations, there has been a tendency to increase the share of teachers under the age of 30: from 14.93% in the 2013/14 academic year to 15 .33% in the 2015/16 academic year. The share of pensioners in the total number of employees of educational organizations increases every year. Thus, as of September 1, 2015, the share of pensioners among teaching staff was 19.59%, among administrative and managerial personnel - 21.76%.

The results of their professional activities, expressed in the achievements of students, depend on the length of service and the development of the teacher’s competence. In recent years, the leading group of experience in the region has been the group from 10 to 25 years old, characterized by high efficiency and professional productivity: as of September 1, 2015, the share of teachers of this age was 37.95%. Among the personnel of educational organizations, teachers with more than 25 years of experience also occupy a significant place: their share increased at the beginning of the 2015/16 academic year to 34.63%. Over the course of five years, the proportion of teachers with experience of up to 3 years (from 8.22 to 11.99%) and from 3 to 5 years (from 4.55 to 6.08%) has been growing annually. Particular attention in regional policy is paid to attracting young specialists to the industry and retaining them in educational organizations (state program of the Kemerovo region “Development of the Kuzbass education system” for 2014–2018, program “Development and renewal of human resources potential of the regional education system for 2013–2016” etc.).

The majority of teaching staff in the region have higher education. At the same time, throughout the entire period under review, the trend towards an increase in the proportion of teachers with higher education remains: from 78.36 to 80.66%. The share of teaching staff with primary vocational education is decreasing (from 0.61% in the 2011/12 academic year to 0.35% in the 2015/16 academic year) and basic, secondary education, teacher class (from 0.26 up to 0.18%) that do not meet the educational qualifications determined by the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

Over the course of five years, there has been an increase in the proportion of heads of educational organizations who have received the qualification “Manager in Education”: from 17.46 to 37.4%.

In the Kemerovo region, a system of measures has been developed and is being implemented aimed at the continuous development of professionalism and meeting the educational and professional needs of teaching staff. The dissemination of the mechanism for implementing personalized financing for advanced training of teaching staff, the improvement of the funded system of advanced training in organizations providing advanced training and professional retraining of teaching staff, the replenishment of the bank of modular educational programs for advanced training and professional retraining, the expansion of the use of forms of distance learning made it possible to ensure an annual increase in the number of teachers who have completed advanced training courses. The share of teaching staff with a valid document on completion of advanced training courses has increased over 5 years from 57.94 to 79.29%, administrative and managerial staff - from 49.94 to 76.54%. It should also be noted that in Due to the fact that since 2013, teaching staff have been granted the right to additional professional education in the field of teaching at least once every three years, the number of teaching staff annually undergoing training in additional professional development programs has increased significantly.

The personnel composition of educational organizations generally meets modern requirements. Every year the share of teaching (from 78.36% in the 2011/12 academic year to 80.66% in the 2015/16 academic year) and administrative (from 83.99 to 86%) employees with higher education is increasing education; the proportion of teachers who have been awarded the highest and first qualification categories is growing (from 65.66 to 74.51%); There is a trend towards an increase in the proportion of teaching staff who have completed advanced training courses in a timely manner (from 57.94 to 79.29%). The monitoring results demonstrate increased participation of teachers in the activities of professional communities, which allow them to regularly receive professional help and support, and increased participation in the competitive movement, exhibitions, and conferences.

However, the main problem today is the problem of matching the level of real readiness of a teacher for professional activity and the requirements for professional activity imposed by professional standards. To solve this problem, it is necessary to develop additional professional programs, organize scientific and methodological support for the professional development of teachers in accordance with the requirements set by professional standards.

Professional standards highlight the main goal of the type of professional activity; special conditions for admission to work are indicated; generalized labor functions (A, B) and the corresponding level of qualifications are described; the qualification requirements presented in the context of the specialization of teaching staff are specified. Professional standards are intended to establish uniform requirements for the content and quality of professional teaching activities, to assess the level of qualifications of teachers when hiring and certifying, and career planning; for the formation of job descriptions.

Professional standards require the teacher to be proficient in modern technologies of developmental education, the ability to “see” the diversity of students, and to take into account the age, individual and personal characteristics of various groups of children in the educational process.

The transition to professional standards will lead to an increase in the social status and prestige of the teaching profession, to a change in the certification procedure for teaching staff, updating the system for improving their qualifications, and adjusting regulatory legal acts; changes to job descriptions of teaching staff, employment contracts and other documents.

The development of teacher professionalism is carried out, for the most part, directly in practical activities. Here, the main link of the unified system of continuous education of teachers is the regional-municipal multi-level methodological service (hereinafter referred to as RMMMS), which links into a single whole the entire system of work of educational organizations at different levels. Today it is necessary to build a system of methodological work aimed at identifying the readiness of teaching staff in accordance with the requirements of professional standards of teachers, and for this, first of all, it is necessary to increase the level of professional literacy on this issue of MMS methodologists, to train management personnel on the issue of organizing work with teachers in accordance with the requirements of professional standards.

Municipal methodological services must provide teachers with prompt and proactive person-oriented methodological support and assistance, information and methodological support for teachers on the organization and content of the certification procedure, create conditions for teacher self-development, the implementation of individual programs of continuous professional education for teachers in accordance with the requirements of professional teacher standards. In the methodological services of educational organizations, it is necessary to analyze the compliance of teachers with the requirements of professional standards and develop individual educational routes for the professional development of teachers.

Thus, the relevance of the development and implementation of the project “Development of professionalism of teachers in a regional-municipal multi-level methodological service in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard of a teacher” is caused by the need to ensure the motivation of teachers in continuous professional development, increasing the prestige of the teaching profession.

Project goal: Providing scientific and methodological support for the development of professionalism of teaching staff in RMMMS in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard of a teacher

Project objectives:

  1. To develop a model of level differentiation of teacher professional development.
  2. To study the level of compliance of teaching staff with the requirements of professional standards
  3. Develop a set of measures to develop the professionalism of teaching staff in RMMMS in accordance with the requirements of professional standards for teachers
  4. Develop diagnostic tools and study the effectiveness of RMMMS activities in developing the professionalism of teaching staff in accordance with the requirements of professional standards for teachers
  5. Develop methodological recommendations for the development of professionalism of teaching staff in RMMMS in accordance with the requirements of professional standards for teachers.

Expected results of the project:

As a result of the project implementation

Developed and tested model of level differentiation of teacher professional development;
- a toolkit has been developed and tested to identify the level of correspondence between teachers’ competencies and levels of professional development for the subsequent construction of an individual educational route for a teacher’s professional development (personalized model of a teacher’s professional development);
- passports of professional competencies have been developed in accordance with labor functions and actions, functional responsibilities;
- the level of compliance of teaching staff with the requirements of professional standards has been identified;
- normative legal documents and local acts have been developed to ensure the development of professionalism of teaching staff in RMMMS in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard of a teacher;
- the share of teaching staff enrolled in continuous professional education will be 90% of the total number of teaching staff in the region;
- criteria and indicators have been developed for the certification of teaching staff in general education based on professional standards;
- the share of retraining and advanced training programs for general education teaching staff adapted in accordance with the requirements of professional standards will increase to 100%;
- methodological recommendations will be developed for the development of professionalism of teaching staff in RMMMS in accordance with the requirements of professional standards for teachers;
- diagnostic tools will be developed and the effectiveness of the RMMMS activities in developing the professionalism of teaching staff will be studied in accordance with the requirements of professional standards for teachers;
- the prestige of the teaching profession will increase by 20% (compared to 2014 - 31.2%);
- the share of management and teaching staff satisfied with the organization and content of educational services aimed at continuous professional development will reach 96% of the total number of teaching and management workers in the region.

Project implementation stages:
Stage 1 – Organizational (January, 2016 – December, 2016);
Stage 2 – Main (January, 2017 – December, 2019);
Stage 3 – Final (January, 2020 – September, 2020).



Developed by:

Kosheleva Irina Anatolyevna, Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 46” of the city of Kaluga

Subject: Model of a teacher’s professional development trajectory in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Problem: Low motivation of primary school teachers for professional development in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.


    Teachers’ lack of understanding of the importance of introducing a professional standard for teachers;

    Insufficient knowledge of the content basis of the professional standard for a teacher;

    Insufficient readiness and personal and professional maturity to work in the context of the introduction of a professional standard for a teacher;

    Weak diagnostics of professional skills and teacher self-determination;

    Lack of an individual educational route for teachers, ensuring the teacher develops and implements a personal professional development program.

Goal: Creating a model of the teacher’s professional development trajectory in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.


    Introduce primary school teachers to the professional standard of teaching;

    Conduct an analysis and comparative characteristics of the content of the professional standard with the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education.

    Conduct internal monitoring and analysis of teachers’ readiness for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

    Based on the data obtained, draw up an individual educational route for the teacher.

    Develop forms of self-educational activity for teachers.

6. Introduce a model of the teacher’s professional development trajectory in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard into work.

Project participants: administration, primary school teachers, educational psychologist, speech therapist, social teacher, parent community.

Description of the project: strategy and mechanisms for achieving the goals.

Objective No. 1. Introduce primary school teachers to the professional standard of teaching.

1. Study the literature on this issue.

2. Conduct a diagnostic of the level of knowledge of the teacher’s professional standard.

3. Summarize and analyze the diagnostic results.

4. Draw up a schedule of individual consultations.

5. Conduct individual consultations.

Task No. 2. Conduct an analysis and comparative characteristics of the content of the professional standard with the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education.

1. Compose questions for comparative characteristics of the content of the professional standard and the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education.

2. Analyze the content of the professional standard and the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education.

3. Make a table of innovations in the teacher’s professional standard.

Task No. 3. Conduct internal monitoring and analysis of teachers’ readiness for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

1. Develop a self-assessment sheet for teachers’ readiness for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

2. Conduct a self-assessment diagnostic of teachers’ readiness for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

3. Analyze the readiness of teachers for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Task No. 4. Based on the data obtained, create an individual educational route for the teacher.

1. Develop the structure of a teacher’s individual educational route.

2. Identify areas of work (topics).

3. Draw up a plan of actions and activities carried out in the process of working on the topic.

4. Set deadlines.

5. Determine the form of presentation and results of the work.

6. Outline expected results.

Task No. 5. Develop forms of self-educational activity for teachers.

1 . Carry out a selection and classification of forms of self-educational activity of the teacher.

2. Present the experience of teachers at a methodological association on self-educational activities.

3. Develop a guide to choosing forms of self-educational activity for teachers.

Task No. 6.Introduce a model of a teacher’s professional development trajectory in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard into work.

1. Develop a model of the teacher’s professional development trajectory in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

2. Formulate the goals and objectives of the teacher’s professional development in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

3. Determine the content and ways to improve the teacher’s qualifications.

4. Conduct individual consultations with teachers on the issue of choosing a path for professional development (in accordance with the identified difficulties).

5. Create an individual educational route for the purpose of professional development of the teacher in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

6. Implement the planned route.

7. Conduct a reflective analysis of the effectiveness of an individual educational route for the purpose of professional development of a teacher in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Work plan for the project implementation.

Studying the literature on this issue.

Kosheleva I.A.

29.05.17 – 31.05.17

MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, library

Compilation of a bibliographic list.

Kosheleva I.A.


Questioning of primary school teachers (diagnosis of the level of knowledge of the professional standard of a teacher)

Kosheleva I.A.

02.06.17 – 05.06.17

MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 3

Analysis of the results obtained, presentation of the generalized result.

Kosheleva I.A.


MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 8

Preparation of questions for comparative characteristics of the content of the professional standard and the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education.

Creative group of teachers


MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 3

Conducting a methodological association of primary school teachers to analyze the content of the professional standard and the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education.

Result: table of innovations in the teacher’s professional standard

Kosheleva I.A.,

08.06.17 – 10.06.17

MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 3

Development of a self-assessment sheet for teachers’ readiness for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Creative group of teachers


Carrying out diagnostics of self-assessment of teachers’ readiness for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Kosheleva I.A.


MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 6

Analytical report on the results of diagnostics of self-assessment of teachers’ readiness for professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Kosheleva I.A.

15.06.17 – 22.06.17

MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 12

Development of the structure of an individual educational route for a teacher.

Creative group of teachers.

23.06.17 – 29.06.17

MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 3

To study effective forms of self-educational activity of a teacher.

Head of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers Shpilevskaya I.I.


MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 3

Conduct a methodological association of primary school teachers in order to provide teachers with experience in self-educational activities.

Result: a guide to choosing forms of self-educational activity for teachers.

Head of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers Shpilevskaya I.I.

01.07.17 – 15.07.17

MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 3

Development of a model of a teacher’s professional development trajectory in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Creative group of teachers

28.08.17 – 31.08.17

MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 6

Individual consultations with teachers on the choice of professional development path (in accordance with identified difficulties).

Kosheleva I.A.

01.09.17 – 25.05.18

Implementation of the planned route


MBOU "Secondary School No. 46", Kaluga, room. No. 3

Meeting of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers. Topic: analysis of the effectiveness of an individual educational route for the purpose of professional development of a teacher in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

Kosheleva I.A.,

Head of the Primary School Teachers' Organization Shpilevskaya I.I.


1. School library.

2. Primary school classrooms.

3. Internet and copying equipment.

Assessing the effectiveness of project implementation.

Criterion No. 1 : Level of professional development of teachers based on professional standards.

Criterion No. 2 : Level of motivation of primary school teachers for professional development in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

The level of professional development of teachers based on professional standards.

Use of professional standard innovations in the work of teachers;

The activities of teachers in self-education are at a high level;

Advanced training;

Participation in professional competitions, seminars; Olympics, etc.



Qualitative analysis of documents and products of professional activities of teachers.


Self-assessment sheet for teacher compliance with professional standards



Level of motivation of primary school teachers for professional development in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

The teacher’s constant desire for self-improvement;

Interest in obtaining results;

Satisfaction from your work.





Feedback sheets

Short term result :

1. creation of a model of a teacher’s professional development trajectory in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard (a program that provides teachers with the development and implementation of a personal professional development program).

2. creating a PORTFOLIO as a demonstrationprofessional growth and
teacher self-development.

Long term result : 1. improving the quality of teachers’ work in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

2. increase in the number of teachers with the highest qualification category.

Risk assessment and measures planned to minimize the impact of such risk events.

Risks :

1. Low readiness for changes of individual teachers.

Realizea differentiated approach to organizing the improvement of a teacher’s professional competence and his professional growth, taking into account the individual characteristics of each teacher. Involvement of an educational psychologist in individual work.

2. School workload (two shifts). Inability to find a free office and additional time for the creative team to work.

Drawing up a work schedule for the creative group, taking into account the schedule of training sessions and the capabilities of teachers - members of the creative group.

Further development of the project.

Speak at the school’s pedagogical council on the topic “Individual educational route of a teacher as a means of professional development”

Conduct a city seminar for primary school teachers “Professional standard of a teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.”

Today, the teacher is placed in conditions where mastering research skills is a prerequisite for his formation as a pedagogical subject in accordance with the new paradigm and methodology of education. Only with such a teacher can we talk about quality education, since the quality of education is an indicator of the development of society, national culture, and national identity. The functions of the pedagogical activity of a primary school teacher reflect both the general purpose of the teacher and the special social order that is determined by the specifics of the primary school and modern requirements for it.



Teacher Professional Development Program

primary classes MBOU secondary school No. 3 in Salekhard

Gizatulina Nachiya Aminovna

Explanatory note

School reform continues, and its main driver remains the teacher, who is at the center of school life. The role of the teacher is increasing, and the requirements for his professional qualities are growing. In the teaching field, we need not just professionals, but real devotees of their craft, bright personalities who are able to overcome emerging difficulties and work creatively.

Today, the teacher is placed in conditions where mastering research skills is a prerequisite for his formation as a pedagogical subject in accordance with the new paradigm and methodology of education. Only with such a teacher can we talk about quality education, since the quality of education is an indicator of the development of society, national culture, and national identity. The functions of the pedagogical activity of a primary school teacher reflect both the general purpose of the teacher and the special social order that is determined by the specifics of the primary school and modern requirements for it.

A modern primary school teacher is at the same time a teacher, an educator, an organizer of children’s activities, an active participant in communication with students, their parents and colleagues, a researcher of the pedagogical process, a consultant, an educator and a social activist. He constantly improves the level of his professionalism and teaching skills, and conducts a creative search for new things.

The changes taking place in the modern education system make it urgent to improve the qualifications and professionalism of the teacher, i.e. his professional competence. A free-thinking teacher who predicts the results of his activities and models the educational process is a guarantor of achieving the goals of modern education. That is why at present the demand for a qualified, creatively thinking, competitive teacher has sharply increased.

Self-education of a teacher is a purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the teacher himself. This activity includes several stages:

  1. Choosing the direction and topic of self-education.
  2. Formulating the goals and objectives of self-education.
  3. Determining the range of information sources.
  4. Choosing a form of self-education.
  5. Drawing up a self-education plan.
  6. Determining the result of self-education.
  7. Analysis and assessment of activities in the process of self-education, preparation of a report.

Having determined the range of information sources (Internet materials; video, audio information on various media; seminars and conferences; master classes; experience exchange events; advanced training courses, etc.) and choosing the form of work, I drew up a personal plan for working on the task at hand. pose a problem. When working to implement a personal self-education plan, I must:

  • get acquainted with the latest printed methodological, pedagogical and subject literature and information on the Internet;
  • attend seminars, conferences, lessons from colleagues;
  • take part in discussions, meetings, and exchange of experience with colleagues;
  • take full-time, correspondence and distance learning courses on this topic;
  • develop a model of the educational process using logical tasks;
  • conduct open lessons for colleagues;
  • organize extracurricular activities in subjects;
  • speak at MO meetings summarizing the results of work experience.

Any activity will be meaningless if it does not result in the creation of a certain product or achievements. Expected result: mastery of alternative forms and methods of conducting educational activities, including information and communication technologies at the level of constructing a model of the educational process. The results of my self-education should be:

  • improving the quality of teaching subjects, increasing the effective participation of class students in school, district and all-Russian competitions, Olympiads - EMU, "Kangaroo", "Intellect - Express";
  • developing and conducting open lessons using our own technologies;
  • creating sets of personal pedagogical developments and publishing them in the media,

The problem the teacher is working on: “Development of students’ logical thinking».


  1. To study the characteristics of children of primary school age.
  2. . To study how mathematics lessons influence the development of logical thinking.
  3. Consider the theoretical foundations of the development of logical thinking in mathematics lessons: consider the theory of the development of thinking in children, determine the role of mathematics in the development of logical thinking in schoolchildren, reveal the logical problems used in mathematics lessons;
  4. Explore the methods of using logical problems in mathematics lessons, as well as reveal various forms of working with logical problems.
  5. improving the quality of the educational process;
  6. ensuring the development of cognitive and creative activity and the personal sphere of students.


  1. develop students’ logical thinking and create the necessary conditions for enhancing students’ cognitive research activities
  2. improve the quality of teaching through the introduction of new information technologies;
  3. record the level of learning at each stage of schooling.

Relevance of the topic

At primary school age, children have significant development reserves. When a child enters school, under the influence of learning, a restructuring of all his cognitive processes begins. It is the primary school age that is productive in the development of logical thinking. This is due to the fact that children are involved in new types of activities and systems of interpersonal relationships that require them to have new psychological qualities.

The possibilities of forming thinking techniques are not realized by themselves: the teacher must actively and skillfully work in this direction, organizing the entire learning process so that, on the one hand, it enriches children with knowledge, and on the other, it fully shapes thinking techniques, contributes to the growth of cognitive powers and abilities of schoolchildren.

The development of thinking also affects the child’s upbringing; positive character traits develop, the need to develop one’s good qualities, efficiency, activity planning, self-control and confidence, love for the subject, interest, desire to learn and know a lot. All this is extremely necessary for the child’s future life.

The facts stated above determined the chosen topic: “Development of logical thinking of junior schoolchildren in mathematics lessons.”

Directions of self-education: professional, methodical.

Sources of self-education:Methodological literature, magazines, seminars and conferences, advanced training courses, master classes, lessons from colleagues, the Internet, communication with colleagues.

Methodological theme of MO:“Ensuring the comprehensive development of students’ intellectual abilities based on innovative teaching and management technologies. Revealing the student’s individuality and choosing favorable learning conditions for him through personality-oriented technologies of training and education.

Deadline for working on the topic: 3 years.

Presentation of material:open lessons at seminars, presentations from work experience at pedagogical readings, at the Moscow Region, workshops with colleagues.

Result:Generalization of work experience on this topic in a school or city. Creation of a collection of logical tasks.

Expected results: increasing the academic performance and level of learning of students, the need for active creative activity.

Directions of self-education:





  1. Study new educational standards, understand their features.
  2. Get acquainted with new pedagogical technologies through subject publications and the Internet.
  3. Improve qualifications in courses for primary school teachers.
  4. Publishing your articles on education topics in the media.
  5. Participate in all professional competitions at the municipal, regional, federal levels..
  6. Continue the creation of a mathematics classroom: add new methodological literature, cards, punch cards, and visual aids.
  7. To develop a system of exercises and didactic games to develop the logical thinking of primary schoolchildren.
  8. Conduct comprehensive parent education and open days.


Once every 5 years





Psychological and pedagogical

  1. Improve your knowledge in the field of classical and modern psychology and pedagogy.
  2. Take part in the work of pedagogical consultations.
  3. Conduct psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.



  1. To improve knowledge of the modern content of education for students in the initial course of study.
  2. Get acquainted with new forms, methods and techniques of teaching.
  3. Take an active part in the work of school education for primary school teachers.
  4. Organize work with gifted children and take part in scientific and practical conferences, creative work competitions, and Olympiads.
  5. Study the work experience of the best teachers via the Internet.
  6. Attend lessons from colleagues and participate in the exchange of experience.
  7. Periodically conduct self-analysis of professional activities.
  8. Create a collection of exercises for the development of logical thinking with a regional component.





Information and computer technologies

  1. Study ICT and introduce them into the educational process.
  2. Collection and analysis of information on the Internet on primary education, pedagogy and psychology.
  3. Create a personal website and update it monthly.
  4. Create a creative group of teachers interested in new ICTs.
  5. Create an email to contact like-minded people.



Health protection

  1. Introduce health-saving technologies into the educational process.

Around 1996, a period of rapid growth began in the field of practical application of project management. In 1996–1997, project management in construction was launched thanks to an object lesson taught during the construction of the Olympic Village for the 1997 World Youth Games.

The introduction of project management methods and technologies in Russia was temporarily suspended by the 1998 crisis. However, it was since 1998 that project management began to be used by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In 2000, leading Russian telecommunications companies adopted professional project management as an effective market tool. Suffice it to say that in 2000–2001, representatives of Beeline, Central Telegraph, Combellga, Ericsson, Telesoft, Network Project and a number of other telecommunications companies took courses at the Moscow branch of PMI.

In 2001, banks mastered project management. First, IT divisions, and then other divisions of large Moscow banks, realized the advantages of using this methodology and began to implement it at home. Examples include Alfa Bank and Moscow Credit Bank. Around the same time, there was an increasing interest in project management on the part of mechanical engineering enterprises, which can be associated with the rise of the industry and the emergence of investments.

More and more new industries are gradually beginning to apply modern methods and technologies of professional project management, and interesting patterns are being discovered.

First of all, a direct relationship was revealed between increased competition in a certain market and a decrease in the profitability of the corresponding enterprises and an increase in interest in project management.

The second pattern is related to the consolidation of companies. While companies were small and managers were able to manage based on their own intuition and a limited amount of information to process, interest was moderate. As companies grew larger, the introduction of unified methodologies and project management software became an urgent need 1 .

Thus, project management has recently gained recognition in the Russian Federation as one of the best methods of planning and management in business. More and more organizations are using modern project management technologies.

Professional associations

    • Project Management Areas

    There are two professional associations of specialists in the field of project management in the world - Project Management Institute (PMI) and International Project Management Association (IPMA). They are arranged differently.

The Project Management Institute (PMI) unites about 100,000 members from 120 countries and has branches in 60 countries on all continents except Antarctica. PMI's headquarters are located in the USA.

International Project Management Association (IPMA) is a community of European national project management associations. IPMA's headquarters are located in Switzerland.

In European countries, these two associations coexist quite peacefully, and in Russia, along with PMI branches in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk, there is our national project management association SOVNET. These organizations set similar goals - promoting project management and increasing professionalism in this area, which is apparently why they do not compete, but cooperate 1 .

The Russian Project Management Association (SOVNET) was founded in 1990 and is a voluntary union of professionals engaged in research and development, training and certification of specialists in the field of project management; justification, preparation, implementation and management of projects in various fields of activity. SOVNET is a non-profit, professional international organization operating on the basis of Russian legislation and the Charter of the Association.

SOVNET's mission is to broadly develop professional project management in Russia and cooperate with the International Project Management Association, its national organizations, other foreign associations, institutes and companies in the field of project management.

The core values ​​of the Association are stated as follows:

    “We believe that the true measure of quality in Project Management is the achievement of project objectives within the planned time frame and within budget.

    There are no good or bad excuses for not successfully completing a project.

    Project management is not the activity of one person,

well-coordinated team. The project management team is made up of highly qualified specialists, motivated for success and deeply committed to the company's business.

  1. We are convinced that project management is necessary and sufficient to achieve the company's strategic goals.

5. We are not only developing project management, but we are building a project-oriented business and society.”

The main objectives of SOVNET are:

    ensuring the growth of professionalism in the field of project management;

    formation of a market for professional project management services in Russia;

    assistance in training and retraining of personnel, increasing the level of training in the field of project management;

    implementation and development of the National Certification Program for Project Management Specialists;

    cooperation of scientists, specialists and practitioners in the field of project management, exchange of ideas and experience;

    promoting the development and widespread practical use of modern tools and methods of project management;

    providing practical assistance in the implementation of specific projects and programs;

    providing consulting and methodological support in the implementation of project management systems in organizations and companies.

COUNCIL 1 is an organization that unites the experience, knowledge and efforts of teams of state, public and non-profit organizations, business companies, firms and enterprises,

Long-term development PROJECT “Educational consulting as a model of tutor support for a teacher’s individual professional career” as a model of tutor support for a teacher’s individual professional career” Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Kostroma “Lyceum 41”

The goal of the project: to create conditions for teachers to master the tools of effective self-study, self-education, and self-realization; providing resources for personal advancement in a professional career. creating conditions for teachers to master the tools of effective self-study, self-education, and self-realization; providing resources for personal advancement in a professional career.

Objectives: diagnostics of teacher needs for the development of individual educational programs; diagnosis of teacher needs for the development of individual educational programs; ensuring the educational initiative movement of teachers; ensuring the educational initiative movement of teachers; reflection on the methods of self-education, self-study, self-determination, self-realization, self-organization of teachers in the educational space. reflection on the methods of self-education, self-study, self-determination, self-realization, self-organization of teachers in the educational space.

Description of the model Stages Contents 1. Diagnostic diagnostics of the teacher’s readiness for self-education, self-determination, self-realization; diagnostics of features of teaching style. 2. Motivational training for personal growth 3. Goal setting, tutor consultations; defining goals and objectives for each teacher. 4. Design development of individual programs for self-education, drawing up a resource map. 5. Implementation support for the implementation of individual self-education programs; organization of educational events; organization of internships, master classes, training seminars and courses. 6. Evaluative-effective reflection (teacher’s assessment of his own progress in his professional career)

Stages of drawing up an individual educational route: 1) analyzed the case of educational services; 2) determined the invariant and variable parts of the program; 3) selected the content of the educational material; 4) determined the time intervals for mastering the program; 5) chose methods and forms of training; 6) developed a schedule of individual and group consultations; 7) created individual educational routes; 8) made a resource map.

INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL ROUTE Svetlana Borisovna Chistyakova Svetlana Borisovna Chistyakova Name of educational modules/internships Number of hours Form of training Types of training sessions Duration of training Form of control Personally-oriented training in primary school as a means of improving the quality of education. Technology of educational research. During the academic year, self-education Individual consultations with a tutor, interview “Formation of educational learning using the means of educational complex “School 2100” 2 Correspondence classes of a scientific and practical webinar on the basis of the lyceum in a distance mode 2011 interview Modern educational technologies. Technology of critical thinking 12 Full-time (without interruption from work) Classes of a scientific and practical seminar at the lyceum; visiting master classes and workshops of colleagues Attending lessons with a tutor Organizing the process of spiritual and moral education, development of younger schoolchildren in the course of developing reading competence For two years, self-education Studying methodological literature, Internet resources, individual consultations with a tutor, interview Personally-oriented education in primary school as a means of improving the quality of education. Design in elementary school During the school year, self-education Individual consultations with a tutor Interview Methods of using digital interactive equipment when solving design and research problems in the context of the implementation of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard 72 Full-time course training on the basis of KOIRO interview Innovative technologies in education 72 Full-time Scientific and practical seminar classes at Lyceum database report Electronic school6 Full-time (without interruption from work) Individual consultations with a tutor filling out an electronic journal

Forms of training at the stage of implementing an individual plan for self-education 1. Course preparation on the basis of KOIRO, including distance courses. 2. Course training on the basis of the lyceum (scientific and practical seminar classes). 4. Work on the topic of self-education. 5. Individual tasks. 7. Master classes. 8. Internships. 9. Compilation of a portfolio.