The truth about sugar! Do you know that sugar contains formaldehyde? What happens if you add sugar to gasoline? Sugar is made from oil

Never buy minced meat and products made from it - sausages, sausages, dumplings, cutlets, etc. - especially for your children, as well as for pregnant and lactating women!

In the best case, the meat content in them does not exceed 2-5% (instead of 60-70), in the worst case, and there are more than half of them, there is no meat in them at all (see below), and it is replaced by many far from useful substances (especially toxic to children, pregnant and lactating women, and reduces sperm motility in men). Even in expensive varieties of modern hard smoked sausages, the meat content rarely exceeds 10%.

No meat - no taste. The appetizing meat taste, color, and smell are replenished with chemically synthesized flavoring, coloring and aromatic substances. In this case, decent manufacturers write on the packaging “similar to natural”, but there are very few of them. Since the 1980s, chemistry has been able to give a product any predetermined taste, color and aroma, which are practically indistinguishable even by specially trained experts.

PRACTICAL EXPERIMENT. Buy and try once in your life “Chips with the taste of red caviar” - shelf life is 6 months, so you no longer doubt the capabilities of modern chemistry. Of course, there are not even traces of red caviar - otherwise, you would get poisoned if you stored these chips at room temperature after 3-4 days. There is a convincing taste, but no caviar. Also with meat and fish (or you can also use strawberries, pineapple, mustard, etc.).

Nowadays, many manufacturers of industrial food and seasonings introduce special tasteless substances that, like dopamine affect the brain, cause a feeling of pleasure, stimulate the appetite and “accustom” them specifically to their products (preferably from early childhood - don’t be surprised when your child wants exactly these sausages and eats this absolute rubbish with greed - children’s receptors are younger and react sharper). Some manufacturers introduce such substances into industrially produced baby food for the youngest, and a child accustomed to such foods begins to refuse to eat other dishes.

Of course, given the threefold shortage of meat in the country (and 80% of it is imported from abroad), no one would think of turning expensive meat into cheap minced meat. In particular, recently the production of its “national” beef in Russia does not exceed 0.5 kg per capita per year. Therefore, “meat” or “fish” mince is made from something else - see below.

Buy meat and fish only in pieces when you can see what it is. And raw to cook yourself. No one has yet learned how to fake a piece of raw meat or fish; in extreme cases, it will be soaked for 5-10 hours in a bath of tap water to swell, but it will still be a natural product without toxic additives, albeit with an increased weight.

Raw foods sold frozen, especially raw fish and chicken, are often syringed with some water to increase weight before freezing.
In order to freeze fish into it, as much water as possible is almost always introduced into it that is very toxic and harmful to health. polyphosphates. This allows you to “add” up to 55% water to the mass of frozen fish. After thawing, this water flows out, but harmful polyphosphates remain in the fish. Of course, fish is good for your health. But a person who eats frozen fish significantly poisons himself. Therefore, you should not buy frozen fish.

In a “stew” it is quite difficult to distinguish a piece of real meat from structured soy rubbish, especially when the stew is cold and the pieces of meat in it are small. When making real stew, 2-3 pieces of raw meat are tightly placed in a jar (not many small pieces!), a little strong solution of table salt and a piece of bay leaf are added on top. Then the can is hermetically sealed and subjected to heat treatment in an autoclave at a temperature of 120 o C. Thus, the content of meat and fat contained in raw meat in this stew is about 98%. If the can says less meat content (for Russian “highest quality” it usually says about 58% on the can, and there are various small pieces in the can), then it’s already a surrogate with additives of all sorts of rubbish.
Note. Currently, the stewed meat supplied from Belarus is of high quality. Those. This is the stew it should be.

Even when you buy canned “Chicken in its own juice” with bones, these may turn out to be bones left over after cutting the fillet, processed until soft, and when placed in a jar, they are transferred to structured soy with the addition of fat (i.e., practically without meat).

Industrially prepared products from pieces of meat or fish ("boiled pork", "baked meat", "pork neck", "smoked" fish, etc.) during the cooking process are saturated with toxic aqueous solutions of various substances, so that the finished products acquire a mass twice that of the original product (instead of losing 30-40 percent of its weight during cooking), but is sold as having lost weight and at an appropriate price, although it contains large amounts of biologically harmful substances. (For more details, see below "INTERVIEW OF A SPECIALIST ON THE "SAUSAGE" TOPIC.") The profit in such productions is three to four times. The most famous large Russian manufacturers, with great capabilities, make full use of these technologies. Various small manufacturers are also trying to keep up with them.

To prepare street grilled chicken, they must first be soaked in a solution of sodium tripolyphosphate, which allows the chicken to get a beautiful crust and maintain juiciness when fried. Sodium tripolyphosphate is a foaming agent in washing powders, but it is what is used to soak chickens.


Cut a piece 1-1.5 cm thick and fry in oil on both sides until a light crispy crust forms. The finished, full-fledged product has already lost excess water during industrial preparation, so it will practically not change its size and weight, but will be fried until golden brown. A product saturated with an aqueous solution of various rather toxic substances will first lose excess water before forming a crispy crust, therefore it will fry longer, fizz more strongly (the added water evaporates), and will almost halve both in visually determined volumetric size (shrinks strongly) and in weight . The introduced toxic substances will remain in the product.

It is even easier to check the purchased finished product by quickly wetting the paper (regular writing paper) in which the product is wrapped and placed in a plastic bag. After wrapping it in new paper, it quickly gets wet again. So the third and fourth time. The added water (paid for the price of the meat) continuously oozes out of the product.

There are many quite harmful additives that manufacturers add to products so that they do not spoil, are stored forever, are beautiful, smell nice, are unnaturally tasty and the consumer willingly buys them.

Here's what one of our subscribers said about Hanoverian sausages produced by Tavra:
“On the way to fishing, my husband bought himself a few sausages to fry them over the fire, but forgot - he got carried away with fishing. He remembered about them only a week later - while preparing for his next outing into nature. I found them in my backpack, cautiously untied the bag - and was stunned - they smelled just as delicious.... Can you imagine a meat product that, after lying in the summer sun for a week in a tied plastic bag, would remain fresh? I can't imagine either. And I started thinking, what exactly are these sausages made from? If it were soybean, it would also go bad... In general, our family no longer eats sausages..."


1. Artificial "smoking"

Smoking is a rather lengthy process and difficult to regulate, and this in turn interferes with the organization of flow in sausage production and in the production of smoked fish. Present cold smoking lasts up to 5 days at a smoke temperature not higher than 40 o C, and hot smoking– up to 5 hours at a smoke temperature of 90-100 o C. Smoke generation depends on many factors, so it is difficult to ensure the uniformity of the smoke composition and the stability of the aroma and taste of the product. In addition, high qualifications are required to determine the degree of smokedness of the product.

All these reasons prompted scientists to reduce the cost and “rationalize” the historical method of smoke smoking. The task was to create artificial drug, which, when added to the recipe of meat products, would give them the taste and smell of smoked meats and make it possible to exclude the smoking operation from the technological scheme.

Idea smokeless smoking was not new. For the first time in 1814, the outstanding Russian scientist Vasily Nazarovich Karazin developed, tested and proposed for practical use a method for obtaining a certain liquid containing smoking substances in liquid form. However, in the context of the then accepted tradition of producing only real, complete products, this “invention” of Mr. Karazin was rejected as fundamentally unsuitable for human nutrition.

Later, in the twentieth century, Soviet researchers created several species smoking liquid ("liquid smoke"). The principle of its production is based on smoke condensation and subsequent processing of the resulting substance by distillation and adsorption.

Apply these smoking preparations at smokeless smoking sausages, simply adding them together with spices directly into the sausage mince during cutting (grinding) or mixing in an amount of up to 1% of the mince mass, depending on the type of sausage. The use of smoking liquids has made it possible to dramatically simplify the technology for the production of smoked products and eliminate even the need for smokehouses.

To obtain a “smoked” surface of smoked sausages and to quickly impregnate lump meat or fish with smoking substances, an electric field is used. In this case, the well-known laws of electrostatics are used. You probably still didn’t know that raw smoked sausage is actually “smoked” in an electric field. We have already said that smoking is a labor-intensive and long process, and reducing the duration of processing a product with smoke smoke is a very difficult matter.

But the electric field came to the rescue. Sausage, pieces of meat, fish are placed between two similarly charged electrodes and connected to an electrode of the opposite charge or to a grounding system.

In this case, a high voltage electric field causes ionization of the sprayed particles of smoking substances, they acquire directional movement and settle on the surface of the product. Thus, the period of surrogate “smoking” of meat products is reduced from several days to only 4-6 minutes.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For products obtained by any type of artificial smoking, it is important to remember that the smoking liquid (“liquid smoke”), although to some extent imitates the taste of a smoked product, does not impart those preserving bactericidal properties that the product acquires from natural smoking substances in a truly complete smoking. Therefore, artificially “smoked” lump meat and fish products spoil just as quickly as regular boiled ones. You cannot take such products with you on the road! And products smoked using normal classical technologies can no longer be found in Russian stores.

RECOMMENDATION. If you need meat with you on the road, stored at room temperature for up to 1-2 weeks, thoroughly fry small pieces of meat in a sufficient amount of fat, immediately from the frying pan, place them tightly in small jars that have been previously sterilized by boiling in water and dried (each for one time) , immediately pour in very hot rendered pork fat (you can add melted beef fat or just beef fat) so that the meat is covered on top with a layer of fat about 1 cm thick. Close the jars with sterilized and dried screw caps. Let cool slowly at room temperature.


The latest achievements of modern theoretical sciences, especially in the field of electrical engineering and biology, find wide practical application in the production of meat products.

Physicists understand the main challenges facing the food industry and do their best to contribute to the intensification of technological processes, increasing the yield and improving the quality of finished products, improving existing technology and equipment, and more rational use of animal raw materials available in the meat industry.

However What do, for example, radiation physics and the meat industry have in common?

It turns out that purely theoretical research carried out in the laboratories of the institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences is of great practical importance for meat industry enterprises. In particular, ionizing radiation, such as cathode, x-rays and radioactive gamma rays, have a strong bactericidal effect, i.e. they ensure complete sterilization of the product in a very short time. Treatment with radioactive ionizing radiation leads to the destruction of microflora in raw meat or finished products within a few tens of seconds.

A short irradiation time, a high degree of sterility while maintaining the original quality of raw materials, the ability to change the penetration depth and irradiation dose make it easy to organize a continuous flow process of ionization processing of various meat products. Radioactive treatment is especially important for fermented milk products, such as yoghurts, intended for long-term storage (weeks or more), since any heat treatment would irreversibly spoil them.

Implementation radurization in industry, it allows storing meat packaged in airtight containers at temperatures of about 20°C, i.e. without refrigeration, for 1.5-2 years. It is easy to imagine the practical benefits and economic benefits that result from the use of radioactive processing of meat in industry.

Another physical method of technological processing of meat products is ultraviolet irradiation. The sterilizing effect of ultraviolet rays manifests itself mainly on the surface of the product (at a depth of up to 0.1 millimeters), which is of particular importance for meat, which immediately after slaughter has no germs inside and is industrially sterile, but the outside is already contaminated with unwanted microflora.

Therefore, UVL lamps are most often used on refrigerators to irradiate meat carcasses intended for long-term storage. Ultraviolet irradiation is also used for the sterilization of sausages, water, air and brines.

Most types of finished products are subjected to various methods of heat treatment before being released for sale. Thermal processes, as a rule, are very long and it is currently not possible to reduce them using traditional methods. That is why technologists and physicists are constantly improving the conditions for heat treatment of meat products based on the use of electrophysical methods.

These methods primarily include heating products with infrared energy (IR heating). Comprehensive studies to study the theoretical characteristics and kinetics of the processes of heat treatment of meat products, as well as determining the influence of IR radiation of various spectral ranges on the physicochemical, microbiological and structural-mechanical properties of finished products make it possible to use IR treatment to obtain baked meat products such as neck, carbonate, meat loaves and some others. In this case, not only a reduction in the overall duration of heat treatment is achieved, but also a high yield and quality of products, and the costs of their production are reduced.

Electric and electromagnetic fields can also be used in relation to the technology of certain types of meat products. Dielectric heating, in which electrical energy is converted into heat as a result of complex polarization processes at the molecular level, which makes it possible to heat the product simultaneously throughout its entire volume in a very short time (1 kilogram of minced meat when making meat loaves can be heated in 3-5 minutes to 70°C). Electric heating is easy to use and design, economical, it is used for cooking minced meat products, pates, and liver sausages.

For the same purpose they use induction heating, high frequency currents and electromagnetic fields of ultra high frequencies. It is interesting to note that microwave heating has advantages over traditional methods, including both the speed and uniformity of heating of the product throughout the entire volume, and the high sterilizing effect of highly variable electromagnetic fields. During high-frequency and microwave treatment, the death of microorganisms occurs not only due to volumetric heating, but in many cases as a result of the direct effect of radiation on microbial cells. Due to these circumstances, high-frequency heating can be used not only for cooking meat products, defrosting raw materials, dehydrating liquid media and freeze drying, but also for sterilizing canned food and preserves.


Every year, when slaughtering animals, the country's meat processing plants produce about half a million tons of blood - a raw material that, after special processing, is used in the production of sausages and technical products (glue, foaming agents).

The wide range of uses of blood is due to its composition and properties.

Blood contains 16-19% protein, 79-82% water, as well as non-protein and mineral substances, including vitamins, hormones, trace elements, enzymes. The main component that determines nutritional value is blood proteins. They are diverse in properties, but in terms of amino acid composition, almost all are complete and close in composition to meat proteins.

Whole blood is red in color caused by the presence of hemoglobin protein, the amount of which in the blood is quite large - 28-44%. Hemoglobin is a complex protein, consisting of a complex of a protein part (globin) and an organic compound (heme), which contains iron, which gives hemoglobin its red color. If we separate hemoglobin from blood, for example by separation or sedimentation, we obtain plasma that is red-yellow or orange-red in color. Proteins of three fractions remain in the plasma: fibrinogen, albumin And globulins. Quantitatively, albumins and globulins - complete water-soluble proteins - predominate in plasma (90-93% of the total protein). And fibrinogen - what is it?

Surely you have had to stop the bleeding on a cut finger more than once and you have noticed that even without iodine, the blood stops by itself after a while. This occurs due to the presence of fibrinogen protein in the blood. Under the influence of enzyme systems, fibrinogen is converted into insoluble fibrin, which has the appearance of a clot and causes blood clotting. Natural blood clotting in animals occurs in 4-15 minutes; in birds - in 1 minute; After this, fibrin precipitates and is forced to be separated from the blood or plasma. To preserve fibrinogen in the blood or slow down the clotting process, special substances are used - blood stabilizers (anticoagulants). These include heparin, antithrombin, antithromboplastin, various acids, phosphates, synanthrin-130 synthetic stabilizer, and table salt. The introduction of small amounts of anticoagulants into the blood prevents clotting and stabilizes the blood for a period of 10 hours to 2 weeks.

Blood can be preserved not only with table salt, but also with fibrizol, phenol, cresol, ammonia, and also by freezing. In industry, both whole blood and all its components are used: plasma, hemoglobin (formed elements), serum - plasma deprived fibrin (containing only albumins and globulins), and fibrin itself. Food blood is collected in the slaughterhouse of a meat processing plant with a special (hollow, tubular) knife into sterile canisters or into a pipeline through which the blood is pumped using a vacuum system and pumps to the blood processing department. The collected blood is usually stabilized and then passed through a separator if plasma or formed elements are to be obtained. Whole blood is not stabilized for the production of serum, but after a short period of time (to form fibrin clots) it is beaten with a stirrer and the fibrin is removed; Blood defibrinated in this way is processed in a separator and serum and formed elements are obtained.

Further use of blood and its fractions depends on what product they want to get from it. One third of the blood collected at enterprises is used for the production of food products, mainly in the form of plasma and serum. Liquid food whey and plasma are added to boiled sausages, chopped semi-finished products, dietary products or liver sausages instead of raw meat.

Dried whey proteins- light albumin is used instead of the relatively expensive egg white in sausage production, in the confectionery and bakery industries, since albumin beats well in the presence of water and forms foam.

However, when using serum and plasma, some of the blood proteins (hemoglobin and fibrinogen) are lost, and it becomes impossible to use them for food purposes. It is known that blood serum contains about 7% protein, and whole blood contains almost 20%. It would seem more rational and logical to use stabilized liquid blood in sausage production. But it's not that simple. Whole blood has a dark color and adding it to the recipe of boiled sausages leads to a deterioration in their appearance, the appearance of spots on the cut of the product, and pigmentation of the color of the product. Partial whole blood, of course, is used in sausage production in the production of blood sausages and brawn, but this part constitutes only 3-4% of the total amount of blood. But it is impossible to artificially increase the production of blood products, since not all cities and republics love these products.

What to do? After all, the economic efficiency of introducing blood into the formulation of meat products is obvious: Replacing 1 ton of beef meat with whole blood saves 150-180 thousand rubles.

The use of all food reserves of whole blood throughout the country allows not only to obtain enormous savings, but also at the same time contributes to the emergence of additional thousands of tons of meat products made from minced meat, which in turn significantly increases the population’s consumption of animal proteins. Now, when the problem of protein deficiency is very acute in the world (see more about this below), the irrational use of protein resources is unacceptable, and blood amount of proteins, the ratio of amino acids, the degree of digestibility (95-98%), the content of various biologically active substances is a highly valuable raw material.

Scientists from different countries are finding more and more new and effective ways to eliminate the dark color of blood and its colored part in order to expand the area of ​​its food use. Conventionally, all theoretical and applied industrial methods of blood bleaching can be divided into groups.

The most common group consists of methods masking the natural color of blood hemoglobin. In this case, blood is introduced into special formulations containing adhesive raw materials (ears, legs, pork skin), boiled meat, boiled cereal or bread, soy protein, greave, and egg powder. At the same time, the color of the blood is diluted and the sausages acquire an attractive appearance and pleasant taste. Now soy flour has begun to be included even in expensive varieties of hard smoked sausages.

Another method masking the color of hemoglobin is the treatment of mixtures of blood with fat, blood with fat and vegetable proteins, blood with milk with ultrasonic hydrodynamic vibrations. As a result of exposure to ultrasound, emulsions are formed in which hemoglobin is surrounded by a layer of fat, which gives a lightening effect. The resulting homogeneous, stable, light pink emulsion is added to boiled sausages.

Combining blood with milk to mutually balance the amino acid composition of the resulting mixture and soften the natural color of blood has long attracted the attention of practitioners and scientists. In the 70s, the Institute of Nutrition of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences developed a technology for obtaining concentrator, consisting of 1 part blood and 3 parts skim milk - a waste product from dairy production. The finished reddish-brown protein “fortifier” in wet or dried form is added to boiled sausages, cutlets, pates and other food products.

Another group of lightening methods blood treatment includes methods based on the separation of hemoglobin from whole blood and its subsequent treatment with chemicals. At the same time hemoglobin split into heme And globin. The globin protein is precipitated and separated from the mixture, dried and added to pates and liver sausages.

There are also methods for clarifying blood by treating the coloring pigment - hemoglobin with hydrogen peroxide or perhydrol. The use of hydrogen peroxide as a bleaching agent provides a high whitening effect in a short time. The finished product in wet or dry form, light brown or yellow in color, can be added to the recipe for boiled sausages instead of meat.

There are also possibilities to clarify blood by using enzymes, electrolysis, ozone saturation, hemoglobin separation by ultrafiltration or ion exchange columns.

Special word about hematogen- a drug that increases the content of red blood cells in the blood of people suffering from anemia. Dry hematogen is obtained by spray drying a mixture of stabilized or defibrinated blood with food grade glycerin (12.5%).

Dry hematogen is produced in the form of tablets or powder. Liquid hematogen is produced from defibrinated blood or from formed elements, to which sugar syrup, alcohol, vanillin or aromatic essences are added. The resulting liquid hematogen is poured into vials, pasteurized, i.e. heated to 50-55°C to destroy vegetative microflora, and hermetically packaged.

When making children's hematogen, a mixture of milk and sugar (or molasses) is first evaporated; after cooling, add dry hematogen, vanillin or fruit essence. A thick mass of hematogen is laid out on plates, cut into tiles, packaged and packaged.

Therefore, meat processing plant workers are interested in preserving this type of raw material and preventing loss of blood, which replaces expensive meat in minced meat and sausages. It is irrational to use meat and meat trimmings for minced meat - it is much more economically efficient to sell them in the retail chain in the form of large- and small-piece meat products.

Raw materials for the sausage industry are also of low nutritional value hard And soft waste containing large amounts of collagen - a connective tissue protein.

Solid raw materials include bone, coming after the separation of meat from sausage production, from the public catering network and collected together with food waste, as well as horns And hooves

To soft raw materials include scraps of skin, skins, flesh, tendons, parchment, ears, genitals, etc., which are simply ground very carefully to be added to minced sausage.

Bone raw materials are first sorted, cleaned of dirt and impurities on a conveyor belt, and crushed into pieces of 1.5-5 centimeters. Then, using high sound pressure ultrasonic units, Some of the bones are crushed into fine flour. Also, with the help of ultrasound, water-fat and water-protein-fat emulsions are quickly and effectively prepared, and blood is decolorized to replace raw meat in minced meat.

But you cannot add too much bone meal to sausages without reducing the organoleptic properties. Therefore, most of the crushed bone is separated (calibrated) by size and subjected to maceration, i.e., the complete removal of mineral substances (salts) from the bone, as a result of which collagen (the so-called ossein) is obtained in a swollen and ready-made form. Maceration is carried out with a weak solution of hydrochloric acid, dissolving both calcium and magnesium salts that form the solid basis of the bone. After 7-8 days of maceration, the bone acquires elastic properties, loses strength, and ossein is easily cut with a knife. Then the resulting product is crushed to be added to minced meat along with soft raw materials.

In addition, crushed protein-containing waste resulting from poultry processing - blood, intestines, crop, esophagus, heads, legs.

A sufficient amount of rich vegetable proteins is also added to the minced meat. soy flour.

Of course, such components are not capable of giving the sausage the meaty taste and smell familiar to consumers. Therefore, these organoleptic properties are introduced into products using additives of synthetic flavoring, aromatic and coloring substances.

But all the methods described above have a fundamental drawback - they require, albeit not meat, but still animal raw materials.

Is it possible to produce sausages without livestock and poultry farming at all?


Of course, the presence of microorganisms leads to spoilage of meat, a decrease in its nutritional value and a deterioration in the organoleptic characteristics of raw materials and finished products. In addition, some microbes, during their life processes, release toxins - poisons that can cause food poisoning in humans. But does this mean that microorganisms are our enemies?

Scientists and industry workers have learned not only to fight microbes, they have learned to recognize them, regulate their activities, isolate individual species, and even specially grow beneficial microorganisms.

The use of certain types is especially common microflora when salting ham products and hams, when microorganisms introduced into the raw material with brine, while simultaneously suppressing the development of foreign microbes, participate in the formation of the taste and smell of “ham”, in the process of stabilizing the color of salted meat products. These types of microbes are isolated specifically from old brines or grown in laboratory and industrial conditions. To accelerate the progress of enzymatic processes, for. to improve the smell and taste, to delay the development of putrefactive spoilage, certain types or mixtures of bacterial cultures are also added to raw smoked and dry-cured sausages during salting or preparation of minced meat. The bacterial cultures used, or starters as they are called, are mainly representatives of the lactic acid bacteria group; they are harmless and even stimulate the activity of the human gastrointestinal tract.

As you can see, the presence and activity of microorganisms in meat production can, under certain conditions, have both negative and positive significance. You just need to know the type of microbes, their properties and development conditions and be able to either fight them or use them to obtain high-quality products, to reduce the duration of various technological processes.

The same can be said about enzymes. The functioning of unnecessary enzymes in raw materials can be delayed or stopped by treating meat with heat treatment methods. And to obtain products with improved properties, raw materials are treated with special enzyme preparations.

The need to use enzymes is due to the fact that meat, being heterogeneous in composition, properties and structure, contains, in addition to muscle tissue, collagen and elastin fibers of connective tissue, which have high strength and rigidity.

In this regard, the meat industry began to use enzyme preparations, which, on the one hand, improve the consistency of meat, softening the structure of rough and strong muscle fibers and connective tissue, and on the other hand, help to increase the degree of digestibility of the product and improve taste and smell. Enzymes are used mainly in the production of hams, semi-finished products and freeze-dried meat. Based on their origin, enzyme preparations are divided into plant, animal and microbial.

Enzymes of plant origin include ficin, which is obtained from fig leaves, papain, isolated from the juice of the melon tree, and bromelain, which is part of pineapple juice. Animal enzymes are pepsin and trypsin, obtained from the pancreas. Microbiological enzymes - oryzin, therizin - are isolated by chemical methods from the waste products of special types of fungi and microbes.

Enzyme preparations are used in the form of a powder or solution, introducing them for a more uniform distribution in all parts of the carcass before slaughtering the animal (8-10 minutes) through the circulatory system. Quite often, enzymes are used by applying a powdered preparation to the surface of the product, irrigating the meat with an enzyme solution, or immersing the raw material in the solution. When producing hams and large-sized meat products, enzyme preparations are introduced into the thickness of the product simultaneously with the injection brine.

The safety of using enzymes in the production of meat products is obvious, since they are of a protein nature and after conventional heat treatment - boiling, baking, frying - they lose their activity.

As you can see, in modern technology of meat products the collaboration of technologist, microbiologist, biologist and physiologist is clearly manifested in the field of using the sum of knowledge of these sciences to obtain products with specified properties and the necessary quality indicators. Thanks to their efforts, our everyday food is becoming more and more synthetic. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the deterioration in public health since the mid-twentieth century, when various scientific developments began to be widely used in the food industry.


Is it possible to produce meat in a factory or plant in the same way as furniture, clothing, paper and various other things? It is clear that sausage, ham, semi-finished products and much more are produced in meat processing plants and sausage factories, turning animal raw materials into finished products that are familiar to us. But is it possible to obtain the most important thing - meat - not from livestock farming, not from livestock processing, but on some kind of machine or machine? It turns out that it is possible.

And not only is it possible, but it is also necessary, and even necessary.

The reason is very serious. The fact is that in the diets of the population of many countries of the world there is a large deficiency of complete protein, as a result of which more than 60% of the world's population experiences a chronic lack of dietary protein, especially protein of animal origin. And in modern Russia there is a 3-fold shortage of meat.

In the course of the modern scientific and technological revolution, people are trying to solve the problem of nutrition by increasing the productivity of livestock farming, poultry farming and fishing, improving the existing technology for processing raw materials and using them more fully. However, the annual gap between the required amount of food products and the consumed population of the Earth (in protein) is more than 6 million tons and is increasing from year to year, since the population of the Earth is now over 6 billion people and is increasing by 2% annually. Therefore, no rate of development of livestock farming will obviously be able to reduce the gap in dietary protein deficiency.

“A sad prospect for humanity,” you will say... and you will be wrong.

The paradox of the situation lies in the fact that with an acute shortage of animal protein on earth, there are significant resources that are already widely used for food production.

Of course, a person cannot achieve an increase in the number of livestock by receiving 2-3 calves from each cow annually, and is there any need for this?

Let's think about it.

In order to obtain meat and meat products at a meat processing plant, we must take into account the level of development of both animal husbandry and crop production, which provides animals with a complete diet when growing and fattening. And the diet includes feed protein from wheat, corn, soybeans, and alfalfa as the main component. In the animal's body, vegetable protein is processed into animal protein, i.e. into meat. This is familiar and understandable to us. But did you know that when fattening an animal, the efficiency of converting vegetable protein into meat protein is only from 6 to 38%. In other words, during the production of livestock products, most of the plant protein is lost. And it is for this reason that protein, for example, beef, i.e. meat, costs 30-50 times more than protein from plant products, such as bread.

From year to year, the production of legumes and cereals increases, some of which we directly consume as food, and the rest we use for feed purposes in livestock farming.

And we get a seemingly insoluble situation: we have a lot of vegetable protein, but we are forced to use it completely unproductively.

But that's not all.

The World Ocean supplies us with a lot of food. Already, it accounts for 25% of animal protein products used by humans. However, only 12-15% is used for food needs and over 10% in fishmeal is used in livestock and poultry farming.

Man has long mastered the technology of isolating pure protein from soybeans, cotton, rapeseed, sunflowers, peanuts, rice, corn, peas, wheat, green leaves, potatoes, hemp and many other plants. But these are incomplete plant proteins that do not contain some essential amino acids. And in nutrition, a person needs sufficient amounts of complete animal protein. But where can I get it?

And man has learned, with the help of yeast, bacteria, unicellular algae and microorganisms, to convert carbohydrates, alcohols, paraffins, oil, and grass into cheap, complete food protein containing all the essential amino acids. Refining just 2% of the world's annual oil production can produce up to 25 million tons of protein - enough to feed 2 billion people for a year.

And this method of processing available cheap raw materials into scarce animal protein using microorganisms is called microbiological synthesis.

The technology for producing microbial biomass as a source of valuable food proteins was developed back in the early 1960s. Then a number of European companies drew attention to the possibility of growing microbes on a substrate such as petroleum hydrocarbons to obtain the so-called. protein of unicellular organisms (SOO). A technological triumph was the production of a product consisting of dried microbial biomass grown in methanol. The process took place continuously in a fermenter with a working volume of 1.5 million liters. However, due to rising prices for oil and its products, this project became economically unprofitable, temporarily giving way to the production of soybean and fishmeal. By the end of the 80s, the plants for the production of biologically active waste were dismantled, which put an end to the rapid but short period of development of this branch of the microbiological industry.

Another process turned out to be more promising– obtaining mushroom biomass and complete mushroom protein mycoprotein using as a substrate a mixture of petroleum paraffins (very cheap waste from the oil refining industry), vegetable carbohydrates from food waste, mineral fertilizers and poultry waste.

The task of industrial microbiologists was to create mutant forms of microorganisms that are dramatically superior to their natural counterparts, i.e., obtaining superproducers complete protein from raw materials. Great progress has been made in this area: for example, it was possible to obtain microorganisms that synthesize proteins up to a concentration of 100 g/l(for comparison, wild-type organisms accumulate proteins in quantities measured in milligrams).

As microbial protein producers, the researchers chose two types of all-consuming microorganisms that can feed even on oil paraffins: filamentous fungus Endomycopsis fibuligera and yeast-like fungus Candida tropicalis (one of the causative agents of candidiasis and intestinal dysbacteriosis in humans).

Each of these producers forms about 40% of the complete protein.

Scientists have also selected conditions for pre-treatment of waste added to oil paraffins for optimal growth of fungal microflora. Chicken manure is diluted and hydrolyzed under acidic conditions; Beer grains are also hydrolyzed with sulfuric acid. After such treatment, no foreign microorganisms that were in the waste survive and do not interfere with the growth of microscopic fungi sown on the substrate.

Technologists also selected the conditions for filtering the multiplied biomass of microorganisms from the nutrient medium. All tests carried out showed that the resulting product is non-toxic, which means that it is possible to obtain from a mixture of petroleum paraffins, chicken manure and vegetable carbohydrate raw materials complete microbial protein. Thus, at the same time, a way has been found to effectively dispose of manure, which is one of the main problems in the development of industrial poultry farming. The result is an artificial “cycle of nutrients in nature” - what comes out of the stomach will return to it.

The next task was that proteins isolated from fungi grown on the substrate and supplied to food processing plants under the name "biomass", purified and deodorized, that is, they are tasteless and odorless, colorless and are a powder, paste or viscous solution.

There are hardly any people who want to eat them in this form, despite all the advantages in terms of nutritional and biological value. Therefore, at the first stage, they tried to simply add isolated tasteless proteins to traditional meat, and not only meat, products to enrich their amino acid composition.

But this path did not allow us to radically solve the protein problem. And scientists decided to create, construct, artificial food products that do not differ in appearance from the traditional products we are accustomed to, based on the use of existing protein resources. This approach made it possible to regulate the composition, properties and degree of digestibility of the resulting food analogues, which is of particular importance in the organization of children's, therapeutic and preventive nutrition.

And the use of special technology and equipment makes it possible to recreate the structure, appearance, taste, smell, color and all other properties that imitate a familiar product. In short, food engineering consists of isolating protein from raw materials of various natures and converting it mechanically into an analogue of a food product with a given composition and properties.

At the end of the USSR (in 1989), the annual production of artificial protein substances exceeded 1 million tons. In the conditions of modern Russia, the high profitability of such productions has made it possible to sharply increase the production of protein surrogates and now replace almost all meat in industrial minced meat products.

Artificial meat products are produced in several ways, allowing one to obtain products that imitate meat, chopped cutlets, steaks, lump semi-finished products, sausages, frankfurters, ham and much more. Of course, it is impossible to create an indistinguishable imitation of a piece of meat - its structure is too complex. Another thing is minced meat and products made from it - sausages, frankfurters, sausages, etc.

The technique and technology for producing meat analogues varies depending on the type of product. We will only tell you about some of the most interesting ones.

In accordance with one of the methods, a solution of the isolated protein is fed under high pressure through a spinneret into a bath with a special acid-salt solution, where the protein coagulates, hardens, strengthens and undergoes orientation stretching, resulting in protein thread.

Fillers containing binders, food (amino acids, vitamins, fats, micro- and macroelements), flavoring, aromatic and coloring substances are added to the fiber. The resulting fibers are grouped into bundles, formed into plates, cubes, pieces, granules by pressing and sintering when heated.

According to the experience of the textile industry, the resulting protein threads can be converted into a fiber-like food material, which, after swelling in water and cutting into pieces, differs little from natural meat products, but still differs... It is not yet possible to reliably fake the complex structure of a piece of meat.

But in the production of meat products for sausages and minced meat products, they use another technology that allows them to optimally hide the counterfeit: animal and hydrogenated vegetable fats, spices, synthetic flavorings, aromatic substances and artificial dyes are introduced into jellies obtained by heating concentrated protein solutions. Modern chemistry is capable of creating a taste and smell of any product that, even by experts, is indistinguishable from natural ones. The liquid mass is injected into the sausage casing, boiled, fried and cooled. An analogue of ready-made sausage mince is completely indistinguishable from the natural product in taste, smell, appearance, and structure.

To obtain artificial meat products porous structure Highly concentrated protein solutions are mixed with excipients and pressurized at high temperatures into a lower temperature and pressure environment. Due to the boiling of the liquid part, a product with a loose-porous structure is obtained. Some people are frightened by the very term “artificial” or “synthetic” meat, since this supposedly creates associations with something made of nylon or polyester. It should be noted that both the main components and all fillers used in the production of meat product analogs are harmless and balanced in the ratio of various essential nutritional components in accordance with physiological standards.

You might be interested to know that in addition to artificial meat products, artificial milk and dairy products (based on emulsions of cheap vegetable fats), cereals, pasta, “potato” chips, “berry” and “fruit” products, and “nut” butters are produced. for confectionery products, like oysters and even black granular caviar. (In particular, on cans of artificial condensed “milk” the name is written not “Condensed Milk”, but “Condensed Milk” - be careful when choosing; look on the labels for indications of the presence of vegetable fats, which cannot be in real dairy products.)

Although the volume of production of artificial food products is constantly increasing, this does not mean that analogues of meat products will soon replace natural products.

Obviously, there will be (and is already happening) the distribution of these types of meat products in the diets of rich and poor, primarily through a more complete and more rational processing of protein waste from the meat industry into ARTIFICIAL MEAT PRODUCTS for the low-income part of the population.

The production of ANALOGUE FOOD PRODUCTS is a relatively young area, but it is already generating enormous profits and providing food to billions of consumers around the world, including Russia. Moreover, it was the USSR, which ruined its agriculture, that made a special scientific and technological contribution to the development of this new branch of the food industry in the second half of the twentieth century.


About healthy homemade food
children and adults
in real conditions


About the dangers of sucrose - sugar C 12 H 22 O 11

Natural sugars are a large group of substances necessary in human nutrition. In the absence of sugars in the diet, after 2-2.5 weeks the phenomenon occurs hypoglycemia. But among all sugars (these are mainly natural sugars fructose and glucose), the use of sucrose is unacceptable.

Sucrose (artificially derived sugar) is an effective immunosuppressant.
When given to a healthy dog, even in a very small amount, after 2-3 hours it causes its eyes and ears to fester.
A person is much more resistant to taking sucrose, and the consequences are more delayed.

When Europeans discovered new peoples in the 15th-19th centuries, they first established a supply of alcohol and tobacco, then weapons, and much later, luxury goods, including sugar (sucrose). In all cases, 3-4 years after the start of mass supplies of sugar, ethnographers noted a sharp deterioration in the condition of teeth and health among members of this nationality. (This was not observed with the supply of alcohol and tobacco.)

On May 13, 1920, at a conference of dentists in Manchester, sucrose was first identified as the main cause of dental disease.

Subsequently, other multiple negative consequences were revealed.

According to the latest data from American researchers
sucrose (trade name "sugar"):

1. Helps reduce immunity (effective immunosuppressant).
2. May cause disruption of mineral metabolism.
3. Can lead to irritability, anxiety, impaired attention, and childish whims.
4. Reduces the functional activity of enzymes.
5. Helps reduce resistance to bacterial infections.
6. May cause kidney damage.
7. Reduces the level of high density lipoproteins.
8. Leads to a deficiency of the microelement chromium.
9. Promotes the occurrence of breast, ovarian, intestinal, prostate, and rectal cancer.
10. Increases glucose and insulin levels.
11. Causes a deficiency of the microelement copper.
12. Interferes with the absorption of calcium and magnesium.
13. Impairs vision.
14. Increases the concentration of the neurotransmitter serotonin.
15. May cause hypoglycemia (low glucose levels).
16. Helps increase the acidity of digested food.
17. May increase adrenaline levels in children.
18. Leads to impaired absorption of nutrients.
19. Accelerates the onset of age-related changes.
20. Promotes the development of alcoholism.
21. Causes tooth decay.
22. Promotes obesity.
23. Increases the risk of developing ulcerative colitis.
24. Leads to exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
25. May lead to the development of arthritis.
26. Provokes attacks of bronchial asthma.
27. Promotes the occurrence of fungal diseases.
28. Can cause the formation of gallstones.
29. Increases the risk of coronary heart disease.
30. Provokes exacerbation of chronic appendicitis.
31. Promotes the appearance of hemorrhoids.
32. Increases the likelihood of varicose veins.
33. May cause elevated glucose and insulin levels in women using hormonal birth control pills.
34. Promotes the occurrence of periodontal disease.
35. Increases the risk of developing osteoporosis.
36. Increases acidity.
37. May impair insulin sensitivity.
38. Leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
39. May reduce growth hormone production.
40. Can increase cholesterol levels.
41. Helps increase systolic pressure.
42. Causes drowsiness in children.
43. May cause multiple sclerosis.
44. Causes headaches.
45. Interferes with protein absorption.
46. Causes food allergies.
47. Promotes the development of diabetes.
48. May cause toxicosis in pregnant women.
49. Provokes eczema in children.
50. Predisposes to the development of cardiovascular diseases.
51. May disrupt DNA structure.
52. Causes disruption of protein structure.
53. By changing the structure of collagen, it promotes the early appearance of wrinkles.
54. Predisposes to the development of cataracts.
55. May cause damage to blood vessels.
56. Leads to the appearance of free radicals.
57. Provokes the development of atherosclerosis.
58. Contributes to the occurrence of pulmonary emphysema.

Sucrose is practically absent in nature - it is found in large quantities only in two plants artificially bred by humans - sugar cane and sugar beets.

The body of mammals (and humans) cannot perceive sucrose, so it first, in the presence of water, decomposes its molecule with enzymes (natural catalysts) into natural sugars glucose and fructose (isomers having the same composition C 6 H 12 O 6, but differing in structure):

C 12 H 22 O 11 + H 2 0 (+ enzyme) = C 6 H 12 O 6 (glucose) + C 6 H 12 O 6 (fructose)

At the moment of decomposition of sucrose, precisely such free radicals ("molecular ions") are formed en masse, which actively block the action of antibodies that protect the body from infections. And the body becomes practically defenseless. The process of hydrolysis (decomposition) of sucrose begins in the oral cavity under the influence of saliva.

We live in a living world, for which the human body is just a large piece of food. Every moment, with every speck of dust, the body becomes infected with a mass of microflora that tries to eat it. But immune defense continuously and persistently suppresses their activity and allows them to maintain vitality and health in the environment. Taking sucrose is stab in the back to the defending organism.

In Russia, honey (traditionally produced in huge quantities by peasant farms) and sweet dried fruits were historically used as sweets. Until the mid-20th century, sugar (sucrose) was present only on the holiday table as a special delicacy for the vast majority. And the condition of the teeth of Russians (Belarusians, Ukrainians, etc.) was excellent. It was only in the 1950s that mass industrial production of sugar was established in the USSR, which made it one of the cheapest products available in the daily diet of the entire population, including the poorest.

Under the pressure of an industrial competitor, the production of honey and sweet dried fruits in the country has sharply decreased, and their prices have increased. Honey and sweet dried fruits on the tables of Russians have turned from the main daily source of natural sugars (fructose and glucose) into rather rare and expensive “delicacies for self-indulgence.”

As sucrose production increased, public health (and dental health) began to deteriorate rapidly, becoming worse and worse with each subsequent generation of “sugar sweet tooths”. What kind of health can be expected in people when their mothers ate sucrose without restriction during pregnancy and lactation, and who themselves are fed sucrose from the first year of life?!

The negative impact of sucrose on health has been known for a long time, so in the USSR at the turn of the 1950s-60s, a program was even developed to exclude sucrose from the diet of Soviet people and use it only for further processing into fructose and glucose, which were to be sold in stores. Unfortunately, this program, like many others, was only partially implemented - to feed the Soviet party elite and their families.

Natural sugars are vital in the nutrition of children and adults. This is why children love sweets so much, and there is no need to limit them in sweets.

But it is necessary to forever abandon sucrose in the diet (and especially for children!) - practically a slow-acting, all-destructive poison - replacing it with natural sugars - fructose And glucose, honey (a natural mixture of fructose and glucose) and sweet fresh and dried fruits (also containing only healthy natural sugars).
Fructose in daily nutrition it is preferable to glucose, because is absorbed more slowly and more evenly maintains the required level in the body.
Glucose useful for athletes to quickly restore strength during competitions.

Now the food industry has established mass production of fructose, which is sold in grocery stores. A large number of different confectionery products are now produced using fructose - jams, preserves, cakes, cookies, chocolate, candies, etc. These products are necessarily labeled “Made with fructose.”

Do you know how sugar is made?

Sugar is not a food product, but a pure chemical substance added to food to improve taste. This substance can be obtained in different ways: from oil, gas, wood, etc. But the most cost-effective way to obtain sugar is the processing of beets and a special type of cane, which is called sugar cane.

Do you know how sugar is actually made?

To get white and pure refined sugar, it must be passed through a filter made of cow bones.

Beef bone char is used to produce refined sugar!

A bone char filter acts as a coarse filter and is very often used in the first step of the sugar purification process. In addition, this filter allows you to eliminate coloring substances; the most commonly used coloring agents are amino acids, organic acids, phenols (carbolic acids) and ash.

The only type of bones used in the bone filter are beef bones. Bone char filters are the most effective and economical bleaching filters, which is why they are the most commonly used filters in the cane sugar industry.

Companies are using up their bone char reserves quite quickly.

Sugar does not provide energy to the body. The fact is that the “burning” of sugar in the body is a complex process in which, in addition to sugar and oxygen, dozens of other substances are involved: vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. (it is still impossible to definitively say that all these substances are known to science ). Without these substances, the body cannot produce energy from sugar.

If we consume sugar in its pure form, then our body takes the missing substances from its organs (from teeth, from bones, from nerves, from skin, liver, etc.). It is clear that these organs begin to experience a lack of these nutrients (starvation) and after a while begin to malfunction.

When producing sugar using conventional technology, disinfectants are used: formaldehyde, bleach, amine group poisons (vasin, ambisol, and combinations of the above substances), hydrogen peroxide and others.

“In traditional technology, the juice is obtained by simmering for an hour and a half, and to prevent the fungal mass from growing during this time, which can then clog the centrifuges, the chopped beets are flavored with formaldehyde at this stage.”

... The sucrose product in Russia is colored, lives its own life, and is not stored without preservatives. In Europe, it is not even considered a food product, because in our sugar factories, in addition to color, they also leave man-made impurities, including formaldehyde. Hence dysbacteriosis and other consequences. But there is no other sugar in Russia, so they are silent about it. And on a Japanese spectrograph we see residues of formaldehyde in Russian sugar.”

Other chemicals are also used in the production of sugar: milk of lime, sulfur dioxide, etc. During the final bleaching of sugar (to remove impurities that give it a yellow color, specific taste and smell), chemistry is also used, for example, ion exchange resins.

Now about the effects of sugar on our body.

The harm of sugar has long been clearly proven. It is known that white refined sugar is an energy waste, devoid of proteins, fats, nutrients and microelements, and even mixed with residual “chemicals”.


1. It helps reduce immunity.

2. May cause disturbances in mineral metabolism.


4. Causes a significant increase in triglyceride levels.

5. Helps reduce resistance to bacterial infections.

6. May cause kidney damage.

7. Reduces the level of high-density lipoproteins.

8. Leads to a deficiency of the microelement chromium.

9. Contributes to the occurrence of breast, ovarian, intestinal, prostate, and rectal cancer.

10. Increases glucose and insulin levels.

11. Causes deficiency of the microelement copper.

12. Interferes with the absorption of calcium and magnesium.


14. Increases the concentration of the neurotransmitter serotonin.

15. May cause hypoglycemia (low glucose levels).

16. Helps increase the acidity of digested food.

17. May increase adrenaline levels in children.

18. In patients with gastrointestinal disorders, it leads to impaired absorption of nutrients.

19. Accelerates the onset of age-related changes.

20. Contributes to the development of alcoholism.

21. Causes tooth decay.

22. Promotes obesity.

23. Increases the risk of developing ulcerative colitis.

24. Leads to exacerbation of peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

25. May lead to the development of arthritis.

26. Provokes attacks of bronchial asthma.

27. Contributes to the occurrence of fungal diseases (pathogens: Candida albicans).

28. Can cause the formation of gallstones.

29. Increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease.

30. May cause acute appendicitis.

31. May cause multiple sclerosis.

32. Promotes the appearance of hemorrhoids.

33. Increases the likelihood of varicose veins.

34. May cause elevated glucose and insulin levels in women using hormonal birth control pills.

35. Contributes to the occurrence of periodontal disease.

36. Increases the risk of developing osteoporosis.

37. Increases the acidity of saliva.

38. May impair insulin sensitivity.

39. Leads to decreased glucose tolerance.

40. May reduce growth hormone production.

41. Can increase cholesterol levels..

42. Helps increase systolic blood pressure.

43. Causes drowsiness in children.

44. Promotes headaches.

45. Interferes with the absorption of proteins.

46. ​​Causes food allergies.

47. Contributes to the development of diabetes.

48. May cause toxicosis in pregnant women.

49. Promotes the appearance of eczema in children. 50. Predisposes to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

51. May disrupt DNA structure.

52, May disrupt protein structure.

53. By changing the structure of collagen, it promotes the early appearance of wrinkles.

54. Predisposes to the development of cataracts.

55. Contributes to the occurrence of pulmonary emphysema.

56. Provokes the development of atherosclerosis.

57. Helps increase the content of low-density lipoproteins.

58. Leads to the appearance of free radicals in the bloodstream.

59. Reduces the functional activity of enzymes.

But look how much sugar is contained in some common foods:

Are you able to eat 16 cubes of refined sugar at one time? How about drinking half a liter of Coca-Cola? This is exactly how much dissolved sugar equivalent is contained in 500 milliliters of this drink.

Look at the photos. This is exactly how much sugar in cubes is contained in the form of sweeteners in our usual drinks and sweets. Now you understand the harm of sugar, especially dissolved sugar. Its harm is not immediately visible, just as dissolved sugar is not visible.

Sugar is not a food product, but a pure chemical substance added to food to improve taste. This substance can be obtained in different ways: from oil, gas, wood, etc. But the most cost-effective way to obtain sugar is the processing of beets and a special type of cane, which is called sugar cane.

Do you know how sugar is actually made?

To get white and pure refined sugar, it must be passed through a filter made of cow bones.
Beef bone char is used to produce refined sugar!

A bone char filter acts as a coarse filter and is very often used in the first step of the sugar purification process. In addition, this filter allows you to eliminate coloring substances; the most commonly used coloring agents are amino acids, organic acids, phenols (carbolic acids) and ash.

The only type of bones used in the bone filter are beef bones. Bone char filters are the most effective and economical bleaching filters, which is why they are the most commonly used filters in the cane sugar industry.
Companies are using up their bone char reserves quite quickly.

Sugar does not provide energy to the body. The fact is that the “burning” of sugar in the body is a complex process in which, in addition to sugar and oxygen, dozens of other substances are involved: vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. (it is still impossible to definitively say that all these substances are known to science ). Without these substances, the body cannot produce energy from sugar.
If we consume sugar in its pure form, then our body takes the missing substances from its organs (from teeth, from bones, from nerves, from skin, liver, etc.). It is clear that these organs begin to experience a lack of these nutrients (starvation) and after a while begin to malfunction.

When producing sugar using conventional technology, disinfectants are used: formaldehyde, bleach, amine group poisons (vasin, ambisol, and combinations of the above substances), hydrogen peroxide and others.

“In traditional technology, the juice is obtained by simmering for an hour and a half, and to prevent the fungal mass from growing during this time, which can then clog the centrifuges, the chopped beets are flavored with formaldehyde at this stage.”
... The sucrose product in Russia is colored, lives its own life, and is not stored without preservatives. In Europe, it is not even considered a food product, because in our sugar factories, in addition to color, they also leave man-made impurities, including formaldehyde. Hence dysbacteriosis and other consequences. But there is no other sugar in Russia, so they are silent about it. And on a Japanese spectrograph we see residues of formaldehyde in Russian sugar.”

Other chemicals are also used in the production of sugar: milk of lime, sulfur dioxide, etc. During the final bleaching of sugar (to remove impurities that give it a yellow color, specific taste and smell), chemistry is also used, for example, ion exchange resins.

The Internet is full of reports of mysterious pests that add sugar to gas tanks to eliminate competitors. Other reasons for committing such actions are also given. Regardless of whether such an act is widespread or not, let's try to figure it out: what happens if you add sugar to gasoline?

Does sugar dissolve in gasoline?

Regular sugar belongs to the group of highly organic substances - polysaccharides. Such substances do not dissolve in hydrocarbons under any conditions. Numerous experiments with sugar from various manufacturers, which were carried out by experts from popular automobile magazines, give an unambiguous report. Sugar (in any of its forms - lumps, sand, refined sugar) does not dissolve in gasoline either at room temperature or at elevated temperatures. The duration of exposure, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other factors do not change the overall result. Therefore, if attackers try to pour sugar into a car’s gas tank, the most serious thing that can happen is that the fuel filter will become clogged, and then with an almost empty gas tank, since the density of sugar is much higher than the density of gasoline.

A completely different situation arises if the gasoline in the tank of your car is not of the highest quality, for example, contains a small percentage of water. Water, as you know. It does not mix with gasoline and settles to the bottom of the fuel tank. This is where the sugar dissolves, and with a small amount of water, the result is a thick sugar syrup. It will be the cause of all subsequent troubles with the engine.

This can also happen at low negative outside air temperatures, when the seal of the gas tank cap is not very good. The crystallizing frost inside the tank will turn into moisture - and then the same problems will occur.

Thus, it is more dangerous for a car to have water in the gas tank than sugar. Hence the conclusion - refuel only at proven gas stations, and carefully seal the gas tank in cold weather.

How will sugar affect engine performance?

In short, negative. Especially in the following cases:

  1. While driving on a bumpy road. By settling to the bottom, sugar thereby reduces the amount of fuel that is poured into the gas tank. Consequently, the first more or less serious pothole - and the fuel filter will catch not gasoline, but sugar (granulated sugar in this sense is more dangerous). The fuel line is unlikely to become clogged, but the filter will have to be replaced.
  2. When driving on difficult roads with high fuel consumption. In this case, the surfaces of the fuel line are heated to temperatures that cause caramelization of the sugar - turning it into a solid yellowish-brown mass. It sticks to the walls and narrows the size of the flow area, sharply worsening the operating conditions of the engine.
  3. If sugar particles enter the fuel injector, this will lead to a deterioration in fuel injection conditions, since grains of sand will be deposited in the internal cavities of the fuel pump. The engine will stall over time. And it may not restart if the fuel flow is blocked by lump sugar.

Previously existing problems of sugar particles getting into the gaps between the piston rings, as well as into the valves, are no longer relevant: modern car models are equipped with fairly reliable systems for filtering fuel from any foreign particles.

Prevention and consequences

If you do not put a lock on the fuel tank cap of your car, the danger remains. Otherwise you will have to:

  • Thoroughly clean the fuel lines and fuel tank.
  • Replace filters.
  • Test the operation of the fuel pump, as well as the fuel injection system to the engine.

If there is “sugar” deposits or syrupy liquid at the bottom of the gas tank, this work will be very labor-intensive. There is only one conclusion - more carefully control the percentage of water in gasoline. There are quite a lot of ways. We list the main ones that you can do yourself, even before turning on the fuel gun:

  1. Mix a small amount of the proposed fuel with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate should be in the first aid kit): if as a result the gasoline turns pink, it means there is water in it.
  2. Dip a piece of clean paper in gasoline and then dry it. High-quality fuel will not change the original color of the paper.
  3. Place a few drops of fuel on clean glass and light it. When burned out, good quality gasoline will not leave rainbow stains on the glass.
  4. Use regularly.

Ecology of life: Sugar - the common name for sucrose (C12H22O11) is an important food product. Regular sugar (sucrose) refers to carbohydrates, which are considered valuable nutrients that provide the body with the necessary energy. Sugar can be obtained in different ways: from oil, gas, wood, etc. But the most cost-effective way to obtain sugar is the processing of beets and a special type of cane, which is called sugar cane.

What is sugar?

Sugar- the common name for sucrose (C12H22O11) is an important food product. Regular sugar (sucrose) refers to carbohydrates, which are considered valuable nutrients that provide the body with the necessary energy. Sugar can be obtained in different ways: from oil, gas, wood, etc. But the most cost-effective way to obtain sugar is the processing of beets and a special type of cane, which is called sugar cane.

How sugar is produced

The production of sugar from sugar beets is a traditional branch of the food industry in Ukraine. Sugar beets are a bulky and perishable product, so processing plants are usually built close to plantations.

The technological process for the production of beet sugar includes the following stages:

  • extraction;
  • cleaning;
  • evaporation;
  • crystallization.

Extraction. First, the beets are washed, then cut into shavings, which are loaded into a diffuser, where sugar is extracted from the plant mass with hot water. The result is a “diffusion juice” containing 10 to 15% sucrose.

Cleaning. The diffusion juice is mixed in a saturator with lime milk. In this case, heavy impurities settle. Carbon dioxide is then passed through the heated solution to bind the non-sugars to the lime. By filtering them, the so-called “purified juice” is obtained. Bleaching involves passing sulfur dioxide gas through it and then filtering it through activated carbon.

Evaporation. Excess water is removed by evaporation. The resulting liquid contains from 50 to 65% sugar.

Crystallization. Crystallization is carried out in huge vacuum containers, sometimes as high as a two-story house. The product of crystallization - massecuite - is a mixture of molasses with sucrose crystals. These components are separated by centrifugation, and the resulting solid sugar is dried.

When producing sugar using conventional technology, disinfectants are used: formalin, bleach, amine group poisons (vazin, ambisol, as well as combinations of the above substances), hydrogen peroxide and others. Disinfectors are used to destroy microflora in sugar solutions and to disinfect water entering production.

The toxic effect of toxic substances is due to the reactions of toxins combining with organic molecules to form a complex substance that is more toxic than the original one. For example, bleach or bleach (CaCl2O) when interacting with an amine molecule in water forms Dioxins. The toxicity of Dioxins is 107 times higher than the toxicity of chlorine, 67 times higher than the toxicity of potassium cyanide and 500 times higher than the rat poison - Strychnine.

Formaldehyde is a mutagen, carcinogen and is prohibited for use in contact with food. Therefore, our sugar producers annually receive temporary permits to use these substances in the food industry. Upon contact with sucrose, up to 11% of it combines with formaldehyde, and part of this compound remains in the sugar.

During evaporation, anti-scale agents (complexones such as Antiprex) are added to the sugar syrup to reduce scale. The molecule complexly captures calcium, magnesium, etc. ions, neutralizing its positive charge. As a result, this molecule does not stick to the heating surface, but remains in solution and accumulates in sugar and molasses. And it enters our body with sugar.

In the human body, the complexone easily enters the blood and accumulates in the thinnest capillaries. When a capillary vessel narrows, the likelihood of blockage increases sharply (thrombosis). The consequences of thrombosis in the human body, especially in the human brain, are well known - stroke.

In addition, surfactants (detergents - trisodium phosphate) are used to reduce the surface tension of viscous solutions. To reduce foam, defoamers and flocculants are also used - substances that increase the deposition of suspended particles.

To get white and pure refined sugar, it must be passed through a filter made of cow bones. Beef bone char is used to produce refined sugar.

How does Bolotov sugar differ from regular sugar?

Group of Academician Bolotov B.V. A set of measures has been developed to completely eliminate the use of chemicals in sugar production.

To purify sugar, Academician Bolotov’s group uses the method of energy-information processes to deactivate bacterial environments and combat putrefactive processes, to accelerate crystallization and reduce scale formation.

The use of an alternating magnetic field affects the shift in the reaction to Ca²+ and, in existing technology, makes it possible to reduce the use of lime milk (tri-calcium sucrose), which ultimately reduces the content of calcium salts in purified sulfated juice.

On the other hand, the use of an alternating magnetic field accelerates the crystallization of sugar, significantly improves the quality of the crystalline mass, while the yield of sucrose increases; the content of sucrose in molasses, “flour” - small crystals, decreases, and reduces the loss of sucrose in the wash water.

Research by the Institute of Chemical Technology in Lodz (Poland) has shown that the sugar obtained using the proposed method contains significantly less foreign impurities, and in terms of color, ash content and other characteristics it complies with the European standard.

Electronarcosis of putrefactive bacteria using magnetic fields makes it possible to do without the use of formaldehyde, bleach and other toxic substances used as disinfectants. The sugar turns out to be environmentally friendly, and this makes it possible to increase the economic efficiency of sugar factories by more than 50% (taking into account the cultivation of beets using new technologies).

The use of magnetic spin waves of a special form according to the author’s certificate called “Apparatus for electrical anesthesia of animals” No. 1148156 bulletin. No. 12 for 1962 author Bolotov B.V. and according to the Ukrainian patent No. 0031773 dated December 15, 2000 “Method of obtaining white turmeric from turmeric beet”, authors Bolotov, allows for electrical anesthesia not only of animals, but also of putrefactive bacteria. Putrefactive bacteria, under the influence of magnetic field impulses, inhibit their functional actions and hibernate for several days.

16 years of research experience and 14 years of work experience of Academician Bolotov’s group at sugar factories in Ukraine clearly convinced not only the feasibility, but also the necessity of using energy information methods in sugar production as an alternative approach to solving many pressing issues, such as:safety of beets, losses in production, increased scale formation on heating surfaces, uneven crystallization, product quality, ecology in production and in the region, competitiveness of products in terms of price and quality.


Bolotov Boris Vasilievich– scientist, chemist, physicist, biologist, broad-minded person, author of more than 600 inventions, many of which were introduced in production, including abroad. INwere the first to carry out a reversible nuclear reaction to decompose molybdenum by electric current into niobium and technetium

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Bolotov's sugar has already won over its consumers. Ukraine imports 5% of sugar produced without the use of harmful substances. This sugar is purchased for baby food and the production of certain medications. Only two factories in Ukraine use this technology: Starinsky and Novo-Ivanovsky (data for 2006).

For the use of this technology and the use of products manufactured in accordance with its regulations, there are permits from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and the Research Institute of Toxicology. published