Rune of love: will attract a worthy partner and improve relationships. Great runic journey Why acquaintance with runic magic should begin with fortune telling

Dear Readers, with this article we open a new series of publications on the topic “Runic magic: theory and practice.” If this area interests you, subscribe to updates so as not to miss a new article on this topic. So, let's start with getting acquainted...

Almost every person wants to comprehend the past, present and future:

  • correctly interpret the lessons of the past,
  • choose the right path in the present
  • look into the mysterious future

One of the oldest magical tools for communication with higher powers is runes.

You need to understand that runes are not just a toy; they must be taken seriously if a person decides to work with them. In response to the seriousness of a person’s intentions, the runes will not leave him without an answer.

First you need to learn all the runes. Each rune needs to be felt and its essence understood. It is better if the novice magician makes the runes himself. There are certain rules for this.

Every day should be lived as the description of the rune requires. Moreover, only one rune can be made in one day. This is not an easy matter, since every day you need to change yourself and your behavior. You need to meditate on each finished rune in order to tune in to it.

The magical uses of runes can be different. You can apply runes to a variety of things, you can create talismans with their image, which are subsequently used to advance towards the desired goal.

The most powerful and most difficult is the composition of spells based on runes, that is, certain words are composed using the runic alphabet.

Archaeologists have repeatedly found various things using runic magic. Runic inscriptions were found on many ancient things. However, archaeologists also found unusual runes in a combination of three. These are three-rune spells. They were compiled to achieve a specific goal. In addition, the names of gods and occult words were written down with the help of runes.

Runic magic is based on the faith of the user. A magician, with the help of rituals, spells and runes, can create a program for himself and the space around him. This program is written due to the forces that are given the necessary information. One of the runes reflects a certain power. Using runes, the magician concentrates their power and helps change events. Faith here is the source of success in the magician’s actions. Runes need to be trusted. Trust will help strengthen their power, and, accordingly, improve the magician.

The concentration of power occurs with the help of runes. Power is taken from the world, and it returns there, but already changed and directed towards a specific goal. Magic is based on cause and effect laws. These laws apply to both the material and spiritual worlds. If the established laws are observed, the magician’s actions will be successful and the goals set will be achieved.

On forums you can often find topics where methods of learning runes are discussed.

Some people eat cakes with symbols or hallucinogenic mushrooms in Asvin style, some people put a rune under their pillow, calling on the Gods to reveal the meaning in a dream, some people put on a runic amulet... Well,someone goes through the so-called “runic circle”, applying a rune to the body and living it for a couple of days.Somehow, a friend of mine, who has many years of experience working with runes, unexpectedly also decided to live each one and asked what I think about it?.... Hmmmm..... What do I think.....

I think that, in fact, this is probably a good thing) I once read on one of the sites - there those who wished to go through runic circles according to a certain scheme and then wrote down in detail...... As for me, I’m creepy coward))I am afraid to consciously attract runic energies to myself, because something inside me tells me that periodically living the energy of one rune can be completely unsafe. And this is due to the fact that in everything there is a certain balance and mutual substitution. Therefore, it always seems to me that artificial “implantation” into the body/consciousness for a couple of days is of some kind

The energy will have to be pushed out of there by something..... Unfortunately, my health is quite fragile, so I decided not to take risks with such experiments. Still I am firmly convinced that ANY magical practices take something in return from our lives. Moreover, you will never guess what exactly will be taken. And it will be taken, even though you are trying to pay off with some gifts))

That's why Personally, I didn’t live or do anything “like that” to study runes.I develop associations exclusively through the rune of the day, observations of myself and others, and constant practice and analysis of layouts.

Let me remind you that, as always, these are just my personal conclusions with preferences) And here, of course, it’s more convenient for someone…. But in conclusion I can say one thing.Whatever practice you use to study runes, setting your own parameters for circumstances in the form of applying and living runes, or using for this the conditions offered by Fate (practice of the runes of the day), without a thoughtful approach and careful analysis of your own experiences and impressions, any method of knowledge the rune will be meaningless.Learn to carefully observe, learn the ability to detachly record what is happening inside and around you, learn to give an objective assessment of everything you notice, learn to find secret connections between events, expanding the scope of your view of the issue for this... Learn all this! And you will succeed! With or without circles;))) Good luck!

P.S. And you can find more detailed tips on working with runes and runic layouts in the new edition of the book

Hello my dear! Now we will get acquainted with two results obtained when getting acquainted with the Uruz rune.

Elena writes:

Svetlana, good afternoon!

Now the acquaintance with the Uruz rune has ended. I was a little upset because I couldn’t make friends. Well, everything is in order.

From the first minute, as soon as the session began, I felt wariness (with my eyes open) from the picture, and some kind of hostility. I didn’t have any negative emotions, but I also didn’t have any joy or uplifting mood (like with Fehu).

It felt like I was being very carefully watched and studied. It became somewhat difficult energetically. When I closed my eyes, I couldn’t see anything either; in general, a state set in when you drink strong sedatives, that is, a state of indifference.

I barely opened my eyes at the end of the session, and I was terribly sleepy all day. Everything fell out of hand, for some reason the technology installed its programs at its own discretion. Somehow, a window opened in the kitchen, and everything from the window sill was broken on the floor.

And so the whole week of our acquaintance I was in this state. On Wednesday evening I couldn’t resist and washed off the rune with gratitude. On Thursday morning I woke up in a normal state. During the session all week it was not possible to see, feel or hear anything. True, on the third day,

Looking at the picture, the feeling of wariness seemed to go away and a feeling of subordination appeared (when at a new job the bosses are eyeing you, it seems quite content, but at the same time, they’re waiting for something) of subordination, but still didn’t let you get close.
So I don’t know whether I should continue or come back later.

I feel like I need to wait for now. That's where we met.

And here is the result I got Valentina:

Hello everyone, my dear fellow students and our respected Teacher Svetlana!

Whenever possible, I look here and it’s very interesting to read you all, I wonder how everyone’s period of living the runes goes!

I came to the course later than everyone else and therefore I am now living the Uruz rune.

I also live each rune for a long time, at least 10 days for sure.

My life is so full of events that sometimes I don’t even have time to write my diary or conduct meditations.

The Fehu rune gave me this impetus - then the opportunity arose, but now with the Uruz rune I have an urgent need to develop my project, or rather, I already feel it, but I’m still at the stage of thinking and planning.

As for my feelings.

For the first time, while meditating on the Uruz rune, I clearly felt energy flows somewhere in the lower abdomen, and also small tingling sensations (as if invisible bugs were running under the skin) in the calf muscle of the legs. The emotional state was solid, as if ready for some kind of determination.

In the morning I wake up energetically and quickly recover from sleep. All day long I'm like a wind-up, I can do a variety of jobs, and I enjoy it. But in the evening, it happens that I fall asleep myself, not remembering when, before the child whom I put to bed. Apparently the battery is running low, as they say!

A lot of conversations, discussions, meetings, far-reaching plans and for some reason a firm belief that “Everything will work out,” although earlier I might have doubted it.

My husband decided to “come at me” a little because of nonsense, so I started up half a turn. I felt like I could stand up for myself!!!

I understand more and more that the energy and rhythm in which I now live is given to me by the URUZ rune.

As if there was a powerful push from within or like a volcano that is about to erupt!

Sometimes I get aggression, and sometimes I get a desire to do something and create!!!

I colored the rune green, since I decided to color them in accordance with the elemental accessories!

In general, I’ll live a little longer with the energy of the Uruz rune until I feel that I’m ready to move on to the next rune!

I wish you all success and enlightenment!

Write, it’s very interesting to exchange experiences!

Valentina continues her story about the experience of living with the Uruz rune!!!

The rune of love is a magical tool that will quickly change your personal life for the better. not only helps attract worthy candidates for the role of life partner, but also improves relationships in which there are problems.

Here is a list of runes that are effective for attracting love and relationships:

  • – grants equal partnerships in which each partner is equally invested. This symbol helps to attract into your life that person with whom you will perfectly complement each other and form a truly harmonious relationship. Mutual understanding, mutual assistance and support are the main meaning.
  • helps family people solve problems in relationships - from minor to the most serious. In addition to helping in love affairs, it attracts material well-being and prosperity to the family. Makes the union harmonious, helps to set common goals and achieve them.
  • and represent the masculine and feminine principles, respectively. Use them and you will become incredibly attractive to the opposite sex. Suitable for singles - helping to meet their other half. But they will not be able to bring harmony into existing relationships - for this you need to choose other symbols.
  • Runes that are very bright in their meaning or are the patrons of lovers. They help to ignite passion in relationships, making them more intense and emotional. They work best as part of runic formulas.

There are a lot of options for using love runes - from making talismans, amulets and amulets to applying tattoos to the body. You can also engrave runes on jewelry or embroider signs on clothes.

Runograms to attract love

The runes of love themselves are effective. But their effect will increase many times over if you learn to make the correct runic combinations. In them, the runes complement and enhance each other’s effects.

Important: you should draw up individual runograms “for yourself” as consciously as possible. This is practically mathematics: you need to turn on your intellect and think about which properties of the runes are combined with each other, and which are opposite and different.

Therefore, first understand the properties of each rune, find out the symbols as fully and in detail as possible, and only then start creating combinations.

If you are afraid of not guessing correctly, use ready-made runic formulas:

  1. The female formula helps single girls meet a man who will suit them in all respects. Before using the runogram, decide what kind of partner you would like to see in front of you, imagine him clearly.
  2. Similar formula - -

It all started in 2013.

By that time, I had already been conducting trainings online for a couple of years, but they all turned out to be one-time, small in number and, most importantly, I did not see the results of the participants that would really please me.

I was already starting to think about closing this topic and doing something else. But... it’s not for nothing that they say - the darkest night is before the dawn!

As if people turned up by chance, learning how to conduct online trainings and communicating with experienced professionals in their field - and then I came up with the idea for this training:


A wonderful group and three streams - a journey to the land of Runes, to your inner essence.

BRP is not a training in runic magic and fortune telling. There are a lot of such courses both on the Internet and in real life. I wanted to create something unique - and now I see it in the results of my students - I succeeded!

Why do we want to master magic, understand the language of runes? In order to better hear the voice of the Universe, harmoniously integrate into the world's flows, fulfill your desires, and live happily. You agree with me?

Can the usual cramming of the meanings of runes, hanging amulets on oneself, copying ritual actions and spells teach this? Of course not.

My BRP course is, first of all, transformational training. This is a deep study of all facets of your personality, getting rid of fears, blockages, and limiting beliefs.

Runes are very powerful keys to your inner transformation. Provided that you let them into your life and don’t hide, saying “I don’t have time, next time.”

Feedback from a training participant:

“When finishing working on the last rune in the third stream, I looked back at my life before the BRP, at the me that I was. I couldn’t understand who I am, why my desires aren’t being fulfilled, what I want from life, why my life is measured and boring, why can’t I change my life with all my desire, what kind of man do I want to meet, etc. And I look at my life now: I stopped being afraid of changes, and they came into my life, I. I became more confident, bolder, calmer, and my life was more diverse and vibrant, and the changes happened gradually, so I did not experience stress from the changes. I just realized the huge difference between my life before and after BRP. I didn’t think that the results would be SO EFFECTIVE. . I myself was amazed at the changes."

I carefully selected practices for BRP that very gently and unobtrusively change your consciousness. You will move from one rune to another, getting rid of everything that interferes with your development - one block after another.

Now I offer this course in an individual format. I noticed that each participant requires a different amount of time to live one or another rune. You will “live” one rune for 3 days, the other will take 3 months. In an individual format, only you decide how much time you need.

I'll be honest with you. Completing the course will require some effort on your part. You don’t have to expect that after the first practice millions will rain down on you, princes on a white horse and everything you don’t want. Moreover, your desires and priorities can change greatly during the training process: after all, you will get to know yourself (yourself) better and better.

I guarantee you my support, my time and attention - to help you fully go through this experience and get the most vivid and valuable results. But only you yourself can do all the practices, live and comprehend the experience gained - there is no one else - after all, this is your life!

If you are ready, I will be glad to become your mentor and guide.

I offer several formats for this course.

Each one includes:

Your independent work, completing practices, assignments

Receiving feedback from me, recommendations and answers to your questions

Silver format:

Perfect for those who are just starting their acquaintance with Runes. This format will not require much time, but will allow you not only to get acquainted with the Scandinavian Runes, but also to feel their power.

Training materials for each rune

- 3 practices for getting to know runic energies

Classes take place in a closed virtual space. You choose the time for practice and the pace of study.

Cost: 5,000 rubles

To participate in the course, send me an application and I will contact you as soon as possible.

Gold Format:

This format is suitable for those who want to deeply and seriously master the basics of runic mantle and magic. You will not only read about runes and perform practices, but also get access to video materials of past trainings, you will be able to perform practices under my voice and get acquainted with the results of other participants, listen to discussions. The "Gold" format will be of interest to both beginners and experienced practitioners who want to expand their experience with Runes.

Diary of a Runic Traveler - a special electronic notebook for your observations

After each atta there is a final report, verification and feedback (by email).

At the end of the course - a final report on all 3 attas, feedback in the form of a conversation on Skype (1 hour) and recommendations.

The main difference between this format and the “silver” format is that you receive a set of video recordings of the BRP training.

It includes 24 seminars lasting 2-3 hours each! A special set of practices for working with consciousness will allow you to feel the energies of each rune, see their manifestations in your life, and learn to turn them on when necessary.

I suggest you look fragment of a seminar on Rune Algiz and perform the “Animal of Power” meditation with the participants to get acquainted with one of the aspects of this Rune.

Cost: 30,000 rubles

Platinum format:

This format is suitable for those who are ready for a detailed study of the energy of each of the Runes - this opportunity will be provided to you by personal conversations with me on Skype for each Rune. You will be able to look into the most hidden corners of your soul thanks to our individual work.

Educational materials for each rune (literature, meditation)

Diary of a Runic Traveler - a special electronic notebook for your observations

- 6 practices for getting to know runic energies

Video recordings of seminars with special practices for each rune under my voice

- Feedback on each rune, individual lessons on Skype (1 hour)

24 consultations on Skype!

We are discussing one-on-one your experience with each Rune.

We determine the time and frequency of classes individually.

Cost: 86,000 rubles

(This format can be paid in two stages, by agreement)

Participation in this format is possible only after a preliminary interview on Skype!

The number of participants in this format is limited. Send an application for participation and I will contact you to discuss all the details.

Do you want to clarify something?

Feedback from participants:

Valentina, Moscow, chief accountant of the bank:

I want to tell you how I became acquainted with Runes. Just six months ago I had no idea what Runes were. And the word I heard - Runes - did not give me any associations. Several days passed, on the Internet I came across a free course “circle of runes”, my curiosity defeated me, I immediately subscribed to this newsletter. A day later, having received the interpretation of the Fehu Rune, I re-read it several times, I felt a very comfortable presentation of the material, but what was more captivating and captivating was the information that was presented there. It seemed to me that I was in a fairy tale, in something unknown to me, but incredibly fascinating, unknown, alluring and not letting go.

I looked forward to subsequent mailings, but then I was just a reader who was carried away by the interesting material and did not fully realize what an amazing and serious topic I had come into contact with.

And now, thanks to the Great Runic Journey, together with our group, under the leadership of Svetlana, her all-seeing eye, I am mastering the Runes myself. We completed the first ett of 8 runes. We got our first personal experience of working with Runes, first impressions, synchronous, amazement, surprise - we have already collided! By the way, when we were working with the Fehu rune (we were looking in the surrounding space, trying to feel its energy, observing what was happening around us), I found a 500-ruble banknote in the subway, and so the number of this banknote contains the letters eX - I decided that this is Fehu - the Rune of money, prosperity, gave me a good sign.

Elena, Zaporozhye, university teacher

At the end of 2013, while reading about runes on the Internet, I felt drawn to study runes and work with them. I had previously tried runic formulas and fortune telling with runes, but then I felt that I wanted to study, work out the runes, and feel them. It seemed to me that simply reading information about runes was not enough. After some time, I saw a letter in the mailing list about the first stream of the Great Runic Travel of Lana Tyges. At this time, I had already participated in Lana’s training “The Eighth Dimension of Femininity” and I enjoyed working with her. I thought about my participation in the Great Runic Journey (GRP) for some time, but only because I had another training scheduled for the first trip, and I was afraid of not being able to keep up with the tasks. And then I thought: “I wanted to study runes, and the Teacher appeared, so why should I miss this opportunity.”

As I finished working on the last rune in the third stream, I looked back at my life before BRP, at the me that I was. I couldn’t understand who I am, why my wishes weren’t being fulfilled, what I want from life, why my life is measured and boring, why I can’t change my life no matter how much I want, what kind of man I want to meet, etc. . And I look at my life now: I stopped being afraid of changes, and they came into my life, I became more confident, bolder, calmer, and my life was more diverse and brighter, and the changes happened gradually, so I did not experience stress from changes. I just realized the huge difference between my life before and after BRP. I didn't think the results would be SO EFFECTIVE. I myself was amazed at the changes.

And also – the internal mood, the internal state. I didn't work on this at BRP; I had other questions that I wanted answered. But my internal state has also changed, it’s very difficult to describe, but what I used to be afraid of, lost, apprehensive, embarrassed, now doesn’t give me those feelings. Now I can do what is necessary and important to me, and I feel curiosity and excitement. Interesting people appear around me, I can expand my circle of acquaintances. The most interesting thing is that the changes have just begun, they will continue.

I love that Lana helps create her own runic dictionary because the runes interact with everyone individually. Discussions of reports, not only of your own, but also of other group members, are very important and useful. I arm myself with a pen when I listen and re-listen to recordings, and write down those phrases and thoughts that are important to me. I get additional important clues in the report discussions. I liked Lana's approach to learning runes. And I really enjoyed working with Lana; she charges you with positive energy, gives valuable advice, and explains things easily and clearly.

Runes help, I was convinced of this more than once during the BRP. My notes record a lot of my observations. Recently I was getting ready for a trip and resorted to using one of the corresponding runes. The trip was pleasant in all respects, even my friend, with whom we had traveled several times before, was surprised that everything went so well (usually something goes wrong). And I don’t know if it was a bonus or a continuation of the rune’s effect, but in the evening of the same day there was a pleasant acquaintance.

I would also like to add that I now use the practices that we used when working with runes not only for runes, they are so useful. When I need to work through a question or problem, I use these practices and they help me a lot.

Finally, I want to add about the runic layouts that Lana makes. They helped me understand my mistakes and misconceptions, my strengths, what I should do next and what the result would be. If we analyze the changes in my life, then in many ways (in addition to and along with the BRP), I owe it to the layouts that Lana made. The layouts revealed for me something hidden that I consciously or unconsciously hid from myself and that which prevented me from moving forward, took a lot of strength and energy.

For the changes that have occurred in my life, I want to say huge and sincere gratitude to Lana!

Yulia, Tver, young mother

I turned to Svetlana for plans for the coming year and for the inner child. The answers were detailed and understandable; I didn’t even have to clarify anything. I can’t say that the truth was “revealed” to me, as it probably should have been, I realized that I had known it for a long time, but I didn’t see it, I didn’t pay attention, and then suddenly - and they showed me: “Here it is, look!” And when you see the vector of movement, it becomes easier to walk, there are landmarks, milestones.

I would like to say a special thank you for BRP 2014, and although I only actively participated in learning the 2nd ett, the classes gave me invaluable experience in learning runes and getting to know them, so now I can do it on my own. After all, it is better to teach fish than to constantly feed fish.

To be honest, I don’t even remember how I found your courses, Svetlana. I choose teachers for myself according to my inner feeling, it was comfortable and clear for me to read your interpretations of the layouts, your thoughts in LJ, your measured, calm voice was pleasant. I can hardly describe it logically, but I know that accidents are not accidental.... :)
I will be happy to continue getting acquainted with your courses and services, Svetlana. You are a wonderful teacher!

Irina, Moscow, photographer

I signed up for the training because I had long been looking for a community of like-minded people who were ready to engage in rune-making. I wanted to live, worry, gain experience, communicate on these topics, receive feedback, and all this in a friendly support group...

Runes have been attracting me for a long time... ancient symbols, magical signs, secrets to which we are all so drawn.

On the path of my spiritual development I came across various systems, mostly eastern, one practice replaced another practice, the road led forward..... But there was always something missing - a tool convenient for ordinary life here and now, in conditions of social survival. We have to live in difficult natural conditions in a zone of critical agriculture, we need to spend a lot of energy to maintain our balance...

And I began to look for what traditions existed in the pre-Christian era here in the North. In the people's memory, paganism was preserved in embroidery patterns, the symbolism of amulets, in rituals and holidays. Runes are reflected in the symbols...

This is how the understanding of runes came as the most ancient knowledge of our northern culture.

And when understanding comes, the Teacher also comes. That’s how I ended up in the group Great Runic Journey to Svetlana.

Two weeks of classes really turned out to be a journey - a journey to oneself... In such a short period of time there was an extraordinary richness of events, amazing synchronicities, discoveries and gifts from each rune.

Group classes gave a deep associative understanding of runes.

Apparently entrenched somewhere in the collective unconscious, ancient knowledge comes to the conscious plane, evoking moments of memory, as if recognition.

Living with the runes in this way sharpens the perception of reality. As an amateur photographer, a person walking with a camera around the city in search of a good shot, or a hunter with a gun walking through the forest, keenly hearing and looking, will understand me... Such work with runes adds purpose and meaning to the everyday living of reality.

Just as pixels in a camera matrix create an image, so a rune row creates world order in the world around us... Using our consciousness as a filter, letting in the energies of certain runes, we enter states that lead to conscious actions. (diagram: rune-energy-state- action) i.e. O. runes become a tool for conscious control of your reality.

Receiving such a MAGIC WAND, we begin to greatly rethink our usual everyday life, our aspirations, desires, opportunities, our purpose... And the wonderful psychologist-wizard Svetlana helps us not to choke in this colossal flow of feelings, thoughts, emotions. She is remarkably soft and delicate with great a share of positivity (so that after the lesson you feel a great surge of strength and joy from mutual understanding) leads our group. Svetlana manages to communicate with everyone, manages to correct any problem that arises, manages to provide support to everyone, helps with additional information. Many thanks to her for her love for people and help them!