"Super Memory" and "Speed ​​Reading in a New Way" at the Vasiliev School! Speed ​​reading by Vasilyeva Why do you need speed reading according to Vasilyeva’s method?

L.L. School Vasilyeva - international school of speed reading and information management. The school was founded in 1991 as a center for human intellectual development. The school is attended by schoolchildren and students, scientists and engineers.

Speed ​​reading- reading speed without a significant decrease in text perception. The fundamental method is the suppression of internal articulation (pronunciation), that is, the reader recognizes the word, but does not pronounce it to himself.

Useful and free information on this site about how to learn to read faster and remember more

    Free exercises to master the skill of speed reading - using these exercises you will train your point of view, and also learn to find grains of information in a sea of ​​text.

Reading at the pace of a tongue twister

Children practice reading text clearly and correctly, and most importantly, quickly. The endings of words should not be “swallowed” by the child, but should be clearly pronounced. The exercise lasts no more than 30 seconds.

Multiple reading

The child moves on to an unfamiliar part of the text. And here a small miracle happens. It consists in the fact that a child who has read the same passage of text several times and has already developed an increased reading pace, when moving to an unfamiliar part of the text, continues to read it at the same increased pace. Then the adult becomes silent and continues to read “to himself,” the child follows his example. Then reads out loud again. If the child correctly “caught” the pace of reading, then he will “meet” him on one word.

Its meaning is to alternate reading in a comfortable mode with reading at the maximum speed accessible to the child, reading silently and reading aloud. The transition to reading in the most accelerated mode is carried out at the teacher’s command “Lightning!” and lasts from 20 seconds /at the beginning/ to 2 minutes /after mastering the exercise/. Training can be carried out several times during each reading lesson, while a metronome can be used as an additional stimulator.

Children always want to compete to see who can read faster. In this case, the exercise is useful

Students’ favorite type of reading is role-playing reading, which evokes a lot of feelings and emotions. Offer it when your child has classmates. Organize a “Radio Play”.

When moving the gaze, the greatest visual acuity occurs only in the central zone of the retina, the so-called zone of clear vision. Everything that lies outside this zone, on the periphery, is seen as if in a fog.

An ordinary person perceives the meaning of several words or a paragraph at once. Having established a connection with the subconscious, a person will read several times faster.

A clear life goal spurs the speed of the reader. Speed ​​reading Vasilyeva

Start with simple four-letter words. Gradually try to operate with longer words.

By concentrating, you can do work faster and better. If you start to get distracted, then you yourself notice that work has stopped, and the desire to do something disappears. Start by observing yourself. Poor ability to concentrate can be expressed in different ways.

But without speaking there will be NO EMOTIONS! We can conclude that standard methods (beating out the rhythm when reading) for emotional people, to put it mildly, are ineffective. In general, I think that they are even harmful! These techniques are more suitable for people with a rational mindset. But in Russia, as you probably noticed, in order to earn money, it is easier to present well-known techniques to a larger number of people (more money) than to work with a smaller number of people (after all, 25% of those who have mastered them is also an indicator)

The better the memory is developed, the better the information is processed. With a well-developed memory, you will not need to waste time and effort searching for information. You will have a lot of information in your head that you can use when necessary. Every step towards improving your memory is also a step towards developing your ability to concentrate. Train your memory! Before you start working, relax and collect your thoughts. Throw away all thoughts concerning other matters, and gradually mentally “get closer” to what you have to do. Then think about how you can best achieve your goals and meet your requirements.

Try to find benefits and benefits in the work you are doing.

What are the most important tasks? What tasks require increased concentration? What tasks can be classified as daily routine? Concentrate on the highest priority tasks.

You automatically turn on the channel of emotions (roughly speaking, the “thought-slow” or “slow-thought” connection is triggered).

To collect information, it is not necessary to process it immediately. After looking through a piece of text to the first thought, notice how much you read. Next time this time will be longer. Try to remember what was discussed.

What approximate reading speed can you reach using the “Speed ​​Reading (shamanism with a book)” technique?

I have already studied speed reading in courses and under the program "Intelligence Trainer No. 1" and at the moment I read text of almost any width only vertically, but it seems to me that pronunciation has not disappeared completely, but has only turned into collapsed inner speech (my speed is 3000- 5000 characters, depending on the complexity of the text). Maybe I won’t be able to significantly increase my reading speed because I think through internal dialogue and not through images?

In my opinion, we can only talk about how comfortable it is to do training.

It's interesting to watch yourself when you read a foreign text.

Small sleep needs depend on a positive attitude and the size of the goal for which you changed your sleep. Set a goal. larger - your performance depends on it.

The desire to try to master this reading technique again appeared after I took English courses and felt that my memory, thinking, etc. had improved. Why do I want to read quickly? The answer is very simple: my busy schedule does not allow me to spend a lot of time on my hobbies - such as history, philosophy and psychology (although I am a physics engineer by profession, having just graduated from the Polytechnic Institute); but also this desire is associated with a tempting offer to improve some qualities of my brain.

Naturally, I started with fairy tales, adventures, etc., and as I grew older I moved on to more complex books. Now I am drawn to serious books, but between them there are usually long breaks to think and accumulate strength for the next one, I fill them with science fiction and detective stories.

It also helps to correctly determine the cases of words - I rarely read them to the end, then I guess. This allowed me to quickly prepare for tests using someone else’s notebook - read, understand the meaning, decipher handwriting and decipher abbreviations. The speed is affected by how the article is written, the degree of information saturation and what I need from the article. If you just need to understand, I quickly “skip” it and come back as needed, when I need to learn some important definitions or check the correctness of assimilation.

But that's not the problem. As a result of all the learning, I can now read out loud or not at all. That is, simply reading without speaking, I do not perceive the information. But life goes on, and reading is simply necessary. As I understand from the mailings, it takes a couple of months to master this technique. But somehow you need to read at this time?

Therefore, with your permission, I will observe - my hands are reaching out to write the notorious “behind the bazaar” - well, not at the bazaar, of course, but at the discussion, from the side - from the auditorium.

In mastering the method of speed reading (not independently, but in courses, for money), I went through two stages. The first is delight - after taking the courses for a day or two, I felt an intellectual uplift, magazine articles and newspapers were “swallowed” in huge quantities and with delight. After finishing the course, the effect went away within three weeks.

Therefore, answering the question posed, “do speed reading skills help me in sonata reading, when I need to “skim the text?” - no, when I need to “skim the text,” the speed reading skill was not useful to me personally. I repeat - to me personally.

In this area, I discovered a well-known resource - doing things with love.

Start-up costs (the amount of funds required to open one enterprise, including a lump-sum contribution), rub.
from 240,000 rub. up to 520,000 rub. depending on the size of the settlement, from 25 thousand people. up to 1 million people and more, respectively.
The launch fee includes:
- lump sum price for one TRAINING PROGRAM (METHODOLOGY)
- classroom furniture for teaching;
- furniture and equipment except classrooms for training;
- information about yourself at the “entrance” stage, advertising;
- trainer training in Yekaterinburg

What is included in the franchise:
1. Brand (registered trademark) “MSV – International School of Vasilyeva L.L. Information management. Speed ​​reading."
2. Handouts for proprietary courses;
4. Training (internship) for trainers in the technique of working with handouts for proprietary courses in the central office;
5. Website + set of landing pages;
6. Business plan of the School / Center working according to the methodology of Vasilyeva L.L.;
7. Step-by-step instructions - structured 27 years of experience;
8. Seminar on office management;
9. Support from the founder and specialists of the School;
10. Trainings, master classes, webinars, seminars (we change the “old” to the “new”, taking into account the requirements of our time)
11. Recommendations for advertising, marketing and promotion;
12. Quality control system
13. Community of partners in social networks.

Cooperation scheme:
1. The future Partner of the School chooses at what rate his School / Center will provide services to the population.
2. Any questions during the selection process can be asked by email to the School, by phone, or through social networks.
3. Upon reaching an agreement, an agreement is concluded with the School for the right to use the author’s methodology and train the Partner’s specialists.
4. Subsequently, the School answers any questions related to the process of using the author’s methods by Vasilyeva L.L. in the Partner’s training activities.
5. L.L. Vasilyeva herself answers the questions. or leading specialists of the School.
6. From time to time, the School organizes webinars, seminars (including on-site seminars), information messages, etc. Informing about innovations and changes.

Advantages of working with us.
1. The school was created by L.L. Vasilyeva, who herself is a certified specialist, developer and practicing trainer in the field of pedagogy and brain physiology. The methods she developed (her own courses) have stood the test of time for many years and have shown their effectiveness in practice. Thus, by cooperating with us, our Partner receives information “from the original source”, without distortions and “creative” changes by plagiarists.
2. Knowing the peculiarities of the functioning of the brain, our School observes and takes into account modern trends in the process of educational training (such as children’s reluctance to read, passion for computers, a manifold increase in the amount of information required for processing and assimilation, etc.). Therefore, course materials are adjusted, and Partners receive corrective information in a timely manner.
3. Exercises are constantly supplemented, modified and improved depending on the requirements of the current time, which allows you to develop cognitive interest, systematize school knowledge, instill a love of reading, and master information management techniques
4. Lidiya Lvovna Vasilyeva personally answers difficult questions that arise for the Partner and his trainers in the process of working with the Client.
5. The result of an integrated approach to a brain training course is successful children, satisfied parents!

How are “Super Memory and Speed ​​Reading in a New Way” and cycling similar?

Once you learn it, you will do it forever. And here's why:

Reason #1 -read correctly

Component 1 - Schematic. You get a universal author's algorithm for memorization.
Component 2 - highlighting the main thing. As you read, you immediately understand the main idea.
Component 3 - Easy to understand. You understand and remember what you read with first times.

You get used to thinking by reading text. AND:

  1. Read and understand any information 3-10 times faster.
  2. Focus on the content of the text.
  3. Get rid of extraneous thoughts while reading.

As a result, you develop the skill of entering a state of rapid reading, memorization and understanding of any information.

Reason No. 2 - we remember forever

How did you memorize all these texts from textbooks, foreign words, tables, definitions, historical dates while studying at school or college? Crammed like everyone else, right? You were told what you need to remember. However, they did not teach how to do it correctly. This is similar to the requirement to build a house without tools or materials.

Now you have a way out of this impasse. The chain “reading deep understanding accurate memorization of the text” starts automatically. Once you learn, you remember this feeling for the rest of your life.

The course “Super Memory + Speed ​​Reading in a New Way” is 14 lessons of 3.5 hours each. As a result, you read, understand and remember any text. At any age.

Isn't it tempting?

...Have any questions?

...Interested in details?

Sign up for a free trial session

What do Balzac, Gorky, and Edison have in common? What's in it for you?

Did you know that:

  • Balzac's gaze covered 7-8 lines at once. Often a single word allowed him to grasp the meaning of an entire phrase.
  • To the page of the literary magazine at A.M. It took Gorky less than a minute to fully assimilate the information.
  • Thomas Edison read 2-3 lines at once, and memorized the text in pages thanks to maximum concentration.

Want to learn the same? The author's course “Super Memory and Speed ​​Reading in a New Way” is suitable for you if:

  1. You need to understand large amounts of information in a short time;
  2. You want to get another higher education, you’re sorely short of time, and you can’t cram;
  3. You do not have enough time to process even current information;
  4. Have you noticed that it has become more difficult to remember;
  5. You are afraid of not being able to cope with the flow of information that pours out at you every day.

You understand that every year it becomes more and more difficult to compete with younger and more energetic people. Therefore, we offer you a solution. It works 90 times out of 100.

Are you tormented by these doubts?

It's difficult, I'm already over 25 (30, 40, 50), and I won't be able to learn

90 out of 100 of our listeners over 12 years old are already doing this. Until the age of 12, you need to learn to read and memorize text correctly, and only after that speed up the process. To do this you need:

  • Competent technique
  • Good teacher
  • Desire to learn

Why exactly our course - there is a sea of ​​them on the Internet?

Because none of the competitors offers a logical and clear “reading-understanding-memorizing text” system. And you:

  • you see the big picture. And you can learn any subject (geography, economics, history) on your own. You are not learning isolated techniques for memorizing information - you are learning how to understand and memorize texts of any complexity (school, university, business education).
  • own a universal text memorization system There are more than 30 memorization methods, and each is designed for its own subject (for economics - some, for history - others, for geography - others). Many methods are unique - they are not taught in other courses. You learn the subtleties and nuances everyone of them.
  • apply the acquired knowledge immediately. From the first lesson, you use everything you learn to read and memorize. You move from simple to complex - first a paragraph, then a paragraph of a textbook, then a whole textbook. And even a few books.

What do you get as a result?

  • You read 3-10 times faster, understand and remember information with 100% accuracy.
  • You understand and remember texts of any complexity and volume from the first reading.
  • You quickly find the necessary information in the text, analyze and structure it.
  • You think clearly and clearly, formulate your thoughts logically, reasonedly and consistently.
  • You don't get tired working with texts.
  • You save 3-10 times more time.
  • You develop attention, memory, imagination.

How to try the “Super Memory and Speed ​​Reading in a New Way” technique


  1. You'll gain a brief understanding of how memory works and understand why our method is suitable for any age and educational level.
  2. You are tested on reading various texts and remembering information from them. You read 2 texts - we measure reading speed: characters per minute and memorization rate in %.
  3. After that, we show how to do the same using the technique. Your reading and memorization speed straightaway grows 2-3 times.

In conclusion, you memorize several definitions from psychology, phrases in 5 languages, a poem, and a random set of words and numbers, verbatim. And you see how simple and effective everything is.

Today's world offers us a gigantic amount of information and knowledge from different fields, which we need to be able to quickly and effectively absorb. This online course is intended for people who want to quickly and free learn speed reading techniques at home. This course program consists of several lessons on developing key skills for developing the ability to read quickly, which you can learn on your own in a few weeks. The methodology of our classes is suitable for both children and adults, and contains numerous techniques and exercises to learn to read faster.

And if you want to master the speed reading technique as quickly and efficiently as possible, sign up for ours.

It’s hard to imagine that 20-30 years ago, in order to find an answer to a question, you had to go to the library, take out books on a topic that interests you, and look for the desired materials there. Nowadays, it’s enough just to ask the corresponding query to the search engine and get a huge amount of information on the issue that interests you.

Now there is no problem of lack of information, but there is a problem of its overabundance, in which a person gets lost. In the modern information space you need to be able to navigate in order to make this space useful for yourself. One of the most useful skills is the ability to quickly, and most importantly, usefully perceive the information that we see in our laptops, e-books, iPhone, iPad and all other sources of information, including newspapers and books.

The ability to quickly read an article, book, textbook, as well as understand and assimilate the material, will allow you to become more effective and successful than you were before. And most importantly, it will save your time, which becomes one of the most important resources. This section contains useful materials on how to master speed reading techniques with a high level of effective information perception.

Today By taking the time to master speed reading techniques, tomorrow you will be able to receive and process more information, while remaining the master of your saved time.

What is speed reading?

Speed ​​reading (or quick reading) is the ability to quickly perceive text information using special reading methods. Fast reading is 3-4 times faster than normal reading. (Wikipedia).

One of the most popular “speed reading” schools in Russia, the school of Oleg Andreev, says that after completing 2 levels of training, you can achieve a reading speed of 10,000 characters per minute, which is approximately 5-7 pages of an average book.

It turns out that during a half-hour trip on the subway at this speed you can read 150-200 pages of a book. This is much more than the average person will read in that amount of time.

In addition to the “Oleg Andreev School”, such well-known experts in speed reading as Natalia Grace, Andrei Spodin, Vladimir and Ekaterina Vasiliev and many others offer their courses. However, some people learned to read quickly without attending courses, schools, trainings and special centers, as well as without reading textbooks on speed reading - you even know many of them, these are Maxim Gorky, Vladimir Lenin, Thomas Edison and many others. Therefore, try to learn it yourself first, especially since it will not cost you anything.

How fast do you read?

We suggest you check how fast you read. To do this, read the text in the exercise below and answer a few questions to help you understand it.

Course Description

This course is designed to master the skill of speed reading. This speed reading skill is most useful for studying Internet resources, information articles, reading newspapers, magazines, popular science literature, and textbooks. Fast reading will allow you not only to read texts faster, but also to better master information - find it and remember it in order of priority.

This training involves daily exercise at home or at work for 20-40 minutes (you can do it less often, but then the effect will be less). The course consists of 5 stages, each of which involves mastering certain skills that help you read quickly. To master a skill, it is important to practice more - read articles on resources that interest you (for example, sections you like on Wikipedia), read newspapers, magazines, textbooks - devote at least an additional half hour a day to this.

With this training regimen, you will get results in just a couple of weeks, and if you study for 2-3 months, you will be able to significantly increase the speed and quality of reading.

How to learn to read quickly?

To learn to read quickly on this site, simply follow the exercises described in the 5 lessons. If we try to generalize various techniques for teaching speed reading, then the process of mastering this skill can be divided into 5 parts (these are 5 lessons). Each lesson allows you to master a specific skill that will improve your reading speed and efficiency in mastering the material. The content of the lessons is structured in such a way that you can study online as interactively and conveniently as possible without teachers or tutors.

First, watch all the lessons, try to do the exercises, if a skill is given to you quickly, then do not stop for a long time on this lesson. For example, many people do not have trouble paying attention when reading and are able to skip straight to Lesson 2. Pay more attention to lessons and activities that:

  1. seem useful to you
  2. cause you problems.

It is not necessary to go through the exercises in the sequence indicated in the lessons, the main thing is to achieve the goal for each part.

5 speed reading lessons

5 Skills Helpful to Reading Faster which you can learn on our website:

1. Focus(LESSON 1)
You've probably noticed that an interesting book is read in one sitting and faster than a boring textbook. Also, for example, when reading an interesting book, you gradually speed up, immersing yourself in the reading process... Attention for speed reading is very important, and most importantly, it can be trained.

2. Suppression of articulation (speaking text)(LESSON 2)
Most people have the habit of reading a text by speaking it to themselves. If you want to read the text quickly, you need to do it “silently”, that is, freeing yourself from articulation.

3. Improving visual skills(LESSON 3)
The ability to see all the text at once in a paragraph or even on a page, to understand its structure, to read not from left to right, but from top to bottom (or, as they say, “diagonally”) is an important skill in fast reading. Therefore, visual skills also need to be trained, and in life they can be useful when driving a car, in team sports, etc. The lesson presents special tables and a simulator for training speed reading.

4. Read and manage information quickly(LESSON 4)
It's no secret that most texts have only a small part of useful information that you must learn to quickly find. This skill most often comes with reading experience, but you can speed up this process with the help of special exercises.

5. Speed ​​reading and memory development(LESSON 5)
When you learn to read quickly, you will be able to absorb a fairly large amount of information. But the skill of fast reading may turn out to be useless if what you read is forgotten, which in principle is not strange, given such a volume of information. You need to be able to remember this information.

In addition, the site provides additional materials on quick reading: books and textbooks, videos, simulators and programs, materials for downloading, as well as articles with comments and reviews from social networks.

Just a few decades ago, people were able to easily navigate the flow of information. In a world where there is an information explosion, it becomes more difficult for a modern person to do this. In this situation, innate mechanisms no longer help. Nowadays, when there is often an urgent need to make the best decision, it is necessary to be able to quickly and correctly evaluate the available information.

In order for a person to think clearly, master newly received vital information, be able to purposefully organize his activities, regulate the processes of thinking and behavior, the operating system located in the front part of the brain must work flawlessly. People with an active operating system of the brain always have better results, because... They consciously use both hemispheres when working - both verbal and figurative.

Based on the latest developments of scientists in the field of human intellectual development, neurolinguistics and psychology, this unique author’s methodology was developed, which:

  • equips the brain with new, more effective programs
  • activates the memory block
  • increases your reading speed several times

Thanks to the faster exchange of information, students’ ability to master new knowledge and skills and apply them in their activities is enhanced, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of study and work.

The main means of expanding knowledge is reading, and the only real source of competitive advantage is the ability to learn and put new ideas into practice faster.

The uniqueness of the methods of Vasilyeva L.L.
is as follows:

1. A complete vertical of courses has been built.
Each course is designed for a specific age group:

2. A clear lesson-based system has been developed for developing the skill of speed reading, fast and high-quality memorization of information, and speed of mental operations.

3. The exercises are arranged in accordance with the requirement “the brain should only be gradually accustomed to work.”

4. There are clear instructions on the time, the algorithm for collecting information, and the results at each stage of training.

5. A set of exercises has been created to develop the skill of memorizing information from the first presentation, choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose.

6. Training allows you to optimize intellectual resources, thinking becomes positive, non-standard, its quality and speed of mental operations change.

7. The skill of speed reading is formed.

8. Training gives a guaranteed result, because The methods of working with information acquired by students are reinforced in lessons to the level of a stable skill.

9. Methods of Vasilyeva L.L. time-tested: School of Speed ​​Reading and Information Management by L.L. Vasilyeva, Yekaterinburg, has been operating since 1991.

During the training, brain structures are activated, connections between neurons are developed and the process of their spontaneous loss is stopped.

“The existing educational system lags behind modern requirements for the simple reason that information technology is undergoing rapid progress, but our ability to work with information remains at the same level. It doesn’t matter what a person studied (is studying) at school, university, business schools. It is important how quickly he can do this, how well he assimilates the information, and whether he has the opportunity to use it after a week, a year, ten years.

What is the use of knowledge that a person cannot use? Why waste both time and money if after just a few hours an unprepared person forgets from 40% to 80% of new information? First you need to learn how to group, structure, and systematize information.”

Speed ​​reading is the only type of mental activity that allows you to develop the entire block of mental processes. To master speed reading, it is necessary to activate the chemical,
biochemical reactions of the entire brain, develop additional connections between neurons, increase
speed of thought processes, change the quality of thinking.

Simultaneous activation of the hemispheres will allow full
perceive information.

How we get results

  • The development of the rhythm of thought, the inductiveness of thinking, and the speed of thought processes allows one to “see” the structure of the text in fast reading mode and track the development of the author’s thoughts.
  • Studying stylistics allows you to express your thoughts accurately and expressively.
  • Studying linguistics allows you to have a good understanding of linguistic means and use them appropriately. A huge layer of language is phraseological units, synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, homonyms. Understanding words and meanings, understanding the meaning of words in their relationship, identifying significant features of objects and other parameters of verbal intelligence are central to courses on speed reading and memory development.
  • Step-by-step work on the development of semantic memory, studying methods of presenting information (deduction, induction), types of text (narration, description, reasoning), compositions develop the ability to navigate the text, understand, remember and use this information in the future.
  • Familiarity with the types of reading (scanning, selective, viewing, panoramic-quick, in-depth), developing the ability to choose one or another type depending on goals and objectives leads to the development of a flexible reading strategy.
  • Knowledge of techniques for memorizing thematically unrelated information, the formation of a skill by practicing each technique contributes to high-quality memorization and develops memory.
  • Performing psychophysical exercises allows you to develop imaginative thinking, concentration, distribution, switchability, and stability of attention.

The courses include development exercises:

  • arithmetic-practical thinking and logic
  • spatial imagination
  • observation skills
  • visual, auditory, visual-figurative memory
  • speed of visual perception
  • efficiency of thinking (ability to quickly switch
    from one type of mental activity to another)
  • speed of thought processes (ability to process information
    in accelerated mode)
  • flexibility, variability of thinking

And also on:

  • harmonization of the hemispheres
  • the ability to perform two mental operations simultaneously.

Only all this together will allow us to understand, record, and store in our brain
information and makes it possible to use this information in the future.

Guaranteed results!