Table tennis tactics. Defense tactics. III. Reflecting attacking blows in active defense and carrying out counterattacks


Defensive tactics are based on the use of heavily cut balls combined with varying strength
“cuts” to confuse the attacker and ultimately achieve victory.

There are two types of defensive tactics: against the attacker and against the defender.

I. Tactics of playing against the attacker

1. “Clamping” the opponent to one corner and unexpectedly transferring the ball to an unprotected corner. With quick cutting blows to the left corner, force the enemy to gradually move to the left and take a position there,
then suddenly move the ball to the right corner. Or, when the opponent begins to move to the left corner, suddenly send the ball to the right corner to force the opponent to return back. When he goes to the right corner, suddenly move the ball to the left corner again.

2. Alternating the force of “cutting” in order to confuse the attacking enemy. First, a series of heavily clipped balls are sent, which the opponent is forced to lift when receiving, and then unexpectedly sent
weakly clipped ball; if the opponent does not notice the change in the rotation of the ball, he can send it over the table. Or
when playing in deep defense, suddenly increase the “cut” to force the opponent to send the ball into the net.

3. Controlling the enemy’s attack with balls of varying strength and length. If the enemy has poor rolling skills
from short balls, the long ball is first sent closer to the back edge of the table to force the opponent
step back, and then with the shortened ball he is pulled towards the table. Or, varying the ail and direction of the balls,
force the opponent to constantly move, in order to eventually disrupt the normal functioning of his legs.

4. Controlling the opponent's attack by varying the direction of the ball's flight. If the opponent sent the ball diagonally, then the return ball is sent in a straight line, and, conversely, if the ball is sent in a straight line, then it is reflected diagonally. By building the game in this way, you can force the enemy to move all the time, rather than stand on one
place and wait for a convenient ball to make a strong hit.

5. Confusing the attacker with a combination of “stand-up” and “cut” strikes. Reflecting attacking blows with “cutting”,
suddenly throw a heavily clipped ball into the opponent's left corner so that he is forced to parry it with a drawing blow, then quickly approach the table and "stand" the ball into the unprotected right corner. Or, using a "stand"
as a means of defense, suddenly move away from the table and deflect the ball with a “cut.”

In order to confidently take the initiative in competition, you need to be able to combine two or three tactical options
of the five above. In modern table tennis, using only a “stand” for protection is clearly not enough
to achieve victory, and defenders who use only “cutting” demonstrate their passivity and lack of initiative.

II. Tactics for playing against a defender

The tactics of playing with a “cut” versus “cut” strike consist of a long transfer and especially the ability to wield
“cut”, which is crucial when playing against the clock. Similar game tactics are used in tennis matches,
who can attack and defend, but do not have sufficient skill to defeat their opponent in attack.

III. Tactics of combining defense and attack

The tactics of modern table tennis can no longer be built only on pure attack or only on pure
protection. Defense alone or attack alone is clearly not enough to achieve victory. Defense and attack are mutual
are combined in each individual game, often even when playing one point, thereby generating countless
many tactical options. Nowadays, the tactics of combining defense and attack are divided into two types:
preferential play in attack and defense as an auxiliary means and equal play in defense and attack.
The first type of tactic is inherent mainly to players who use a vertical method of holding a rocket, and the second -
players using the horizontal method.

Players of a predominantly attacking style build their game mainly on the use of “roll-ups” and strikes (above
has already been discussed in detail about various tactical options for playing in attack) But the tactics of playing in attack against
“cutting” cannot be built only on the “coasting” blows alone, since the stronger the “climbing” blow, the stronger it will be
the return ball is also cut, the stronger the counter-strike can be and the more difficult it is to choose the ball for a strong strike
or protect yourself from an enemy counterattack. Therefore, when playing offensively against cutting, it is necessary to master
the following auxiliary ways of playing.

I A combination of a roll-up and a cut-off strike.

When playing “coasting” in order to prepare for a strong blow, a situation may arise in which
conducting the game in attack is very difficult due to the fact that the opponent intensifies the “cutting” or begins to respond
low short balls. In this case, the tactics of combining a “cut” and a “coasting” strike are used.

Because the cut is the most reliable technique against a strong cut, and balls after it
have a slight forward movement and counter-rotation, the enemy is forced to repel these
balls to pull up to the table. In this way, the danger of heavily clipped balls can be reduced and the
correct footwork of the opponent. When the opponent is forced to move back and forth and direct the balls,
whose movement speed is relatively low, an unexpected “roll-up” is carried out, with the help of which you can
prepare a comfortable ball for a strong finishing shot. When both opponents play with a cut, the ball may have
three different types of rotation; Therefore, when choosing the moment for a strong blow, you need to be very careful.

II. Attacking instead of defending to seize the initiative.

When a player sends cut balls, “squeezing” his opponent into one corner, the latter is forced to play passively,
since he is deprived of the conditions for carrying out a strong blow. In this case, the following methods must be applied:

1. Start sending the opponent “rolling” balls that would bounce at the level of his armpit. It's strong
will make it difficult for the enemy to concentrate the game in one of the corners.

2. Start sending diagonal oblique blows, to which the enemy responds straight, in order to prevent the serial
attack; in this case, you can reduce your own playing area and expand the area of ​​the opponent’s playing area,
if the attacker can hit from the right and left, then to reflect the balls obliquely diagonally and in different angles to him
It is not necessary to move from one corner to another.

3. Use light pointing or shortened strikes to maintain the initiative, forcing the enemy to pull forward
or step back.

III. Reflecting attacking attacks in active defense and carrying out counterattacks.

If you based your game tactics on attack, and the enemy - on playing defense with counterattacks, then
your defense must necessarily be based on an effective counterattack from the right and also from the left. This method of protection
in which the balls quickly return to the opponent’s side, significantly reduces the latter’s opportunities for
carrying out a strong counterattack. If the enemy still manages to carry out a strong blow that does not appear
possible to receive close to the table, you need to quickly move deep into the playing area and send a response from there

There are two types of defense: defense with cut balls, in which, with the help of a strong underspin imparted
balls, powerful attacks of the enemy are interrupted and the moment is selected for a counterattack; high twist defense
"candles" that are sent from the depths of the playing area to increase the period of time required to complete
the ball from the rocket to the point of impact on the opponent's side, in order to prepare for a counterstrike.

In the tactics of combining defense and attack, it is important to be able to alternate between heavily cut balls and “locking” the opponent
in one corner while performing counter-strikes (i.e., the tactic of combining balls that have spin with balls that do not have
-spin, long and short balls, cut and flat balls, etc.)

I. Tactics of using cut balls (“locking” the opponent into one corner, increasing the rotation of the balls) and counter-strikes.

When playing against an opponent who uses “rolling”, you need to be on the move all the time to control the attack
enemy and “have more opportunities for systematic counterattacks.

Specific cases of application of this tactic.

Transferring the entire game to the opponent's left corner, so that in order to conduct an attack he is forced to take a position on the left
corner, then unexpectedly transfer the ball to the left unprotected right corner, from where the opponent is almost certainly
sends a high ball, which is used for a counter-attack

When the opponent, being “locked” in the left corner, pulls the ball towards your left

Angle, you must counter with a left or right to send the ball straight. If the enemy is in such

The same situation will send the ball straight to your right corner with a pulling kick, you should immediately counter with a forehand
throw the ball diagonally.

Transferring the ball to another corner in order to prepare a counterstrike. This can be illustrated with a specific example.
If the opponent hits the ball in a straight line, it should be returned diagonally; if the enemy made
diagonal strike,

The ball is "cut" and returns in a straight line. By building the game in this way, you can force the enemy to continuously move
from one corner to another.

If the opponent, after transferring the game entirely to his right corner, directs blows to your right corner, you must
choose a convenient ball and carry out a counter-strike in a straight line to the unprotected left corner of the enemy; if the enemy is
If you direct the blows in a straight line, then the counter-attack should be made to the remaining unprotected left corner.

The greatest effect when alternating cut and flat balls is achieved when the player combines
this is with counterpunching.

Specifically, the game requires a combination of different ways to hit the ball. For example, at the moment of contact
with the playing surface of the rocket, the ball is imparted with an imperceptible movement additional rotational force or among the series
heavily cut balls, a low ball without spin is suddenly sent, after which a position is created,
in which the opponent cannot execute an attacking blow without the risk of making a mistake, which must be immediately
used to carry out a counterattack. -" Summarizing everything said above, we can establish the following pattern.
The more the opponent pulls the ball up when hitting and gives him a strong top rotation, the more
the probability that when hitting balls that do not have spin, the balls will hit the table, and the faster and more rapidly
hits the opponent, the sooner he will make a mistake into the net with heavily clipped balls.

This tactic is especially effective when balls are reflected below the playing surface of the table, since
the opponent is deprived of the opportunity to observe the movement of the blow and therefore cannot determine in advance the force of rotation

II. Changing the direction of the ball flight in combination with counter-strikes.

Similar tactical structure of the game. Poses a great danger to the player with slow reactions and slow
footwork. So, when, when playing in one corner with heavily cut balls, a short ball is unexpectedly given or after
a series of short balls, the game suddenly moves to one corner, the opponent loses position and it is already difficult for him to carry out
strong attacking blows.

You can change the direction of the ball's flight in two ways: by sending long and short balls in the same direction or by sending
them in different directions. For example, after a series of long clipped balls and one of the corners of the table is suddenly given
a short cut ball at the same angle or at a different angle. When the opponent is close to the table, first
it is more profitable to send a long low ball, and then unexpectedly perform a short kick in order to convert with the next blow
play in one of the corners or make a counterattack, If the opponent is located deep in the playing area, i.e., relatively
far from the table, a short kick is used against him, but in such a way that he cannot deflect the ball
with a strong blow, then suddenly a long ball is sent, which forces him to retreat, and then the next
with a shortened kick, a convenient ball is prepared for a counter-strike.

III. Tactics of joint use of “stand” and “cut” in combination with attacking blows.

This tactical structure of the game is based on the use of different types of hitting the ball in order to change
speed of flight and rotation of return balls. First you can play as a “stand”, and then switch to “trimming”
or vice versa.

1. Transition from “under bet” to “cut” strikes. During the game with a “stand”, the player, without losing the initiative,
must move to the “cut” in a timely manner in order to reduce the speed of the ball, give it bottom rotation and
prevent your opponent from adapting to your style of play.

2. Transition from “trimming” to “stand” strikes. During the game with “cutting” (when the
rotation of the ball) the player, without losing the initiative, must promptly move to the “stand” in order to unexpectedly increase
speed of return balls. By moving the game to one corner and forcing the enemy to perform “roll-ups” only in
diagonally, the player quickly approaches the table and “stands” the ball in a straight line into the opponent’s unprotected corner,
to deprive him of the initiative and get a convenient ball for counterattacking. This type of game tactic is very effective.
against “climbing”, especially if the player playing “climbing” has slow movements and poorly functioning legs.

IV. Using serves as a means of stopping an opponent's attack and preparing for a counterattack.

This tactical version of the game is used against players who hold a rocket vertically and in general against
all attackers. The serve is made to the weakest point of the player using the vertical method of holding the rocket, so that
prevent his attack in order to seize the initiative and gain the opportunity to carry out
series of attacking blows. There are several ways to implement this tactical option.

A short, cut serve from the left is served to the opponent's left corner, so that the opponent is unable to parry
serve with a strong blow. The opponent has no choice but to repel the serve with a slight “roll” or “stand”,
which must be immediately used to carry out a forehand or backhand strike.

A short cut serve is served from the left or right into the right corner so that the opponent standing in the left corner and
preparing to hit, could not immediately hit the ball hard. When to receive a short serve from the right corner
the opponent will approach the table and win back the ball with a light “roll” or “stand”, you must use this moment
to carry out a strong blow.

3. A cut short serve is served from the right or left into the middle of the table. When the enemy approaches to receive it
to the table, it is necessary to direct a strong blow to the middle of the table." This combination is effective against the player using
two-pronged attack.

4. A fast serve with right side spin is served to the right corner, which the opponent will be forced to
accept with a “stand”, after which an attacking blow follows from your side. This combination can be combined with the one
which was described in point 2.

V. “Cracking” the enemy’s defense with a single blow after a “cut.”

This tactical option is a very effective way to play against a strong defender. Meaning
This combination is that the opponent is pulled close to the table, and then a strong unexpected
a blow, to reflect which he will not have time to move away from the table into the depths of the playing area.

First, the point play is based on heavily cut balls, which the opponent will eventually accept
forced to give a high ball, convenient for making a strong blow.

If you find that your balls have less spin than your opponent's balls, you need to regroup.
to reflect the balls with a slight “cut”, sending them in different directions. When you wait from the enemy weakly
clipped ball, deflect it with a strong blow. If a player proficient in forehand and backhand kicks begins to use
This tactical option makes it very difficult for the opponent to defend. If the player only uses the right kick
or knows how to attack well from the right from the left corner, then the effectiveness of this combination is significantly reduced. IN
Currently, this method of play is the main one among European players who use the horizontal method.
holding a rocket.

Above we talked about various tactical options for building the game. To be able to use it in the game
various tactical options, the player must master the technique of long-range and short-range cutting, attacking techniques
blows. If he does not do this, his game will be tactically poor, he will have to often lose the initiative
and suffer defeat. If a player does not have a strong defense of a long-range “cut”, he will not be able to reflect a strong one.
the enemy's blow, and therefore will not be able to build a game on active tactics. Technique player
close “cutting”, will not be able to build a game on the tactics of taking the enemy to one corner with the help of heavily cut
balls. If the player does not know how to attack, all balls prepared for a strong finishing blow are
will remain, not used in the best way. The player must build tactics for playing in competitions in accordance with
your level of technical training. Otherwise, he will not only fail to complete the assigned tactical task,
but he will also reap disastrous results from such a tactical structure of the game.

The tactics of playing with a “cut” shot versus a “cut” strike require one thing from players - stable accuracy in
hitting the table. Whoever is the first to show impatience and haste will lose. Therefore, playing with a cut kick
against “undercutting” requires great willpower and perseverance from athletes. This method of playing is gradually going away
into the past, since achieving victory with such tactics requires a large expenditure of physical strength. If in
competitions, you have to play several similar matches in a row, then, even if your technical skill
it will be better, you will lose, because a lot of effort and energy was spent in previous meetings. That's why
in normal times, it is necessary to intensify the work on mastering attacking strokes in order to diversify a simple ball throw
single attacking strikes.

Excerpt from the book:
"Table Tennis" textbook. 1960

Improving the technique and tactics of playing table tennis

Unfortunately, it must be admitted that the vast majority of our table tennis players train, albeit quite regularly and a lot, but unsystematically, which leads to the fact that they are slow to master the skill. What does table tennis training boil down to for many players? Usually 5-10 min. exchanges, and then 3-5-7 or more games with a score, usually for a win, and in conclusion a lively exchange of opinions: Who won against whom, who lost to whom.
This outdated training “method” should have become obsolete long ago. But it still exists in table tennis sections, although such training, replacing
systematic work on eliminating individual technical deficiencies, painstaking study of game elements, development and mastery of tactical combinations, increasing general physical fitness, only lead to the perpetuation of technical errors among players and a tactically primitive game.
Success in sports does not come naturally. High athletic results are the result of hard work, a conscientious and thoughtful attitude to training. to adherence to the regime, enormous effort of will, and a tireless desire to improve technology and tactics.
Training and competitions, alternating with each other, make up the entire long-term journey of an athlete. And victory in competitions primarily depends on how fruitful the training was, which takes many times more time than direct wrestling.
Increasing general physical fitness, improving technique and tactics is the main content of sports training. You must constantly improve your technique, never stopping there. Athletes need, in the process of systematic, purposeful training, to master all types of strikes (attacking and defensive - twisted, cut, mid-flight, long and short, oblique and shortened, master the twisted high kick), be able to play the game at a fast and slow pace, achieve very high precision strikes. A good player should not have any pronounced shortcomings in technique (for example, a weak backhand, inability to respond to short shots, etc.), since an experienced strong opponent will not fail to take advantage of them and will easily achieve victory. Therefore, along with the constant improvement of his most mastered strikes and techniques, the athlete urgently needs to constantly work on improving his least developed technical techniques, and strive not to have any weaknesses in his technique. This is very important. Every athlete must soberly analyze their successes and possible failures. Only on the basis of a critical assessment of the results of your successes can you constantly move forward.
A strong player must be well prepared tactically, be able to make the best use of all his capabilities in competitions and at the same time force the enemy to act in a way that is least beneficial to the latter. The player needs to be able to diversify the game: vary his shots in depth and direction of the ball’s flight, in the height of the ball’s rebound on the opponent’s side, in the nature of rotation, etc., be able, if necessary, to freely move from an energetic attack to active defense and back to attack again, carry out various tactical combinations, wisely draw up a general tactical game plan and persistently implement it, subtly assess the competitive situation and the actions of the enemy and, depending on this, make the most profitable tactical decisions, have an unshakable will to win.
The study and improvement of tactical combinations must be combined with the improvement of striking techniques.
Only with repeated repetition can one achieve confident, clear and accurate execution of individual tactical combinations. Improvement of technical techniques and tactical combinations should be carried out with the help of exercises with a predetermined direction of flight and rotation of the ball (the so-called “game according to tactical and technical schemes”), in training single games conducted according to a specific tactical plan, and, finally, in single and competitive pair games.
Exercises are extremely useful for everyone studying this or that technique, as well as those seeking to correct any shortcoming in the technique of performing a strike, and finally, simply for gaining confidence in performing a particular strike (and this is absolutely necessary for the successful implementation of attacking combinations!) with a predetermined direction of flight and rotation of the ball. In these exercises, table tennis techniques are performed under simplified conditions. The element of surprise is excluded here: each player knows in advance where and how his partner will send the ball. Therefore, both athletes can focus all their attention on the correctness of their movements and on eliminating technical deficiencies. At the same time, exercises with a predetermined direction of the ball's flight contribute to the assimilation and improvement of tactics, since they are based on various combinations of strikes, which make up tactical combinations in the game.
These very important exercises are for a table tennis player about the same importance as scales are for a pianist and singer, without which it is impossible to achieve technical perfection.
Improvement by players of diagonal backhand strikes: one - an attacking twisting blow, the other - a defensive cutting blow. Players send the ball to each other with diagonal left kicks: one attacks with a twisting blow, the other defends with a sliced ​​blow. Immediately after each stroke, both players take a place in the main playing area, opposite the middle of the end line of the table. In an effort to perform each strike freely, easily, and technically correctly, you must try to keep the ball in play for as long as possible. In order to improve the accuracy of these blows, a target 30 X 30 cm is marked with chalk in the left corner of each side of the table, hits into which by both attacking and defensive blows from the left must be counted. Then the players change roles: the attacker becomes the defender and vice versa. Subsequently, athletes need to train the most complex, but very effective combinations: sending attacking blows in response to attacking blows, in this case from the left diagonally.
Improving diagonal forehand strikes by players: one - an attacking twisting blow, the other - a defensive cutting blow. The procedure for performing the exercise is the same as for diagonal backhand shots. The target is drawn, naturally, not in the left, but in the right corners of each half of the table.
These two exercises can be performed not only by two people, but by four people: while two of them hit the ball from right to right, the other two hit another ball from left to left.
Improving straight forehand twists by one player, and straight left slices by others. First, one of the athletes throws only twisting blows from the right in a straight line. The other, defending himself, responds with a cut blow from the left in a straight line, along one of the side lines. Then the partners change roles: the one who performed the blow from the right now performs a defensive cut blow from the left and vice versa. Players kick along the other sideline. To improve the accuracy of straight shots, targets are used here too, which are placed in each corner of the table. Subsequently, you need to train in exchanging only offensive blows.
Improving by one attacking player twisting blows from the right diagonally and in a straight line, by another - defensive cutting blows from the right diagonally and from the left in a straight line (the so-called triangle). One of the athletes delivers twisting blows from the right, alternately to the right and then to the left corner of the table, and the other alternately responds with a defensive cut blow to the right diagonally, or a cut blow to the left in a straight line to the same corner of the table - under the blow from the right. Accuracy is also developed here with the help of targets. This exercise is useful for both players in that it develops the ability to alternate oblique and straight, twisting and cutting blows, which is very important for every student. After making a strike, both players must immediately return to the main playing area, and the defending player, knowing the direction of each opponent’s ball, must promptly occupy the most advantageous place in one or the other corner of the table. Subsequently, it is necessary to carry out this exercise only with the help of attacking blows.
Improvement by one attacking player of left-handed twisting blows diagonally and in a straight line, by another - defensive sliced ​​blows from the left diagonally and sliced ​​blows from the right in a straight line (also the so-called triangle). The procedure for performing the exercise is the same as the previous one.
Improving by one attacking twisted blows diagonally from the right and left, by another - defensive cutting blows from the right and left in a straight line (the so-called figure eight). One player alternately delivers attacking blows diagonally from the right and left to one or the other corner of the table, and the other, defending player, responds with straight cuts also to one or the other corner of the table. Both players, knowing the direction of flight of each ball, must promptly occupy the most advantageous places in one or the other corner of the table. Subsequently, the trainees change roles. The one who sent the ball diagonally sends it in a straight line, and the one who responded straight makes blows that send the ball diagonally. For practicing accuracy, targets in the corners of the table are very useful here. Subsequently, it is necessary to carry out this exercise only with the help of attacking blows.
The player's improvement of finishing strokes on the right and left, diagonally and in a straight line (the so-called “three to one” game). One of the players successively sends three twisting strokes (left or forehand) straight or diagonal to one corner of the table, and the fourth stroke to the opposite corner of the table (for example, three forehand strokes diagonally, a final forehand stroke in a straight line; three backhand strokes straight, finishing blow on the left diagonally, etc.). Targets are marked in all corners of the table.
Improvement by players of long and short oblique, as well as shortened forehand and backhand strokes. One of the players alternates long diagonal forehand strikes with short oblique or shortened forehand strikes in response to the partner’s defensive cutting strikes, and subsequently to attacking diagonal forehand strikes. You can also make long and short oblique and shortened diagonal backhand shots in response to another player's defensive slices on the diagonal left, etc. Targets are marked in the corners of the table, as well as at a distance of 65 cm from the transverse net at each side line.
Improving the serve of one player and the return of serve by another.
With the help of a target, it is necessary to improve flat, twisted and cut, long and short, diagonal serves, straight serves, performed both from the right and from the left. At the same time, you should also train your serve reception. One player in this exercise is the server, the other is the receiver. Then the players change roles.
When training serves, you must pay attention to ensuring that they are carried out in full accordance with the requirements of the rules. It is necessary to ensure that the palm of the server’s hand is fully straightened and the thumb of the left hand is moved to the side. Unfortunately, our athletes pay little attention to these details during training, which negatively affects the quality of serves.
Improving players' on-the-run kicks. Several players (from 6 to 15) are located around the table in front of the end lines and along the side lines. After the ball is put into play by the server in the usual manner, everyone participating (except for the receiver of the serve) in this unique mass game of table tennis begins to move around the table clockwise or counterclockwise. As soon as the receiver of the serve hits the ball, he also begins to move after the players in front. The ball on each side of the table is hit in turn by each of the participants, and the player has the right to perform only one hit on each side of the table. The participant who loses a point is eliminated (with a small number of players - 6-8 people - it is sometimes agreed that the one who loses 3 or 5 points is eliminated from the game). The fewer participants there are, the faster the players move around the table, trying to take a position in the playing area, first on one side, then on the other (and this is not easy with a small number of players). In the end, only 2 players remain who have no lost points or have the fewest lost points. They are given the right to play one game among themselves, the winner of which is recognized as the winner of this competition.
This very exciting game is a very useful exercise for developing players' mobility and improving individual strokes. To improve strictly defined strokes on the move, a social instructor (coach) can instruct the players to send all balls only with sliced ​​or only twisted strikes, only with backhand or forehand strikes, etc.
This game, known as “spin,” is often organized in table tennis sections when a large number of athletes come to classes at the same time. If there is only one table, each tennis player has to wait a long time for his turn to play, and when organizing a “spin”, everyone present at the lessons can take part in the game at one table.
Finally, a few words about an exercise that is being used more and more often - doubles play with six players. The game is played in accordance with the rules for doubles, but each half of the table, instead of 2 players, has 3. Each partner has to play the game at a slower pace than in a four-player doubles game; At first, this allows you to quickly learn the order of striking strictly one by one, taking turns to take a position for striking in the playing area at the table, correctly changing places with your partner.
There is a huge distance between playing according to tactical and technical schemes (exercises with a predetermined direction of flight and rotation of the ball) and playing with a competitive score. It's one thing when the opponent sends you the ball conveniently, when not a single shot of his is a surprise to you; It’s another matter when the opponent directs the ball in a way that is least convenient for you, mainly carrying out unexpected shots and combinations. Therefore, it is very important to consolidate the technical and tactical skills acquired in the game according to the schemes so that they can be successfully applied in a competitive game with a score.
To accomplish this task, the so-called educational game is very useful. It is an intermediate step between elemental play and competitive table tennis.
An educational game is a game with counting, but with some conventions. It reinforces and practices strikes and combinations.
What conventions take place in the educational game? So, for example, a social instructor (coach) gives instructions to the players, or the players themselves agree in advance that during 1-2 games they will direct the ball alternately to the corners of the table. A ball sent to the middle of the table or sent short is considered lost. Or opponents agree that after a certain number of strikes they will perform a shortened strike. Failure to comply with this condition results in the loss of a point. Or the opponents agree that in 1-2 games one of them will mainly hold the defense, while the other will mainly attack vigorously, etc.
The final consolidation of mastered techniques and tactical combinations, the development of players’ creative abilities, and direct preparation for performances in competitions are carried out in training games with a competitive score. It is useful to conduct them in an environment very similar to a competitive one: 3-5-7 games with a judge. Such games teach athletes to persistently fight to win every point and strengthen the will to win.
These meetings must be carried out according to a specific tactical plan (see the section “Game Tactics”). Unlike games with various conventions, it is very important to conduct training games with a competitive score with various partners whose game is little known (from other physical education organizations). Then at competitions the athlete will not be afraid of opponents with a wide variety of playing styles. He will learn to navigate tactically correctly against any opponent.
To improve women's skills, training meetings and joint competitions with men are extremely important.
It is important that training games of a competitive nature are carried out with full attention and the necessary tension. At such meetings during the game, individual comments from a coach on issues of technique and tactics, a social instructor, or a senior comrade are appropriate.
Subsequent technical and tactical analyzes of meetings conducted by a social instructor, coach, or a more experienced player from among the section members are very useful.
It is advisable to train three people. While two of them are playing a control game with a score or training according to tactical and technical schemes, the third is keeping track of mistakes and won strikes.
The method of statistical accounting of errors and won strokes allows you to identify the most typical mistakes and weaknesses in the game and makes it possible to determine which poorly mastered strokes you need to pay attention to, and helps determine the tasks of an individual plan.
Below is a table for recording errors and winning strokes in a table tennis match. Each point won and lost is marked in the table with a dash in the corresponding column. After the game, all marks are summed up and the final data is analyzed.
Such tables are very useful to use for analyzing official meetings in competitions.

Table of errors and won strokes in a table tennis match

Tables like the ones above can be compiled in a variety of ways, depending on what technical or tactical techniques of the player need to be analyzed.
We have already said that heights of sportsmanship can only be achieved through persistent, purposeful work on oneself. Anyone who does not comply with this important condition will never be able to become an excellent table tennis player.
What should be the dosage of training loads for elite athletes who persistently strive to achieve high sports results? The experience of the strongest table tennis players suggests that you should usually train four to five times a week, not counting a special session aimed at improving general physical development, and the duration of each workout ranges from 2 to 3 hours. The workout should begin with a warm-up. Then in the main part of the classes the first 1-1.5 hours. It is best to devote to playing with different conventions (playing according to patterns). The rest of the training ends with a game with a score for 1 -1.5 hours. This type of training is most effective.

Conscious play of the game is possible only on the basis of well-developed tactics. It forces the athlete to improve his technique and make the most of it. Tactical creativity fully demonstrates the determination, stamina, technical readiness and other strong-willed qualities of an athlete. Before moving on to the description of the elements of tactics during competitions, we will give a tactical classification of strikes according to the nature of the use of technique when performing them.

Serves: a) attacking, aimed directly at winning a point; b) preparing an attack; c) defensive, preventing the enemy from attacking.

Reception of serve by blow: a) attacking; b) preparatory;

c) protective."

Intermediate strikes, single or repeated many times: a) from half-volley with a low and short trajectory of the ball in order to speed up the pace of play; b) cutting with medium force in order to wait for a convenient ball to perform an attacking shot.

Attacking strikes: a) single pointing “roll-up”; b) “roll up” repeated many times; c) finishing blow; d) hitting the “candle”;

e) counterattack; e) shortened kick.

Defensive strikes: a) various active ones; b) monotonous passive.

Strikes in the direction of the ball's flight: a) straight; b) diagonally; c) oblique from the corners of the table; d) oblique from the center of the table; e) from the corners to the center of the far zone.

Strikes along the length of the ball's flight: a) to the near zone of the table - short;

b) for the middle zone of the table - medium; c) to the far zone - long.

According to the height of the ball's rebound on the opponent's side: a) to a height of 20-30 cm; b) above 50-60 cm; c) below the grid level; d) below table level.

According to the speed of the ball: a) slow; b) average; c) fast.

Tactics of attacking style players

A match between two attackers is won by the one who manages to take the initiative. Those who have lost it are forced to play defensive blows.

To gain the initiative, you need to be good at rolling up, counter-punching and half-volleying, which give a fast pace. When playing at a high tempo, the advantage goes to the attacker who manages to act in accordance with his tactical plan. It is especially important to have an accurate counter-strike with the ball directed at the opposite corner of the table, i.e. if the enemy hit diagonally, the counterattack must be sent straight and vice versa.

Defensive player tactics

Of the defensive style players, the winner is the one who has the most varied technique and can hit for sure at the right moment. The ball must be aimed at the opponent's weak side. If he hits the right hand poorly, throw it higher to the right. If he hits poorly from the left, give the ball to the left. If the opponent knows how to hit from both sides, play using a low and long cut.

Passive Player Tactics

When playing against an opponent who bases his winnings on waiting for your mistake, there is no need to rush, but only hit the right ball. If the opponent is mobile, you need to play in the middle of the table, and if he moves poorly, play in the corners.

A good attacker confidently wins against a passive player.

Singles competition tactics

When leading an attack, players mainly base their game on variety

strikes, sending strong and long balls interspersed with slow and short ones, very oblique ones - into the right corner interspersed with oblique balls into the left, finishing the game at the corners of the table with a blow to the middle of the back line of the table. They also use a variety of serves that hit the ball with different spin and cut.

Doubles tactics

The rule obliging players to take turns hitting the ball and making all serves from the right corner of the table diagonally complicates movement and increases the pace of the game.

In doubles play, the combination of techniques of both partners means a lot. Often, the combination of two individually strong partners is sufficient to achieve victory. Most often, partners who match each other's style win. The difficulty of doubles play lies mainly in the speed of movement. If in singles matches winning a point largely depends on the final strong blow, then in doubles a large percentage of winning balls are made up of balls of medium strength, sent to a place on the table from where the opponent does not have time to reflect it.

To keep all parts of the table under control equally, you need to be able to change positions as quickly as possible. It is best to take 1-2 steps back after each blow, and then a step to the side, giving your partner a free approach to the table.

Techniques of the game can be taught in elements, holistically, and combined using an integrated method.

The dissected method is that the study of movements is carried out sequentially in parts, for example, first the swing, then the moment of contact of the racket with the ball, and, finally, the final part of the movement.

The holistic method requires studying the entire movement at once, without dividing it into parts. The combined use of these two methods is called complex. The most desirable method is holistic; it naturally, without disturbing the foundations of movement, allows the use of the individual abilities of those involved. It is impossible to approach all students the same way and demand complete reproduction of the methods of play.

The success of learning and improvement entirely depends on the initial correct determination of the method of play that corresponds to the individual characteristics of the student.

Changes and additions to international rules

table tennis, increasing its entertainment value

    An individual match should be played out of five or seven games (out of five, the first to win three wins; out of seven, four games). In this case, the game is won by the player (pair) who first scores 11 points, unless both players score 10 points; in this case, the game is won by the player (pair) who is the first to score 2 points more than the opponent.

    After 2 points have been scored, the receiving player (pair) must become the server and so on until the end of the game or until both players score 10 points, or until the speed-up rule is introduced. If both players (pairs) have scored 10 points or the rule for accelerating the game is introduced, then the change of serve occurs after only one point is played, in turn. 13 strokes.

    In the last possible game, as soon as one of the players (pairs) scores 5 points, the players (pairs) must change sides. And in the case of a doubles match, the pair that will host after one of the pairs scores 5 points must change the order of reception (arrangement).

    The game must be continuous throughout the individual match, but any player has the right to a break of up to 1 minute between each game of the match. The player has the right to take a short break to dry himself with a towel after every 6 points played; when changing sides in a decisive game.

    In both team and individual competitions, a player or pair is entitled to one time-out of up to 1 minute during an individual match. A time-out may be requested by a player or pair, a written advisor in individual competitions, or a team captain in team competitions (a time-out request is only accepted when the ball is out of play).

    When receiving a request for a time-out, the referee must show a white card; he must then place this card on the half of the table of the player (pair) who requested the time-out. The white card must be removed and play resumed after 1 minute or as soon as the player(s) who requested the time-out is ready to continue play, whichever is sooner.

    The diameter of the ball should be 40 millimeters. The weight of the ball must be 2.7 grams, made of celluloid or similar plastic, white or orange, matte.

It was at the Slovenian Open Championship. I went out to play against a not very strong Slovenian.

As a rule, a large delegation of Russian athletes and 2-3 national team coaches come to such tournaments. Of course, coaches cannot cover all athletes, so players often second each other themselves or play alone.

So, I go out to the match against the Slovenian with the thought that I will play alone, when suddenly, after the first point won, I hear behind me the traditional encouragement “Come on, come on.” I look around. The coach of the women's team sat down to work with me. Great!

I win the first set overall confidently with a score of 11:8. During the break between sets, the coach gives me a teaching point that when a Slovenian plays long to the left at the beginning of the rally, you need to start attacking in a straight line (that is, to the right corner). I spent the entire first set attacking with my left side diagonally (to the left).

It seems like a logical hint, but...

Having started to act on the instructions of the coach, I found myself in an unpleasant situation. It was very uncomfortable and unusual for me to play the first move on the left in a straight line. Over the past few years, I have played the first top spin to the left diagonally, and with the next two balls, which came to the left with an 80% probability, I accelerated the play, developing a speed that was comfortable for me above average.

When I started playing the first move in a straight line, as the coach said, the Slovenian really began to answer extremely hesitantly, but I didn’t know what to do about it.Firstly, the rhythm of the answer was not at all to my advantage.Secondly, he often took to the right, and I had to play more powerfully with a pause to the left.

Thus, the Slovenian was pulled into the middle zone and a protracted rally began. But I always preferred high-speed plays and in the first 2-3 moves I had an advantage due to speed and competent direction of attack. When the rally dragged on and I had to play from the middle zone, I felt out of place.

As a result, purely visually, I received an advantage from such a first move (top spin to the left in a straight line), but in fact I was not in my game and simply fought back.

In the end, I won the match 4:1, but I did it at the cost of enormous effort. Each won set ended 11:9 or in the balance.

It’s just that, as I said at the beginning, the Slovenian athlete was not very strong and therefore managed to win the match in his favor, although at any moment everything could have turned in the opposite direction.

After the match, the coach remarked to me that “you can’t play so uncertainly when you get such an advantage after the first move.” And if you look from the outside, he was right. But this coach was the coach of the women's team and naturally did not delve into the peculiarities of my game...

Even skilled table tennis players often train incorrectly and haphazardly. What do such trainings usually boil down to? After several minutes of careless back and forth, the counting game begins, the drawing of the next “bullet”. Instead of painstakingly studying technical techniques and tactical combinations, it’s a game to win. Instead of a thoughtful analysis of your shortcomings, a promise to “take revenge” at the next meeting.

As a result of such “training”, the game tactics are not enriched with new combinations, and technical errors are not only not eliminated, but even become fixed.

In order to improve in technique and tactics, it is necessary to use special exercises, the so-called “game according to tactical and technical schemes,” when athletes determine the combinations to be learned in advance. You can begin to study them as soon as the player acquires the skills of basic forehand and backhand strikes.

What is “pattern training”? Two players agree in advance on the strength and direction of their strikes, and on the nature of the ball’s rotation. This eliminates the element of surprise and simplifies the training conditions. Both athletes get the opportunity to focus their attention on correct movement and learning strictly defined strikes and tactical combinations.

The diagrams presented here are borrowed from an article by Chinese athlete Wang Jiazhen. It must be said that Chinese athletes are among the strongest in the world, so their experience is of undoubted interest.

The given diagrams cover almost all the basic strokes and simple combinations of table tennis. For those who intend to seriously work on improving their skill level, these exercises will be of great benefit.

The diagrams show attacking strikes with a solid line, and defensive strikes with a dotted line. The schemes are very simple. They are easy to understand without much explanation.

Diagram 1 shows an exercise for improving a diagonal forehand strike; in diagram 2 - the same blow in a straight line; in diagram 3, an attacking blow from the right diagonally alternates with a blow in a straight line.

Diagrams 4, 5 and 6 show the same exercises, but for backhand shots.

Diagram 7 shows an attack with diagonal strikes, alternately from the right and left, first to one corner, then to the other;

in diagram 8 - the same thing, but with straight strikes.

Using schemes 9 and 10, you can practice attacking strikes from the right and left, aimed at one of the corners of the table.

Diagram 11 shows the execution of a short forehand after an attacking diagonal strike; Diagram 12 shows a similar tactical combination performed with a backhand.

Diagrams 1-12 show simple tactical combinations. The next two diagrams show more complex tactical and technical exercises.

Diagram 13 shows an exercise for learning a shortened backhand strike after an attacking diagonal strike from the right. In diagram 14, a shortened forehand strike is performed after an attack with a diagonal left strike.

In conclusion, a few guidelines.

In order to achieve a strong consolidation of the skill of the studied strike, automaticity of movements, it is necessary, as is known, to repeat it many times. Hence the conclusion: when training a strike or a tactical combination, one should move on to a new scheme only when satisfactory results are achieved in mastering this strike or combination.

During the training process, players must change roles at certain intervals - the attacker becomes the defender and vice versa.

Beginning players should initially make the task of attacking easier by sending the balls lightly and with a high bounce. When you achieve mastery, on the contrary, you need to complicate the exercises by exchanging counterattacking blows.

It is advisable to introduce an element of competition into training as early as possible, counting the number of successful strikes and completed combinations.

To improve the accuracy of strikes, targets are outlined with chalk on both sides of the table. Hits on the target (by both the attacking and defending player) must also be counted.

To more firmly consolidate skills and tactical combinations, it is necessary to conduct so-called “training games,” that is, games that are played with a score, but with some conventions. For example, it can be stipulated that all balls must be hit only with a forehand, or only with an attacking blow, or only with the left half of the opponent’s table, or only with the far zone, etc. Restrictions can be introduced for both opponents or for one of them.

Training using tactical and technical schemes and the “training game” help improve technical techniques and are a good way to prepare for competitions.