Richard Rudd's gene keys. Gene keys. Discovering the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA Each Gene Key is Made up of Three Levels

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Your Gene Key Profile

Together with the Gene Keys book, your profile is a means of unlocking the enormous potential of your life. Combining astrological calculation with an archetypal understanding of genetics, your profile is the original blueprint that tells you who you are, how you act, and, most of all, why you are here. To fully understand your profile, please study the Golden Path program - a journey of transformation that will show you how to apply this knowledge to your life.

Create your Gene Keys profile

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Passed the first Activation according to the Civil Code with Maxim Braga. So:
- I liked Maxim’s presentation style and depth. It is clear that the person is passionate about what he does and explains the material very deeply, clearly and as if he is putting all the knowledge into your chest!
- I decided to take the course because I had been in Human Design for a long time, and GK was also interested. I decided to look deeper.
- I had no expectations before the course, I knew that it depended on me :)
- All invites are related to how I saw my dark sides in a new way and how I learned to accept them. You cannot exist without the Shadow, humanity really needs them, as well as the level of Siddhi. Another thing is that everyone strives to be in gifts all the time, but this is not true. It’s only true that you learn to switch the frequency and track that you are now in the Shadows, but don’t run away and don’t get upset. Man is a computer in which codes are embedded, their manifestation is fractal in all directions. It can manifest itself in any way, it depends only on the person and the intention.
- Definitely, I became more aware after the training. I realized my real talents and became calmer. This helped develop our school Answers in You even stronger and reach a new level. I began to share and talk more about my infantas, since these are my gifts :)
- I believe that the course on Civil Code from Maxim may not be useful to everyone. Specifically, it will be useful only to those people who want to develop. If you are looking for a magic pill and want everything to be chewed for you and put in your mouth, but you don’t want to do the work yourself, then the course is not for you. For everyone else, people striving for awareness and happiness, the course will go like clockwork, you will discover your talents and learn to live in harmony with yourself. Results will increase at all levels of life!

Dmitry Bogatsky

Hello, Maxim!)
Phew, I’m finally giving feedback) In general, during this time I decided to go through the entire sequence again, because... I then flew out of the 3rd sphere from the deep practice of contemplation and transformation. I was not allowed further into the depths. It seems that external circumstances appeared in response to internal resistance...) but in the end, all this helped to make an important choice, it was not easy, but I remembered my gift of determination😄
Now I notice how over time my keys at the frequency of the gift are opening up more and more. It’s as if new shades, colors, meanings were added to the flow of life)
Special thanks for the practice with Pavel! At that moment for me it was what I needed)
I did something similar on every sphere, and the results were very pleasing)
I finally stopped running somewhere, rushing, let go of the bustle, found clarity in my head and support inside through grounding in my body. A balance between solitude and external activity began to naturally develop. I returned to creativity again) This is my happiness😊
The passage of activation included in the implementation, gave the impetus to move forward along my path. Exactly in my own way.
Overall, it was a cool experience of immersing oneself, developing awareness, and healing. It is especially valuable that I was able to find my rhythm, although the 5th key turned out to be the most difficult to live through)) But again, through rooting in the body and awareness, this began to work out. This became key for me at this stage. Now I feel more and more inspired and desire to create)) I also noticed that my perception has become easier, I no longer cling to what could previously bring discomfort)) Another level of acceptance, which means freedom. The feeling now is as if I have returned Home, to my real self, contact has been established again))
And therefore, Max, I thank you with all my heart for everything!🙏 For our journey, the creation of a common space, for your openness, warmth and sensitivity) You have the gift of conveying knowledge, your experience simply and clearly) This is very valuable! Once again, thank you very much for your contribution to each participant!😊🙌

Ivetta Mineeva

Getting to know GK is life before and after, I’m 33 and I’ve always run from life, from myself, from people. In constant internal dissatisfaction, good salary and excellent attitude, everything was devalued by my lack of self-acceptance, everything was not as it seemed to me
I left that job and the team, took the “bundle” of the Civil Code and went along the road to myself, now my life is fuller than ever, grateful to all the people who loved me, for the kindness of the world to me, but now the most valuable place and sense of self, a lot of knowledge has opened up and awareness thanks to your generosity The Secrets of Life and Maxim Braga, I thank you friends and wish you blessings a hundred times more than you give, with love your Natalie

Natalia Mikulina

I’ve been slowly mastering the Gene Keys for a year now. I decided to take my time and calmly work through each area of ​​the first and second sequence. I come back and work again and again, opening up new facets. I am very grateful to Maxim and your project. You are doing a great job, with very good content :) Human design didn’t work at all, but GC immediately responded and won my heart. I think it’s also about R. Rudd, a man who radiates warmth and very pleasant energy into the world. I wish your project prosperity and all the best! Hugs, Alesya

Alesya Bondarenko

I came to the Civil Code having tried a lot of teachings and methods before. Anxiety, worry and dissatisfaction were always my faithful companions. The search for external support, the desire to assert oneself externally was always accompanied by either another failure, or even if something was successful, new fears and experiences came. I’m just at the beginning of the journey of learning GK, I’m going through “Activation” again. But now, I know that here is the most important thing that I was missing before. I begin to understand my true needs, I get to know my fears, and do not run from them as before. It’s difficult to express it in words, but My focus of attention is shifting more and more inside of me. You feel something very solid, very powerful inside yourself. An understanding comes that there is some kind of internal support that is much stronger than all external ones. I can describe for an infinitely long time everything that is happening to me now. These are emotional ups and downs, and then rethinking, internal revelations and letting go of things that are no longer needed. And then it becomes easy and serene. But we have so many internal “anchors”. There is so much to process, accept or let go. For me, this is a lifelong process. The path together with the GK fills life with great colors and depth. You begin to accept yourself and others as they are, you don’t want to judge anymore. It sounds strange, but even in the negative manifestations of yourself and others you see love. I see so much love and warmth inside each of us, as well as pain due to the true desire to bring it all out. Only our fears block everything, confuse our minds and close our hearts. Thanks to Maxim and all the guys who support this project. Many thanks to Maxim for his sincere desire to help and constant support in this process.
Knowledge about Gene Keys is an invaluable gift to everyone who wants to find inner balance, who is tired of the endless struggle with external circumstances, who has tried meditation, yoga, perhaps sought answers in religion or somewhere else, and who felt at certain moments some restrictions. There are no restrictions, no rules. There is only following your true inner motives.

A Brief Introduction to the Gene Key Theory (Richard Rad)

Gene keys represent the programming language of your DNA. It is created based on 64 archetypes of consciousness, and each of these archetypes includes three code words that indicate the degree of your awareness. This language of images, which reprogram your consciousness, having a direct impact on DNA, increasing its frequency, changing your attitude, your thoughts, attitudes, habits.

Despite external circumstances, every person carries something beautiful within themselves. The sole purpose of the Gene Keys is to bring out this beauty by unveiling your inner source of light - that immortal spark of genius that sets you apart from every other person on this planet.

Recent breakthroughs in biology point to a surprising truth: your DNA, the coiled code that made you who you are today, does not control your destiny. On the contrary, your attitude towards life tells your DNA what kind of person you want to become. This means that every thought, feeling, word and action that appears in your life is imprinted on every single cell of your body. Negative thoughts and emotions cause your DNA to contract, while positive thoughts cause it to expand and release tension. This process continues throughout life, from the moment you enter the world until the moment you leave it.

You are the only architect of your evolution.

Gene Keys are a new book of consciousness codes. To apply them directly to your life, you will need to know what the codes are and how they apply to you. All biological codes are imprinted at a certain time, and this time can say an incredible amount about you.
You can buy a book in Russian

The Gene Keys that are significant to you are represented in your Hologenetic Profile, which is calculated based on the time, date and place of your birth. The accented Keys in your Hologenetic Profile have a powerful influence on your purpose, relationships and well-being.

It is a personal map of the different genetic sequences that reveal or awaken different aspects of your genius. As a complex astrological calculation with an archetypal understanding of genetics, your Hologenetic Profile is the original blueprint that tells you who you are, how you function and, most of all, why you are here. By contemplating your own Profile and its many paths, sequences and geometries, you will see how it is activated and through resonance awakens new abilities of the living field of your aura.

Your Hologenetic Profile invites you on a highly personal voyage through the Gene Keys, and this is your path to unlocking your genius.

Gene Keys are a language that communicates and unlocks the genius embedded in the DNA of every cell in your body. It is the programming language of your DNA. They allow your brain and your emotions to interact with the biochemical building blocks that make up your genetic code. This is the language of archetypes, there are 64 of them, and each of them relates directly to one of the 64 codons of DNA (programming matrix).

64-bit matrices are an integral part of physics, biology, music, geometry, architecture, computer programming and other fields. Our DNA is based on this same geometry of 64. Many of the great ancient civilizations, including the Vedic, Egyptian, Chinese and Mayans, encoded this mathematical structure. One of the most famous systems based on 64 codes is the Chinese I-Ching - Book of Changes. Many scientists, metaphysicians and mystics have noted this striking connection between DNA and the I Ching. There are 64 DNA codons and 64 hexagrams in the I Ching.

Each Gene Key consists of three words representing a spectrum of consciousness. There are three levels of awareness in total, depending on the level of frequency (vibration) of your DNA, they are called Shadow, Gift And Sidhi.

Low vibrations feed on fear, the “victim” pattern, unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s own life - this is the level Shadows.

Under the ray of our attention and acceptance, the Shadow begins to transform into Gift- the highest aspect of our being, which we came to manifest in this world. Thus, in every shadow lies the deepest potential.

The highest level of vibration is Siddhi, the highest manifestation of the properties of our DNA. At this level there is and cannot be identification with a person; you are a pure conductor of divine properties.

Here is a table of 64 codes of consciousness:

Any property contained in our genes manifests itself at one of three vibration levels: Shadow - Gift - Siddhi. When we allow ourselves to get to the level of “Gifts,” the trajectory of our lives aligns and we naturally fall into our unique flow. This means that exactly the people who are needed for our full development appear around us. Life itself leads us to the right processes, and we are drawn into an exciting and joyful journey, full of amazing discoveries and deep satisfaction from the realization of our life purpose.

To increase the frequency of your DNA within the Gene Keys, a program has been specially developed "Golden Path", the passage of which gradually reprograms your self-awareness and raises the vibrations of your DNA to the level of the Gift.

Golden Path includes three sequences:

Activation Sequence - Discovering your genius through the four Primary Gifts,

Venus Sequence - Opening your heart in relationships,

Pearl sequence - Achieving prosperity through service.

Understanding your life purpose through activating the core 4 gifts.

This is the essence of your purpose, and these first four steps form our core self-worth.
The Activation Sequence reveals four specific Gene Keys (known as your Four Primary Talents) that form the vibrating field of your genius. As the name suggests, the Activation Sequence is a trigger that catalyzes a process of intense transformation in your Life.

2. Consistently

Opening the Heart through Relationships

The Venus sequence is your path to releasing emotional blocks and finding harmonious relationships. Our strongest fears and blocks in the sphere of relationships hide our potential, holding it back from manifestation in the outside world. Our “karmic” lessons are laid down in our genes during the period of intrauterine development and our task is to discover them in order to then transform them into Gifts!

there are Pearls

Prosperity in the material world

The pearl sequence is your path to prosperity in the material world. Consistency allows us to understand what prevents us from finding our place in society, from being prosperous, wealthy, accomplished individuals.
The following topics and questions are covered:
your place in society, issues of personal well-being, what is your calling, how it is realized, where is your sphere of money in the Hologenetic Profile, how to increase your synchronicity and luck, what is your contribution to the whole, how you are called to serve this whole.

So what are you here for? What is your highest potential? What is holding you back and preventing your fulfillment? How to reprogram your DNA and increase its frequency through Gene Keys? How to improve your sphere of Attractiveness (Sexuality) to attract harmonious people and harmonious experiences? How to change reality by changing the frequency of your DNA? How to thrive at all levels of life? And how, in the end, can you be more successful in life? The Golden Path program is used to resolve these issues in the Gene Keys.

The Golden Path uses the unique system of your personal Hologenetic Profile to guide you through a consistent understanding of your life purpose, relationships and prosperity. When you apply the ideas from the Gene Keys and your profile to your life, you will literally reprogram your DNA with a new higher vision of yourself. And then you can simply watch as your new life begins to manifest. How far you'll go is limited only by your imagination!

Animal Totem of 64 Gene Keys.

Over thousands of years, our ancestors created codes of animal and nature spirits that affected and inspired their cultures. Such systems are always built on a combination of mythologies of tribal origins with a rich knowledge of local fauna and flora. All cultures with a strong shamanic background have created such codes as they allow people to more fully identify with the natural world and enter the quantum field of dreams. To move in this field, you need to have some kind of language that allows the human psyche to integrate the lessons of wisdom that are there. That is why man has always intuitively created such “totem” languages.

We are now entering an era of synthesis, and the Dream Arc Animal Totem Codex is a universal synthesis of all the major mythical animal archetypes from around the world. This is the first real attempt to formulate such a universal language, based on the totems of all great tribes and cultures. The benefits of joining a global totem language are numerous, and its impact is far-reaching. Humanity is now forced to communicate and think globally, meaning that cultural differences and barriers are constantly being challenged. Working with Dream Arc Animal Totem Codex is a very responsible task, because in fact, reprogramming of dream time itself occurs. By combining several strands, we enter the spiral of human DNA itself on a collective level. We are expanding the sleeping consciousness of humanity, which will, in time, change the way all people think. This is worth considering.

The Animal Totem is designed to work in conjunction with the 64 Gene Keys. The Gene Keys themselves are universal archetypes arising from the mathematical structure of human DNA. As such, they can be broadcast to any area of ​​our universe. The 64 Gene Keys are located in three frequency ranges known as "Shadow", "Gift" and "Siddhi". These frequencies also represent the three main stages of human awareness as they move in and out of the sleep cycle. These cycles are called "alpha", "theta" and "delta". Thus, this triple grid gives rise to the internal structure of the Totemic Code and its 192 totemic animals, located in the three kingdoms of birds, mammals and subterranean creatures (reptiles, amphibians, insects and fish). In the Codex these levels are called the Key of Vision, the Key of Life and the Key of Fear, respectively.

The Animal Totem Code allows you to correctly decode the true archetypes and processes that lie behind all beings. We contain every being within the spiral of our living DNA. This means that when we encounter an animal, bird, insect, reptile or fish, that creature is telling us something from within the infrastructure of our own DNA. The Codex is like a universal book of dream codes, which lists all categories of beings. Even if the creature you met in your dream is not listed in the codex, you must find a match for it in the codex by attuning it within the appropriate category.

A little advice that you may find insightful and pleasant. When you want to introduce this knowledge to someone you know, simply ask them to name their favorite animal. When you read the meaning to them, it is often a major revelation. This can be done with all three realms so that you can accurately sense a person's highest destiny (Key of Vision), the creative gift that will unlock that destiny (Key of Life), and the initiation they will have on the path to manifesting that destiny (Key of Fear).

Let your fears become your allies and let your true destiny be revealed!

(based on materials from the Gene Keys community website)

Gene key Key of Vision (Siddhi) Key of Life (Gift) Key of Fear (Shadow)
1 cockerel bull firefly beetle
2 chicken cow octopus
3 dead end coyote viper
4 loon monkey larva
5 goose elephant plankton
6 pigeon hedgehog squid
7 kiwi ram caterpillar
8 hummingbird mole slug
9 cormorant beaver mite
10 kookaburra (giant kingfisher) chimpanzee frog
11 pheasant polar bear carp
12 nightingale wolf mantis
13 wagtail mouse starfish
14 toucan badger turtle
15 finch wildebeest bug
16 swift rat stingray
17 falcon giraffe silkworm
18 hoopoe tiger flea
19 pelican camel tarantula
20 crane skunk fly
21 kingfisher ox sea ​​horse
22 swan deer piranha
23 magpie sheep scarab
24 nightjar hare flying fish
25 flamingo lion salmon
26 merlin fox chameleon
27 wild turkey dolphin shark
28 crow cheetah cicada
29 cockatoo pig python
30 bird of paradise meerkat mole
31 blue bird lamb cockroach
32 vulture reindeer earthworm
33 buzzard sloth triton
34 emu bear lizard
35 quetzal yak grasshopper
36 nuthatch squirrel salamander
37 sparrow dog jellyfish
38 jay rhinoceros crab
39 gull goat mosquito
40 robin cat wasp
41 martin kangaroo acne
42 parrot lama mollusk
43 sparrowhawk moose electric eel
44 quail wild dog bee
45 ibis buffalo ant
46 California ground cuckoo otter ladybug
47 crow donkey swordfish
48 owl whale oyster
49 penguin horse butterfly
50 partridge raccoon spider
51 condor weasel scorpion
52 plover armadillo turtle
53 stork rabbit snake
54 lark boar cobra
55 albatross seal dragonfly
56 bee eater mongoose sea ​​urchin
57 blackbird bat toad
58 duck antelope leech
59 heron gorilla snail
60 cuckoo hippopotamus crocodile
61 wren black panther locusts
62 woodpecker lynx rattlesnake
63 eagle manatee centipede
64 peacock jaguar/leopard lobster
Correspondence of Gene Keys and Stones or Mineral Groups

1 - graphite

2 - quartz group; lines: 1 - smoky, 2 - pink, 3 - rutile, 4 - herkimer, 5 - milky, 6 - rock crystal

4 – staurolite

5 - beryl group; lines: 1 - bixbite, red beryl 2 - aquamarine, 3 - goshenite (colorless), 4 - heliodor (yellow), 5 - morganite (pink), 6 - golden beryl

6 - selenite

7 - galena

8 - silver

9 - magnetite

11 - amethyst

12 - chrysocolla

13 - citrine

14 – gold

15 - tourmaline group; lines: 1 - black, 2 - ruby, 3 - pink, 4 - green, 5 - indigolite, 6 - watermelon

16 - coral

17 - larimar

18 - olivine

19 - ivory

20 - amber

21 - rhodonite

22 - sapphire

23 - emerald

24 – obsidian

25 - diamond

26 - kunzite

27 - chrysoberyl

28 - spinel

29 - turquoise

30 – ametrine

31 - feldspar group; lines: 1 - moonstone, 2 - sunstone, 3 - amazonite, 4 - paracel, 5 - orthoclase, 6 - labradorite

32 – Idocraz

33 – fluorite, fluorspar

34 – jet, black amber

35 - rhodochrosite

37 - chalcedony group; lines: 1 - heliotrope, 2 - agate, 3 - carnelian, 4 - chrysoprase, 5 - onyx, 6 - jasper

38 - pyrite

39 - hematite

40 - kyanite

41 - celestine

42 - sodalite

43 - cinnabar

44 - calcite

45 - lapis lazuli

46 – ruby

47 - tanzanite

48 - pearl

49 – malachite

50 - danburite

51 – moldavite

52 - howlite

53 - ammonite

54 - serpentine

55 – halite

56 - garnet group; lines: 1 - mandarin, 2 - tsavorite, 3 - andradite, 4 - almandine, 5 - uvarovite, 6 - pyrope

57 - topaz

58 - apatite

59 – jade

60 - iron

61 - sugilite

62 - mica group; lines: 1 - biotite, 2 - phlogopite, 3 - lepidolite, 4 - verdite, 5 - muscovite, 6 - fuchsite

63 - zircon

64 - lolita

Table of Hexagrams of Gene Keys

About Gene Keys in English watch the video:

"R. Radda, the simplest formulation of their essence came:

Without love, any gene key is a shadow.
We add Love there - the same gene opens in the form of a gift.

While we perceive any situation, any experience, any area of ​​our life from the position of conflict, confrontation, struggle, cunning - we live them in the form of suffering. The same situations from the position of Love are lived in a completely different way and with different results.

If we briefly go through the main themes of life, without dividing them into separate Gene Keys according to the I-Zin, it turns out that everything without love passes into the state of Shadow:

  • Justice without love makes a person cruel. Examples of such people are officials.
  • Responsibility without love makes a person unceremonious. Fulfilling your obligations no matter what or no one.
  • Truth without love makes a person a critic. The destructiveness of truth at a low level of awareness.
  • A mind without love makes a person cunning. You still can’t get happiness from such a skill.
  • Friendliness without love makes a person hypocritical. Typical "Western values".
  • Competence without love makes a person unyielding. The inflexibility of specialists who do not perceive anything beyond their own specialization gives poor results.
  • Power without love makes a person a tyrant.
  • Honor without love makes a person arrogant.
  • Obligation without love makes a person irritable. Hyper-responsibility does not bring happiness.
  • Wealth without love makes a person greedy.
  • Faith without love makes a person a fanatic. A typical substitution of faith for religion with its religious wars.

I apply this to different areas in my life. Among the quick effects, I observe the appearance of colors in the perception of reality.

An excellent tool for increasing stress resistance and changing a problematic situation for the better. A positive outcome from a “negative” situation.


The method of raising the frequency to the level of gifts works great. Any pain, any suffering requires acceptance and downright sadomasochistic enjoyment of bodily sensations, even if the mind interprets them as “bad.”

We begin to love and accept our bodily discomfort, heaviness, pain, observing them in the body and not weakening our attention until a feeling of joy and warmth appears in this place. The situation also tends to unfold and everything around immediately somehow magically improves, reflecting the internal harmony that accompanies the process of transition from the Shadow to the Gift.

, Philosopher-on-the-roof

Many students of Ra Uru Hu brought knowledge about Human Design to the masses, supplemented and developed it. Some of the followers went further and created their own theories that originate from Human Design. The Gene Keys, the teaching of Richard Rudd, one of the students of Ra Uru Hu, also belong to such branches.

Many, starting to study their own Design, accept gene keys as an alternative or addition to Human Design. Others, on the contrary, believe that these are two teachings that are opposite to each other. Let's consider both directions and tell you what the main differences between the two personality philosophies are.

A little about gene keys

If you have ever heard about Human Design, then you probably know the basic concept of gene keys. This is a kind of “cipher” of our DNA, what determines our behavior, consciousness, and, according to Richard Rudd, our relationship with the outside world. The basis of this definition is the Chinese book of wisdom I-Ching and Human Design itself.

According to Richard Rudd, a person's consciousness determines his body, and not vice versa. In his understanding, we can change our own genetic code and the program that is encrypted in it only by correctly using our strengths of character and managing our weaknesses.

Each gene key consists of three levels:

  • Shadow is the lowest level, not the purest thoughts and desires. According to Rudd, a person at this level cannot be happy because he does not live fully consciously.
  • Gift is a transitional level from the lowest to the highest, heavenly. This is a developing consciousness that has not yet achieved true happiness, but is already striving for it.
  • Siddhi is the highest degree of satisfaction and happiness, akin to the divine principle.

Each key has its own lowest, middle and highest level, respectively. That is, a person, understanding his divine purpose and shadow sides, will be able to live consciously and “tune” himself to a wave of happiness, harmony and success. But is it really that simple?

Why choose gene keys

Speaking from a learning point of view, gene keys are somewhat simpler. The system itself is less deep, it does not yet have as many followers as Human Design, and the same basis from other sciences.

In his description of gene keys, Rudd talks only about DNA and the I Ching. On the other hand, Ra Uru Hu in his writings on Human Design uses the ancient knowledge of Kabbalah, Astrophysics, Astrology and the same gene keys. The latter are elegantly woven into the Human Design system in the synthesis of the bodily and conscious (red and black in the Bodygraph), and one cannot exist without the other.

By studying Gene Keys, it is much easier to read about yourself an accurate description of several levels. Moreover, there is no “right/wrong” category in Gene Keys. Rudd argues that it doesn’t matter exactly how you go through the path, the main thing is the result, the desire for Siddhi. In fact, sometimes this allows you to justify your actions with a noble goal and strive for something eternal throughout your life.

Gene keys are often chosen by those who have not been able to master Human Design and by those who simply find it difficult to accept the fact that for them there already exists an ideal line of behavior, a pattern that will help them reveal themselves and avoid false values ​​and aspirations.

Why choose Human Design?

Human Design is more difficult to learn - that's a fact. But this is fully justified by the fact that the basis is not only gene keys and three levels. Just compare - instead of 64 gene keys with three levels in each, the Design uses 6 lines for each gate - this is already 384 options. Next are their colors and bases, as well as four profiles, nine centers, 36 channels, 64 gates, 12 profiles. This argument alone is enough to understand how deeper Human Design is.

If we compare the scales, then Human Design is a complete basis, a basis, and gene keys are only a small part of what can be taken out of the global teaching. Although Rudd himself claims that his works are completely independent and do not require the study of PM, after several weeks of searching you will understand that it is very difficult to get answers to all questions with just gene keys. I think it was not without reason that Ra Uru Hu canceled Richard’s license when he realized that he was giving people other information that had only indirect similarities with Human Design.

Human Design is for those who want to bring their life into an established and correct system. If gene keys only hint at how you can make decisions and act, then Human Design shows how this should be done, and what can happen if you act contrary to your BodyGraph (False Self).

The design is good because it allows a person to be happy “here and now”, and not wait to achieve the mystical third level of his key. In order to feel good and in your place, you don’t have to strive for siddhi; you can simply apply the right strategy for your Bodygraph - and your strengths will reveal themselves. Human Design shows that it is enough to trust what is already in you - your Centers, channels, profile, and so on.

The biggest problem of those who study exclusively gene keys is a feeling of personal dissatisfaction. It works approximately as follows: A person has read information about his possible potential and knows that he can only be conscious at the Siddhi level, having gotten rid of his Shadows. But the highest level may not be achieved, and when comparing, a person will feel dissatisfaction with life and simply will not be able to evaluate his achievements, constantly feeling distant from the ideal. .

Human Design is much more powerful and stronger, it gives you a ready-made strategy, the success of which does not depend on external factors, but only on your actions. Gene keys are only a small part of what Human Design can provide, and given the insufficient theoretical basis, it looks like simple scholasticism and food for thought.

What to choose?

If you want to get results and change your life and its perception now, then you need Human Design. If you have already received a decoding of the BodyGraph and are simply immersing yourself in the world of Human Design, then you can study your Gene Keys for general development.

The main thing is not to try to confuse the two systems; they have a slightly different approach and concept of consciousness, right and wrong. You will receive deep knowledge from your Design and its decoding, but to perceive the meaning inherent in your card, you will need the help of an expert or long-term independent study. Transcription services are now popular - they are a great way to learn about Human Design and understand the depth of the system and its power.