Ilya Sobolev - Biography, personal life, YouTube, Comedy Club, Uncle Vitya. Who is hiding behind Uncle Vitya from Comedy Battle? Who plays the role of Uncle Vitya on TNT

The essence of which is that the presenter is desperately rude to the stars, discussing with them various sharp edges from their lives, offering them a million for it. The show is hosted by “Uncle Vitya” - a guy in his grandfather’s makeup, known from the shows “Laughter Without Rules” and “Comedy Battle”. His real name is hidden.

Many initially perceived the program friendly, testing their nerves to the limit. After all, the amount of the prize if you can discuss all unpleasant topics is equal to a million rubles. But recently Ekaterina Varnava stormed out of the studio, yelling at the presenter. And before that, just recently, the presenter heartily trampled on the guys from the MBand group. Artem Pindyura, Nikita Kiosse and Anatoly Tsoi, who were not even guests of the program, heard real rudeness addressed to them, which is not easy to explain even by the format of the program.

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Money or shame MBAND.

After watching the program, Pindyura, having conducted his own investigation, decided to record a video message to the host:

“Not so long ago a project was released on one TV channel called “Money or Shame.” A certain Uncle Vitya leads and waters everyone there as best he can, thinking it’s funny. I’m sure that everyone already understands that under the beard and glasses of this Uncle Vitya is comedian Ilya Sobolev. I came across two episodes of this show, in which he “joked” at our group, and, accordingly, at me personally. "Okay, what's wrong? It's just humor!" - many will say, and I, in principle, agree with them! But not with everything. To phrases from the series “blue trailer, blue oyster”, etc. , hinting at our supposedly non-traditional sexual orientation, I’m already used to it and don’t pay attention to them! But! Dude, you are a media personality, and this time you are talking about it openly on a TV channel that the whole country has access to, which is subject to censorship. You are not sitting at home in the kitchen, and not at an 18+ stand-up, and not even on the Internet. You talk about it on TV! And there is no need to say that you were forced, I’m sure you write such “jokes” yourself! What originality...Well, that's nothing! In another episode you say that “all the worms will come out when the chorus of the MBAND song starts, because this is their favorite band!” I perceive this as a direct insult to all our fans and admirers, and there are quite a few of them, and this is a rather serious statement and insult that irritates me! Accordingly, I reserve the right to express all this here! In the Internet! Because you've gone beyond personal insults! I am quite self-ironic and like to laugh, whether at myself or not! But when is it really funny! Here it’s not funny, it’s not sharp, it’s humiliating! If there are any complaints against me, I am ready to talk personally! Apologies are still accepted!

Comedian Ilya Sobolev, whom Artem mentioned, began to deny that it was he who was hosting the scandalous show. Like, I have nothing to apologize for. But then he deleted the video with the comment from his page, and posted another one - directly addressed to Pindyura, in no way apologetic in nature. We have no doubt that the story will continue - it’s not for nothing that Pindyura doesn’t get out of the gym, he may well challenge Sobolev to a battle, but not a verbal one, but a real fist fight.


Money or shame: Harassment of stars on Uncle Vitya's show

The premiere of the show “Money or Shame” is airing on TNT-4. Our columnist Pavel Sadkov talks about how rudeness officially became a television format

The show “Money or Shame” continues to be shown on TNT4; it is hosted by the scandalous host, like all shows, Uncle Vitya. He is rude and rude to the stars, makes vulgar jokes, and no one knows exactly who is hiding under this mask.

The show is based on a dialogue between Uncle Vitya and the star who came on air. The presenter asks them questions, and they try not to send him away and answer them. TV viewers and stars have long been wondering who really hosts this show.

This character first appeared in Laughter Without Rules, in the tenth anniversary season. In addition, he participated in the “Slaughter League” and in the last season of “Comedy Battle”. His style of behavior is quite typical.

He appears as a bearded grandfather in a suit and glasses. His jokes are vulgar and rude, often not funny.

Humor is often very primitive, but that is precisely why he became the host of “Money or Shame,” where everything is built on trolling the stars.

So who is hiding under the guise of Uncle Vitya? So far, fans and stars have only one version, this is the comedian Ilya Sobolev. He is a member of the Kamidi Club, where he participates in three Ivanov, Petrov, Sobolev, reports the rosregistr website. At one time he participated in the same projects as Uncle Vitya.

This version has a basis. The first is the voice, it is very similar to Sobolev’s voice, only slightly rattling. There was a moment when, at one of his performances, he accidentally switched to his usual voice. And this is the first proof.

The second is appearance, if you look closely you can see that Sobolev and Vitya have the same color eyes. In addition, there is also an ear. The fact is that at one of the shows it came out of my uncle’s wig, and then this right ear was compared with Sobolev’s ear, since it had a similar shape, and then it turned out that they were very similar.

Well, the third thing is demeanor and outrageousness. In this they are similar to Sobolev, if you watch both of them you can notice this. In addition, this is a way of joking and behaving rather rudely. This is clearly visible when the trio came to the “Improvisation” show,

There are already quite a few scandalous moments associated with this show. First of all, this is the situation with Ekaterina Barnabas, whom the scandalous grandfather enraged with his stupid jokes and vulgarity. The presenter swore at him and left the set.

Humor stars are often invited to the show, and they often just laugh it off and don’t pay attention to provocations. On January 15, 2018, the new season was launched. And recently, former Comedy Club resident Roman Yunusov came to the show and took the presenter’s chair, asking questions to Uncle Vita himself.

Well, Sobolev himself does not comment on the situation and the attacks of the stars. True, that was at the beginning. Now he strongly denies involvement in this character. Especially in light of the video message from one of the MBand participants.

He was outraged that he and the group in which he sings were indirectly called gay, hinting openly at their homosexuality.

This hero was originally conceived as the host of an unusual program. In order to promote Uncle Vitya, he was sent to various humorous competitions. He appeared in:

  • Slaughter League;
  • Laughter without rules.

The following definitions were offered to the viewer as characteristics of Uncle Vitya:

  1. resident of the capital;
  2. grumpy old man;
  3. debater;
  4. the one who has the last word;
  5. self-proclaimed leader.

It was not difficult to guess that the scruffy old man was an actor in makeup. Uncle Vitya's voice sounded artificial, like Barmaley's at a children's party. The clothes, although they are the standard of fashion on the outskirts of the city, are extremely clean and well-fitted. The hair on the hero's head, untouched by the barber, has been thoroughly washed, reminiscent of a theatrical wig.

You should also pay attention to how Uncle Vitya communicates with the hosts of the shows he attends. This is a pre-choreographed dialogue performed by artists. The guest’s impudence does not shock the hosts, and he himself does not stare at the “guys from TV.” Real characters from the social environment of a fictional uncle idolize television and the stars of all kinds of shows.

He was created as an entertainer for the television program "Money or Shame." The plot of this program may seem familiar - they invite one of the stars and he or she earns money by answering tricky questions. If in world practice such a show borders on shamelessness, then at NTN they decided to spice up the shame with humor.

Performer of the role of Uncle Vitya

The name of the actor who plays this character was not disclosed by the management of the TNT channel and does not intend to be disclosed. Viewers conducted their own investigation, during which they even compared the ears of Uncle Vitya and the main comedians of the country.

As a result, it turned out that Ilya Sobolev plays the old man. He is not new to the world of comedy shows. Here is a short biography of the artist:

  • Ilya was born 34 years ago in the city of Krasnoyarsk. The boy showed the makings of a KVN player very early - he began participating in humorous competitions while still at school. He also enjoyed performing original numbers at all children's amateur performance shows.
  • The first adult KVN team for the artist was “Left Bank”, which represented the guy’s hometown in the KVN Major League.
  • Like many KVN players, Sobolev participated in the Comedy Club project. At the moment he is one of the residents of this show - he is its permanent participant. By the way, Uncle Vitya was also spotted there.
  • Together with his friend from the “Left Bank” Roman Klyachkin, Ilya created the duet “Beautiful”.
  • In addition to the comedy conversational genre, Ilya Sobolev is partial to music. He writes light dance tunes.

A dark spot in the comedian’s biography can be considered his detention in St. Petersburg in the spring of this year. Sobolev drove the car without documents. So he is quite a friendly character and not prone to hooligan antics.

Ilya Sobolev- Russian comedian, stand-up master, resident of the Comedy Club, musician. Ilya Sobolev performed in KVN for the team “Left Bank” (Krasnoyarsk), then participated in the shows “Lethal League” and “Laughter without Rules”, where his career blossomed with new colors. Then Sobolev appeared in humorous projects on the television channels Che, TNT and TNT-4. In recent years, Ilya has gained great popularity, performing in the stand-up genre *, as well as in the Comedy Club as part of the trio “Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev”. According to one version, Ilya Sobolev hosted the “Money or Shame” program on TNT-4 in the image of Uncle Vitya. In addition, Sobolev appears in many stand-up and comic projects on Youtube; videos of his performances receive many views.

Childhood and education of Ilya Sobolev

The boy's cheerful character was evident even in childhood. Ilya studied at Lyceum No. 102 and was an active participant in school productions. At the age of thirteen, Ilya Sobolev became a member of the city KVN School League. He performed both on the school stage and at the Krasnoyarsk House of Culture.

In the photo: Ilya Sobolev as a child (Photo:

“Sobolev showed a talent for witty and appropriate jokes while still at school, thanks to which at the age of 13 Ilya got into the city KVN School League. In the final game, he had to fight with the captain of the opposing team, Roman Klyachkin, so future friends and associates were able to evaluate each other’s strengths for the first time. After 3 years, they created the duet “Beautiful,” which a few years later brought them widespread fame,” says Sobolev’s biography on his official website.

After graduating from school, Ilya Sobolev received two educations: higher technical (graduated from the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Materials Science in Krasnoyarsk) and acting (at the St. Petersburg Theater Academy).

Comedian career

In the biography of Sobolev, like many other comedians, KVN could not be avoided. Even during his studies, Ilya continued to play in KVN and was the captain of the Krasnoyarsk team “Left Bank”. In 2003, his team became Premier League champions.

A year later (2004), the Left Bank team entered the KVN Major League. At the Voting KiViN-2004 festival, Ilya Sobolev was a great success, and in 2005 his team reached the semi-finals of the Premier League.

Ilya remembered that in KVN they called him Carlitos, but at school there were no nicknames.

Together with a school friend Klyachkin Sobolev continued to perform in the duet “Beautiful”, starting a career in stand-up comedy. During this period, the guys became residents of the Comedy Club Siberia. The successful duo took part in the first season of the new humorous competition on the TNT channel “Laughter without Rules” and took 2nd place.

2009 was a successful year for the “Beautiful” duet. He became the winner of the 9th “golden” season of the show “Laughter without Rules.”

After success, “Beautiful” continued their career, gaining the right to participate in the show “Slaughter League”. In this project, Ilya Sobolev showed himself not only in a duet, but also in solo numbers. In 2010, the entertainment show “Comedy Battle” appeared on TNT and Ilya became one of the participants. He performed as part of the "Aristocrats" clan along with Dmitry Romanov, Evgeniy Otstavnov, Konstantin Pushkin And Slava Komissarenko. Sobolev’s biography on the Find Out Everything website says that in this program Ilya was the author of very successful jokes.

Trio “Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev” at the Comedy Club

In the photo: the trio “Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev” at the Comedy Club (Photo: Artem Geodakyan/TASS)

The peak of Ilya’s biography today can be considered his performances at the Comedy Club as part of the trio “Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev”. In 2013, Sobolev joined forces with Alexey Smirnov And Anton Ivanov, this is how a trio was created with the simple name “Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev”, which gave the opportunity to witty young people to become residents of the Comedy club show.

The non-standard, sometimes on the verge of foul, but even more on the verge of absurdity, the humor of Ivanov, Smirnov and Sobolev quickly captivated the Comedy Club audience and soon the young guys began to be objectively perceived as the main stars of the project along with the masters of this show. The trio definitely contributed to the project Garik Martirosyan fresh stream.

Sobolev tours a lot with the Comedy Club. In April 2017, the artists went on tour to China (Hainan Island), where they took part in the Comedy Club festival. Comedians performed daily and successfully demonstrated their best performances and miniatures to the public.

Currently, Sobolev continues to work at the Comedy Club, tour cities in Russia and foreign countries together with the trio “Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev,” as well as give private concerts and work as a presenter at various events.

In the photo: Comedy Club residents Alexey Smirnov, Anton Ivanov and Ilya Sobolev (from left to right) on the set of the Comedy Club comedy show (Photo: Artem Geodakyan/TASS)

In an interview with Tricolortvmag, Sobolev explained by his ability to work the fact that “Comedy Club” appeared in his biography. “I work a lot: I wake up at 5:40 in the morning and almost all the time I have free from family, performances and filming, I write jokes. That’s probably why I’m there.”

Ilya named his favorite miniatures in the trio “Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev” as “Plane to Bangkok”, “Company Interview” and “Corporate Party in the Forest”.

Back in 2012, Ilya registered his YouTube channel, and in 2018 he began to develop and popularize it. Sobolev admitted that he can afford much more on the Internet than on TV. Here his monologues in stand-up format are even more poignant and topical. But viewers should be aware of obscene language, which can easily be found in Sobolev’s YouTube videos.

Today Sobolev is so popular that he is even invited to Channel One. Ivan Urgant on the eve of 2019, he announced the release of a special New Year’s program “Blue Urgant”, in which the host invited musicians and comedians popular with young audiences, in particular on Youtube.

In the photo: Ilya Sobolev and Ivan Urgant (Photo:

As show business news reported, the guests of Blue Urgant were: Coin, Buckwheat, Ilya Sobolev, Little Big, Feduk, Ivan Dorn, Antokha MS, Danila Poperechny, Big Russian Boss, “Bread”, Evgeniy Kulik and others.

Urgant himself said that he was opening the doors of the Blue Light wide open to accept “new members into our blue brotherhood.” The presenter also noted that the guests of the program will pay tribute to “the most romantic and bright period in the life of our country - the nineties.”

Character Uncle Vitya

Sobolev's popularity grew with each of his appearances on TV, but the young artist is constantly looking for new formats. It has not been officially confirmed, but many believe that it was Ilya who hosted the “Money or Shame” program on TNT-4 in the image of a stern character named Uncle Vitya.

Uncle Vitya, like Sobolev, was among the heroes of “Laughter without Rules” and “Slaughter League.”

Sobolev’s biography on the “Find out everything” website also says that the image of Uncle Vitya is partly taken from Sobolev’s favorite film “Man on the Moon”; secondly, in one of his speeches, Uncle Vitya’s voice broke, and the phrase he said “He’s no longer defender” was pronounced in a voice very similar to Sobolev.

As you know, the American comedian Andy Kaufman there was also a similar character made up.

Also, many decided that Uncle Vitya is played by Ilya Sobolev, having studied photos of TV presenters, in particular, comparing ears and eyes. They also note the same height of Sobolev and Uncle Vitya (by the way, Ilya is one of the short comedians, his height is about 166 cm).

Funny, although rather cynical, Uncle Vitya was liked by the public, although his solo program on TNT did not air for long. Uncle Vitya's guests were Olga Buzova, many stars of the Comedy Club and Comedy Woman, they had to answer very frank questions, in particular, about their personal and intimate lives. Every now and then, running into Uncle Vitya’s rather vulgar jokes.

Music and cinema

In addition to humorous abilities, nature endowed Sobolev with musicality. Since 2009, Ilya has been with the singer Andrian recorded several humorous songs, including “Don’t Think,” “Gansta,” and “I’m Stupid.” Some of them remained on the charts of the Radio Record radio station for quite a long time.

In the photo: Ilya Sobolev (Photo:

In 2017, Sobolev made his film debut. He starred in the series "The Phantom of the Opera", directed by Emil Nikoghosyan, known for the films “Champions” and “Moms 3”. His colleagues from the Comedy Club also starred in the film - Garik Kharlamov And Andrey Skorokhod. This is the story of friendship between police operative Lesha and the ghost of the legendary swindler Pashka Veterok. So far this is the only role of Ilya Sobolev in the cinema.

Personal life of Ilya Sobolev

Ilya Sobolev is married. His wife - Natalya Pakhomova. The comedian's wife works in real estate and law. The couple has two daughters, Sofia and Eva. After giving birth, the girl developed her own program about women’s nutrition and recovery after childbirth, presenting it on her Instagram page, according to Sobolev’s biography on the website “Who Is”

In the photo: Ilya Sobolev with his wife Natalya and daughters (Photo:

Ilya loves to spend time with his family and tell fairy tales to his daughters. As he noted in an interview, fairy tales are always funny, their constant character is the Green Clown.

---------------* Stand up Comedy (English: stand-up comedy) is a comedy art in which the performer performs in front of a live audience, usually speaking directly to the audience.

    Of course, there is a certain intrigue. But still, the majority of those interested are sure that this is Ilya Viktorovich Sobolev. True, this secret is not finally revealed on the channel, in order to stir up interest further, apparently.

    There were also versions that these were Artem Pushkin, Maxim Korchagin and Mishlanov.

    If Uncle Vitya were a real person, but I doubt that his behavior and speech would change during the course of his speeches. Still, I’m inclined to think that this is Ilya Sobolev.

    Moreover, although the make-up artists do an excellent job, they don’t always do it. Why do some pictures with Uncle Vova give off an old look in different areas of the skin, while others don’t?

    It seems that the make-up artists either did not have time to do the make-up on time, or that different make-up artists worked on the image. Some did it in more detail, while others were less focused on it. It turns out that there is some kind of imbalance in the image. A person cannot rejuvenate and grow old from one show to another.

    Uncle Vitya from Moscow with an unconventional sense of humor was able to win over his audience and take a respectable second place in the tenth season of Laughter Without Rules. This condition allows him to enter the Slaughter League.

    The main mystery of the project is the assertion that a completely different character is hiding behind the sluggish image. One of the opinions was that Uncle Vitya is the made-up Ilya Sobolev from the duet Beautiful, but there is no confirmation yet.

    Wikipedia says that this is Roman Vitalievich Klyachkin!,_Roman_Vitalevich

    The official website of this comedian hides any data that could indicate the identity of this person.

    But many sites indicate the year of birth of Uncle Vitya - 1983. This means that he is 32 years old today.

    Date of birth of Ilya Sobolev is February 25, 1983. Place of birth - Krasnoyarsk, which also suits the famous comedian.

    Maybe this is a coincidence, but it seems to me that behind the makeup of Uncle Vitis it is Ilya Sobolev.

    Yes, this is really Ilya Viktorovich Sobolev, it’s stupid to deny it. Even now, if you watch episode 124 when Uncle Vitya says something, the intonation is like Sobolev’s, only the timbre of his voice has changed.

    For some reason, it still seems to me that it is Ilyusha Sobolev who is hiding under the guise of Uncle Vitya, there are a lot of similarities in these characters, especially since Uncle Vitya once spoke completely like Sobolev. As for age, the skill of modern make-up artists is very great, which is proven by shows like One on One. Moreover, it is not age-related changes on the face or hands that are alarming, but their inconsistency; in some photographs they are clearly visible, in others the face appears completely young. Apparently the makeup is not always applied equally diligently. But even if Uncle Vitya is not Sobolev, I won’t be too upset, there will simply be one more interesting comedian.

    One can definitely say about Uncle Vitya that he is Uncle Vitya, a comedian, showman and resident of the Comedy Club. And the most mysterious resident. There is a lot of controversy about his persona, is this a real character or a made-up Ilya Sobolev

    I am also inclined towards the version with Sobolev and good makeup.

    I think this is done to maintain intrigue. That is why they hide the person’s real name.

    The public is still inclined to believe that this is Ilya Sobolev. My opinion is also that it is him...

    Uncle Vitya is another intrigue of the TNT channel. While the real name of this character is not known to the general public. But with a high probability we can assume that the role of Uncle Vitya is played by Ilya Sobolev in high-quality makeup.

    Uncle Vitya is a participant in Comedy Battle, one of the most mysterious participants in the project. Firstly, his jokes are too dirty (which the audience likes, but the judges don’t like). Further - in fact, he is not an uncle, but a young guy. Many assume that his name is Ilya Sobolev. Date of Birth, facial structure - in general, everything agrees that Uncle Vitya is Sobolev (humorist).

    The fact that no one knows who is hiding behind the image of Uncle Vitya makes the project more attractive.

    If you take a closer look at the photo of this man, namely at his hands, then you can say with confidence that this man is much older than Ilya Sobolev. And the eyes are different.