In-depth test how long will I live. Life expectancy test allows you to evaluate the influence of various factors

Factors influencing life expectancy

A person’s life throughout its entire duration is constantly influenced by a number of specific influences. The environment tests us with environmental and social factors.

In addition to particular biological features, they directly influence the entire course of life, including health, and how long a person will live.

The trend appears to indicate that the long-term survival benefit of the drug may require a longer period of time to be perceived than those used in clinical trials with riluzole. Some signs that you are going to live a lot may be quite unexpected and not very obvious.

The site shares a variety of longevity symptoms. At the end of the post, you will know where you should live to reach a wonderful age. Let's calculate how many everyday circumstances can increase your life expectancy? A survey from the renowned Harvard University in the United States found that showing gratitude through small gestures can help you live longer and better. When we talk about gratitude, we want to be kind, but also thank life for everything it has received and have an optimistic vision for the future.

The share of each in people's health is assessed according to four main positions:

  • The lifestyle that a person leads. The risk of this factor is high. It makes up about 49-53 percent of the bulk. Risk groups here can be divided into the following: bad habits, stress, mobility, financial condition, living conditions, excessive addiction to medications, low level of both education and cultural development, living in large cities;
  • Genetic characteristics and biological component. Percentage of risk – 18-22. Here the main indicator is a person’s tendency to hereditary and genetic diseases;
  • The external environment around us. Here the share is 17-20 percent. This factor directly depends on the environmental pollution of the area where a person lives. As well as natural phenomena independent of human activity: magnetic storms, increased radiation;
  • Health and healthcare. Occupies a share of 8-10 percent. And it directly depends on the quality of disease prevention, the level of medical care and, importantly, the timeliness of its provision.

From the above it is clear that the main condition affecting a person’s life expectancy is still the lifestyle.

Sorry girls, but statistically speaking, shopping is much more important for men than for women. At least among the people of Taiwan. A survey of Asian citizens found that shopping often reduced mortality by 28 percent among men and 23 percent among women.

Pets have been proven to help you be healthier. Contact with your four-legged friend relaxes you and helps produce the hormone oxytocin, which regulates positive emotions in the body. Thus, your pet increases your life expectancy, reduces stress and protects you from heart disease.

Now that the level of medicine has reached such a level that most diseases that cause mass epidemics have been minimized, and some have been completely eliminated, such as smallpox, the role of this factor, namely healthcare, in disease prevention measures has significantly decreased.

Disease prevention depends both on the socio-economic measures taken by the state in this direction, and on how a person behaves, and not just on medicine.

You are in a stable relationship

A survey found that people who smiled in photographs had an average life expectancy of 7 years. Sometimes a hero, sometimes a villain, coffee has received more research in its favor. One cup of coffee reduces this risk by 12% and 3 cups by 18%. Love improves our health by protecting us from the negative effects of stress, and according to research, marriage prolongs life. People without a stable partnership are almost twice as likely to die.

Scientists from Harvard Medical School also believe that marriage helps prolong life and reduce the risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and cancer. Researchers from the University of Chicago found that married men live 10 years longer than singles, while married women live four years longer than their husbands.

When life expectancy is estimated, the following are taken into account:

  • Region of residence;
  • The environment in which a person lives;
  • Production factors;
  • Social component;
  • The lifestyle that a person leads;
  • Biological factors.

How many years can a person live?

The initial letters of your name are "positive"

It's surprising, but at least from a statistical perspective - if you can form positive words with the initial letters of your name, you'll have a slightly longer lifespan. People with positive initials lived 4.5 years longer, and those whose initials formed negative words lived 3 years less than average. Is the universe supporting a conspiracy?

Are you a little overweight?

According to a survey conducted in Oregon, United States, some overweight people live longer than normal-weight people who are very thin or very heavy. Scientists conclude that the benefit of carrying a few extra pounds will be that it helps protect the body from the frailty of adulthood.

A lifespan test assesses the impact various factors

Calculationsand reality

Many researchers assess in different ways the weight of all sorts of factors that directly or indirectly affect the duration of human life. However, the core set of major factors remains more or less constant.

Or at least wide hip

Women with wider hips can expect improved health because excess weight in the lower body dramatically reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes, according to scientists. Hip fat is different from abdominal fat: yes, it is dangerous as it covers the internal organs, causing various diseases and reducing life expectancy.

He is surrounded by people with a great sense of humor

Norwegian scientists found that friends with a great sense of humor increased their life expectancy after 7 years. It happens that a smile only affects your health until you are 70 years old. Therefore, do not waste your time and gain positive emotions! Researchers at Harvard University found that men who grew up with few women lived shorter lives than those who had a lot of contact with women. Such men are also more likely to marry, and marriage increases their life expectancy.

Main factors:

Reduce life expectancy:

  • bad genetics
  • alcohol abuse,
  • smoking - in any quantity,
  • little physical activity,
  • unhealthy food,
  • overweight, obesity,
  • poor general hygiene,
  • refusal of medical examination,
  • lack of family ties,
  • lack of "brain training"
  • obstinate, bad character,
  • inability to enjoy life.

Increase life expectancy:

As you must be tired of knowing, people's life expectancy is increasing in last decades. This means that the current generation will live longer than the generation of our grandparents. But doesn't life mean living better than in the years yet to come? Unfortunately, the answer is “no” in most cases.

On the other hand, fortunately, there are many companies that are investing in improving technology for the future of men and women all over the planet. How exactly do these new features improve people's lives? It's worth noting that the executive's speech was quite conceptual, as no new products were announced during the presentation.

  • good genetics
  • having a family,
  • moderate physical activity,
  • proper and moderate nutrition,
  • maintaining normal weight,
  • regular sexual activity,
  • quitting cigarettes,
  • compliance with hygiene rules,
  • regular medical examinations,
  • the habit of regularly loading the brain - thinking,
  • regular friendly communication,
  • good dream,
  • optimistic attitude, sense of humor.

Overeating shortens life expectancy

Scientists are finding more and more direct evidence that reducing caloric intake improves overall health and prolongs life. In a famous study, mice that were fed a low-calorie diet lived 42% longer than their counterparts that were fed ad libitum. The effect was even more pronounced when the mice were calorie restricted from a young age. However, the “old” rodents on which the experiment was conducted very quickly showed signs of improvement in their general health. Low-calorie diets have been shown to slow the development of cancerous tumors.

Wearable is not only wearable

Many companies have focused their investments on the apparel market to develop solutions targeting the world of sports. This is indeed important to ensure better health conditions for a large part of the population, but it is necessary not to forget another really important part of this population: people who need special care.

People with diabetes, for example, need constant glycemic monitoring. Older adults may need to monitor vital signs, activity, etc. children must not be forgotten. Wouldn't it be great if there was a device that could calm parents down when they have a fever after a cold?

In another series of experiments, a group of primates were regularly given 30% less food than a control group of monkeys. The “hungry” animals were smaller in size, lost significant weight, their body temperature dropped, and their metabolism slowed down. At the same time, their aging process slowed down and their blood pressure decreased. These experiments give scientists grounds to claim that reducing calorie intake by even ten percent can have a positive effect on life expectancy.

Monitors are getting better. The chief executive of the Dutch manufacturer recalled some of the devices it already has on the market and made it clear that there is still a lot to be done in the next few years - and, of course, socks are not the only technological solution that helps people healthier.

You must imagine the importance of air for our life. It is with oxygen that we breathe so that our bodies can perform the functions that keep us alive - from good blood circulation to brain function. However, the human body is not ready to filter out impurities. This means that along with oxygen, we also inhale some harmful things into the body.

Calculation of upcoming life expectancy

Predicting life expectancy for a particular person is a serious scientific problem that gerontologists are trying to solve. They take many factors into account and use quite complex mathematical calculations. But they also proposed simplified tests for calculating life expectancy. The most common of these is the Allen-Lindy test.

This is very obvious in developing countries with high levels of pollution. For example, China is one of the world champions in the dismal ranking of countries with the highest prevalence of respiratory diseases - while at the same time leading the ranking of air pollution. Isn't it clear that we need to make the air less harmful?

The human body is not yet ready to filter the air it breathes. Yes, but it is impossible to imagine a world with less industrial activity. It's also hard to think that we'll see the volume of electric vehicles come at a cost to internal combustion engines in the near future. This is why solutions still need to be reactive in many countries around the world.

US scientists Robert Allen and Shirley Lindy proposed a quick test to calculate the probable life expectancy of a particular person.

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