How to cook delicious and nutritious oatmeal in water. Oatmeal in water with sugar Oatmeal in water with prunes

How to cook oatmeal

"Oatmeal, sir!" But not only the residents of Foggy Albion have this dish as a traditional morning dish. Even a small portion of oatmeal can fill you up and give you a boost of energy for the coming day. How should you prepare this dish? What are its beneficial properties? Let's figure it out.

Oatmeal is a constant companion for those who want to maintain their figure. If you accustom your body to a daily serving of oatmeal in the morning, you can achieve weight loss of several kilograms over time. True, porridge flavored with milk plus sweeteners and flavorings to improve taste does not always contribute to weight loss. This means you need to cook the porridge in water. How to do this correctly so as not to destroy the beneficial properties of the product?

Some also suggest toasting the teff in a pan 1-2 minutes before baking, and there's nothing stopping us from trying this alternative! The consistency makes it full of protein and nutrients so delicious and easy. Great for a last minute dinner or a sandwich, this is one of those baby and baby favorites.

We need: 150 g teff, 100 g cooked chickpeas, spices, garlic, some dried tomatoes. For teff and hamburger buns, let's read the latter or buy canned goods. Once they are well drained, we can clean them to make them digestible. This operation is a little annoying, but it is also an alternative procedure to make the famous hook-hook so that it becomes creamier if we did not have a high-powered blender. Anyway, give it a little chop and let us sneak in some chickpeas or beans.

Benefits of oatmeal

If we're going to start preparing oatmeal properly, let's look at what's beneficial in the product. Oatmeal contains a lot of plant fiber. And also vitamins (A, E, K, B1, B2, B6) and microelements (K, Fe, Mg, I, Zn, F). Regular consumption of the product helps normalize metabolic processes, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, has a positive effect on intestinal function, and can also be a good preventative measure for anemia. And the substances contained in the product help remove waste and toxins from the body.

Place them in a bowl with the teff cooked and cut out some dried tomatoes already seasoned. Let's go with spices, salt and garlic in small pieces if we like it. At this point we throw everything back into the kitchen robot to achieve the consistency we want. The resulting mixture is almost pureed, we can form our veggie teaspoons with our hands and give it the desired thickness. Cook on the stove for a few minutes on the side and serve with salad or homemade vegan mayonnaise.

Just 100 grams of teff, half an onion, coriander and garlic powder, 2 teaspoons of curry. First we peel the onion and cut it into small pieces. Place it in a frying pan and let it fry with a tablespoon of olive oil. Once it gets a little dark, we add some fresh coriander leaves, salt and curry. We roll well with the wooden ladle, and we combine the pre-Teflon grains and roll well. We mix it with a live flame for 1-2 minutes and serve it very warm.

How to cook oatmeal with milk

This dish is considered traditional. To prepare oatmeal with milk, you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup oatmeal;
  • 3 glasses of milk (maybe half and half with water);
  • 17-20 g sugar or natural honey;
  • salt to taste;
  • a few grams of butter.

First you need to bring the milk to a boil, then dissolve sugar (honey) in the hot liquid. When the sweetener has completely dissolved, pour the flakes into the saucepan. Cover the container with a lid, turn up the heat and cook for four minutes. Then reduce the heat and cook the porridge for another six minutes. Ten minutes have passed, the fire has been put out and we leave the porridge for five to six minutes. Now you can put it on a plate and season it with a piece of butter for taste.

This is definitely Teff, the fastest and very good! Like other grains, we can use it to make meatballs, also suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Obviously, we can try out different combinations of vegetables for this delicious dish, always trying to respect seasonality.

Let's first peel the vegetables that we decided to use for this second dish. We cut bell peppers, eggplants, zucchini and so on. and we'll fry it. We put some oil wire in the pan and prepared a live flame with a little water to avoid the vegetables sticking to the pan.

How long does it take to cook oatmeal?

The answer to this question has already been given a little higher. But it's a little incomplete. The fact is that oatmeal is now produced in different types. Therefore, before you start cooking porridge, carefully study the information on the packaging.

The above method works for most types of flakes. However, if you see the inscription “Traditional Flakes” or “Hercules” on the box, then such flakes need to be cooked longer, for 15-20 minutes. If it says “Instant flakes” or “does not require cooking,” then it is enough to cook them for 3-5 minutes or, in the latter case, simply pour boiling water over them and leave covered for 5-7 minutes.

If we are using cauliflower, simply bake it in water until it is soft and put it in a bowl along with the chilled and cool vegetables. We also add a handful of boiled chickpeas or beans and crush them with a fork. Let's try it with spices to taste, a pinch of salt and some chickpea flour in case the joint is attached to the hands. Let's prepare our hothouses of the desired size, pass them in breadcrumbs or chickpea flour and cook the meatballs in the oven for 15 minutes at 170 degrees.

Oatmeal with water and prunes

We sometimes turn around and serve homemade ketchup. We find some ideas and comparisons. Here we can add, for example, the classic combination of rocket and corn, sundried tomatoes and artichokes. If we're in the winter and want to make a teff recipe this season, here's a warm and ready dish to accompany the homemade croutons. The teff soup we offer will definitely allow us to crack your mustache. For this dish we need: 80g raw teff, 50g beans, 40g broken peas, 40g dried beans, a piece of pumpkin, 1 onion and 1 small carrot.

Many manufacturers, by the way, indicate directly on the packaging the recommended method and time for cooking their product.

If you decide to cook porridge from oatmeal, and not from flakes, then you must first pour boiling water over the cereal and let it brew for 3-4 hours, then cook the crushed cereal for 30 minutes, and the uncrushed and unpolished cereal for up to 2 hours. Another option is to cook for 5-10 minutes after soaking, but after that leave the porridge in a warm place for another 3-4 hours, or even overnight. This method, by the way, is especially good for preparing porridge for breakfast.

Oatmeal with meat

First we peel the pumpkin, carrots and onions. Let's resolve all this in a dadini and fry in a pan on top of steam for a couple of minutes with a peak of oil. We wash the tefs under running water, let's drain it and add it to the frying pan. We mix well with a wooden spoon and toast it in a couple of minutes. At this stage, if the beans are raw, add them immediately, cover them with some bowl of water and cook for 20 minutes with a lid, otherwise put them in for 5 minutes before turning off the heat. To make this tea soup even nicer and fuller, add blackcurrant or cabbage leaves.

How to properly cook oatmeal in water

No milk? No problem. You can prepare tasty and healthy oatmeal with plain water. The entire process of preparing the dish is identical to the first one, of course, except that water is used instead of milk. If you want to improve the taste of oatmeal, some people add steamed raisins, dried apricots, prunes, jam or pieces of fruit to the dish. A very tasty porridge is made with the addition of grated apple and a pinch of cinnamon powder.

Oatmeal porridge on water with meat

Making Vegetable Teff Cake may take some time compared to other teff recipes we've just seen, but the results are delicious and impressive. To prepare them we serve: 150g teff, 2 medium peppers, 1 large zucchini, 1 small carrot and a few tablespoons of cooked or frozen peas.

For an even easier recipe, we'll cook this teff in the oven without feeling guilty. But how do you make teff cake? The procedure is simple! We peel all the vegetables and cut them into small pieces. Place all ingredients, including peas and onions, in a frying pan with a spoon and fry for a few minutes. Add the watercress, cover and let cook over medium low flame for 5-6 minutes.

You need to know this so as not to spoil the dish:

  • cook only as much oatmeal as you can handle at a time (cooled porridge will no longer provide as much taste pleasure as fresh porridge);
  • quick oatmeal in the morning – it’s steamed in a thermal container the night before, all you have to do is add fruit and eat it;
  • Before cooking, it is recommended to rinse both oatmeal and cereal in water several times to wash off the husks, dirt and dust.

Which of the proposed methods of preparing oatmeal to choose is up to you. In any case, if such a breakfast becomes daily, then it will only benefit you and your body.

Oatmeal without cooking

Remove the lid, raise the flame and let it simmer for 1 minute. We place these cold vegetables in a bowl, add tefs, spices and mix well. Let's bake in the oven before serving. We have arrived at the seventh of the 10 teff cheeses we offer in this article. We can eat teff by serving it on a bed of zucchini, black cabbage, broccoli or artichokes. We need: 100 g teff, 2 medium zucchini or 1 medium or half cauliflower broccoli or a dozen artichokes, spices and salt.

As we have seen, we can use vegetables and vegetables that we prefer. For this recipe, just wash the selected ingredient thoroughly and bake it in a frying pan. You then need to mix it together with spices to create a sort of salsa. Once ready, we put in our boiled teff and poured it into the pan along with the sauce we just made and baked thoroughly for a few minutes with a butter wire if it should be too dry.

More information

To say that everyone loves oatmeal for breakfast would be unfair. Many people don’t start their morning with this amazing porridge. There is a category of those who do not like it, but eat it, realizing that it is incredibly healthy. In this article we want to convince you that oatmeal in water can be very tasty. This porridge should definitely become your family breakfast tradition. Why? Yes, because, having eaten a portion of oatmeal in the morning, you will charge your body with energy for the rest of the day, replenish your supply of vitamins and essential microelements.

An original and alternative idea for vegetarian meatballs and burgers is to make taffy recipes by replacing some of the ingredients, such as delicious potato croquettes. To make trock croquettes we need simple ingredients to find and of course all our grains. Let's make sure we have handmade potatoes: 150g teff, 3 medium potatoes, 2 carrots, breadcrumbs and some spices.

How to cook oatmeal in water

We set aside the baked teff and cut carrots and potatoes into small pieces. Steam or boil them for a few minutes and drain them well. Then, in a frying pan, add a spoonful of oil and lightly press in salt and spices such as curry, turmeric, coriander and garlic powder if we like.


Nutritionists around the world insist that oatmeal with water is the leader among all possible breakfast options. Numerous studies have proven that regular consumption of this product prevents many diseases of the digestive system. Oatmeal helps in the treatment of certain diseases - improves brain function, lowers bad cholesterol, and prevents the formation of blood clots. And in general, it improves the quality of life, extending our years.

How to cook oatmeal in water with strawberries for children

Let's sneeze and crush it all with a fork in a bowl. We also add teff grains and mix well. At this stage we form balls and crush them a little in the middle as we turn them in our hands until we get the classic elongated shape of potato croquettes. Now we must bake them in breadcrumbs or beef flour and bake them for about a quarter of an hour at 170 °. If we want to fry it from time to time, make sure that we use good oil, choosing carefully between those offered on the shelves.

It has a very rich and nutritious chemical composition:

  • vegetable protein;
  • complex carbohydrates, which are the source of energy for the body;
  • biotin (strengthens the immune system);
  • phosphorus and manganese (to strengthen bones, cartilage and connective tissue);
  • thiamine, carotene, riboflavin, tocopherol (they protect the body from infections and bacteria);
  • potassium (improves brain activity);
  • iodine (to improve thyroid function);
  • zinc (to support the reproductive system);
  • vitamin K (normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system, prevents osteoporosis, helps improve blood clotting).

You see how healthy oatmeal is, so let's learn how to cook it correctly. Moreover, it is so simple and fast.

Peppers, eggplant and zucchini are all vegetables that make excellent easy and delicious teff recipes. Summer is definitely the best season to prepare teff this way. For this recipe we need: 150 grams of teff, 2 medium eggplants or 2 peppers or 4 zucchini, garlic or onion and spices to taste.

If we use zucchini or eggplant, we can scoop it out and fry it in a pan with a little oil, garlic and spices. In the case of peppers, we can put teff, strong bread, spices and herbs in a bowl and mix well. Fill our stuffed veggies and sprinkle the surface with breadcrumbs to make the silicon. We round out our teff recipes with a hearty breakfast preparation. Instead of the most popular oatmeal soup, we can make a good porridge by replacing teff. We need half a cup of raw teff seeds, 1 cup of vegetable milk and seasonal fruit pieces.

Recipe for oatmeal with water

Before cooking oatmeal in water, immediately decide what kind of porridge you want - sweet or not? After all, the recipe can be made not only using sugar, but also salt.

Sweet tooth lovers can use various additives every time: dried fruits, apples, nuts. All kinds of berries will also be a wonderful addition: blueberries, strawberries, cherries, currants, raspberries.

Let's look at the procedure for making trick porridge. In a saucepan we put half a cup of teff seeds and a cup of vegetable milk selected from soy, oats, hemp, quinoa and so on. Cover with a lid and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. If desired, add whole sugar cane and a piece of fruit to taste. In this article, we have seen many recipes using teff and easy to follow ideas. Teff recipes allow you to take advantage of all the properties of this gluten-free product that is produced in our country.

Cereal porridge

Last but not least, although the cereal is still not very popular, we can buy teff in specialized organic stores or buy it online, where we can find teff flour. Through my work, people overcome everyday challenges and find mental well-being through healthier habits.

If you don't like sweet porridge, add only salt and butter. Makes an excellent side dish for boiled sausages.

As for the question of how long to cook oatmeal in water, it all depends on the type of cereal. If they are whole, then you need to cook for at least 15 minutes. In the case when the product is processed into thin small flakes, the cooking time is reduced (by the way, you don’t have to cook the flakes at all, but just pour boiling water over it and let it brew).

For more information visit my website. Commonly used in the kitchen to make sweets and excellent soups, oatmeal has many other alternative uses beyond food, which are by no means small. It can help both stoves and create all-natural beauty products that, for those who want to be very environmentally conscious, are reliable replacements for generic body care products that are almost never anything green.

Oats have softening, soothing and anti-aging properties that make them a real treat for the skin. If your skin is dry, dehydrated and lacking in color, you can try making an anti-aging mask by combining two tablespoons of oatmeal and two tablespoons of rose water. Mix well until the mask is smooth and apply it to your face in a circular motion. Let it sit for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Take the amount of water based on the thickness of the porridge you want to get as a result. On average the proportions are 1:2. If you want porridge oatmeal, increase the proportions of water to 1:2.5 or 1:3. This thin porridge is considered especially beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

Yield from the amount of food specified in the recipe: 1 adult serving or two children's servings.

How to cook oatmeal with water

Pour water into a small saucepan, set on heat and bring to a boil.

Add oatmeal.

When the porridge begins to boil well, add salt.

Cook the oatmeal until all the liquid has evaporated. Stir occasionally. The heat should be low so that the oatmeal does not burn. Cooking time is about 10 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat and add a knob of butter. It is better to serve immediately after cooking so that the porridge does not thicken too much.

When serving, garnish the oatmeal with berries or pieces of fruit (if you have frozen berries, you can use those too). This is such a beautiful, appetizing and very tasty oatmeal breakfast.

  • When purchasing, choose oatmeal packaged in a sealed plastic bag rather than in a cardboard box. And don’t stock up too much for future use; this is far from a scarce commodity; you can buy oatmeal at any time and in every grocery store. If you do not use it right away, over time the flakes may acquire a bitter taste.
  • Remove the oatmeal from the heat before it thickens well. As it cools, it becomes even thicker.
  • You can add berries to the pan at the end of cooking so that they are distributed throughout the porridge, then the dish will acquire a different color and taste. Also add dried fruits at the cooking stage so that they are properly steamed and soft (throw in raisins whole, and prunes and dried apricots require preliminary cutting into small pieces).
  • Instead of granulated sugar, you can use honey or a sugar substitute as a sweetener. If you add bananas to the dish, the porridge may not be sweetened at all.
  • Whole grain oat product should be washed before cooking; it will not lose its taste and beneficial properties from contact with water. Ground oatmeal has already been pre-processed, so it is usually not washed before cooking.
  • Don't forget about your kitchen helpers. If you have a multicooker, the process of preparing breakfast is easier; you just need to put the necessary products into it and select the “Porridge” mode. The housewife will only have to add butter after the multicooker signals that the dish is ready.
  • If you want to lose weight, then you don’t have to cook oatmeal in water and don’t add butter to it. In the evening, pour the required portion with cool boiled water and leave overnight to swell. In the morning, slightly heat the porridge in the microwave and season with olive oil; you can add a little seasoning (dried dill, parsley, basil or thyme) to enhance the taste and aroma.
  • It is not recommended to cook oatmeal in enamel pans; it is better to take thick-walled cookware with a non-stick coating. The best utensils for preparing any porridge are cauldrons.
  • To cook oatmeal, you can use not only water, but also milk, cream, fruit or berry puree. In this case, you should not cook the porridge on the fire for a long time, just bring it to a boil, and after 3-5 minutes remove it from the stove and wrap it in something warm to simmer. Keep the proportions of milk the same as for porridge with water. For milk oatmeal, the best addition would be pumpkin; you first need to finely chop it, simmer it, and only then pour in the milk and add oatmeal. But because of their thickness, cream or puree should be diluted a little with warm boiled water. But don’t forget that these are far from dietary options!

Oatmeal is one of the healthiest. Under its influence, not only the internal, but also the external state of the body is transformed. Therefore, the second name chosen for it is “beauty porridge”.

To get a tasty dish, you can use the recipe without cooking. An acceptable glycemic index allows even diabetics to consume oatmeal. It is not difficult to prepare, so novice housewives can easily include the dish in their arsenal.

How is the product useful?

Any oatmeal recipe should be included in your own menu. In order for the utility index to be higher, there is no need to cook it. The effects of oatmeal on the body are as follows:

  • intestinal cleansing occurs;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves due to the fiber content;
  • low glycemic index;
  • excess fluid is removed from the body;
  • high protein content ensures long-term saturation;
  • the contained enzymes normalize metabolism;
  • a large amount of vitamins and microelements;
  • the condition of the skin improves: pores narrow, turgor increases, and a normal pink color appears.

If you cook rolled oats or oatmeal, this recipe will destroy many active enzymes. The amount of vitamins will also decrease. The glycemic index is lower if you use the recipe without cooking. For patients with diabetes this is a significant factor. For ordinary ready-made porridge it is 60, which does not allow it to be consumed often and in large quantities. Using oatmeal without cooking, you can reduce the glycemic index to 40.

Which grain should I take?

Any oatmeal is not suitable for creating beauty porridge. The stores offer many almost ready-made options. It is recommended to just fill them with water and quickly stir the mixture. Manufacturers promise that the dish will be ready in a minute. This oatmeal has a high glycemic index - 75, because it contains milk powder, sugar and other additives to improve the taste.

It is optimal to use large “Extra” flakes, which have a grinding index of 1 or 2. If desired, you can grind them yourself. The coarse structure of the fibers allows for better cleansing of the intestines and stimulation of its functioning. Less processed cereals also contain more vitamins.

You should carefully check for bugs in the flakes, which often appear when the humidity in the room is high.

Delicious oatmeal for breakfast

Many people prefer to cook porridge for breakfast. It charges you with energy and allows you to “survive” until lunch. The recipe for a delicious breakfast is simple. For it you will need:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • ¼ cup oatmeal or cereal;
  • sugar to taste.
  • Place the cereal in a clean container;
  • fill with cold water;
  • leave for a period of 2 to 12 hours. Ideally left overnight.

The longer oatmeal flakes soak, the lower the final glycemic index. During this process, the cereal loses some of its starch substances. The structure becomes softer. Therefore, you no longer have to cook it.

If you need to prepare breakfast quickly, you can stock up on cereal for the week ahead. Only soaked flakes should be kept in the refrigerator.

A recipe for those with a sweet tooth involves including fruits or their dried versions in the dish:

  • 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 2 pcs. dried apricots;
  • 40 gr. raisins

Pour warm water over the ingredients and let steep for 30–60 minutes. You can improve the recipe if you add whipped cream or warm milk to the porridge that does not need to be cooked. The glycemic index will immediately increase, so this option is not suitable for diabetics. If there is not enough sweetness in the finished product, you need to add a little sugar.

Those who want to improve their mood are allowed to experiment. A recipe with banana as an additional component is suitable for this purpose. The calorie content of porridge increases sharply, but you can be sure of a great mood for the whole day. You can also add a few balls or flakes.

Oatmeal for weight loss

Oatmeal without cooking is becoming a favorite dish of those who decide to lose weight. It goes well with many products. Some even add vegetables to it.

A recipe with cinnamon has fat-burning properties:

  • grind the cinnamon stick in a blender;
  • add the resulting powder to 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • pour a glass of water;
  • let sit for 15 minutes.

Oatmeal flakes will not be soft enough, but for weight loss it is necessary. The body will spend more calories on the digestion process. Cinnamon will increase your metabolic rate. Regular consumption of this porridge, which does not require long cooking, will allow you to see excellent results.

Before a fat-burning workout, you need to eat well. In this case, you can use the recipe for making lazy oatmeal:

  • into a clean 0.5 liter jar. with a lid place 80–100 g. cereal;
  • fill them with 200 ml of liquid;
  • add a few berries of your choice or slices of low-calorie fruit;
  • mix thoroughly and leave overnight in the refrigerator.

Overnight, the oatmeal will become saturated with water and fruit acids, giving it a rich flavor. A change in the composition of the type of fruit or berries will give a feeling of novelty.

It is not recommended to add citrus fruits. They can give a bitter taste to the finished product. Then you will want to add sugar. In this case, you can use various substitutes. A tablespoon of honey will also work. The glycemic index of this dish is high. This is good for healthy people, because energy will be needed during training.

Oatmeal recipes can be easily adjusted in proportions. This is influenced by individual preferences for the thickness of the finished dish and the body’s ability to digest cereals. Eating oatmeal will allow you to achieve the desired results, because it not only fills the body with nutrients, but also gives a lot of energy.

Expert opinion

Oatmeal has been familiar to us since childhood, and it is a truly healthy porridge. However, as the article correctly states, not every recipe will be beneficial. Try to avoid adding regular sugar to your porridge. For this reason, ready-made bags for instant cooking are immediately excluded. But at the same time, there is still a lot of room for imagination. For example, try making diet cookies, it's very simple. Take 1-2 bananas, a glass of oatmeal, a handful of flax seeds and any dried fruits. Mash the banana with a fork, mix thoroughly with the cereal, add chopped dried fruits and seeds. Now shape the cookies and bake them on parchment paper until done. All! It will turn out delicious - you can treat yourself for breakfast or dessert.

Alina Semenova, nutritionist

Oatmeal with water is very useful. You can cook oatmeal in water in five minutes. This is an indispensable dish for those who, for whatever reason, are prescribed a strict diet. Oatmeal with water is one of the main dishes in hospitals. It can be eaten even by those who have recently undergone surgery on the stomach or intestines.

Also oatmeal is an indispensable product in the diet of beautiful ladies who want to lose weight. Due to its high content of plant fiber, it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Many women rightly believe that such a dish is “a source of beauty and youth.” Oatmeal cooked in water is much healthier than cooked in milk. And this dish is very easy to make delicious. This oatmeal may well become a favorite breakfast dish for the whole family.


Oat flakes cooked in water - ideal for a quick breakfast. This dish is convenient to prepare, for example, at the dacha, where it is not always possible to buy milk. For cooking, it is best to purchase the most ordinary Hercules oat flakes. You should not buy instant oats, as they have much less beneficial and nutritional properties. Also, do not be tempted by ready-made instant cereals, because they may contain preservatives and harmful flavoring additives.

A dish prepared from Hercules flakes has the following advantages:

  • This dish is very quick to prepare;
  • If you cook it with milk, the milk can easily “escape,” staining the stove and leaving behind an unpleasant burnt smell. If it is cooked in water, this will not happen;
  • It can be eaten even by those who are allergic to dairy products, and this type of allergy has recently become common in children and adults;
  • This food goes well with any other food.

It is best to cook oatmeal for breakfast. A plate of such a product, eaten in the morning, charges the body with energy for the whole day, because it contains a lot of carbohydrates. A bowl of oatmeal cooked in water with a piece of butter is a great alternative to traditional sausage sandwiches or scrambled eggs. Also, oatmeal with water is very suitable for those who observe Orthodox fasts. This dish gives you energy and helps you avoid meat and dairy products without losing your physical strength.

How to cook

Cooking oatmeal is easy. The products necessary to prepare this wonderful dish are available in every home. In order to prepare oatmeal with water for a child or adult, you will need:

  • Packaging of oat flakes “Hercules”;
  • Water. If porridge is prepared for a baby under one year old, it is best to use special bottled baby water, which is sold in large supermarkets and pharmacies;
  • Salt (add to taste);
  • Sugar (also added to taste);
  • Butter. Those who are fasting can replace butter with margarine or spread with vegetable fats.

Usually put half a glass of oatmeal in a glass of water. It is best to cook porridge in a stainless steel metal saucepan. It is not recommended to use enamel cookware. Firstly, chipped pieces of enamel can get into food and cause poisoning. Secondly, food in enamel dishes quickly burns, and the dishes are then difficult to wash. The water intended for cooking is brought to a boil, then carefully pour in the oatmeal and reduce the heat to low. Cooking time depends on the type of cereal; you can read about this on the packaging. On average, the time of a lie is ten to fifteen minutes.

This will be the breakfast not only adults and children enjoy eating. This food is an ideal food option for a small pet: a kitten or a puppy. It will fully satisfy the baby’s need for vitamins and will help the animal grow quickly and develop normally. This porridge is much healthier for a kitten or puppy than dry food with various harmful flavoring and aromatic additives.

During cooking, you need to be careful and make sure that the water does not boil in vain. As soon as it boils, you need to immediately reduce the heat and do not increase it, otherwise the porridge will burn. After boiling, cover the pan with a lid, leaving a small hole for steam to escape. After the dish is ready, it should stand for a while under the closed lid. It will taste better this way.

Who is it useful for?

Lean oatmeal is good for adults and children. Doctors recommend eating this product daily for those who:

  • wants to lose weight by following a strict diet;
  • has reached old age;
  • suffers from diabetes of any type.

Oatmeal cooked in water is rich in fiber and carbohydrates. Oats also contain useful vitamins, minerals, and essential acids. Like all grains, oats are rich in coarse plant fiber, so regular consumption helps normalize digestion. This is an ideal nutrition option for those who suffer from indigestion or have been poisoned by something. Such porridge will definitely not harm the stomach. Eating oatmeal is beneficial for those who suffer from constipation, as it promotes regular bowel movements. The product does not cause allergies, so it is simply an indispensable dish in the diet of young children, pregnant and nursing mothers.

Oatmeal with water should definitely be present in the diet of older people. This dish gives you energy. Helps prolong youth, helps the body fight diseases and strengthens the immune system. If you regularly eat it, you can get rid of many diseases of the stomach and intestines.

How to make oatmeal taste better

Many people do not like oatmeal with water, considering it tasteless. But you can make it tastier.

To make oatmeal cooked in water not only healthy, but also tasty, you can decorate it beautifully, for example, with pieces of fruit.

In summer you can add seasonal berries: strawberries, blueberries, wild strawberries.

To make the oatmeal satisfying, you can put a piece of high-quality butter in it. And those with a sweet tooth can add a little homemade jam to the porridge, but only a little.

This very healthy dish does not always look appetizing and attractive. Because of this, children often refuse to eat it. In order for children to eat the porridge with pleasure, it can be beautifully decorated. To do this, you can draw a funny face on a plate of porridge using pieces of fruit. For example, you can make a smile from an apple slice, eyes from large blueberries, and the hair of a funny man from corn sticks. The child will certainly like such a cheerful porridge, and he will eat it with appetite.

If you have cold oatmeal left after breakfast, you can also make oatmeal patties from it and fry them in a frying pan.

However, you should not turn the dish into a sweet dessert. To improve the taste of the product, just add a few pieces of fruit to it. You should not add a lot of jam, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties. Oatmeal is delicious on its own, the main thing is to cook it correctly, adding the right amount of salt and sugar. You should not add whipped cream and industrially produced sweet sauces, because they contain harmful flavorings and aromas. However, you can add a little honey, unless, of course, you are allergic to honey.

This is one of the healthiest cereals, along with buckwheat. This porridge is much healthier than semolina, which is still traditionally considered the most dietary. If a child or adult regularly eats oatmeal cooked in water, he will be less sick and tired. Oatmeal was one of the most popular dishes in Ancient Rus'. The word “porridge” in the Old Russian language meant not only a dish of cereals and water or milk, but also “feast”, “holiday”. Porridge was considered not only an everyday dish, but also a festive dish of our ancestors.

To cook such a breakfast in water, you will need a maximum of ten minutes. You can prepare instant noodles in about the same time. However, porridge should be the main dish in the diet of those who care about their health and lead a healthy lifestyle. Those. Those who are not used to including porridge in their daily diet are missing out on a lot. Regular consumption of oatmeal with water improves health and makes a person stronger, fitter, and more resilient. Oatmeal gives health and beauty.

Oatmeal for breakfast is not only a characteristic feature of the British; many nations start their day with this simple, but at the same time uniquely healthy food. There are a huge number of recipes. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at the secrets of preparing delicious oatmeal with water.

Composition and nutritional value

Oatmeal porridge on water is essentially a dish made from boiled cereal flakes of ordinary oats. Despite its apparent simplicity, the peoples of the world have created many different recipes and tricks for preparing such porridge. In addition to the excellent taste, the benefits of such a product have long been recognized.

Oatmeal cooked in water with the addition of other ingredients is a dietary food that can provide you with the necessary energy for several hours: the calorie content per 100 g of product is 88 kcal. In addition to being high in calories, this porridge contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the body. One hundred grams of the finished product contains approximately 3 g of protein, 1.7 g of fat and 15 g of carbohydrates.

It has practically no contraindications; anyone can eat it, including small children.

When cooked, oatmeal has a peculiar jelly-like consistency, which has a beneficial effect on the stomach and is especially useful for ulcers and gastritis. The dietary fiber contained in oatmeal can remove harmful accumulations from the walls of the stomach.

In addition to substances beneficial to the gastrointestinal tract, oatmeal in water contains potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and other elements that enrich the blood, improve brain activity and general well-being, and strengthen bone tissue. There is also a set of useful vitamins: B1, B2, E, H and HH. And gluten, which is part of the porridge, increases immunity and nourishes the circulatory system. Therefore, oatmeal is simply a treasure trove of healing components.

Proportions and cooking time

Depending on numerous recipes, there are different proportions of water and oatmeal needed for cooking. In order for the dish to turn out boiled, the approximate ratio of flakes to liquid is 1 to 2 - 2.5. Housewives recommend the proportions from the traditional recipe: ¾ cup of chopped oatmeal to 2 cups of water. In this case, the finished porridge turns out to be moderately liquid, but not a mess.

According to the most common recipes, oatmeal is cooked for 10 minutes after boiling water over low heat. There is another option for “raw” cooking, when the flakes are poured with boiling water and left overnight in a saucepan covered with a lid. Then the porridge should stand in a warm place for 8 - 10 hours, this is quite enough for the dish to be edible. In the morning, it will be enough to warm it up in the microwave - a hot and nutritious breakfast is ready.

There are other simple recommendations for cooking: for liquid porridge, the ratio of flakes to water is 1 to 3, for viscous porridge - 1 to 2. In this case, depending on the intensity of the fire, you need to cook for 10 to 15 minutes. Some recommend cooking this dish for only 3 - 5 minutes, everyone has their own tricks. In fact, the readiness of cooked flakes can be determined by eye.

It is worth noting that any experienced housewife already has a “trained eye” and is able to prepare a tasty and nutritious dish without using measuring cups and a timer.


Oatmeal from whole grains or flakes can be prepared in a saucepan or slow cooker, pour boiling water or cold water and leave for a certain time until ready. At the same time, there are a lot of additional ingredients, the imagination of the culinary specialists here is simply limitless, and the result is as tasty as possible.

In a saucepan

The simplest method of cooking in a saucepan consists of the following steps step by step. Oatmeal is poured into boiling water, salt is added, and the heat is turned to low. The porridge must be stirred and cooked for 5-10 minutes. Then the pan is removed from the heat, covered with a lid and left for 10 minutes, you can cover it with a towel. At the end butter is added. For 1 cup of cereal, take 2 cups of water, half a teaspoon of salt and 10 g of butter.

The same ratio can be used if you steam the flakes without using direct cooking. The main thing is to pour boiling water over them, mix thoroughly and then close the lid tightly. The porridge can be immediately flavored with butter or vegetable oil, honey or fruit.

To prepare the dish, it is enough to stand for 2-4 hours, then it is heated in the microwave.

Ingredients for every taste are added to cooked oatmeal: sweet or salty. You can serve them with banana, apples, raisins, nuts, cottage cheese and many other products. Those who like spicy or salty foods add paprika, black pepper, dill, feta cheese or garlic.

It is a little more difficult to properly prepare a nutritious dish not from crushed flakes, but from cereals, and it will take more time. Before cooking, whole oats must be washed and soaked in water for 2-3 hours. Then the porridge is cooked in a ratio of 1 to 3 over moderate heat for 1-2 hours. Salt is added to taste, finally oil and other selected additives. This oat dish turns out very tasty and satisfying.

After cooking, it is best to keep the porridge in a hot bath for 10-15 minutes.

In a slow cooker

It is also very easy to prepare such a dish; just select the “cereals” or “porridge” mode. It is best to grease the bowl with butter or vegetable oil before cooking. The ratio of flakes and water is 1 to 3, salt is added to taste. If the porridge will not be used as a side dish, you can add a little sugar. The approximate cooking time in this mode will be 15 minutes. Any favorite ingredients are added to the finished porridge.

The functions of the multicooker allow you to prepare a very tasty dish in the evening, and in the morning it will be fresh and hot for breakfast. To do this, select the “Heating” function. The ingredients and proportions here remain the same as for the main recipes. The oatmeal is cooked as expected for about 15 minutes, then the multicooker switches to the heating or delayed start mode.

Excess water will not evaporate from it, the taste will be preserved, and in the morning you won’t have to spend extra time preparing the dish.

You should not overdo it with water when cooking, it is better to take a smaller amount and then add it during the process. Oatmeal that is too thin won't taste as good anyway. In addition, the proportions, as well as the cooking time, vary greatly depending on the manufacturer. Some brands are prepared in 3 minutes, for others 15 is not enough. Experienced housewives usually prefer to always buy the same products.

Often, raw cereals contain grain husks; the finished dish, of course, is not so pleasant to eat with it. Therefore, before cooking, it is best to add the required amount of oatmeal with water. The husk floats up quickly and is easily removed with a spoon. This is especially true for cereals.

Oatmeal is a dish that is best eaten right away; if it cools down and sits for a couple of hours, it won’t be as tasty. Therefore, you should not prepare more portions than you can eat at one time.

In any case, it is better not to serve the cooked porridge immediately, but to let it sit for several minutes under the lid, as some say, “let it simmer.” This will have a positive effect on the taste of the dish.

Is it true that oatmeal on water is dangerous, see the following video.