The fees of foreign experts for participating in Russian talk shows have been announced. Lowland Industry: How Much Do Celebrities Get Paid to Appear on Talk Shows? Ukrainian participants of Russian talk shows

Perhaps not a single political talk show on Russian television is complete without foreign guests. Every time they speak out against our country, they receive insults and even kicks in response, but they do not stop going to the programs. It turned out that the role of a whipping boy is a very profitable business.

According to an informed source, some experts attend such shows for free, while others go to them as a job. For example, Ukrainians come to the program only for money.


For example, the most expensive Ukrainian expert on the show is political scientist Vyacheslav Kovtun. He earns from 500 to 700 thousand rubles a month, and sometimes his income amounts to a million rubles, writes Komsomolskaya Pravda.

US journalist Michael Bohm earns the same amount. “The American generally has an exclusive contract and rate. He is obliged to attend a certain number of broadcasts,” the publication’s interlocutor said.

There are also more modest experts. For example, Polish political scientist Jakub Koreyba earns less than 500 thousand rubles a month. It’s just that the expert doesn’t manage to come to Moscow often for programs.

“Everything is official – they sign the contract, pay taxes,” the source added. An expert like Ukrainian blogger Dmitry Suvorov receives 10-15 thousand rubles per broadcast. More popular guests are paid up to 30 thousand rubles for participation.

Earlier it was reported that American journalist Michael Bohm was almost beaten in the midst of the “Time Will Tell” show on Channel One. The host of the program, Artem Sheinin, began to threaten the guest, and then jumped up to him and grabbed him by the jacket.

“What do you think, I can only use my tongue? Are you provoking me? Did I tell you to sit? Sit!” – he said angrily. Despite such humiliating treatment, Bom did not leave the studio and stated that he did not hold a grudge against Sheinin.

Vyacheslav Kovtun is a Ukrainian political scientist. His emotional, but unsubstantiated statements often raise questions in the viewer:

  • Why is he invited to national television?
  • How much does Vyacheslav Kovtun receive for participating in Russian programs?

Why is Vyacheslav Kovtun invited to a talk show?

Political talk shows involve discussion in which different points of view are explored. Vyacheslav represents the opinion of some Ukrainian residents in such disputes. Despite the fact that Ukrainian journalists and politicians were not prohibited from entering Russia, few of them risk performing in such shows. That is why only a few Ukrainians are featured as participants in such programs: V. Kovtun, V. Karasev, O. Yakhno.

The monologues of this Ukrainian political scientist are emotional and somewhat shocking. For all their bias (and sometimes outright contradictoryness), they add some flavor to the discussion, which makes the program more rated and increases its audience.

It is worth noting that, according to TV presenters, Vyacheslav turns into an ordinary, calm and reasonable “guy” when the cameras are turned off.

The downside of such popularity is considered to be the unpleasant incidents that happened to him several times: on one of the city streets he was sprinkled with flour (it is worth noting that the hooligan who did this was found and convicted), and during the broadcasts he was subjected to assault.

Despite the fact that he is a zealous patriot of Ukraine, he may be deprived of the citizenship of this country. A petition has been posted on the website of the Ukrainian government calling on President Poroshenko to deprive the citizenship of those who have been working in Russia for more than a year and recognize them as separatists. If Vyacheslav has to return to the country, his personal budget will suffer significant losses.

On the other hand, V. Kovtun may be prohibited by the court of the Russian Federation from entering the territory of Russia for threatening his son Yuri Kot during one television broadcast. There he promised to figure out “what kind of son this is,” for which Y. Kot hit the political scientist.

Vyacheslav's fees

There is no need to say in the affirmative how much Vyacheslav Kovtun receives for participating in Russian programs. According to rumors, this amount is 15,000 rubles per broadcast (according to other sources, it reaches no less than 40-50 thousand rubles per broadcast). If we take into account the fact that a Ukrainian political scientist takes part in 3-5 television (and sometimes radio) programs a week, then we can approximately calculate how much Vyacheslav Kovtun receives for participating in Russian programs: the amount is quite significant.

Scandalous talk shows are now at the peak of popularity. The team of each such program strives to find a hot topic and lure more interesting characters into the studio. In pursuit of high ratings, channels are ready to spend money: it turns out that not only television workers receive money for filming, but also almost everyone you see on the screen!

Both ordinary Russians and famous personalities openly tell their stories throughout the country, largely because they receive impressive fees for it. Journalists found out exactly who and how many.

Heroes of the plots

During a talk show, various stories related to the main characters are often shown on the screen: relatives, neighbors, and colleagues are interviewed. To do this, the film crew travels to the regions in search of juicy details. But no one is in a hurry to tell unpleasant things for free, but “dumping a neighbor” for a couple of tens of thousands of rubles is another matter.

Heroes in the studio

Heroes who are interested in publicity and solving their problem or simply thirst for fame often agree to come for free. They are paid for travel to Moscow and back, hotel accommodation, and meals. These are, for example, people who lost their homes in a fire, or a person who dreams of proving their relationship with a star.

But the antiheroes don’t want to go to the studio and embarrass themselves in front of the whole country. They solve the problem for 50-70 thousand rubles - a colossal amount for many citizens and a penny for television.

According to some reports, the driver of former ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, whom she accuses of stealing money, was persuaded to come to the Let Them Talk studio for 50 thousand rubles. The veteran, who transferred the apartment to his young wife and left his son with nothing, was paid 70 thousand. Diana Shurygina and her family received about 300 thousand rubles for participating in several episodes of “Let Them Talk.”

Show business stars and their relatives have higher prices. Thus, Danko’s wife received 150 thousand rubles for revelations about the family. Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina, who like to publicly sort things out, are paid 500 thousand rubles for one program.


Psychologists, nutritionists, lawyers and other experts who comment on the problem in the studio often agree to broadcast for free - for the sake of their PR. For those intractable people who are of interest to the viewer, television workers pay from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. Moreover, they are brought to the shooting and taken back by taxi, and provided with a make-up artist and hairdresser.


The audience in the studio gets the least. But they have another advantage - they find out everything first and without cuts. For example, when the country was still wondering who would host “Let Them Talk” instead of Malakhov, these lucky ones already knew that it was Dmitry Borisov.


The biggest fees, of course, go to the presenters. Thus, in a recent interview with the Kommersant newspaper, Andrei Malakhov did not argue with the journalist, who announced as his annual income for working in “Let them talk” on Channel One the amount of $1 million (57 million rubles, or 4.75 million rubles per month). At his new job, according to the “king of the booth,” his income is “comparable.”

Another broadcast star, Olga Buzova, receives an average of 50 million rubles a year for hosting “House-2.”

The profession of a TV presenter is attractive from different sides. Firstly, the work looks attractive and bright. This is followed by good monetary compensation.

So what are the salaries of talk show hosts around the world?

Price per question for a professional in the Russian Federation

The profession of TV presenter, as an independent specialty, arose back in the 30s of the 20th century.

It was during this period that regular television programs began to be broadcast.

Masters of news and weather in a short period of time became real idols of millions of viewers and received fees of up to $100.

Today, popular media experts have substantial incomes.

Let's consider the monthly labor tariffs of highly paid stars, namely:

  • on the project "Main Stage")- more than 1 million dollars. The artist is a colorful presenter, who is the hallmark of a large-scale song competition;
  • Maxim Galkin (“One to One”, “Make the Comedian Laugh”) – 400 USD The talented impersonator is a striking addition to the show;
  • Ivan Urgant (“Evening Urgant” and a huge number of official awards, concerts) - 285 thousand bucks. The popular showman and artist is the idol of a huge number of young people;
  • Martirosyan Garik (participant of the Comedy Club, jury of the Comedy Battle and Main Stage) -$250,000;
  • Volya Pasha (co-host of “Comedy”, permanent participant of “Comedy Battle”) -160,000 US dollars. A creative showman is able to add dimension to any project;
  • Malakhov Andrey (host of the program “Hello, Andrey” and “Live”) -$125 thousand. The media expert is the author of a large number of successful talk shows;
  • (producer and presenter of the programs “Sobchak Live” and “Battle of Restaurants”) - 100 thousand dollars. The socialite has now entered politics and is running for President;
  • Buzova Olga - about 50 thousand dollars. The host of the Dom-2 project began her career as a participant in a reality show. Now the girl sings and holds various events;
  • 40 thousand dollars. “Live” and “The Fate of a Man” have high ratings. The presenter stands out for his prudence and openness in conversation;
  • 30 thousand dollars. The Revizorro program gained a large number of fans in a short period of time.

Basic products are in high demand in all post-Soviet countries.

It should be emphasized that the top presenters of political programs in Russia have record incomes.

However, exact numbers are not disclosed in order to avoid resonance in society.

But information about experts’ salaries sometimes leaks to the media:

Lately, the public has been especially interested in the financial rewards of experts who are invited to conduct Russian programs in a political format.

For example, the famous Michael Bom receives for filming up to 2 million RUB per month (approximately 34 thousand dollars).

However, the expert does not have such income all year round.

Vyacheslav Kovtun earns up to 700 thousand RUB, Yakub Koreyba – 500 thousand RUB.

Jakub Koreyba

You can earn good money on the most scandalous project of Russian television, Dom-2.

Thus, the profits of the most popular participants and hosts of reality shows reached unimaginable proportions.

These stars include:

Heading more serious entertainment-type projects, presenters have good earnings.

Let's analyze the most famous and popular showmen in the post-Soviet space:

  • – $6,200,000;
  • – 2,500,000 USD In 2017, the “Best of All!” program was especially popular;
  • – 3,500,000 bucks. The talented producer began his career from KVN;
  • – $3,300,000. Everyone remembers the intellectual program “The Smartest”. Now the TV presenter is the director of a sports channel;
  • – $1,200,000. The sought-after actor and TV presenter heads the author's theater;
  • Okhlobystin Ivan, Fedor Bondarchuk- 2 million bucks;
  • – $1,900,000. Talented host of the “Make a Comedian Laugh” program in Ukraine, Comedy resident and director of a film company;
  • – 900 thousand USD The program “The Young Lady and the Cook” became a ratings program thanks to the appearance of a celebrity;
  • – $1 million.

Labor tariffs for popular copper professionals in Ukraine

If in 2012-2014 Oksana Marchenko was the most popular, now Vladimir Zelensky and Olga Freimut are in the lead.

  • (Social Life program) - monthly cash reward is 25 thousand dollars;
  • (“Laugh the Comedian”, “Evening Quarter” and various concerts) - the total income of the actor and showman reaches over 300 thousand dollars per year;
  • (popular program “Inspector”). Information about the specialist’s earnings on the New Channel is kept secret. However, according to media leaks, the specialist’s salary reaches $20,000 every month;
  • the colorful frontman has a stable income at 8900 bucks per month;
  • $8100. The popular host of entertainment shows on the STB channel gained wide popularity in a short period of time;
  • – 7600 bucks every 30 days on “ICTV”;
  • (travel project “Heads and Tails”) – $5,000. Previously, working in Ukraine, the travel diary host had great authority and substantial fees. Having moved to Russia, the girl doubled her income;
  • — 2500 dollars. The outrageous fashion expert has now moved to NTV and significantly increased his income.

Specific figures clearly demonstrate the level of income of TV presenters, weather experts and other programs.

The picture of average salaries for professionals looks like this:

  • "KRT"– 4000 -6000 hryvnia;
  • "First business"— 5000-6000 hryvnia;
  • "Inter"— 7500 -10 000 hryvnia. The only exception is Evgeny Kiselev, who receives up to 50 thousand bucks here;
  • “New Channel” - 8,000 -10,000 hryvnia;
  • "NTN" - 7800 -10,000 hryvnia;
  • “ICTV” -7500 -17,500 hryvnia;
  • "STB" - 9,000 -15,000 hryvnia;
  • “1+1” - 15,000 -25,000 hryvnia;
  • "TRK Ukraine" -10,000 -25,000 hryvnia;
  • “TBI” - 20,000 -45,000 hryvnia;
  • “Channel 5” (property of Petro Poroshenko) -15,000 -75,000 hryvnia;
  • “First National” - up to 4 thousand euros (Natalia Tereshchenko and Svetlana Leontyeva).

Salary of top TV stars abroad

Having built a stunning career in the media space, the star can be confident of stable and large incomes.

However, for this it is necessary to go through a long and thorny path of developing one’s personal qualities.

Let's consider the most successful and titled TV presenters of our time:

  • American Idol») 25 million bucks a year. It was the singer who graced the popular show for the title of best emerging performer;
  • DeGeneres Ellen (authors show)$50 million annually; An outstanding comedian and actress who invites famous and popular people to her shows;
  • Heidi Klum (Project Runway Modeling) – 19 million USD The television program has existed for 14 years and has a high rating;
  • Fallon Jimmy (Tonight) -$10.8 million. The head of an entertainment program that has a huge number of episodes throughout its history;
  • Robin Roberts (Good Morning America) -$18 million. The popular news show includes a large number of sections and information blocks;
  • (musical TV show “Beat Shazam”) – 3 million USD. The popular host of the program began working on the project a year ago;
  • Phil McGraw (cult development "Dr. Phil") - 87.9 million bucks annually. A famous psychologist from the USA has created a truly unique and sought-after project;
  • Sheindlin Judith (rated program "Judge Judy")– 47,000,000 bucks. The first episode of the program was released more than 20 years ago;
  • Seijak Pat (ambitious project “Wheel of Fortune”)– 15,000,000 bucks. The project consists of solving a crossword puzzle and winning valuable prizes;
  • Ripa Kelly (current)-show “Live with Kayleigh Ryan”) - 22 million dollars. The television project has a high rating;
  • Oprah Winfrey$274.9 million per year. The star's salary reaches 8 bucks per second. The total capital of a global star in 2013 reached a record 2.8 billion USD.

the site spoke with one of the talk show employees, who told how much celebrities cost TV channels.

We are used to watching heated showdowns between stars and not only on TV. Talk shows of various channels work day and night to provide the viewer with hot details, and most importantly, to invite all those involved in the scandal to the studio. However, few people know how much work, and most importantly, what expense it takes to invite all the heroes and even guests of the TV program.

Shurygina is paid 500,000 per hour

According to our source (for obvious reasons, he chose to remain anonymous, but his name is available in the editorial office), all the cream of the crop is, of course, skimmed by the main characters of the program. And it doesn’t matter whether they are artists or ordinary people: the louder the scandal, the greater the reward for the main characters.

Diana Shurygina, or rather, her rape, has been discussed throughout the country for a whole year. How much Diana earned from her first programs is unknown. But we know for sure: while Shurygina’s case died down, Andrei Malakhov himself supported the girl. Even the TV presenter paid for her pole dancing courses. When the case flared up with renewed vigor, namely, Sergei Semenov, Diana’s rapist, was released, the girl earned 500 thousand rubles from just one of the programs. For this amount of money, many Russians work hard for a year or even more. And Diana sat in a chair with a lie detector connected for just an hour. Malakhov did not forget about Sergei Semenov. He kept in touch with the guy while he was behind bars, and as soon as Sergei was released, he invited him to his program. Semenov received no less than a million rubles. For this, he signed a contract for three months, which does not give him the right to take part in any programs other than “Live Broadcast”.

For several months now, passions have not subsided over the divorce of People's Artist of the USSR Armen Dzhigarkhanyan from Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The woman was accused of fraud, and her ex-husband called her nothing more than a “thief.” And no wonder, because after the divorce it was Armen Dzhigarkhanyan who was left with practically nothing, all the property turned out to be registered in Vitalina’s name. This situation was also discussed on popular talk shows; several issues were dedicated to it. Oddly enough, the People's Artist did not receive a penny from the channels. As the employees of the famous television project say, Armen Borisovich is a principled person. But Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya demanded a million rubles for her appearance on the program.

They don’t really want Buzova

There are media figures who have a certain price for appearing in the chair of the next talk show. For example, Natalya Bochkareva, star of the series “Happy Together,” clearly answers a call from editors: she is ready to come as an expert for 30 thousand rubles. Natalya Drozhzhina, a regular on broadcasts, especially those dedicated to the memory of artists, also charges 30,000 for her participation in the program together with her husband Mikhail Tsivin. Olga Buzova received only 100 grand for her confession on “Male/Female”. Many fans of the TV presenter and singer were perplexed why this particular program, why not “Let Them Talk” or “Live Broadcast”. As it turns out, the popular diva is simply not invited anywhere else, because she is only popular among Internet subscribers. TV viewers do not perceive it. The biggest surprise for us was the fee of the former participant of “House-2” Rustam Solntsev. For a scandal on air, for constant provocations and yelling, the showman receives one hundred thousand rubles. One of the first interviews of People's Artist of the RSFSR Leonid Kuravlev on a talk show cost the producers only 80,000. The legendary actor had never participated in such programs before and did not know that he could ask for more.

// Photo: Global Look Press

Recently, an interview with a former foreman of extras on various talk shows named Radmir Kuznets appeared on the Internet. The 23-year-old guy literally told all the ins and outs of filming. But his information was somewhat different from what our source told us. Radmir said that experts such as Rustam Solntsev and public figure Pavel Pyatnitsky themselves pay to be shown on the first or second “button” broadcasts. We asked Rustam himself about this.

“It’s all a lie, I only go there for money,” the 41-year-old ex-participant of the reality show “Dom-2” is indignant. - I’ll also pay them! I don’t need to promote myself, this is all a passed stage. I go purely to earn money. As an expert, I charge from 15 to 50 thousand rubles. I no longer go for less money. If I am invited as a hero, then of course I ask for more - about 100-150 pieces. This is purely my income. That's why that guy is lying - I declare with full responsibility as an honest person. Regarding Pyatnitsky, I am also sure that he does not pay anything. He is not called so often, but is invited specifically on specialized topics. Television is just a Pandora's box of money that should pay for unique opinions, unique stories. So what? I myself don’t watch any of this, even if I’m filming, but for heroines like Shurygina, Dana Borisova, I wish that they would not die of their own importance. Borisova, by the way, is paid from 150 thousand rubles, she goes everywhere like a heroine. This is her only income. But on the last program “Live” it was clear that she was no longer able to pull it off.

In the same online interview, Radmir Kuznets also commented on the personality of Andrei Malakhov. According to him, the TV presenter is very rude behind the scenes, capable of calling names and even hitting an unfamiliar person on the set.

“I have known Andrei Malakhov since I was 23,” Solntsev contradicts Kuznets. - I can say that he is even better behind the scenes than on camera. He is the sweetest, he recently gave me a bottle of wine. Write to this Radmir, let him bang his head against the wall, he has the wrong information!

Kelmi sharpens his grudge against Malakhov

We also contacted singer Danko, who also participated in various talk shows more than once. On one of the broadcasts in the “Actually” program, he talked about his allegedly difficult relationship with his wife. But the artist’s main goal was completely different - to tell about his seriously ill daughter Agatha and announce a fundraiser to help the girl. But, unfortunately, his conditions were not met.

Heroes come to talk shows, clownery, get money, and the audience applauds them, says the singer. - People themselves vote for it all. This is the need of our population. Well, what, are you proposing to impose on them what they don’t like?! Bach, for example, or ballet? The people consume it all, and the heroes are just actors who get paid for it. This is our kind of business. This is work! You have to come, spend gas, you’ll probably be lowered from head to toe, of course, you have to take money for it. It happens that agreements on talk shows are not fulfilled. I went to Shepelev’s program to promote my Agatha’s page in support of her, since she is disabled. They promised and just deceived me. There they select such people as editors who are devoid of all moral principles. To work in such projects and deliver this crap, you need to have the psychology of a pathologist; they don’t care about people.

Singer Chris Kelmi also sharpens his teeth on talk shows. He has been promised airtime on Malakhov’s program for a whole month. The artist can’t wait to talk about his miraculous recovery in Thailand and about ending his friendship with alcohol.

// Photo: Global Look Press

Before the New Year, the program administrator Malakhova called me,” Kelmi recalls. - We agreed to do a program with me immediately after the holidays. But then Nikita Lushnikov, the founder of my rehabilitation center, called me back and said that he was leaving on a business trip and asked to postpone the release to mid-January. But the administrator on the 16th said that everything was postponed again. I decided that I would wait until Monday and if there was no broadcast, I would simply perform on another channel! It’s as if I have nothing else to do in life except wait for them to shoot. Moreover, I will soon go to my childhood friend Kostya Ernst’s birthday party. So I’ll tell him that I’m ready to come to Channel One in “Let Them Talk.”

Chris Kelmi also told us that his fee for participating in a talk show is about 100 thousand rubles. But it is usually not possible to receive the entire amount in hand.

Now they don’t give us cash,” the singer admits. - I sign the contract, they then transfer the amount to my bank account. Since the money is not given in an envelope, of course, part of the fee goes to taxes. In this sense, I am an absolutely law-abiding person and have nothing against it.

By the way

Oddly enough, the following pattern emerged: the more a person has achieved, the fewer demands he has. For example, Philip Kirkorov, Alla Pugacheva, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Igor Nikolaev, Valeria with Joseph Prigozhin, Stas Mikhailov, Vasily Lanovoy never take payment for their participation in a talk show - no matter whether in the role of a hero or a guest. Laima Vaikule, in addition to the fact that she does not require money, does not even prescribe a rider - is the most unpretentious star, as television workers say about Vaikule.