People don't appear in life by chance. People appear in our lives for a reason; everyone brings something of their own to it, something personal. Then we'll diagnose the problem itself.

I think all of us know the expression “there are no random people in our lives.”
And everyone has heard more than once that “another person reflects ourselves.”

But few of us understand the meaning of these words and their deep meaning.

Each person contains several different parts of him, often very contradictory ones.
All these parts that are located in the depths of our unconscious, as a rule, are not noticed by us, and we are not aware of the influence of these parts on our life in reality.
A person very often does not even understand, much less realize, the influence and presence of these parts within himself.

I love "accidental friends", those who cross the doors of your heart when you least expect it. They bring colorful winds with them, make you when your hopes fade, and settle in your soul as if they were already a part of it.

It's interesting how sometimes we reach a point in life where we are so attached to our network of close friends and family that we leave no room for anyone else. Until one great day when someone unexpectedly comes along and changes everything. Some people are amazingly unexpected. They call you to the door of your life when you need it most. People with magic in their hearts and light in their eyes. People capable of incredible things. They bring you happiness and make you grow again.

Other people who come into our lives, with whom we develop close relationships, reflect precisely our hidden parts within us, therefore the expression is very true; “There are no random people in our lives.”

But because we are not aware of their presence within us, the behavior and actions of other people seem alien to us.

The weird thing about casual friends is that they suddenly become part of your family. They rise up as exceptional friends when you need them most, or they might even become your new one. Lovers who come suddenly when you have already given up on love. But the most interesting thing is that you will immediately know your compatibility.

Random friends come when you need them most.

Experts call it the sixth sense, an emotional sense that we would like to explain to you further. One of the most famous friendships in the literary world is between Henry James and Robert Louis Stevenson. Stevenson always praised their friendship. According to him, it happened at the right moment when he needed it most. His health was not very good and his spirits fell during the times when he spent weeks in bed with a fever. He found his only refuge in the letters Henry James wrote to him.

One woman who came to me for consultation complained about the betrayal of a close friend. She told in detail how her friend simply used their friendship for her own selfish purposes.
From my client's point of view, she treated her friend very well, with an open heart, and she did not understand how she could do this to her.
In the course of our work, we found an unconscious part inside her that was very similar to this friend.
This part of her also tried to find people beneficial for her life and business, and this part also tried to use other people for its own purposes.
Yes, my client may have been very sincere towards her friend, but her friend was her own part inside her.

Unfortunately, creator Long John-Silver, whom the South Pacific Islanders called "the storyteller", left this world in early age after a stroke. The loss remained with Henry James for a long time. It was a friendship woven from admiration and the union of two who were passionate about literature, art and life. The friendship truly stimulated the two souls, who harmonized almost instantly, despite such different literary styles.

The sixth sense of personal relationships

Let's get something important out of the way: Humans don't only have 5 senses. In fact, we have more than William James, the famous psychologist and brother of Henry James, identified many of them in his time, including nociception, proprioception and kinesthesia. The sixth sense is without a doubt one of the most important. It does not fall under the magical or supernatural realm, but rather has to do with it, the ability to look within and understand your emotions, awaken your creativity, and better connect with the environment and people around you.

Another client of mine really wanted children, but could not get pregnant, and then she married a man who could not have children for physiological reasons.
Her husband was an exact copy of her unconsciously repressed part, which did not want to have children or could not for reasons known only to her.
Her husband was a reflection of that hidden unconscious part of her that did not want to have children.

Subconscious and sixth sense

In doing so, you will be able to establish more credible and meaningful bonds. It's no coincidence that random friends come into your life without knowing how it happened. Perhaps Henry James and Robert Stevenson did not know each other, but the sixth sense that we all showed them that they bear a great resemblance to each other.

Experts talk about the influence of the subconscious, where many of our emotions, experiences and sensations are stored. Over the years, we create strong neural connections between certain experiences and types that we identify instinctively without conscious awareness.

A client who really wanted to get married and was very upset because the man who was next to her was not eager to start a family and was very closed emotionally.
When working with her later, it became clear that in the depths of her unconscious there was a part very similar to this man, and it could manifest itself with completely different men.

We often feel these sensations. We are drawn to certain details without knowing why. We avoid certain people and situations without understanding the reason for this. As you can see, true magic lies within us, within the internal brain architecture that organizes our emotions.

Don't be shy about putting them into practice. Because the casual friends who clear their stormy skies may turn out to be some of the best in your life. There are so many things that are important in life, to know and understand all people, knowing how to read people, knowing how to distinguish yourself from the wrong people and the right people. It is very important to constantly surround yourself different people and get to know their mind and know their personality, traits, attitudes, actions, their track of thoughts about things. It's so important to know about this. Some people come into your life as blessings because they are the right type of people to be with, someone who is loyal to you, who will never lie to you, who will never betray you and your trust, someone who will always be yours spine, someone who will be a part of your life and will remain without them.

A young meek lady, at first glance possessing great patience, complains that her husband treats her very rudely and allows rude words and phrases towards her.
Upon further work with her, it turned out that inside her there was no less anger and aggression than her husband.

A young woman at the age of 25 converted to Islam with all the required customs, she appealed about her husband’s infidelities, while working with her it turned out that accepting Islam was a way to suppress her sexual desires in relation to other men.

Some people come into your life as lessons. Sometimes friendships, relationships do not go beyond what you expected and it is a learning experience to see the true colors of people and learn how personality, attitude and character develop over time. Over time you get to know people and some people have a gift for being able to read people instantly and know what they relate to, certain things keywords, eye, facial movement and body language.

Then we'll diagnose the problem itself.

Physical movements and eyes say a lot about a person, and some have the ability to look into people's eyes and see what others cannot see. We all need to be taught how to read people and how to be good judges of character. This will help you in the long run in future friendships, relationships and everything else. It is very important to be careful who trusts you and has given their whole heart, mind and soul. We can easily fool people who can say what we want to hear and try to convince us and persuade us to change our minds and thoughts, but it is very difficult.

From all these examples, only one thing follows: the people who come into our lives are our internal parts and do not come into our lives by chance.

It is not easy and difficult to accept this fact because we cannot see these parts and very often we do not even feel them.
They live in the depths of the unconscious, creating reality and attracting the appropriate people into our lives.
Every person who comes into our lives is not accidental.
By studying the people who come into our lives, we can gain enormous information about ourselves and our deep life.

Learning valuable lessons in life is important. It helps us grow, it helps us prepare for the endless possibilities and new things in life that we have yet to experience. There are all types of people in this world, there are so many personality traits, so many factors that go into a factor. The more educated they were, the more able they were to deal with people, dealing with vulnerable stages in life. We need to learn not to trust easily and we need to learn not to give up 100% if you are not 100% confident and confident in what you are doing in life.

You can study to know yourself not only in a psychologist’s office; you can study yourself by observing the attitude and behavior of people close and significant to us.

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We meet people for a reason. There is always some reason why someone comes into our life and leaves it. And the hardest thing is to realize that some people are destined to be with us only for a short time.

Life can throw some tough curve balls at times, but we have to be strong and we have to close a chapter in our lives and start another. Things happen for a reason, everything in life happens for a good reason, people come in and out of your life and that's another reason. Be happy, positive, confident, optimistic in life. If things are rocky, unsteady and miserable for you right now, always remember that everything works out in the end. God always protects us and watches over us. Learning valuable lessons in life and taking action is what will benefit you in the future.

People who come and quickly leave our lives are usually those who open us to new opportunities and ways of growth and development.

We don't want to let these people go because we start to get used to them. But we don't realize that some people are destined to be temporary in our lives, no matter how much we wish otherwise.

“Not everything has to become something beautiful and lasting. Some people come into your life to show you what is right and wrong, to show you who you can be, to teach you to love yourself, to make you feel better about yourself, or to simply be someone you can walk with at night and pour out your feelings. soul. Not everyone will stay forever, but we must keep going and be grateful to them for what they gave us.", - writer Emery Allen.

Although sometimes people don't think it will happen, when you least expect it, something great will come out of everything with patience, persistence and determination. When we expect it, and when we keep doing it, sometimes it will take longer and it won't be the result you were looking for. don't have too many expectations, don't flatten yourself, don't overload yourself with things. Let the right people come naturally.

Eventually God will place you with the right crowd and everything will make sense. Do the impossible possible without regrets, don't go back and just do what's best for you and do your best to pursue your own happiness and your own dreams and desires. Where there is a will, there is a way for everything. Try it, you will see the difference in no time.

I remember my most vivid acquaintances and now I understand why each person came into my life, and how they influenced who I am today. I shared my deepest thoughts, fears, secrets and dreams with people who were no longer in my life. I don’t regret it, because at that moment it was exactly what I wanted to do.

Don't worry, be happy and keep up with life. “Anyone who believes that making his own decisions depends only on the deception that his decision was made by his free will.” Gerhard Roth. “The measure of our awareness determines whether we actually use our free will or not.”

The simulation program creates the illusion of freedom and self-determination

“The intensity of our will determines Freedom or Freedom.” Dieter Broers. This primary world is imprinted with an artificial matrix. For me, the matrix is ​​a kind of modeling program. This program aims to keep us in the illusion of freedom and self-determination. Unbeknownst to most people, this program is taking over our destiny. Everything is determined in this software world, that is, predetermined. Where these “predictions” turn out to be correct, there can only be one conclusion: our world is determined and predetermined by the program.

It always seemed amazing to me that our lives intersect with the lives of so many people, and even if you only know someone for a short time, you can influence their life and their story. It's very exciting to look at it all from this point of view.

The sooner we realize that not everyone is meant to be a part of our lives, the easier it will be for us to plunge into new relationships and value time with a certain person, allowing them to leave when the time is right. We must make the most of the time we have with each other and focus on the present. Let go of expectations, assumptions and saturate yourself with as much communication as possible with people.

Living in a decisive world - without free will?

More and more people are viewing this manipulative game. Recognize the world beyond the Matrix. Prophecies only appear when we are unconscious. Dear friends. The following lines may give you more or less discomfort when reading. Like many of his colleagues, brain researcher Professor Gerhard Roth is convinced that we must finally say goodbye to the idea that there is free will in the traditional sense. It is true that no one denies researchers that a person can plan actions and weigh alternatives.

“I see a lot of people in unstimulating relationships - not just between guys and girls. Many people find themselves in stagnant friendships. If people were less afraid of ending something, they would get more out of life...You meet the right person at the right time and it fills something in your life. You fill something into it. But there is a limit to this,” singer Laura Marling.

How and when we finally act is largely determined by unconscious processes in the brain. And it turns out that this unconscious plays a much larger role than previously thought. As incredible as these statements may seem, they seem so true. Even before the decision to make a certain movement enters consciousness, it is prepared in the brain. Benjamin Leavitt concluded that a person's actions are not traceable to his will.

Libete's experiment to determine the time of onset of action

Libet's classic experiment describes the measurement of the time interval between the neural activity in the brain that precedes a specific hand movement and the subsequent awareness of the decision to act. To determine the moment of decision, Benjamin Libet used a good clock. The subject must remember the position of the pointer on this clock while solving it. With this test circuit, Libet was able to accurately determine the subject's time of conscious awareness to approximately 50 milliseconds. At the same time, the subject's brain waves and muscle movements were measured so that not only exact time the so-called motor action, but also the intensity of the readiness potential, with which one could measure movement in the motor cortex of the brain.

If you lose someone from your life, don't lose yourself.

Always remember that just because some people are temporary in your life, it doesn't make the memories and experiences you have with them any less important.