Presentation of Doyle's work The Lost World. Images of prehistoric animals in A. Conan Doyle's "The Lost World". Position of surgeon on the whaler "Nadezhda"

Note: The game is the final stage of work on the text of Conan Doyle’s story “The Lost World”.

Goals of the game: develop interest in classical foreign literature; test your knowledge of the text of A. Conan Doyle's story; in 5th grade - teach children to work harmoniously in a team, in 6th grade - consolidate teamwork skills.

Teacher's tasks: create conditions for a creative approach to students’ understanding of the text; develop their intellectual abilities; discuss on the forum “How to conduct a lesson on “The Lost World?” in grades 5, 6, create a game script - grade 6.

Preparation: Students are asked to divide into teams. Each team comes up with a name, motto, emblem, and item of clothing corresponding to the name of the team. Discussion of the scenario and proposals for running the game are carried out remotely, in electronic form. A literature teacher discusses a script written by sixth-graders with a physical education teacher.

Equipment (option 1): hoops, cones, leather balls, basketballs, rope, tape, crepe paper, logs, tent, tags, cards, egg-shaped plastic containers, stickers and signs for guides.

Equipment (2 option): rope, sheets of paper, markers, CDs with dance music, summary table for the teacher.

Option 1 for 6th grade (on school grounds)

A map of Maple-White's country is being prepared by the team. On the reverse side of the card is a stegosaurus, which Maple-White captured on the pages of his album.

The route is laid out by the teacher. The conductors make a mark on the map with a sticker after the team passes a certain “station”.

The teams line up on the court in front of the school. Welcome speech from the lead teacher.

Greetings to the teams (red, blue).

Presentation of cards. Draw of priority. Music.

Teams and guides (have a distinctive sign) take their places. (The conductors have bags in which they put away their equipment as they pass the “stations.”)

Station 1: Jungle.

Conductor question: What was Gladys's father's name?(Mr. Hungerton.) Having received the answer, the guide gives the team a hint.

Hint #1.

You climbed together along the wide river(lay out the soft balls like a snake, the players walk like a train) , penetrated through reeds in green tunnel(go through hoops - held by four), passed among the palm trees(pull a rope low between the trees, walk under it), overcome bamboo thickets(stretch the tape and step over it), we descended onto a plain overgrown with tree ferns. You saw a narrow valley, densely overgrown with palm trees, and behind it a long line red rocks (a Swedish wall covered with red crepe paper), which was remembered ... from the drawing in the album. There!..

Station 2: Get in at any cost!

Conductor question: What was the name of the editor of the Latest News department?(McArdle)

Hint #2.

The cliff became steeper and steeper, and for the last fifty feet we moved, clinging with our hands and feet to every ledge, to every crack in the stones. Challenger was the first to reach the top and tied a rope to the trunk of a large tree that grew there. With his help we soon climbed up the uneven stone wall and found ourselves on a small grassy area about twenty-five feet across. This was the top of the cliff. (Climb one wall bars and go down another).

Station 3: Plateau.

Conductor question: Where does Professor Challenger live?(In Elmore Park.)

The guide reports that there is a bridge across the abyss. The team must completely cross to the other side of the “abyss”: hang, move their hands, and “walk” through the small and medium turnstile.

Station 4: Crossing.

Conductor question: Challenger's favorite pastimes?(Hiking and mountaineering.)

The guide informs that it is necessary to transport “provisions” from the plateau to the “Lost World.” (Each team member must throw 3 balls into a hoop from a designated place.)

Station 5: Pterodactyl Pit.

Conductor question: Challenger's wife's name? (Mrs. Jessica Challenger.)

The guide reads or says: “We slowly moved there through the bushes that reached our waists, and suddenly we heard sounds somewhere very close - either a purr or a hiss - merging into an indistinct hum, from which the air trembled... a deep basin, probably one of those small craters, of which there are many on the plateau. At the bottom of this basin, about a hundred yards from where we lay, behind the edge of the reeds, stagnant puddles shimmered with greenery. Pterodactyls nested here - hundreds and hundreds of pterodactyls! The basin was teeming with them...”

The task of the “travelers” is to overcome the jumping pit in 5 jumps.

Station 6: "Overnight"

Conductor question: Challenger's full name?(George Edward Challenger.)

Make a fence around the tent from stakes, rope, and build a “bonfire”. When answering the guide’s question, they receive a hint where to look for the next clue, for example: “There are 3 marks on the 17th metal rod from the corner. One of them will contain a key - “rifle cartridges”. Give to the conductor of the next station.”

Station 7: Diamond Eye.

Conductor question: What was the name of the newspaper where Mellon worked? (Daily Gazette)

Throwing into a basketball basket. You need to score 450 points. Get a hint where to look pterodactyl egg - station 8.

Station 9:The way home.

“Travelers” find a pterodactyl egg, follow a given path to Indian, answer his questions, hand over the card and leave the “Lost World”.

Questions Indian:

What were the names of the half-breeds that Challenger recruited? (Gomez, Manuel.)

What was the name of the black man who accompanied the Challenger expedition (Sambo.)

How many notebooks did Mellon have? (5)

What was the name of Camp Challenger? ("Fort Challenger.)

The first herbivorous dinosaurs found by expedition members? (Iguanodon.)

Who made an attempt on Mellow's life? (Man-apes.)

“Lunch” in honor of the return.

Option 2 for 5th grade (in the classroom)

Maps made by teams are on a magnetic board.

I. Write the name of the team and give answers to 7 questions, submit the answers in writing.

1. What is the name of the newspaper where Mellon works? (Daily Gazette)

2. Challenger's full name? (George Edward Challenger.)

3. Challenger's wife's name (Jessica Challenger.)

4. Challenger's favorite pastimes? (Hiking and mountaineering.)

5. Where does Professor Challenger live? (In Elmore Park.)

6. What was the name of the editor of the Latest News department? (McArdle)

7. What was the name of Gladys' father? (Mr. Hungerton.)

II. Sketch “Man is the creator of his own glory”, chapter 1

Sketch “This is a completely impossible person”, chapter 2

III. Teacher: “The maps with which you will visit the Lost World today show the stegosaurus depicted by Maple-White on the pages of his album: a monster with a round back set with triangular teeth, with a small bird’s head lowered almost to the ground, the monster that it used to be Challenger was the one who was most interested. The earth shook under his terrible weight, he lapped up the water so loudly that these sounds seemed to wake up the night...”

Are the teams ready? Your greeting!

Station 1:Jungle(pantomime performed by teams)

You've risen together across the wide river, penetrated through reeds in the green tunnel, overcome bamboo thickets, descended onto a plain overgrown with tree ferns. You saw a narrow valley, densely overgrown with palm trees, and behind it a long line red rocks, which was remembered from the drawing in the album.

Station 2: Get in at any cost!

“The cliff became steeper and steeper, and for the last fifty feet we moved, clinging with our hands and feet to every ledge, to every crack in the stones. Challenger was the first to reach the top and...” (think and continue: “...tied a rope to the trunk of a large tree that grew there. With his help we soon climbed up the uneven stone wall and found ourselves on a small grassy area about twenty-five feet across. This was the top of the cliff.”)

Station 3: Crossing. Walk along the rope holding hands without tripping.

In many places the ground was completely covered with flowers, and our feet were buried up to our ankles in this magnificent soft carpet, which spread around such a strong and sweet fragrance that it made our heads spin. Bees were buzzing everywhere, just like the ones we have in England. The branches of the trees bent low under the weight of fruits, some known to us, some completely unknown. In this part of the jungle, paths made by wild animals ran everywhere, and the swampy lowlands were dotted with many tracks.

Write down the name of the first herbivorous dinosaurs that the expedition members found (write down the answer - Iguanodon), hand in the answers to the teacher.

Station 4:Pterodactyl Pit.

We slowly moved there through the bushes that reached our waists, and suddenly we heard sounds somewhere very close - either a purr or a hiss - merging into an indistinct hum that made the air tremble... A deep hollow yawned in front of us, probably one one of those small craters that are numerous on the plateau. At the bottom of this basin, about a hundred yards from where we lay, behind the edge of the reeds, stagnant puddles shimmered with greenery. Pterodactyls nested here - hundreds and hundreds of pterodactyls! The basin was swarming with them. This whole swarming mass of lizards, beating their wings, shook the air with screams and spread such a terrible stench around them that nausea came to our throats. (Mark on the map.)

Station 5: "Overnight" Question: “What was the name of the Challenger camp?” (Fort Challenger) Mark on the map.

Station 6: Diamond eye.

A nameless, terrible monster hunts in these very places. It could rush at me from the darkness of the forest at any moment. I stopped, took a cartridge out of my pocket and opened the bolt of the rifle...

Station 7: Visiting a wild tribe. Team dances.

Station 8: The way home. Mark the exit from the Lost World on the map.

We remove the attributes, deal the cards, return Home and drink cocoa (the drink of the heroes from “The Lost World”).

Questions for “just in case”:

  1. What were the names of the half-breeds that Challenger recruited? (Gomez, Manuel)
  2. What was the name of the black man who accompanied the Challenger expedition (Sambo)
  3. How many notebooks did Mellon have? (5)

Teacher Summary Table

Pathfinders Paleontologists-1 Paleontologists-2 Indians Expedition
7 questions
Challenger's response
Answer to the question
Mark on the map of the pterodactyl pit
Mark on the map of Fort Challenger
Station 6. What happened next?
Team dancing
Mark the exit from the Lost World on the map

Literature used.

  1. Text of A. Conan Doyle's story “The Lost World” on paper and electronic media.

The laws of fantastic literature are the rapid development of action; secrets, riddles in content; tension up to decoupling; increasing reader interest. Features of fiction melts elements of fairy tales, myths, and adventure literature; shows interest in psychological authenticity and the “plausibility of the extraordinary” “Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary”

About the creator of the book The creator of the series of detective works about Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle, made a significant contribution to the science fiction genre. Bold hypotheses about the existence of prehistoric lizards in the modern world or about the legendary Atlanteans living in the depths of the ocean acquired an amazing reality under his pen. Together with the brave scientists Challenger and Maracot, readers go on dangerous journeys in search of the unknown and experience dizzying adventures with them.

Abstract Conan Doyle "The Lost World" The Lost World. The book tells about the incredible adventures of the brave Englishmen, who were thrown into the jungles of South America by the scientific discoveries of Professor Challenger, where a corner of the prehistoric world miraculously survived.

Strange Creatures We had an urgent task to penetrate peacefully into the Country of Maple White. We managed to see with our own eyes that some strange creatures live in it, and Maple White’s sketches promised us the appearance of other, even more terrible monsters. Finally, we had every reason to think that there were people on the plateau, whose ferocity was indicated by the skeleton, torn by bamboo.

Desire Without harboring any hope of salvation, we knew that danger awaited us at every step, and we decided to take all the precautions that Lord John's experience suggested. But how could we linger long on the threshold of this mysterious world if we were tormented by the desire to penetrate into its very heart as quickly as possible!

Lord John, who was walking ahead, suddenly stopped and raised his hand. Look! he said. Here's the trail! The progenitor of all birds probably walked here! Huge three-toed footprints were clearly visible in the viscous mud. They led through the swamp to the forest. We stopped at these monstrous prints. If a bird really passed here, what animal could leave such traces? then her paw is so much larger than that of an ostrich that it is even difficult to imagine the size of this giant. Lord John looked around carefully and put two cartridges into his large-caliber rifle. I guarantee the honor of the hunter, he said, that the tracks are completely fresh. The tracks are quite fresh

Who could have dreamed that we... No, my dear Roxton, this is not a bird at all! Beast? No, a dinosaur reptile. It's him and no one else! Ninety years ago such traces baffled a very respectable scientist from Sussex. But who could dream... who could dream... what we would have to see...

What will they say in England? Both professors seemed speechless with joy... An angelic smile played on Challenger’s lips, causing his cheeks to swell like apples; the bilious grimace disappeared from Summerlee's face, giving way to an expression of awe. Nunc dimittis! he exclaimed at last. What will they say about this in England? My dear Summerlee, I can tell you in confidence what exactly will be said in England, answered Challenger. They will say that you are a notorious liar and a charlatan who has nothing to do with science. The same thing that you and others like you said about me. What if we present photographs? Fake, Summerlee! Crude fake! What if we present physical evidence? A! Then they won’t get away from us!

Information resources illustrations for the book Buneev R.N., Buneeva E., V. Notebook on literature. 5th grade (for the textbook “Step beyond the horizon”) - 3rd edition, revised - M.: Balass, 2012.


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Biography

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Sherlock Holmes

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Complete Works

Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle


Novelist, short story writer, poet, physician




Detective fiction, fantasy, science fiction, historical novels, nonfiction


Stories of Sherlock Holmes, The Lost World

Arthur Conan Doyle was born 22 May 1859 in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh.

His father Charles E. Doyle was an artist and architect by profession. He drank a lot and earned little. He died young and the Doyles were poor.

Arthur 4 years

After leaving school Conan Doyle became a student of the medical faculty at the university of Edinburgh.

Arthur worked as an assistant pharmacist to help his family.

As the ship's doctor he traveled to the Arctic and West Africa.

He began his medical practice in a small English town Southsea. His spare time he devoted literature.

In August 1885 he married Louise Hawkins a sister of one of his rare patients. They had two children Mary Louise and Kingsley and strongly encouraged him to persevere in literature.

In 1887, he wrote his first detective story "A Study in Scarlet".

The main characters were Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

In December 1899 the Anglo-Boer War began. Conan Doyle went to Africa as a military doctor. Then he wrote a book "The Great Boer War".

In 1902 King Edward VII gave Arthur Conan Doyle knightly name and the title "Sir". !}

1894. Family portrait.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Foyle Mary, the mother of the writer

Conan Doyle's first wife Louise

Jean Leckie was Doyle's second wife in 1906.

"Andershou" is a house of Arthur Conan Doyle in the countryside Hayndhede. The writer lived here for ten years. These were the years of his creative

career and popularity.

Beside detective stories Conan Doyle also wrote historic novels. His two fantastic stories “ The lost world" (1912) and “ The Poison Belt ” (1913) were quite successful.

All his life Conan Doyle liked sport. He skied, played golf and went in for boxing.

Writer and his family traveled a lot.

Arthur Conan Doyle died in July 7 in 1930. He was buried in Minstead Hampshire.

Doyle statue in Crowborough , East Sussex.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Chronology

Conan Doyle wrote his first story about Sherlock Holmes in 1887. In this story the detective met his friend Dr. Watson. Holmes and Watson lived at 221-B Baker Street in London.

Adventures of Sherlock Holmes had four novels: "A Study in Scarlet" (1887), "The Sign of Four" (1890), "Hound of the Baskervilles", "The Valley of Fear" and five collections of short stories, the most famous of which "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (1892), "Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" (1894) and "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" (1905).

The popularity of Sherlock Holmes and his faithful companion and biographer Dr. Watson became a legend, the center of which is an apartment in London in Baker Street 221B.

Museum literary hero

There is Sherlock Holmes Museum in London. It was reconstituted as described in the books.

Baker - Street 221b

In Russia the film about Sherlock Holmes is very popular.

The best acting duo –

Vasily Livanov (Holmes)

Vitaly Solomin (Watson)

The statue of Sherlock Holmes in Edinburgh is opposite the birthplace of Doyle which was demolished.

"The Lost World".

"The Poison Belt".

Arthur Conan Doyle wrote more than 200 works.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:

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My favorite writer

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One day, when I came to the library, I saw an old leather-bound book on the shelf. Taking it, I saw a beautiful inscription: Arthur Cona Doyle. I brought this book home and started reading. It contained stories about the insightful detective Sherlock Holmes. He investigated various crimes in which the police threw up their hands and said: “We can’t help.” Sherlock Holmes could determine by a small fingernail who this person was, what he did, where he was from... And therefore not a single criminal escaped from a well-deserved punishment. I really liked Sherlock Holmes for his intelligence and ability to build a logical chain, and Conan Doyle became my favorite writer. I wanted to know more about this writer.

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Early years

The writer's real name is Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle. Born in Edinburgh (Scotland) on May 22, 1859, into an Irish Catholic family known for its achievements in art and literature. Father Charles Altamont Doyle, an architect and artist, at the age of 22 married 17-year-old Mary Foley, who passionately loved books and had a great talent for storytelling. The family of the future writer experienced serious financial difficulties. And at the age of 9, wealthy relatives sent Arthur to a closed boarding school, where he discovered his talent as a storyteller and disliked religious class prejudices, as well as physical punishment. In 1876, Arthur graduated from college and returned home. Doyle chose a medical career and entered the University of Edinburgh. It was there that he wrote his first story. And in 1880, he sailed for 7 months on a whaling ship as a doctor. And having received a university diploma and a bachelor's degree in medicine in 1881, he went into practice.

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Literary life.

In February 1888, A. Conan Doyle completed work on the novel Micah Clarke, which told the story of the Monmouth Rebellion of 1685, the purpose of which was to overthrow King James II. The novel was released in November and was warmly received by critics. From this moment on, a conflict arose in Conan Doyle's creative life: on the one hand, the public and publishers demanded new works about Sherlock Holmes; on the other hand, the writer himself increasingly sought to gain recognition as the author of serious novels (primarily historical ones), as well as plays and poems. Conan Doyle's first serious historical work is considered to be the novel "The White Squad". With some allowance, the novel “Rodney Stone” (1896) can also be classified as historical: the action here takes place at the beginning of the 19th century, Napoleon and Nelson, playwright Sheridan are mentioned.

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In 1900, Conan Doyle returned to medical practice: as a surgeon at a military field hospital, he went to the Boer War. His book The War in South Africa, published in 1902, met with warm approval from conservative circles. As a result of his activities, an appeal court was created in England in 1907, which had not existed before. In 1909, events in Africa again came into Conan Doyle's sphere of public and political interests. This time he exposed Belgium's brutal colonial policy in the Congo and criticized the British position on this issue. In 1912, Conan Doyle published the science fiction novel The Lost World (subsequently adapted into films), followed by The Poison Belt (1913). The main character of both works was Professor Challenger, a fanatic scientist endowed with grotesque qualities, but at the same time humane and charming in his own way.

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The outbreak of the First World War completely turned Conan Doyle's life upside down. At first, he volunteered for the front, confident that his mission was to set a personal example of heroism and service to his homeland. After this offer was rejected, he devoted himself to journalism. Beginning on August 8, 1914, his letters on military topics appeared in the London Times. He proposed creating a massive combat reserve and civilian detachments to perform “protection services for railway stations and vital facilities, help in the construction of fortifications and perform many other combat tasks.” At home in Crowborough (Sussex County), Doyle personally began organizing such detachments and on the first day put 200 people under arms. In 1916, the writer traveled through the combat positions of British troops and visited the Allied armies. The result of the trip was the book “On Three Fronts” (1916). In 1924, Conan Doyle's autobiographical book, Memoirs and Adventures, was published. The writer’s last major work was the science fiction story “Marakot’s Abyss” (1929).

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Recent years

The writer spent the entire second half of the 20s traveling, visiting all continents, without stopping his active journalistic activity. After this trip, the writer’s health suddenly deteriorated. At some point there was an improvement, and Conan Doyle went to London, but, alas, in the early morning of July 7, 1930, at his home in Crowborough (Sussex). Conan Doyle died of a heart attack. He was buried not far from his garden house. At the request of the widow, only the writer’s name, date of birth and four words were engraved on the tombstone: Steel True, Blade Straight (“True as steel, straight as a blade”).

“Cities of the World” - 1. Rapid growth of the urban population. Sao Paulo Moscow. A temporary settlement is a camp for reindeer herders in the tundra. New York. The farm is a dispersed form of settlement. Shanghai is the largest city in the world within an urban area. Features of urbanization. Levels and rates of urbanization. Largest cities in the world: Damascus is the oldest capital of the world.

“Famous places of the world” - Moscow. Stonehenge is a great book of secrets made of stone. You are welcome. In 50 rooms, objects from different eras are exhibited - from prehistoric times to the Byzantine period. The Saxons named the megalith Stonehenge, which means "hanging stone." Athens gave the world an unsurpassed work of philosophy, drama, sculpture and architecture.

“Tolstoy’s War and Peace” - The writer portrays Kutuzov as simple and modest. Show the importance of popular forces in the liberation of Russia from French troops. Raevsky's battery. Tolstoy devotes a number of vivid paintings to the actions of the partisans. Battle for Raevsky's battery. MROU "Sharchinskaya Secondary School". Tikhon became “the most needed person in Denisov’s detachment.” The head of the party was a sexton who took several hundred prisoners a month.

“How beautiful this world is” - Migratory birds began to return from warm regions. But most of all I love summer weather. People take care of the world. We looked at the sky, it seemed to me as if I was in a fairy tale. The area suddenly changed dramatically. Fishing. The breeze blows a little. The sky is clear. The sun is shining brightly. There are a lot of plants in the forest.

“Lesson War and Peace” - L.N. Tolstoy “I tried to write the history of the people.” The role of landscapes in the description of the battle. Battle of Borodino. The image of an oak tree in the novel. Defense of Smolensk. Pierre and the Masons. Epic novel “War and Peace” (1863 – 1869). Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov. The genre of the epic novel. The image of the “high sky”. Lesson summary. Pierre at Bazdeev's Artist M.S. Rodionov.

“History of the World” - Middle Ages. How did people learn about life in the Middle Ages? It's a difficult time. Inventions of the 19th century. Primitive history. Ancient world. World War II (1939-1945). Ancient Egypt Ancient Greece Ancient Rome. What is history? What science helped people learn about the past? New time. First World War (1914-1918).