Scenario for the New Year of the Dog for a cheerful company of guests. Scenario for the New Year's holiday "welcoming the year of the dog" Cool scenario for the new year - the year of the dog

Many people believe that the New Year's corporate party is an event held by the company's management just for show. That is why there are many reasons and excuses not to go to a boring reception. It all depends on the company and employees. It cannot be said that a boring corporate office party is an established stereotype. An experienced manager knows that corporate events are the key to successful team building. The New Year's corporate party allows employees to get to know each other better, build informal, friendly relationships and turn the company's team into one whole, instead of impersonal people from different departments. To make the holiday fun, various funny scenarios, skits and competitions are invented. Large companies create vacancies for people specially involved in organizing corporate events and holidays, but if there are no such workers, you can hire a specialist or come up with and organize everything yourself. Our article will help you make your corporate party for the New Year 2018 interesting and unforgettable. To do this, you need to consider several important points.

  1. Number of employees at the event. When planning a party, you need to start from this moment, taking into account the gender, age and interests of all participants in the corporate party.
  2. Financial issues. Think about your corporate party budget in advance.
  3. Venue for the corporate party for the New Year 2018. Once you know the number of corporate party participants, their interests and hobbies, it will be easier to decide on the location. You will understand which establishment to order, a bar, restaurant or office hall.
  4. Corporate event date. Since employees will want to spend New Year's Eve at home with their families, it is advisable to hold a corporate event on the Friday or Saturday closest to the New Year.
  5. Cool script, competitions, jokes. Come up with your own theme, fun competitions and skits so that your employees don’t have to get bored. So, since 2018 is the year of the dog, you can come up with an appropriate theme.
  6. Incentive prizes, gifts. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on this part, but it’s worth buying at least small souvenirs.
  7. Design and decor of a corporate party for the New Year 2018. Think about how to decorate the hall that would be combined with the theme that you have chosen. Nowadays, stores are full of things, stickers and toys that will help you decorate your interior. Since this is the year of the dog, come up with appropriate decorative elements.
  8. Menu. Order interesting dishes and create a menu to surprise everyone at the corporate party.
  9. Dress code for a corporate party for the New Year 2018. Since the party has its own theme, ask all guests to dress accordingly.

In this article we will also look at several ideas on how to have a fun and memorable corporate event.

We bring to your attention a cool corporate party scenario for the New Year 2018, “Scooby-Doo and the New Year’s Adventure.” Since 2018 is the year of the dog, it is advisable to come up with corresponding competitions. You can make a holiday in the style of the famous and popular cartoon in the 70s about the dog detective Scooby-Doo and his team.


  1. Scooby-Doo (main character, dog detective);
  2. Shaggy (a dog's best friend, characterized by a lack of intelligence and a low IQ);
  3. Fred (leader of the Mystical Corporation team, smart and confident handsome);
  4. Velma (the brains of the entire detective team, boring but very smart);
  5. Daphne (the red-haired beauty with whom something constantly happens).


  1. dog collar;
  2. a tie for Fred;
  3. glasses for Velma;
  4. red wig for Daphne
  5. Detective icons.
  6. musical accompaniment;
  7. paper Christmas tree preparations;
  8. consolation prizes;
  9. newspaper;

The main goal of New Year's Eve will be to find the kidnapped Daphne. It is proposed to complete a series of quests that will lead you to this goal.

Suggested lines from the characters.

Fred, walking next to Daphne, does not notice how she falls into another trap. He turns around to say something to her and sees that there is no one behind him. He calls a girl, but there is silence in response. Scooby-Doo, Velma and Shaggy then come out.

Fred. Oh my God! Someone kidnapped Daphne.

Velma. As always, I'm tired of looking for her every episode. Someday there will be.

Fred. Come on, you've always been jealous of her. She's a real beauty.

Velma (adjusting her glasses). Her beauty cannot compare with my intelligence and ingenuity. I have nothing to envy.

Shaggy. Guys, don't quarrel. We need to gather our thoughts and start searching.

Scooby-Doo. Wuffffff. We need to look around (he finds a newspaper in search of a clue).

Fred. What does it say there?

Scooby-Doo. The government wishes everyone a Happy New Year. It is also said that the crime rate increases during the New Year holidays. In this regard, Spiderman and Batman are asked not to drink, so that they do not go out on a call while intoxicated again.

Velma. My God, what stupidity.

Shaggy (taking the newspaper in his hands). Oh, they also write here that Baba Yaga had plastic surgery, had her breasts enlarged and applied for a beauty contest. Isn't she old?

Velma. It is not polite to ask a lady's age.

Fred. Where did you see the lady in it? Okay, let's start searching (looks at the last page of the newspaper). Look, there’s something written here in pencil (reads). If you want to find a girl, fulfill all my requirements.

Velma looks around and finds task cards.

The search for Daphne and the completion of tasks begins.

Participants undergo the first quest - competition "Guess what".

Description of the competition.

The presenter names the abbreviation. You can use capital letters of the company name or something that participants can guess. Everyone offers their own decoding options, choosing all sorts of funny options. The one who deciphers the hidden abbreviation will win the competition.

The winner of the competition is awarded a consolation prize.

Shaggy. Wait, we can ask Scooby to pick up the trail. Buddy, look for Daphne's scent.

Scooby-Doo (sniffing). It doesn’t smell like anything... Although no, I smell perfume, and it seems to be Channel No. 5.

Fred. This is her favorite perfume. Scooby lead us on the trail.

Everyone runs after the dog.

A competition is being held "Take the trail."

Description of the competition.

As is known, dog knows how to follow the trail. The main goal of this competition is to follow the trail blindfolded. All those present are divided into two teams. Each team selects a detective who must complete the task. Pre-made footprints of a human foot or, for example, large dog footprints are laid out on the floor of the room. Each team members choose one detective. He needs to carefully examine the tracks and remember their location. Then they blindfold you and ask you to follow these tracks. The team members' task is to suggest in which direction they are. The detective is followed by another participant, who collects the tracks already covered and at the end counts their number. After this, a detective from another team comes and does everything exactly the same. If desired, the competition can be repeated several times. The winning team is awarded detective badges.

The feast continues. Everyone makes toasts and says goodbye to the Old New Year. Music is playing (you can take songs on New Year's themes).

Velma. So, we have already completed two tasks. Let's get this over with quickly.

Fred (winking). Velma, honey, we still have the whole night ahead of us.

Velma. Yeah. Joker. Probably Petrosyan's grandson. What's in the third task?

Scooby-Doo. It says here that we need to find clues in this room that will help us find Daphne.

Competition "Collect the key".

For this competition you need to hide paper keys throughout the hall. The participants' task is to find as many clues as possible to the music. Whoever finds the most is the winner.

Velma. Fuhh, done (addresses Shaggy). Let's get on with the next task right away while we get caught up.

Shaggy. Only two words are written: “Cool Eggs”...

Velma. What nonsense?

Scooby-Doo. Wufff...

A competition is being held "Cool Eggs"

Competition rules:

The eggs are boiled and placed on a dish. Two volunteers are selected. It is announced that all the eggs on the dish are boiled except one. You need to break eggs on the “rival’s” forehead. With every broken egg it becomes more and more fun. Don't forget to have napkins ready in case you do find a raw egg.

The feast continues again. Also organize dancing to some fun music. After drinking alcohol, you can arrange competitions more fun.

Velma. Well, when will we find this Daphne. The next card says "Who has it longer." Boys, this is a task for you, it seems. I just don’t understand what the kidnapper wanted to say?

The competition begins “Who has it longer?”

Description of the competition:

This competition requires two teams of players. Each team must lay out a chain of clothes; whatever they want is taken off. The team with the longest chain wins. If you are celebrating a corporate party for the New Year 2018 in a club or other crowded place, you can choose two players who are likely to take off their clothes within the bounds of decency, and then you can ask people from the audience for help.

Shaggy. Oooh, last card.

Scooby-Doo. Wuff...And what is there?

Fred. Yes, indeed, speak up already.

Shaggy. I blinded you from what was.

This competition is mainly for women. Each woman chooses Santa Claus and dresses him up using available materials (cosmetics, sweets, clothes, Christmas tree decorations, etc.). Then everyone should present their grandfather in an interesting way, using rhymes, songs, dance, etc.

The one whose Santa Claus receives more applause will win the competition.

Scooby-Doo (screams). Hey, we fulfilled all your conditions, let Daphne go.

Red-haired Daphne comes out with a bottle in her hands and a cheerful look.

Fred (questioningly and surprised). Daphne?? Did your kidnapper get you drunk? What even happened?

Daphne (taking a sip from the bottle). Stupid. I kidnapped myself.

Velma. But why??

Daphne. Well, it's New Year after all. I wanted to have some fun. And watching you fulfill my stupid conditions was very fun and interesting.

Scooby-Doo. Next time, you will save yourself.

Everyone leaves offended, leaving Daphne behind.

Daphne (taking another sip). Well, it turned out cool.

This cool scenario for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 will amuse your company and not let you get bored. If desired, you can add more competitions and games.

The decoration of the hall for a corporate party for the New Year 2018 should correspond to the theme. For such a theme, you need to decorate the room in a mysterious style. You can hang a web of threads on the walls, scraps of maps, funny pictures, or stills from the cartoon itself. To fully adhere to the theme, make a van from scrap materials. The table can be decorated with paper bones, a magnifying glass and even themed dishes.

Choose fun competitions for New Year's Eve, taking into account the age, interests, and mobility of your colleagues.

Tested and cheerful competition is "New Year's Turnip". The number of participants corresponds to the number of characters in the fairy tale, and add one more person who will be the host. All players need to remember their role, because everyone has their own words. The turnip says “Oba-na!”, clapping his hands. Grandfather, rubbing his hands, says “Tek-s.” Grandma shouts “I would kill you!” and threatens his grandfather with his fist. Granddaughter - (use your imagination, take a plus-size man for this role) - says “I’m ready.” The bug is itching behind its ear and says, “The fleas are tormented.” The cat says, “And I’m on my own,” stroking itself on the head. The mouse shakes its head and says, “We’ve finished the game!” The presenter begins to read the original fairy tale, and the characters, hearing their names, pronounce their words. The most interesting thing begins when the presenter says “Grandfather for Turnip, Grandma for Dedka...”. It is still recommended to play the fairy tale several times before showing it. An explosion of laughter and fun are guaranteed.

Competition "Drunken Checkers".

All you need to prepare in advance is a chessboard. The competition is held following the rules of the famous game of checkers. Only instead of the usual red and white checkers, alcoholic drinks are poured into glasses. For women you can take red and white wine, and for men - cognac and vodka. Then everything happens like a game of checkers.

Competition "Never".

Each of the guests needs to name something that he has never done in his life. For example, I have never been to the mountains or eaten sushi, etc. Those participants who did this drink a glass of alcohol. Try to come up with sentences that are fun and interesting.

Competition "The most resourceful Snow Maiden".

This game involves 4 pairs (woman-man). The girls are blindfolded, and the men are given 10 Christmas tree decorations to hide in their clothes (in their pockets, in socks, under a sweater or shirt, etc.). Girls must find these toys. Whoever does it faster is the winner.

Competition "Cinderella".

Two teams are recruited for this competition. The presenter brings out two trays on which confetti is scattered. The participants' task is to sort the confetti by color to the rousing music. The team that does it faster will win.

“It will be done” competition.

The number of players can be any. The players are divided into two teams. The theme of the competition is selected, for example, love, sports, animals, winter, etc. The task of each team is to select a song on a given topic and sing a couple of lines from it. The team that lasts the longest wins.

Competition “Catch the Ball!”

Everything is simple here. Two participants are selected. Everyone is given a ball and the task is to hit it without dropping it on the floor. The one whose ball falls first loses.

These are just some of the competitions. In general, there are a lot of them. You can come up with your own, diversify old ones, and adapt them to your company. The main condition is that competitions must be fun, interesting and suitable for any person from the company.

Why do we need the original ones? skits for New Year? The answer is simple. They provide an opportunity to relax, connect with people and just have fun. There should not be few of them, but not too many, as guests may get tired. Think about the optimal amount skits and their form (active, “scenes for a feast”, “for adults”, “sedentary”, etc.). We have selected several interesting skits, so that you can use them in preparation for the New Year's corporate party.

The first scene is “The body after drinking.”

Prepare signs with the names of organs in advance. They can be made from cardboard and stapled together. Participants can either stand or sit at the table. Explain to the participants that they need to read the lines on time and only when given a signal. Each participant has his own organ and his own lines. Print the text in advance and distribute it for review. It must be funny and interesting, otherwise there will be no desired impression from this scene.

The scene involves: Liver, Eyes, Brain, Stomach, Memory, Bladder, Legs, Conscience, Lungs, Tongue.

Suggested text for remarks:

The morning after the New Year, the body woke up. The brains were the first to turn on.

Brain. My God, how bad it is. Eyes, come on, open.

Eyes. Opened up. What has become easier?

The Liver wakes up.

Liver. God, where am I?

Brain. Where-where. Still in place, in the body of this idiot. Why did you drink so much yesterday?

The eyes became thoughtful.

Eyes. How much did we drink yesterday?

Memory turned on.

Memory. I don’t remember, you said yesterday that you don’t need traitors who will constantly remind you of drinking, and you knocked me out.

Then the bladder spoke.

Bladder. Hey, I need to go to the toilet!

The legs also woke up and screamed.

Legs. Be patient, otherwise because of you there is so much stomping, and it’s so bad!

Brain. We listened to everyone carefully, washed and got ready. We need to go to work. Hey legs, let's go!

Suddenly my conscience awoke.

Conscience. Friends, what about washing?

The stomach answers: what about in the face? Where were you hanging around yesterday?

Conscience. I...I...I...Who poured it?

Legs. Naturally hands, who else. Look how they are shaking.

Hands. Scoff, scoff. Fool, we have to work hard all day today.

And her brain began to move.

Brain. Hey legs, didn't I say something clearly, let's go to work!

And then my bladder began to ache again.

Bladder. And go to the toilet, I’ll burst soon!

Suddenly the memory dawned.

Memory. That’s right, yesterday there was a New Year’s corporate party. There was still a tongue carrying whatever it was.

Language. What?? I made such speeches. No need to chatter here.

The lungs reminded me of themselves.

Lungs. There would be haze now.

But they were besieged by the language.

Language. Yeah, now. And so in the mouth, it looks like the cat put a bunch of it.

And then my hands began to ache.

Hands. Give me a drink already, I won’t be able to work.

The brain turned on again.

Brain. How did you get everything, let's go to the table. There seems to be half a bottle of cognac left.

Sketch "Dance while you're young."

Three women are selected as participants. Their task is to pretend that they are at a dance competition and have to dance three dances. The presenter names the style of dance (rock and roll, Russian folk, lambada, etc.), and calls each of the participants one by one, while presenting them in some creative way. All other guests will be judges who will choose the winner with the help of applause.

New Year's 2018 skit about the Snow Queen.

Snow Queen: Zlyuchka and Thorn come to me. Fast!

Zlyuchka and Thorn run in.

Snow Queen: Well! How long have you been doing dirty tricks? Speak!

Zlyuchka: A long time ago...

Thorn: A long time ago...

Snow Queen: Not in order. We need to come up with something. After all, you want to ruin everyone’s holiday?

Zlyuchka: I want...

Thorn: It’s already pricking...

Snow Queen: Well, take the New Year's catalog from Avon. But remember, this is no ordinary magazine. Each page has its own disease. Whoever touches her will get sick.

Sneaky: Really?

Thorn: Will it completely fall off?

Sneaky: And will he miss the New Year?

Thorn: Seriously?

Snow Queen: And he will lie down and let you pass. Go and show the catalog to everyone you meet.

Sneaky: What if it doesn’t help?

Thorn: What if people take antiviral pills?

Snow Queen: And they will be left alone on New Year's Eve... Forward!

They go out. Ivanushka appears.

Ivanushka: Hey Alyonushka?? How long can you gather? Oh, these women. By the time he gets dressed, put on his makeup, and then starts taking selfies, he could die of hunger.

Zlyuchka: What is this, Ivanushka the Fool? AND

Thorn: No. This is the one who was a little goat in childhood and turned into it.

Sneaky. Yeah, now a real goat has grown tall... Quickly open the page with the infection for animals.

Thorn: Young man, look at what perfumes are available for your sister.

Ivanushka: Oh, Alyonushka needs to buy something. I completely forgot. It’s true what they say, you don’t think well on an empty stomach.

Sneaky: Well?

Thorn: Did you like the perfume?

Ivanushka: Oh, I feel bad. And my head is spinning.

Alyonushka enters

Alyonushka: Ivanushka, what have you done again? Why so pale?

Zlyuchka: And we infected him so that he would miss the holiday!

Thorn: Yes, yes. And you won’t do anything anymore!

Ivanushka starts coughing.

Alyonushka: Yeah, now (Takes the phone). We dial the number. Orderlies for me.

Ivanushka. I think you've got something mixed up. I won't go back to the mental hospital again.

The orderlies run in.

Orderlies: What happened, where is the infection?

Alyonushka: Yes, these are the ones walking around here, spreading things around.

Ivanushka: I was given some kind of infection.

Orderlies: I see, they are taking out syringes. We'll fix everything now.

Zlyuchka and Thorn run away screaming, the orderlies follow them.

Alyonushka: I told you to go to the rocking chair, and you...Well, okay...

The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden: I heard what happened. Okay, so be it, I’ll help. Just don't get sick anymore!

Everyone loves to have fun. If you are planning a New Year's corporate party, think of everything in advance. Please your employees not only with an excellent and interesting menu, but also with a cool scenario.


Irina Gavryushina
Scenario of the New Year's party in the senior group “Year of the Dog”

1. Can be heard "call signs"(minus, to the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”. music by L. K. Bekman, lyrics by R. A. Kudasheva


Multi-colored lights

This hall sparkles

And invites all children

On New Year's ball.

So let the music sound

The hour of celebration has come

And invites everyone to dance in a circle

Happy carnival!

1. To cheerful music phonogram: "IN New Year's forest» (Squirrels are jumping, hares are jumping, children in carnival costumes enter the hall, surround the tree, walk in a circle and sing.

Lyrics of the song:

1 verse:

New Year's stars hung on a tall tree

And the bear is cheerful today and the wolves are dancing.

Again Santa Claus walks through the forest apartments,

He treats you to lollipops and creamy ice cream.

Chorus: (movements according to the lyrics)

Squirrels dance, hares dance

The forest people are very happy.

Meet with song, meet with dance -

New Year!

Chorus: same


Children perform dance movements at the choice of the music director -

After the round dance


It happens in the world,

That only once a year

The Christmas tree lights up

Lovely lights.


The star burns, does not melt,

Magic ice glitters

And it comes right away

Happy New Year!


We shake hands with a friend,

Let's go near the Christmas tree!

3. Children sing a round dance song: « New Year's song» music by I. Kirillov, lyrics by N. Shahin.

Magazine "Musical Director" No. 10-2016, p. 50

Lyrics of the song:

1. Blizzard and blizzard,

Snow is spreading on the ground,

The beauty of winter has come to us.

And on every street

Santa Claus is playing around -

Frost decorated all the houses.

2. And in houses today

Holiday New Year-

Christmas trees were decorated for children.

Stars, lanterns,

Beads and balls-

Everything shines with many lights.

3. Fluffy Christmas tree,

Fresh, fragrant.

We are conducting a round dance at the Christmas tree.

With songs and dances,

Games and fairy tales

Happy New Year!

After the round dance-


The Christmas tree will sparkle with lights,

All covered in silver dust,

To us from Santa Claus

This tree was brought.


Our Christmas tree is covered in toys

And the balls on it shine.

Our tree Happy New Year

Congratulations to all the guys!

Hold hands tightly

Let's say:

All together: Christmas tree, light up!

4. Round dance performed by children song: "Christmas tree"

music and lyrics by N. Goldina. Magazine "Musical Director" No. 10-2016, p. 51

Lyrics of the song:

1. We will hold hands and go to the Christmas tree.

We will sing a tender song about her.


Christmas tree, pine aroma,

A cheerful round dance of children is spinning.

2. Christmas tree, wave a twig in a friendly manner

And turn on the magical bright lights!

Chorus. Losing.

(movements according to the lyrics)

3. A beautiful Christmas tree, the joy of children.

Stars and balls swing on the branches.

Chorus. Losing.

(movements according to the lyrics)

-After the song: children, to a cheerful New Year's song: “I dreamed about New Year one night” (phonogram) take their seats -

(after the dance, children go to their seats in pairs)


Showers New Year

Earth with miracles.

Here's a fairy tale at the gate

Looking forward to meeting you!

5. Surprise moment "Letter from Santa Claus"

The musical insert of their program sounds "Visiting a fairy tale",

(at the door "flies" New Year's envelope)

The presenter draws the children's attention to the letter -


Guys, I wonder who wrote this letter to us? (reads)

Yes, this is a letter from Santa Claus! I wonder what he wrote to us? And why didn’t he come to our holiday?

(opens the envelope and reads)

“Dear children! Grandfather Frost is writing to you.

There is trouble in my Ice Kingdom! My beloved is sick Dog. And without her, I can’t get to your party, because she has to take the baton New years from Cockerel - Ku-ka-re-ku!

6. Surprise moment: "Snowman" (adult)

A musical phonogram plays - (1 verse and chorus): "Snowman's Song"(words songs: “Every Snowman knows that children make a Snowman only for a moment, not for centuries.”.

Snowman enters dramatizes lyrics in motion


That's it! And what have I been trying to tell you for the last hour? You don't want to just listen to me!

Santa Claus has a problem! We're in trouble!

Dog Santa Claus is sick!

Apparently I ate too much ice cream yesterday.

And Santa Claus said that without this dog,

New Year will not be able to-

Enter your correct turn!

After all, it is necessary that Cockerel

Meanwhile, The dog barks loudly,

Was able to take over my legal rights -

And take this year from the Rooster!

But the poor dog doesn’t bark, he’s just silent.


What about New Year?


We'll have to cancel!

After all, without dogs-

The year cannot come!

(Snowman leaves)

Leading: (confused)

Wow. Affairs. How to cancel?

After all, the New Year must come!

(approaches the tree, notices the envelope again)

7. Surprise moment: "Second message from Santa Claus"


Guys, look, there’s some kind of envelope again!

The Snowman probably forgot it on our Christmas tree.

Leading: (reads the letter)

Written: « New Year's message for older children»

“Dear children!

With mine dog misfortune happened again.

Not only did she have a cold in her throat,

But she also broke her paw at the skating rink.

Help in this trouble - probably

Nobody can do it for me!

I ask your forgiveness for this -

And mine New Year's apology»

Your Santa Claus


So, guys?

It turns out,

What New Year's the performance is really

From me?

8. Surprise moment "The Snow Maiden visiting the children"

Under "Song of the Snow Maiden"(phonogram, the Snow Maiden, an adult character, comes in.

(Beginning of words of verse 1: “I came from a wonderful fairy tale, the snowy Aunt Winter”.)

-Dramatization songs by the Snow Maiden near the Christmas tree -

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys!

I'll tell you frankly.

Nothing is cancelled,

Our holiday continues!

Snowflakes are my favorite,

Fly to me quickly

Let's dance more fun!

A musical soundtrack plays, minus:"Because winter is great!" from New Year's musical

(5-6 snowflake girls run up to the Snow Maiden)

9. Performed "Dance of Snowflakes and Snow Maidens" (after the dance the snowflakes run back to their places)

Snow Maiden:

(addressing the children)

I am the Snow Maiden, granddaughter of Father Frost.

Happy New Year, friends!

I wish you all good health!

I know about your situation

And I promise to help you.

We will definitely fix everything -

And the year - let's make the dogs step on!

I want to tell you a secret.

Rooster decided not to give up his year

And don’t give up your power!

Dog he fed him ice cream,

Then, I gave away my skates.

After all, he knows, such a prankster,

What a year the dog hasn't arrived.

Here is the result: broken leg,

The guys are sitting sad

And they look at the Snow Maiden.


Wow! So it means Cockerel

Decided to ruin the children's holiday?

Snow Maiden, what should we do?

How can this be handled wisely?

Snow Maiden:

Why split hairs? Get in a circle!

Come out soon friend

Clap your hands loudly

Don't spare your hands today!

Children come out one after another, surround the Christmas tree -


A happy holiday has come to us -

Dreamer, joker, prankster!

He calls us to dance,

All together:

Hello, hello New Year!

Form into pairs, turning to face each other

10. Movable double dance: "Snow Ball" (phonogram)

Children's New Year's songs"Christmas Tree Lights" "Carnival"

(Dance movements according to the words of the song)

Lyrics of the song:

1. The fluffy snow is swirling, the holiday is coming.

(children, connecting their palms to each other, perform circular movements)

Everything froze with happiness; New Year is coming soon.

(press palms to chest)

The snow is knocking on the window and lying at the door,

(knock with their right fist, then spread their arms to the sides)

Santa Claus with Snow Maiden,

He is in a hurry to visit you.


New Year is a holiday

(children, joining their hands in a boat, walk side by side to the right)

New Year's carnival.

(return with an extra step to the left)

The snow is spinning, flying,

(circle in pairs)

We're starting the ball.

(repeated twice)

Losing. (Clap right, left)

2. The fluffy snow is spinning, everything is spinning around.

The snow ball is heating up and guests are just waiting.

Here you and I are wearing masks, no one will recognize us.

It's like you're in a fairy tale stage, or to the movies.

The chorus is the same:

After the dance, the children surround the Christmas tree

Snow Maiden:

How merrily you danced, and now let’s all call Santa Claus together!

Let's say it loudly words:

“Santa Claus, come quickly,

Give the children a holiday!”

Children repeat words:

11. Sounds New Year's song(phonogram) "Santa Claus is fooling around"

Children sing the words of the first verse songs:

1. Do you hear someone coming?

He hurries up the stairs towards us.

And sings quietly

A holiday song.

Knock on the window -

Stands and hides

This is Grandfather Frost

He's fooling around with us!

2. He worked all year,

So that without delay -

IN New Year's Eve

All wishes came true.

This holiday of miracles is

Children really like it

No one without gifts

There definitely won't be any left!

12. Surprise: Santa Claus and a child in a suit enter dogs

Father Frost:

I hear, I hear! I'm coming, I'm coming!

Santa Claus and Dog-child, come to the fore, and

The Snow Maiden at this time quietly leaves the hall

Father Frost:

Hello children! Hello guests!

Happy New Year! Happy New Happiness!

I came, were you waiting for me?

Children's answer:

Father Frost:

Here with me is my greyhound, not lame and not angry.

I treated the dog's paws and took him to the doctor.

The faithful dog is with me everywhere, because it’s not for nothing that he is a hero!

And now.

Take it guys

And me in your round dance,

Let today in this hall

Everyone will sing a song!

(Santa Claus with dog-children stand in a circle)

13. Round dance song " “Hello, Santa Claus!” music by V. Semenov, lyrics by L. Dymova (phonogram, minus)


Grandfather Frost, we have been waiting for you for so long, come play with us!

Father Frost:

Aren't you afraid of frost?

Children's answer: No!

Father Frost:

Well then everyone watch out!

The game begins!

14. A musical game is being played with Grandfather Frost: “It’s cold, my hands are frozen!”. (We hear sounds in the distance.)

After the game, the children sit down in their seats holding hands.


Sit down and rest, Santa Claus, probably tired from the road?

Father Frost:

Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit down and sit.

(Santa Claus sits down, child- the dog is standing nearby)


Father Frost:

Okay, I'll tell you, just listen carefully.

This year is a symbol dogs.

Only this is mine the dog can't bark,

I caught a cold!

You guys will help us,

Should we take the New Year away from the birds?


Oh, if only this is the reason

Then the guys and I will drive away the chicken year!

After all, we are the shouting and barking masters,

Tell me children, yes?

Children: Yes!

Father Frost:

Get ready for now.

You need to bark loudly quickly

And make the Rooster silent!


Father Frost:

Well then let's get to work

To The dog took over the year!

15. The phonogram turns on: "Crow of the Rooster"

(Children should bark loudly to drown out the rooster's crowing)

It was like I was sleeping and now I woke up!

I couldn't bark, sing, dance

And even celebrate the New Year!

(bows and sits down with the children)

Father Frost:

Thank you guys for your help,

Helped my dog.

Now the real New Year is coming,

Will bring you happiness, health and friendship!

Happy New Year!


Santa Claus, did you bring gifts for the children?

Father Frost:

First, tell me the poems,

And then tell me about gifts.


Okay, Santa Claus, listen to our poems that the children have prepared for you.

16. Reading poetry:


I've been waiting for the New Year for a long time,

I blew snowflakes out the window.

In the yard of a growing Christmas tree -

Snow sprinkled the needles.

If Santa Claus knocks,

The Christmas tree's nose won't freeze.

Two children come out


Outside the window the snowstorm was swirling,

We worked for an hour

So that you take it and it turns out

We have a snow woman;

2. Child:

So that, like in a fairy tale, it comes to life,

So that she can come to us for the holiday

And to the delight of the children

Didn't melt in the heat.


When the ice is

It doesn’t go and doesn’t go,

Falls well!

Why no one

Not happy?

Several children come out

« New Year's letter»

Vladimir Stepanov


Got Santa Claus

A letter from the children.

The kids ask him

Fairy tales and candy.

They ask Santa Claus

Brought them gifts:

To the little bear - a steam locomotive,

Bright bow for the squirrel,


So that the Christmas tree has

To the top of the sky,

Where would I wind my watch?

On New Year's Day there is a cuckoo.


In warm, big felt boots,

He will wink his eye,

And they will be fulfilled

All desires at once.


Waiting for him to dance

He will stand with the Snow Maiden,

Otherwise it's New Year

It won't be long.

Santa Claus thanks the children for their wonderful poems and treats them with candy -

17. Surprise moment: "Return of the Snow Maiden"

Father Frost:

Well, since the New Year won’t come without the Snow Maiden, let’s call my granddaughter and have some fun!

Children scream:

Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

18. The Snow Maiden comes

Sounds New Year's fun medley:"Children's New Year's songs» ( Start: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”).

Snow Maiden and Father Frost invite the children to round dance:

19. A musical game is held with acceleration: “We shovel snow with our hands” (phonogram)


Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, play with the children some more!

Father Frost:

What a restless people these kids are!

Let's play some more!

20. There is a musical game: “If it’s fun at the Christmas tree, do it!” (phonogram)

After the game, the children sit down -


Everyone knows: New Year's Eve

Each of us is waiting for a gift!

Father Frost:

Yes I have some in store for you New Year's gifts! (looks around)

Snow Maiden, it’s time to give gifts to children, but I don’t see the bag of gifts.

Snow Maiden:

Or maybe you left it in the forest?

Father Frost:

No, I know for sure that I put the bag here somewhere, but I can’t remember where? (They walk around the tree looking for the bag)

Snow Maiden:

No, the bag is not visible here!

Grandfather, what a shame!

Really no gifts?

Will the children leave the party?

Father Frost:

How will they leave? I won't allow it

I'll find the gifts!

Wait, children, we will come

And we'll bring gifts!

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden go behind the tree)

21. Surprise moment: Any surprise melody plays (phonogram)

Baba Yaga and Koschey appear. Koschey carries a bag of gifts -

Baba Yaga:

Kosha, come here quickly! Carry the bag more carefully.


Wow! I barely carried the bag! And why is he so heavy? There are probably a lot of gifts in it!

Baba Yaga:

Come on, come on! Here, here! How will we divide?


And so! Was I carrying a bag? I! This means that most of the gifts are mine!

Baba Yaga:

Look! What a smart guy! Who gave you the idea to do such a thing?

(Baba Yaga and Koschey argue and fight a little)

The Snow Maiden comes out from behind the tree

Snow Maiden:

It's you again! Why are you arguing? (saw the bag)

Where did you get this bag from?

Baba Yaga and Koschey block the bag -

Baba Yaga:

We found the bag in the forest,

I had to outsmart the fox.

Now he's ours, and no way

No one will poke their nose into it!

Snow Maiden:

Yes, this is Santa Claus's bag!


We don't know anything!

This is our bag!

Snow Maiden:

Well, let's see. When Santa Claus comes, then speak differently!

Grandpa, come here quickly!

Santa Claus comes out from behind the tree

Father Frost:

What happened, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost, found it, found it! Here's your bag of gifts!

Baba Yaga and Koschey:

We won't give you a bag,

We'll eat everything in it ourselves!

Father Frost:

Well, if so, help yourself!

Baba Yaga and Koschey quickly, pushing each other, take it out of the bag and take it out. cotton wool snow.

Father Frost:

What you deserve is what you got!

Who touches my bag with unclean hands,

That one gets cold snow from his gifts.

Baba Yaga:

Will Koschei and I really have a New Year without gifts?

Father Frost:

I'll deal with you later. And now, (knocks with staff) go away with New Year's holiday before it freezes!

Baba Yaga and Koschey:

Sorry Santa Claus! Don't kill Santa Claus!

(they cowardly run away from the holiday)

22. Surprise: the miracle of Santa Claus

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus, is it really New Year?

Will this happen without gifts?

You're a wizard

Create a miracle for children.

Father Frost:

I'm a wizard, it's true

I tell you without embellishment.

And I want, guys,

Surprise you today.

(Santa Claus begins to make circular movements around the bag with his staff, saying)

The snow is cold, the snow is sparkling

You are beautiful, white, pure.

Turn into gifts quickly

For the kids in bright bags!

(Santa Claus takes a gift out of the bag)

These are the miracles -

Happens on New Year's Day.

Happy New Year, friends!

Help yourself, kids!

23. To the cheerful New Year's song, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are distributing gifts.

Father Frost:

I wish you all to grow and not get bored.

Well, next year,

I'll come see you again!

Goodbye guys!

Happy New Year!

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave the hall)

Description: The year 2030 passes under the sign of the dog. Our website offers a universal entertainment program for children, which is suitable for both a kindergarten and an elementary school or theater, a palace of creativity, a circle, etc.

Our scenario includes fun games, riddles, competitions, funny questions - and everything is about a dog.

So let's begin.

Our New Year's guest - Druzhok


1. Buddy
2. Santa Claus
3. Snow Maiden
4. Baba Yaga
5. Snowman
6. Forest evil spirits (several children)

Act 1. Baba Yaga and Santa Claus

The evil Babka Yaga enters the hall and begins to scare the children:

Baba Yaga:
– Who is this smart guy who came to our fairyland? Did I, the mistress of this forest, invite you to visit me? I can't stand children, all kinds of boys and girls. Ugh! only drool and snot, screams and screams, laughter, running... But I’m old, and I’m tired of the noise! Oh, I’ll cast a spell, I’ll bewitch everyone, I’ll turn them into snags, I’ll kill them all!

/Starts spinning and spinning, waving a broom at the children, running around the hall, and scaring the kids/

Baba Yaga:
- Well, were you scared? Did you want to go to mommy and daddy? Leave while you're still alive!

/Father Frost comes into the hall/

Father Frost:
- Well, hag, what’s going on here? Have you ever decided to scare the kids and ruin their holiday? Now I’ll show you how to spoil the kids’ mood. Oh, I'll freeze it!!!

Baba Yaga:
- What are you doing, Santa Claus! I was joking! This is such a game! Tell me children, we played with you?

- No!

Father Frost:
- Kids won't lie! Well, Grandma Ezhka, hold on!

/Starts running after her with a staff, Baba Yaga runs away from him across the hall, and then completely runs away from the hall/

Father Frost:
- Oh, I’m tired of catching up with Baba Yaga. Treacherous old woman! Always ruins the holidays. Well, it’s okay, I’ll still have a preventive conversation with her. Now we need to start preparing for the holiday. My assistants, Snowman and dog Druzhok, have probably already wrapped all the gifts. All that remains is to put them in the magical self-propelled sleigh and hit the road.
- Granddaughter, Snowy! Friend! Snowman!
- Where are they all? I'll go look for my guys.

/Leaves the hall to look for his assistants/

Act 2. Snowman, Snow Maiden and Buddy

/The Snowman, the Snow Maiden and the dog Druzhok enter the hall./

Snow Maiden:
– What a great fellow you are, my friends, you packed all the gifts beautifully and tied them with ribbons! It's nice to see. The children will be delighted with our gifts. Where is Grandfather Frost? He's been wandering through the forest for a long time, he's worked hard, poor thing, he's probably tired of covering the Christmas trees and birches with snow.

– In the meantime, we’re waiting for grandpa, let’s play some fun New Year’s games with the guys!

- Let's! I brought a lot of fun games from the land of dogs that the kids will love!

Games for the New Year of Dogs for children

Game 1. ………….


Game 2. ……………………

……………….in full version…………………….

Game 3. …………………………

………………….full version………………………….

Snow Maiden:
– What smart guys here! I'm delighted with them!
– And now I suggest you look in the magic mirror, what is Grandfather Frost doing?

/Takes out a magic mirror and turns off the light a little, the actors run away from the hall unnoticed/

Act 3. Santa Claus got lost

/Santa Claus walks through the forest and cannot find his way home, he is lost, the scenery is a dark forest, the moon, snow/

Father Frost:
- Hey, Snow Maiden! - echo: chka-chka-ka-ka-a-a...
- Aw! My friend! echo: zhok-zhok-ok-ok-ok...
- Hey, Snowman! echo: vik-vik-ik-ik...
“They are nowhere, no one answers, and I’m old, lost in the forest, I won’t find my way home, I guess I’ll be walking here until spring comes.” Oh, trouble, trouble, what would a holiday be without Santa Claus?

/Baba Yaga peeks from behind a tree and rubs her hands/

Baba Yaga:
- Well, Santa Claus, got lost in my forest? Serves you right. Let the New Year not come this time! And the guys will be left without gifts! These children, ugh, they are so disgusting, let them sit at home and cry! A-ha-ha-ha!

Father Frost:
- Shame on you! You are an old woman and you probably also have grandchildren?

Baba Yaga:
- My grandchildren are the evil spirits of the forest and swamp. You never invited them to the holiday. My entire family holds a grudge against you! And they never received the smallest candy as a gift!

Father Frost:
- Well, your guys are good dancers! Baba Yaga, let's make a treaty!

Baba Yaga:
- Agreement?

Father Frost:
- Agreement!
“Will you show me the way home, and I’ll invite your goblins and kikimors to the holiday?” A? How do you like the deal?

Baba Yaga:
- Hands down!

/Baba Yaga leads Father Frost out of the forest to the edge of his estate/

Baba Yaga:
- I owe you! Remember, I owe you a favor!

Father Frost:
- Yes, I remember, I remember. Bring your kids to us for a holiday on New Year's Eve!

/The cheerful Grandma-Hedgehog jumps like a frog out of the hall, dancing/

Snow Maiden:
- Hooray! Grandfather has been found! The mirror didn’t lie that you were lost and looking for your way home.

Father Frost:
– Thanks to Baba Yaga, if it weren’t for her, I would have stayed in the forest for the winter.

- Father Frost! It's time to harness the sleigh and go visit the guys!

- To your places!

/Everyone seems to get into a sleigh and leave the hall/

Act 4. We've arrived!

/Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Buddy, Snowman enter the hall/

Father Frost:
- Hello guys!

- Hello!

Snow Maiden:
– Our journey has been long, but finally we are visiting you and we are glad to see you so smart, cheerful, and friendly! We brought you a lot of gifts and will put them under the Christmas tree for now. /Santa Claus puts a bag under the Christmas tree/

Father Frost:
– This time we are not alone with the Snow Maiden. Friends are with us: Snowman /Snowman bows/
– And the dog – Druzhok – a symbol of the coming 2030!

- Woof, woof! Guys, I'm glad to become your friend! I am a very cheerful dog, I know how to give a paw! Dance the dog waltz and sing songs! I also really love candy! /looks up mysteriously and licks his lips/
“I want to tell you riddles about me; whoever names the answer correctly gets candy from me.” Agreed?

Riddles from Druzhka

…………….in full version…………………….

The Snow Maiden gives candies to those who guess the correct answers.

Act 5. Gifts stolen

/While the dog is asking riddles, one of the kikimoras or the goblin secretly sneaks into the hall and steals a bag of gifts and runs away from the hall unnoticed/

- Well done, guys! All the riddles have been solved!

Snow Maiden:
- Great! It's time to move on to the main thing - the round dance and gift-giving!

Father Frost:
-Where are the gifts?

- Oh, they're gone!

Snow Maiden:
- Guys, did you see who stole the gifts?

- Kikimora!

– Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, don’t be upset! I'll pick up the kidnapper's trail and find what's missing! /the dog runs away from the hall/

/Santa Claus sits down on a chair out of grief./

Snow Maiden:
- In the meantime, we are waiting for our friend, the guys and I will train to be brave and skillful. And we will hold cool competitions.

1 competition: “Multi-remote”

The task is for guests to name as many cartoon dog characters as possible.

Example options:

………………..15 options in the full version of the script…………………..

The winner with the most correct answers receives an incentive souvenir - a magnet, or a keychain with the symbol of the year - a dog.

2nd competition: “Dog professions”

The competition is similar to the previous version, but you need to remember not cartoons, but where dogs are used, in what areas of human activity. In other words: “professions of dogs.”


…………………..20 variations in the full version…………………………..

Snow Maiden:
– You are all great, you know a lot of good and useful things about dogs.
– Now let’s look in our magic mirror, how is our friend, Druzhka, doing? /takes out a mirror and all three of them look into it/

/the lights go out, the actors leave the hall/

Action 6.


This was an introduction to the script. To purchase the full version of the script, go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for download via a link on the website, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 299 r ub.

With the onset of 2018, the owner of 2017, the Rooster, will hand over the reins to the Dog, friendly, loyal, hardworking and simple. That is why the script for a corporate party should contain cheerful toasts and competitions for a strong collective spirit and friendly relations with each other. We offer you an excellent scenario for a corporate party for the New Year.

New Year's scenario "The friendliest team"

We offer you both active and intellectual competitions for the Year of the Dog. Competitions and conversations by presenters should be interspersed with music so that guests of the evening have the opportunity to dance and chat.

It will also be good to dilute the script with performances by guest artists (singers, dance groups, showmen).

A great idea would be to hold a fire show or a performance with liquid nitrogen, a bartender show, or invite unusual dancers. See all ideas for shows for corporate events here.


  • Leading
  • Baba Yaga;
  • Grandfather Frost.

What will be required for the script?

To hold a New Year's corporate party, you should definitely prepare songs and melodies, examples of which will be demonstrated below. As well as any moving music for competitions, general background, screensavers and character appearances.

You should prepare the props for dressing up and playing in advance:

  • garland (paper chain or paper serpentine);
  • a piece of fabric;
  • pouch;
  • several things (tie, glasses, hat, skirt, beard, socks, stockings, high-heeled shoes, bow, Panama hat, huge bodice);
  • small prizes for guests for winning competitions.

Host: Good evening, gentlemen! The most long-awaited and solemn moment has arrived: seeing off the Old Year and welcoming the New Year. Are you happy about this event? Were you looking forward to it? Have you prepared for the holiday? I can’t hear your answers well, perhaps we’ll try differently. I will ask questions, if you agree, you answer: “Of course, yes,” otherwise, when you disagree, I want to hear the answer: “This is nonsense!”

Q: Were you and I waiting for the New Year? Together with your best friends (Answer: yes)

  • It takes place three times a year - this New Year holiday! (er-yes)
  • , do we dress up all the needles? (Yes)
  • We’re not expecting anyone to visit, and we’re not going ourselves (er-yes)
  • We cook, we set the table skillfully! (Yes)
  • We give flowers and cards, then we count the losses! (er-nda)
  • Do we summon the merman and invite the mermaid? (er-nda)
  • Santa Claus comes to us, to our children and friends! (Yes).
  • We celebrate New Year on the street without wearing boots and fur coats? (er-yes)
  • Are we expecting gifts from loved ones, in bright packaging? (Yes).
  • We can’t stand this holiday, we are waiting for Ivan Kupala in the summer! (er-yes)
  • We love to meet the Snow Maiden and Father Frost from the frosty forest (yes)

V-shchiy: Well, now I figure out who is happy and what. (The sound of the wind and music are heard, Baba Yaga comes out to the song “I Love Pasta”, walks and dances in front of the viewer).


I love parties
Where you can have a lot of drinks and snacks!
Dressing up like a picture
You can't kick me out, you can't defeat me!
I'll dance with you very well,
And then I’ll kiss you too!

Pour me some champagne
And pour some cognac,
I am a cheerful Yagusya,
You warm me up... (music plays quietly, B.Ya dances).

V-shchy: Hey, grandma (can’t hear) - hey, Granny-Yagusya, we’re having a corporate party (grandma looks surprised), an event in a narrow, limited circle!

B.Ya: - Oh, come on, Narrow? Why am I so wide? I won't come in? Limited... oh, really narrow-minded, or what? Oh, I'm already upset! And if I’m upset, oooh, I’ll definitely ruin your corporate party! Both the holiday and the year!

V-shchiy: - Well, why are they narrow-minded right away, I’ll ruin the holiday! Calm down, Grandma, everyone here is distant, don’t swear!

B.Ya: Oh, really? Come on, let me check people, and then I’ll think about whether to swear or not! Here is my first test for your “New Year’s corporate party,” or rather a riddle: “12 apostles are sitting, they don’t get along with each other, but they give way to each other”! (Answer, 12 years, 12 zodiac signs).

B.Ya: Well, okay, I just had a question, but now tell me what they are by next year.

  • 2019, who's the boss? Pig.
  • 2020 – Rat
  • 2021- Bull
  • 2022 – Tiger
  • 2023 – Cat
  • 2024 – Dragon
  • 2025 – Snake
  • 2026 – Horse
  • 2027 – Goat
  • 2028 – Monkey
  • 2029 – Rooster

B.Ya.: - Well done, what year are we celebrating? 2018 is... Dog.

Ved.: - Why, Grandma, haven’t you checked us yet?

B.Ya.: - What are you, what are you. It was only for the sugrevu! And the main thing is just beginning, not a single scenario for a corporate event is complete without competitions. I need activists, I choose (he spins around and points his finger at whomever with his eyes closed, he comes out, about 5-8 people in total, the last one is looking).

"Find the Mistress of the Year"

Baba Yaga holds a small toy dog ​​in her hands. She gathers people in a circle or semicircle, puts some on the floor, some on a chair, some on a chair, the level should be different. The person who will search is blindfolded. They hide the Mistress of the Year anywhere: in a bosom, under a skirt, in a sleeve, in a bodice. The seeker must find it with his eyes closed.

V-shchiy: What Bab-Yaga, have you calmed down? Can we start?

B.Ya: – Not at all! This is just the beginning for me! But you can raise a toast!

Fill your glasses,
And listen to a toast from me!
In the New Year, do not know sadness,
You are not a bit, not a single day!
Well, for “not sadness”!

We continue our New Year's corporate party, not according to the script! (dances) So, I want to see how friendly you are, otherwise maybe you don’t need to work together next year? The Mistress of the Year, by the way, is a very friendly animal!

"Island of Friendship"

The maximum number of players is called. A piece of fabric approximately 2-3 m long is laid out in front of the guests, depending on the number of players. Cheerful music sounds, the players stand on the fabric and dance, the music stops for exactly 15 seconds, during this time the fabric should be folded by one third and again mark the guests who must dance again, then the fabric is folded in half, the actions are repeated, etc. The presenter himself must determine how many times he can roll, the main thing is that the participants fit in and dance. The winner is the one who does not step on the floor, but remains dancing on the fabric.

V.: - Well, how’s Grandma, have you played enough? What else can you think of?

B.Ya.: – I’ll come up with an idea! Let's have some toast first, otherwise you're thirsty, do you have a toast in mind?

V.: Of course, there is.

I want to raise a simple toast,
Here's to the New Year's Eve party!
Let the Year of the Dog be simple,
And it doesn’t lead to despair!

Let your health increase
Adventures, happiness, laughter!
And the salary goes up
So that there is enough for fun!

Bab.Yaga: Ay. Well done! Let me kiss you! We continue our corporate event! I want to know if colleagues will be able to free each other? (6-8 players are invited and divided in half, preferably 4 girls and 4 guys).

V.: From where?

Bab.Ya.: Well, from where, from the chain, of course, as the patroness of the year!

"On a chain"

“Today there was an official meeting of two important people: the patron of the Old Year of the Rooster and the patroness of the New Year of the Dog. The transfer of the symbol of power and rights of government took place in a solemn atmosphere. The Rooster congratulated his successor and honorably handed over to her a package of large and small matters. The inauguration of the 2018 hostess will take place on the night of December 31, 2017 to January 1, 2018. Hurray, my friends! (Explosion of firecrackers and lighting of sparklers).

– Well, friends, on behalf of the representative of the government number 2018 and, of course, on my own behalf, I congratulate you all on the upcoming New Year! I wish you good health, happiness, family comfort and warmth! May all your dreams come true!

Host: I propose to fill your glasses and raise them to our bright future!

B.Ya.: Grandfather, have you prepared any gifts?

D.M.: I have prepared it, but first you need to respect me, play with me, as I like!


Frost hosts the game. Invites you to stand in a round dance and hold hands. The game is played to fast music, the last word is not spoken, the players must guess for themselves what exactly Santa Claus will cover and hide, like in a children's game.

I walked through the forest and field,
Scattered a lot of snow,
The snow froze the Christmas trees, the river,
I'll freeze the little man!
Come on, don't be foolish,
Cover quickly... (ears).

(Repeat intro)

Just left the hut
I froze you... (top of your head).

I found a little man in the forest
I zam-zil him... (hangers)

There is no boredom in our forest,
I’ll freeze you... (hands).

Today at Larisa and Lenka's
I'll freeze... (knees)

Don't play hide and seek with me
I’ll freeze it or not... (heels)

Not even a fly will fly past me,
Take care of your neighbor on the right... (ear)

There are many bunnies in the forest
Close the person on the left... (fingers).

I will sweep paths in the forest,
I’ll freeze the neighbor on the right... (legs).

My wind pierces your skin
Total neighbor... (deputy)

D.M.: Well done, you have a friendly team!

B. Yaga: I realized it right away, it’s not for nothing that I stayed here!

Eh, friends, it's time for us to say goodbye,
New Year's time is coming!
I have a lot of work
I should congratulate everyone!

I wish you a happy year,
There is absolutely no adversity in it!
Everyone's wishes come true
And daily loud laughter!

And for me, my dears, it’s time to say goodbye,
I was glad to play with you!
May there be happiness in your home,
And no misfortune will come your way!

And on my own behalf I want to add,
To be able to correct mistakes,
to you in this new year,
Let his owner take the trouble away!

The presenters say goodbye, inviting everyone to go to the table, the New Year's corporate party and the meeting of the Year of the Dog continues.

New Year is the most fun and fabulous, kind and mysterious holiday in the world. That is why the program of our new New Year's scenario includes so much music and entertainment on the theme of fairy tales, stars and, of course, the symbol of 2018 according to the eastern calendar, the Earth Dog. IN author's script for a New Year's corporate party or evening of relaxation “Under the constellation of the Dog” About 20 new table and outdoor games are included, these are impromptu, chants, video competitions, musical and dance entertainment.

The proposed one is very rich, fully formatted with audio (video) files and explanations by the author. You can use the entire program or select individual game blocks to run in different companies.

The scenario consists of three parts (feasts): in the first - fun, toasts and entertainment to introduce guests and intensify the festive mood; the second part is completely devoted to the conventional ritual of saying goodbye to the outgoing year and welcoming the new one, while in a playful form it is proposed to follow traditions (with the anthem, the president’s speech, etc.), the third part - with music and dance competitions and a game moment from Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Preparation does not require any complex props or invitation of artists; everything can be organized and carried out on your own. A moment is offered with the awarding of stars for active participation - bonuses, which can then be exchanged with Santa Claus for prizes, but if a prize fund is not provided, the incentive moment can be excluded from the scenario. The entire conference for the presenter is written from a male person; if the program is led by a lady, minor amendments should be made.

If the organizers of the holiday did not want If you would like to focus on oriental symbolism, then based on this scenario, you can easily organize a fun New Year’s party, for example, called “The Stars Light Up at Midnight.”

New Year's scenario "Under the constellation of the Dog"


- the presenter comes out

Leading: Good evening, dear guests! I'm glad to see you so starry beautiful and festively animated! And I propose to start our New Year’s Eve with a stellar name right away brightly and like a star, filling glasses and shot glasses with stellar drinks and shouting the first “hurray” to your favorite New Year’s holiday!

An excerpt from the song “It’s New Year” plays, track 2 - guests fill glasses

(guests fill their glasses, the host makes the first toast)

First toast

New Year's famous wizard and prankster:

We are all transformed by this wonderful holiday!

We somehow imperceptibly, suddenly, believe in miracles,

Sending your wishes to the heavens with hope!

We are waiting for this midnight to bring us a fairy tale,

And he will even light new stars for us alone!

Wishing everyone around you happiness and goodness,

We propose a toast to the New Year! Hooray!

The song Paola “New Year” sounds, track 3

(short banquet break)

Musical acquaintance with wishes "Fairytale guests"

Leading: Yes, the New Year truly has amazing magic! And I’m sure that no one in this room would mind being the fabulous guests of a fabulous New Year’s Eve, right? I suggest that you first get to know each other better, and with the help of a comic horoscope, understand which fairy-tale character each of us is like. For example, I was surprised to learn that I look like Puss in Boots, and our DJ looks like Winnie the Pooh. You can contact us today (smiles), although, perhaps, it would be more convenient to use names, my name is Sergey, and Andrey is with you at the music console all evening today! Let's welcome him! But you probably can’t wait to find out which character you are and which fairy tale you’re from! I propose to do it this way, I read out the characteristics of a fairy-tale character according to the signs of the Zodiac, traditionally starting with Aries, separately for the female and male halves, then a musical excerpt sounds in tune with what was heard, all Aries stand up, to the best of their artistry and mood, present themselves, and the guests welcome them. Then also Taurus and representatives of other signs, we listen, greet, etc.

(Author's Note: if the company is unfamiliar, then this game moment can be used to introduce the guests of each sign to each other, all or selectively. If the company is well known, then this is just a reason to lift the festive mood and plunge into the fabulous New Year's atmosphere. The musical excerpts were made shorter and longer; which option is preferable in a given company and whether additional comments by the presenter are needed to encourage guests to greet and representatives of the sign to stand up and play the musical excerpt being played is at the discretion of the organizers. Thanks for the idea of ​​​​S. Shishkina’s fairy-tale horoscope.)

Aries(Gerda and Cipollino)

The Aries girl is endowed with courage and a warm heart.

And, like Gerda from a fairy tale, for the sake of love, she will cope with any task!

The Aries man is a fighter, leader and rebel, like Cipollino,

He will not spare either compliments or a limousine for his chosen one.

(- Let's salute these determined and brave people!)

Excerpt 1 or 1a “Start the Engine” plays (from the Horoscope folder) - representatives of the Aries sign stand up, dance, guests applaud them

Taurus (Goldilocks and Pinocchio)

The Taurus girl needs comfort, luxury, care and affection.

This beautiful Goldilocks is very dangerous for men's hearts!

The Taurus man, like Pinocchio, is indifferent to the teachings of the ladies!

He is practical, dreams of getting rich and likes to make decisions himself.

(- We welcome or help financially practical Taurus!)………..


- Musical warm-up chant "New Year's Dreams"

(drive-based entertainment on the theme of New Year's wishes and expectations, taking place to the rhythm of the musical composition "Disco Crash")

Excerpt to illustrate:

Leading: Anyone want one?

Guests: I want!

Leading: Anyone else want one?

Guests: I want!

Leading: And now we scream as emotionally as possible, choosing only our dreams. Take it apart, don’t yawn, attract the attention of the Universe to you!

Leading: Does anyone want to become a star?

Guests: I want!..


- New Year's toast "To great company"

Leading: Friends, I don’t know whether all your dreams will come true, in any case, you screamed loudly and convincingly, which means there (points up) I already know for sure. For my part, I can promise that something from the Universe can be received right here at our evening. ….


- Musical game "Star Songs"

(The essence of the game: the minus of the song sounds, the guests guess, then, as a confirmation or refutation of the answers given, a fragment of the original song is heard, which the guests can sing along with the soundtrack)

(music in the “Guess” folder)

Example for illustration:



(20 ready-made cuts of original songs and backing tracks are included)

- Table game with cards "Superstars"

(cards in the “Superstars” folder)

(To play the game: prepare a New Year's hat and print out all the cards in advance or just the ones you like)

Leading: From the New Year we always expect something new, and, most importantly, good. But in the celestial atlas we know only one constellation associated with the coming Year of the Dog, with an unpromising and not at all optimistic name - the constellation Canes Venatici. I suggest taking advantage of the fabulous opportunities of our New Year's Eve and creating something new! For example, "Constellation of the Good Dog"?! Under which, I hope, we can spend a cozy and fun time not only this evening, but also the whole coming year. Let's light it for ourselves! Moreover, literally everyone in this room is unique and inimitable in some way, it’s just that not everyone may have had the opportunity to clearly declare this. Let's do this today, when will we light up in a new way, if not on the New Year?! Everyone, without exception, will become stars today! But everyone will become a superstar in their own time and under special circumstances. Under what conditions, we will be able to find out with the help of fortune telling, kindly provided to me by Santa Claus.

(A comic fortune-telling is carried out like this: each of the guests, in turn, turns to the neighbor on the right and says to him the phrase: “You will become a superstar...”, pulls a card from Santa Claus’s hat and reads out the continuation of his phrase. If the company is large, then the presenter goes around the room and offers fortune telling to guests selectively).

Card options(for illustration):

- “You will become a superstar”, .... “When you kiss the Pockmarked Snow Maiden”

- “You will become a superstar”, .... “When you dance a jig to the chimes”…..


(30 cards with ready-made options are included)

- Dance warm-up at the “Stars of the Dance Floor” table

(General fun activity - warm-up for the dance break)


Track 12 is playing - the host again invites the guests to the table

The background song “Soon Midnight” is playing - track 13

(short banquet break)

Leading: New Year will come soon, and at our evening, albeit conditionally, it will be New Year's midnight. But, as usual, before celebrating the new year, we must spend the old one, right? Let us also mentally leave all the bad things in 2017, and in the new one, let’s carefully take the best, I am sure that despite the difficulties, there were good things too……..


(there is an interactive session with guests on the theme of the outgoing year)

- Table chant "Farewell peek-a-boo to the Cockerel"

- Musical impromptu "Star party"

Leading: I propose to continue the flight of our imagination and imagine a corporate party at the main New Year's stars, no, I don’t mean Nikolai Baskov or Philip Kirkorov, enough has been fantasized about them without us. I'm talking about the inanimate, but so dear to the heart, attributes of the New Year, without which this holiday in Russia cannot be done: a herring under a fur coat... What else? (guests call) That's right, a New Year tree, champagne, tangerines, Olivier salad............


Tangerines - 2

Gifts - 2

Christmas tree - 1

Olivier - 1

Champagne -1

Doggy - 1

Cockerel - 1

The first to come, of course, were the Mandarin ducks themselves, who were not knocked out of their orange mood by the series of New Year holidays.

Sounds 1. Excerpt “Orange Song” (from the “Impromptu” folder)


Advice to the organizers: After this game moment and, before the anthem with chimes provided for below (in order to fully comply with traditions and give guests an original surprise), we recommend including in the program a Teleconference with the President, specially made for a corporate party or an evening of relaxation; to purchase access to it, there is a bonus discount - conditions see below.

- Video clip - karaoke "New Year's Anthem"

Traditional entertainment for our New Year's scenarios, when against the background of a colorful karaoke clip, a comic altered text of the Russian anthem is sung (the words of the alteration and the video clip are new).

Leading: And, as usually happens, having barely had time to spend the old year, we are in a hurry to welcome the new one! Rather, we fill our glasses, remember all our dreams and desires for the next year 2018, so that we can make all of them while the chimes strike. And pay attention to the screen! Moscow speaks and shows, but our audience sings and rejoices. For the singing of the New Year's anthem, please all stand.


An unbreakable union on our holiday

He brought us all together at the table!................................................... .........

Leading: We drank to the New Year, which means we’re dancing in a circle!

It sounds like “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” track 16 - New Year's round dance

Dance break

- Animation for the Year of the Dog"Bang-bang-boogie"

During the dance break, you can arrange a general funny animation accompanied by a fiery song from PAW Patrol. The movements are the simplest (at the discretion of the organizers), most importantly, in the rhythm of the music and in accordance with the content of the text (see music and text below)

Sounds "Tyaf-tyaf-boogie" track 17 - everyone is dancing


To become a real dancer

We need to learn how to dance boogie!

We're wagging our tail, don't lag behind............



An excerpt from the song “New Year’s Twist” is playing, track 1. - the host comes out and invites guests to the table

Leading: Dear guests, judging by what was happening on the dance floor and the atmosphere in the hall, under and around our constellation of the Dog, more and more stars of different sizes are lighting up! Soon, very soon, it will shine for us with a new magical light, and the fairy-tale wizard Santa Claus will appear, which is wonderful in itself, and even more so for the owners of our local currency, because it can be exchanged with Santa Claus for pleasant gifts. And there are very few chances left to earn it, because the competitive part of our program is coming to an end. Those who want to make it in time, please contact me! Seven couples of any configuration and gender are invited.

(participants leave)

On the way out - excerpt “Carnival Night” track 18 sounds

- Fun competition for the Year of the Dog “Miracles of Training”

Leading: It’s good when the owner got the dog as a puppy, and he raised it to suit himself, but this doesn’t always happen. In our case, the owner, and this is one of the participants in each pair, and the dog itself, will see each other for the first time, and their task is to play up the given image, demonstrating the wonders of express training, to their musical excerpt. The main thing is to remember that a dog, as a rule, looks like its owner and it is not at all necessary for one of the participants to stand up “on all fours” to be a duet: dancing or playing. In general, complete improvisation for one minute on a given topic. ....

Example card (for illustration):

4. The dog is a cartoon superhero and its owner is a carefree American.

Track 4 plays (from the folder “Miracles of Training”)

Leading: Thank you for the positivity and sparkling improvisations! And now the general dance of couples: the owner and his dog. Of course, the ageless dog waltz!

Track 7 is playing (from the folder “Miracles of Training”) - general dance of all couples

Leading: This applause sounds for you!

For the departure of participants - track 17 sounds (from the folder “Music for the script”)

(card options and musical accompaniment of the competition are attached)

- Toast to the Year of the Dog

The Year of the Dog is coming.

This, of course, does not mean

What's from dawn to dawn

The whole planet will bark......

- Video competition "Let's light up the constellation of the Dog"

materials from the photo album “Famous Faces” were used, thanks to the authors)

To carry out it is necessary the following equipment: computer, mouse, projector, screen or plasma TV.


Leading: I don’t know whether you noticed or not, but, more often than not, we remember with pleasure the holidays at which we personally were especially good, i.e. They came beautifully, drank beautifully, danced and managed to leave beautifully. To make this holiday forever bright in our memories, I propose to do all this in our next team video competition, and at the same time, light up our Constellation of the Dog with a bright light for everyone for the whole coming year!

At the exit of the participants- an excerpt from the song “Star” is heard, track 20


(Author's Note: The competition is made in a presentation format and consists of three parts, in which participants will be able to show their talents in the ability to make toasts, parody and dance. To participate in the game, you need to create two teams, each with at least 4 participants, for example, one representative from each table (team) or just anyone who wants to. After the teams are formed, the presenter explains the essence of the entertainment and gives, if necessary, comments along the way)


-Game "Reach for the Star"

- Star Trek game

- Dance entertainment "New Year's locomotive"

- Exchange office "Santa Claus"

- Round dance of Santa Claus

To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to contribute a small amount (750 rubles) to the site development fund. - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain the full version of this script.