Scenario development "day of sobriety". Promotion dedicated to World Sobriety Day What to do on All-Russian Day of Sobriety

Social-state movement
"Guardianship of People's Sobriety"

Government of the Sverdlovsk region

Ekaterinburg diocese

Research Laboratory of Pedagogy of Orthodoxy
Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Education


Collection of teaching materials

on preparation and conduct


UDC 06.011:613.81

BBK F798

Day of sobriety. Collection of methodological materials on preparation and implementation. Ekaterinburg, 2010. 62 p.


From the history of the celebration of Temperance Day………………..

Experience of revival and holding of Sobriety Day……….

Forms of propaganda and educational work:

School holiday “Sobriety is the happiness of the people”

Propaganda brigade “Down with alcohol!” …………………….

Intellectual game “To be healthy means to think sensibly” ………………………………………

Musical and game program “In the Land of Health” (for primary school) …………………...

Literary and musical composition “Alcohol is a cruel poison” (for high school students)………………

Performance “One on One” (Truth and lies about alcohol) ………………………………………………………………

Training session “Learning to say “no”……….


1. Text of the booklet for teenagers…………………….

2. Truth and lies about alcohol………………………..

3. What is alcohol? ………………………………..

4. Appeal to youth ……………………………

5. Statements of famous people about sobriety and alcohol…………………………………………….

6. Some statistics on the alcohol problem in the Russian Federation

Dear fellow Ural residents!

We urge you to understand the threat that is looming over our Motherland and to pay attention to the huge social problem on the solution of which the fate of Russia depends. The alcoholization of the Russian people has reached alarming proportions. President of Russia D.A. Medvedev said that “alcoholism has acquired the character of a national disaster in our country,” and called for decisive measures to be taken to correct the situation.

Every third working-age man suffers from excessive alcohol consumption. The scale of its per capita consumption has reached 18 liters per year for every Russian - old man and baby - and is currently the main reason for the demographic crisis and the rapid extinction of our people. Let's compare the numbers and be horrified. During the 10 years of war in Afghanistan, 14,000 of our compatriots died. According to data from Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection N.F. Gerasimenko, alcohol in Russia claims at least one million human lives a year.

The age at which teenagers start drinking alcohol has dropped over the past twenty years from 16 to 13 years. 80% of minors in Russia constantly drink alcohol, and 33% of boys and 20% of girls drink it daily. This undermines the physical and mental health and mental development of the younger generation. Russia ranks first in child alcoholism. Abandoned children, old people, broken families - these are all facets of the same problem. If the situation does not change, our country has no future. We have come to the point where only sobriety can stop our headlong rush towards inevitable and shameful death! For alcohol is more terrible and insidious than any of the most merciless enemies; it is a weapon of mass destruction.

As long as there is a stable association “holiday - drunken fun” in the minds of our fellow citizens, social problems will grow. Clinging together into a huge growing lump, they threaten to bury our future - the youth.

In the fight against drunkenness in current conditions, promotion of a sober and healthy lifestyle, regulation of the trade in alcohol and tobacco by time and place, and state regulation of alcohol production can help. We must promote the idea of ​​sobriety and a healthy lifestyle to everyone: relatives, neighbors, friends, children.

It is for this purpose that the public-state movement “Guardianship of National Sobriety”, with the assistance of state authorities and local governments, traditional faiths, business circles, public organizations, and the media, annually on the second Saturday of September organizes a regional Day of Sobriety, which takes place in all cities and regions of the Middle Urals.

Sobriety Day should help everyone realize the great social value of life without alcohol and drugs, to feel their involvement in the activities of the best people in Russia and the whole world, who were and are propagandists of sobriety. To root sober traditions, it is necessary to reach “not everyone, but everyone.” A teenage club, a student audience, an after-school group - only with this approach can the ideas of sobriety become the norm of life.

Let's make Sobriety Day a holiday, bright, beautiful and sincere, during which sports and cultural events will take place, people will spend time with their families in joy and unity, and from Sobriety Day we will return to a sober life.

Only a sober Russia will become great!

From the history of Temperance Day celebrations*

Sobriety Day is a good tradition, which began in the last century. In 1911, in St. Petersburg, a group of 34 teetotalers, mostly highly paid mental workers who had Orthodox protective views, created the All-Russian Labor Union of Christian Teetotalers. His motto was the words: “In sobriety is the happiness of the people.” The Union immediately managed to enlist the support of some of the most far-sighted representatives of the ruling class of Russia, which largely ensured the success of the planned activities and the attraction of the necessary funds. With the participation of other metropolitan temperance societies, he held the first city anti-alcohol days in Russia - “Sobriety Holidays” - on September 28-29, 1911 and September 23-24, 1912.

In 1913, with the blessing of the First Member of the Holy Synod, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Vladimir (Epiphany), the holiday took place on April 28-29, two weeks after Easter, and was of a secular nature, although the Church took an active part in it.

During the holiday, state-owned wine shops were closed and the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited. In all Orthodox churches in the capital, a proclamation drawn up by the Council of the Union on the meaning and purpose of the Temperance Holiday was read. 26 religious processions of teetotalers and sympathizers arrived from churches in the regions of St. Petersburg to the Kazan Cathedral on Nevsky Prospekt. After the prayer service, accompanied by the singing of a grandiose choir of teetotalers and the crowd, the religious processions went out onto Nevsky Prospekt and went to their churches. Tens of thousands of leaflets were distributed among the spectators about the need to combat alcohol consumption. In the evening, readings were held in 14 halls of the capital, including factories and in the premises of temperance societies, and in the hall of the Kalashnikov Bread Exchange after the lecture the film “Drunkenness and Its Consequences” was shown.

On April 29, about 3,500 volunteer helpers worked late into the night throughout the capital, including the imperial theaters during performances. They collected money in sealed mugs to fight drunkenness and offered donors gifts of flowers, badges and leaflets.

According to the general program sent out by the Council of the Union, temperance holidays were organized in more than 60 provinces of the Russian Empire. In addition, in 25 Orthodox dioceses the Feast of Temperance was of a church character, i.e. During the services, the Church’s intense prayer was offered for help to those suffering from drunkenness.

As a church holiday, the First All-Russian Day of Sobriety was held with the blessing of the Holy Synod on August 29, 1913, on the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist.

Experience of revival and holding of Day of Sobriety

The tradition of holding Sobriety Day is being revived these days in order to designate sobriety in the public consciousness as a social norm of life, as a natural state of man. The main reason for the spread of drunkenness among the people is spiritual and moral. Therefore, it is necessary to unite the efforts of the Church, state and public organizations in promoting sobriety. For this purpose, in the Sverdlovsk region on March 20, 2008, the public-state movement “Guardianship of People's Sobriety” was created. As part of the Movement’s activities, it was decided to hold Temperance Day annually on the second Saturday of September. Such Days of Sobriety are already held in a number of Russian cities.

Kazan. In Kazan, it will soon be a decade and a half since the autumn holiday of sobriety, which is held on September 11, was revived; the spring holiday - younger and more intimate - has been held since 1999. Thanks to the support of the city committee for youth affairs, it became truly widespread. The holiday is held under the motto “Take the best, join the sober culture!” The main goal of the event was to offer an alternative to the alcoholic custom of celebrations and change the idea that “a holiday without alcohol is not a holiday.” In total, several hundred schoolchildren, students, psychologists, social workers and teachers, as well as activists of temperance societies, take part in the holiday.

During the holiday, townspeople also visit an unusual exhibition, which presents an exposition of “sober” symbols - badges, stamps, as well as slides of programs of the late 19th - early 20th centuries.

Tver. The day of sobriety on September 11, 2005 was not an ordinary day, but an aviation one. On an AN-2 plane, the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Inexhaustible Chalice”, which has the special grace to heal the ailments of drunkenness and drug addiction, flew around the city. Both the priests and the teetotalers participating in the flight prayed for the city’s deliverance from the sin of drunkenness. In just 25 minutes of flight, the anti-alcohol AN-2 flew around the entire city. One of the priests sprinkled Tver with holy water through a special hatch on the plane.

Kovrov. The Day of Sobriety was very actively celebrated in the city of Kovrov, Vladimir Region, on May 2, 2009. It marked the end of the week-long information campaign “Common Cause,” initiated by the First City TV Channel. The city media, advertising agencies, deputies, artists, school principals and priests joined the action. A special website was created, where information on the progress of the action was summarized, and a wide variety of information on the fight against alcoholism was posted.

Saint Petersburg . Traditionally, January 1, On the day of remembrance of the holy martyr Boniface, a religious procession of Orthodox teetotalers is held in the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra. About a thousand people take part in it every year.

Ekaterinburg. Already three times in December-January, a religious procession was held on buses and cars around Yekaterinburg with the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” (from the Serpukhov Vvedensky Convent).

In 2008 and 2009 in the Sverdlovsk region Regional Days of Sobriety were held.

On September 11, on the day of the Beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, at the end of the Divine Liturgy, a procession of the Cross took place from the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist to the chapel in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, in which about 300 people took part. The procession was led by Archbishop Vikenty of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye. At the chapel, the bishop performed the ceremony of the vow of sobriety. Those taking a vow of sobriety said a special prayer-promise to God before the image of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” In 2009, 29 residents of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region took a vow.

Sobriety Day September 12, 2008. The idea of ​​the holiday was supported by the majority of the population of the Middle Urals: events dedicated to Sobriety Day were held in all administrative districts of the Sverdlovsk region. About 260 thousand people took part in them.

The main events of Sobriety Day: holding exhibitions, lectures, showing films on anti-alcohol topics. Many cities hosted sporting events, photo competitions, concerts, and sobriety lessons in schools. We also had conversations with young parents walking with their children on playgrounds and drinking alcohol; raids on families at social risk, with the aim of raising awareness about the dangers of drinking alcohol.

Ural police officers took an active part in the events: they organized raids on retail outlets to identify facts of the sale of alcoholic beverages to children; Educational conversations, competitions and quizzes were held for school and college students, and they spoke about the main articles of the Code on administrative violations related to alcohol consumption.

Each administrative district had its own distinctive events.

In the Mining District:

Consultations on preventive measures and treatment of alcoholism on the “Helpline”,

City photocross held as part of the Regional Day of Sobriety. It was aimed at organizing awareness-raising and preventive activities among young people. Participants were given five topics: “If a friend suddenly turned up,” “Sober Novouralsk,” “Oh, this love...”, “First time in first grade,” “Our service is both dangerous and difficult,”

Thematic exhibition of books “Don’t start! Don't try! Don't take risks! in the college library.

In the Northern District:

Exhibition of reproductions of posters from the 80s of the twentieth century “The whole world is against drunkenness!”

Radio newspaper “For a sober lifestyle.”

In the Western District:

Campaign “Sober driver - safe road”. Delivery of leaflets, reminders to road users,

Integrated thematic lessons on academic subjects, historical and literary conferences, debates “You are both mighty, you are also powerless, Mother Rus'...”, “The strength and powerlessness of the nation.”

In the Southern District:

Presentation of the Sober Kamensk center for journalists with the participation of the media,

- “Round table” “We are for a sober Russia” with the participation of youth from city institutions, youth organizations of industrial enterprises, representatives of the “Society for the Fight for Sobriety.”

In the Eastern District:

Exhibition and sale of juices, soft drinks, vegetables and fruits “Gifts of Autumn” with tasting,

Leaflets were distributed in stores - an appeal for Temperance Day, which were given out with each bottle of beer (upon purchase).

The 1st regional day of sobriety was widely celebrated in Yekaterinburg.

The exhibition-action “Sobriety is the happiness of the people” opened at the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. The State Archive of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Documentation Center for Public Organizations of the Sverdlovsk Region took part in the creation of the exhibition. Residents of the city were able to see the charter of the Guardianship of National Temperance, adopted in 1894, letters to a teetotaler from the Temperance Society in the name of the Holy Right-Believing Prince Alexander Nevsky, and a photograph of the house where this Society was located. The exhibition featured a sample of the Temperance Society's token, engraved with the words that became the title of the exhibition. The unique brochure “Sermons and Pastoral Instructions to the People against Drunkenness,” compiled by the priest of the Yekaterinburg diocese Evlampy Biryukov in 1913, attracted everyone’s attention. At the end of the meeting, museum staff performed a pre-revolutionary anthem of sobriety.

At the Ural State Pedagogical University, on Sobriety Day, a round table was held on the topic “Beer: myths and reality.” The reasons for drinking beer among young people, the attitude of young people towards drinking beer, the consequences of beer alcoholism were discussed, and proposals were made for organizing preventive work among young people.

Sobriety Day September 13, 2009. Events dedicated to Sobriety Day were held in most cities of the Sverdlovsk region, especially active in Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Serov, Pervouralsk, Revda, Karpinsk, Polevsky, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Tavda, etc.

The day before, on September 12, four “sobriety posts” were organized at venues in Yekaterinburg: Circus, UrSU, park on Vainera Street, Uspensky shopping center. During the event, anti-alcohol videos “Take care of yourself” were shown, information materials, propaganda leaflets with anti-alcohol themes were distributed, and consultations were held with drug addiction specialists.

The Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore hosted a talk show for young people, “Only If Russia Lived,” in which university students and representatives of public youth organizations took part.

In Nevyansk, on Temperance Day, parishioners planted an apple tree alley near the church. The action was held under the motto: “Garden for children and grandchildren - for a sober lifestyle.”

In Pervouralsk, on the Day of Sobriety, a local media competition was held for the best reflection of anti-alcohol and anti-tobacco issues.

20 retail chains took part in the Day of Sobriety: the sale of alcoholic products was limited, and anti-alcohol information was disseminated. And in Serov, Kachkanar, Tabory, Verkhnyaya Tura, many trade organizations stopped selling alcoholic beverages on this day, incl. low alcohol.

In the cities of the region, as a rule, preventive events were held: lectures, conversations, classes, sobriety lessons, film screenings, sporting events, games, quizzes, themed discos, themed parent meetings, promotions, tourist rallies, exhibitions of anti-alcohol literature in libraries. , competitions and exhibitions of drawings, anti-alcohol posters, distribution of leaflets, stand design, surveys, round tables, speeches by propaganda teams, sobriety posts, etc.

Recommendations for holding a Day of Sobriety
in the Sverdlovsk region

General provisions

Regional Sobriety Day is a mass cultural event aimed at showing the benefits of a sober lifestyle, awakening civic initiative and uniting society in confronting addiction.

Held annually on the second Saturday of September in municipalities of the Sverdlovsk region.

The initiator and organizer of Sobriety Day is the Public-State Movement “Guardianship of People's Sobriety” with the assistance of state authorities and local governments, traditional faiths, business circles, public organizations, and the media.


General approaches and particular methods of work:

The following can be taken from pre-revolutionary experience:

1) the unification of the forces of all sober organizations and sympathizers;

2) cooperation with state authorities and local governments;

3) cooperation with traditional faiths;

4) attracting to your side deputies of all levels, heads of administrations, political and public organizations, representatives of the media;

5) the use of various forms of work designed for different groups of the population:

Processions of the cross, prayer services, rallies,

Readings, round tables, lectures,

Concerts, film screenings,

Articles, interviews,

Donation collections,

Presentation of badges, brochures, leaflets.

Principles for organizing Sobriety Day:

- positivity. The action should be bright, light, beautiful, and not frighten the participants with the number of alcoholics, drug addicts, drunken fires, etc.;

- universality. The desire to cover all social, age, gender, and religious groups;

- sincerity. There is no need to limit yourself to holding cultural events that are not related to the idea of ​​sobriety. Sobriety is a worthy way of life, and one should not be ashamed, not smuggle it in “on the sly,” but speak about it loudly;

- combination of religious and secular events.

September 11 is the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist. On this day you can hold: divine services, prayer services, religious processions, rites of vow of sobriety

The days preceding September 11 can be a time of particularly active educational work in work collectives and educational institutions:

Information and labor campaigns (cleaning up significant places in the city, town, village related to the preventive idea),

Readings about the dangers of drinking, organizing lectures, conversations, showing films,

Sobriety lessons at school.

Cultural events:

Rallies in the central squares of cities,



Sports events,

Competitions of ditties, slogans, posters, drawings, emblems ( can be announced either 1.5 months before the Day of Sobriety, or on the Day itself (in the first year) it can be launched in order to eventually create the symbolism of the regional Day of Sobriety),

Conducting civil sobriety vows,

Conducting anti-alcohol exhibitions,

Presentation of temperance organizations, societies “For a healthy lifestyle”,

Traveling exhibitions,

Competition in the media (with various nominations: history of the holiday, sobriety zones, sobriety at school, etc.).

Educational work: introduction to the teetotal tradition in work and youth groups, distribution of booklets and other information products on the streets and squares of the city

Visual propaganda:

Multimedia screens, banners, ticker tape in public transport;

Booklets, leaflets, stickers (including for cars), flyers.

Invite trading organizations to support the idea of ​​Temperance Day and voluntarily stop selling drinks (including low-alcohol drinks) on this day.

Invite the heads of municipalities to analyze the crime situation associated with alcohol consumption on Sobriety Day.

Recommend wide screening and rental of social advertising videos “Take Care of Yourself”, films “Chizhik-Pizhik” and “Let’s Have a Drink” (Project “Common Cause”, Channel 1) in organizations, educational institutions, leisure centers, etc. (videos are posted on the website

Information on the progress of preparation and holding of the Day of Sobriety is posted on the website: under the heading “III Regional Day of Sobriety”.

Forms of propaganda and educational work

School holiday
“Sobriety is the happiness of the people”

Non-profit educational institution "School "Istochnik"

Presenter: Good afternoon I really love holidays. What about you? Let's remember at least a few holidays in which you took part.

Teams take turns naming holidays.

Presenter: Fine. There are many holidays in our lives. There are state holidays, there are national holidays, there are also family holidays. Today we gathered for a school holiday. Now I will name several other holidays, and you will tell me in honor of what event they are held and what - state, folk, religious, etc. - are: Victory Day , Trinity , wedding , Teacher's Day , birthday . (Teams are responsible. Points for the answer)

Leading: Some holidays are common to an entire nation, others are common to a certain group of people. Some have existed for a long time, others arose recently, and still others holidays once existed, and then disappeared and were forgotten. Today we will try to revive one long-forgotten holiday and see whether we need it or not. I don't know how to carry it out. Let's think together. Do you agree? (answer)

Presenter: This holiday was held in Russia annually from 1911 to 1917. And then they forgot about him. Our relatives who took part in it are our great-grandfathers. These are the grandparents of our parents - our very distant ancestors. They called their holiday Sobriety Day. Why this holiday arose and was celebrated on this particular day, how it took place, will tell...( prepare one of the high school students or invite a student). Listen carefully, then we will ask you a few questions and the jury will determine which team is the best at listening and thinking. Prizes await the winners.

The history of the holiday of sobriety in Russia. John the Baptist, the events of his life and death.

Presenter: This is the history of the holiday. If you listened carefully, you will be able to answer our questions. Keep your answers short. After writing your answer, pick up the answer sheet. So, let's begin the historical competition.

Historical competition

Leading: When did the Temperance Holiday appear?

Participants discuss the answers in a team and write them down on colorful pieces of paper. Assistants collect the leaves and hand them over to the jury. Z The correct answer is read.

Leading: There are dictionaries on your tables. Please look up the word “SOBRIETY” in the dictionary.

The first team to find the word “SOBRIETY” in the dictionary reads out the definition.

Participants discuss the answers in a team and write them down on colorful pieces of paper. Assistants collect the leaves and hand them over to the jury. The correct answer is read out

Presenter: What was the name of the king during whose time these events took place?

How did his niece Salome please King Herod at his birthday?

What did the maiden Salome ask her uncle - King Herod - for pleasing him and the guests?

After each question, the teams answer and the presenters read out the correct answer.

Leading: While the jury is summing up the results of the competition, I will give you the last task. Completing it will not affect your result in the historical competition, because it can only be won by everyone together. So! Do you remember under what motto the holidays of sobriety were held in Russia? Let me remind you that the holiday motto consisted of three words. Now each team will receive a set of letters to form one word. Then we will assemble the entire motto from the words you composed. Get started.

Distributes a set of letters from which each team must form its own word: 1st team - sobriety; 2nd - happiness; 3rd - people.

Teams make up their word, then determine the order of words in the phrase, read their word loudly, one by one. Then all participants read the entire motto in unison.

Presenter: - And now we give the floor to the jury members.

Jury member: 1st place in the historical competition was taken by the team of... class. The team is awarded...

Presenter: The next competition is a proverb competition. A proverb is folk wisdom in which a deep thought is briefly and clearly expressed. Usually a proverb is easily divided into two parts, the second part often rhymes with the first. Now you will be given sheets with the endings of proverbs, the same for everyone.

Proverb competition

Know how to work... (know how to have fun too).

Drink vodka - ... (to ruin oneself).

In a puddle of vodka... (and the heroes drown).

Walk, dance , ...(don’t kill souls).

Loved wine -... (ruined the family).

Whoever gets drunk on the brew... (he washes himself with tears).

Drink and walk - ... (no good in sight).

A drunkard among the people... (like a weed in the garden).

The river begins with a stream... (and drinking from a glass).

Enough wine -... (the young man passed away).

The following are taken into account: correctness (1 point) and speed (1,2,3 points).

Presenter: I ask the jury to sum up the results of the proverb competition.

A member of the jury announces the winning team and awards the team with prizes

Presenter: Next competition - juice tasting. Now each team will receive three boxes of juice and straws. The boxes are sealed with paper of different colors. Your task is to determine what juice is in each box and write the name directly on the box. We start only on my command. The jury will evaluate not only the correctness, but also the speed, and, most importantly, the consistency of your actions.

Leading: I ask the jury to sum up the results of the competition and award the winner.

Jury memberannounces the result of the competition and awards the winning team.

Leading: And now the main competition of our holiday, checking homework - presenting projects for a family holiday and playing one fun game with the audience.

Students present projects and conduct a game with the audience.

Presenter: While the jury is summing up the results, the Alkostop propaganda team will speak to you

Leading: The jury is ready to sum up the results of the home project competition.

Presenter: This concludes our holiday. But, before we leave, I would like to hear your opinion about whether we need such a holiday today, what you liked, especially remembered, perhaps surprised, or your suggestion on how to celebrate it next time. I ask each team to express their opinion.

The presenters thank you for your answers.

(It is advisable for different representatives to speak from each team - from one the student, from the other - the class teacher, from the other - the parent, if present).

Final words from the presenter.

Propaganda brigade “Down with alcohol!”

Compiled by: O.V. Korzh,
psychologist MUK MO "Intersettlement Library",

Gorokhovetsky district, Vladimir region.

Members of the propaganda team enter the stage to the accompaniment of music, holding anti-alcohol posters in their lowered hands.

Reader 1: Attention! Attention!

Anti-alcohol campaign!

The “Our Choice” propaganda team is campaigning -

"We are for a healthy lifestyle."

Reader 2: At the dawn of the 21st century

There comes a time when

We are responsible for everything,

Flipping through the years.

Reader 3: The man who conquered the sky

Inventing a miracle of technology,

Getting into bad habits

He forgets about his health.

Reader 4: In 2006, a new term appeared in Russia - “teenage alcoholism.” Every day on TV screens there are advertisements for beer as a drink for a fun company, a drink to quench your thirst, a drink that makes you feel strong and confident.

Reader 5: Is this drink really that good?

Think about it, teenager, what are you drinking?

After all, beer doesn’t do adults any favors either.

Let's think about this together.

Reader 1: Teenagers often mistakenly believe that a bottle of a cool, sparkling drink will help relieve tension in any company and at parties will make them feel more confident. As a result, many teenagers are in alcohol captivity.

The soundtrack of the song “If there was a sea of ​​beer” by the group “Dune” is playing.

Reader 2: But what does all this really lead to?

A disheveled teenager with a red nose and black circles under his eyes enters, looking around everyone with a crazy look.

Reader 3: His complexion is earthy, and he is not old.

The house is cold, dirty and quiet.

Him to the school for the mentally retarded

My mother took my hand yesterday.

Reader 4: He is weak and lethargic, as if from bast...

But for all that, he

At first I was also a man,

Later he became a shadow of a man.

Reader 5: It all started with just a can of beer.

The sight of her so sweetly attracted

And I wanted to become an adult soon

Now the hour of reckoning has come.

Reader 1: Today in Russia there are about 80 liters of beer per person per year. At the same time, the largest increase in addiction to addiction is now observed among adolescents.

Reader 2: It is among teenagers that the incidence of heart disease, liver disease and hormonal disorders has risen sharply.

Reader 3: A teenager who drinks beer and other alcoholic drinks deprives himself not only of his health, but also of the opportunity for successful education. He is depriving himself of a future. Alcoholism is also a special case of drug addiction.

Members of the propaganda team sing to the tune of the song “While the Planet Is Still Alive” and raise posters illustrating the song.

While the planet is still alive,

While spring dreams of the sun,

Let's claim our rights to life

Let's save children from alcohol,

Let him sleep peacefully under the starry sky,

You and I need health -

Before it's too late, before it's too late!

Chorus: Nearby, near joy and misfortune,

We must, we must give a firm answer:

“A world without alcohol - yes, yes, yes!

Alcohol and children - no, no, no!

Reader 4: Open your eyes, look and repeat.

Alcoholism - down! And don't start drinking.

Reader 5: If there is a healthy mind, it will take you away from thoughts,

From the bad ones, from the bad ones, don’t let them come to you.

Children lower their banners and sing a verse of the song “How wonderful this world is”:

You'll wake up at dawn

You and I will meet together

Dawn's birthday.

Chorus: How beautiful this world is, look

How beautiful this world is.

Reader 1: All the children on this planet

They dream of being happy.

All the children on this planet

Reader 2: And there is only one way out,

And it's up to you to decide

What fate to choose for yourself.

And you will ruin your life, you will ruin it.

The participant holds up a poster illustrating the words.

Reader 4: And how many good things you will find around,

Sports schools will occupy your leisure time.

The participant raises the poster.

Reader 5: Readers are welcome in libraries

A good book will keep you busy and captivated.

The participant raises the poster.

Reader 1: Come to art school, don’t be lazy,

Touch the world of beauty here.

Reader 2: How many more good things are there nearby?

Look around yourself with a sober look.

Think, decide, gather your thoughts,

And choose ( all together) healthy lifestyle.

Members of the propaganda team sing to the tune of the song “We wish you happiness”:

In a world where there is no rest for the winds,

Where there is a cloudy dawn,

Where everyone dreams of their own happiness,

We urge you to live only this way,

So that alcohol is your enemy,

So that only a friend can warm you with his warmth.

Chorus: We wish you happiness,

Happiness in this big world.

Like the sun in the morning

Let it come into the house.

We wish you happiness

And it should be like this:

To the accompaniment of music, the members of the propaganda team leave the stage.

Mind game
“To be healthy means to think sensibly”

(As part of volunteering in orphanages)

Leading: Hello guys! I say “hello” to you, which means that I wish you all health! Have you ever wondered why greeting people involves wishing each other good health? Health for a person is one of the main values.

Diseases come from environmental problems, but we ourselves created these problems. Diseases come from our bad habits, when we poison ourselves with tobacco or alcohol, but we choose these habits ourselves. Diseases come even from our bad thoughts.

But we have a choice. Instead of bad habits, we can form healthy ones and think positively. And today, when our entire region celebrates Sobriety Day, you and I will begin to gain positive experience in forming healthy habits. According to statistics, in our city hundreds of children have already decided never to start smoking, many have quit smoking. They made a decision and achieved their goal.

Our guests are participants of the “Smoking-Free Classes Competition” project. (More trust when children see that the initiative comes from their peers).

Propaganda team of project participants“Smoking-free class competition.”

Selected by the jury of an intellectual game.

Presentation of teams.

The presentation form is free (mini-skits, literary and musical compositions) ( judged by the jury)

Speech by an invited specialist(for example, a narcologist, a psychologist, etc.)

Homework for teams: presentation of drawings, leaflets, posters about a healthy lifestyle(judged by the jury).

Showing and commenting on videos about a healthy lifestyle by university students.

Quiz for teams.

Conditions: teams are asked questions. There is a discussion for 15 seconds, and the answer is written on a piece of paper. At the end of the time, the answers are submitted to the jury. For each correct answer, a token is issued.

  1. 1. You can’t buy it for any money? (health)
  2. 2. What gives a person energy? (food)
  3. 3. A person who smokes and drinks alcohol is extremely susceptible to any infectious diseases. What system of the body is affected? (About the immune system)
  4. 4. Cold training of the body. (hardening)
  5. 5. The smallest organism that carries an infection. (bacterium)
  6. 6. How does smoking affect the functioning of the heart? (makes your heart beat faster)
  7. 7. What disease is most often associated with smoking? (lung cancer)
  8. 8. What fruits, vegetables and plants are used to treat colds? (raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden)
  9. 9. What time of year is best to start hardening? (in summer)
  10. 10. What do you call people who swim in ice holes in winter? ("walruses")
  11. Name winter sports.
  12. Name summer sports.
  13. 13. Which plant leaves are used for bruises and scratches? (plantain, burdock)
  14. 14. Why can't you drink water from a puddle? (dirty water contains various microbes that cause dangerous diseases)
  15. 15. The science of body purity. (hygiene).

Slogan competition

Teams are invited to come up with slogans about a sober and healthy lifestyle.

Time - 3 min. (evaluated by the jury).

Competition-game with fans “Believe it or not” (agreement - raise both hands, disagreement - hands down)

Do you believe that

… is exercise a source of vigor and health? (Yes)

...does chewing gum protect your teeth? (No) carrots slow down the aging process? (Yes)

...are there harmless drugs? (No) summer, can you stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (No)

...drinking ice water on a hot day helps you harden? (No) protect ourselves from germs, we shouldn’t wash vegetables and fruits before eating? (No)

...does a mobile, active lifestyle contribute to improved health or not? (Yes)

Summing up, rewarding.

Leading: Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of every person. We all have an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity. I hope that today’s event was not in vain, and that you learned a lot for yourself.

Drinking tea together.

Music and game program “In the Land of Health”
(for primary school)

Compiled by: E.N. Kuzmina,
primary school teacher,
Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 3,
Belogorsk, Amur region.

Progress of the lesson:

Action in front of a screen.

Vanya sits on a chair, hums something and dangles his legs.

Tanya(curiously): Why are you so mysterious?

Vanya: This is me in a daydream!

Tanya: Where-where?

Vanya: I dream - what will I become when I grow up?!

Tanya: And what?

Vanya: I will be strong, tall, beautiful. I will have a sports car, a motorcycle. And I will also smoke a big pipe, like the guy in the advertisement.

Tanya: Just think! ( with resentment) I I will also be big, beautiful, slender. I will have many friends, they will invite me to concerts, exhibitions, restaurants, and also treat me to wine in crystal glasses, that’s it!

Disturbing music sounds.

Drama with dolls 1.

Light music sounds.

Big Gnome(appears on the screen): Guard! What a nightmare, stupid children, you will never become strong and beautiful if you fail to get rid of the power of the Black Brothers - the sorcerers.

Tanya(whiney): Well, Big Man, why are you scaring us, what other sorcerers?

Big Gnome: The most ordinary and most terrible sorcerers who live in the country of “Unhealthy”. Their names are Alcohol and Nicotine. They have many helpers: Old Age, Decrepitude, Illness, Poverty, Grief and others. For a long time, these evil sorcerers have been trying to conquer people, make them slaves, and this started a long time ago.

Drama with dolls 2.

Disease: We have gathered here with you, dear colleagues, to resolve one very important issue. It seems to me that it’s high time to conquer not only the disgusting kingdom of “Health”, but the whole world!

Evil sorcerers: How true! How right! It's long overdue!

Disease: But it's not easy to do. After all, health has a strong army, and the little people won’t just give up without a fight. We need to come up with something!

Two sorcerers come forward, in black cloaks Alcohol and Nicotine

Alcohol(in an insinuating voice): Dear ladies and gentlemen! Let us, two brothers - Alcohol and Nicotine, propose our plan. It's very simple. We are the first to set out to conquer humanity in order to do the most difficult thing - enslave people. Then we will invite everyone else, first of all, of course, our beautiful ladies (bow towards Illness, Old Age, Decrepitude).

Old age: Why are you the first to go?

Decrepitude: People will immediately expose you, the scarecrow in black cloaks!

Nicotine: They won’t expose you, look! (shows The inside of the cloak is beautiful and shiny).

Alcohol: With such robes we will deceive anyone. After all, we appear in the form of a friend, comforting in sorrow, rejoicing in joy.

Nicotine: It will take too long before a person realizes that the rainbow side of the cloak hides the black lining. And behind it you will stand - our faithful companions - Illness, Poverty, Grief. (The evil sorcerers chuckled)

Disease: I like the plan. So, gentlemen, let's not waste time. Let's go! I wish you good luck!

Curtain on the screen.

Tanya: Oh, what should we do?

Vanya: What if the Black Brothers manage to deceive us?

Together: After all, we are so trusting!

Big Gnome(appears in front of the puppet curtain): Don't be afraid! If you decide never to meet the Black Brothers, they will not be able to defeat you. And remember that the residents of the Land of Health are always ready to help you.

Vanya(addressing the audience): Guys, can you help us?! Will you be able to defeat the Black Brothers?

Children: Yes.

Leading: Starts game “What can’t a slave of the Black Brothers become?”

All participants in the game stand in a circle. The presenter names a profession (doctor, athlete, actress, etc.) and throws the ball to any of the standing children. The child who catches the ball must explain why a Datura fan cannot achieve success in this profession.

Leading: Well, friends, you coped with the task perfectly and were able to resist the Black Brothers. After all, they only create an illusion. And when the Black sorcerers fail, they try to put pressure on people and confuse them.

Leading : And nowgame "On the contrary". Name the word that has the opposite meaning.

Anger is kindness; darkness - light; grief - joy; discord - friendship; Not really.

Leading: Can you always firmly say “No”?

Role-playing game “Be able to say “no”!”

The adult offers the children several scenarios of becoming addicted to drugs to stage.

Situation 1.

The little hare is very upset: none of the animals in the forest want to be friends with him, they say that he, the little hare, is still small. What should the baby do? And then the Little Bunny decided to prove to everyone that he was already an adult and independent. Unnoticed by his parents, he took a cigarette from his father’s pocket and went to the clearing where all the animals were gathering. “Do you want to try it,” the kid suggested to the surprised animals. - Are you afraid? What are you, little ones?

Leading: Guys, help the animals. How to respond in such cases.

The children are trying to explain to the Bunny about the dangers of nicotine. Explain how, without resorting to a cigarette, the Little Bunny can find friends.

Leading: The Black Brothers have also penetrated our television screens. We see a lot of commercials about beer. What do we never see in advertising?

Situation 2 (puppet) .

The dolls celebrate the New Year holiday together. Everyone should prepare something for the holiday table. Snow White and the seven dwarfs decided to bake pies for the whole company. Penguin prepared delicious ice cream, Pierrot prepared a salad that makes everyone a little bit of a poet. And Harlequin said that he would definitely bring wine to the holiday. The dolls try to dissuade the tomboy, however, Harlequin assures everyone that wine will help make the holiday fun.

The children play up the situation and prove the opposite to Harlequin.

Warm-up round dance game “What kind of people are these?”

The leader gives the command to stand in a round dance, the guys answer questions and repeat the actions of the leader.

Well, guys, let's follow the order,

We are not just conducting a round dance,

And the round dance is exercise.

Are you guys standing in a circle?

Did you take each other's hands?

Are you ready to repeat after me?


What kind of people are going around here in circles?
They ran and ran, only their heels sparkled!
What kind of people keep clapping their hands?
What kind of people are walking backwards?
What kind of people are beating their knees?
What kind of people are pulling their own ears?
What kind of people are they all skipping along?
What kind of people are they leading themselves by the nose?
What kind of people shake hands with each other?
What kind of people are fighting back against the Black Brothers?

(children behind the leader take militant poses)

Leading: Well done! Never agree with those who say that the Black Brothers can help in thick and thin. For advice in difficult times, turn only to good wizards. Look, there are so many of them around: a smiling mother, a kind grandmother, a strong father, a wise grandfather. Hidden behind the wings of the Black Brothers' cloak are other evil sorcerers of the land of Unwellness - Disease, Decrepitude, Old Age, Boredom. Why do we say: “Boredom, Alcohol and Nicotine are old friends.”

Game “Goodbye, Aunt Boredom!”

The presenter reports that the audience will have to go to the country of “Health” by train, “loading” its carriages with interesting and useful things to do. Children talk about their favorite activities and hobbies.

Game “We draw the country of Health”

Children are invited to make a collage on the floor or board using blank pictures. Cheerful music is playing.

Source: 2003—2009 Publishing house "First of September»

Literary and musical composition
"Alcohol is a cruel poison"

(for high school students)

Compiled by: R.I. Dopytaeva,
teacher Municipal educational institution "Orphanage-school No. 35 for orphans
and children left without parental care,”
Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region.

The hall is decorated with samples of folk wisdom written on whatman paper:

1. Wine creates guilt.

2. He who loves vodka destroys himself.

3. The wine will sink to the bottom.

4. The barrel of wine is full of poison.

5. Vodka and labor don’t go hand in hand.

Disturbing music sounds. The spotlight reveals Conscience - a woman in a strict black suit and a judge's robe, holding a large sword in her hands.

Conscience: I am Conscience. Isn’t it sad that just starting life, our children sometimes by accident, more often not by accident, suddenly fall into criminal networks? Yes, not by chance! We pay little attention to them, we “work”, “hand over”, “manufacture”, our hands and minds are at work... And that’s good! And yet we must always and everywhere remember our children...

Conscience and schoolchildren of 8-9th grades take the stage. They hold multi-colored balloons in their hands, symbolizing a carefree, cheerful, cheerful childhood.

1st participant: Who came up with the idea of ​​pouring “bitter” joy?

2nd participant: Who came up with the idea of ​​being unstable in grief?

1st participant: Bows...

2nd participant: Bows...

Together: Beat over the stack?..

Conscience: I remember many.

I'll close my eyes...

I'm in big trouble.

3rd participant: Hobbled, staggering, he didn’t finish saying,

The Poet did not finish his songs.

(the sound of a balloon bursting is heard)

Conscience: I’ll close my eyes and my memory will rush

4th participant: His last song is sung

to the sound of a fork, to laughter, and to the sauce...

5th participant: An old song, very sad,

about the reeds, about the trees that bend...( pops the ball)

Conscience: Here at the table art dies,

Slouching over his glass with a stupid smile.

6th participant: And how many of these have forever lost their sonority... (sound of a balloon bursting)

1st participant: And how many of them have fallen out of love forever... ( cotton)

2nd participant: For the stupidity in the eyes... ( cotton)

3rd participant: For drunken cruelty... ( cotton)

4th participant: Because, drunk, they beat their loved ones... ( cotton)

5th participant: For swearing bitterly when drunk... ( cotton)

6th participant: For making drunken threats... ( cotton)

1st participant: Maybe that's why the damn vodka

the color is painfully similar to tears...

Conscience: And now the young man, who has not had a hard time,

Again he threw back the glass dashingly...

2nd participant: The boy's eyes are dark as a thunderstorm!

Everything walks and dances and spins...

Conscience:...But it’s not funny to me that in other eyes

The street sways wearily...

It's not funny to me...

I'll go into his house...

No need..., I’ll say trustingly.

And I should tell him later

About a lonely strong woman.

3rd participant: Grief came to her house more than once.

Four sons died in the war.

Four walls... and a son on each...

4th participant: Four voices are still alive in my memory...

Native eyes and blond hair...

The sons look stubbornly from the frames...

1st schoolgirl: There's nowhere to hide from this tragedy,

And the woman walks straight around the room

and looks wisely into the faces of his sons.

4th schoolgirl: And it enters my heart, sprouting

from a small woman, great power!

Conscience: And suddenly I don’t forgive drunken boys,

And I understand something more here...

All together: After all, many decide firmly,

Even in grief, do not bow to the bitter one...

All schoolchildren give Conscience burst balloons, symbolizing lost talents, lives ruined by vodka.

A group of participants perform ditties on the stage to the music.

Our river is deep -
Bad crossing.
My dear one is good,
Yes, it was vodka.

Beat it off, buddy, girlfriend,
Beat it off, beauty
You beat it, then you find out:
He's handsome, but he's a drunk.

It’s not for nothing that they say:
Alcohol is cruel I.
Why are you guys
You can't live without poison?

Singing leaving. Participants in the next skit appear on stage. They are located in a semicircle at different heights in the poses of people languishing from idleness. The episode “It Was in the Evening” is played out.

- It was evening, there was nothing to do.

What's up with dominoes guys?

We've been tired of it for a long time.

Well, then let's go to the cinema.

I'm tired of that too.

What are you, Vanya, what are you?

No desire for books!

WITH the price plunges into darkness. On the raised screen on the backdrop there are footage of drunken teenagers.

The reader comes out and, continuing the theme, reads N. Dorizo’s poem “Four guys are drinking vodka.”

Four guys drink vodka
At the entrance to the store.
And now they feel good
Such an excess of strength!
Excess strength, heartfelt ardor,
The whole world is so dear to them.
If there was talent, any of them
He composed a hundred songs.
Four guys are drinking vodka,
Their smiles are intoxicating,
And now they feel good
That words alone are not enough.
They need to do something
Hug someone.
Or... someone with a knife
Punch me under the heart.

The stage plunges into complete darkness...

The light turns on.

1st participant: It can be firmly said that at all times - from the ancient Greeks to the present day - progressive people everywhere condemned drunkenness. If we look into past eras, we find out that:

2nd participant: The fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov wrote the following epigram: “Fedka eats radish with vodka. Fedka eats vodka with radish.”

3rd participant: Sergei Yesenin:

Young years with forgotten glory,
I myself poisoned you with bitter poison.
I don’t know: is my end near or far?
There were blue eyes, but now they have faded.

1st participant: Vladimir Mayakovsky:

not those “youth” who, huddled
into the lawn and into the boat,
amidst the squealing and hubbub
rinse with vodka

2nd participant: Vladimir Kuts is a world and Olympic record holder: “Every hundred grams of vodka drunk takes an athlete out of shape for a week.”

Bright light floods the stage. Children of different school ages run out. Someone is jumping, someone is playing ball, someone is doing sports exercises, etc.

Conscience: It is the duty of each of us living on the planet to multiply goodness and make the moment kinder! It will be yours, today's children! You will take the helm of life! It depends on you what it will be like...

(The song sounds to the verses of N. Hikmet, music by E. Hanka “Let's give the globe to the children!”)

2003-2009Publishing house "First of September"
(printed in abbreviation)

Performance "One on One"

(Truths and lies about alcohol)

Compiled by: A.N. Mayurov, Ya.A. Mayurov

Characters: Presenter, Mythologist, Teetotaler

Leading: Gentlemen! We begin our show performance “One on One”. During the fight you will hear myths and realities about alcohol. Before you there will be a battle between the Mythologist and the Temperance. After the fight you will be able to ask them your questions.

Mythologist: Well, hello, Mr. Temperance! So are you really a teetotaler? Ha ha! And I already thought that all of you had already died out a long time ago. My advice to you: leave the Russian people alone. The whole world drinks. And Russians have always been famous for their ability to drink. And nothing, we’re still alive!

Teetotaler: We are still alive, but do you know that we are degenerating? And drunkenness plays not the least role in this. If Russians had always been drunkards, we would have ceased to exist as a nation and state a long time ago. In Ancient Rus' they drank only several degrees of honey and kvass. On great holidays, they passed the ladle around and took a sip. Getting drunk was considered a great shame. Vodka, which false patriots are so proud of, is not a Russian invention and was first brought to Russia from abroad. Drunkenness began to be enforced under Ivan the Terrible, who was the first of the tsars to realize that vodka could become a source of enrichment for the treasury. But it was not at all the drunkenness that we have now. Under Peter I, the strongest alcoholic product was vodka with a strength of only 16 degrees. Sorokagradusnaya appeared much later - only at the end of the 19th century.

Until the 60s of the 20th century, we remained one of the most sober peoples in Europe. Only by this time did we reach the world average level of consumption - 5 liters of absolute alcohol per capita per year.

The legend about the eternal Russian drunkenness, it seems, is being planted in order to lull our vigilance in the fight against the drunkards of the people, against the landslide drunkenness today.

Mythologist: Here you go! Eternal search for an external enemy. No one forces it down the throats of drunkards. They drink themselves!

Teetotaler: That's right! But society taught them to drink. Man is born a natural teetotaler. Only then, under the influence of pro-alcohol propaganda, does he begin to drink under the yoke of imposed drinking traditions. Not a single alcoholic dreamed of becoming one when he lifted his first glass.

Drunkenness in Russia has become a national disaster. Today we drink more than anyone in the world - 18 liters of absolute alcohol per capita per year. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the degeneration of a people begins after 8 liters per person. The history of our people has never known such drunken revelry.

Mythologist: Stop panicking! At least leave this to our people! Life is so hard, but if you drink it makes it easier!

Teetotaler: For this ease, colleague, we pay with degeneration: the life expectancy of Russians is 10-15 years less than in Europe and America.

Today, the average Russian man does not live to see retirement. For every one born, 2-3 people die. According to WHO, out of 100 school graduates in 2009, only 40 will live to see retirement. But we continue to drink and do not notice that we are dying. No, vodka is a weak comforter! In order not to perish, our people urgently need to sober up and look at everything with sober eyes.

Mythologist: Don't exaggerate! The whole world drinks and nothing happens - they prosper. France, Italy, the Caucasus drinks!

Teetotaler: In Russia, the most severe type of use is widespread - “northern”. Russians drink mainly strong alcoholic beverages, and in large quantities, in large loading doses. Therefore, the consequences of alcoholism are more severe here. But even in those countries where they drink only dry wines and only “high” quality ones, there are many problems, since alcohol is always alcohol, no matter how beautiful clothes they dress it up in.

France is one of the world leaders in the prevalence of alcoholism. In recent years, she has consistently pursued a course to reduce alcohol consumption. As a result, people in France began to drink almost half as much. Have you watched the TV series “Helen and the Boys”? What are they drinking there? Juices and water!

I believe that to overcome drunkenness in our country, serious anti-alcohol propaganda and serious prohibition measures are needed.

Mythologist: What kind of prohibitive measures are you talking about? Yes, “prohibition” is impossible. This has been shown by the experience of the USA, Finland, and Russia. And the prohibitive measures of 1985! People still remember it!

Teetotaler: Firstly, “prohibition” is possible and flourishes very well if there is ideological support for it. Millions of Muslims in the world do not drink at all and are not going to give up their sobriety, because their religion prohibits them from drinking. In Russia, I remind you that at the beginning of the century, the “prohibition law” lasted for almost 11 years, which was abolished by Stalin, allegedly in order to thus find funds for the industrialization of the country. But it's easy to let the genie out of the bottle. It is extremely difficult to drive him back. Our people need a national idea - to self-preserve, to survive! Everything should work for this idea: the media, television, education, healthcare, science. But there is no idea, and there are so few fighters that their voices are almost inaudible.

Mythologist: Finally, we have come to an agreement! Nothing can be done about our people. You can’t stop drinking, no matter how hard you try!

Teetotaler: So you propose to die out silently, give up, without a fight? No way! We will still fight! Let us gather all that is still healthy and thinking in Russia under sober banners. Sober voices must make their way into the media and into schools. I believe that a national program for improving the health of the people will be adopted. For us this is a matter of life and death.

The instinct of self-preservation is the strongest in all living things. Do you want your children and grandchildren to be masters of the whole earth? Join us! There is no alternative to sobriety! Either continue to die out, or survive, preserve the nation and statehood.

Mythologist: Ek, where did they go! Where am I going to put my distillery? No, you and I are not on the same path.

Leading: Dear viewers! Please join our discussion and answer our questions.

Questions for discussion:

1. Is the legend about the eternal Russian drunkenness true?

2. How much did we drink before the 60s of the twentieth century (in the mid-60s, today)?

3. How do we pay for drinking? What is the demographic situation in Russia today?

4. Why does the mythologist spread his myths and not want to fight for sobriety?

September 11 is All-Russian Day of Sobriety. True, few people know that the holiday of sobriety is already more than a hundred years old!

It was first celebrated in 1913 at the initiative of the Church. During the holiday, state-owned wine shops were closed and the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited. In all Orthodox churches in the capital, a proclamation about the significance of the holiday was read, and religious processions were organized by teetotalers.
The holidays of that time were distinguished by a great intensity of educational and cultural events.

* * *
The second half of the 19th century was a time of serious changes in all spheres of life of the Russian state. In 1861, serfdom was abolished, which began a new stage in the history of Russia - there was a significant increase in production, there was an increase in political activity of all segments of the population, and the emergence of new ideas and spiritual quests among the leading thinkers of Russian culture.
Despite the fact that the level of alcohol consumption per capita per year was then low compared to modern times (4.7 liters versus 18.5 liters today), society, and especially the clergy, responded to the increase in alcohol consumption by massively creating temperance societies. At the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. A broad temperance movement developed in Russia. The latter is understood as “a social movement for the voluntary refusal of citizens (temporary or permanent) from alcohol consumption, the adoption of restrictive, prohibitive and educational measures against the distribution, production and consumption of alcohol at the local, regional and state level.”
The first Russian temperance societies with charters and a well-thought-out program of action began to appear around the 1880s. In 1882 S.A. Rachinsky created the famous Tatev Temperance Society. The movement for sobriety received its greatest development in the history of the country in 1907-1914 (between the revolution of 1905-1907 and the First World War), when many realized the need for sobering up as a condition for the salvation and peaceful renewal of the country. First of all, this is due to a change in government policy, when the authorities finally started thinking seriously about the alcohol threat.

Back in 1894, in connection with the transition to a state wine monopoly, Trustees for National Temperance began to be created throughout the country - government institutions whose purpose was to disseminate common sense concepts about the dangers of drunkenness. Members of the trustees for national sobriety, unlike other trustees, received salaries, and the trustees themselves enjoyed large funding. Unfortunately, the activities of many trustees were extremely passive and ineffective. Moreover, “the government understood the ineffectiveness of the ongoing struggle” and was looking for other ways to solve the pressing alcohol problem.
Along with guardianships, various church and civil temperance societies were created in the country. By 1911, there were more than 2,000 temperance societies in the country with a huge number of members. At the same time, temperance societies were predominantly religious Orthodox and peasant in composition. That is, most temperance societies in the Russian Empire were created in rural parishes, and their work was led by a local priest.
In 1914, including in connection with the outbreak of war, a number of anti-alcohol regulations were adopted, which significantly reduced the destructive impact of alcohol on Russian society. There was a sharp decrease in the amount of alcohol consumed and, following this, a sharp improvement in the demographic and socio-economic indicators of the country’s development, described in the literature.

* * *
In Chelyabinsk, a sobriety society, called the “City-Chelyabinsk John the Baptist Sobriety Society,” was created on September 2, 1912 in honor of John the Baptist on the initiative of the rector of the Alexander Nevsky Church, priest Mikhail Penkovsky.
Thanks to the energetic preaching of Fr. Mikhail about the dangers of drunkenness and the benefits of sobriety, more and more members were involved in the society. The work developed, the society grew and became popular.
At the beginning, the society numbered 23 people, by the end of the first year of existence (at the beginning of 1914) - 243 people. Members of the society took a vow not to drink alcohol for a certain period of time. General meetings were convened at least twice a month, in addition to resolving economic issues, a lot was said and read about the benefits of sobriety. Particularly persistent members who showed themselves in some way were awarded special certificates, and all members of the society were given the right to wear the badge of a member of the society made of bronze under gold.
The activities of the society were expressed in sermons from the church pulpit about the dangers of drunkenness, in the distribution of the Society's charter, icons, leaflets, and brochures against drunkenness to everyone who joined individually, in posting pictures against drunkenness on the porches of city and nearby village churches, and in lecture work. In the People's House there were “folk readings with vague pictures” (transparencies) about the dangers of drunkenness. Society meetings were held in the Alexander Nevsky Church.
A decent library on sobriety issues was collected, which was constantly replenished by extracts of special sober magazines, posters, religious and moral magazines and generally popular newspapers of that time. In addition, the library was replenished with books of religious and moral content donated by townspeople; Membership fees were used to purchase brochures that were distributed free of charge to the population.
On August 29, 1913, a holiday of sobriety was held in Chelyabinsk. On this day, solemn services were held in all the churches of the city, sermons were read on the fight against alcoholism. After the liturgy, a religious procession and prayer service to St. John the Baptist took place at the fairgrounds near the Alexander Nevsky Church. In April 1914, another “Sobriety Festival” was organized, in which many intellectuals, especially teachers, took part. This is how F.I. Gorbunov describes this event: “A grandiose procession was organized around the city with banners and a brass band, which attracted a lot of public. Scattered around the city, decorated with flowers and colored ribbons with slogans about the dangers of drunkenness, were collectors and collectors with circles to raise funds for the benefit of the society. The gathering was good. Using these collected funds, the society opened a teahouse and reading room next to the People’s House.”
The society's popularity grew. But in July 1914 the war began. Many members of society went to war. Wine sales were closed. Sobriety became mandatory for everyone and “in society, as in the horn of salvation, the need disappeared.” After 1917, the society's activities ceased altogether.

* * *
Most temperance societies appeared on the territory of the Chelyabinsk diocese in a rather late (after 1911) period of development of the all-Russian temperance movement. They were created on the model of existing temperance societies and brotherhoods that had already gained experience in other regions. Temperance societies sometimes owe their appearance to state and church politics, but among the initiators of such work there were many enthusiasts who sincerely wanted to work for the good of the Church and their people.
One of the most important forms of work of local temperance societies (in addition to church preaching and worship) was moral influence, the example of teetotalers. Temperance societies paved the way for restrictive measures by the state, influencing public consciousness. But the real result—a noticeable decline in consumption throughout the country—appeared only as a result of decisive government measures.
Today, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), every fifth death in Russia and neighboring countries occurs from causes related to alcohol. At the same time, the level of alcohol consumption in our country is classified as the most dangerous for public health. To this it is worth adding the social damage that high alcoholism of the population brings to society: it is responsible for a huge number of crimes, the breakdown of families, abandoned and physically handicapped children.
From the point of view of the Church, the best prevention of any kind of addiction is spiritual and moral education, involvement in Eucharistic and community life. The history of the Russian Orthodox Church testifies to the extensive experience accumulated by parish temperance societies of the early 20th century. Then, with the active participation of the Church, extensive educational work was carried out - Temperance Holidays were held, public lectures were given, sermons were preached about the dangers of drunkenness and the benefits of sobriety. The total number of participants in temperance societies reached 500,000 people.
Such a movement could not go unnoticed, and by 1914 there had been serious changes in the attitude of the tsarist government towards alcohol, which gave rise to a lot of positive changes that improved the demographic, social and economic indicators of the country's development. Unfortunately, war and revolution changed the situation, and now valuable experience has to be acquired and rethought.
Of course, the situation in the country has changed over the past 100 years; new forms of work adapted to modern conditions are needed. But the very fact that in our history, and in particular the city of Chelyabinsk, there was a sobriety society, whose members led a sober lifestyle for the sake of saving themselves and their loved ones from the vice of drunkenness, for the sake of reviving the moral guidelines of their fellow citizens, instills in us confidence and courage take the path of sobriety and, by personal example of a sober life, contribute to overcoming the terrible disaster that threatens our Fatherland.

Alcoholism is the biggest problem of our time. This is a serious chronic disease that develops on the basis of physical and mental dependence. A person suffering from alcohol addiction destroys his entire life - he loses friends, work, family.

Great importance is attached to organizing and carrying out various preventive measures aimed at combating this social evil. According to experts, prevention becomes most successful if a large number of people are involved in it. One of the most significant events aimed at combating alcoholism is the All-Russian Day of Sobriety.

This festival originated more than a century ago. The founder of the solemn date was St. Petersburg. In the very distant year 1911, about 30 citizens who were among the Russian intelligentsia created a labor community of teetotal Christians.

Participants of the All-Russian Organization of Christian Temperance Admirers actively promoted the absolute taboo on the consumption of alcoholic beverages and called for an active lifestyle.

The main slogan of the society was the calling: “Our well-being lies in complete sobriety!” It was under this appeal that regular celebrations began to be organized, which were given the name “Sobriety Day.” The first anti-alcohol holiday was held with the general blessing of the bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The essence and background of the holiday

Having originated in our northern capital, this significant plan gradually spread to other settlements and villages. Not everyone appreciated this idea, but in almost 2/3 of Russian provinces the celebration was successfully held with the participation of almost all residents.

During the celebration, drinking establishments in the cities were closed, and any sale of alcohol was closed. Just two years later, Sobriety Day acquired official status. This idea was readily supported by almost all representatives of the Russian classes:

  • intelligentsia;
  • church officials;
  • government representatives.

Members of other teetotaler groups and communities also actively participated in the celebration. But despite the global, widespread approval and good intentions, the celebration was banned by the Bolsheviks who came to power. The tradition was revived only in 2005, when the Day of Sobriety in Russia acquired a second birth.

The main idea of ​​the celebration

The main emphasis in celebrating the date was on active and comprehensive promotion of a sober lifestyle. The idea was based on demonstrating and proving that a person is capable of living a quality and full life, completely without consuming alcoholic beverages. The problem of drunkenness has always been very acute for our country. Members of the teetotaler community contrasted other values ​​with alcohol:

  • wisdom;
  • creativity;
  • creation and development;
  • healthy well-being.

It was these moral principles that a person lost when he found himself in drunken captivity. The most important idea of ​​the organizers of the celebration was the fact that, according to the ideas of the community members, each person is obliged to make some contribution to the celebration. That is, at least go through the holidays without drinking even a drop of alcohol.

The main purpose of the holiday is to promote a sober lifestyle

It was planned that it was during the holiday season that a person should give all his strength to his family and devote himself entirely to his loved ones and children. Enjoy sober communication and family outings.

Temperance Day and Church

The clergy entirely approved of this plan. In 1913, this significant event acquired the status of “church”. The first all-Russian celebration of general sobriety was organized on the date of the beheading of John the Baptist - September 11. Since then, the anti-alcohol holiday has been organized in our state - at the beginning of autumn.

Saint John never consumed intoxicating drinks. The martyr was beheaded by order of Herod Antipas, who was hot and intoxicated by an abundance of alcohol. The Bible emphasizes that this crime was committed during a drunken feast by a mind besotted with alcohol.

On the night before the celebration, an all-night vigil was held in the Temples of Christian St. Petersburg. The service was consecrated by His Holiness Metropolitan Vladimir. The representative of the highest circles of the church was not just an ardent admirer and admirer of the anti-alcohol celebration, but also a direct participant in it.

During the all-night vigil, church officials read the words of proclamation for this upcoming event. The liturgy was repeated in the morning of the next day. And by lunchtime, all the participants of the great day solemnly marched towards the Kazan Cathedral. Metropolitan Vladimir was waiting for the representatives of the procession there. He overshadowed those gathered with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God and blessed them.

Temperance Day Supports and Blesses the Church

Unfortunately, Temperance Day came under ban with the advent of Soviet power in Russia. After all, this celebration was related to the church, and the Bolsheviks sharply rejected everything religious.

Anti-alcohol holiday today

World Temperance Day was resumed in the Russian Federation only in 2005. The organizers of the celebration believe that every citizen interested in the health of himself and his loved ones is obliged to participate in the common cause. Encourage others to be sober. Alcoholism has become a real scourge of our time, so organizing and holding such a celebration is extremely important and relevant.

The task of social institutions is not simply to pronounce numerous slogans promoting sobriety. The organizers devote all their efforts to demonstrating what a person can gain by leading a sober lifestyle, and what he loses by armed with a bottle of alcohol.

Day of Sobriety in Russia on September 11 is celebrated on a grand scale in almost all cities. The following events are organized:

  • conversations;
  • rallies;
  • concerts;
  • seminars;
  • bike rides;
  • conferences;
  • sports races;
  • exhibitions of children's drawings.

Large-scale charity events are organized. Participants are given memorable badges, booklets, and educational brochures. All events, without exception, are subordinated to one goal - to show citizens the importance of a life free from alcohol, smoking and drugs. The church also actively participates in various events.

On this day, thematic services are organized in the Temples, which are attended by anyone. All parishioners can light a candle in front of the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice”. This icon is designed to provide support to alcohol dependent people, helping those who pray for their health and healing.

Sobriety Day is usually celebrated not at the alcoholic table, but with family and sober health. The whole purpose of the holiday is to show that a sober atmosphere is much more pleasant than an alcoholic feast.

The need for celebration

A day of sobriety is extremely necessary for modern society. After all, the statistics on alcohol consumption in Russia are sad. According to statistical indicators for 2013, the volume of alcohol consumed was set at 18 liters per capita. Other indicators are also very worrying:

  1. About 80-85% of teenagers regularly consume alcohol.
  2. Almost 90% of all serious offenses are committed while drunk.
  3. And the increase in the number of accidents caused by drunk drivers accounts for about 60%.
  4. There are about 3 million citizens in our country who are diagnosed as alcohol dependent; in fact, this figure is much higher.

Alcohol addiction has long turned into a national mass disaster, threatening the degeneration and disappearance of the nation. All-Russian Day of Sobriety should be actively revived and held en masse. Involving children, teenagers and young people in the celebration. Traffic police officers also make a significant contribution. During road duty, patrol officers congratulate car owners on their occasion, handing them leaflets and bright stickers.

This celebration is held against the backdrop of general sobriety and is not celebrated with the usual feast. After all, only a sober citizen can become prosperous and successful, have a happy family, and well-deserved recognition. By saying a firm “No” to alcohol, the Russian nation will not lose anything, but will only gain – strength, health, honor and courage.

"Day of Sobriety"

Target: To instill in students an interest in maintaining their own health.


    show the advantages of a sober lifestyle, awaken civic initiative and responsibility in confronting addictions;

    contribute to the revival of the traditions of the holiday that existed in Russia in 1912-1917;

    develop a negative attitude towards alcohol and drinking alcoholic beverages in general;

    promote the development of effective communication.

Equipment: projector, computer, board, cards with letters for making statements, ballot box, voting sheets, certificates.

Participants: jury, presenters, teams of 6 – 9 grades.


    holiday competition;

    historical competition;

    proverb competition;

    juice tasting;

    ditty competition.

Event plan.

    Preparatory stage: informing the school administration, teachers, participants, developing competitions, homework for teams and a system of points, awards and incentives.

    Drawing up a script.

    Organizational preparation.

    Summing up.

Progress of the event

(Slide 1, 2)

Good afternoon I really love holidays. What about you? Let's remember at least a few holidays in which you took part. (Teams call holidays).

There are many holidays in our lives. There are state holidays, there are national holidays, there are also family holidays. Today we gathered for a school holiday. Now I will name several holidays, and you will tell me which holidays they can be attributed to:

(Teams answer, name the date of the holiday, in honor of what event it is held and what it is - state, national, religious, family, etc.

Teams are awarded points for their answers)

(Slide 3 – 10)


    Teacher's Day;

    Victory Day;



    New Year;

    National Unity Day;


Leading: Some holidays are common to an entire nation, others are common to a certain group of people, and there are holidays that are celebrated only within one’s own family. There are holidays old and new. Some have existed for a long time, others arose recently, and still others holidays once existed, and then disappeared and were forgotten.

Today we will try to revive one long-forgotten holiday and see whether it needs to be revived, whether we need it or not. I don't know how to carry it out. Let's think together. Do you agree?

First, let's get acquainted with the history of this holiday.

(Slide 11)

(Appendix No. 1)

Presenter: You have become acquainted with the history of the holiday. We ask teams to answer quiz questions.

(The first team to raise an emoticon answers.

Points are awarded for the correct answer.)

(Slide 12 – 13)

Leading: While the jury sums up the results of the competition, the teams will perform the following task. So! Do you remember under what motto the holidays of sobriety were held in Russia? Let me remind you that the holiday motto consisted of four words. Now each team will receive a set of letters to make a statement. Get started.

(Teams are given cards with letters from which they must make up the statement: “Sobriety is the happiness of the people.” Points are awarded for speed and correctness)

(Slide 14)

Presenter: The next competition is a proverb competition. A proverb is folk wisdom in which a deep thought is briefly and clearly expressed. Usually a proverb is easily divided into 2 parts, the second part being the logical ending of the first. You were given a preliminary task: find proverbs about the dangers of alcoholism. Now we will check how the teams dealt with this. I will read the beginning of the proverb, and you must finish it in chorus, with the whole team. So let's begin!

(Slide 15)

(Teams answer in turns; if the answer is incorrect, the team that raises the smiley face first is given the opportunity to answer.

Points are awarded for the correct answer)

    Know how to work... (know how to have fun too).

    Drink vodka - ... (to destroy yourself).

    In a puddle of vodka... (and the heroes drown).

    Walk, dance , ...(don’t kill souls).

    Loved wine -... (ruined the family).

    Whoever gets drunk on the brew... (he washes himself with tears).

    Drink and walk -... (no good in sight).

    A drunkard among the people... (like a weed in the garden).

    The river begins with a stream... (and drinking from a glass).

    Enough wine -... (the young man passed away).

    Who knows how to have fun... (He is not afraid of grief).

    Vodka doesn't heal... (and it cripples).

    Loved the wine ... (ruined the family).

    Where is the intoxication... (there is a crime there).

    Whoever gets drunk on the brew... (he washes himself with tears).

    Cups and small glasses... (they will take you to your purse).

    Faceted glasses... (the hut is in ruins).

    Say hello to vodka... (say goodbye to your mind).

    The wine ceremony begins... (and ends in a fight).

    The hops are noisy -… ( the mind is silent).

(Slide 16)

Leading: Alcoholic drinks are harmful drinks. But there are healthy drinks. These are juices.Our next competition is juice tasting. Now each team will receive 3 boxes of juice and straws. The boxes are sealed with paper of different colors. Your task is to determine what juice is in each box and write the name directly on the box. We start only on my command. The jury will evaluate not only the correctness, but also the speed, and, most importantly, the consistency of your actions.

(Teams are given boxes and tubes and given the command to start tasting.
As the teams are ready, the assistants collect the boxes and hand them over to the jury. Points are awarded for each correct answer)

Presenter: You guys are great. And now the last competition. The teams were given homework: to prepare for the ditty competition. We ask the teams to prepare for the performance.

(Slide 17)

(While the teams are preparing, the game is played with spectators. Appendix No. 2)

(Slide 18)

Presenter: This concludes our holiday. But before we leave, I would like to hear your opinion about whether you liked the event, what was particularly memorable, perhaps surprising, or your suggestion on how to hold it next time. I ask each team to express their opinion. Now we ask you to vote on this issue. On your voting sheet, you should write whether we need a Sobriety Day today and why? We ask you to place the forms in the voting box. Thank you!

The first celebration of Temperance Day took place more than 100 years ago, in 1911 in St. Petersburg, under the slogan “The happiness of the people lies in sobriety.” And in 1913, this day became an official holiday supported by the church. The clergy and representatives of the scientific intelligentsia wanted to unite society in this way, contrasting alcohol addiction with the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, creation, creativity and reason. With the advent of Soviet power, the celebration stopped, and the tradition was resumed only in 2005. According to the organizers of the holiday, on this day any person should make their contribution, even the smallest one, to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Celebrating Sobriety Day is a significant event for society as a whole. According to statistics, the share of alcohol consumption per capita increases every year. Alcoholism takes the form of a national disaster. That is why social institutions are doing everything to make a healthy lifestyle a social value, and the passion for alcohol, as well as other substances that change the state of human consciousness, is condemned by everyone as a vice leading to personality decline.

On this day, thematic rallies, conferences and seminars are held in many Russian cities on the prevention and recovery from alcohol and other types of addictions. The church, in turn, organizes special services.

Sobriety Day is a holiday that should be celebrated by maintaining a sober mind, enjoying the opportunity to communicate with loved ones, and striving to make sobriety a natural state every day of the year. After all, only a sober person can be successful, happy, have a strong family and respect. By giving up alcohol, we can make the nation healthier and stronger.

In many parts of the world, drinking alcoholic beverages at various meetings and functions is a common practice. However, due to the intoxicating, toxic and addictive properties of alcohol, its consumption can have adverse health and social consequences.

In addition to the chronic diseases that heavy drinkers can develop over the years, alcohol consumption is also associated with an increased risk of acute health conditions such as injuries, including injuries from road traffic accidents.

Just the facts!

  • Globally, 3.3 million deaths occur each year as a result of harmful use of alcohol, accounting for 5.9% of all deaths.
  • Harmful use of alcohol is a causative factor in more than 200 health conditions associated with disease and injury.
  • 5.1% of the total global burden of disease and injury is attributable to alcohol.
  • Alcohol consumption causes death and disability relatively earlier in life. Among people aged 20-39 years, approximately 25% of all deaths are related to alcohol.
  • Cause-and-effect relationships have been established between the harmful use of alcohol and the incidence of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, as well as the course of HIV/AIDS.
  • In addition to its health consequences, harmful alcohol use causes significant social and economic harm to individuals and society as a whole.

How harmless or beneficial can a glass of wine be?

There is still controversy surrounding the consumption of small amounts of alcoholic beverages. As a result, many people think that “just one glass of wine a day” is all good and no harm. But is this really so?

French paradox

The main argument of supporters of the benefits of alcoholic beverages over the past three decades has been and remains the so-called French paradox: relatively low levels of cardiovascular diseases and cancer among residents of France. After examining more than 35 thousand people in 1978, researchers decided that daily consumption of dry red wine protected French residents from heart disease and cancer. According to scientists, the most important thing in this drink is polyphenols. These are biologically active substances that work as antioxidants. They protect the body from the destructive effects of free radicals and become a means of preventing cardiovascular diseases. Of course, if you drink wine in moderate doses - one small glass per day.

It's not that simple

France is not the only country where dry red wine is produced and consumed. However, the positive effect of alcoholic drinks for some reason didn't show up from the closest neighbors of this country - in Spain, Portugal or Italy.

Wine did not “work” in combination with the Mediterranean diet, which was recognized as an effective means of preventing cardiovascular diseases.

And over time, it turned out that while the level of heart disease is relatively low, the French are no less likely than other Europeans to suffer from obesity and liver disease. Including cirrhosis, one of the main reasons for its development is alcohol abuse.

In one glass of red wine with a volume of about 150 ml there is a little more than one unit - 12 ml of pure alcohol. A unit is a unit adopted in Europe equal to 10 milliliters of ethanol. The dose considered relatively safe for women is two units, for men - three. That is, just a couple of glasses of wine for women is already more than the maximum permissible daily limit of alcohol.

“One glass a day is a lot,” says Evgeniy Brun, director of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology. “If you do the math, it turns out that with a daily glass of wine a person drinks 54 liters per year, which is equivalent to 11 liters of vodka or 4 liters of alcohol per year.”

At the same time, for some other organs, for example, the pancreas, there is no safe amount of alcohol, and they suffer from any dose of ethanol.

As practice shows, in fact, “prevention” rarely ends with one glass a day. As a rule, people drink much more than they intended. Thus, residents of the UK manage to drink a whole bottle of wine more than they planned in a week. And over the course of a year, 225 million liters of excess alcohol “flows” across this country.

“Besides, you can’t immediately determine whether a person has risk factors for alcohol,” says Evgeniy Bryun, “this only becomes clear in hindsight, when abuse begins.”

The effect of wine antioxidants can only be noticed in the future, but ethanol, contained in all alcoholic drinks, begins to work immediately. After the first glass, the likelihood of developing a stroke increases 2.3 times and decreases by 30% only after 24 hours.

Attempts to “raise hemoglobin” and “improve appetite” with a glass of wine during pregnancy are especially dangerous. The alcohol contained in any alcoholic drink freely penetrates into the baby’s blood through the placenta. The body of the unborn child is not able to cope with toxic substances that disrupt its development.

And also alcohol was recognized as a drug,causing the most severe consequencesfrom consumption. On a 100-point scale assessing the harm of psychoactive substances to humans, alcohol is in first place with 72 points, ahead of heroin.