Skyward Sword: Walkthrough Heavenly Citadel. Update “Lake of Jasper Whale” passage of Foundry Heavenly Fortress, courtyard

As soon as you enter the temple, run forward and kill the fire Keese. You can turn left and find Mogma, who will tell you about your lost friends. In the eastern corner of this room you will come across red Chuchus. There is also a hole in which the air flow is hidden. He'll drop you off at a chest containing a red rupee.

Continue north in this room, kill the fire Kees and jump across the flying platforms. At the end of the room you will find a large drawbridge that is closed. Look on both sides of the room - there are two gears, each with a cable attached. Cut both cables with your sword and the bridge will partially open. To the right of the bridge there is another cable that can be cut - but this time you will need a Beetle. After this, the bridge will open completely.

In the next room you will meet Lizalfos for the first time. This creature behaves much like the Bokoblin we fought before - with its hand it will protect part of its body. Lizalfos moves much faster, so your strikes must be extremely fast. Run towards the Lizalfos and cut them with your sword. Lizalfos will dodge and put up their arms to defend themselves. Hit them from the opposite side. After the first successful hit, continue to deliver subsequent strikes. Repeat this process until the Lizalfos are defeated.

There will also be new lava enemies known as Lava Spums. These creatures shoot fireballs and you won't be able to defeat them yet. Just dodge their attacks. There will also be a large structure in the lava with bomb flowers attached to it. Use the Slingshot to shoot down these bombs. Once they explode, a large floating ball will float towards you.

This will be your main means of transportation throughout this dungeon. Jump onto the ball and move to the left side of the room. There will be a couple of bombs here, as well as a platform that appears from the lava from time to time. Break the bomb and throw it onto the platform at the moment when it is lowered. The platform will rise and the bomb will explode the stone. Jump up to pick up the Golden Skull from the chest.

Jump onto the ball again and move to the northwestern part of the room. Jump off the ball and open the chest to get a Blue Feather, a very rare treasure. Continue moving the ball east. There will be a switch in the lava that can be activated by rolling a ball onto it. Activate it and one of the platforms nearby will rise. We'll come back to this a little later.

Jump onto the ball again and move to the southeast part of the room. Jump down and talk to a Mogma named Lidd, who will ask you to return his Bomb Bag to him. He will say that she is somewhere behind the stones blocking the passage.

Climb through the small hole and kill the nearby Bokoblin. Break the bomb and roll it into the small hole through which you got here. If you aim well, the stone will explode. Before entering the next room, look around. There is a staircase here. Climb the ladder and you will be able to jump over to a ledge that has two pits on it. Dig and you'll find a couple of rupees and a fairy. You can put it in an empty jar.

After that, go to the opened door and go to the mini-boss in the guise of two Lizalfos. Everything is the same as in the battle with one Lizalfos, except, of course, that now there are two enemies. Nothing has changed in their tactics and they usually attack in turns. Be aggressive, and once you land the first successful hit, don't stop landing subsequent ones.

After you defeat both Lizalfos, a chest containing a Bomb Bag will appear. Return to the previous room and talk to Lidd. He'll thank you for finding his bag and let you keep it! Thank you! Crawl into that small hole again and detonate the bomb. Immediately after you pick the flower, press "B" to hide the bomb in your bag. Fill the bag with bombs.

blockade of the fortress

Alternative descriptions

Type of combat

Military anticipation

The military way to starve out

Surrounding a fortified place with troops in order to capture it

Method of military action

Method of serf bribery

Very gradual attack

Surrounding the stronghold

Surrounding a fortified place with troops

Film by Edward Zwick

Book by American writer Norman Mailer “Miami and... Chicago”

Long-term military operation

The enemy ring, patiently waiting for the keys to the city

Sluggish assault

Military starvation

Enemy at the walls of the fortress

Method of capturing a fortress

The enemy surrounded the fortress

Ring around the fortress

Castle in the ring

Surrounding the castle by the enemy

A fortress surrounded by the enemy

Surroundings of the fortress

Method of taking a fortress

Izmor of the castle

Capture of the fortress by starvation

. "halt" of the enemy at the fortress

A way to take over a fortress

Military starvation

Surrounding for the purpose of capture


. "smoke break" of the enemy around the walls of the fortress

Long-term encirclement of the city

Passive analogue of storming a fortress

Dreary method of taking a fortress

A city surrounded by the enemy

Bastion environment

A city surrounded by the enemy

Hard “pressure” of the fortress

. "halt" of the enemy near the fortress

A leisurely way to take a fortress

Landing on a football goal

Enemy halt at the walls of the fortress

Long-term environment

. "Roadside Picnic" at an Enemy Fortress

Taking the fortress to death

Attack extended over time

Ring of enemies around the fortress

Actions to capture the fortress

Encirclement awaiting surrender

Long encirclement of the city, fortress

The protracted assault on the fortress

Technique for capturing a fortress

Method of taking a fortress

Long-term encirclement of the fortress

Method of taking the city

Ukr. metallurgist scientist (1920-79)

Prolonged military blockade

Method of taking the bastion

Passive assault on a city or fortress

. "starved" capture of the fortress

City environment

Protracted capture of the fortress

Method of conquering a fortress

Enemy around the fortress

Long encirclement of the bastion

Method of conquering the fortress

. "ringing" the fortress

Blockade of the city awaiting surrender

A leisurely way to take a fortress

Surrounding a fortress or city with the aim of taking it by storm

Method of military action

Surrounding a fortified place with troops in order to capture it

Type of military action, surrounding a fortified place by troops with the aim of capturing it

. "Started" capture of the fortress

. "Ring" of enemies around the fortress

. "Ringing" the fortress

. "Smoke break" of the enemy around the walls of the fortress

. "Halt" of the enemy near the fortress

Hard "pressure" of the fortress

Book by American writer Norman Mailer "Miami and... Chicago"


Besiege, etc. see besiege

Starvation of the city

Fortress in the ring

The “Sky Fortress” was prepared for flight by R-052, and Admiral Akbar personally supervised the preparations.

He was sick and tired of dealing with the Sith, and more than anything else, he wanted to get rid of the need to show Vader signs of attention. One could say more than that - Akbar was a convinced supporter of the fact that Vader must certainly be destroyed. How tired, how tired I am, of feeling Vader’s presence every moment, every second of my existence. Even if he were far away, even in prison, he was there, and Akbar shivered his shoulders chillily, remembering the Sith’s unkind grin and his unblinking gaze.

“Nothing, nothing,” Akbar reassured himself. - Just six months. During this time, I will be able to win over the members of the Council to my side. Nothing...

From the windows of the covered gallery connecting the Council building and the spaceport building, the launch pads and the transport workers stationed on them were clearly visible. They flew away and arrived; loaders brought cargo and equipment inside the ships, people - from here, from above, they looked like small gray ants - hurried about their business, dived into the darkness of the cargo compartments or climbed into the wheelhouse...

The “Heavenly Fortress” stood not so far from the gallery, and Akbar could clearly see all the preparations for departure.

Once upon a time, this ship was converted from a standard GR-75 medium transport into a small but very thoroughly fortified starship. Some of the cabins on it were replaced by one large scientific laboratory, some were converted into chambers, isolated from each other and from the corridors by force fields. It was used for the travel of important people - even in the event of an attack on the “Fortress”, a person living in one of these cabins had every chance of staying alive, having lowered all protective fields.

These fields were also omitted when they did not want passengers to contact each other.

Now it was hastily prepared to transport Vader.

They installed additional protection - Akbar insisted that the corridor be divided into compartments by the same force fields, so that there would always be at least a couple of compartments between Vader and the people accompanying him.

In addition, a cell was prepared for him by connecting four cabins together.

It was rumored that the "Sky Fortress" would become Vader's prison.

Formally, he was not convicted, and the Council did not sentence him, and therefore it was simply impossible to put him in prison. This became clear shortly after the order to escort Vader was received by the imperturbable R-052.

After reading it carefully, she handed the paper to Akbar and said dispassionately:

- Impossible, sir.

- What?! – Akbar, already preoccupied with the thought of whether the “Fortress” was good enough to cope with Vader, almost burst with anger. And the sudden disobedience of the officer, whom he had been recommended as efficient and reliable, infuriated him. - Fulfill!

Akbar pulled the collar of the clothes that were choking him. This was still not enough.

At that moment, a wave of rage, irritation and fear washed over him again.

He thought that the officer also thought that the Sky Fortress was not a suitable vehicle for Vader. An officer with such recommendations as R-052 would probably check everything personally and assess the degree of risk for himself and the rest of the personnel.

Also, a vile, disgusting, slippery thought suddenly came into Ackbar’s head that Luke, not satisfied with the decision of the Council, had simply planned Vader’s escape, and for this purpose, through intrigue, he had procured a ship for his transportation, which would not be difficult for Vader to capture .

No, don't think, don't think about it!

Or is this still true?

What did Vader and Luke talk about alone?

What did the terrible Sith promise to Luke, looking into his eyes with his eerie, unblinking burning gaze?

Don't think about it, no, don't think about it...

“Impossible,” repeated R-052 insistently. – On what basis should Lord Vader be placed in a Galactic prison? There is no verdict, no charges. There is nothing.

- Crap! – Akbar grabbed the paper and ran his eyes over the lines. Really, nothing! Just an order - “escort the Sith Lord Vader”...

R-052 silently waited for an answer, looking at Akbar with her calm, light eyes.

“R-052,” Akbar said sharply, throwing the paper on the table between them, “follow the order!” Do you think any other grounds are needed to imprison a Sith?

“I’m a soldier,” R-052 replied. “And I serve the law of the Republic.” In the eyes of the law, everyone is equal. And if there is no decision from the judge, I have no right to put anyone in prison.

Akbar stared at the officer with hatred.

– Do you understand who we are talking about? – he said, lowering his voice almost to an intimate whisper. - This is Darth Vader.

“I know that,” R-052 carelessly put her hands behind her back and rocked on her heels. Her eyes were still absolutely carefree and calm. “But let me remind you that it is my duty to protect the rights and lives of anyone who needs my protection.” I took an oath and I will not go back on it.

- Protect!! - Akbar cried. “Do you think, R-052, that Darth Vader needs your help?!”

R-052 tilted her head slightly, and an expression of stubbornness appeared in her transparent eyes, so unbending that Akbar realized that it was useless to argue with her.

“Yes,” the officer said clearly. “And that’s exactly what I’m doing now.”

“R-052, if you disobey orders, I will simply order that a replacement be found for you.”

The officer lifted her chin, irritation flashed in her light eyes.

“Sir,” she answered, and her voice was still even and calm. - Until you find a replacement for me, time will pass, a lot of time. Not many officers would voluntarily agree to an indefinite exile with such a dangerous ward. Besides, I do not refuse to carry out orders. I just insist on obeying the law.

Akbar turned away; rage bubbled in his chest.

“Go,” he said dryly, barely coping with his anger. – Prepare the “Fortress” for departure. I will resolve this sensitive issue.

R-052 bowed her head respectfully and left—too hastily, it seemed to Akbar.

She had a lot to do on board the ship...

This spat was not kept secret by the Council, and Ackbar was horrified to see renewed debate over Vader's fate. No, no, not this!

However, the issue was resolved very quickly - and this time Akbar had every reason to suspect Luke and Leia of intrigue, which they resorted to in order to prevent the resumption of the hearings.

It was decided that the Sky Fortress would not land Vader. She would become his prison itself, keeping some distance from the prison where R-052 would send distress signals if necessary.

Akbar did not like this decision even more.

My God, it’s like giving the “Fortress” to Vader and sending him off in peace to all four directions! The Sith's grin appeared before Akbar's eyes again and again; he saw it as clearly as if the Sith was actually laughing in his face.

“Well, no,” Akbar whispered angrily, clenching his long fingers into fists. - No...

Therefore, the flight was postponed for a while until the Sky Fortress was redesigned... a little.

Vader was scheduled to depart today.

The final preparations were underway. The evening before, Akbar himself personally checked whether everything at the “Heavenly Fortress” was done as he wanted, and what he saw calmed him a little.

Even if Vader manages to crush the entire crew, he will not be able to push through the energy fields to get to the control panel. Or it can - but then the “Heavenly Fortress” will not tolerate the overvoltage and will simply explode. In any case, if Vader decides to show his strength, everyone will die. Those who remain on the ship with him for these six months are essentially little more different from kamikazes.

I wonder if R-052 understands this? Yes, undoubtedly, the officer understands this, he cannot help but understand. She doesn’t speak and doesn’t show it, and you might think that all these questions never occurred to her, but, however, you shouldn’t be deceived by her serene appearance. She's a soldier, she's a good soldier. And she was probably preparing for working with Vader, and for the fact that she always had to be on her guard.

Akbar glanced at R-052's imperturbable profile; She accompanied him on this nightly secret tour, making sure that everything she had ordered delivered to the ship for Vader had already arrived and was ready. R-052 meticulously assembled several meditation chambers on board the Fortress, which Vader most likely will not need now. But anything could happen, and she did not want to risk the ward entrusted to her.

Yes, Akbar mentally agreed, R-052 is an excellent officer. I've provided for everything. Because there shouldn’t be a single “suddenly” in her work. All situations must be provided for, and all force majeure events must be warned.

“Sir,” as if hearing Akbar’s thoughts, R-052 handed him the tablet. They both walked leisurely past the cabins that had been converted for Vader, and the crew members demonstrated to Ackbar, at his request, how the protective fields worked. “I have developed job descriptions for the staff, sir, to minimize all possible contacts of the staff with Lord Vader, and therefore to keep them as safe as possible.” Any member of the team must clearly know where he should be at any given time in relation to Lord Vader, and how many degrees of protection should be between them. There are also detailed instructions about interaction, about which questions from Lord Vader should be answered and which ones should not be answered. I would especially like to emphasize the point that states that no one except me has the right to approach Lord Vader. In the event that something happens to me,” the officer didn’t even raise an eyebrow, although this “something will happen” could mean only one thing—death with a broken neck—the team must act as before and wait for my deputy. The team that will fly with us is already familiar with them. But they will change; and therefore, before sending a shift to the Sky Fortress, you will have to familiarize the team with these instructions in detail.

Excellent, R-052, Akbar mentally praised the officer. There is no better answer to all my questions. You are truly the best of all candidates.

“Okay,” Akbar answered briefly. - I'll take care of it. but I also wanted to offer you something.

- I'm listening to you, sir.

Akbar stopped and motioned to his adjutant, who was following them.

“I have a few things for you,” the adjutant, at Akbar’s sign, handed the R-052 officer an oblong transparent tube.

-What is this? – R-052 said with noticeable surprise, hesitantly looking at the incomprehensible object inside.

- Take it, take it. This is a power collar. Before releasing Vader from the handcuffs, you lock her in an isolated compartment at the very beginning of the corridor and order her to put it on. This will keep you as safe as possible. No, of course, Vader is able to break it, but it will take some time. And if he attacks you, you will have a very good chance of eluding him, saving yourself while he fights the force field.

– Do you think this is acceptable? – R-052 said with doubt in her voice.

“I really wouldn’t want you to put your life in danger,” Akbar’s voice warmed up. “You really are a good officer.” I read your dossier; and after talking with you, I realized that you are exactly as they say - brave, incorruptible and honest. You are a good soldier, but still you are not only a soldier. You are also a person, a worthy person. And just as you fought to protect Vader’s life and rights from me,” an amused spark flashed in Akbar’s huge eyes, “so now I want to protect you from him.” My conscience will torment me if I know that I left you alone with this killing machine. This is not the way to treat faithful and devoted people.

Seeing R-052's hesitation, Akbar took her hand and forced the tube into it.

- Take it! – he repeated again insistently. “And don’t take off until he puts it on.” He will put it on; I assure you. There are rumors that Vader wants to capture the Sky Fortress and escape. But it is impossible to capture it unless you die. If these rumors turn out to be true, this collar will give you time to get to cover and send a signal for help.

R-052's face was expressionless. It was difficult to understand what she was thinking about, but she did not return the tube to Akbar.

“Thank you, sir,” she said.

Yes, finally. Today Vader goes into exile.

Akbar could not miss this event, and, as usual, he went to his favorite gallery. From there everything was perfectly visible.

Vader was led out of the Council building through the floors on the lower levels, where only the freight elevators go. Freight ones - because he was accompanied by a lot of security, and also because in this elevator there was more space between Vader and the people than in any other.

Akbar saw Vader emerge from the dark mouth of the entrance leading somewhere deep into the building, huge, scary.

He walked quickly, silently, and the sun shone coldly on Vader's shiny black off-road combat boots.

Vader was no longer wearing his famous quilted black jumpsuit; Instead of a life-support suit, Vader was wearing a regular Jedi suit, except that it was black.

This was another trick of Ackbar, who insisted on taking away this part of Vader’s protection, supposedly so that Vader would have no chance of escape if he suddenly decided to blow up the “Sky Fortress” (everyone remembered that Vader’s jumpsuit was resistant to explosions ).

Akbar secretly hoped that Vader's suit would remain here, that it would be forgotten in the vanity, and that the Sith might become much worse in exile, and then...

However, all his hopes were dashed to dust as soon as he saw R-052, following a little distance from the Sith Lord.

R-052 carried her tablet under her arm. The guards followed her, and one of them had a familiar flash of a polished black helmet in his hands.

R-052 should have no surprises; all force majeure events are foreseen and prevented.

A cold wind rose; he ruffled and fluttered the black flaps of Vader's cloak, and he took off like the wings of a black terrible bird, as if in the old days, when Vader walked ahead of his stormtroopers...

Vader was without a helmet - and this is bad, Ackbar thought grimly, it only means that all those rumors, all those secret fearful whispers that he heard in all corners of the Council, were true.

It was also true that the Force of the Dark Side healed Vader, restoring him to health. Ackbar remembered how deathly pale Vader's face had been the last time he had seen him.

Today, it seemed to him that Vader now looked more like a common man. It seems that his cheeks were even slightly red from the cold.

His mechanical hands were cuffed with power cuffs, and he carried them strangely, awkwardly crossing his wrists and moving them away from him. It’s as if his hands are dirty with dirt, and he’s incredibly disgusted by it.

In addition to the guards and R-052, Vader was accompanied - or rather, one could say, escorted - by Luke and Leia. predictable turn!

The children walked next to their father, Luke on his right hand, Leia on his left. Ackbar had trouble seeing Vader as he stepped onto the walkway leading to the ramp - soldiers stood on both sides of it, blocking Ackbar's view - but Leia seemed to take her father's arm and lean her head against his shoulder. What a strange and touching gesture.

Luke turned to them, watching Vader say something goodbye to his daughter. The wind ruffled his hair. R-052, retreating from the family - how strange the word "family" sounds when applied to these people, Akbar thought - patiently waited for them to say goodbye.

“I wonder what they’re talking about,” Akbar drawled, trying to look at something that would help him solve this mystery. Thoughts of collusion came back to mind again. Of course, there is no collusion, but still, but still...

Finally, Leia pulled away from Vader. More precisely, Luke put his arm around her shoulders, and Leia's hand slipped from Vader's shoulder. He nodded his head and, bending his head slightly, stepped into the passage along which he had to reach his cabin.

“One, two, three,” Akbar thought to himself.

According to R-052's instructions, in these three seconds Vader must reach the compartment that isolates him from the whole world - both from the ship and from those outside - and only after that R-052 will enter after him.

And so it happened - R-052 was accurate.

“Come on, come on, girl,” Akbar muttered. “Put a leash on this monster.” I won't have peace if you... if something happens to you.

Ten seconds. Twenty. Minute. Three minutes.

According to R-052's instructions, at this moment Vader must reach that very chamber, and if there is a hitch, this will mean that he has agreed. He put it on.

Five minutes.

Akbar felt his head starting to hurt from tension.

This is already too much.

The pilot should have already announced readiness.

So, I put it on.

So she's safe!

“Good girl, baby,” Akbar muttered, and the tension subsided.

“Lord Vader, please step into Chamber 01 and extend your hands forward.”

Darth Vader silently obeyed.

Force fields flared up from all sides with a barely audible hum, and the scanner hurriedly ran a beam over his clothes, looking for hidden weapons. Of course, he wasn’t there, but those are the instructions. R-052 followed it meticulously.

“Lord Vader, I will now release you from the handcuffs.” You are surrounded by force fields. If you try to destroy me, the force fields will limit your location to this compartment, and you will not be able to do anything else without causing harm to yourself.

Information for your information. Very nice of you.

Force fields rose in the two compartments separating him from R-052, and the officer moved from a safe distance to Vader.

She ran her personal card along the dividing arm of the handcuffs - with a hum, the light rings around Vader's wrists went out, and the power supply fell onto her palm.

- Please! – R-052 gestured to the door, and the force field withdrew with a hum, opening the passage. - These are your personal apartments. Come on, I'll show you everything.

Vader smiled slightly.

He was amused by the courage with which R-052 tried to maintain the face of an unshakable and at the same time tactful officer. Of course, she is afraid to be alone with him.

There is no need to ask about this and there is no doubt about it.

And yet, you can’t tell this from her face, from her polished, clear movements and gestures. Even Vader’s gaze, from which even Akbar turned as if his heels were being roasted, she endured, just as directly looking into his eyes.

“Aren’t you afraid that I’ll break your neck right now?” – Vader asked, feeling a familiar surge of rage.

R-052 was not afraid. More precisely... no, not to express it. Vader could not formulate for himself how his words resonated in her.

It couldn't be called fear, and it couldn't be called doom.

Rather, she was ready for this.

Vader felt her tense internally, like people holding their breath when entering cold water, and she answered him without changing her face at all.

“I warned you about the consequences of such an act of yours.” The choice is yours.

It seems she even stopped breathing; but she still looked directly at Vader with her calm eyes, WAITING.

Vader chuckled again.

“Come on, you’ll show me my cabin.”

R-052 exhaled slightly with noticeable relief. Her eyes closed for a moment, and she hardly suppressed the urge to cover her face with her hand.

However, after a moment she pulled herself together, and, gesturing towards the door - only after you! – invited Vader to go into the cabin.

The instructions did not allow R-052 to go first.

On February 7, the Lake of Jasper Whale update will be available to all players of the Russian version of Blade and Soul. This update includes a new dungeon - The Foundry.

Passage of Foundry

Location: Sky Fortress;

Mode: 4/6 people;

Level: 50+12;

Quests: Completed quest “Heavenly Fortress, Chapter 5”: Blockade of the Demonic Dragon Path.”

Foundry is one of the most difficult dungeons in the updated White Mountains. It is known that the main loot will be the appearance of the weapon and resources for the morph. The main difficulty of the dungeon is the existence of several bosses, each of which requires a specific approach.

The first test is Lava Spirit.

It’s somehow not even possible to call him a full-fledged boss. Therefore, he does not have a rage timer. What you should beware of are zombies that will appear near the main enemy - the Golem, while moving towards him. You should stay as far as possible from these same zombies, which cause enormous damage after they explode.

At the entrance where the zombies come out, you need to leave several people who will take care of their destruction. However, they should be killed away from the Golem, otherwise. otherwise, an AOE attack will follow under the boss's feet.

The second stage is Pul Tochang.

Also not a boss. Killing him is not particularly difficult. For greater simplicity, lure him into the passage, do not cross the gate, otherwise the boss will return to his original place and everything will have to start over. As soon as the first blow reaches the enemy, the fire will begin to move from the other end of the corridor, towards the entrance. Pul Tochang must be killed within 1 minute until the fire reaches the group players.

Boss #1 - Sweet-voiced demon.

An important point is that you need to keep the boss as close to the center as possible throughout the fight, otherwise he will often teleport across the entire map and then return back to the tank.
Sometimes, walls of fire will appear along the edges of the battle area. If the boss is close to the edge when the wall appears, he will receive a buff.


The boss will fire 4 projectiles; damage is very low.
At this point, the boss can be weakened or stunned (4 skills required). After this, a Wall of Fire will appear in a random area and begin to move across the field.
When using skills, you must cause 4 stuns or debuffs.

Once the boss is stunned or weakened, he must be thrown into the air without him touching the floor until the bar passes.
For beginners: try to keep the boss in the air as long as possible. To do this, it is enough to use the classes: BM, LSM, WL.
For an experienced team: You can, just flip the boss once at the right time to ignore the wall of fire. If the boss touches a wall, he will gain 5% HP. If the boss touches the wall up to 3 times, he goes into a rage and you are wiped.

Players can use invul skills to counter the wall of fire. If the player touches the wall, the burn status will be applied to them; which stacks up to 3 times. The Burn status deals damage over 1 minute, but can be dispelled by the Force skill. The wall of fire will update every ~40 seconds after the first wave has passed.

HP 90% / 60% / 30% Labeling and location

The boss will jump in the following rotation:

The attack area becomes three times larger than before. In this case, the amount of damage depends on the number of burn stacks on the target. If you don't have the burn status, you take no damage. If you have 3 burns, you will die.

Here, you need to assign 3 people to the flower. 2 of them must collect 3 flowers each, while 1 is assigned to collect only 2. Designated members who handle flowers should stay furthest away from the boss. The rest of the group, including 2 people who have already entered 3 flowers, move next to the boss.

Please note that the flower will deal damage and apply a debuff. Blade protection master sword or damage resistance skills can prevent HP drop from the flower.

How do the boss mechanics work? The boss will throw a skill (flowers) with a circular AoE at distant party members. He will subsequently lift all visible party members into the air and consume the flower. After which, the boss throws everyone to the ground and deals damage.

If the player has 3 stacks of buffs, then the boss's HP will be reduced by 7%. Since there will be 2 people with 3 stacks, the boss will take 14% damage.

If a player has 1 or 2 stacks of buffs, the boss will absorb them, restoring 5% HP per stack (10% total). If a flower remains on the floor, the boss will absorb it and restore an additional 5% HP per flower.

Basic requirements:

  • Members with 1/2 stack of flower should NOT turn invisible or resist burns to prevent the boss from receiving 5% HP recovery.
  • Members who have 3 stacks of buff should become so that the boss absorbs the buff and receive 7% damage.
  • Use the skill to prevent the boss from receiving damage after collecting the buff.

Boss #2 - Flame Savage.

The final boss has some pretty interesting mechanics. There is a stage that requires you to control 4 levers to direct the balls into 8 fan ports. The balls move in accordance with the directions of the arrows at the junctions of the platform. Once all 8 balls are sent to the fans, the boss will cool down. Failure to follow this rule will result in a party wipe when the boss overheats.

Role and tasks:

Tank- usually Blade Master or KFM;
Must keep the boss in the middle of the field.
Support- usually Summoner /WL/Force Master/KFM/LSM;
Control the boss when he tries to jump.
Tags- these are the 2 group members closest to the boss. Will be noted every ~ 25 seconds. Their task is to direct the balls into the fans.

Normal Attack

Left Strike x2 > Right Strike > Tail Strike (back) > Wing Strike (front)
Random skills: Firestorm, Haste, Defense>push, pull>Stomp.

Jumping Attack

Jumps to the farthest party member>Fire Tank>Return to the tank.
It is necessary to appoint 1 group member to stand 16 meters from the boss. When he tries to jump, you need to use a chain/freeze/weaken to hold the boss in place. Even though the boss will remain in place, damage will be dealt (far target). So we use resistance.
When the boss is on the ground, after control, and the tank is behind the boss, he will not do anything for 2 seconds. After which, he will use his fire breath and jump towards the tank.
Note: The marker will not be applied until the boss finishes his series of jumps. A delay at this stage may result in the balls not moving properly. Therefore, after freezing, the tank needs to move to the front of the boss.

Burst Mode

In this mode, the Boss will be ~2 minutes after the start of the cycle. At the same time, attacks will be at a higher speed and cause more damage.
Mechanics: Right Strike x2>Left Strike>Tail Strike (back)>Wing Strike (front)>Rotation x3>Flame Spray>AOE Stomp.
Random skills: Explosion, jump on the tank.


The boss tags 2 people every 25 seconds. 5 seconds after the "Burning Cannonballs" message, the closest 2 participants will be marked. The duration of the tag status is 20 seconds. The first mark is placed after he has made his 1 normal attack.
The marks control the movement of the arrow by touching them. Movement is carried out clockwise. The balls that appear are released at different intervals or after the previous one has entered the hole. Once all 8 balls are in the hole, 1 cycle is completed. There are up to 4 cycles: Cycle 1 and 2 have a repetition period of 3 minutes. While 3 and 4 are only 1 minute 40 seconds. On cycles 3 and 4, 2 balls are released simultaneously: 2+2+2+2 =8.
Targets under the mark take damage from the burn and are capable of causing damage to anyone who is near them. Therefore, try not to get close to the group members and the second player with the mark. The burn status disappears after the cycle ends.

Burn Stacking

All damage received from the boss also causes a burn. If you get hit by an AoE, you will receive 5 stacks of burn. You can get rid of it only after completing the cycle with the balls.

Ball Driving

Balls appear from 4 holes in a random order. If everything was done correctly at the jumping stage, then the arrows look like this:

Adjust the direction of movement of the balls so that they travel the shortest possible path to the fan. If the fan is full, then adjust the arrow and direct the ball to the next one. When the fan is full, it will light up on the minimap:

Don't let the balls collide and don't touch them. Otherwise they will explode and you will fail the cycle. This means wipe off the boss from overheating.
After each cycle, try to adjust the arrow to its original position to make the task easier for the next cycles.
Advice: To avoid twisting the arrow, do not stand on it for too long. Just touch and immediately move away.

Ball movement pattern:

  • 1st and 2nd stage- the first ball will definitely come out of hole 1 or 2.
  • 1st and 2nd stage- The 8th ball will definitely come out of hole 4 or 1.
  • 3rd and 4th stage- 2 balls will undoubtedly come out of holes 1 and 3, followed by holes 2 and 4. And so on again.

An exception to the rule is if the ball touches a player or boss. Here you will have to act according to the situation.

Walkthrough of dungeon for 4 players:

Heavenly fortress, courtyard.

The castle was struck by a powerful blow.

The older children and Lily, who had escaped on the outer outskirts of the castle, gathered together and held on to each other. While comforting the young beastman, who seemed about to burst into tears, Lily thought about the main forces of the Nameless Ones participating in the battle.

Mr. Izayoi... Mrs. Asuka... Mrs. Yo... Little sister Kuro Usagi!.. - she muttered and pressed herself closer to the others. No matter how strong the enemy is, they will not hesitate to fight. And they will return with victory. No matter how difficult the circumstances, they will certainly return with victory, as always - that's what Lily believed in.

But the cruel reality was very different from their dreams.

Izayoi and Croix looked at each other, sensing an unusual phenomenon from the courtyard. Clutching the top hat, Croix trembled from the memories of two hundred years ago.

It's bad... he decided to end everything?!

What is this, “Another cosmology” of the lizard?!

No, he has one more trump card. His name is "Farn" [✱] Farn- from ancient Iranian - hvarnah, that is, a distorted name of the ancient Iranian deity Hvarno. Usually this deity is interpreted as the material embodiment of the life-giving power of the Sun, divine fire, a divine essence that brings wealth, power and might.! A gift characterized by a powerful flame and calling upon the power that will usher in the end of the world.

Izayoi chewed his impatience.

Did he also have such a trump card?! What else does this damn lizard have in stock?!

But this is the best chance! It cannot be used simultaneously with Avesta! Run and wait for the opportunity! I will save as many people as possible and escape!

But is there enough time?

If he were old here, he would be able to take the entire castle away from the attack in the blink of an eye, but now his spiritual level has decreased due to wanderings in the outside world, so it is impossible to move large objects.

Izayoi only half understood the situation, but felt that the threat coming from outside the castle was incredible. Lowering his right hand, Izayoi was about to run to attack the dragon, but he was stopped by Croix's shackles.

Grabbed by his right hand, Izayoi glared angrily at Croix.

-... let go, god of death. There is not even time to save. If not me, then who?

I'll tell you the same thing! If you don't win, then who can?! Even if we defend ourselves with your strength, we will still die from the next attack.

And so what!!! If we don’t hold out now, everything will end!!! Am I wrong?!

They cursed with all their might. But there was a reason to act alone. Thinking that since it had come to this, only the last method remained, Paw IV appeared in the center and entered the shackles.

You two, that's enough!

Along with Lapko's appearance, a light sound was heard.

Having made her way between them, she pointed to the cliff and said:

The final battle will begin very soon! Take positions according to plan!

Hey, do you even understand what's going on here?! If I don't protect the castle, who will?!

They will protect!!!

Izayoi was a little taken aback.

She... Komeya's daughter will protect the castle. Understand this and prepare for battle,” answered the miniature Lapko IV.

When she touched Izayoi's head, her entire body began to glow.

Looking at the fairy who had lit up for some unknown reason, Izayoi restrained his anger and was speechless.

Sakamaki Izayoi. I convey to you an anonymous message: “Return the right to control the sun, stolen by Ouroboros.” This way the chances are even. Good luck".

The right to control the sun, stolen by Ouroboros. Someone sends to return it. There is only one person who in this situation would send you on such a task.

Taking Izayoi's hand, she spoke with all her might, even though her body was the size of a palm:

If unforeseen circumstances arise, retreat, but if successful, all conditions for victory will be met. If we survive the next blow, the first and last chance will appear. Therefore, have faith in your comrade... in Kasukabe Yo.

Kasukabe Yo, who was fighting on the ground, forgot how to breathe at the sight of the radiance that was emitted by the falling three-headed dragon, and trembled.

It’s bad... Lily with the children in the castle!..

Holding the Genome Tree tightly, she ran across the sky.

Bloody Jack hid in the shelter, patching up his wounds. She couldn't say whether he would survive or not, but everything that could be done had already been done. All that remains is to pray. And now she is rushing through the sky to save Lily and the others. If Jack could fight, he would do the same. But the loss of one wing did not mean that the dragon could not do anything; if you try to approach him, a counterattack will immediately follow.

(Not only are Leticia and Homao exhausted, but no one else can fight in the sky except me!.. I have to stop him!!!)

But will she succeed?

If she puts everything into play and summons the strongest kind of power, like that day, she will probably be able to defend herself. But last time it ended with the disappearance of the spiritual level. My father recently restored it, but there is no denying the possibility that the level may not return next time.

Izayoi is preparing in the fortress.

In this case, if the battle moves from the appointed place, everyone may be in danger.

Besides, he would smile and push forward no matter what the circumstances...

(Wrong. This is not true. This was the reason for yesterday’s humiliating defeat!!!)

No matter the troubles, Izayoi would be able to rely on others.

Lack of independence is the last wall in their relationship with him. As a result of constantly relying on him, they unwittingly lost his trust.

Therefore, Izayoi single-handedly put his life on the line. I was forced to.

Then it's not Izayoi who needs to change. In fact, it is Kasukabe Yo who must dare and change.

(If... If I don’t put my life on the line now, I’ll never be able to call him comrade again!!!)

Squeezing the Genome Tree, Kasukabe Yoh flew at full speed. Standing between the three-headed dragon and the castle, she reproduced the most powerful mythical beast she knew.

“Vinama Garuda” had powerful anti-dragon and anti-divine gifts, but they did not defeat the dragon. Then you need to summon other equipment now.

She heard that Azi Dakaha is not a divine spirit or a dragon, but the embodiment of eschatology. Then what he is trying to release is the radiance that triggers eschatology.

In this case, the necessary attribute will not be anti-draconian or anti-divine, but anti-eschatological.

One day she opened the book with an envious and languid look, and there was a description of a suitable mythical beast.

No, creatures of the strongest kind!!!

- “Genome Tree”… the form of “Quetzalcoatl”!!! [✱] Quetzalcoatl is the name of the deity of ancient America in the Nahuatl language, one of the main gods of the Aztec pantheon and the pantheons of other civilizations of Central America.

The next moment, a star flashed in Kasukabe Yo’s hand.

The “Genome Tree” endlessly increased its spiritual level and gained a mass comparable to a planet. A bishop's staff appeared, decorated with elements of a snake and a chicken, and on top of it was the skull of a grinning dragon.

The origin of the spiritual level that Kasukabe Yo tried to create is a representative of a divine group that existed in the fourth century BC. The incarnation of Venus, who first gave people fire - a symbol of civilization and progress.

The divine spirit of the primordial fire is Quetzalcoatl.

Even if the flame of Azi Dakaha brings about the end of the world, this primordial flame will be a gift with the opposite attribute.

The three-headed dragon clutched the spiritual flames that had accumulated in its mouth, and at the same time stared at those flames.

- No use! The Primordial Dragon will not stop my Farn!!!

I'll prove that it will stop! My path will not lose to someone like you!

If the life path is proof of the spiritual level of the owner.

Then the spiritual level emitting a radiance akin to a star is the radiance of Kasukabe Yo's life.

With the staff representing her entire being in her hand, she lit the primordial flame and shouted:


The primordial flame launched from the sky.

The spiritual flame of the end, erupted to pierce the sky.

Their collision greatly changed the entire surrounding space.

The frosty morning sky emitted a bright red flame, turning crimson, and flared up like the rising sun. The temperature rose so high that it even seemed as if they were in the mouth of a volcano, and as a result of the sudden change in temperature, four tornadoes were formed. The shock waves alone are enough to instantly kill residents.

Two colliding lights are quite capable of destroying even the balance of the world.

The clash lasted for several seconds, and the scales of power determined the winner and loser.

The spiritual flame of the end began to crowd out the original fire. Farn, known as the most powerful gift from the fire system, is capable of mercilessly incinerating even the abyss of Gehenna.

The fact that the original fire could barely resist is already a miracle.

Kasukabe Yo turned her head and looked at the sky fortress.

There should still be children from "Nameless" in it. In addition, the number of refugees and victims is too large. She remembered everything that had fallen on her shoulders and cheered herself up.

You can't lose.

You can't lose, you can't lose for anything!!!

Resisting the pain as if her hands were being burned, she desperately accepted the challenge. But this alone cannot cover the difference in strength. Spiritualism is already exhausted. You can't add anything on top.

Unfortunately, the firepower is not enough.

The burning flames of fire dragons are useless. Leticia and Homao retreated, using their strongest trump cards. Everyone who could intervene in this battle is already exhausted.

(Damn... damn, damn, damn, I can't protect everyone alone!!!)

The vortex of radiance was getting closer and closer. She almost cried, not from pain, but from bitterness.

Even if you gather all your strength, to the last drop, victory is not in sight. A voice from heaven seemed to mock her: “This is your limit.” No matter how accurately you copy, the power of man cannot defeat God. If you try to change the situation, you need someone else.

At least one... one first-class fighter would be enough!..

Well, well. Isn't this Komeya's daughter by any chance? “I knew it, I definitely had to come here,” a voice was heard behind me.

Yo's heart beat faster.

At first she thought it was Izayoi, but the aura and smell were different.

He smelled like a very young guy... His Highness from Ouroboros answered wearily:

A special favor, daughter Komeya. I'll help. Of course, it’s not free, you’ll pay it back later.

The white-haired guy with golden eyes grinned behind Kasukabe Yoh.

His Highness spread his arms to the sides and took her by the shoulders, and then released sunlight from his entire body and announced:

- "Avatar" [✱] a term in Hindu philosophy usually used to denote the descent of a deity to earth, his incarnation into a mortal being (specifically in Vaishnavism the descent of Vishnu from Vaikuntha), launch. Outline ten heavens and shine, “Another cosmology”!!!

Pain pierced my entire body. But at the same time, force flowed into her body at a speed exceeding that of light.

Consciousness almost took off from the furious flow of life, constantly changing, as if resonating with the “Genome Tree”. All the feelings that Kasukabe Yo could understand now expanded with force.

In her hand, ten universes now existed simultaneously.

Wisdom that should be inaccessible to humanity.

A power that should be inaccessible to humanity.

Starlight that should be inaccessible to humanity.

A power towering above the existing laws of the universe spread throughout her body, as if pressed in. With such an incredible amount of energy, Kasukabe Yo's soul is about to disappear. She must have been suffering, and she screamed so loudly that she seemed about to cry.

In the face of an omnipotent ideal, the girl’s vessel cannot resist.

(It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, but!...)

...maybe this way she can protect everyone.

Feeling the possibility of victory, the soul was invigorated. Even if she cannot win, you can try to deviate the orbit of the strike from the fortress by shifting the force vector to the right or left.

Soon the original flame changed its trajectory to intertwine with the disastrous flame, passed by the fortress, rushed beyond the horizon and exploded.

The heavenly fortress tilted and shook greatly from the casual impact, but did not lose its buoyancy.

Her whole body was filled with relief... but then a chilling hostility struck Kasukabe Yo.

- …You. Averted my deadly Farn?

He was angry because of his honor.

And this meant that she was recognized as a hindrance, as a sworn enemy.

(Bad. Can't escape.)

No, the three-headed dragon will not let go. A demon lord whose honor has been tarnished, whose greatest gift has been repelled, will never let go of his prey, even if it tries to escape to the spirit world.

Cold sweat ran down my back.

With this, Kasukabe Yoh accepted her fate.

The recent feeling of omnipotence has already disappeared. Because the signs of His Highness's presence have already disappeared. Moreover, all the powers that could be used have been fully utilized. The strength to escape that should have remained was also gone.

The three-headed dragon sharply flapped its remaining wing and attacked Yoh with countless blades... splashing fresh blood across the sky.

The babies' terrible insult reached Jack's ears.

From pain and nightmares, his lost consciousness returned. The blood was still slowly flowing out.

Is this body also at its limit? Thinking about this, he couldn't help but smile.

Thinking about it again, the dying moments were very stupid. Although he claimed to be "Jack the Ripper", he was discovered almost immediately after the battle began.

At the moment, only the most important mystery is “Who is Jack?” - remained unsolved, but despite this, there was no longer any spiritual level left to participate in the battle.

Exactly. Jack is indeed a serial killer, but this does not mean that he is “Jack the Ripper.”

In Britain and Ireland the name "Jack" is very popular, just like a common name like "Nanigashi Taro" in Japan.

The similarity of the names of “Jack the Lamp” and “Jack the Ripper” is just such a case. Besides them, many mystical people and thugs were given the name "Jack".

Therefore, uncaught random criminals were called a collective name.

Unknown thug "Monster Jack".

(By taking responsibility for someone else's crimes, you take responsibility for someone else's grief. A British-born laughing homeless clown with a spear of rage pierced through his body.)

Exactly. This is the true essence of "Clown Pumpkin".

Having once bought love for one night in a brothel district of London, he vowed to help forever as a pumpkin clown. It's not like this place is tightly controlled like high-end brothels. Priestesses of love were bought and thrown away there, selling their bodies in order to survive. This was the atmosphere in the underground city.

The serial killer "Jack the Ripper" appeared in such hellish desolation.

Despite desperate police searches, the perpetrator was never found, simply because a man named “Jack the Ripper” did not exist at all. Simply put, the murders carried out by “Jack the Ripper” are the crimes of completely different people.

And it's not just adult men who are involved. Due to the unstable economic situation, the number of prostitutes has increased, and as a result, many children were born who do not know love.

Abandoned children, deprived of maternal affection, fell into the lower classes, and as a result of the confusion, an incident occurred. Mass murder of prostitutes by an unknown number of criminals.

This is the true identity of the non-existent mysterious man, who was nicknamed “Jack the Ripper”.

But if you close your eyes, scenes from your memories will appear.

How children shouted “Why was I born if there is no love?”... in places where they sold love for one night.

The times when screaming and crying girls were punished by the mystical “Jumping Jack” - an inquisitor from the church.

Cleansed from madness, Jack took upon himself all their sins and vowed: “If anyone comes along who tries to steal the children’s future, he will immediately fight for them.”

(Lily... and the children from "Nameless"!!!)

The body was slowly disintegrating. If it breaks, the streets of London will disappear too. But come what may.

To resort to extreme measures, Jack tore up the Geass Scroll.

(... if you can’t save it... then you can do it at the cost of this miserable life!!!)

The worst method among all the illegal ones you can think of. Having resorted to a method that could turn into nothing all the atonement that had been accumulating for at least a century, Jack poured power into his hands.

If you can protect the future of children...

Then he must give all of himself for the sake of this desire!!!

(Even if I... fall at the hands of the Demon Lord, so be it!!!)

A red flash that seemed to pierce everything that exists.

The murderous blades approaching Kasukabe Yo scratched her cheek and stopped, and a figure of a man with flaming eyes appeared in front of her.

Or maybe it really was the embodiment of passion and fanaticism.

Since not only clothes were burning, but also hair and eyes, the gloomy profile could easily be confused with an inhabitant of hell.

Realizing that it was Jack she knew, Kasukabe Yo called out his name in a trembling voice:


Yo, I have one last request.

Last request.

She immediately realized that this was not a metaphor, but a real last request.

When Yo nodded, trembling, Jack said with a joyful smile:

- “Will-o’-the-wisp”... those children. Children with a dark past. Please guide them to the righteous path.

Understood. I promise.

In response to the determined smile, Yo looked with no less determination. Jack laughed as usual, as if relieved.


Laughing as if wishing happiness to all the children, Jack pushed off from the air on a fiery spring. His figure really looks like a red flash. This is not a metaphor.

The speed of repulsion from the air reached the highest speed in existence - the sixth escape velocity, and Jack dug deep into the side of Azi Dakahi.

- Gha-ah?!

For the first time since the start of this battle, the three-headed dragon howled in pain. He, of course, could not defend himself during the attack and fall, but that’s not all.

The attack was incredibly fast.

The attack was so sharp that you couldn’t defend yourself.

- Speed, strike! You...intruded into the Demon Lord's territory?!

And the worst way to fall that you can think of.

He didn’t have time to read the Geass Scroll, so he couldn’t establish himself, but there were definitely a lot of rules there that gave absolute advantages to the owners. If anyone other than the poets did something like that, a huge logical error would occur, and the game itself would be forced to end before it even lasted a few minutes.

In addition, the self-destruction of the expanded spiritual level is a decided matter, and even after death heavenly punishments will await him. Saint Peter and the Queen, his protectors, will not remain silent either. Because a shadow will fall on their faces, because they believed in the truth of Jack’s path and stood up for him. His name is probably already on the Heavenly Army's suppression list.

But Jack threw it all away and struck a second, third blow.

I'm ready for divine punishment! This body has followed the path of evil from the very beginning! And if at the end of this path I can defeat “Absolute Evil”, that’s enough for me!!!

“Strike even greater evil with evil,” that’s what Jack’s eyes said.

And the Heavenly Army will not be able to come immediately. So it would be nice to add some color to the damn life he lived at the end.

Before landing, Jack inflicted more than two hundred wounds.

Each blow shed blood, created offspring, and broke off pieces from the armor of the three-headed dragon.

Finally landing, Azi Dakaha immediately destroyed everything around him with his remaining wing, but to Jack his actions were very slow, like in slow motion.

The knife, which should have easily crumbled like glass, recovered, became even harder due to the reconstruction of the game, and endlessly cut off the meat.

But on the other hand, the time limit of Jack's life was getting closer.

Gu-u, gha!!!

Pain pierced him, as if a stake had dug straight into the bone. Stopped by surprise, Jack jumped up to run away.

That's not all... hold on a little longer!!!

The blood no longer flowed. His body turned astral and became an entity that resembled particles of light. Having received a huge amount of energy, he only spent it.

Pain is just an illusion. But despite this, his soul projects memories from the pain of the destruction of his body onto the astral body.

Looking at how he was suffering from pain plaguing his entire body, the three-headed dragon raised his three heads and asked:

- “Smite even greater evil with evil.” Is this desire worth the sights of hell?

Naturally. That's why I'll fall like this. Whatever the punishment, I won’t regret it,” Jack wiped the blood from his mouth and growled at the Demon Lord.

He knew everything and threw everything away.

All the good deeds that have been done to this day. Accumulated trust. Many smiles turned towards him.

Even if he can never be called a beautiful clown again. Because Jack became a Demon Lord, determined that even if he draws the curtain on his life as a thug, so be it.

The three-headed dragon calmly became convinced that it was pointless to attack into this gap.

And his next words... sounded absolutely calm:

- Great. I admit it.

He tried to take a step, but stopped.

For the doubtful Jack, the three-headed dragon put everything into perspective:

- As one of the gods, I recognize you. If evil pierces evil, there will still be evil in the end... then there will still be no salvation. Therefore, as the god of evil, I want to check. I guarantee that the path you walked was righteous. I guarantee the shine of the sword that will pierce “Absolute Evil.”

This is the demand of God, calm and at the same time unsurpassedly strong.

“I will be absolute evil, so you will be justice.”

Go, absolute justice will wait under my cold corpse.

No matter how much this life may be stained with blood. Even if the glow has long disappeared.

This evil god said that he will guarantee your justice at this moment.

- ...ha, ha-ha, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! It's clear! An evil god guarantees my justice?! God, great! In comparison with the guarantees of any other person in this world, I am sure that this one is reliable and absolute!!!

What a brave demand. What enormous power!

This is the power of the Demon Lord, who has shouldered all the evil of humanity?!

He showed his fangs and laughed loudly to cheer himself up. This is not the laughter that belongs to Jack the Clown, this laughter is from the time when he lived his own life.

Cynically deciding that the past could not be forgiven, and running away from the fact that he and he were different people, Jack finally united all of himself.

This time I want to tell you my true name! I am the Demon Lord "Clown Pumpkin"! The heart of the great Demon Lord Azi Dakaha... will go to me!

Becoming a red flash, the mystical figure moved into battle and ran around the enemy at an absurd, sixth cosmic speed.

The three-headed dragon waved the flag of “Absolute Evil” and announced a death sentence in a calm voice:


The dragon attacked Jack, who had turned into an astral creature, with the same astral body.

Finding themselves in the same position, both mutilated each other’s bodies and cut off the meat. Jack became immortal again, but there were only a few seconds left until the end of the game.

Jack, rushing like starlight, without slowing down, turned into particles of light and disappeared. After their battle ended, only the three-headed dragon remained standing.

Jack's spiritual level disappeared without a trace.

The proof of his achievements was the appearance of the heart of an evil god.

Sky fortress, cliff.

Behind the whole battle...

Izayoi watched with emotionless eyes.

The mortal battle did not take even a minute. The number of wounds Jack inflicted on the dragon gave hope to everyone.

However, Izayoi said it as if he was spitting out blood.

And... damn idiot!!!

Jack probably passed on to another world with a calm soul. But Izayoi insulted him.

And it's not that Jack sacrificed himself. In fact, Izayoi only felt anger that he had destroyed all the achievements and everything in life that he had worked so hard to accumulate until this day. If he had survived this battle, Jack and the Nameless Ones could have left an even greater mark on history and amassed even more achievements.

Croix took him by the shoulder and shook his head, as if warning him.

Izayoi-kun. I understand you blame him. But now is not the best time for this.

-... yes, I know.

Having chewed all the bitterness that was in him, Izayoi turned to Paw IV.

Let's execute the last strategy. This time, we will definitely defeat this Demon Lord.

All the Lapkos immediately conveyed Izayoi's words to the entire army.

Having crushed the two-headed dragons on the ground, Koryu picked up the “Scroll of Geass” and looked up at the moon, which was about to disappear at dawn.

-...has it come to this? Then I must also act decisively. Come down, moon dragon!

The dim moon grew thicker.

If this is not an illusion, then the moon really became huge.

But this is not an illusion. The dim moon literally turned to the ground and fell.

Koryu removed the eye patch and released the new moon - the right to control the moon, which was the artificial eye.

The two opposite moons that separated the sky and the earth resonated, shaking the surface of the sea, and at the same time showed their fangs. From a human, Koryu transformed into a sea dragon, his original form, and copied the form so that the moons would face each other.

Playing Komao, "The Great Sage Who Disturbs the Seas", creates supergravity due to the waxing and waning of the moon and temporarily turns him into a star spirit.

There are always two moons in the poems, because they talk about the reflection of the moon on the surface of the sea of ​​the “Great Sage who stirs the seas.”

A necessary condition for the true separation of heaven and earth is the destruction of the artificial eye of Koryu, which plays the role of the sea surface.

But now it’s over for him too. Teaming up with the moon dragon, Koryu became the star dragon and went into battle. If Azi Dakaha defeats Koryu now, the battle will end. He will either win or lose.

Leticia also launched the yet unused “Organizer” and announced the right to control the sun. She thought that this power would never have to be used again, but if the opponent is Azi Dakaha, there is no reason to regret.

Turning her gaze to the sky, Leticia calmed her breathing and calmed down.

(This time is the last time... please, head!!!)

A staff with an intertwined two-headed snake, symbolizing "Aclepsy".

As soon as she showed it, a roar came from beyond the dawn horizon, shaking the atmosphere.

Anyone who was involved in the battle for Underwood probably knew. She is the ruler of the vampires who once revealed herself as the Demon Slayer Lord and destroyed the peace by unleashing many demonic beasts.

The embodiment of the zodiac, with a body so huge that it covered the entire sky.

Everyone remembered another form of Leticia Draculia - a giant golden dragon.


From behind the dawn horizon, a huge dragon was rushing straight towards Leticia.

Taking it, the giant dragon regained his will and looked at the three-headed dragon.

- Hm. Moon and sun dragons. Is this your trump card?

Without hiding the heart shining in the center of his chest, the three-headed dragon calmly prepared for battle as usual.

Even if one wing is broken and the heart is open, its vulnerable point, the soul of the ancient Demon Lord, will not tremble. Most likely, he will even be delighted.

The organization, which fought two hundred years ago, has achieved impressive results. But the key forces did not include the human factor, which they also did not know.

Therefore, the former “Nameless Ones” and the alliance could only use sealing. was a good fight, although short. To decide the fate of the Little Garden, this is the best battle.

Will their fangs reach the heart of this Demon Lord?

Was it meaningful to spend an eternity of endless battles with the flag of “Absolute Evil” on your back?

Now there is an answer.

- Come, O great heroes. And surpass me. And behind my corpse the truth will be waiting for you.

There is no need to wait for the enemy. He's right in front of them.

Then you need to topple! Faster than your enemy!

Despite the absence of one wing, the dragon straightened the other and jumped. Who had air superiority - a wingless three-headed dragon or two star dragons capable of flying - is already obvious.

Therefore, the three-headed dragon will defeat their superiority in direct confrontation.

He always fought like that.

Azi Dakaha continued to say that if they proudly call themselves true heroes, I will be a giant peak that will become their grave.

Among them were those who fought for the sake of their loved ones, although they knew that they would never win.

It was because of this radiance, this honesty, that his overlord shed tears for the people.

The mother of the evil god of “Zoroastrianism” said:

“There is nothing in the world more wonderful than humanity.

That's why I'm grieving. Their death is inevitable."

Exactly. Death.

If nothing changes, they will die.

No matter what humanity does, it will perish.

Although the book of “Zoroastrianism” shows the encouragement of good and the punishment of evil, from the point of view of the divine spirit this is only scribbling. For her, who had the opinion of the most highly ascended personality who had gone beyond the framework called “Zoroastrianism,” the end to which humanity was heading was very clear.

That's why she cried.

She loved humanity condemning itself, and that is why she cried.

Wanting to at least wipe away her tears, the three-headed dragon transformed into an ancient Demon Lord - an entity called “The Last Test of Humanity.”

Having determined the reason for the destruction of humanity, he tried to create a future where they would win.

Having shouldered the most sinful of all the flag of “Absolute Evil”, proceed to the very end of the world.

The three-headed dragon told the whole plan, took her hand and swore:

“Let me bear the burden of sin with you.”

And now this agreement will finally end.

(In the end, I don't want to give up. As the greatest test of humanity, I will crush you!!!)

There is no point in holding back for the test representative. Therefore, he will defeat the challengers with all his might.

The three-headed dragon growled at the two star dragons:


Three super dragons shook the sky and earth. Taking the Moon Dragon's charge head-on, the three-headed one immediately used his trump card.

- "Avesta", activation. Conquer and convert, “Other cosmology”!!!

Adding the enemy's spiritual level to your own. As long as this power is there, all the benefits will not have an effect against the three-headed dragon. Except for races that do not share the same cosmology with the three-headed dragon, no one can defeat this force.

But the three-headed dragon immediately noticed an unusual phenomenon.

The pureblood vampires of Leticia are a race from the distant future, born in a time stream separated from the convergence of probabilities. She is the spiritual leader of the next generation of humanity.

But the solar dragon, flying in the orbit of the sun - the personification of the civilization that humanity has left behind - is the embodiment of the satellite. A giant dragon, born from the heritage of humanity and at the same time considered a representative of the strongest race - a creature that has absorbed the cosmology of humanity.

But there will only be one opportunity to use such a cheap trick.

The all-knowing three-headed dragon immediately determined this fact.

- Humanity's legacy?! Then try Farna!!!

As he fell, the Dragon clutched fire in his mouth.

And at that moment the enemy’s movements completely stopped.

Leticia considered this moment appropriate and resorted to last resort.

Gift “Aclepsy”... give the power to bind the enemy even for a moment!!!

Shrinking tightly, the golden dragon became a chain entwined with snakes, which bound the three-headed dragon. Since all the mass that was in the giant dragon became a chain without change, the dragon's movements were stopped, as expected.

- Insolent!..

Now! Forget about me, attack, Kuro Usagi!!!

- Indra... no, that's not true! Surviving "moon rabbit"?!

A messenger that should have perished two hundred years ago. With the spear of absolute victory in hand.

He remembered this spear.

But the three-headed dragon was not surprised. Because he got angry when he saw the spear that Kuro Usagi prepared.

(How stupid it is to use the power of Brahma now! Don’t they know about the power of the Avesta?!)

A spear of absolute victory on hit, bestowed by the triune sun deity of the Indian group of gods. This is one of the "Other Cosmologies" that the gods manipulate the true universe, and is also a force that "guarantees victory."

If you use it, whoever is the target of the Avesta, it will automatically begin counteraction and nullify the attack.

In this case, the two star dragons would also lose their lives from the crushing waves. The ruined streets of London will also disappear completely. The three-headed dragon was angry because they relied on such tricks until the very end.

Kuro Usagi, with a spear emitting divinity, chose a target and launched lightning.

The enemy of my family! Disappear right here!

Charged with many feelings, the spear rushed towards the dragon's heart.

The three-headed dragon sighed in puzzlement and tried to launch the Avesta...

"Avesta" was not activated.

Exactly, the three-headed dragon was so fixated on the appearance of the spear that he forgot something very important.

The trinity, who devoted themselves to Buddhism, changed this name and began to call him “Brahma Deva”.

And there is a concept of belief in two gods - Indra and Brahma.

The replica born from the concept of the unity of Brahma and Indra is, naturally, not a “Different cosmology”. And this spear simply contains the gift of Indra.

(Exactly! This spear is created from the gift of my elder god! And this means only one thing! This spear is also a gift containing the cosmology of “Zoroastrianism”!!!)

The regrets of the comrades who died to allow Kuro Usagi, then a priestess, to escape two hundred years ago.

For the sake of old pain and fallen comrades today.

Kuro Usagi will put all his soul into it and launch the spear.

Pierce! “Replica of Brahmastra”!!!

The Spear of Absolute Victory flew forward at the sixth cosmic speed, a speed comparable to the astral speed. And Azi Dakakha trembled as never before.

It will most likely reach him faster than the eye can blink and pierce his heart.

Defeat, no way to escape. All that remains is to accept it.

But the three-headed dragon, the strongest Demon Lord, swept away all this with truly royal power.

- Don't look down on the "Absolute Evil", the Demon Lord!!!

With all his might, he broke the bonds and the mass comparable to one star.

Leticia howled and disappeared, returning to her human form, which flew into the ground.

The spear was approaching at space speed six.

Azi Dakaha took advantage of the experience gained in the recent fight and independently pulled out the gift of astralization.

Nobody will probably believe it.

In less than a moment, the dragon evolved again.

Power that can crush a star, and movements that are faster than starlight.

With just the power of his soul, he pulled out two completely incomprehensible gifts.

Assuming that there was someone capable of predicting such a turn...

Yes, you'll definitely avoid it.

This. It would be impossible, unless this someone sincerely believed in his royal power and envied the beings called Demon Lords.