Advice from a numerologist: how to meet your love? . How I met my love. The story of a happy family who met their love

Few people are lucky enough to have documentary footage of how a new relationship is born with someone with whom you move on through life.

Simply because this rarely happens: I saw a person and understood “MINE.”

And immediately take photos or record videos.

Sounds funny, by golly)))

But that’s exactly what happened with Maris.

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We met him at the Kryon Conference in Riga in April 2011, where I was present as a translator, which means I was constantly in the frame - a camera or video camera.

I even have a video of the very first “meeting”, I write in quotes, because... at that moment I flew past Maris, who was checking tickets at the entrance, at breakneck speed)))

During the break, he came up and said that he had been advised to definitely meet Alena...
- Starovoitova?
- I don’t know, I didn’t remember the last name)))

The next day he appeared again with the words: “I looked on the Internet who Alena Starovoitova is.”
- AND?
— I liked your materials. You and I speak the same language.

A little later, I came up with the brilliant idea to record an interview where I compare my first visit to the Kryon conference in 2007 as a participant with the “inside view” as part of the Kryon team.

I needed someone who would introduce me and ask 2 questions.

Conference operator Alexey Obukhov brought Maris. It turned out that he is an expert in HOW to ask questions (he deals with regression - with the help of leading questions, he leads people into past lives and into the space between lives).

We record a short interview, I answer the questions I came up with and suddenly I hear: “Alena, where can those watching this video find you?”

This is MY favorite move?!

In any interview or video, I ALWAYS ask this question at the end so that a person interested in the material can easily find the author and his website.

That's how I learned that we not only speak the same language, but also think in the same direction!

The same interview at the Kryon conference

Once upon a time, I believed that with a sweetheart and in a hut there would be heaven, there would be love.

Time has shown that love alone, even mutual, is not enough for life together.

Then I looked for understanding in my partner.

I had just become seriously involved in metaphysics, and it was important for me that my partner understood what I was passionate about, what the meaning of my work was.

And so it happened, only strong people automatically attract weaker partners, and in moments of trouble there is simply no one to rely on - a weak partner would rather help you go to the bottom than keep you afloat...

To shorten a long story, I’ll just say that Maris “took me” with one single phrase:

I will always be there. Where you go, I go too.


It’s difficult to explain, but until that moment I myself always helped everyone, supported, kicked, helped overcome crises... I was a lifesaver for all occasions.

And only a few people did the same in response. Close friends, yes, but not partners.

100% pattern break.

I won’t say that Maris is an ideal man/husband, we spent several months getting used to each other, sometimes quite harshly...

But he kept his promise!

Since May last year I have had 12 trips - for work/leisure/vacation. And only to Kyiv in April of this year I flew alone.

Previously, it was difficult for me to imagine a man in my space:

  • of which there is a lot, but at the same time you do not feel an invasion of personal space;
  • who will not be stressed by my crazy work schedule;
  • who will not only chew himself, but will also force me to eat;
  • will constantly push me towards new achievements (I push anyone myself);
  • like a man he will deal with those who brought his wife to tears;
  • will repeat over and over again: I want it, let's do it!

Yes, yes, just imagine that such people exist, in this case - men.

Dear girls, women!

If you are currently in forced solitude,

If you have just recently gotten out of a painful relationship,

If you live with a man who doesn't deserve you,
Know that the Universe is NOT idle!

Believe that there is DEFINITELY someone on our globe who will appreciate you!

Don’t despair, live, enjoying every moment, and the Universe itself will take care of the place and time of your meeting!

Well, tomorrow we are celebrating our wedding anniversary, which occurred three months after we met.


I recently corresponded with a young woman, and she admitted that her greatest desire is to meet her love.

Her situation in fact is this: for a long time she is alone. I dated several men, but they were “busy” and not suitable for serious relationships and starting a family.

While I was thinking about what advice could be given in such a situation from the point of view of the power of thought, I remembered one of my friends who is in approximately the same situation: she has been raising her son alone for many years and has absolutely no personal life.

What advice can you give to these two women, and to many other single people? How to meet your love after many years of loneliness?

Important! The advice in this article only works for single people who truly want a new relationship.

If you are still in love with your ex-partner and passionately dream of reuniting -

Firstly, I will describe only my opinion in this article, and it is, of course, not dogma. Whether to listen to this advice or not, each reader will decide for himself.

Secondly, I am not a psychologist and have not closely studied these specific situations.

My opinion stands strictly on laws of thought power, which I have been studying for many years (you can read about it on the page).

I believe the cause of loneliness is incorrect thinking.

There are no other reasons, only one – thinking.

I also received help in writing this article from the book “Relationships and the Law of Attraction” by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Whirlwind,” and you will find here several quotes from this wonderful book.

I'm alone because I'm not like that

Many people who cannot find their love for a long time tend to believe that the whole point is that they are not good enough.

A woman may think that she is not as beautiful as those married ladies, not as slim, not as smart, not as interesting as them.

Low self-esteem is often hidden and secret. That is, a woman can look quite confident in herself, she can tell everyone that she believes in her beauty and knows that she is the best. But in fact, have very low self-esteem.

Does loneliness lead to low self-esteem or does low self-esteem lead to loneliness?

Definitely the second.

Low self-esteem leads to loneliness. A person with low self-esteem is less successful in all areas of their life than people who truly love themselves and consider themselves worthy of all blessings.

A lonely woman with low self-esteem can be much more beautiful, smarter and more interesting than another, “busy” woman. But the second woman has one advantage: she considers herself worthy of love.

She doesn’t think that she is more beautiful than anyone, no, she just knows deep down in her soul that she is worthy of a man’s attention, for her being in a couple is normal and taken for granted.

Therefore, the first advice that can be given to lonely people is to take a closer look at your self-esteem. Now there are a large number of books, trainings and online courses that will help you become more confident. The simplest thing you can do right now, today, is to start using this positive affirmation:

"I'm good enough to be loved by an amazing free man"

Where have all the normal men gone?

By the way, one of the indicators of low self-esteem is affairs with married men. Women, run from this like fire.

You deserve to be loved and sought after by free men.

If you think that there are no available men around you or that all of your peers are married, I assure you, this is just another negative attitude. And the faster you get rid of it, the faster you will meet your love.

This new installation will help you:

“I see around me a lot of free, worthy men who suit me”

If there are a lot of free men around you, but there are none, in your opinion, “worthy”, then this means:

  1. You don't see him.
  2. You haven't come up with it yet.

Let's start with the first point and look at how you can start seeing worthy candidates.

Practice: decent men are everywhere

I did this interesting practice myself when I was single. At that time, I realized that I simply didn’t like men. They all really pissed me off. Everyone is poorly dressed, earns little, lacks initiative... in general, the whole package.

Well, how can you meet someone here?

I decided to change my point of view and try to find something good in every man I meet along the way.

I was riding in public transport this morning and looking at all the male representatives.

I thought like this: “here is a guy in a white T-shirt, he is so tall, I love tall men, how great it is that we have such handsome guys in our country.”

“But here is a middle-aged man, probably a very caring father, going to work after taking the children to school.”

“And this guy smells so good, there are such clean people!”

This practice helped me remove negativity from the male sex and see that there are enough good men around, you just have to look closely.

How to come up with your man?

It may seem strange to you that I am writing to you about the need to invent your own man.

Yes, I know, this is very far from materiality and, in general, from the standard view of the world.

This is the power of thought. This is metaphysics. This is esoteric. Call it whatever you like.

But you can come up with and then attract your man. You must do it! Thousands of women have already done this. So can you.

I believe that I myself came up with my man. I did this using a list.

For more information on how to meet your soulmate, watch the video

I got everything that I took into account in my list, and everything that I didn’t take into account too). So my advice is: spend a couple of weeks on it, don’t rush. Learn all the subtleties.

I don't know how this list works. But the fact remains that I personally know more than 5 women for whom this list worked. I have also read over 50 posts online, in articles and on forums about how these lists have worked for other women.

I myself met my man 6 months after writing the list. And I realized that it was him about a year later.

And if your most cherished, strongest desire is to meet your loved one, I will tell you how to realize this desire. Join my free master class and already

10 reasons for your loneliness

This article turns out to be very practical because I don’t like empty words. It’s better to start working right away and get results, don’t you agree?

Then take a piece of paper and a pen and write down 10 or more reasons why, in your opinion (in your opinion, not in the opinion of your mother or friends), you are now alone.

For example, these could be the following reasons:

  1. I already have a child and it turns men off.
  2. I'm not too pretty.
  3. I am overweight (or have other physical “disadvantages”).
  4. I'm ill.
  5. I don't go anywhere and don't meet people.
  6. I can't carry on a conversation.
  7. I attract men only physically.
  8. I work too much and get tired.
  9. I'm too strong and independent.
  10. We have a women's team.
  11. Our town and village are too small.
  12. I am too smart for the men around me (they are too stupid for me).
  13. Nobody gets to know me.
  14. I have bad karma.

Don’t write the reasons for “there are no worthy men” and “there are only married people around”, we have already dealt with them. Now we have a lot of worthy and free men around us. At least you will notice this after a couple of weeks of working with new beliefs.

So, take a look at this scary and terrible list of reasons why you are still alone.

Realize that as long as there are these reasons, you will be alone. Or rather, until these reasons live in your head- you will be left alone.

To meet your love, you need to restructure yourself mentally. Change your thinking. For something to change, these reasons must cease to be reasons.

That is, you need to change your perspective.

Firstly, you yourself know that all these reasons are imposed on you by society, friends, television, films.

Secondly, subconsciously you understand that God can give you “your person”, no matter what the reasons.

In fact, there are no reasons.

I can debunk each of these reasons by simply talking about women who are married and have beloved men, despite children from previous marriages, despite being overweight, having a female group, despite being in a small town and being a homebody.

All your reasons are far-fetched!

And if you continue to believe in them, you yourself will ruin your life.

Well, you can choose your thoughts yourself!

Let's rewrite all this negativity and replace it with the thoughts we need.

  1. I already have a child and this is a huge plus, I have shown myself to be a good mother and my beloved will appreciate it.
  2. For my man, I am the most beautiful, he is looking for someone just like me.
  3. I am at the ideal weight, my lover likes me exactly like that.
  4. My illnesses are not a hindrance, because a man loves me for my spiritual beauty and warmth.
  5. I don’t need to go anywhere, my dear person will come to me himself or I will accidentally meet him at work or in a store.
  6. I can easily carry on a conversation.
  7. I only attract single men who want to start a family.
  8. I work hard, and my man will appreciate my efforts, he doesn’t like slackers.
  9. I am very strong and independent and my man really likes this quality.
  10. We have a female team and this is wonderful, female communication is useful for my femininity. And I will meet the man in another place.
  11. We have a small city, but despite this there are many business travelers and tourists, many visitors, among them you can always find the right man.
  12. I'm smart and I'll meet a smart man.
  13. Men are starting to get acquainted with me because they feel my inner vibrations of love and happiness, they are drawn to me.
  14. In my karma there is a long and happy marriage and love for life.

Reread your new beliefs, rewrite them, or repeat them to yourself.

You can also create questions with new beliefs using this method:

Keep in mind that desires do not come true instantly; to completely restructure your thinking you may need several months to a year of regular work with beliefs.

In this article, I described in detail how to behave during periods of waiting for results:

H what to do for those for whom nothing worked?

So, here we have reached the most “metaphysical” metaphysics and now we will talk about vibrations.

If you are having trouble with your thoughts, start working with your feelings.

Your body and soul are always vibrating. At different times they vibrate at different frequencies. The frequency and strength of vibrations depends on your emotional state and your thoughts (in fact, there are many other things, but now it is important for us to sort out thoughts and emotions).

Now I'll give the floor to Jerry Hicks and his otherworldly friend (we're talking about Channeling):

If you are constantly looking for something pleasant to focus your attention on, then all your desires will be satisfied.

But if you feel unhappy, worried that you won't find your spouse, you can't make your desire come true.

If you don't have a spouse or are trying to find one, you need to do the following:

You must ensure that your thoughts about your relationship with your partner are in harmony with what your Inner Being thinks about it.

If your strongest vibration comes from the feeling of not having the relationship you want, then you won't be able to have it.

The vibration of no relationship and the vibration of a desired relationship are too different.

It is impossible to find a solution to a problem if the most active vibration emanating from you contains information about the problem itself.

It all comes down to the fact that you need to learn to emit a vibration that matches the relationship you want, and not the one that doesn't exist.

You must ignore the lack of a relationship, otherwise you will not have one. That's the trick.

The core part of your vibration should be what you desire (to be loved and joyful), not what you don't have.

As soon as stable vibrations of what you want begin to emanate from you, what you want and what you have will mix, and your dreams will come true.

Controlling how you feel, how you feel about things, other people, or situations is the key to not only lasting happiness, but to everything you desire. It's really worth a try.

Simply put, if you are unhappy with yourself or your life, being in a relationship with the opposite sex will only increase disharmony, because any action taken due to lack of something is always ineffective.

If you are not currently in a relationship with the opposite sex, then this is a great chance to bring yourself into a harmonious state before you attract another person who will undoubtedly enhance your emotional state.

We advise you to now begin to concentrate on the positive aspects of your life, try to mitigate the inconvenience caused by the absence of a desired partner, try to make your life as good as possible and begin to value yourself.

We guarantee that once you truly love yourself and stop constantly feeling sad about not having a life partner, you will find your other half. And this is also the Law.

You can get where you want by starting to move right now. You just need to stop spending so much time focusing on unpleasant things, on where you are, and talking about it.

Be more selective and make a list of the positive qualities in your life.

Put your attention where you want to be and don't waste time complaining about your current situation.

The Universe, which always responds to your requests, does not distinguish between thoughts about a given situation and thoughts about the subject of dreams. You create with your positive thoughts. And therefore, there will be no benefit from thinking, remembering, talking about what you don’t want, and from any attempt to pay attention to it. Keep your active vibration aligned with what you want, focusing on how quickly your life will change so that you can become the Vibrational Match of your desire.

Let me add, to start emitting the right vibrations, you need to:

  • rejoice that you will soon meet your loved one;
  • thank the Universe for what you have now, for what was;
  • love yourself and radiate love into the world.

You need to practice such “pleasant” states at least once a day.

Bottom line. How to meet your love?

I’ll summarize the article and once again tell you point by point what you need to do to meet your love:

  1. We need to change our thinking.

Identify all those thoughts that leave you lonely and replace them with new thoughts.

In general, after a few months, your colleagues and girlfriends should no longer recognize you, because you no longer grind men’s bones, scold them and do not complain about your lonely fate.

Now you are sure that there are plenty of suitable men around, you are attractive enough for them and will get married very soon. And there is no reason for you to be alone anymore. But you have a list of reasons why you will soon meet your person.

Thoughts can be changed in different ways:

  • rewrite new phrases every day,
  • do self-hypnosis,
  • engage in self-hypnosis,
  • sing songs with new beliefs,
  • record your thoughts on a voice recorder and listen to them,
  • Read your new settings out loud every day before going to bed.

2. You need to change your vibrations.

Now you are happy and rejoice more often than you cry. Or rather, this: you don’t remember the last time you were sad.

You are no longer burdened by your loneliness and this is no longer a problem.

Now you perceive this period of time as an excellent opportunity to do your own business, sports and favorite hobbies.

You do meditations on love and work on your self-esteem.

And of course, give yourself flowers and gifts, take a bubble bath and go for a massage.

  1. We need to invent a man.

You have a detailed list of 50-100 points about what kind of man you have, what he does and how he treats you. You also did not forget to write that he has been single for a long time and dreams of starting a family. He doesn’t drink, is very well mannered and earns good money...

That's all.

And if you want to know how I attract what I want into my life, come to my master class

Now you know how to meet your love. And I believe that within a year your wish will come true!

Can't find love? You're just doing it wrong! Numerologist Tatyana Golikova told PEOPLETALK how to meet the man of your dreams.

Love is a high vibrational feeling. A person's behavior, his feelings, his emotions, the vibrations that he emits - all this affects how quickly a person will attract her into his life. Date of birth - day, month, year - can tell us exactly what kind of person we need and what we need.

January means a new beginning, a start. People born in January are children by nature - they are open, often naive, romantic, thirsty for passion, impressions, they want everything to work out quickly, instantly. The number 1 gives a person the feeling that he needs to recover from the 12-month cycle, to be reborn, to start again. To attract and meet their soul mate, they need to be active, since a unit gives activation to the process. It is important for them not to be afraid to speak, write, call, it is important to take good photographs and post them on social networks, to be bright and active, including in clothes (for this you do not have to wear something vulgar and flashy, you just need to stand out from crowds). Their advantage is that they know how to find a common language and have no problems with communication. This is their secret weapon. To attract love, they need to communicate more, text, call back. If you are already starting to meet with someone, then you need to talk more and not correspond, since more active actions, lively communication, bright, correct, beautiful appearance, and watch your words and language are important.

February means people are quite emotional and romantic, and here it is better not to use assertiveness and strong active actions. It is good for women to maintain a romantic, feminine image, thereby showing that you need to be looked after, taken to the movies, restaurants, and it is important to communicate about common interests and plans. February men need to be treated carefully. To win him, you need to show a sense of tact, not conflict, not show aggression, be a mystery woman, a little inaccessible, because such a man will react more to a romantic feminine image and a little mysterious. Also, to attract love, it is very good for February people to use rituals and ceremonies associated with the lunar cycle, since the deuce is associated with the Moon. Lunar cycles bring emotionality and sensuality, and any thematic rites and rituals will help.

March - Those born in March benefit from a more dynamic and energetic atmosphere. March women love a more impulsive display from a man. If you know that your woman was born in March, be bolder, more assertive, more active. She will pay attention to how a person builds a career, what interests he has. Men who are not interested in anything are boring to her. Often people born in March are creative people. To attract love, look for common interests, have hobbies - dancing, drawing, quests, whatever, there is a high probability of meeting a person with your interests, who also does not sit still, with an active life position. Martovskys are people who share interests. It often happens that they can say: “Oh, I have a friend who does this too.” People of March are creative, dynamic, impulsive, creative. If you want to impress a woman, be diverse; a man, show imagination, playfulness, impulsiveness, role-playing games, and arrange themed evenings.

April - reliability, stability, progressiveness and dynamics, innovation are important for these people. It is important that the couple has room to develop and the person has room to grow. April women often choose men in the image of their father - powerful, dominant. If you want a girl to like you, you need to show that you are serious. And a girl needs to choose stable men, interested in personal development, business development, holding positions, with the desire to be a manager. To attract love, you need to choose the appropriate society - trainings, seminars, of which there are many now. April men are interested in career growth and often look for love in a close circle - acquaintances, friends, at work, in the company. The number 4 itself is structural, stable and quite closed. Such people will not express themselves very emotionally. But they will value reliability and stability in a partner. Men will be interested in the girl’s education, her goals and plans for life. If you want to interest an April man, tell us about your plans for the next five years. Plans must be serious and include a career, developing yourself as an individual... Look for the same man for yourself.

May - for May people, dynamics and romanticism are important, but playful and impulsive. People remain young and perky for a very long time, since May brings blossoming, richness, and youth. The May woman requires impressions, she needs to be surprised, inspired, and complimented. May men need to move a lot. To find love, I advise them to travel, visit people, go to events, ride bicycles, roller skates, practice active sports... Involve everything that creates movement. May women often meet in fitness rooms, at races, festivals, competitions... For May women, a healthy lifestyle is important, they travel a lot, and be passionate about their profession, because it is in movement that they find their soul mate. They often choose by intuition, and therefore Mays need to be subtly courted. They intuitively feel the pitfalls, know how to quickly leave everything unnecessary and unnecessary and leave. They can quickly leave a partner who disappoints them. Impression, movement, general interests, health, competitions, fitness, travel - these are your keywords.

June is the month itself, like the number 6, warm, sensual, enveloping. Such people often fall in love and feel with all their hearts. To win a lady born in June, the best way is to sing praises, since they especially love with their ears to speak beautifully, sing beautifully, and write beautifully. They love beautiful courtship and gifts. To attract a man, I advise women to practice meditation, since June women have very developed heart intuition. When you meet a person, listen to your heart, you will always feel whether the person is yours or not. Those born in June are compatible with almost all zodiac signs. The ability to love people and life helps them in this. But you need to be able to filter out unnecessary people and love with your heart. For June men, it is important to be talked to, they feel whether a woman is lying or not, they also have well-developed intuition, they sense deception, lies and betrayal. If you want to win him, hug him! They love physical, tactile sensations. If you liked the June man, try to touch him and hug him once again. Their heart can be melted if that heart is hugged.

July - for a woman, the most important thing is that her partner calmly reacts to her desire to sometimes be alone, to be with herself. These people find it more difficult to find a mate - they are more subtle and vulnerable, vulnerable. To attract love into her life, a woman needs to accept the vulnerability of her soul, do not try to find “just to find”, choose subtly and intuitively. It is important for women to collect data about their partner, information, this will reassure them, and trust will appear. If a man is trying to win a July woman and she demands a lot of information - where he was born, where he studied, what his parents do - do not think that she is doing this on purpose, this is just such a certain type of character. It’s better to calmly tell her everything. Be prepared for the fact that a woman will sometimes find fault, delve into some of your life moments, as if exploring, digging up. It's just safer for her. Julyans are some of the most loyal people, and if chosen, will be loyal for the rest of their lives, no matter what. The men of July are a little closed and cold. If you want to melt his heart, understand that this is just an image, find those moments of trust that will open the door to his heart. Start talking from afar, on some abstract topics, gradually moving towards the most important thing. You can’t immediately get into the soul of the July people - they will block you and won’t let you in anywhere. As soon as you feel that the person is letting you in, only then can you approach the most intimate topics. He will either give you a signal about this, or he will speak himself. Until this moment, do not try, very often they close and go away.

September is people with a healthy dose of selfishness. If you want to win a September woman, sometimes it’s good to even use flattery, give an extra compliment, flatter, please. You need to be subtle and careful in your clothes and words. There is even a little pathos inherent in September - it is not for nothing that it is considered the velvet season. Therefore, people born in September love polish - both in relationships and in the manifestation of love. Give your woman gifts, even if not incredibly expensive, but very fashionable and modern. September men love accessories, modern devices, and advanced technologies. “You are the smartest, so this is the most innovative invention for you” - you can present it like this. Give a woman a ring: “This is a ring that only you deserve!” A little healthy flattery, an understanding that these people are inherently selfish, and then the person will be with you. September people truly know how to be friends and help. If necessary, they will come and do everything in the best possible way.

October itself is changeable: sometimes warm, sometimes cold. In relationships, people often show themselves this way too. To attract an October woman, prepare for changes and be different for her emotionally. Either show heat and trepidation, then switch to coldness and prudence, but without going too far. If you want to constantly retain the love and attention of such a woman, show diversity in the psycho-emotional sphere. They are almost indifferent to gifts, and also to hobbies. To win an October man, you also need to take into account the “emotional roller coaster”. Men are passionate. Here you need to more often show coldness and inaccessibility, a mystery, since they love to conquer, and if you dissolve in them, they stop appreciating. You always need to be proactive and have emotional dynamics. When attracting a man, I advise women to look so that their partner can arrange these psychological roller coasters, you will be comfortable with him. A secret for men: October women, as a rule, have a prototype of a movie hero in their heads - when watching films, they often see some images, create idols and look after men for them. Find out who your lady is and try to play it, then the woman will become more interested.

November is an increased passion of nature. If they love, then to the grave and to madness, with jealousy and scandals. Number 11 gives greater impulsiveness and dynamism. I love you so much, I hate you so much. To attract love, meet on special sites, through friends, use bright accessories and clothes, you can do anything. November women love dresses, heels, strive to emphasize femininity, dress beautifully and go out. Express yourself like this, don’t be afraid, the main thing is to allow yourself to show passion. To attract love, a man can also wear something unusual, highlight himself, and stand out. If you meet a woman, don't stop your inner passion, tell her something with passion, do something. If a November man does something with passion, there is no chance for a woman not to fall in love with him. If he is calm and cold, he causes distrust among women, since subconsciously we feel this dynamics and impulsiveness, and if it does not manifest itself in any way, this raises doubts. The secret of love for October is brightness, dynamism in everything, in creativity, in work, and in relationships.

December is a symbol of conclusion. Twelve months have passed, and I want to share my experience. To attract a man, women love to write, tell stories, often these are people who write novels, stories, blogs, even dissertations. They have enough patience and endurance. If you want to achieve the love and affection of December people, help them rest and relax. They really need rest, they have constant internal fatigue, they do not know how to relax. Offer to go to the spa, go somewhere to relax, spend a day in nature. Let your man go fishing, suggest going on walks together. More often there should be something more relaxing. For December women, it is important that a man cares, asks if she is tired, how he can help her rest and feel comfortable. It is important to look after men, cook something, hug, stroke. They love a comfortable life. Show them restorative care, and these people will begin to respond with love and gratitude. Care, attention, protection and guardianship are trump cards to attract love.

20 years ago, American writers Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider collected advice on how a woman can get the man of her dreams in their best-selling book. Since then, the feminist movement has been revived and strengthened, and such literature has received the label “sexist.” However, “New Rules” is still being republished and finds many fans and followers. What's the secret?

For years, gurus Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider have analyzed the behavior of women who were happy in their personal lives—those who had many admirers, who were married well, and who were happy in their marriages. Oprah Winfrey called their best-selling book “Rules for Winning the Heart of the Man of Your Dreams” a phenomenon and twice invited the authors to her talk show. People magazine classified the book as a must-read, and glossy magazines called it the best publication about relationships. The authors assure: over the 20 years of the existence of the “Rules”, millions of women have been able to experience their absolute effectiveness. They received a relationship full of love and respect, which flowed into a happy and strong marriage. In New Rules, writers help modern women and girls communicate through Facebook, Skype, SMS, etc. and at the same time remain mysterious, support the hunter’s instinct in a man when there is so much “easy prey” around him, get married in an era when everyone lives in civil marriages and is in no hurry to take responsibility.

“Men love a challenge and lose interest when the object of this interest - and especially a woman - comes too easy for them.”

“The secret way to get a guy: be a challenge for him. Treat him as if you don't care about him,” urge Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider. In their opinion, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of mystery and make a man passionately desire to meet you, which is very rare these days. “The Rules is a way of communicating with any man (provided he is the first to start a conversation with you, in person or online) that makes him obsessed with you and ready for a serious relationship.”

How to Marry the Man of Your Dreams, According to Ellen Fein and Sherry Schneider

Be a girl different from the rest and look like a girl different from the rest.

Do not approach a man first and do not start a conversation, do not call or write to a man first.

Do not ask men out on a date via SMS, social networks or any other means.

Wait at least 4 hours before responding to a man's first message, and at least half an hour before responding to each subsequent message.

“We’ll talk/write later”: always finish everything first - and disappear from sight!

Do not respond to SMS or any other messages after midnight.

Don't accept an invitation to a Saturday date later than Wednesday. “Proper girls” lead busy lives. Surely you've already made your weekend plans before Thursday rolls around! If he invites you too late, don't reprimand him. Just say that you are very sorry, but you are busy.

Make yourself "invisible" for instant messaging. Even if nothing is happening in your life, you should not inform the guy about it by instantly responding to his messages. As with any other form of communication, he must wait for the opportunity to talk to you. To be interesting to you, he will have to work hard. Don’t deprive your man of this opportunity by immediately responding to messages and spending hours online! Remember, you have your own life (school, work, friends, hobbies, workouts and, hopefully, dates), and there is only 10 minutes left for chatting and no more. If a guy has a lot to tell you and a lot to ask, he can do it during a date!

Don't spend 24 hours a day, seven days a week with him.

Long-distance relationships: let him offer to communicate more often on Skype and visit you.

Don't text men first, ignore emoticons and winks on online dating sites.

Don't pay for dinner or buy his love in any way.

Don't be self-destructive when dating married men. If he wants to see you, tell him to call you when he becomes single. And after that, no communication, forget him, say “next!” - and focus on finding men who are truly free.

Don't date a man who cancels your dates more than once.

Do not send a man anything that would be unpleasant to leave with him in the event of your separation.

Don't settle for one-night stands or meaningless relationships.

Don't rush to sleep with a man. “The right girl” makes a guy wait to help him fall in love with her, with her soul, with her essence - and not just with her body. The longer you delay intimacy, the longer he will be able to look after you, plan romantic encounters and dream about you. Men love challenges and don't appreciate anything that comes too easy for them, especially sex!

Don't date a man without commitment! If your relationship lasts more than a year and at the same time it is “correct” (you allowed the man to “chase you”, met him no more than 2-3 times a week, refused to spend vacations with him, did not move in with him), then most helped him fall in love with you and want to get married. A man wants to see you more and more. But if after a year of dating a man has not asked to marry him, you should tell him that you are a girl of an old-fashioned upbringing and are not going to date anyone forever. If he starts making excuses, suggest taking a break in the relationship. Ask him to think things through alone and call when he's ready to commit.

My love with my husband sleeps in his crib and snores quietly... Our love story began in the fall of 2011 - from a dating site. Before that, I was wary of such sites and did not believe in the success of such an enterprise, until friends and acquaintances began to tell me stories that ended in weddings. And I also decided to try my luck. I had admirers and even proposed marriage, but I felt that all this was not right, and my heart continued to look for its soul mate.

One evening I was sitting on a dating site, responding to regular letters from suitors—some were interested in me, but I didn’t even notice others. My heart was heavy, because on that day our relatives experienced grief - their son died. I was very sad. One guy wrote me a letter. I was thinking: should I answer or not? As a result, I wrote to him, to which he replied that he had also recently lost his grandfather. That's how we supported each other and had a heart-to-heart talk. Then our correspondence began, long conversations on the phone and our first meeting...

I was very worried, I thought whether I would like him, since there had been meetings before, and no one touched my heart. I carefully prepared for the first date, I picked out a beautiful and at the same time not provocative outfit: I wanted to please him. And so we met with him, watched a film, and after the film we talked and listened to music. We liked each other at first sight, and I immediately realized that this was my soulmate, a part of me.

Our relationship developed very rapidly. Just 2 months later I met his parents, they invited me to the festive table, and on New Year’s Day my future husband came to meet my parents. To our surprise, his and my parents were born and raised in the same area, moms and dads were somewhat similar, they had the same interests...

Soon he arrived with a bouquet of pink roses, confessed his love to me and asked my parents for my hand in marriage. I answered yes! There was an engagement in the winter, and a beautiful one took place in the summer. After 9 months, our wonderful son was born. We celebrated our first anniversary this summer. I love my husband very much, who has become so dear to me!

Personal experience


Comment on the article "How I met my love. The story of a happy family"

I think it is absolutely necessary to give readers the main thing - the name of the dating site, or, at worst, the address of the wedding salon :)
And it’s true - there’s nothing to talk about :)
Anyway - congratulations :)

12/16/2013 07:33:48, write more

who doesn't want pizza in the dead of night???)))

Total 4 messages .

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