Poems for children by Agnia Barto. All poems by Agnia Barto. Poems by Agnia Barto. Ooty-Ooty

Agnia Barto is a poetess beloved by everyone since childhood. Her poems are the first works that are read to children. We love them and still remember them and are happy to tell them to our children. Short poems are understandable to very young children, they remember them easily. We offer you a selection of Agnia Barto’s favorite poems, collected especially for kids.


Rope in hand
I'm pulling the boat
Along a fast river.
And the frogs jump
On my heels,
And they ask me:
- Take it for a ride, captain!

It's time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
He lay down on his side in the box.
The sleepy bear went to bed,
Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.
The elephant nods its head
He bows to the elephant.

What a defender!

I am my sister Lida
I won't offend anyone!
I live with her very friendly,
I love her very much.
And when I need it,
I'll beat her myself.


How big Andryushka is sitting
On the carpet in front of the porch.
He has a toy in his hands -
Rattle with a bell.
The boy looks - what a miracle?
The boy is very surprised
He won’t understand: where from?
Is this bell ringing?


No, we shouldn't have decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
The truck overturned.


Our Tanya cries loudly:
She dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanya, don’t cry:
The ball will not drown in the river.


I have a little goat,
I herd him myself.
I'm a kid in a green garden
I'll take it early in the morning.
He gets lost in the garden -
I'll find it in the grass.

Burning in the sun
As if I
The fire was lit.

Sparrow in a puddle
Jumps and spins.
He ruffled his feathers,
The tail fluffed up.
The weather is good!

Little frogs

Five green frogs
They are in a hurry to throw themselves into the water -
The herons got scared!
And they make me laugh:
I am this heron
I'm not afraid one bit!

Golden autumn

Autumn scatters leaves -
Golden flock.
Not simple, golden
I'm leafing through the pages.
Flew onto the porch
Golden letter.
I sit and read...


We'll build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests.
Let's fly over the forests,
And then we'll go back to mom.

funny flower

A funny flower is placed in a vase!
It was never watered
He doesn't need moisture
It is made of paper.
Why is he so important?
But because it is paper!

Bunny in the window

The bunny is sitting in the window
He is wearing a gray plush fur coat.
Made for a gray hare
Ears are too long.

In a gray fur coat
He sits, pressed against the frame,
How can you seem brave?
With such funny ears?

Who is screaming

I look after the chickens.
Where, whack, whack!
She got carried away in the bushes.
Drink, drink, drink!
Drink some water.
I scare the chickens.
Kra, kra, kra!
Tomorrow it will rain in the morning.
Moo, moo!
Milk for anyone?

I love my horse
I'll comb her fur smoothly,
I'll comb my tail
And I’ll go on horseback to visit.


The owner abandoned the bunny -
A bunny was left in the rain.
I couldn't get off the bench,
I was completely wet.

The bull is walking, swaying,
Sighs as he walks:
- Oh, the board is ending,
Now I'm going to fall!

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor
They tore off the bear's paw.
I still won’t leave him -
Because he's good.

What a defender!

I am my sister Lida
I won't offend anyone!
I live with her very friendly,
I love her very much.
And when I need it,
I'll beat her myself.


Miracles! - said Lyuba.
The fur coat was long
There was a fur coat in the chest,
The fur coat became too small for me.

Little frogs

Five green frogs
They are in a hurry to throw themselves into the water -
The herons got scared!
And they make me laugh:
I am this heron
I'm not afraid one bit!

Early, early in the morning
Mother duck came out
Teach the ducklings.
She teaches them, she teaches them!
You're floating, oh-oh-oh-oh
Smoothly, in a row.
Although my son is not big,
Not great
Mom doesn't tell me to be a coward,
He doesn't order.
- Swim, swim,
Don't be afraid,
You won't drown.

It was winter outside the windows,
It's freezing outside,
On our windowsill
Green lemon grew.
We followed the lemon
Every leaf was taken care of,
With every green leaf
We fiddled around as best we could.
Every leaf is young
We washed it with water.
Finally after a year
The first fruit appeared.
They recently came to visit us
Two tankers, two fighters.
We gave it to the tankers
All lemons are from the tree.

Rubber Zina

Bought in a store
Rubber Zina,
Rubber Zina
They brought it in a basket.
She was gaping
Rubber Zina,
Fell from the basket
Smeared in mud.
We'll wash it in gasoline
Rubber Zina,
We'll wash it in gasoline
And we shake our fingers:
Don't be so dumb
Rubber Zina,
Otherwise we’ll send Zina
Back to the store.

They dug up the cherries.
Sergei said: “I’m superfluous.”
Five trees, five guys -
I went out into the garden in vain.
And how did the cherries ripen?
Sergei goes out into the garden.
- Well, no, now you’re superfluous!

Amateur fisherman

Sitting on the lake in the morning
Amateur fisherman
Sits, hums a song,
And a song without words:
The lake is deep
The fishing will be successful.
Will catch a perch now
Amateur fisherman.
Wonderful song -
And there is joy and sadness in it,
And he knows this song
All the fish by heart.
How the song begins
All the fish are swimming...

There are such boys

We look at the boy -
He's kind of unsociable!
He frowns, sulks,
It was like drinking vinegar.
Vovochka comes out into the garden,
Gloomy, as if sleepy.
“I don’t want to say hello,”
Hides his hand behind his back.
We are sitting on a bench
Sat aside unsociable,
He doesn't take the ball
He's about to cry.
We thought, we thought
We thought and came up with:
We will be like Vovochka,
Gloomy, gloomy.
We went out into the street -
They also began to frown.
Even little Lyuba -
She's only two years old -
She also stuck out her lips
And she pouted like an owl.
“Look!” we shout to Vova.
Okay, are we frowning?
He looked at our faces
Was about to get angry
Suddenly he burst out laughing.
He doesn't want to, but he laughs
Sounds like a bell.
He waved his hand at us:
- Am I really like that?
“You are like that!” we shout to Vova,
We frown more and more.
He asked for mercy:
- Oh, I don’t have the strength to laugh!
He is now unrecognizable.
We sit on the bench with him,
And we call it:
Vova is a former renegade.
He wants to frown
He will remember us and laugh.


We are friends - two Yashkas,
They called us “doubles.”
- How different! -
Passers-by say.
And I have to explain
That we are not brothers at all,
We are friends - two Jacobs,
Our names are the same.

Two sisters looking at their brother

Two sisters look at their brother:
Small, awkward,
Can't smile
He just frowns. The younger brother sneezed in his sleep,
Sisters rejoice:
- The child is already growing -
He sneezed like an adult!


The older brother cradled his sister:
Let's take the dolls away from here,
Persuaded the girl
(She's only a year old):
- It's time to sleep,
Bury yourself in the pillow
I'll give you a hockey stick
You will stand on the ice.
Don't cry
I'll give it to you
Soccer ball,
Want -
You will be for the judge
The older brother cradled his sister:
- Well, let's not buy a ball,
I'll bring the dolls back
Just don't cry.
Well, don't cry, don't be stubborn.
It's time to sleep long ago...
You understand - I am mom and dad
Sent me off to the cinema.


I have a little goat,
I herd him myself.
I'm a kid in a green garden
I'll take it early in the morning. He gets lost in the garden -
I'll find it in the grass.

At the matinee

Clown is on stage!
He makes good jokes
Say a word -
And laughter is heard.
School explodes
With volleys of laughter:
Clown - first grader!
What fun!
Girls laughing
Especially the call!
But he doesn't laugh
One of the girls.
Something's ruffled
This girl:
- I don't feel like it
Choking from laughter!
The girls whisper:
- She's not laughing
Tanka can't stand it
Someone else's success

The vast majority of Agnia Barto's works are designed specifically for children, both for the youngest and for older children. Possessing a rare gift, the children's writer could speak to readers in poetic form on almost any everyday topic. The poems of Agnia Barto are read by several generations of Soviet and Russian readers and are loved by them.

In our section you can read Barto's works about toys, mother, school, war, friendship. The poetess spoke in an accessible and entertaining way about animals, about norms of behavior in society, and taught how to care for others. You can read these verses online, for everyone without exception it is free.

Everywhere, everywhere I meet girls, shaggy beauties, passionate about themselves. One is an angel, the other is a wolf cub. But I don’t need either one or the other, I’m allergic to them, Allergy! I’m walking, and the girl is hanging on my elbow, and immediately questions without any meaning: - Why are you so gloomy? You...

Andrey doesn’t trust people. Of course, he’s wrong! We decided to discuss His prickly temper. It became clear to us later that the Donkey was to blame for everything. There was a donkey standing in the window, eared, groovy. Andryushka was six years old. A neighbor came to them: - Oh, boy! Ah, toys! Should I buy you a donkey? Today...

Willow, willow, willow, The willow has bloomed. This means it is true that spring has come. This means it's true that winter is over. The very, very first starling flew in, whistled in the birdhouse: - Well, now I’m from here. But don’t believe in spring, You can hear the wind whistling, Wind, wind, wind, Last year’s wind is spinning along the roads...

One young girl had a desire to become a bully. When there is a hunt, well, - The girl went for fun. It has its own comfort and its own coziness, They sing in a funky way, And everything there, as it should be, is wonderfully awesome. It has its own comfort and its own coziness, Various goonies scurry about, Busy with cupids On the Baldezhny...

The shoes fit my brother: Not too small, not too big. They put them on Andryushka, But he hasn’t moved yet - He mistook them for a toy, He doesn’t take his eyes off the shoe. The boy is smart, With care, He is busy with new clothes: Now he strokes the shoes, Now he pulls the laces, Andrei sat down and raised his leg, He licked the shoe with his tongue... Well...

Having been repaired, Uncle's shoes creaked and squealed. There was no more sadness! No matter how hard he tried, he sneaked on his toes and stood on his heels, his shoes did not stop. The neighbor moans: - God, my peace is lost! I'm covered in goose bumps from this kind of music! So much creaking, so much...

Daisies are running across the field, showing off in full view, But I stand rooted to the spot and won’t take my eyes off. Daisies run across the field, They don’t hide in the grass... And I’m stomping with a bouquet, With flowers around Moscow. I looked - some guy smiled sweetly: - The bouquet is good, good! How much are you paying for? And he says...

There was rain, slush, wetness, Suddenly, near the gate, the counselor found a mole: - What a beautiful mole! He's a little blind, but that's not his fault. Everyone votes for the mole: - He ended up at the camp gates for a reason! Let him live in the camp! And for a living corner He is real...

Komsomol members stood on the guard of honor. They sighed... They fell silent. And only one girl with an intricate haircut was too calm: Of course, it’s a pity for the soldier who died for us, but he died once, and we live now. Apparently, she thought - What does she have to do with it?! She's not...

Everywhere Pavlik is honored: Pavlik bakes pancakes. He held a conversation at school - He spoke, opening a notebook, How much soda, how much salt, How much butter should I take. He proved that you can use margarine instead of butter. Resolved unanimously: He spoke beautifully. Whoever said such a speech can...

I've been walking since the morning, asking everyone: - What kind of fur does a beaver have? What kind of fur, tell me? Is it true that beavers build mound fortresses and hide their beavers there? Is it true that they say that they have carpets of fragrant herbs and bark lying there? I asked my mother about the beaver, But for her to work...

That chatterbox Lida, they say, Vovka made it up. When should I chat? I have no time to chat! Drama club, photo club, Choir club - I want to sing, Everyone voted for the drawing club too. And Marya Markovna said, when I was walking out of the hall yesterday: “Drama club, photo club This is too much...

Jump-jump! Jump-jump! Lesson cancelled. Young pranksters dance as if at a holiday And shout: - Good day: Botany has a migraine! Such a scream! Such delight! Everyone is like a birthday boy. - Let the doctor prescribe rest for her at the clinic. Let her go for treatment. We agree not to study...

For children different nations, little brothers, whose fathers defended their freedom, fought for the happiness of their children. Like a little black brother, The hairs don’t lie down, They curl into little rings, Like the wool of a sheep. The mother began to sing a song to the black yellow son: “Sleep, my son, my...

Seryozha is five years old in January, So far he is four, five, But adults are playing with him in the yard. And how on a sled, for example, He boldly flies from the mountains! For Seryozha, only the letter “R” spoils things a little. The sister is angry with her brother: Her name is Marina, And he stands in the middle of the yard, Shouting: - Where are you...

When adults come, Tired of work, When adults come to the toy department, They laugh heartily, Just like little children, They gasp childishly: - The toys are good! Puts the clown in his briefcase. Laughing citizen: - I myself love to laugh No less than my son. Sailor with gray...

In Germany there is a custom: Early on Sunday mornings Listen to the hubbub of birds The townspeople leave. They walk and travel on foot, this is how they got used to it from an early age. Here is a granddaughter rushing with her grandfather on a family motorcycle. Fishermen walk in wide-brimmed hats, carrying worms for daddy, the white-headed son. Old ladies go to...

The eyes of a seven-year-old girl are like two faded lights. A large, heavy melancholy is more noticeable on a child’s face. She is silent, no matter what you ask, If you joke with her, she is silent in response, As if she is not seven, not eight, But many, many bitter years.

Agnia Barto Poems

Illustrations: Elena Almazova and Vitaly Shvarov

Agnia Barto. Amateur fisherman

Sitting on the lake in the morning
Amateur fisherman
Sits, hums a song,
And a song without words:


The lake is deep
The fishing will be successful.
Will catch a perch now
Amateur fisherman.


Wonderful song -
And there is joy and sadness in it,
And he knows this song
All the fish by heart.


How the song begins
All the fish are swimming...

Agnia Barto. Beavers

I've been walking since the morning,
I ask everyone:
- What kind of fur does a beaver have?
What kind of fur, tell me?

Is it true that beavers
Erecting mound fortresses
And do they hide beavers there?

And what they say is true,
Why do they have carpets there?
From fragrant herbs and bark?

I asked my mother about the beaver,
But it's time for her to go to work.

I see a janitor in the distance
He sweeps the yard.

Could you tell me:
Where does the beaver live? -
And the janitor told me: - Don’t stand in the dust,
Let's put the conversation aside.

Without looking up from the game,
Playing dominoes
The neighbor laughs: - Where are the beavers?!
I haven't seen them for a long time.

Tell me, would you be so kind as to
Tell me, where do beavers live?

Agnia Barto. Sparrow

Sparrow in a puddle

Jumps and spins.

He ruffled his feathers,

The tail fluffed up.

The weather is good!


Agnia Barto Poems

Tamara and I

Tanya calls all day long:
- We are in charge of bandages,

Tamara and I go as a couple,

Tamara and I are orderlies.

If anything happens
Come to us for treatment.

We know how to apply a compress:
Tamara and I are Red Cross.

We can make you a poultice,
Give me healing herbs!
Tamara and I are nurses,
It’s not for nothing that I’m calling you.

The orderlies have no luck:
There is gauze, there is iodine,
There are not enough trifles -
There are no wounds or bruises...

Finally got a job

And for the Red Cross.

Finally someone got hurt.

Orderlies! Get to your seats!

Is cotton wool falling out of your hands?

Why does Tanya suddenly
Is there such fear on your face?
Why does Tanya suddenly

Tanina’s hands weakened:
- Oh, Vovochka has a cut!

And, seeing drops of blood,
The Red Cross burst into tears.

Here, guys, iodine and cotton wool,
Here's the gauze and bandages...
It's just not my fault
Bandage it, Tamara, you! -

Tanya calls all day long:
- We are in charge of bandages.
Tamara and I go as a couple,
Tamara and I are orderlies.

Maybe I should give you a poultice?
Give me some healing herbs?

Tamara and I are nurses:
Tamara heals, I roar...

Agnia Barto. Kid

I have a little goat,
I herd him myself.
I'm a kid in a green garden
I'll take it early in the morning.

He gets lost in the garden -
I'll find it in the grass.

Poems by Agnia Barto. Ooty-Ooty

Early, early in the morning
Mother duck came out
Teach the ducklings.
She teaches them, she teaches them!
- You are swimming, oh-oh-oh-oh,
Smoothly, in a row.
Although my son is not big,
Mom doesn’t tell me to be a coward, I’m not big,
He doesn't order.
- Swim, swim,
Don't be afraid,
You won't drown.

Agnia Barto. My dog

My dog ​​has a cold
And he became voiceless.
The kitten snuck
In front of his nose
And the poor patient
I couldn't even bark.
That's what it's up to
I'm seriously ill!

Agnia Barto. Nastenka

Drawings by V. Chizhikov

Nastenka is going, going
In a brand new stroller
Opens clear
New eyes.

Runs up to Nastenka
The curly boy:

Make an agreement with Nastya
I can’t do it at all!
I tell her: “Hello!”
And she: “Yeah.”

Nastenka is not in a good mood,
Flies stuck to her.

Mom on the bench
Protects his daughter:
- Don’t you dare fly here,
We'll drive you away! -

Runs up to Nastenka
The curly boy:

How small is she?
I couldn’t deal with the fly! -

And, as an adult,
He sighs:

Eh, Nastasya,
You can't do anything
What a misfortune!

Wait, we'll get smarter -
Mom answered,
We know how to smile.
Is this not enough?
And today we are just
Smiled for the first time!

Neighbor Tanya, about five years old,
She asked: “Can I come in?”
Let Nastenka wake up,
Let him smile at me!

Neighbor Nina, six years old,
She asked: “Can I come in?”
Let Nastenka wake up,
Let him smile at me! -

And Nastenka tries -
Lies and smiles.


Pavlik is honored everywhere:

Pavlik is baking pancakes.

He held a conversation at school -

He spoke, opening his notebook,

How much soda, how much salt,

How much oil should you take?

Proved that instead of butter

You can also use margarine.

Resolved unanimously:

He spoke beautifully.

Who said such a speech

She can bake pancakes!

But, comrades, hurry up -

We need to save the house quickly!

Where is your fire extinguisher?

Smoke is pouring out from under the doors!

And the neighbors say:

These pancakes are on fire!

Oh, when it came down to it,

Our hero was disgraced -

Nine pancakes burned

And the tenth was raw!

It's not difficult to speak,

It's hard to make pancakes!


What chatterbox Lida, they say,

Vovka made this up.

When should I chat?

I have no time to chat!

Drama club, photo club,

Horkruzhk - I want to sing,

For a drawing class

And Marya Markovna said,

When I walked out of the hall yesterday:

“Drama club, photo club

It's too much of something.

Choose for yourself, my friend,

Just one circle."

Well, I chose it based on the photo...

But I also want to sing,

And for a drawing class

And what about chatterbox Lida, they say,

Vovka made this up.

When should I chat?

I have no time to chat!

I'm old now

There is a prefect in our class.

What do I want?

Become a pilot, guys.

I'll rise on the stratosphere balloon...

What is this, by the way?

Maybe it's a stratosphere balloon

When do the elders fly?

And what about chatterbox Lida, they say,

Vovka made this up.

When should I chat?

I have no time to chat!

I still have loads

In German and Russian.

We have been given a task -

Reading and grammar.

I'm sitting looking out the window

And suddenly I see a boy there.

He says: "Come here,

I’ll give you iris.”

And I say: “I have loads

In German and Russian."

And he says: “Come here,

I’ll give you iris.”

And what about chatterbox Lida, they say,

Vovka made this up.

When should I chat?

I have no time to chat!

Botany is sick

Jump-jump! Jump-jump!

Lesson cancelled.

They dance as if on a holiday,

Young pranksters

And they shout: - Have a good day:

Botany has a migraine!

Such a scream! Such delight!

Everyone is like a birthday boy.

Let him prescribe peace for her

Doctor at the clinic

Let her go and get treatment

We agree not to study!

And the duty officer says:

I had diphtheria

And it took six weeks

Put me to bed.

The team leader was indignant,

Listening to the pioneers.

He says: - We manifest

Indifference to people!

They called me darling

Called glorious

Our Olga Nikolavna,

And now we wish evil:

So that botany falls ill!

Then the squad came to its senses,

Everyone on duty is reproaching him.

And the duty officer says:

Please don't panic!

I had diphtheria

Not botany!

The conversation went differently

Everyone sympathizes with the patient:

It's time for you to get better

Olga Nikolaevna!

In vain we shouted “Hurray” -

This is us by accident.

Letter P

Seryozha is five years old in January,

Bye - four, fifth,

But they play with him in the yard

And grown-up guys.

How about sledding, for example?

He flies boldly from the mountains!

Serezha only has the letter “r”

It spoils things a bit.

Sister is angry with brother

Her name is Marina.

And he stands in the middle of the yard,

Shouts: - Where are you, Malina?

She repeats: - Press your tongue,

Press it tighter to the roof of your mouth! -

He, like a diligent student,

Takes up his studies.

Marina repeats: “Cancer”, “stream”.

Marina teaches her brother.

He repeats: “Varnish”, “rays”, -

Sighing guiltily.

She repeats: - Say “subway”,

We'll go to my uncle's in the subway.

No,” he answers slyly, “

We'd better get on the bus.

It's not so easy to say "belt"

“Frost”, “river”, “cold”!

But one day in January

A miracle happened this morning.

The older sister sneezed

He shouted: “Be healthy!”

But I couldn’t just yesterday

He said this word.

Now he loves the letter "r"

Screams while riding down the hill:

Hurray! I am a brave pioneer!

I will live in the USSR,

Study for A's!

In an empty apartment

I opened the door with my key.

I'm standing in an empty apartment.

No, I'm not upset at all

That I'm in an empty apartment.

Thanks for this key!

I can do what I want -

After all, I'm alone in the apartment,

Alone in an empty apartment.

Thanks for this key!

Now I'll turn on the radio

I'll shout out all the singers!

I can whistle, knock on doors,

No one will say: “Don't make noise!”

No one will say: “Don’t whistle!”

Everyone is at work until five!

Thanks for this key...

But for some reason I'm silent

And I don't want anything

Alone in an empty apartment.

At the theater

When I was

Eight years

Watch the ballet.

We went with my friend Lyuba.

We took off our fur coats in the theater,

They took off their warm scarves.

To us in the theater, in the locker room,

They gave us numbers.

Finally I'm in ballet!

I forgot everything in the world.

Even three times three

I couldn't do it now.

Finally I'm in the theater

How I was waiting for this.

I'm about to see a fairy

In a white scarf and wreath.

I sit, I don’t dare to breathe,

I'm holding the number in my hand.

Suddenly the orchestra burst into trumpets,

My friend Anya and I

They even shuddered slightly.

Suddenly I see that there is no number.

The fairy spins around the stage -

I don't look at the stage.

I searched my knees -

I can't find the number.

Maybe he

Under a chair somewhere?

I now

No time for ballet!

The trumpets are playing more and more loudly,

The guests are dancing at the ball,

And my friend Lyuba and I

We are looking for a number on the floor.

He rolled off somewhere...

I crawl into the next row.

The guys are surprised:

Who's crawling down there?

A butterfly fluttered across the stage -

I didn't see anything:

I was looking for the number below

And finally I found him.

And just then the light came on,

And everyone left the hall.

I really like ballet -

I told the guys.

To school

Why today Petya

Woke up ten times?

Because he is today

Enters first grade.

He's not just a boy anymore

And now he's a newbie.

On his new jacket

Turn-down collar.

He woke up on a dark night,

It was only three o'clock.

He was terribly scared

That the lesson has already begun.

He got dressed in two minutes,

He grabbed a pencil case from the table.

Dad ran after him

I caught up with him at the door.

The neighbors stood behind the wall,

The electricity was turned on

The neighbors stood behind the wall,

And then they lay down again.

He woke up the whole apartment,

I couldn't sleep until the morning.

Even my grandmother dreamed

What she repeats is a lesson.

Even my grandfather dreamed

Why is he standing at the board?

And he can't be on the map

Find the Moscow River.

Why today Petya

Woke up ten times?

Because he is today

Enters first grade.

Important prisoner

It was spring time

There was a war game

And we got a prisoner.

Captive! Captive!

What a respectable prisoner!

Although he is not tall,

But he has a gray temple,

He is very important person -

Head teacher


He was part of the game

He lit signal fires

And he ended up captured.

Prisoners! Prisoners!

Such a respectable prisoner!

I gave more than one two

It's in our diaries

And today he is in captivity

In the hands of schoolchildren.

It's nice, whatever you say

Things are looking up...

Secretaries run to him:

Director! Your report!

And he sighs: - Well, well!

Warn me: I'm a prisoner.

Such an important person -

Head teacher


Such a priceless prisoner

Alone in the whole universe!


Spring, spring outside,

Spring days!

Like birds, they pour out

Tram calls.

Noisy, cheerful,

Spring Moscow.

Not yet dusty

Green foliage.

The rooks are chattering on the tree,

Trucks rattle.

Spring, spring outside,

Spring days!

Passers-by cannot pass here:

There's a rope on the way.

The girls think in chorus

Ten times ten.

This is from our yard

Champions, masters

They carry jump ropes in their pockets,

They've been galloping since the morning.

In the courtyard and on the boulevard,

In the alley and in the garden,

And on every sidewalk

In plain sight of passers-by,

And from a running start,

And on the spot

And two legs

Lidochka came forward.

Lida takes the jump rope.

Girls are jumping around

Fun and clever

And from Lidochka’s hands

The rope came loose.

Lida, Lida, you are small!

You shouldn't have taken the jump rope! -

Lida can't jump

He won't reach the corner!

Early in the morning in the corridor

Suddenly there was a clatter of feet.

Neighbor Ivan Petrovich stood up,

I couldn't understand anything.

He was terribly indignant

And he said angrily:

Why all night in the front

Someone stomping like an elephant?

Grandma got out of bed -

It's time to get up anyway.

This is Lida in the corridor

Learns to jump in the morning.

Lida jumps around the apartment

And she counts out loud.

Lida asks her grandmother:

Turn it a little!

I've already jumped

Almost until ten.

Well, - said the grandmother, -

Isn't that enough for now?

It's probably pouring down below

Lime from the ceiling.

Spring, spring outside,

Spring days!

The rooks are chattering on the tree,

Trucks rattle.

Noisy, cheerful,

Spring Moscow.

Not yet dusty

Green foliage.

Lidochka came forward,

Lida takes the jump rope.

Lida, Lida! That's it Lida!

Look, it's Lida

Jumps for half an hour!

I'm straight

Me and sideways

With a twist

And with a leap,

And from a running start,

And on the spot

And two legs

I galloped to the corner.

I wouldn't be able to do that!

Spring, spring outside,

Spring days!

With books, with notebooks

The students are coming.

Full of noisy fun

Boulevards and gardens,

And rejoice as much as you want,

Jump in every direction.

Everything for everyone

We've arrived! We've arrived!

The parents have arrived!

With candies, with nuts

The parents have arrived.

Girls and boys

Jumping for joy:

In every suitcase

Apples and sweets.

Here's for my daughter

In a little bundle

Gingerbread cookies.

And these are the pies,

Take care of them for yourself.

Here's for my son


In a bag.

This is my Pete,

This is for no one else!

And with packages in hands

Tucked into the corners

From each other

In secret

Who's the pie?

And who has some candy?

Vitya walks

Past everyone:

"If only I

One nut!

Didn't wait

I stayed

No candy."

Suddenly guys

Got up from their seats:

We are eating

And he doesn't eat?



Wouldn't you like

But put

Everything's on the table

Everything is one hundred percent!

That we sat down

In the corners?

We'll divide everything

In half...


Everything for everyone:

Nut for you,

We're nuts...

Everyone has everything

Guys, do you have any?

Get started


Gathered for a squad meeting

All! There are no absentees!

The collection is serious:

You need to choose

The best girls to the council.

Galya has been crossed off the list!

Everyone said to her face:

First of all, you are selfish

Secondly, you are a fiend.

They offer to choose Sveta:

Sveta writes to the wall newspaper,

And she is an excellent student.

But he plays with the dolls of Light! -

Ilyina declares.

That's a new council member!

He's nursing his doll!

No! - Sveta shouts, worried.

I'm sewing a dress for her now.

I'm sewing a brown dress

I am embroidering a belt.

Sometimes, of course, by the way

I'll play with her for an hour.

You even need to sew for dolls!-

The squad is interceding.

She will sew later for her grandchildren!

The pioneers speak.

Natasha raised her hand:

We must resolve the issue.

I believe that for dolls

It's embarrassing to sew in the fifth grade!

It became noisy in the school hall,

A heated argument began

But, after thinking, everyone said:

Sewing for dolls is not a shame!


Kids in the yard

They did a round dance.

Game of geese and swans,

Gray wolf - Vasily.

Geese-swans, home!

Gray wolf under the mountain!

The wolf doesn't even look at them,

The wolf is sitting on a bench.

Gathered around him

Swans and geese.

Why don't you eat us? -

Marusya says.

Since you are a wolf, don’t be a coward!

The goose screamed at the wolf.

From such a wolf

No point!

The wolf answered: “I’m not afraid,

I'll attack you now.

I'll finish the pear first,

And then I’ll get to work on you!

Two sisters looking at their brother

Two sisters look at their brother:

Small, awkward,

Can't smile

He just frowns.

The younger brother sneezed in his sleep,

Sisters rejoice:

The child is already growing up -

He sneezed like an adult!

Grandfather's granddaughter

Walks to school in the morning

All young Moscow,

People repeat verbs

And difficult words.

And Klava is a student

Has been racing in the car since morning

Along the Garden Ring

Straight to the school porch.

Gray-haired teacher

Walks to class,

And Klavochka is in the car.

And for what reason

And by what right

Is the car carrying Klava?

I'm grandpa's granddaughter

My grandfather is a Hero of Labor...-

But the granddaughter is white-handed,

And that’s the whole problem!

She sits, bored

And putting aside the notebook,

But grandfather has a cup of tea

He won't even think of submitting it.

But he will ask his grandfather:

Will you give me a car?

I'll go to the skating rink! -

And he will call the garage.

It happens sometimes -

All the people marvel:

Grandfather's hero

The slacker is growing.

It was in January...

It was in January

There was a Christmas tree on the mountain,

And near this Christmas tree

Evil wolves roamed.

Once upon a time,

Sometimes at night,

When the forest is so quiet,

They meet a wolf under the mountain

Bunnies and hare.

Who's up for the New Year?

Fall into the clutches of the wolf!

The bunnies rushed forward

And they jumped onto the tree.

They flattened their ears

They hung like toys.

Ten little bunnies

They hang on the tree and are silent.

The wolf was deceived.

It was in January -

He thought that on the mountain

Decorated Christmas tree.


Morning. It's hot in the sun.

The cat is standing by the stream.

Whose cat is this?

Looks at everyone

Like a savage.

We explained to the savage:

You're not a tiger in the Zoo,

You're an ordinary cat!

Well, purr at least a little!

The cat is like a tigress again

She arched her back and got angry.

The cat is following the trail...

It was in vain that we had a conversation with her.


The young speaker spoke,

He talked about work.

He argued from the podium:

Labor is needed always, everywhere!

The school tells us to work,

The squad teaches this...

Pick up the papers from the floor!

One of the guys shouted.

But here the speaker winces:

There's a cleaning lady for that!

The house has moved

Near the Stone Bridge,

Where the Moscow River flows,

Near the Stone Bridge

The street has become narrow.

There's congestion on the street,

The drivers there are worried.

Oh, - the guard sighs,

The corner house is in the way!

Syoma was not at home for a long time -

Vacationed in Artek Syoma,

And then he got into the carriage,

And he returned to Moscow.

Here's a familiar twist -

But no house, no gate!

And Syoma stands in fear

And he rubs his eyes with his hands.

The house stood

At this place!

He's missing

Together with the residents!

Where is the fourth house number?

He was visible a mile away! -

Syoma speaks anxiously

To the guard on the bridge.-

I returned from Crimea,

I need to go home!

Where is the tall gray house?

My mom is in it!

The guard answered Syoma:

You got in the way

You've been decided in your home

Take him to the alley.

Look around the corner

And you will find this house.

Syoma whispers with tears:

Maybe I'm crazy?

I think you told me

Do the houses seem to be moving?

Syoma rushed to the neighbors,

And the neighbors say:

We go all the time, Syoma,

We're going for ten days in a row.

These walls move quietly,

And mirrors don't break,

There are vases in the buffet,

The lamp in the room is intact.

Oh, I was happy

So we can go

Well, then to the village in the summer

We'll go to this house!

A neighbor will come to visit us:

“Ah!” - but at home... there is no home.

I won't learn my lesson

I'll tell the teachers:

All textbooks are far away:

The house walks through the fields.

Join us for firewood

The house will go straight into the forest.

We are walking - and the house is behind us,

We are home - and the house... has disappeared.

The house went to Leningrad

To the October Parade.

Tomorrow morning, at dawn,

The house will return, they say.

Dom said before leaving:

"Wait in front of the entrance,

Don't run after me -

I have a day off today.”

No, - decided Syoma angrily,

The house shouldn't run around on its own!

Man is the master of the house,

Everything around is obedient to us.

We want - and in the blue sea,

Let's sail in the blue sky!

We want -

And we'll move the house,

If the house bothers us!

His family

Vova has a deuce with a minus -

Unheard of!

He didn't move at the board.

He didn't pick up chalk!

He stood as if made of stone:

He stood like a statue.

How will you pass your exams?

The counselor is worried.-

Your family, father and mother,

Reproach at a meeting

The director will be there in person!

We have a good twenty five

And three excellent families,

But by your family for now

The director is unhappy:

She's raising a student

Doesn't help the school.

Well, what does my family have to do with it? -

He says sighing.-

I get deuces -

And suddenly the family is bad!

He would have endured reproaches

I wouldn't show it

But there is a question about family -

He won’t hurt his family!

They will reproach mom:

"We have a good twenty-five

And three excellent families,

And you alone are a bad mother!” -

The director will tell you personally.

Vova sadly looks into the distance,

A stone lay on my heart:

I felt very sorry for my mother...

No, he will pass the exam!

He will tell his mother: “Don’t be sad,

Rely on me!

We must be transferred

To a good family!”

There are such boys

We look at the boy -

He's kind of unsociable!

He frowns, sulks,

It was like drinking vinegar.

Vovochka comes out into the garden,

Gloomy, as if sleepy.

I don't want to say hello -

Hides his hand behind his back.

We are sitting on a bench

Sat aside unsociable,

He doesn't take the ball

He's about to cry.

We thought, we thought

We thought and came up with:

We will be like Vovochka,

Gloomy, gloomy.

We went out into the street -

They also began to frown.

Even little Lyuba -

She's only two years old -

She also stuck out her lips

And she pouted like an owl.

Look! - we shout to Vova.

Okay, are we frowning?

He looked at our faces

Was about to get angry

Suddenly he burst out laughing.

He doesn't want to, but he laughs

Sounds like a bell.

He waved his hand at us:

Am I really like that?

You are like that! - we shout to Vova,

We frown more and more.

He asked for mercy:

Oh, I have no strength to laugh!

He is now unrecognizable.

We sit on the bench with him,

And we call it:

Vova is a former renegade.

He wants to frown

He will remember us and laugh.

Greedy Egor

Oh, what a racket it is!

Komsomol members are dancing.

This is how young people dance

Whatever you want, you can go

Dance on the Christmas tree.

A cheerful choir is singing here,

Fables are read here...

Yegor stands aside,

Fat third grader.

He came to the ball first

To the school club for the Christmas tree.

Yegor did not dance:

Why dance to no avail?

He doesn't look at dragonflies

And bright fish.

He has one question:

Soon there will be Santa Claus

Give out gifts?

People are having fun, funny,

Everyone shouts: “Horror!”

But Yegor insists on one thing:

Will there be gifts soon?

Wolf, and hare, and bear -

Everyone came to the Christmas tree.

Why stare at them?

Laughing to no avail? -

The skiing began from the mountains,

Egor doesn't ride:

I'll go for a ride in the park!

He has one question:

Soon there will be Santa Claus

Give out gifts? -

Santa Claus plays the gathering:

Here are the gifts, children!

Egor grabbed it first

Golden bag.

I sat down on a chair in the corner,

Wrapped my gift

With sense, with arrangement,

Tied it with twine.

And then he asked again:

And on the Christmas tree in the park

Tomorrow they will distribute

Gifts for schoolchildren?


Klava sighed endlessly:

If I were curly,

I would, like in a fairy tale, the Tsar-Maiden,

She eclipsed everyone with her beauty.-

And the student decided

Appear curled.

Black-browed and curly

Beautiful girl-soul!

Everyone whispers: - Petrova Klava

Impossibly good!

But he sits as if lifeless,

As if immersed in sleep.

“Oh,” said the ringwoman, “

Klava seems to be sick!

Klava said: - Girlfriends,

I'm actually barely alive!

I tossed around on the pillow:

Curls prevented me from sleeping -

My head is covered in papers.

Then she yawned again

And I fell asleep in algebra.

Anna Aleksevna looks:

There is a sleeping princess in the classroom.

Oh, my friends are worried,

The quarter is coming to an end

And Klava has curls!

No, they don't suit her.


In order

Line up!

To charge


We are growing

In the sun


Our feet

Our shots

Our muscles

Not dim.

In order

Line up!

To charge


We are growing

In the sun

Lilacs were blooming in the garden,

Andryusha was born in the spring

One good day.

The father is proud of the boy

She is six years old -

Shouts to his brother: - Well done,

What was born!


I am Volodin's marks

I'll find out without the diary.

If a brother comes with a three

Three bells ring.

If suddenly in our apartment

The ringing begins -

So five or four

He received it today.

If he comes with a deuce -

I hear from afar:

Two short ones are heard,

Indecisive call.

Well, what if one is

He knocks quietly on the door.

Herding game

Yesterday we played flock,

And we needed to growl.

We growled and bellowed

They barked like dogs,

Haven't heard any comments

Anna Nikolaevna.

And she said sternly:

What kind of noise are you making?

I've seen a lot of children -

This is the first time I've seen something like this.

We told her in response:

There are no children here!

We are not Petya and not Vova -

We are dogs and cows.

And the dogs always bark

They don’t understand your words.

And the cows always moo,

Keeping the flies away.

And she answered: - What are you talking about?

Okay, if you are cows,

I was a shepherd then.

Please keep in mind:

I'm taking the cows home.

To us, on colorful pages...

To us, on motley pages,

Two tits flew in.

They say: - Trouble has struck!

We arrived here

Talk about the slingshot!

We are from the birds! We are delegates!

The titmice are so excited!

They speak with difficulty.

They ask: - Give us some water,

Then we will come to our senses.-

We brought them some water -

The tits have calmed down.

One tit says:

What's going on in our forest!

The chicks are crying in the nest,

Help us in trouble!

My little bird is so scared

Doesn't fly anywhere

He was already flying over the meadow,

Hovered around the nest.

And now he's afraid of everything

Doesn't even eat caterpillars

I want to move

Fly away from these places.

I heard there are young people

But we don’t have them in the forest.

Boy in a striped T-shirt

The light comes to us.

If this boy again

Suddenly appears in the forest,

I'm so excited

I can't stand it!

Here we found out from the birds,

Who is this bully?

It turned out it was Alik,

Eight year old boy.

It's him sneaking into the forest

Shot at small chicks.

Here he is standing here with a slingshot...

Alik, do you recognize yourself?

We tamed two tits

They were given the job -

Let them be apart and together

They fly to school, to class,

And they bring news to the book

From readers, from you.

They will fly into a detachment,

School affairs will be checked...

Let them fly wherever they want -

They are free birds, after all.

And we released them into the world,

Now we stand and look behind us.


Lesson don't ask me

Don't ask, don't ask

Lesson, don't ask me, -

The squad is on vacation,

On the decorated Christmas tree

The lanterns are on.

Schoolchildren will have fun

On free days.

We are outside the city, in Sokolniki,

Skiing, skating.

You'll sink to the waist,

To the waist, to the waist,

You'll sink to the waist,

You'll stay in the snow

And I'm skiing through the forest

To the North Pole

I'll run as you wish!

Lesson don't ask me

Don't ask, don't ask

Lesson, don't ask me, -

The squad is on vacation,

On the decorated Christmas tree

The lanterns are on.

And all the notebooks


Let it be for now

They will sleep.


We've been here all morning

We were fiddling with the sprouts,

We planted them

With my own hands.

Grandma and I are together

They planted seedlings

And Katya went

With a friend in the garden.

Then we had to

Fight the weeds

We pulled them out

With my own hands.

My grandmother and I carried

Full watering cans,

And Katya was sitting

In the garden on a bench.

Are you on the bench?

Are you sitting like a stranger?

And Katya said:

I'm waiting for the harvest.


The fable was chosen a long time ago,

Roles have been assigned

The unit decided to perform

At a matinee at school.

The girls decided to read

“Quartet”, there is such a fable.*

The role did not suit Svetlana:

I'm not stubborn at all

Why should I play a donkey?

Mom won't let me.

The performers began to make noise.

One shouts: - She is a bear,

And not a monkey at all! -

Another one shouts: - Chur-chura,

I said yesterday -

I'm a clumsy bear!

A day and two days pass,

Then five passes

No way to rehearsal

It’s impossible to gather artists.

The goat came and sat down at the table,

But there is no nightingale.

Well, if so, said the goat,

Then I will leave too!

Naughty monkey

I rushed off to the skating rink,

And the clumsy bear,

Grabbing my coat,

He took off running.

That's no monkey

My aunt took me somewhere

That bear is clumsy

Gone skiing with dad!

When there is no agreement among comrades,


The older brother cradled his sister:


Let's take the dolls away from here,


Persuaded the girl

(She's only a year old):

It's time to sleep

Bury yourself in the pillow

I'll give you a hockey stick

You will stand on the ice.


Don't cry

Soccer ball,

You will be for the judge


The older brother cradled his sister:

Well, let's not buy a ball,

I'll bring the dolls back

Just don't cry.

Well, don't cry, don't be stubborn.

It's time to sleep long ago...

You understand - I am mom and dad

Sent me off to the cinema.


On weekdays and weekends

Sounds from behind the wall:

Will you take me to the beach?

What will you give me for this?

Sharpen my pencil!

What will you give me for this?

Alexey came home from school,

I recognize his steps).

He charges everyone a fee.

I buttoned up my brother's pants -

Took him for his care

Half a cookie.

Raise your glasses, darling! -

With a request from grandfather to him.

The dear grandson answers:

If you give me a penny, I'll raise it!

Alexey came from school.

Now he came up with this:

“If I learn verbs,

I give myself a nickel.

If I learn the prefixes,

I'll ask for a raise."

On weekdays and weekends

Sounds from behind the wall:

Alik, can you help grandpa?

Go to the eighth floor?

Alexey, respect your father! -

And the answer is the same:

What will you give me for this?


If you are still nowhere

Haven't met the queen, -

Look - here she is!

She lives among us.

Everyone, right and left,

The Queen announces:

Where's my coat? Hang him!

Why isn't he there?

My briefcase is heavy -

Bring it to school!

I instruct the duty officer

Bring me a mug of tea

And buy it for me at the buffet

Each, each, a piece of candy.

The queen is in third grade,

And her name is Nastasya.

Nastya's bow

Like a crown

Like a crown

From nylon.

Helen with a bouquet

Lenochka came on stage,

The noise rang through the ranks.

From the children,” said Lena, “

I'll say hello to you.

Lena on the Eighth of March

I gave a speech to my mothers.

Everyone was touched by the white apron,

Bows, shoulder-length curls.

Moms can't be happier:

How cute she is! -

The best number of the program

This girl was.

Once in the district council hall

The deputies gathered.

Lena, girl with a bouquet,

I came out to them from behind the scenes.

Lena behaves so bravely

Says hello to everyone,

She is familiar with this matter:

This is his third year performing.

Third year, winter and summer,

Appears with a bouquet:

He will come for the anniversary,

Then to the teachers' congress.

Lenochka can’t sleep at night,

During the day she does not drink or eat:

“Oh, another student

They wouldn’t have sent me to the congress!”

Lena says calmly:

Tomorrow I'll get a deuce -

I have a regional plenum,

I'm teaching greetings.

Lena, girl with a bouquet,

Lagging behind in all subjects:

Well, when should I learn it?

Tomorrow is another anniversary!

Summer on the scales

There are scales in our camp,

Not just like that, not for beauty, -

We find out in the morning

Who gained weight, by how many grams.

No, we don't go to the distant forest:

What if we lose weight while hiking?!

We spend the morning at the scales.

We can't wander through the forests:

Everything is on time! Yes by the scale!

And in the rain, we immediately go under the canopy.

Guys are worth their weight!

And how many dramas there are here:

Seryozha lost a kilogram,

And he gasped and moaned for a long time

All medical staff.

Suddenly our regime changed:

In the morning we run to the river,

We hug, squeal...

Hooray! Don't hang your noses -

Our scales are broken!

They're flying, they're flying!

The birds look pitiful

We didn't recognize them!

Apparently in a squabble

The birds have visited.

At least some news from the road

You sent it, birds!

We were locked up -

The tits say.

You don't know Taras?

He's a second class threat.

As he walks, the whole class trembles.

This is what Taras is like!

We decided not to remain silent

And give the note to the press,

Post his portrait

Disgrace the whole world.

He tore the note

He put us in a cage.

We picked up the pieces

Torn note

And one night

Escaped from the cage.

Well done our tits -

They flew out of the dungeon.

They brought a portrait of Taras.

We've been with Taras for over an hour

Made up of pieces.

Look what he is like!

Fighter or parasite

They won't be afraid to ridicule

Our birds never.

Now they will rush away again,

Will come back to us here...

Amateur fisherman

Sitting on the lake in the morning

Amateur fisherman

Sits, hums a song,

And a song without words:




The lake is deep

The fishing will be successful.

Will catch a perch now

Amateur fisherman.




Wonderful song -

And there is joy and sadness in it,

And he knows this song

All the fish by heart.




How the song begins

All the fish are swimming...



Little blue skirt,

Ribbon in a braid.

Who doesn't know Lyubochka?

Everyone knows Lyuba.

Girls at the holiday

They will gather in a circle.

How Lyubochka dances!

Best of all friends.

The skirt is spinning too

And a ribbon in my braid,

Everyone is looking at Lyubochka,

Everyone is happy.

But if to this Lyubochka

You will come to the house

There you are that girl

It's hard to find out.

She still screams from the doorway,

Announces as he goes:

I have a lot of lessons

I won't go for bread!

Lyubochka is riding on a tram -

She doesn't take a ticket.

Pushing everyone apart with your elbows,

He makes his way forward.

She says, pushing:

Ugh! How cramped! -

She says to the old woman:

These are children's places.

Well, sit down,” she sighs.

Little blue skirt,

Ribbon in a braid.

That's what Lyubochka is like

In all its glory.

It happens that girls

They can be very rude

Although not necessary

They are called Lyubs.


Like our Lyalechka

There are almost a dozen dresses.

I won't wear white -

Badly ironed!

I won't wear yellow -

Yellow crumpled.

I'm not just a girl

I'm our counselor!

Grandma is confused -

Ironing after dinner.

Dress for a counselor

It will be ironed.

There are such people -

Give them everything on a platter!


My grandfather and I were painting the barn,

We got up with him at first light.

First, wipe the wall, -

My grandfather taught me. -

You wipe it off, clean it,

Then take up your brush boldly.

So my brush flew!

Thunder rumbled in the sky,

And I thought it was me

I rattle my bucket.

Well, the barn is finally ready.

My grandfather is so happy!

Eh, I wish I could take paints of all colors

And paint everything!

There is some paint in the bucket,

At the bottom, a little bit, -

I'll get up at dawn tomorrow,

I'll paint something!

Cheerleader Mom

I do boxing

I'm into boxing

And my mother assures me

That I got carried away by the fight

Trouble! - Mom sighs.

I'm so depressed

That I raised my son

Such a fighter!

I called my mother

To the boxing gym

She refused me.

No, he says, I can’t,

I'll run away from the hall! -

And she stated directly:

Boxing is disgusting to watch!

I tell her: - Mom!

You are not thinking sportily!

This is my first fight,

I really need a win

My enemy brought with him

Two grandmothers and grandfather.

All his relatives appeared,

Everything is for him, against me.

He sees his whole family

Feels support in battle,

And I'm upset! I'm renting!

And I need to defend my honor

Schoolchildren of Ryazan.

Suddenly I see - mom,

Mom is here!

Sits quietly in the hall

Sits in the twelfth row

And I said - I won’t come!

I instantly felt a lift -

Now we'll beat the enemy!

Here he is in front of all the guys

Got caught in the ropes.

Well, how did I fight? Boldly?-

I run up to my mother.

I don’t know, I was sitting

With my eyes closed.

We're at the zoo

Polar bear!

- Does she live in the ice?

— Blizzard and ice

Are you not afraid of bears?

- Oh, little bear!

- The child is only one year old!

— He’s wearing these boots,

That they are not afraid of ice.

- Oh, the brown bear is walking!

— He is dressed in heavy fur.

He has a dignified figure

It can strike fear into everyone!

Dinner! Dinner! They're bringing lunch!

No more patience to wait:

They won't give him lunch

He will immediately eat his neighbor.

The little sable

While the food is special:

Everyone cares about him

And they feed you by the hour,

And he's like that


He knows how to suck himself.

Quiet hour at the Zoo

Exactly the same as ours!

They lie

And we lie.

Same mode.

We cleaned up the old garden

We cleaned up the old garden

From harmful insects.

We saw a squad in the garden

Unknown boys.

They came for a reason -

The poppies were weeded out from the beds.

And an hour later he appeared in the garden

Another boy squad.

The squad came for a reason -

The guys trampled the poppy.

We were surprised: how can this be?

And on the aspen there are two blackbirds

They explained to us: - Yes, yes, yes!

Division of labor.

This is what happens to people:

One squad is planting a garden,

The other one breaks it.

At a school party

Clown is on stage!

He makes good jokes

Say a word -

And laughter is heard.

School explodes

With volleys of laughter:

Clown - first grader!

What fun!

Girls laughing

Especially the call!

But he doesn't laugh

One of the girls.

Something's ruffled

This girl:

I'm reluctant

Choking from laughter!

The girls whisper:

She's not laughing

Tanka can't stand it

Someone else's success.

Our neighbor Ivan Petrovich

They know our neighbor

All the guys are from the yard.

He gives them even before lunch

He says it's time to sleep.

He looks angrily at everyone

He doesn't like everything:

Why is the window open?

We are in Moscow, not in Crimea!

Just open the door for a minute -

He says it's a draft.

Our neighbor Ivan Petrovich

He always sees everything wrong.

Today is such a good day,

Not a single cloud in the sky.

He grumbles: - Put on your galoshes,

It will rain torrentially!

I gained weight over the summer

I gained five kilos.

I noticed this myself -

It became difficult to run.

Oh, you clumsy bear, -

Mom and Dad told me, -

You've added a whole pound!

No,” said Ivan Petrovich, “

Your child is too thin!

We told my mother for a long time:

“It’s time to buy a bookcase!

On tables and under tables

There’s a whole mountain of books.”

Against the wall with a sofa next to it

The new wardrobe is now in place.

They sent it to our house

And with difficulty they dragged him through the door.

Dad was so happy:

The walls are strong near the cabinet,

It's finished in walnut!

But Ivan Petrovich came -

As always, I upset everyone.

He said that everything is wrong:

That the varnish will peel off the cabinet,

That he's not good at all

What is the price of such a penny?

What will he use for firewood?

In a month or two!

We have a puppy in our apartment,

He sleeps next to the chest.

No, perhaps, in the whole world

Kinder than a puppy.

He doesn't drink from the saucer yet.

Everyone is laughing in the corridor:

I bring him a pacifier.

No! - shouts Ivan Petrovich. -

This dog needs a chain!

But one day all the guys

They approached him in a crowd,

The guys came up to him

And they asked: “What’s wrong with you?”

Why do you see clouds

Even on sunny days?

You better wipe your glasses -

Maybe they are dirty?

Maybe someone out of spite

Did you give the wrong glass?

Get out!” said Ivan Petrovich.

I'll teach you a lesson now!

“I,” said Ivan Petrovich, “

Oh, what an eccentric neighbor!

It's very bad to live in the world,

If you see everything wrong.

No tits: they haven’t arrived!

No tits: they haven’t arrived!

Where are the two tits?

Our book is empty

Motley pages.

What happened to the birds?

Where are they, pray tell?!

Look, near you

In the kindergarten, in the park

Maybe they're jumping now

Two little gray little birds?

Or birds flew into the house

Straight from the page of a book?

Curious tits

They love new places.

We ask you: run after

Behind every tit.

No tits!

No and no!

At least call the police.

The right song

We are learning to sing!

We're on Saturdays now

Not just eating -

We sing along to the notes.

We have a lot of melodies

Must remember:

And on a long journey

We need songs

And friends at home

Sing in their spare time...

There are smooth songs

And there are dancing ones.

Today we are in class

Let's eat them for the first time.

Every lesson

I wish I could sing like that!

There is even a special song -

For a wedding.

Here we are twenty years later

I decide to get married

Then this song

And it will be useful to me.

One day I broke glass

No, I've been unlucky in life

One day I broke glass.

It's under the sun's rays

It sparkled and burned

And I accidentally hit the ball!

I'm so burned out!

And since then,

Ever since then

As soon as I run out

Someone shouts after him:

Want to break glass?

A lot of water has passed under the bridge

Since I broke the glass.

But as soon as I take a breath,

Now someone will ask:

Are you sighing from behind the glass?

Did you break the glass again?

No, I've been unlucky in life

One day I broke glass.

Coming towards me yesterday

Thinking about something

The girl from our yard

Good girl.

I want to start a conversation with her,

But, straightening the curl,

She's talking nonsense

About the broken windows.

No, I've been unlucky in life

Glass is haunting me.

When I turn two hundred years old,

My grandchildren will come to me.

They will tell me:

True, grandfather

You took the cobblestone in your hands,

Did you shoot at every window? -

I won't answer, I'll sigh.

No, I've been unlucky in life

One day I broke glass.


Seryozha won’t fall asleep,

He looks while lying down

thin-legged deer

On the lawn in the distance -

thin-legged deer

High on the ceiling.

He is beautiful, majestic,

He stands with his horns raised,

And the grass is darkening all around,

Meadows spread out.

Seryozha got down on his knees,

Looked at the ceiling

He sees cracks on the wall,

He was surprised and lay down.

Said the next day

When the curtains opened:

I know it was a deer

But he rushed off to the mountains.

Where are you from, tits?

Where are you from, tits?

We flew over the capital...

A fifth grader waddled

Slowly along the boulevard

And, imagine, he threw the stick!

And to whom?

Into the baby!

This suits a predator

And a decent bird

He won't treat me like that

To a defenseless chick.

And by the river at any hour

The girl always lies

Lies with a piece of paper on his nose

And he looks in the mirror.

The girl is sunbathing

And grandma does the laundry.

We want, said the birds,

Look at other children.-

Flew off the page again

And they set off again.

I'll put it off until later

What am I suffering

Over a blank sheet of paper?

No, I'm a drawing

I'll save it for later.

It's not glued

Am I going to the drawing?

I run to Shurka,

I'll tell her the secret.

No, I guess

I'll leave the secret aside

I'd rather have a book

I'll sit for an hour.

The book came across -

A weighty volume

I put it aside

For later,

I'm suffering again

Over a blank sheet...

So many worries

All business and business...

It's a pity, I'm the night

I couldn't put it down.

I overslept!


Seryozha will soon be ten years old,

It's not six yet, -

Still can't

Grow up to Seryozha.

Poor Dima,

He's younger!

He's jealous

Brother everything is allowed -

He's in fourth grade!

Maybe he goes to the cinema,

Get tickets from the box office.

He has a knife in his briefcase,

Badges are burning on the chest,

And now Seryozha

The doctor prescribed glasses.

No guys, this is too much!

He suddenly appeared wearing glasses!

In the yard he said to the boys:

I'm terribly nearsighted!

And the next morning this is what happened:

Poor Dima suddenly went blind.

There was soap on the window -

He said it was bread.

He pulled the tablecloth off the table,

I ran into a chair with my back

And he asked about Aunt Katya:

Is this the closet in front of me?

Dima sees nothing.

He takes a chair and sits by

And shouts: “I’m short-sighted!”

I need to see a doctor!

I want to go to the doctor

I want to wear glasses!

Don't worry and don't cry, -

The doctor tells the patient.

He puts on a robe

He takes out the chocolate.

I didn't have time to say a word

The patient's cry is heard:

I don't need chocolate

I don't see chocolate!

The doctor looks at the patient.

He tells him sternly:

We are not fools to you!

You don't need glasses!

Here Dima is walking towards the house,

He was left a fool.

Don't envy someone else

Even if he's wearing glasses.

First love

Everyone can guess -

Antonina is in love!

So what! She's almost twenty

And it's spring outside!

The phone just rings

Tonya whispers: “It’s him!”

She became affectionate and meek,

Walks with a light gait

In the morning he sings like a bird...

Suddenly the younger sister

A little light wakes up,

He says: “It’s time to fall in love!”

I'm almost thirteen years old.

And Natasha in class

I looked at all the guys:

“Yurka? Too chubby!

Petya is a bit short!

Here is Alyosha, a nice fellow!

I’ll probably fall in love with him.”

Repeats the class on the map,

Where is the Irtysh, where is the Yenisei,

And the lover is on the desk

Gently whispers: - Alexey!

Alik looks sad:

“What does she want from me?”

Everyone knows that girls

He is afraid like fire

He can't understand her!

Then she squinted her eyes,

Then I asked for an elastic band,

Then she sighs heavily,

Why, for some reason, a blotter

Gives it to him lovingly.

Alik lost his temper!

He treated her cruelly

I spanked him after class.

So from the first date

The suffering begins.

First lesson

This is my first time in class.

Now I'm a student.

The teacher entered the class, -

Stand up or sit down?

How to open a desk

I didn't know at first

And I didn't know how to get up

So that the desk doesn't knock.

They tell me - go to the board, -

I raise my hand.

How to hold a pen in your hand?

I don't understand at all.

How many schoolchildren we have!

We have four Asi,

Four Vasya, five Marus

And two Petrovs in the class.

I'm in class for the first time

Now I'm a student.

I'm sitting on the desk correctly,

Although I can't sit still.

Sailors' Song

We are sailors

Shoulders are broad

Strong hands

We flare our trousers.

It's hot in the fireplace!

It's not hotter in Africa!

The machine pulse beats,

It's obvious that we're in a hurry...

We are sailors

Shoulders are broad

Strong hands

We flare our trousers.

Sea in a storm

The waves frown

In black weather

The gear is singing.

Wow, what a ride!

You bounce like a ball.

Hey, look from the deck -

They wouldn't fall overboard!

We are sailors

Shoulders are broad

Strong hands

We flare our trousers.

We are sea devils

We will exhaust the entire sea.

Petya is tired

Petya took “Native Speech”;

I decided to lie down on the sofa.

Give me something to take...

Vitamins or something...

I felt weak again

I'm at school today.

Mother's face changes

Vitamins A, B, C

Offers to Pete.

(Vitamins A, B, C

Children love it very much.)

Mother looks at Petenka

And, sighing furtively,

Requests: let him not sit

Long over the notebook.

Well, perhaps you're right, -

The cunning fellow groans. -

I'll rest for two hours...

I'm so tired!

Stuck it in the closet

"Native speech"

And the mountain fell

Vitamins A, B, C

The cat is rolling on the porch.

On the way to class

Nikita hurried to class,

Walked without slowing down,

Suddenly a puppy growls at him,

A shaggy mongrel.

Nikita is an adult! He's not a coward!

But Tanyusha walked nearby,

She said: “Oh, I’m afraid!”

And immediately the tears began to flow.

But then Nikita saved her,

He showed courage

He said: “Go quietly to class!”

And he drove the mongrel away.

His Tanyusha is on the way

Thanks for your courage.

Save her one more time

Nikita wanted it.

You'll get lost in the forest

And I will come and save you! -

He offered it to Tanya.

Well, no! - she answered. -

I won't go for a walk alone

My friends will come with me.

You can drown in the river!

You'll drown someday!

Nikita proposed to her. -

I won't let you go down!

I won’t drown myself! -

She responds angrily.

She didn't understand him...

But that’s not the point!

He's all the way to the corner

He saved Tanyusha bravely.

In my dreams I saved her from a wolf...

But then the guys came to class.


Tanyusha has a lot to do,

Tanyusha has a lot to do:

In the morning I helped my brother, -

He ate candy in the morning.

Here's how much Tanya has to do:

Tanya ate, drank tea,

I sat down and sat with my mother,

She got up and went to her grandmother.

Before going to bed I told my mother:

You undress me yourself

I'm tired, I can't

I'll help you tomorrow.

It's time to say goodbye

Two birds flew

Small in appearance

How they flew -

They flew into the book.

They were spinning on the leaves,

They became friends with us.

Two birds said:

It's hard without a habit

And we are too small

To fly according to books.

We have to go back

To us in the forest thickets,

Where it's always cool

Where is the babbling stream.

Titmouses in the forest

They're waiting at roll call.

Two birds sighed

Small ones:

It's time for us to say goodbye

Break up with you!

You are in a snowstorm in winter

Give us some feeders!

flew off the pages

Our two girlfriends

Sat on the cover

And off we go!

They say goodbye to the reader

Nimble tits.

This closes

Motley pages.

Come help me

Dear children,

They say that among you

A strange boy appeared

Nicknamed "Show off".

He made a stool

Somehow he knocked her down

But he painted it in a checkered pattern,

But the varnish sparkles.

You can't sit on it

But the boy said this:

She's good for show

Where is the showroom?

Dear children,

They say that among you

A strange boy appeared

Nicknamed "Show off".

He told his sister - in front of guests -

He carried two handfuls of candy,

And then - without strangers -

He threatened: - Try, touch them!

And the neighbor's cat

He caressed for a reason:

The neighbor has "Victory"

I'd like to ride it before lunch!

Dear children,

We need to drive the boy away

If I can't handle it alone,

Come help me!

About lazy Fedot

Someone recently told us

About lazy Fedot.

He's in a hammock all day

Dozing with an umbrella in his hand.

They call Fedot to the garden,

He says: - Reluctant... -

He says: “I’ll go later,”

And yawns under an umbrella.

He has one job -

He's heading to the hammock in the morning.

We learned about Fedot

And they decided like this:

Let's fly up to him together

And we'll kill the lazy one.

Day we fly,

We fly second

Camp under the mountain.

The units are busy weeding,

And one boy with bangs

Carrying water to the garden.

Everyone shouts: “Here, Fedot!”

Is this the one or the wrong one?

No matter how you watch him,

He is not a quitter, not a lazy person!

Fedot smiles:

It's me, but I'm not the same!

Bee venom

On Neglinnaya new home -

Balconies in greenery

Poppies ripen on one

On the other there are lemons.

Some have a balcony in the spring

It's like a hanging garden,

For others it's the other way around -

There is not a garden, but a vegetable garden.

And on the third, oddly enough,

Bees are raised by a beekeeper.

There are bees in the new house!

So new settlers!

In the morning along Neglinnaya

A swarm of bees rushes,

And from there - to the boulevard

Collect nectar from flowers.

A beekeeper breeds bees

He didn't take one thing into account

What are they after all?

They will kill all the residents!

Grandmother carried a pear

Little grandson

Suddenly there is a bee on the stairs

How it stuck into her hand!

And yesterday I cried out loud

Galya-Komsomol member:

The poor thing's nose is swollen -

A bee stung!

Everyone shouts: - From your bees

There is no peace for people!

We will draw up a protocol

We will complain!

Beekeeper in defense of bees

I even gave a lecture.

He said: - Bee venom

Many have been prescribed

Doctors now say

So that they bite the sick!

And with bee venom

The sisters make house calls.

If so, said one

Thin citizen, -

If they are praised like that,

Let them sting me!

I rarely get sick -

The neighbor says,

I'm afraid of bees like fire,

But just in case

Let them sting me too

That's probably better!

All the old ladies say:

Bite us too!

Maybe bee venom

Makes you look younger?

There is a hobby in the house:

New treatment!

The whole house is talking about one thing -

Let the bees bite!

Even we are going now

Right after school

To the bees for injections.

Rubber Zina

Bought in a store

Rubber Zina,

Rubber Zina

They brought it in a basket.

She was gaping

Rubber Zina,

Fell from the basket

Smeared in mud.

We'll wash it in gasoline

Rubber Zina,

We'll wash it in gasoline

And we shake our fingers:

Don't be so dumb

Rubber Zina,

Otherwise we’ll send Zina

Back to the store.

The river overflowed

Third class was returning

With books from class.

He sees that the river has risen,

Spread widely.

Where was the skating rink recently?

There is a raging stream there.

The river has dropped its bridges,

Escaped from captivity.

Everything is nothing to her these days.

The sea is knee-deep!

Flooded the garden

Rushes along the ravine

A rooster swims along the river

The poor guy was carried away.

Well, now it's over.

He is an inexperienced swimmer.

But racing with the wave

Down a steep slope

Racing along the river bank


They run to the ravine

Streams flow around.

Heavy driftwood

The guys are dragging.

The rooster is swimming somewhere

The water carries him.

Here! - the guys shout.

Swim here, here!

A gang is running to the river,

A snag flies into the wave.

For the snags, for the twigs,

The edge of the board got caught.

The rooster flaps his wings

He flies to the shore.

Looks around

He doesn't believe in happiness.

Everyone knows that third grade

I saved the rooster today.


The beautiful maiden sat down

Relax under a tree.

I sat in the children's park

In a shady corner, -

I sewed it for a nurse doll

Apron made of cambric.

Hey, what a beautiful girl!

What a needlewoman!

It’s immediately obvious - well done!

Doesn't sit idle:

Taught two boys

How to hold a needle.

Hey, what a beautiful girl!

What a needlewoman!

Teaches everyone how to sew and cut,

Doesn't give anyone a bad grade.


Dad worked

Forbidden to make noise...

Under the sofa

It crackled.

I'm looking under the sofa -

I don't see a cricket

And he, as if on purpose,

Cracking from the ceiling.

There's a cricket nearby

That's a cricket far away

Then suddenly it starts chattering,

Then again there is silence.

A cricket is flying

Or does he walk?

Cricket with a mustache

Or with a mottled belly?

What if he's shaggy?

And scary looking?

He'll crawl out to the floor

And it will surprise everyone.

Petka told me:

Give me a penny

Then I'll tell you

What a cricket.

Mom said:

It's cracking endlessly!

Need to evict

Such a tenant!

We searched everywhere

Wherever we could

Lost umbrella

Under the cabinet

Found under the sofa

Glasses case,

But no

We didn't catch any crickets.

The cricket is invisible

You won't find him.

I still don't know

What does he look like?

Seryozha teaches lessons

Seryozha took his notebook -

I decided to learn lessons:

Ozera began to repeat

And mountains in the east.

But just then the fitter arrived.

Seryozha started the conversation

About traffic jams, about wiring.

A minute later the fitter knew

How to jump from a boat

And that Seryozha is ten years old,

And that he is a pilot at heart.

But now the light has come on

And the counter started working.

Seryozha took his notebook -

I decided to learn lessons:

Ozera began to repeat

And mountains in the east.

But suddenly he saw through the window,

That the yard is dry and clean,

That the rain stopped a long time ago

And the football players came out.

He put down his notebook.

The lakes can wait.

He was, of course, a goalkeeper,

I didn't come home soon

Around four o'clock

He remembered about the lakes.

He took his notebook again -

I decided to learn lessons:

Ozera began to repeat

And mountains in the east.

But here Alyosha, younger brother,

Serezhin broke his scooter.

I had to repair two wheels

On this scooter.

He fiddled with it for half an hour

And by the way, I went for a ride.

But here is Serezha’s notebook

Opened for the tenth time.

How many questions they began to ask!

Suddenly he said angrily. -

I'm still reading the book

And still didn’t learn the lakes.


There was a sailor at our gathering,

He talked about the Black Sea.

He served for four years

A fireman on a battleship.

He's in the ice on an icebreaker

Stayed for the winter.

He said willpower

We need to develop it from childhood.

Alyosha after the collection

Walked home on foot

I dreamed that it would happen soon

Polar sailor.

He will be hardened

Both in the evening and during the day,

He will be tempered

Everyone will be surprised

And ask about him.

He didn't know where to start.

Maybe I should be silent all day?

Maybe lie down on the bare floor?

Stop playing football?

The clock on the tower is striking,

All lights are off.

Quiet in the rooms, not a sound.

Grandfather closes the windows.

He goes to visit his grandson,

And he's not in the bed.

He sleeps next to the chest,

On the floor, without a mattress.

Alyosha is being tempered

Following the example of a sailor.

Alyosha didn’t sleep for long:

“It’s kind of hard to sleep here.”

And Alyosha got up from the floor

And sleepy went to bed.

“Now it’s not at all tough,”

He thought in his sleep.-

I'm lying on bare boards

And I’m so pleased!”

Well, there are failures!

He decided not to lose heart.

He'll try differently

Develop willpower.

During recess everyone screams

And he remains sternly silent.

He's twenty-five minutes straight

Didn't say a word.

He tried - he was silent,

But no one noticed.

It was beyond my strength.

He asked his comrades:

Of course you don't care

Why have I been silent for a long time?

Well, there are failures!

He decided not to lose heart.

He'll try differently

Develop willpower.

He bought toffee

I decided not to eat it.

But how can you avoid eating toffee?

When is there toffee?!

Well, there are failures!

He decided not to lose heart.

He'll try differently

Develop willpower.

All the kids in our school

Develop willpower.

The tits are back

Where have you been?

Is it far?

We were on Arbat

We looked into the third grade.

(Here they both sighed.)

There Smirnov fell behind in his studies,

And, imagine, because of us!

“The nimble hay is galloping,” -

He wrote on the board,

And for this one

In Smirnov's diary.

He was upset, poor thing,

Tears flowed from my eyes.

Yes, and of course it’s hard for us,

What they write about us incorrectly.

The tits told us:

What's going on in the corridor?

Students are jumping in a flock,

The boys are rushing in a crowd,

Everyone is shouting loudly.

We willingly jump ourselves

Up and down, back and forth,

We never scream.-

Here two tits sighed

And they flew off the page.

The starlings have arrived

A tall maple awaits guests -

The house on the branch is fortified.

The roof is painted,

There is a porch for singers...

You can hear the chirping in the blue sky

A family of starlings is flying towards us.

We got up early today

We were waiting for the birds yesterday.

Security guards walk around the yard,

Chases cats out of the yard.

We wave our hands to the starlings,

Let's drum and sing:

Live in our house!

You will feel good in it!

The birds began to approach

We flew to the yard,

We couldn't resist

Forget about the bullfinch.

I followed my mother

He was waiting for her at the door,

I'm on purpose at lunch

He talked about bullfinches.

It was dry, but the galoshes

I obediently put it on

Before that I was good -

I didn’t recognize myself.

I almost didn’t argue with my grandfather,

Didn't move around at lunch

I said “thank you”

I thanked everyone for everything.

It was difficult to live in the world

And to tell the truth,

I endured this torment

Only for the sake of the bullfinch.

How hard I tried!

I didn't fight with girls.

When will I see the girl?

I'll shake my fist at her

And I quickly go to the side,

It's like I don't know her.

Mom was very surprised:

What's wrong with you, pray tell?

Maybe you're sick with us -

You didn't fight on your day off!

And I answered sadly:

I'm always like this now.

I stubbornly achieved

I didn't bother in vain.

Miracles, said mom

And I bought a bullfinch.

I brought it home.

Finally, now he is mine!

Become a watchman.

There is an advertisement hanging

At our gates:

Need a dog

Guard the garden.

You know me

I'm a brave puppy:

A cat will appear -

I'll knock her off her feet.

I can yelp

I can growl

I can do my own

To distinguish from others.

Kittens are afraid of me

Like fire.

Tell me honestly:

Will they accept me?

Dad has an exam

The lamp is on...

Dad is doing

A thick book

He took it out of the closet,

He also covered the notebook

And a notebook

Should he tomorrow

Pass the exam!

Petya fixed it for him


Petya said:

You will definitely pass!

Adults learning

After work,

Carry in briefcases

Notebooks, notepads,

They read books

They look in dictionaries.

Dad today

Didn't sleep until dawn.

Petya advises:

Listen to me

Do it yourself

Schedule of the day!

Shares experience

Petya with his father:


Come out with a cheerful face!

It won't help you


You're wasting your time with her,

It's a pity for time!

Adults learning

After work.

They come with a book

Pilots for the exam.

With a thick briefcase

The singer comes

Even the teacher

I haven't finished studying!

At your dad's

What marks? -


Neighbor's daughter

And he admits

For boys:

Ours has three:

Too worried!

We left

The puppy was fed milk.

May he grow up healthy.

Got up at night and secretly

They ran to him barefoot -

He should feel his nose.

The boys taught the puppy,

We were playing with him in the garden,

And he, slightly upset,

Walked on lead.

He's used to grumbling at strangers,

Just like an adult dog

And suddenly a truck arrived

And he took all the guys away.

He was waiting: when will the game start?

When will the fire be lit?

He got used to the bright fire,

Because it's early in the morning

The trumpet calls for a gathering.

And he barked until he was hoarse

On dark bushes.

He was alone in the empty garden,

He lay down on the terrace.

He lay there for a whole hour,

He didn't want to wag his tail

He couldn't even eat.

The guys remembered him -

We returned halfway.

They wanted to enter the house

But he did not let me enter.

He meets them, on the porch,

He licked everyone's face.

The kids caressed him

And he barked with all his heart.

Lesson in the garden

Our teacher gave a lesson,

I didn’t call him to the board.

There's a breeze in class

It blew quietly.

Spring, spring, spring has come!

Cover his throat.

We understood that he was hurting:

He is at risk of injury

But let's stop messing with him,

We recently decided.

Let him sing like a cherub

He's a real talent

But let's talk to him once

Not very gentle!

- Listen, future singer!

You're too quick,

Will you finally give it to Petka?

A collection of postcards?!

If you don't give it up, blame yourself -

You will get injured these days.—

But there was no injury

He just realized these days

That he is not the most important.


She sat down on the chest of drawers with us

Clay bird

And looks around:

“What would you like to profit from?”

Like round glasses

She has big eyes

And swallows snouts

Bird instead of food.

Dropped the coin

There was a nickel - and no!

Became a predatory owl

Claim your rights.

Lame stool

She lies three-legged

In the kitchen, on the side.

Experienced a lot

In my lifetime.

Someone burned her chest a long time ago -

They forgot the iron on her,

Then the kittens paw

She was scraped and scratched.

Andryusha whole winter

He kept repeating: “I’ll do it tomorrow.”

For a stool leg.

However, all winter

She was lying down

As if understanding

That she's lame.

Promised to buy nails

Neighbor one summer

But (rely on people!)

The neighbor forgot about it.

Get her in order

Volodenka promised,

But the guy needs to grow up -

So far he is three years old.

At Petya's in the school workshop

All the tools are at hand

But the stool is not in the plan.

And if he's not in the plan,

Let it lie in the closet!

I’m turning to you, kids!

Take note:

It's time to get back on your feet

A lame stool.

I ask you, my reader,

Don't leave her lame!

The girlfriends shouted:

- How is your health?

Grandma Praskovya?

Here the grandmother became alarmed:

- Where is my apron? Where's the rag?

How do I greet guests?—

And she set the table for tea.

He's busy at the stove,

Places wood chips:

- Tell me, girls,

What kind do you drink, strong?

The girlfriends had a drink

A full mug of tea,

And Grandma Praskovya

She said: - Cheers!

I won't drink tea,—

And washed the dishes.

And she was so tired -

She even felt bad!

Enough for the old lady

Pay attention!

The girlfriends went home

Having said: - Goodbye.

They have a tick in their notebook

Placed in the squad:

"Surrounded by love

Grandma Praskovya."

A joke about Shurochka

Leaf fall, leaf fall,

The whole team rushed into the garden,

Shurochka came running.

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