Literature lesson "Before it's too late" based on the story by K.G. Paustovsky's "Telegram", carried out using counter-effort technology. Short-term literature lesson plan. K. Paustovsky "Warm bread" Literature lesson Paustovsky

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May 31, 2011 - 119 years since the birth of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (1892 – 1968)

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“I was born in 1892 in Moscow, on Granatny Lane, in the family of a railway statistician. Our family was large and diverse, inclined towards the arts. The family sang a lot, played the piano, and reverently loved the theater. I still go to the theater as if it were a holiday.” K.G.Paustovsky

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Georgy Maksimovich Paustovsky “My father came from the Zaporozhye Cossacks, who moved after the defeat of the Sich to the banks of the Ros River near Bila Tserkva. Father was a railway statistician. Despite his profession, which required a sober view of things, he was an incorrigible dreamer. He could not bear any burdens or worries. Therefore, among his relatives he gained a reputation as a frivolous and spineless man, a reputation as a dreamer who, in the words of my grandmother, “had no right to marry and have children.” Obviously, because of these properties, my father did not live in one place for a long time. After Moscow, he served in Pskov, in Vilna and, finally, more or less firmly settled in Kyiv, on the South-Western Railway.”

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Maria Grigorievna Paustovskaya (1858 - 1934). “My mother, the daughter of an employee at a sugar factory, was a domineering and unkind woman. All her life she held “strong views”, which boiled down mainly to the tasks of raising children. Her unkindness was feigned. The mother was convinced that only with strict and harsh treatment of children could they be raised into “something worthwhile.”

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About grandfather and grandmother “Grandfather Maxim Grigorievich is a former Nikolaev soldier, and grandmother Honorata (before accepting Christianity, Fatma) is Turkish. Grandfather was a meek, blue-eyed old man. He sang ancient thoughts and Cossack songs in a cracked tenor and told everyone many incredible and sometimes touching stories “from the very past of life.”

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Alexey Konstantinovich Paustovsky (1950 - 1976) Alyosha grew up and was formed in the creative atmosphere of the writers' house, in the sphere of intellectual searches of young writers and artists. But least of all he looked like a “homemade” child, spoiled by parental attention. With a company of artists, he wandered around the outskirts of Tarusa, sometimes disappearing from home for two or three days. The paintings of Alexei Paustovsky are another creative life filled with searches and suffering. To life. Street.

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Paustovsky studied at the Kyiv Classical Gymnasium. After graduating from high school in 1912, he entered Kiev University, the Faculty of Natural History, then transferred to Moscow University, the Faculty of Law. The First World War forced him to interrupt his studies. Paustovsky became a counselor on the Moscow tram and worked on an ambulance train. In 1915, with a field medical detachment, he retreated along with the Russian army across Poland and Belarus. At the front. 1915

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During the Civil War, he served in the Red Army in a guard regiment, working for the newspaper "Sailor". From Odessa, Paustovsky left for the Caucasus, living in Sukhumi, Batumi, Tbilisi, Yerevan, and Baku. During the Great Patriotic War, Paustovsky worked as a war correspondent on the Southern Front and wrote stories. At the front. 1941

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Paustovsky’s first story “On the Water” (1912), written in the last year of his studies at the gymnasium, was published in the Kiev almanac “Lights”. In 1928, Paustovsky’s first collection of stories, “Oncoming Ships,” was published, although individual essays and stories had been published before that. In the same year, the novel “Shining Clouds” was written.

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The story “Kara-Bugaz” (1932) The story “The Fate of Charles Lonseville” (1933) The story “Colchis” (1934) The story “Black Sea” (1936) The story “Constellation of the Hounds” (1937) The story “Isaac Levitan” (1937) The story “Orest Kiprensky” (1937) The story “Northern story” (1938) The story “Taras Shevchenko” (1939)

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In the mid-50s, Paustovsky gained worldwide recognition. Paustovsky got the opportunity to travel around Europe. He visited Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Turkey, Greece, Sweden, Italy and other countries.

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The Meshchersky region occupies a special place in Paustovsky’s work. About his beloved Meshchera, Paustovsky wrote: “I found the greatest, simplest and most ingenuous happiness in the forested Meshchera region. Happiness of closeness to your land, concentration and inner freedom, favorite thoughts and hard work. I owe most of the things I have written to Central Russia - and only to it."

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Since 1953, K.G. Paustovsky lived in Moscow, periodically leaving for Tarusa for a long time. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky spent the last thirteen years of his life in Tarusa, a small Oka town in Central Russia, where he enjoyed the respect and love of the residents, and became the first “honorary citizen” of the city. Here he wrote the stories “A Time of Great Expectations”, “A Throw to the South”, chapters from “The Golden Rose”, many short stories and articles: “Alone with Autumn”, “A Asleep Boy”, “A Laurel Wreath”, “A Hut in the Forest” , "Town on the River".

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In 1964, Marlene Dietrich, the shining legendary star of the West, was in Moscow, where she gave several concerts at the Variety Theater. One evening, with a huge crowd of people, a tall, thin old man, K.G., staggered onto the stage of the Central House of Writers. Paustovsky, and Marlene Dietrich suddenly, without any words, silently knelt down in front of him, and then, grabbing his hand, kissed it for a long time and pressed it to her face, drenched in tears. The hall froze as if in paralysis. And then slowly, hesitantly, looking around, as if ashamed of something, he began to slowly get up. And then the hall immediately erupted with a mad waterfall of applause!

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Then the shocked Paustovsky was seated in a chair, and when, shining with tears, the hall fell silent, palms pounding, Marlene Dietrich quietly explained that she had read a lot of books in her life, but the biggest literary shock in her life was the story of the Soviet writer Konstantin Paustovsky's "Telegram", which she accidentally read in a German translation in some collection. And, wiping away the last tear, Marlene said very simply: “Since then, I felt like a kind of duty - to kiss the hand of the writer who wrote it. It came true! I'm happy that I managed to do this. Thank you all - and thanks to Russia”... The 62-year-old beauty admitted that she has a Russian soul, and she admires everything Russian...

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K. G. Paustovsky died in Moscow and, according to his will, was buried in the city cemetery in Tarusa. The place where the grave is located, a high hill surrounded by trees with a clear view of the Taruska River, was chosen by the writer himself. The grave is located in a green square surrounded by paths. At the head lies a stone of unpolished red granite, on which the inscription “K.G. Paustovsky” is placed on one side, and “1892 - 1968” on the other.

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K.G. Paustovsky. Stories. Watercolor paints. Alexander Dovzhenko. Alexey Tolstoy. English razor. Badger nose. White rabbits. Valor. Road talk. The dense bear. Uncle Gilyay. Heat. Hare's feet. Golden tench. Ivan Bunin. Lump sugar. Cat Thief. Coffee haven. Lacemaker Nastya. Lyonka from Small Lake. Fever. Mikhail Loskutov. Marine inoculation. Fairy tales. The dense bear. Caring flower. Tree frog. The adventures of the rhinoceros beetle. Disheveled sparrow. Steel ring. Warm bread. Oscar Wilde. Sailing master. A pack of cigarettes. Guide. Lost day. Flow of life. Right hand. Order for a military school. Rubber boat. Reporter Rats. Timid heart. Reuben Fraerman. Storyteller. Snow. Old manuscript. Old cook. Telegram. Toast. Valuable cargo. Black networks. Label for colonial goods. etc.

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The Moscow Literary Museum-Center of K. G. Paustovsky, which houses exhibitions dedicated to the Russian writer Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (1892-1968), began its existence as a school museum in 1975. In 1982 it was reorganized into the “People's Museum” and after that it was housed in the so-called. “Seraya Dacha” is a monument of wooden architecture of the 18th century, which was part of the former estate of the Golitsyn family, which, unfortunately, was rather hastily rebuilt. Received the status of a state museum in 1987 and was renamed the K. G. Paustovsky Literary Museum-Center. The museum received its current name in August 1994. Since August 1997, the museum has been located on the territory of the Kuzminki-Lublino Natural, Historical and Entertainment Complex. Paustovsky Museum in Moscow.

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Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky loved to live in old wooden houses where the floorboards creaked. And he placed his heroes in them - the composer Tchaikovsky, the artist Pozhalostin. Remember: “Sometimes at night, waking up, Tchaikovsky heard how, crackling, first one floorboard, then another, would sing, as if remembering his daytime music...” It is these lines from “The Tale of Forests” that are remembered when you approach the Museum of K. G. Paustovsky, hidden in the dense Kuzminsky Park. It was similar to those houses with “creaky floorboards” - one-story, wooden, with a mezzanine. True, Konstantin Georgievich has never been to this house. Nevertheless, you cannot find a better place in Moscow to set up his museum than this ancient outbuilding - it is two hundred years old - of the gardener of the Golitsyn princes.

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The people who created the museum and selflessly love the writer and his work have collected here books, manuscripts, photographs, memorial items that fully and diversely reflect such an extraordinary phenomenon in Russian culture as Paustovsky. The organizers of the museum were school teacher Zoya Vsevolodovna Kvitko, mining engineer Tatyana Bogomolova and a military electronics engineer who served in aerospace units, Ilya Komarov, its current director. At the age of 47, he left the army and completely devoted himself to his true calling - studying and popularizing the life and work of Paustovsky.

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The material was selected by the primary school teacher of the State Educational Institution Secondary School with in-depth study of the English language No. 1363 Tatyana Grigorievna Vikultseva.

Name of institution: State Institution "Secondary school No. 43 of the city of Pavlodar"

Full name: Khasanova Gulnara Nurimanovna

Job title: teacher of Russian language and literature

Work experience: 19 years old

Item: Russian literature

Topic: K.G. Paustovsky “Telegram”

Class: 6

Russian literature lesson in 6th grade.

Lesson topic: “Details of current life” based on the story “Telegram” by K.G. Paustovsky.

Epigraph for the lesson: There is nothing holier and more selfless than a mother’s love; every attachment, every love, every passion is either weak or self-interested in comparison with it . (V. Belinsky)

Type: extracurricular reading lesson.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer, elements of a suit for a postman, mailbox, telegram “forms”, reading books, notebooks.

Design: exhibition of books by K. G. Paustovsky, portrait of the writer, statements about the writer, song “Mama” (in Spanish by S. Lazareva).

Lesson objectives: Creating conditions for the formation of functional literacy through understanding the text of K. G. Paustovsky’s story “Telegram”.

Lesson objectives:



    development of speech and creative thinking of students; the ability to summarize information, the formation of communicative competence (the formation of the ability to interact with each other in group work).


    to cultivate a sense of respect, caring, attention towards their parents, fostering a culture of work in the classroom, instilling an interest in literature.


      Organizational stage. 1 minute.

Hello, dear guys, I am very glad to see you today. Please check if everything is on your desks: textbooks, notebooks, pens.

      Motivational stage. 5 minutes.

There's a knock on the door. (A student prepared in advance brings the “mail” and puts it in the mailbox)

Guys, the mail was delivered to us: it's a telegram. The text of the telegram is as follows: “Hurry to do good deeds.”

Pay attention to the board and read the epigraph to the lesson: “There is nothing holier and more selfless than a mother’s love; every attachment, every love, every passion is either weak or self-interested in comparison with it.” . (V. Belinsky)

How do you understand this statement by V.G. Belinsky?

What and who will be discussed in the lesson? (About the work of K. G. Paustovsky “Telegram”)

That's right, so, the topic of our lesson... Write the topic in your notebook.

What associations do you have with this person’s name?

Indeed, K. G. Paustovsky wrote a lot about central Russia, about the modest, discreet beauty of its forests, rivers, and lakes. It was about the beauty of nature, the relationship between man and nature that Paustovsky told children in his works.

I would like to introduce you to the words of the writer himself regarding how this story was created.

An excerpt from the chapter “Notches on the Heart” from K. G. Paustovsky’s story “Golden Rose”:

«… Readers often ask people who write how and for how long they

collecting material for their books. And they are usually very surprised when they

They answer that there is no deliberate collection of material and does not happen.

The above does not apply, of course, to the study of scientific and

cognitive, necessary for a writer for a particular book. It's about

only about observations of living life.

Life material is all that Dostoevsky called “details”

current life" - are not studied.

It’s just that writers live, so to speak, inside this

material - live, suffer, think, rejoice, participate in big and small

events, and every day of life leaves, of course, in their memory and heart

notes and your own notches.

It is necessary that readers (and by the way, other young writers)

the idea of ​​the writer as a person wandering around with

an unchanging notebook in his hands, like a professional “recorder” and

spy of life.

The one who will force himself to accumulate observations and rush around

with his notes (“so as not to forget something”), of course, he will type indiscriminately

piles of observations, but they will be dead. In other words, if these observations

transferred from a notebook to the fabric of living prose, then they will almost always be

lose their expressiveness and look like alien pieces..."

Let's try to determine the purpose of the lesson ourselves.

      Operational stage. 15 minutes.

Guys, in preparation for today’s lesson, you read K. G. Paustovsky’s work “Telegram” and wrote down words that require comment. Let's reveal the meaning of some words, concepts, names.

1.Vocabulary work . Comment.

"Bulletin of Europe" - monthly literary and political magazine (1866-1918).

Hugo Victor Marie (1802-1885) - French writer, author
novels “Notre Dame Cathedral”, “Les Miserables”, “The Man Who Laughs”, etc.

Bugles are multi-colored short glass tubes strung on a thread for decoration, a type of bead.

Scrap is waste, things unfit for use, but suitable for processing and disposal as raw materials.

Reticule (obsolete) - women's handbag.

Salop - ancient outer women's warm clothing in the form of a wide long cape with slits for arms or small sleeves, often lined with cotton wool (out of use at the end of the 19th century)

Kerosene stove is a kerosene appliance with wicks used for cooking.

Solveig is the heroine of E. Grieg’s opera “Peer Gynt” (“Solveig” in translation means “Sunny Path”).

Kestrel - 1. bird of prey from the falcon family;

2. frivolous, empty person (colloquial, disapproving).

Willow is a type of willow.

2.Group work .

We are working today in six groups, using six thinking hats in our work.

Turn over the card lying in the middle of the table and see what color your hat is. Let me remind you of the “functions” of hats:

White hat (group 1 - low-performing students) teaches a person to work impartially only with facts, figures, and events. Thanks to it, you can become impartial and free from emotions.

Yellow hat (group 2) helps to reveal resources, positive aspects of a situation, phenomenon, problem.

Black hat(3 group) helps a person see all the negative sides of an event, phenomenon, problem.

Red hat (4 group) allows a person to see an event, phenomenon, problem in bright emotional colors.

Green hat (5 group) It actualizes a person’s creative thinking, allows for a non-standard approach to solving a problem, and searches for new ways and techniques.

Blue hat (group 6 – gifted children) helps a person find meaning in what he does, productively manage the thinking process, generalize the accumulated experience; philosophically comprehend events and phenomena.

Tasks for group 1 (white hat):

Tell us about the main character, Katerina Petrovna, what did you learn about her? What does Katerina Petrovna’s life consist of? How are her days going?

Tasks for group 2 (yellowhat):

How does Nastya live? Why is she called Solveig? What does the author emphasize in her appearance? Is she heartless towards everyone? What facts indicate that Nastya’s conscience has awakened?

Tasks for group 3 (black hat):

How could it happen that Nastya, who cares about others, shows inattention to her own mother? Did she remember Katerina Petrovna? Find in Nastya’s text the words and thoughts that the narrator cites, avoiding
any assessments.

Tasks for group 4 (redhat):

What role do you think the interior of the room and the landscape play in the story “Telegram”? What time of year does the action take place? Pay attention to the artistic details that create the landscape, what colors predominate? Why? What visual and expressive means are used to convey the mood in the story?

Tasks for group 5 (greenhat):

Imagine this story without such heroes as Tikhon, Manyushka, and the young teacher. In what ways would the work change? Indicate the role of these images in the story.

Tasks for group 6 (bluehat):

After listening to the groups' presentations, fill out the summary table.

The theme of this story.

The main idea of ​​the work.

What is Nastya’s tragedy?

What is the meaning of the story's title?

3. Presentation by speakers from each group. 15 minutes.

Place the pens in the center of the table, whose pen I take will represent the work of his group.

      Reflective-evaluative stage. 2 minutes.

Evaluating the work of group members.

Complete the evaluation sheets.

      Summing up the lesson. 5 minutes.

Guys, you know that there is another message in our mailbox addressed to us. This is a parable. Remember what a parable is? (instructive story). Listen:

A man died and went to heaven. An angel flies up to him and says:
- Remember all the good things you have done on Earth, then your wings will grow and you will fly with me to heaven.
“I dreamed of building a house and planting a garden,” the man recalled. Small wings appeared behind his back.
“But I didn’t have time to fulfill my dream,” the man added with a sigh. The wings have disappeared.
“I loved one girl,” the man said, and the wings appeared again.
“I’m glad that no one found out about my denunciation,” the man remembered, and his wings disappeared. So the man remembered both the good and the bad, and his wings appeared and disappeared. Finally, he remembered and told everything, but his wings never grew. The angel wanted to fly away, but the man suddenly whispered:
“I also remember how my mother loved me and prayed for me. At the same moment, large wings grew behind the man’s back.
“Can I really fly?” the man was surprised.
“A mother’s love makes a person’s heart pure and brings him closer to the angels,” the angel answered with a smile.

How is this parable related to the epigraph of our lesson?

I suggest you send telegrams to your mother. Write her kind, warm words of love. And I will deliver your telegrams at the next parent meeting.

      Homework. 2 minutes.

1*. Prepare a project “Theme of the Prodigal Son” in the story by A.S. Pushkin “The Station Agent” and the story by K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram".

2. Compose a five-line poem for the word “Loneliness.”

3. Essay “My thoughts after reading.”

Thanks for the lesson! Goodbye.

Used literature:

    K.G. Paustovsky “Telegram”

    Ozhegov S.I. “Dictionary of the Russian language” M., 1984.

    K.G. Paustovsky “Golden Rose”.

Sections: Literature

Lesson objectives:

  • introducing students to the work of K. G. Paustovsky,
  • development of reading skills,
  • cultivating a caring and grateful attitude towards your parents.

Design: On the board: topic of the lesson, reproduction of A. Shilov’s painting “Mother”, contents of telegrams, two epigraphs:

1. “There is the most beautiful creature in the world to whom we are always in debt - this is a mother.” M. Gorky

2. Page and fire,
Grain and millstones,
Axes with a point and a truncated hair -
God saves everything
Especially the words
Forgiveness and love,
Like your own voice.



  • Tape recorder.
  • Entries “Seasons. October” by P.I. Tchaikovsky
  • “Song of the Mother” performed by the ensemble “White Day”.

The lesson is based on counter-effort technology.


I. Organizational beginning

- Hello, guys!

Today we met for the first time,
But you don't have to hide from me
The shine of your smart eyes.
Let there be searches, doubts,
And no matter how short the meeting time is,
Perhaps we can see eye to eye
And let's teach a lesson together.

II. Motivation (emotional)

Teacher. When you mention the name of K.G. Paustovsky, the Meshchersky region, central Russia, with its discreet beauty, about which N. Rylenkov wrote:

There's not much to see here
Here you need to take a closer look,
So that with clear love
My heart was full.
It's not enough to hear here
Here you need to listen
So that there is harmony in the soul
They rushed together...

“So Paustovsky looked closely, listened, and then said: “She took possession of me forever.” Since then, I have not known anything closer to me than our simple close people, and nothing more beautiful than our land.” And maybe it’s worth learning from the writer a great skill - to stop and look carefully and see what surrounds us and those who live next to us.

III. Preparatory

– Today we will begin a very serious conversation, the center of which will be one work by K. G. Paustovsky. And what is it called?

- Telegram.

– You and I are reading a sad story about a mother waiting in vain for her daughter to arrive. So, please tell me when are telegrams sent?

– When you need to communicate something urgent.
- When trouble struck.
– When a person is happy.

– How many telegrams were sent in the story?

– Where, to whom and by whom were they sent?

On the board on the closing sides are the contents of both telegrams.

1 – daughter Nastya in Leningrad: Katya is dying. Tikhon.

2 – to mother Katerina Petrovna in Zaborye: Wait, she left. I always remain your loving daughter Nastya.

– Both telegrams were sent by Tikhon, but one was on behalf of Nastya. Based on our conversation, determine the theme of the story.

– Relationships between parents and children.

– Indeed, Paustovsky’s story touches on one of the most important problems - the relationship between children and parents.

– Do children always rush to help their parents living somewhere far away, do they always write letters, do they know how to take care of them, do they try to be affectionate with the elderly?

IV. Call

– Determine the composition of the story. How many main parts would you highlight? Why?

Children identify 4 parts, make a plan from the culminating phrases of each part and write it down:

1. Mother. “Oh, her grief is bitter, her suffering is unwritten!”

2. Daughter. “Oh, you magpie!”

3. Telegram. “Repay good with good, don’t be a kestrel.”

4. Repentance. “No one except Katerina Petrovna could remove the irreparable guilt, the unbearable heaviness.”

Throughout the lesson, students work on the plan and its quotation design. The teacher’s task is to guide and correct their work.

V. Co-creation

– Today we have a lot of interesting and creative work ahead of us. We are writing a syncwine - so far only 4 parts, for this you need to be a very attentive listener and reader. Tell us about the inhabitant of the old house. What touched you in the fate of this woman?

The children answer.

– What artistic means does Paustovsky use to depict the tragedy of Katerina Petrovna’s situation?

– Description of the landscape, interior.

Research work is underway with reading fragments of the story. Painting of an autumn landscape. Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. October".

- Cold autumn, rain was falling annoyingly, loose clouds were dragging and clinging. The little sunflower kept blooming and could not finish blooming. Continue the phrase: “As the little sunflower bloomed, so did ....”.

Conclusion: the landscape is sad when the person is sad.

Interior description: the color is yellow, gloomy, there is gray. There is a feeling of neglect, abandonment, loneliness, sadness, hopelessness.

– How did you see Katerina Petrovna? Prove it textually.

Children give a verbal portrait:“She is small, hunched over, silent, patient, tactful, generous, helpless, loving her daughter immensely.” Prove by quoting the text.

– What moments particularly affected you?

– This point is reflected in the textbook illustration. Katerina Petrovna carefully goes through her plump wallet. Everything connected with her daughter is dear to her; she is afraid of being scared off by the smell of her daughter’s perfume.

– What words would you use to define Katerina Petrovna’s state of mind?

– Hope, disappointment, awareness of loneliness, mental pain.

- Put these words in the syncwine. Read passage 1 paragraph page 314.

Why did she decide to leave the house for the first time in the last year?

– What kind of response does the landscape give rise to in Katerina Petrovna’s soul?

“She sympathizes with the stars, the old maple tree, pities them. Time has also changed the garden, and they also take little care of it.

– In his book “Golden Rose” in the section “Notches on the Heart” Paustovsky wrote: “All the circumstances, all the details of the village house and autumn, all this was in full accordance with the state of Katerina Petrovna, with the difficult spiritual drama that she experienced in my last days." Find this match.

– How did the writer convey the old woman’s fading hope that her daughter will come?

– What did Katerina Petrovna understand?

“Her days are numbered, she is dying.” And then she wrote a letter.

The teacher reads the letter by heart.

– What touched you in this letter?

“She spoke very simply about death, and she thinks about the garden.”

– Indeed, Katerina Petrovna and the world around her are one whole, this is all her native land, to which, in the end, she was lowered.

Reading the funeral episode, page 321.

– What did the landscape look like?

- Bright, cheerful.

- Why cheerful?

– Her torment, her loneliness, her pain ended, her suffering soul calmed down. Death is liberation from suffering.

Continued work on the plan and syncwine. Tikhon’s words are included in the plan and as a climactic phrase in the syncwine.

– Please tell us about your daughter. Why, when talking about his daughter, does Paustovsky not give a description of nature?

- She is an unkind, callous person. Such people do not notice nature.

– There are many gardens and parks in Leningrad, but Nastya had no time to see all this, she worked a lot.

- Cold eyes.

– Why did the artists nickname her Solveig? Do you agree with this?

Teacher's word: Solveig means “sun path”. The comparison with Solveig turned out to be wrong: Solveig could evoke a bright holiday in someone’s soul with a glance, she was distinguished by kindness, responsiveness, and loyalty. Nastya is throwing a party, but her eyes are cold. But they are the mirror of the soul. This means that her soul is cold.
Let's dwell on the moment when Nastya received a letter from her mother. What did she do to him?

“She put it in her purse unopened, thinking that since the letter had arrived, her mother was alive.

– When did you receive the telegram? Why didn’t Nastya reveal the truth to the old artist?

- Calm. She didn’t even understand which Katya she was talking about.

“She was ashamed to admit that at this time, when she was enjoying praise, her mother was dying.

- Unpleasant news. This ruined her plans.

– Do you think that such a relationship between mother and daughter is normal?

- Of course not.

- Yes, such a life when you have to lie to yourself and others, when, caring about many, you do not notice how bad it is for the person closest to you, and you justify the blindness of your soul with a lie - such a life is abnormal, it is false, restless. But someday insight comes. It comes to Nastya too. Where did it start?

– Gogol’s gaze, reproachful and honest, bored into her.

– Why Gogol?

– Gogol is a satirist who, according to Pushkin, had an amazing ability to immediately guess a person. “And the letter is unopened in the purse,” Gogol’s drilling eyes seemed to say. “Oh, you magpie!”
Both the author and the great satirist see Nastya from the inside: her kindness is fake, ostentatious. Nastya committed betrayal. Gogol gives an assessment of her action: “Oh, you!”

– What is behind this “oh you!”?

- Contempt, reproach.

– And yet Nastya’s soul has not completely hardened. If it were so, she would not have felt the vague reproaches and Gogol’s boring gaze.

– How do we see Nastya after the death of her mother? Reading an excerpt on page 318 from the words “Watery snow was falling...”.

– Yes, Nastya has changed, she is completely different. But it’s too late: the mother died and was buried by strangers, fellow villagers. The daughter did not have time to see her mother for the last time.

Reading the epilogue page 322.

– Do you think this part is important? Prove your point.

– The coldness of the soul is melted by tears of pain and repentance. Nastya translated from Greek means “resurrected.” It was probably not for nothing that Paustovsky gave this name to his heroine. Only her mother could ease her suffering. People have always noted the special love of mothers for children, in contrast to the latter.

– What sayings and proverbs about mothers did you find?

Children read proverbs and sayings.

– It’s a pity that in the hustle and bustle of life, in the rush, we often forget about the people closest to us. I would really like you to look closely at your mother on a quiet evening, try to understand her, and say a kind word in time before it’s too late.

Work is underway on the epigraph and reproduction of the painting.
A song is playing.
Children continue to work on syncwine (except for the last part - emotional attitude). This part is given at home as one of the homework assignments.

Students read out their work.

VI. Reflection

– What are your impressions of the story?

- Notches on the heart. What is it?

– This is a mark on the soul, most often painful, indelible.

– Do you have any nicks left?

– Is the problem raised by the writer relevant?

– We listen to a song about mother performed by the group “White Day”.

I read my poem, written under the impression of the story:

Falls asleep with white snow
Your last journey.
Nothing can be returned, dear.

You're not there, and in the old house
The silence freezes.
Among museum things
There is only one pain.

The pain of suffering, waiting
Your daughters,
The one who is a joy
The light of your eyes
But he doesn’t send from Leningrad
Daughter of news.

My darling forgot
That the time has come
And mother will no longer say:
“My daughter.”

Branches chilly with pity
They knock dully into the night.
Please forgive her
Your daughter.

VII. Homework

- “Nastya suddenly realized that no one loved her as much as this decrepit one, abandoned by everyone old lady.” Is Nastya right to think so?
You will talk about truly kind people in the second lesson.
I thank the children for the lesson and read my short poem:

Although our meeting was short-lived,
I saw that you are not indifferent.
I wish you goodness, love and a sense of duty -
The soul collects light drop by drop.

Literature lesson in 7th grade

K.G. Paustovsky is a romantic and humanist. Paustovsky about writing. The story “Telegram” - reading in class and students’ initial perception of the work.

Target: to awaken among schoolchildren interest in the personality of the writer - a romantic and a humanist; show how the prose writer was born; to reveal the direct perception of the work by schoolchildren.

Equipment: reproductions of portraits by K. G. Paustovsky, works of the writer.


Teacher's word

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky lived, as he himself said, “a long and difficult life.” He survived three wars (First World War, Civil War, Great Patriotic War), heavy losses, painful illness, and misunderstanding. And at the same time he was a happy man; his books are permeated with the conviction that life is beautiful, that goodness, love and justice will certainly and always triumph in the world, and if evil occurs - such is life - it will certainly be defeated. Where does this joyful perception of life come from for a person who has lived a difficult life? Probably because he was able to “create himself”, to realize what was inherent in him from birth. to be the one he was attached to, a writer.

Look closely at this man's face.

Teacher. This is how his acquaintances and friends saw him, this is how he remains in their memory.

“We know K.G. Paustovsky from his photographic portraits,” recalls A.F. Izmailov, “smoothly combed hair, wide forehead, attentive eyes that seem to be studying you, a large nose and mouth, a large chin - a sign of a strong-willed, persistent character.” .

E.N. Andrikanis, a famous cameraman and film director who made the film version of “The Northern Tale,” complements the portrait of the writer: “He (Paustovsky) stooped a little... A face with a large forehead, beautiful in its wisdom. The hump of the nose created a peculiar, aquiline, but far from proud profile. Konstantin Georgievich exuded a kind of kindness and attractiveness inherent only to him. His eyes radiating warmth left a great impression.”

For those interested, the writer has an autobiographical “Tale of Life,” which describes the period from early childhood to the early 1930s.

From his father, a railway statistician (as Paustovsky himself would say, “an incorrigible dreamer”), the future writer received an unusual, bright view of the world and the environment, the ability to see beauty in the most ordinary, extraordinary sensitivity and subtlety of perception.

Student 1.

Paustovsky believed that “a writer can only be someone who has something significant and interesting to say to people, that person who sees a lot that others don’t notice...” Having realized that he knows offensively little, that the stock of his life observations is “too much.” not rich and narrow,” he, like Maxim Gorky in his time, “went into the people”: “he began to wander around Russia, change professions and communicate with a variety of people.” “I lived, worked, loved, suffered, hoped, dreamed, knowing only one thing - that sooner or later, in adulthood or maybe even in old age. but I will begin to write not at all because I have set myself such a task, but because my being demanded it. And because literature was for me the most magnificent phenomenon in the world.”

Student 2.

Paustovsky considered his first real book to be the collection of short stories “Oncoming Ships” (1928).

He still travels a lot: he was on the Kola Peninsula, lived in Meshchera, traveled to the Caucasus and Ukraine, the Volga, Kama, Don, Dnieper, Oka and Desna, Lake Ladoga and Onega, was in Central Asia, the Crimea, Altai, Siberia, in our wonderful northwest - in Pskov, Novgorod, Vitebsk, in Pushkin's Mikhailovsky.

During the Great Patriotic War, Paustovsky was a war correspondent and also traveled to many places. After the war, he again travels a lot, going to the West for the first time: Czechoslovakia, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Sweden, France...


Travels around the north gave rise to such books as “The Fate of Charles Lonseville”, “The Northern Tale”, the stories “Cracked Sugar” and “Fugitive Encounters”.

Central Russia gave us the writer’s famous books: “The Meshchera Side”, “The Tale of the Forests”, the cycle of stories “Summer Days”, “The Old Canoe”, “Alone with Autumn”, “Telegram”.

Paustovsky was an incorrigible romantic. How do you understand the meaning of the words: romantic, romanticism?

Romantic – a person imbued with romance; romance is a state of mind imbued with the idealization of reality, dreamy contemplation.( Ozhegov S.I. "Explanatory Dictionary")

Student 3.

Already as a mature writer, Paustovsky wrote: “It seems to me that one of the characteristic features of my prose is its romantic mood. True happiness is, first of all, the lot of those who know, the lot of those who know, seekers and dreamers...”

Student 4.

Paustovsky, as an extremely educated and knowledgeable person, was always interested in the life and fate of wonderful people. “I tried to find the common traits of their characters, those traits that put them among the best representatives of humanity.” He has heartfelt books dedicated to people of art - masters of painting, music, literature: these are separate books about artists - I.I. Levitan, O.A. Kiprensky, Ukrainian poet T.G. Shevchenko, composers P.I. Tchaikovsky, V.A. Mozart, artist M.A. Vrubel, about writers and poets A.P. Chekhov, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov and others.


Paustovsky became a professional writer only in 1929, when his novel “Shining Clouds” was published. However, with his character, it is unlikely that he himself would ever have decided to call himself a “professional writer”... He tended to doubt, redo one thing many times and the same text, polish it, understand the intricacies of this or that word, cross it out and polish it again.

More and more he turned to the motives of the nature of his native land, he tried to understand the human soul, culture, and language through it. The Russian language was very important for Paustovsky; he gave it an almost mystical meaning. The writer said: “Every single journalist, even the most modest one, is obliged to know the structure and expressive intonation of his native language, to feel the character of each word and to study the Russian verb especially carefully.”

Pushkin has always been the constant measure of brevity and accuracy for Paustovsky. It was at this time that his unique style began to take shape - consisting of shades and halftones.

From the memoirs of Paustovsky’s contemporary T. Khmelnitskaya: “Paustovsky, masterfully mastering the verbal palette, is primarily a master of the epithet. What is most important to him is not objects or actions, but the attitude towards objects - adjectives. The epithet in Paustovsky’s phrase is the air with which the object is shrouded. The descriptions are replete with tint epithets: “the greenish glow of pine needles”, “the bluish glow of Moscow”, “in the pinkish color of dawn”... It’s shades, not colors. Not light, but reflection, not shine, but reflection, reflections, transitions, overflows.”

Student 5.

“Writing is not a craft or an occupation. Writing is a calling..,” said Paustovsky.

Through all the hardships of fate, he carried a bright desire for his dream, and writing became the meaning of life for him. “There is no more exciting, difficult and beautiful work in the world! Perhaps this is why we know almost no examples of people leaving this profession. Those who follow this path almost never turn back.”


In the life of the already middle-aged Paustovsky there was a meeting that many people remember: a meeting with... Marlene Dietrich. It would seem, what could be in common between a Hollywood star and a Soviet writer? His daughter Galina Arbuzova recalls: “My father wanted to go to her concert at the House of Writers, but the doctors - by that time he had several heart attacks and severe asthma - did not let him in. And besides, he just returned from the hospital. But his favorite family doctor, Viktor Abramovich Konevsky, said: “Well, okay, I’ll go with you.” After the concert, Marlene Dietrich was asked several questions: “Do you know Russian literature?”, “What is your favorite writer?”... She answered: “I love Paustovsky, and especially his story “Telegram.” When she said this, there was a noise in the hall: “Paustovsky is here, Paustovsky is here...” The translator translated this for her, and she began to look into the hall, thinking that the writer would rise now. But Paustovsky did not get up. Then the audience began to applaud, as if pushing him to go on stage... Konstantin Georgievich finally stood up, and Marlene, without saying a word, knelt in front of him in her evening dress, embroidered with stones. The dress was so tight that the threads began to snap and stones began to fall across the stage. When Marlene was helped up, Paustovsky kissed her hand, and the awkwardness disappeared. Then Dietrich sent him three photos as a souvenir.

Paustovsky is a recognized master of prose. His works are characterized by lyricism, deep psychologism, dramatic plot, laconicism and expressiveness of language. One example is the story “Telegram”, which we can read together.

The story was written in 1945. The Great Patriotic War enriched the writer with a new approach to the depicted reality, and the lyrical intonation of his works intensified.

Paustovsky had to experience a lot, go through a lot, change his mind during his life, and he did not spare anything physical. no spiritual strength, putting all his knowledge, experience and skill into each line, noticing the slightest shades of human mood and emotional experiences, conveying them to the reader with lyrical emotion and authenticity, awakening in him the best spiritual aspirations.

Reading a story.


What impression did the story make on you? What thoughts and feelings did it awaken? What did you find most exciting?

Students express their opinions.

Tankova A.N. teacher.

Municipal treasury

educational institution

"Education Center"


municipal district

Stavropol Territory

teacher of Russian language and literature

Nikityuk Marina Ivanovna

Lesson topic: “Don’t forget about your mother...”

(based on Paustovsky’s story “Telegram”)

Form: model lesson - reflection.

Method: problematic with the use of ICT and the use of technology for the development of critical thinking.
Target: analyze the content of the story by K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram" .


educational: contribute to the formation of the ability to analyze the content of the text, characterize the characters, determine the theme and idea of ​​the story, express your opinion and judgment

developing: development of speech, thinking, creative abilities of students.

educational: education of moral qualities (sensitivity, compassion, mercy).

Expected results.

personal: development of moral consciousness and competence in solving moral problems based on personal choice, the formation of moral feelings and moral behavior, a conscious and responsible attitude towards one’s own actions; awareness of the importance of parents in a person’s life, acceptance of the value of family life, respectful and caring attitude towards family members.

meta-subject: semantic reading; the ability to use verbal means to express one’s feelings, thoughts and needs; mastery of oral speech and monologue contextual speech; the ability to build logical reasoning, inference and the ability to draw conclusions;

subject: formulating one’s own attitude to the story “Telegram” by Konstantin Paustovsky; the ability to retell a work or a fragment of it using figurative means of the Russian language and quotes from the text, answer questions about the story “Telegram”, create oral monologues, conduct a dialogue; writing essays on moral topics.

1. Exhibition of Paustovsky’s books (selection from the school library):
a) K. Paustovsky “Tales”, Moscow, “Children’s Literature” 1989
b) “Russian Soviet prose”, Moscow, “Russian language” 1977
c) K. Paustovsky “Poetic Radiation”, Moscow, “Young Guard”, 1976
d) K. Paustovsky “Tales and Stories”, Lenizdat, 1979.
e) K. Paustovsky “The Thief Cat”, “Children’s Literature”, 1985
f) K. Paustovsky “Steel Ring”, Moscow, “Children's Literature”, 1984.
g) K. Paustovsky “Golden Rose”, Stavropol book publishing house, 1987
2. Textbook for 8th grade comp. G. I. Belenky

3. Shishkin’s painting “Swamp. Cranes".
4. Clip of Svetlana Lazareva’s song “Mama”.

5. Presentation for the lesson.
Epigraph to the lesson: “A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.”
Honore de Balzac

Lesson plan:

1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

1. The main stages of Paustovsky’s life and work.
2. Analysis of the text with elements of a selective commented reading of Paustovsky’s story “Telegram”.

3. Final words from the teacher.


5. Commenting on student grades.

Lesson progress:

Teacher. Guys, what did you study in the last lesson?

Student answer: Alexander Green's story “The Green Lamp.” The main idea of ​​the story is that human life is not a toy and playing with it is cruel and immoral.
Teacher. What was the homework assignment?

Student answer: The homework assignment was to read K. G. Paustovsky’s story “Telegram”.
Teacher. If you carefully read the stories of these two writers, Green and Paustovsky, you probably noticed that they are united by a common theme - the theme of morality. Please open your notebooks, write down the date, the topic of the lesson: “Don’t forget about your mother...” (based on Paustovsky’s story “Telegram”) Slide number 1.

Teacher. Tell me, what is morality?
Student answer. Slide number 2.

Teacher. Let's remember what works of Paustovsky you read?
Students: 1) “Squeaky Polovtsy”
2) “Basket with fir cones”
3) "Hare's feet"
4) “Cat Thief”
5) “Mikhailovsky Groves”.
Teacher. To which poet did Paustovsky devote the story “Mikhailovsky Groves”? Slide number 3.
Student. Paustovsky dedicated this work to A.S. Pushkin. In this story, the writer shares his impressions of meeting the granddaughter of Anna Petrovna Kern. Pushkin dedicated the following lines to this woman: “I remember a wonderful moment, you appeared before me like a fleeting phenomenon, like a genius of pure beauty.” Paustovsky describes Trigorsky, Mikhailovsky, Petrovsky parks.
Teacher. What unites all these works of Paustovsky?
Student. In all his works, the writer devotes a large place to the description of nature. Slide number 4.
Teacher. Slide number 5. Look at Shishkin’s painting “Swamp. Cranes." Shishkin, a master of the brush, reflected on his canvas what Paustovsky, a master of artistic expression, described in his works. To understand the depth and beauty of the writer’s works, we will get acquainted with his biography.

The student prepared a message about Konstantin Paustovsky.
Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky was born in Moscow in 1892, into the family of a railway employee. From early childhood, Paustovsky’s favorite science was geography; he was always attracted by travel, distant countries and continents. He traveled throughout the European part of Russia, was in Central Asia, in Siberia. In his youth, he changed many professions: he was a tram driver, an orderly, a teacher, a journalist, but he always knew that he would devote his life to literature.
Recognition came in the early 30s, with the appearance of his stories “Kara-Bugaz” (1932), “Colchis” (1934), the novel “Romantics” (1935), in which the writer showed the enthusiasm and romance of everyday work, daring plans, directed to the future, limitless possibilities of creative human activity.
Paustovsky writes about creativity, about the work of a man of art: about the artist Levitan, gets acquainted with figures of European culture - Mozart, Edgard Poe and Maupassant, Dickens and Victor Hugo. The writer’s work is distinguished by its genre diversity: novellas and short stories, essays and articles, fairy tales and plays. The writer's favorite genre is a short story.
Paustovsky was a writer, immensely in love with the expanses of his native land, its people, modest, inconspicuous, open to everything beautiful; he gave his whole heart to these heroes. Konstantin Paustovsky is a brilliant expert on the Russian language, an excellent stylist.
In the post-war years, Paustovsky worked on the large autobiographical epic “The Tale of Life” (1945-1963), consisting of six parts. This is an exciting story about the life and fate of a man who dreams of becoming a writer, this is a literary document of the time, which reflects the life of Russia in the first decades of the twentieth century, its historical events - the October Revolution and the Civil War.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky died in Moscow in 1968.

Copy from slide number 6 into your notebook:

Key milestones in the biography of Konstantin Paustovsky:
1) Paustovsky was born in 1982 in Moscow.
2) My favorite science since childhood was geography.

3) He changed many professions, but always knew that he would devote his life to literature.
4) Recognition came in the early 30s:
the stories “Kara-Bugaz” (1932), “Colchis” (1934), the novel “Romantics” (1935)

5) The writer’s favorite genre is a short story.
6) Konstantin Paustovsky is a brilliant connoisseur of the Russian language, an excellent stylist.
5) Died in 1968.
Teacher. In his work, Paustovsky strived for beauty not only in descriptions of nature and abstract images, he found people with high moral values. Everyone in life has a dearest person to whom we owe our birth into this world and their care for us. This person, dear and close, worries, worries about us, and rejoices at our successes. This is mom. Do we always treat it with understanding? The story by Konstantin Paustovsky, which you read at home, is called “Telegram”. This is a work about maternal love and ingratitude, the callousness of the soul of the most precious being for the mother of her daughter.
Working with text.
Teacher. Please read the beginning of the story. What time of year is the author describing? Slide number 7.
- The author describes September. It's autumn.
Teacher. Which heroine does this description of nature apply to? Why?
- Katerina Petrovna. Everything dies in the fall. Everything was blooming and only a small sunflower could not bloom and fall off. Katerina Petrovna was living out her life. Please note that she did not live, but lived out.
Teacher. Where does the action take place? Slide number 8.
- In a village called Zaborye.
Teacher. Who does Katerina Petrovna live with? Slide number 9.
- She lives alone.
Teacher. Who does Katerina Petrovna communicate with?
- Manyushka, the neighbor’s daughter, a girl who came running every day to fetch water from the well, sweep the floors, and put on the samovar.
The watchman at the fire shed Tikhon. He helps Katerina Petrovna with the housework: he cuts down dried trees in the garden, saws them, splits firewood.
Teacher. The author describes ordinary Russian people whose names are known only by their close circle. This is not Tchaikovsky, not Grieg, not Pushkin. But these people are so kind and spiritually beautiful that it’s impossible not to say something about them.
Teacher. Find words in the text that confirm Katerina Petrovna’s loneliness?
- 1. There was no one with whom you could talk about the paintings, about St. Petersburg life.
2. The kerosene night light shook on the table. He seemed to be the only living creature in the abandoned house - without this weak fire, Katerina Petrovna would not have known how to survive until the morning.
3. The nights were already long, difficult, like insomnia. Dawn slowed down more and more.
Teacher. Does Katerina Petrovna have someone close to her by blood?
- Daughter Nastya, who lived in Leningrad.
Teacher. Find in the text and read what makes Katerina Petrovna happy in life?
- Katerina Petrovna is not pleased with the money she received from her daughter. She liked to touch them with her hands; she apparently thought that her daughter was touching them. This is a thread connecting with my daughter.
Teacher. Why does Katerina Petrovna go to the boarded up gate at night?
- The gate had been boarded up for several years, and the old woman thought that her daughter might not have known about it and knocked.
Teacher. Why does the author use the expression “forgotten stars”?
- The author used the word “forgotten” to emphasize the loneliness of Katerina Petrovna, because she, too, seemed to be “forgotten.”
Teacher. What does the author compare Katerina Petrovna’s life with? Slide number 10.
- The author compares the life of Katerina Petrovna with the life of a maple tree. In the fate of the maple tree, as it is described in the story, one can also see disorder and loneliness:

“He had nowhere to escape from this homeless, windy night.” The heroine also has nowhere to go, because no one is waiting for her either, she is just surviving.

Teacher. It was after this “meeting” with the maple tree that she decided to write a letter to her daughter.
Slide number 11. We read the letter.“My beloved,” wrote Katerina Petrovna, “I will not survive this winter. Come at least for a day. Let me look at you, hold your hands. I have become old and weak to the point that it is difficult for me not only to walk, but even to sit and lie down - death has forgotten the way to me. The garden is drying up - it’s not the same at all - but I don’t even see it. It's a bad autumn. It’s so hard, our whole life, it seems, has never been as long as this one autumn.” Teacher. Did anything in the letter surprise you?
“I was surprised that she somehow simply writes about the approach of death, “I won’t survive this winter,” “death has forgotten the way to me.” What was also surprising was that in such a short letter she writes about the surrounding nature: usually in letters they talk about acquaintances or relatives, but Katerina Petrovna mentions the garden, about autumn.
Teacher. Which hero and in what way is Katerina Petrovna trying to brighten up the last minutes?
- The watchman Tikhon, taking pity on Katerina Petrovna, gives a telegram to Nastya, writing the most important thing: “Katya is dying,” and then, without waiting for an answer, he commits, probably the only time in his life, a forgery: he brings a telegram from his daughter to the dying woman.
Teacher. Why did Katerina Petrovna guess about the deception?
- Her educated, well-read daughter could not write like that: wait,
this is what old people usually write: I always remain loving...
Teacher. Did Katerina Petrovna wait for her daughter?

Daughter Nastya Katerina Petrovna never arrived.

Teacher. Where did Nastya live and work?

Nastya lived in Leningrad, worked as a secretary in the Union of Artists.

Teacher. What did Nastya do with the letter?

Nastya received a letter from Katerina Petrovna at the service. She hid it in her purse without reading it - she decided to read it after work. Katerina Petrovna’s letters brought a sigh of relief from Nastya: since her mother writes, it means she’s alive.

The artists called her Solveig for her brown hair and large, cold eyes. Eyes are the mirror of the human soul. It's scary when you meet a person with cold eyes. Obviously, the person has the same cold, cruel heart. Write down the meaning of the name in your notebook. Dictionary: the meaning of the name Solveig (Old Scandinavian) can be interpreted in two ways: “strong house” (in a figurative sense - “good housewife”) or “very sunny”, “with hair of a bright golden, sunny color.”

Teacher. Who was Nastya trying to help?

Nastya helped Timofeev sculpture organize an exhibition. But not the least role here was played by the fact that Timofeev was very talented. Nastya understood this. He himself would have made it in time.

Teacher. How did the gray-haired artist evaluate Nastya’s work?

He thanked her for bringing Timofeev into the light of day.

Teacher. At this time, Nastya received a telegram: “Katya is dying. Tikhon." What is Nastya’s reaction to this telegram?

It seemed necessary to scream, cry, run, do something. Nastya crumpled the telegram and frowned.

Teacher. What were they talking about from the pulpit at that time?

- “Caring for a person has become that wonderful reality that helps us grow and work... We owe this exhibition to our dear Anastasia Semyonovna.”

Teacher. You can be a good specialist, but becoming a kind, sympathetic person is much more difficult. In our school, under the guidance of excellent masters, you can grow into excellent specialists, but no one will help you grow into a kind, honest person. You must work on your personal qualities yourself.

Question. Who acts as a judge?

Nastya committed betrayal. Gogol gives an assessment of her actions; he acts as a judge.

“Gogol looked at her, grinning. It seemed to Nastya that Gogol said quietly through clenched teeth: “Oh, you!” Slide number 13.

Teacher. What changes occur in the heroine’s behavior when she realizes that her mother is dying?

It’s as if she reads her mother’s words in a new way. my darling and suddenly clearly understands: “Mom! How could this happen? After all, I don’t have anyone in my life. They are not and never will be closer!” She cried in her mother’s room all night, feeling that “no one except Katerina Petrovna could relieve her of irreparable guilt, unbearable heaviness.” Indeed, her mother could calm Nastya down and forgive her, but her mother is no longer there, and now she will have to experience this feeling of guilt for the rest of her life. By the way, people have always noted the special love of mothers for children, in contrast to the ingratitude of the latter.

Teacher. What biblical commandment did Nastya violate?

Honor your father and your mother, may it be good for you, and may you live long on earth.

Teacher. K. Paustovsky, while condemning Nastya, still believes in her sincere repentance and correction. It is no coincidence that the meaning of the name “Nastya” is resurrection. “Resurrect” - restore, revive the lost, forgotten. It’s probably not for nothing that the writer gave this name to his heroine. Only her mother could ease her suffering. Slide number 14. Pay attention to the epigraph to our lesson: “A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.” Honore de Balzac. The words of the great writer once again confirm the idea that we came to during our conversation.

Teacher. Why do you think the author showed a young teacher at the end of the story?

This image is contrasted with the image of Nastya. After all, the teacher immediately remembered her mother, who remained in the city.

Teacher. Why did the teacher go behind the coffin and kiss the “withered yellow hand” of the deceased?

She realized that all young people, living their interesting lives, are guilty before their mothers, paying little attention to them. A young teacher understands that a mother is the most important thing in a person’s life. Maybe this will help her raise her students to be kind, sympathetic people.

Teacher. The story is called "Telegram". There are two of them. What telegram did the author K. Paustovsky have in mind and why?

The second, because Tikhon, unlike Nastya, showed real sensitivity, care, mercy and taught a moral lesson to the girl: “Oh grief, her bitter, unwritten suffering. “And look, you fool,” he said angrily to Manyushka, “repay good with good, don’t be kestrel». Slide 15. Such "kestrel" turned out to be Nastya. Write down the meaning of the word kestrel in your notebook (vocabulary work).

Teacher. How do you assess Nastya's behavior?

Teacher. It is a pity that in the hustle and bustle of life and haste, we often forget about the people closest to us. I would like you to look closely at your parents on a quiet evening, try to understand them, and say a kind word in time. Everything depends on good people. Let's listen to the song “Mama” performed by Svetlana Lazareva and each of us think about our own, our innermost thoughts.

Watch the clip (Svetlana Lazareva “Mom”).

Working with a book exhibition.

Teacher. Please look at the books of Konstantin Paustovsky. This is only a small part of all publications by this writer. In the book “Golden Rose” there is a story called “A Notch in the Heart.” In this story, K. Paustovsky describes the events that took place in his life. The writer once lived in a village with a lonely woman, Katerina Ivanovna. The owner had a daughter, Nastya, but she did not visit her mother. So the old woman died without seeing her daughter.

The student recites by heart Irina Samarina’s poem “Don’t forget about your mother.” Slide 16.

Don't forget about your mother...

There is nothing more important than her health...

And give me priceless love,

After all, there is no us without our mothers.

No need to talk about work and business

Hastily tell her on the phone...

She is one of hundreds of millions

He will notice the shadow of sadness in your eyes...

She looks out the window every day, Slide number 17.

With a sad smile he remembers again,

How he hums a song quietly at night,

Rocking the cradle carefully...

She prayed to God for you

I carried it under my heart for nine months.

She never blamed you

That she doesn’t have a moment in your destiny...

Stop, think, understand,

That mother will, alas, not live forever...

And not to call, not to go - it’s heartless...

After all, our mothers taught us to be human...

And then over the stone slab Slide number 18.

Sobbing, do not beg for forgiveness,

You will meet your mother this Sunday,

I don’t feel sorry for him for my dear mother...

The wrinkles in her eyes are becoming more visible,

But a smile makes the heart feel so sweet...

She would like to know that you are okay...

Don't forget about your mother...

Final words from the teacher. Let's start appreciating our parents in time. “An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother” (Guy de Maupassant). When you become a mother or father yourself, your eyes will be opened. You will understand what your parents did for you, but it will be too late. You will begin to wonder how you could cope with all this, but you will no longer have anyone to turn to. When you earn enough, you will be ready to give your parents all the benefits, buy an apartment, a car, everything you need - but there will be no one to thank. Have time to say thank you to your parents with your deeds and care! Now. While you have a chance, an opportunity to thank your mother or father. As V. G. Belinsky said, “Love and respect for parents, without any doubt, is a sacred feeling.”

Slide number 19.

Homework. Essay “My closest people”

Before you start this work, think about who your closest people are.