SKA goalkeeper Alexey Melnichuk returned to hockey after a terrible accident. SKA goalkeeper Alexey Melnichuk returned to hockey after a terrible accident  “We didn’t put him in for nothing!” SKA – about the debut of Shipachev and Melnichuk in Ledovoy

“We didn’t install it in vain!” SKA – about the debut of Shipachev and Melnichuk in Ledovoy

SKA captain Ilya Kovalchuk praised Shipachev's new partner, and Shipachev criticized SKA's power play.

Ilya Kovalchuk: Very happy for Zaripov

- “Ugra” scored two goals in the majority and played great. We flew in from the Far East, the first game is always difficult. So it's good that we won. The goalkeeper should be congratulated on his first victory.

- So, the fact that they let you score was a consequence of fatigue?
- We didn’t want to let them score, we wanted to score ourselves. They played better, we played according to the score. It's good that we managed to hold on to the victory.

- You have a new partner in the team, Vadim Shipachev. How do you like it?
- Pah-pah-pah, so far it’s working out well. It’s obvious that it’s a little hard for him; he hasn’t played for a long time. The first games were away games. I'm sure he will improve. But even so today he scored two goals and scored three points. Helped the team.

- Does he play more on emotions?
- He plays more in class. Still, he didn’t play for a long time, he trained little - they didn’t let him there. Now he will get into shape and get into the rhythm.

- Are the five days of upcoming rest important from a recovery point of view?
- After leaving, I would like to sleep. We flew back and forth across the country. It's not as simple as it might seem.

Articles | SKA's difficulties with outsiders continue. Shipachev and the students came to the rescue

It has just become known that Danis Zaripov’s disqualification has been reduced, and in two days he will be able to play. What can you wish for him?
- We were just told about this. I am very glad, I was 100% sure that a player like Danis could not use anything. It was some kind of misunderstanding. Thank God it happened this way. Good luck to him. I know that he trained for a long time, hoping that the disqualification would be lifted. And he achieved it. Well done, I congratulate him on this.

Vadim Shipachev: They played terribly in the majority!

It’s as if these two months never happened! - Journalists greeted Shipachev. Vadim even smiled. - And you are still on fire, killer of the majority...
- The majority played terribly today. In general, after such a trip to the Far East, I didn’t have enough strength at the end. It’s good that there are five days between matches, and we’ll rest and train. We'll be better in the next game.

- “Ugra” on paper could not compete with SKA. How were they able to get hooked on the game?
- On paper there is one thing, this is hockey. Anyone can win or lose, so you have to play your game. Today was not very good.

- Melnichuk made his debut today, but not without mistakes.
- He’s a handsome guy, he pulled out a lot and helped the team. Everyone congratulated him and were happy for him.

- They say that after leaving it is always difficult in terms of physics. How are you?
- I didn’t feel very well after two months, for some reason.

Alexey Melnichuk: I dedicate my debut to those relatives who died in the accident

The young goalkeeper played the entire match in the KHL for the first time: before that he played against Ugra for a few minutes.

- Today is a full-fledged debut in the KHL. How does this compare to the VHL?
- Different hockey, especially when 12 thousand come to Ice. It's very nice to play here.

- When did you find out that you would start playing against Ugra?
- I found out when we played the last match in Canada. They wrote to tell me to start acclimatization so that I could play against Ugra.

- What was the brightest advice you received before the match?
- Everyone said a little bit, from the players to the coaches. All the tips helped.

- Who will you dedicate your debut to?
- There was an accident in my family. I dedicate this to those relatives who are not around now - in 2014, a tragedy happened in Alexey’s family: his father, grandfather and two sisters died in a car accident. He himself was in that car, suffered serious injuries, but recovered and continued to play hockey.

Oleg Znarok: Errors in the third period were due to fatigue

I think we didn’t have enough strength after such a move to the Far East, we didn’t fully recover. It took 14 hours to fly back. Errors in the third period were due to fatigue, unnecessary removals. We're glad we won today. Let's rest a little and move on.

- Your comment on the debut of Alexey Melnichuk.
- It was difficult for him. The team was tired, he helped us out a lot. He’s a young guy, he was nervous before the game, but he pulled through, well done. It was not for nothing that we installed it. He proved it in the Super Series. Alexey went through the preseason with us, we know what he is like.

They performed more successfully than their more experienced comrade. Petersburger Melnichuk in Canada brought the Russian team two victories out of three. As a result, the 19-year-old goalkeeper went to Buffalo for his first youth world championship as a player who would definitely be included in the squad. He played two periods at the tournament - in the first match with the Czech Republic, and then gave way to Sukhachev. Before his trip to Buffalo, Alexey told his story to the Championship. Melnichuk was born in St. Petersburg, where he began playing hockey, going through the SKA system from children's teams to the VHL. “I probably played hockey in all the schools in St. Petersburg,” Melnichuk recalls. - And we worked with the guys a year older. He joined the SKA system in 2013. In general, there was a whole story with the transition. For a long time, the SDYUSHOR SKA teams performed poorly, but then Vladimir Aleksushin came and began to create a serious team. And they called me.

Alexey gives the impression of an educated and well-mannered person. He says that at school he liked mathematics, history and English. - It was difficult to combine with studies, because there were two training sessions a day. Somewhere he left class or was late. I changed five schools. Some teams had special classes, so I switched. At first I studied in regular schools, and for the last two years I studied in a private external school. Adequate teachers sometimes gave concessions, but some, on the contrary, said that you won’t achieve anything with hockey, that you should quit sports and study.

“When I was five, I was in a cast for six months.”

Alexei's father Andrei Melnichuk was a famous opera singer, tenor, and soloist of the Mikhailovsky Theater. It’s amazing how two athletes grew up in such an intelligent family (sister Veronika was a professional athlete and was a medalist at Russian championships). “I never played musical instruments, and I had no desire for it,” says Alexey. - As a child, my parents took me to the choir, but it didn’t work out. My father has always been drawn to sports. When my sister and I were born, dad left the theater and devoted himself entirely to us. He raised us to be athletic. He wanted to send me to football. As a child, I had problems with my leg and spent six months in a cast. I was five years old then. Now there is nothing to worry about, everything is fine. After surgery on my leg, I returned to the football field at the age of six, and the boys had already come a long way. In addition, I started playing hockey at the same time. My grandmothers, of course, were against hockey and were afraid for me, but my dad insisted. They didn’t put me in goal right away; at first I was a field player. One day the goalkeepers got sick, and I really wanted to try myself as a goalkeeper. I played it and I liked it so much. The young goalkeeper of Metallurg Ilya Samsonov once said that he decided to become a goalkeeper because he likes to be in the spotlight, and a goalkeeper is always a significant figure. - Never really thought about it. But you’re on the ice for 60 minutes, a lot depends on you,” agrees Alexey.

In May 2014, a terrible tragedy occurred in the Melnichuk family. The goalkeeper's father, 17-year-old sister Veronica, 4-year-old sister Anastasia and grandfather were killed in the accident, which claimed the lives of seven people. The goalkeeper's mother and grandmother were injured, and Alexei himself had a broken jaw and a traumatic brain injury. Melnichuk prefers not to tell anyone about the accident. “After the accident there were no thoughts,” says Alexey, pausing. Meaningful. - I returned to the ice after three months. It’s very difficult to remember all this... At that time, the coaches helped me, did a lot for me, because I could not study in the general group. I was able to recover quickly and have been playing since September. In 2015, a year after the accident, information appeared that unknown people were trying to take away the Melnichukov family business - a small grocery store in a residential building. “Everything is fine now,” Alexey admits. - When the lease of the premises expired, we did not renew it, so we no longer have a store. With all his appearance he showed that he did not want to touch on this topic anymore. He had only spoken about family once before. After his first home victory for SKA. - There was an accident in my family. I dedicate it to those relatives who are no longer nearby.

Debut for SKA Alexey played his first minutes in the KHL on September 23 in Khanty-Mansiysk. Znarok released the debutant in the middle of the third period, when SKA was leading with a score of 8:1. - During the match they said that I would play a little. I wasn’t worried, they were leading by seven goals there,” Melnichuk calmly recalls. - There were eight minutes left to play, what should I suggest? The guys secured my gate and that’s it. On November 21, the young goalkeeper was given a full chance and was released at home from the first minutes - again against Ugra. “It turns out that my favorite opponent is now,” Alexey laughs. - 60 minutes in the KHL is not hard, but interesting. The level is much higher than in the VHL, I’m very pleased that I was given a chance. It’s clear that we could have played better, but at least we won. I’ve already forgotten the missed goals and the match itself. Just thank you for trusting me, the team helped me. Before the youth team gathered at SKA, they again wanted to give him a chance. Igor Shesterkin was unwell, and Alexey was called up to replace Koskinen for the away series. But he never took to the ice. - Indeed, I was with the team on the road, but on December 8, all the guys from the national team received an American visa at ten in the morning in Moscow.

Road to Buffalo

Until December 17, the team, assembled from players playing in Russia, trained in Novogorsk. After which, a reduced team went to the final stage of preparation in Rochester, located next to such a memorable and beloved Buffalo. “We trained quite a lot at the training camp in Novogorsk,” said Alexey. - Ice twice a day, plus exercise on the ground. It is necessary for everyone to play according to the same tactics, each club has its own. We try to fit the same brush as a team. But I’m a goalkeeper, I don’t really care. My job is to catch the puck. Double-sided games don’t happen often, we played a couple of times during the training camp to see the combinations. And that's enough. Valery Bragin immediately called up six people from SKA to the youth team: Nikolai Knyzhov, Vladislav Semin, Mikhail Maltsev, Alexey Polodyan, Andrey Altybarmakyan and Alexey Melnichuk. Is SKA the base club of the youth team? “In this sense, I believe that it makes no difference whether you are from Chelyabinsk or St. Petersburg,” the goalkeeper argues. - We all represent one country here. Of course, there are jokes in the team, but let it remain within our walls. Since childhood, we have been playing in the same league with Maltsev, Polodyan and Altybarmakyan.

In addition to Sukhachev and Melnichuk, goalkeeper Mikhail Berdin, who plays in the USHL, went to Buffalo. This season, Berdin did something that a goalkeeper rarely manages to do - he scored a goal against the opponent.

The video is also available on the official USHL Twitter. “I’ve never scored,” admits Alexey. - But this is a very pleasant event for the goalkeeper. I think it’s every goalkeeper’s dream to score a goal (laughs). During training, the second goal is often empty, so I throw into the distance. It flies up in training, but hasn’t had a chance to throw in games yet. If it happens, I’ll definitely quit. - Mikhail Berdin is playing in the USHL for the second season. In one of his interviews, he said that while playing in the MHL, he could come to the locker room after the match without even breaking a sweat. “There were different matches, there were also ones where there were few shots,” says Melnichuk. - Maybe I partially agree with Misha. I hate games when there are no shots, you stand and freeze, and then bang and some kind of “cupcake”. But in the VHL everything is different, if you open a corner somewhere, then they will definitely get you there. I have to move more. In general, on small courts it is much more interesting - you are always in the game, any rebound is dangerous, you constantly have to improve more. I wish we had such platforms too.

“You can’t buy an apartment with a VHL salary”

There is a stereotype that all goalkeepers are weird. Some people kiss barbells, others never talk to the press. “I can’t judge myself,” Alexey declares. - We goalkeepers are no different from forwards. Perhaps it’s just a matter of psychology: their task is to score, and ours is to catch. - Another hockey stereotype is not to disturb the goalie during a series or big tournaments. - No, I’m tuning in to the games like everyone else. Just in my own way. Kissing barbells is already some kind of superstition. I'm trying to get away from this. All these rituals and superstitions only slow you down. - Some people take only one road to the skating rink. “Well, this is too much,” Melnichuk grins.

Alexey admits that he is critical of himself and rewatches all matches. - There are mistakes, they need to be corrected. I always try to be a maximalist and constantly look for some shortcomings or shortcomings. But I still try not to get carried away. It’s better to forget failed matches as soon as possible so as not to slow down. So I won’t even remember a bad game, I forgot it. And the most successful matches are still ahead of me. In general, we always have meetings after matches with analytics. We watch all the throws, all the moments. We're fixing something. This helps a lot to avoid similar mistakes in the future. From the outside it is always clearer to see what is wrong. But there is something to fix. I don’t get tired of hockey, I watch reviews of KHL and NHL matches. The videos are seven to eight minutes long. I think you can find an hour in a day to watch hockey. In the NHL, Melnichuk monitors all Russian goalies. Among foreigners, Holtby stands out. I admit that sometimes Bobrovsky’s saves make me want to clutch my head. “Of course, sometimes he does things like that...” Alexey agrees. - All this is due to choosing the right position and smart actions. He doesn't play as effectively as he plays effectively. Without unnecessary movements. Sergei plays not for the audience, but for the result. I’m trying to learn something from him, but you can’t take an idol and completely copy it. I'm asking a goalie about salaries in the Major Hockey League. - I don’t go into someone else’s pocket. But you won’t be able to save up for an apartment with your salary at SKA-Neva. But I have enough money, I don’t complain at all. I don’t drive a car; I live two or three metro stations from the stadium. Alexey speaks vaguely about the future; he lives for today. And now he has a contract in Russia. - I definitely don’t have dreams of being drafted. This will be the third year that I can enter the draft. They say that if you didn’t get drafted in the first two years, then you don’t need to be drafted anymore, so that if something happens you can go to any club.

Before the start of the season, it was believed that the Russian youth team had an iron first number in goal - Vladislav Sukhachev from Chelmet. However, in the November Super Series, Alexey Melnichuk and Mikhail Berdin performed more successfully than their more experienced comrade. Petersburger Melnichuk in Canada brought the Russian team two victories out of three. As a result, the 19-year-old goalkeeper went to Buffalo for his first youth world championship as a player who would definitely be included in the squad. He played two periods at the tournament - in the first match with the Czech Republic, and then gave way to Sukhachev. Before his trip to Buffalo, Alexey told his story to the Championship.

Melnichuk was born in St. Petersburg, where he began playing hockey, going through the SKA system from children's teams to the VHL.

He probably played hockey in all the schools in St. Petersburg,” Melnichuk recalls. - And we worked with the guys a year older. He joined the SKA system in 2013. In general, there was a whole story with the transition. For a long time, the SDYUSHOR SKA teams performed poorly, but then Vladimir Aleksushin came and began to create a serious team. And they called me.

Alexey gives the impression of an educated and well-mannered person. He says that at school he liked mathematics, history and English.

It was difficult to combine with studies, because there were two training sessions a day. Somewhere he left class or was late. I changed five schools. Some teams had special classes, so I switched. At first I studied in regular schools, and for the last two years I studied in a private external school. Adequate teachers sometimes gave concessions, but some, on the contrary, said that you won’t achieve anything with hockey, that you should quit sports and study.

“When I was five, I was in a cast for six months.”

Alexei's father Andrei Melnichuk was a famous opera singer, tenor, and soloist of the Mikhailovsky Theater. It’s amazing how two athletes grew up in such an intelligent family (sister Veronika was a professional athlete and was a medalist at Russian championships).

I never played musical instruments, and I had no desire for it,” says Alexey. - As a child, my parents took me to the choir, but it didn’t work out. My father has always been drawn to sports. When my sister and I were born, dad left the theater and devoted himself entirely to us. He raised us to be athletic. He wanted to send me to football. As a child, I had problems with my leg and spent six months in a cast.

I was five years old then. Now there is nothing to worry about, everything is fine. After surgery on my leg, I returned to the football field at the age of six, and the boys had already come a long way. In addition, I started playing hockey at the same time.

My grandmothers, of course, were against hockey and were afraid for me, but my dad insisted. They didn’t put me in goal right away; at first I was a field player. One day the goalkeepers got sick, and I really wanted to try myself as a goalkeeper. I played it and I liked it so much.

- The young goalkeeper of Metallurg Ilya Samsonov once said that he decided to become a goalkeeper because he likes to be in the spotlight, and a goalkeeper is always a significant figure.

Never really thought about it. But you’re on the ice for 60 minutes, a lot depends on you,” agrees Alexey.


In May 2014, a terrible tragedy occurred in the Melnichuk family. The goalkeeper's father, 17-year-old sister Veronica, 4-year-old sister Anastasia and grandfather were killed in the accident, which claimed the lives of seven people. The goalkeeper's mother and grandmother were injured, and Alexei himself had a broken jaw and a traumatic brain injury. Melnichuk prefers not to tell anyone about the accident.

After the accident there were no thoughts,” says Alexey, pausing. Meaningful. - I returned to the ice after three months. It’s very difficult to remember all this... At that time, the coaches helped me, did a lot for me, because I could not study in the general group. I was able to recover quickly and have been playing since September.

In 2015, a year after the accident, information appeared that unknown people were trying to take away the Melnichukov family business - a small grocery store in a residential building.

“Everything is fine now,” admits Alexey. - When the lease of the premises expired, we did not renew it, so we no longer have a store.

With all his appearance he showed that he did not want to touch on this topic anymore. He had only spoken about family once before. After his first home victory for SKA.

There was an accident in my family. I dedicate it to those relatives who are no longer around.

Debut for SKA

Alexey played his first minutes in the KHL on September 23 in Khanty-Mansiysk. Znarok released the debutant in the middle of the third period, when SKA was leading with a score of 8:1.

During the match they said that I would play a little. I wasn’t worried, they were leading by seven goals there,” Melnichuk calmly recalls. - There were eight minutes left to play, what should I suggest? The guys secured my gate and that’s it.

On November 21, the young goalkeeper was given a full chance and was released at home from the first minutes - again against Ugra.

It turns out that my favorite opponent is now,” Alexey laughs. - 60 minutes in the KHL is not hard, but interesting. The level is much higher than in the VHL, I’m very pleased that I was given a chance. It’s clear that we could have played better, but at least we won. I’ve already forgotten the missed goals and the match itself. Just thank you for trusting me, the team helped me.

Before the youth team gathered at SKA, they again wanted to give him a chance. Igor Shesterkin was unwell, and Alexey was called up to replace Koskinen for the away series. But he never took to the ice.

Indeed, I was with the team on the road, but on December 8, all the guys from the national team received an American visa at ten in the morning in Moscow.

Road to Buffalo

Until December 17, the team, assembled from players playing in Russia, trained in Novogorsk. After which, a reduced team went to the final stage of preparation in Rochester, located next to such a memorable and beloved Buffalo.

We trained quite a lot at the training camp in Novogorsk,” said Alexey. - Ice twice a day, plus exercise on the ground. It is necessary for everyone to play according to the same tactics, each club has its own. We try to fit the same brush as a team. But I’m a goalkeeper, I don’t really care. My job is to catch the puck. Double-sided games don’t happen often, we played a couple of times during the training camp to see the combinations. And that's enough.

Valery Bragin immediately called up six people from SKA to the youth team: Nikolai Knyzhov, Vladislav Semin, Mikhail Maltsev, Alexey Polodyan, Andrey Altybarmakyan and Alexey Melnichuk. Is SKA the base club of the youth team?

In this sense, I believe that it makes no difference whether you are from Chelyabinsk or from St. Petersburg,” the goalkeeper argues. - We all represent one country here. Of course, there are jokes in the team, but let it remain within our walls. Since childhood, we have been playing in the same league with Maltsev, Polodyan and Altybarmakyan.