When can you do a DNA paternity test? Why is this test so much more expensive than a regular paternity test? When to conduct an examination

Three simple steps

Call us for a free consultation at 8-800-700-8313
Make an appointment to donate venous blood in your city.

Conclude an agreement and make payment
Expect results in 1 week* (from the moment samples are received in Canada)

Note: If you don't see your city in the list of our cities, don't despair. We cooperate with clinics throughout Russia. Call 8 800 700 -8313 to make an appointment in your city or order a blood collection kit.

In the specific case of a person who wants to confirm that he is in fact the father of a particular child, Francisco Corte-Real admits that with this test, taking samples from a minor can occur without the consent of the other parent.

Therefore, when installing the product, users are advised that “collecting samples from minors,” without the consent of the father and mother of registration, “may constitute disrespect for the law.” Free access to these tests, anonymous and more affordable than laboratory tests, could benefit consumers. Agostinho Almeida Santos of the National Life Sciences Ethics Council emphasizes, however, that there are principles that cannot be violated: “You cannot collect biological materials, such as blood, urine or saliva, without the person from whom the material is collected giving their explicit consent ", he says.

How does this work?

PrenaTest - Establishing paternity during pregnancy. DNA analysis is based on the analysis of fetal DNA fragments that are present in the mother’s blood from 6 weeks of pregnancy. These fragments are isolated and produced full analysis using the method of sequencing SNP markers.

The goal of the product, recalls Mario Mendez, “is not to create fears or doubts, but to calm them.” These doubts already exist and are always more harmful and destructive, because they are hidden, last a long time and do much worse than certainties, whatever they may be.

Taking a paternity test before the birth of a child is now common practice. Antenatal paternity testing is widely used and has become standard in many countries as this type of test can determine whether your baby may develop certain genetic diseases such as Down syndrome, Turner syndrome and a number of other gene-related diseases. A test conducted for the purpose of establishing paternity is performed in a similar manner, and this type of test is the subject that this article primarily deals with.

The technology allows you to analyze DNA markers and compare the results with the results of the biological mother and putative father. If the fetus is male, then the Y chromosome is analyzed, which is transmitted only through the male line - from father to son. If the fetus is female, then SNP markers on the X chromosome are analyzed, since girls have two X chromosomes, one of which is inherited from the biological father.

Paternity test from amniocentesis

Amniocentesis is a well-known procedure traditionally used to detect genetic diseases. This test requires local anesthesia because the procedure involves inserting a needle into the abdomen to obtain amniotic fluid from the sac that encloses the fetus.

To determine the exact location of the puncture, the doctor uses an ultrasound system to guide it. Although the risk of miscarriage is minimal after amniocentesis, this does not prevent this risk from occurring. Other possible consequences are vaginal bleeding and infection. It is also very important to have a maternal sample for paternity testing that can be easily used with an oral swab. If all genetic markers match, this confirms that the alleged father is the biological father of the child.

Paternity can be established starting from 7 weeks of pregnancy*, provided that the y chromosome is detected in the mother’s blood. This means that the woman is pregnant with a boy. Y chromosome, very conservative, it is transmitted throughout masculine from grandfather to father, from father to son. Therefore, the Y-Chromosome of the father and child is identical - this indicates that they are biological relatives of each other.

Paternity test by choriocentesis

In this case, a sample of chorionic villus is taken from the vagina. Chorionic villi are projections that allow the exchange of blood between mother and child. There are also certain risks here, such as infection or miscarriage.

Ethical Issues Concerning Prenatal Paternity Testing

After receiving the results and establishing paternity of your child, what should you do? So, the baby's father is not the one you were hoping for? Are you ending your pregnancy? Regarding the baby's abnormalities, what if you find out that the unborn baby has problems?

If the Y chromosome is not detected at 7 weeks. pregnancy* it is most likely that the woman is pregnant with a girl. In this case, paternity can be established only from the 16th week of pregnancy.

Please note. Our laboratory requests that you provide samples from ALL suspected fathers as this will greatly increase the accuracy of the DNA analysis. Testing of all putative fathers for free. You can provide any DNA Sample from each alleged father. "The results of the study cannot be used to make medical or other decisions." If you need advice, call 8-800-700-8313 .

Prenatal Paternity Test: Is it a case of “better now than later”?

This is a complex topic that has generated a lot of controversy, as well as the minor risks associated with invasive procedures. This is fundamental to ensuring the rights of the child. Each child, depending on the country, is entitled to certain benefits and social security. There are also questions about citizenship and inheritance. However, the reasons for having a prenatal paternity test rather than a postnatal test years later are essentially personal and relate to the need to reduce anxiety and establish paternity as early as possible.

PrenaTest is a unique DNA test for non-invasive prenatal paternity determination using maternal venous blood, developed by Canadian scientists in 2003.

From statistical data it is known that 13% of men are not biological, and sometimes even the mother herself does not know who the true father of her child is. PrenaTest allows with a high probability already at 7 weeks. pregnancy to find out the biological father of the child.

Most countries have rules regarding the deadline after the birth of a child to whom the identity of the child's father must be declared and noted and listed on the birth certificate. The procedure is very simple, it is only necessary that the mother takes blood tests and that the father provides 4 saliva smears to be able to confirm or deny paternity accurately.

When the putative father has the genetic markers to be considered the biological father, the resulting probability is greater than 99.9%, and the resulting result is "inclusion of paternity." If, in the opposite case, the resemblance is within the range of chance individuals, the result is “exclusion from paternity.”

Invasive methods
Establishing paternity.
Why did we abandon them?

Our Company cares about your health and the safety of your unborn child, so we offer only a safe non-invasive test using the mother’s blood. Previously, to establish paternity during pregnancy, women had to undergo an invasive paternity test:

What is the price of a prenatal paternity test?

This test can be done from the 9th week from the date of conception. Once samples are received at the laboratory, analysis is carried out within a minimum of 7 working days and maximum. We also offer a rapid test with results in as little as 3 business days from the time samples are received at the laboratory. Additional costs for rapid testing are 265 euros. To find out what stage of pregnancy you are in, use our pregnancy calculator.

Discover your baby's gender

We offer our clients the opportunity to get to know their unborn child's sex with their prenatal paternity test. The Baby Sex Report costs €155 and will be included in the results of your prenatal paternity test. Why this pregnancy test and not another?

Cordocentesis is a study that allows you to detect hereditary diseases in the fetus. Like chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis, it refers to invasive prenatal diagnostic methods that, to a certain extent, involve surgical intervention. It involves inserting a special needle into the uterine cavity to collect placental villi, amniotic fluid or umbilical cord blood for further various tests. The need for invasive prenatal or so-called prenatal diagnostics is due to the possibility of preventing the birth of children with various congenital or hereditary diseases.

Procedure used in prenatal test

Namely, the methods used in other types of tests, such as those mentioned above, involve significant medical costs, not to mention the time factor, which is usually longer.

  • There is no need for surgery.
  • Our prenatal test is considered the most reliable and accurate.
  • See the Science Behind Prenatal Test page for more information.
We offer a non-invasive, accurate and zero-risk prenatal test that is considered the most reliable in the world.

This test cannot be performed if the mother is pregnant with twins or if the fathers are the biological parents. A paternity test is performed before the baby is born from a blood sample from the mother and father's hand. Ancestry test to establish your genetic tribe.

An alternative way to establish paternity during pregnancy is the Non-invasive method using maternal venous blood.

Risks of Amniocentesis and Cordocentesis:

As a result of amniocentesis, the risk of spontaneous miscarriage is in every 200th woman

In 1.4% of cases, termination of pregnancy may occur

One in 1,000 women will develop a uterine infection after amniocentesis. In trained women and under ultrasound guidance, there may be fewer miscarriages

Any test described on this page that uses a sample type other than cotton swabs. A prenatal blood test can establish paternity between the 9th and 36th week of pregnancy. The test is performed from a blood sample on the mother's and father's arm. What do I need to take a paternity test?

When you are ready to begin the process, you can schedule an appointment to fit your schedule. Our benefits translate to accurate, reliable results and unparalleled customer service. As a result, we offer flexible payment options for individuals who need more time to pay for their test. From there we will make every effort to resolve your payment options. Please note that your results will be revealed when your account balance is paid in full.

Now, thanks to the unique developments and 12 years of experience of scientists from the Health Genetic Center laboratory, you can conduct PRenaTest completely safely, anonymously, and accessible throughout Russia.


How accurate is the Prenatest test?

Prenatest is more informational in nature and does not allow 100% confirmation or exclusion of biological paternity; this analysis is a preparatory stage and is completely completed after the birth of the child. The testing technology used in this genetic analysis is different from the technology used in simple testing to establish paternity for a newborn child. In a simple determination of paternity (when the child has already been born), genetic markers are used that allow one to calculate the probability of paternity as a percentage: if the alleged father is the biological father of the child, then the probability of paternity will be at least 99.9%, but if the alleged father is not the biological father of the child , then the probability of paternity will be 0%. When conducting Prenatest, more complex technology and completely different genetic markers (SNPs) are used, which do not allow calculating the probability of paternity as a percentage. The main factor in such testing that influences accuracy is the condition that the genetic markers of the fetal DNA profile match the genetic markers of the putative father's DNA profile. If such a coincidence is observed, then this man is not excluded as the biological father of the child, which does not mean 100% proven paternity. If such a match is not observed, then this man is formally excluded as the biological father of the child. If there is only one suspected father involved in Prenatest and he has not been eliminated, it is always a good idea to test all possible fathers (if there are any) and obtain information about their DNA profiles. In some cases (very rare), the DNA profiles of two alleged fathers may be similar. In such a situation, additional genetic markers are analyzed to exclude one of the putative fathers as the biological father of the child."

We have collection centers in most major cities and other locations. What happens if test takers live in different cities or even different countries? You can make an appointment in different cities. Another solution is to send a collection kit to each participant's address. The kits will have the same tracking number and can be returned to the laboratory independently. We will correctly combine the received reception sets.

What is the wait time for an appointment? Once the laboratory receives samples from all individuals, we complete the analysis in five to eight business days, and you can track the progress of the analysis using our. If you need to go to court with your results or if analysis time is critical, you can ask for a guarantee at the time of analysis. In this case, we will complete the analysis before the date you specify.

At what stages of pregnancy can testing be done?

Testing can be carried out as early as the 7th week of pregnancy. If testing is carried out at an earlier stage, there is a possibility that there will be an insufficient amount of part of the fetal DNA in the mother's blood plasma. In this case, the mother will need to be retested and the result will not be provided.

Can my results be admissible in court? We strictly adhere to chain of custody procedures. This makes all our legal and official trials worthwhile in court. Many of our clients use their test results for legal purposes such as child custody, alimony, immigration, welfare, inheritance, etc. you must choose the legal and official test.

If the alleged father is not the biological father, the probability of paternity will be 0%. Until a legal provision is required, a paternity test is carried out with samples taken at home. Our laboratory will send you a collection kit containing everything necessary materials for proper administration of the test, as well as instructions and a consent form.

When can I get results?

Prenatal paternity test results are provided within up to 15 rubles. days. Depending on the region in which you donate DNA samples. The result is provided by any means convenient for you.

Where is the analysis carried out?

PRenaTest_non-invasive prenatal test to establish paternity using maternal venous blood is carried out in our HealthGeneticCenter, (Canada), which has 12 years of experience in prenatal diagnostics. More than 47,000 women have been tested so far.

Simply contact us to make an appointment at one of our sampling centers near you. In order for the results to be legally admissible, all participants must report to the sampling center, bring official photo ID and provide a photograph, and the samples will then follow a strict chain of custody.

This non-invasive test is safe for the mother and fetus. A traditional prenatal paternity test relies on a sample of amniotic fluid, which may be obtained during screening for fetal anomalies. Please contact us to book a prenatal paternity test and we will advise you of the procedure. Please contact us to book a post-paternity paternity test and we will advise you of the procedure.

What is required for testing?

Regular venous blood 15 ml. in a vacuum tube from a pregnant woman and any biological samples from all suspected fathers.

Is it possible to conduct the analysis anonymously?

Yes, you can collect any biospecimens from all suspected fathers. If one of them is aware of the DNA analysis being performed, use the standard instructions for collecting saliva. If you wish to maintain confidentiality, collect any non-standard DNA samples.

Standard paternity test results are reported within 5 business days of samples being received in our laboratory. We also offer an expedited service that delivers results within 3 business days. The private paternity test includes a collection kit, easy-to-follow instructions, and a consent form.

A reduced rate is provided for those eligible for legal aid. This type of sampling, simple and painless, provides the same reliability as blood sample results. Moreover, it is as good in a newborn or child as in an adult.

Can I provide samples from only one alleged father?

Yes you can. But this can significantly reduce the accuracy of the analysis, because during prenatal diagnosis we identify 5-11 genetic markers of the fetus and compare them with the DNA profile of the putative fathers. If you provided DNA material from only one father, there may be a conditional match of these 5-11 DNA sections with the child, and accordingly the expert cannot exclude him as the biological father (due to the lack of DNA samples from the second participant). Already after the birth of a child, we conduct a repeat DNA analysis (free of charge), highlighting the complete profile of the child and father (16 STR Loci) and differences in other parts of the DNA can already be detected there.

How is DNA analysis performed?

The PRenaTest technology, a prenatal non-invasive determination of paternity, uses the analysis of freely circulating fetal DNA, which is present in the blood of the expectant mother and is compared with the DNA of the mother and the putative father. Unlike whole fetal cells, freely circulating fetal DNA is cleared from the mother's blood within a few hours, so there is no possibility of cells mixing with DNA from a previous pregnancy. DNA single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) testing, used in conjunction with the latest bioinformatics calculations, can accurately determine genetic marker matches.

What is the cost of PRenaTest?

The cost of non-invasive paternity determination during pregnancy at 9 weeks is 59,000 rubles. Retake at 16 weeks. pregnancy, if required, is carried out for a fee - 15,000 rubles. Postpartum analysis is free of charge, you only pay for delivery to the Laboratory (RUB 5,000)

15.04.2015 13.10.2015

Order a DNA test

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The DNA test is one of the most popular among all known diagnostic methods nowadays. It comes in several types, each of which is designed to perform specific functions. One,
makes it possible to detect or refute the presence of genetic diseases at an early stage, the other makes it possible to determine paternity. The latter is usually carried out after the birth of the child. But due to different life situations, sometimes a woman needs to do a paternity test during pregnancy: this could be a divorce, conflicts in the family, or traveling abroad. Carrying out the test in this position carries a certain risk for the mother and fetus, but thanks to experienced doctors, it is insignificant.
A woman has every right to refuse an examination; in this case, only the court can decide whether it is necessary to conduct a test or not.

How to do a DNA test correctly

A paternity test consists of comparing the DNA of the fetus and biological material, in the form of venous blood, of the alleged father. Most often, at the time of conception, 50% of the DNA from each biological parent is transferred to the child. When establishing paternity using DNA research, it is necessary to study the biological material of the mother, baby and potential father.
To establish paternity using DNA testing, you first need to contact a qualified medical institution, where they will collect the required biological material and send it to the laboratory for study. Modern laboratories are equipped with the latest advances in the field of DNA testing; genetic analyzers can minimize the likelihood of errors made by the laboratory assistant; they help ensure the accuracy of DNA tests. The obtained biological samples are studied in the laboratory using microarrays, and a large number of different genetic markers are applied to them. The resulting data is processed in computer programs that make it possible to calculate the same markers between fetal DNA isolated from biological material (chorion or amniotic fluid) and potential father's DNA taken from venous blood.
It is better to carry out such an examination in the second trimester of pregnancy to obtain a more reliable result. It is not advisable to do it in the early stages, due to the fact that the material being studied is the fetal membrane - the chorion. Incorrectly carried out analysis at this period can lead to health problems for the expectant mother or termination of pregnancy. The best option for performing the test is 20-24 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, to establish paternity, amniotic fluid and blood from the child’s umbilical cord are examined. If the study is carried out in the later stages, only umbilical cord blood is used as the material, this means that the analysis will be as accurate as possible.

When to conduct an examination

In the early stages of pregnancy, there is a certain risk of complications after taking samples of the fetal membrane. This sample is taken using a thin needle or catheter. It is used to collect amniotic fluid and villi from the outer membrane of the fetus - the chorion.

Carrying out the test in the second trimester is safest and the risk to the fetus is minimal. It is performed by inserting a long needle into the uterus through the abdominal wall. A needle is used to collect biological material: umbilical cord blood and amniotic fluid. All procedures must be carried out by a qualified specialist. At the time of the analysis, all responsibility for the health of the pregnant woman and her baby falls on his shoulders.
It is worth remembering that the longer the pregnancy, the likelihood of complications is minimized. If possible, it is better to postpone the procedure until the end of the second trimester - the beginning of the third.
Regardless of what period of pregnancy the test is performed, the process is strictly controlled by an experienced doctor and an ultrasound machine, which allows you to observe the movement of the needle in the abdominal cavity and not cause harm to the fetus.

All tests are carried out by a gynecologist in a hospital, and the material taken for analysis is studied in a special laboratory. Laboratory assistants compare the samples obtained and determine the possible percentage of paternity. If DNA fragments of the child and the father are found to match, the probability that this man is the father of the child is 99.99%. If they are completely different, the test result is negative, which means that the man is not a blood relative of the baby. A negative test is always 100% accurate. After the test, doctors monitor the pregnant woman’s health for a certain period of time.

Sometimes such oddities happen that during the collection of the placental membrane of the fetus, biological material from the mother may be accidentally taken. Therefore, the test result may be false negative. To prevent this from happening, samples from both parents are taken for the test.
Of all the existing paternity tests that are allowed to be carried out during pregnancy, the DNA test gives the most accurate results and is the safest.
Before deciding to undergo an examination, a pregnant woman must consult with her doctor. And if her and the child’s health is good, then the doctor has the right to authorize the analysis.
If there is a risk of miscarriage or complications, do not rush to do the test; it is better to postpone the procedure until the birth of the child. It will be safer for him and the mother.

There are situations when the test, for some reason, cannot be postponed until the baby is born. Do not be afraid, thanks to experienced specialists and laboratory technicians, the procedure for collecting material is carried out painlessly, as quickly as possible, and the results are 100% accurate.

The final decision regarding the examination is made by the biological mother of the child; without her permission, samples will not be taken.