What did Dostoevsky write? The works of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky - a brief overview. Brief biography of Dostoevsky Biography of Dostoevsky by dates, the most important thing

On October 30, 1821, little Fedor was born into the family of a doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital and the daughter of a Moscow merchant, which translated from Greek means “gifted by God.” Fedya was the second child in the family. The first child was Mikhail. Despite the fact that there were 8 children in the family, Fyodor had the greatest spiritual connection with Mikhail.
The father of the family was very strict and irritated, but never raised a hand against his children. There was another main character in the Dostoevsky family - the nanny Alena Frolovna. Dostoevsky remembers her with special tenderness, just as Pushkin remembers Arina Rodionovna.

Youth and creativity

The year 1837 became very difficult for Fyodor Mikhailovich. Fascinated by Pushkin's works, Dostoevsky becomes his admirer and, after the death of his beloved poet, grieves no less than Alexander Sergeevich's close people. That same year, the mother of the Dostoevsky family, Maria Feodorovna, dies of consumption.
Later, Dostoevsky enlists in the military engineering school and moves to live in St. Petersburg. After another 2 years, Father Mikhail dies, who was killed by serfs.

During his studies, Fedor did not forget about literature and re-read the works of Great writers and philosophers - Hugo, Balzac, Goethe, Byron, Gogol, Pushkin, etc.
The first steps in literary activity are the translation and publication of Balzac’s work “Eugenie Grande”.

In 1844, Fyodor Mikhailovich wrote his first novel, “Poor People,” without expecting any positive feedback. However, the novel was immediately highly appreciated by the author’s friends V. Belinsky and N. Nekrasov. After reading the novel, N. Nekrasov called Dostoevsky “The New Gogol”, and Vissarion Belinsky said “Do you understand...that you wrote this! It cannot be that you, at twenty years old, already understand this... The truth was revealed and proclaimed to you as an artist, it was given to you as a gift, so appreciate your gift and remain faithful and you will be a great writer!As Dostoevsky himself later admitted, “It was the most amazing moment of my entire life».

Death penalty and years of hard labor

Later, Fyodor Mikhailovich meets Petrashevsky, a Russian revolutionary, and becomes a member of Petrashevsky’s circle. In 1849, the writer was brought to trial for participating in a conspiracy with Petrashevsky and was sentenced to death. When the writer stood on his deathbed, he thought about if death could be “cancelled,” then he would live his life enjoying every second. And so it happened - death was replaced by 4 years of hard labor. Among the people sentenced to death is the poet Grigoriev, who did not wait for the sentence of hard labor and went crazy. Dostoevsky describes all these memories and events in the monologue of Prince Myshkin in the novel “The Idiot”.
The writer is put in shackles and sent to Omsk for hard hard labor. For about 3 years, Fyodor Mikhailovich was in shackles, and after they were removed, the habit of walking in small steps did not leave him until his death.

Marriage and continuation of the creative process

After four years of hard labor, Dostoevsky is sent to a Siberian battalion, where he meets Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva, whom he soon marries.
Fyodor Mikhailovich returns to literary activity again. Now, after so many experiences and trials, the writer becomes devout and God becomes the main ideal of his life.
1860 – 1966 Fedor, together with his brother Mikhail, continues his literary career in such magazines as “Time”, later “Epoch”. During this period, the next masterpieces of world classics in literature were born: “Notes from the House of the Dead”, “Notes from the Underground”, “Humiliated and Insulted”. But soon, misfortune overtakes the writer - his brother Mikhail dies, and later his wife Maria dies of tuberculosis.

After the death of two close people, Dostoevsky begins to play roulette, loses and gets into debt. The right to his own works is under threat. In order to somehow pay off his debts, Fyodor Mikhailovich writes “Crime and Punishment” and sends one chapter at a time to the magazine. While writing the novel “The Player,” a young stenographer Anna Snitkina appears to help the writer, thanks to whom the novel was written in 21 days! Despite the large age difference (Dostoevsky is 45, Anna is 20), a spark runs between them and the writer marries again. In a happy marriage, a daughter, Sonya, is born, who dies 3 months later; in 1869, a daughter, Lyuba, a son, Fedor, and a son, Alexei, are born. Three years later, little Lesha died of epilepsy.

Last years of life, death

The last years have been fruitful for the writer - the novels “Demons”, “Teenager”, “The Brothers Karamazov” were published.
In 1881, a scandal broke out between Fyodor’s sister, Vera Mikhailovna, and Dostoevsky himself over an inheritance. After 2 days, unable to bear it, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky died from emphysema.
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was recognized as a Great Writer during his lifetime, but after his death his works achieved their greatest success. Friedrich Nietzsche himself said that Dostoevsky was a writer - a psychologist and partly his teacher.

In this article we will describe the life and work of Dostoevsky: we will briefly tell you about the most important events. Fyodor Mikhailovich was born on October 30 (old style - 11) 1821. An essay on Dostoevsky's work will introduce you to the main works and achievements of this man in the literary field. But we will start from the very beginning - with the origin of the future writer, with his biography.

The problems of Dostoevsky's creativity can be deeply understood only by becoming acquainted with the life of this man. After all, fiction always in one way or another reflects the characteristics of the biography of the creator of the works. In the case of Dostoevsky this is especially noticeable.

Origin of Dostoevsky

Fyodor Mikhailovich's father was from the Rtishchev branch, descendants of Daniil Ivanovich Rtishchev, defender of the Orthodox faith in Southwestern Rus'. For his special successes, he was given the village of Dostoevo, located in the Podolsk province. The Dostoevsky surname originates from there.

However, by the beginning of the 19th century, the Dostoevsky family became impoverished. Andrei Mikhailovich, the writer’s grandfather, served in the Podolsk province, in the town of Bratslav, as an archpriest. Mikhail Andreevich, the father of the author we are interested in, graduated from the Medical-Surgical Academy. During the Patriotic War, in 1812, he fought with others against the French, after which, in 1819, he married Maria Fedorovna Nechaeva, the daughter of a merchant from Moscow. Mikhail Andreevich, having retired, received a position as a doctor in a hospital open to poor people, which was popularly nicknamed Bozhedomka.

Where was Fedor Mikhailovich born?

The apartment of the future writer's family was located in the right wing of this hospital. In it, set aside as a government apartment for a doctor, Fyodor Mikhailovich was born in 1821. His mother, as we have already mentioned, came from a family of merchants. Pictures of premature deaths, poverty, illness, disorder - the boy’s first impressions, under the influence of which the future writer’s very unusual view of the world took shape. Dostoevsky's work reflects this.

The situation in the family of the future writer

The family, which grew over time to 9 people, was forced to huddle in only two rooms. Mikhail Andreevich was a suspicious and hot-tempered person.

Maria Fedorovna was of a completely different type: economical, cheerful, kind. The relationship between the boy's parents was based on submission to the whims and will of the father. The nanny and mother of the future writer honored the sacred religious traditions of the country, raising the future generation to respect the faith of their fathers. Maria Feodorovna died early - at the age of 36. She was buried at the Lazarevskoye cemetery.

First acquaintance with literature

The Dostoevsky family devoted a lot of time to education and science. At an early age, Fyodor Mikhailovich discovered the joy of communicating with a book. The very first works with which he became acquainted were the folk tales of Arina Arkhipovna, the nanny. After that there were Pushkin and Zhukovsky - Maria Fedorovna’s favorite writers.

Fyodor Mikhailovich at an early age became acquainted with the main classics of foreign literature: Hugo, Cervantes and Homer. In the evenings, his father arranged for the family to read N. M. Karamzin’s work “History of the Russian State.” All this instilled in the future writer an early interest in literature. The life and work of F. Dostoevsky were largely influenced by the environment from which this writer came.

Mikhail Andreevich seeks hereditary nobility

In 1827, Mikhail Andreevich was awarded the Order of the 3rd degree for his diligent and excellent service, and a year later he was also awarded the rank of collegiate assessor, which at that time gave a person the right to hereditary nobility. The father of the future writer well understood the value of higher education and therefore sought to seriously prepare his children for admission to educational institutions.

Tragedy from Dostoevsky's childhood

The future writer experienced a tragedy in his youth that left an indelible mark on his soul for the rest of his life. He fell in love with the cook's daughter, a nine-year-old girl, with a sincere childish feeling. One summer day a cry was heard in the garden. Fyodor ran out into the street and noticed her lying in a white tattered dress on the ground. The women bent over the girl. From their conversation, Fyodor realized that the culprit of the tragedy was a drunken tramp. After that, they went for their father, but his help was not needed, since the girl had already died.

Writer's education

Fyodor Mikhailovich received his initial education at a private boarding school in Moscow. In 1838 he entered the Main Engineering School located in St. Petersburg. He graduated in 1843, becoming a military engineer.

In those years, this school was considered one of the best educational institutions in the country. It is no coincidence that many famous people came from there. Among Dostoevsky's comrades at the school there were many talents who later turned into famous personalities. These are Dmitry Grigorovich (writer), Konstantin Trutovsky (artist), Ilya Sechenov (physiologist), Eduard Totleben (organizer of the defense of Sevastopol), Fyodor Radetsky (hero of Shipka). Both humanitarian and special disciplines were taught here. For example, world and domestic history, Russian literature, drawing and civil architecture.

The tragedy of the "little man"

Dostoevsky preferred solitude to the noisy society of students. Reading was his favorite pastime. The future writer’s erudition amazed his comrades. But the desire for loneliness and solitude in his character was not an innate trait. At the school, Fyodor Mikhailovich had to endure the tragedy of the soul of the so-called “little man”. Indeed, in this educational institution, the students were mainly children of the bureaucratic and military bureaucracy. Their parents gave gifts to their teachers, sparing no expense. In this environment, Dostoevsky looked like a stranger and was often subjected to insults and ridicule. During these years, a feeling of wounded pride flared up in his soul, which later reflected the work of Dostoevsky.

But, despite these difficulties, Fyodor Mikhailovich managed to achieve recognition from both his comrades and teachers. Over time, everyone became convinced that this was a man of extraordinary intelligence and outstanding abilities.

Father's death

In 1839, Fyodor Mikhailovich’s father suddenly died from an apoplexy. There were rumors that it was not a natural death - he was killed by men for his tough character. This news shocked Dostoevsky, and for the first time he suffered a seizure, a harbinger of future epilepsy, from which Fyodor Mikhailovich suffered all his life.

Service as an engineer, first works

Dostoevsky in 1843, having completed the course, was enrolled in the engineering corps to serve with the engineering team of St. Petersburg, but did not serve there for long. A year later, he decided to engage in literary creativity, a passion for which he had long felt. At first he began to translate classics, such as Balzac. After some time, the idea for a novel arose in letters entitled “Poor People.” This was the first independent work from which Dostoevsky’s work began. Then came the stories and stories: “Mr. Prokharchin”, “The Double”, “Netochka Nezvanova”, “White Nights”.

Rapprochement with the Petrashevites circle, tragic consequences

The year 1847 was marked by a rapprochement with Butashevich-Petrashevsky, who held the famous “Fridays”. He was a propagandist and admirer of Fourier. At these evenings, the writer met the poets Alexei Pleshcheev, Alexander Palm, Sergei Durov, as well as the prose writer Saltykov and scientists Vladimir Milyutin and Nikolai Mordvinov. At meetings of Petrashevites, socialist teachings and plans for revolutionary coups were discussed. Dostoevsky was a supporter of the immediate abolition of serfdom in Russia.

However, the government learned about the circle, and in 1849, 37 participants, including Dostoevsky, were imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress. They were sentenced to death, but the emperor commuted the sentence, and the writer was exiled to hard labor in Siberia.

In Tobolsk, at hard labor

He went to Tobolsk in the terrible frost on an open sleigh. Here Annenkova and Fonvizina visited the Petrashevites. The whole country admired the feat of these women. They gave each condemned person a Gospel in which money was invested. The fact is that the prisoners were not allowed to have their own savings, so this softened the harsh living conditions for some time.

While in hard labor, the writer realized how far the rationalistic, speculative ideas of the “new Christianity” were from the feeling of Christ, whose bearer is the people. Fyodor Mikhailovich brought out a new one from here. Its basis is the folk type of Christianity. Subsequently, this reflected the further work of Dostoevsky, which we will tell you about a little later.

Military service in Omsk

For the writer, four years of hard labor was replaced after some time by military service. He was escorted from Omsk under escort to the city of Semipalatinsk. Here Dostoevsky's life and work continued. The writer served as a private, then receiving the rank of officer. He returned to St. Petersburg only at the end of 1859.

Magazine publishing

At this time, Fyodor Mikhailovich’s spiritual search began, which in the 60s ended with the formation of the writer’s pochvennik beliefs. The biography and work of Dostoevsky at this time were marked by the following events. Since 1861, the writer, together with Mikhail, his brother, began publishing a magazine called "Time", and after it was banned - "Epoch". Working on new books and magazines, Fyodor Mikhailovich developed his own view of the tasks of a public figure and writer in our country - Russian, a unique version of Christian socialism.

The writer's first works after hard labor

Dostoevsky's life and work changed greatly after Tobolsk. In 1861, the first novel of this writer appeared, which he created after hard labor. This work (“Humiliated and Insulted”) reflected Fyodor Mikhailovich’s sympathy for the “little people” who are subjected to incessant humiliation by the powers that be. “Notes from the House of the Dead” (years of creation: 1861-1863), which the writer began while still in hard labor, also acquired great social significance. In the magazine "Time" in 1863, "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions" appeared. In them, Fyodor Mikhailovich criticized the systems of Western European political beliefs. In 1864, Notes from Underground was published. This is a kind of confession of Fyodor Mikhailovich. In the work he renounced his previous ideals.

Further work of Dostoevsky

Let us briefly describe other works of this writer. In 1866, a novel entitled “Crime and Punishment” appeared, which is considered one of the most significant in his work. In 1868, The Idiot was published, a novel in which an attempt was made to create a positive hero who confronts a predatory, cruel world. In the 70s, the work of F.M. Dostoevsky continues. Novels such as “Demons” (published in 1871) and “The Teenager,” which appeared in 1879, became widely known. "The Brothers Karamazov" is a novel that became the last work. He summed up Dostoevsky's work. The years of publication of the novel are 1879-1880. In this work, the main character, Alyosha Karamazov, helping others in trouble and alleviating suffering, is convinced that the most important thing in our life is a feeling of forgiveness and love. In 1881, on February 9, Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich died in St. Petersburg.

The life and work of Dostoevsky were briefly described in our article. It cannot be said that the writer was always interested more than anyone else in the problem of man. Let's write briefly about this important feature that Dostoevsky's work had.

Man in creative writing

Throughout his entire creative career, Fyodor Mikhailovich reflected on the main problem of humanity - how to overcome pride, which is the main source of separation between people. Of course, there are other themes in Dostoevsky’s work, but it is largely based on this one. The writer believed that any of us has the ability to create. And he must do this while he lives; it is necessary to express himself. The writer devoted his entire life to the topic of Man. The biography and work of Dostoevsky confirm this.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is a famous Russian writer and thinker. His works are known and loved all over the world. Probably Dostoevsky's most famous work is Crime and Punishment.

In this article we will touch on the most significant dates in the writer’s biography. We will provide a chronology of the most significant events, and also talk about the character of the thinker. In this article we will only touch upon main dates in the author's life history.

Early years - briefly about the author, how the story began

Fedor Mikhailovich was born November 11, 1821 in a noble family. My father worked in a hospital for the poor. There were many children in the family.

Dostoevsky was the second of seven children. At the age of 16, Dostoevsky loses his mother. It was in this year that the father decided to send his eldest sons to the K.F. boarding school. Kostomarova. Starting this year, the Dostoevsky brothers Mikhail and Fyodor settled in St. Petersburg.

Life, creativity - chronological table of Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich


It was at this time that the author moved to the cultural capital of our Motherland along with his older brother Mikhail. This happens after the death of their mother. They enter the military engineering school. Two years later, the writer's father dies. IN 1843 Fyodor Mikhailovich translates Balzac’s work “Eugenie Grande”.

While studying at the school, the future writer was interested in the works of foreign writers. Among them:

  • Homer.
  • Balzac.
  • Hugo.
  • Goethe.
  • Hoffman.
  • Shakespeare, etc.

He was also interested in the works of Russian authors:

  • Derzhavina.
  • Pushkin - he was the most beloved of all Russian writers by Dostoevsky.


We can say that it was from this moment that the stage of Fyodor Mikhailovich’s creativity began. This year the first work of the writer comes out - "Poor People". This novel immediately brought fame to the author. The work was highly appreciated by Belinsky and Nekrasov. This work was positively received by the public. The same cannot be said about the author’s other work, “The Double.” The story was published in 1845–1846. The work remained unclear. In addition, there was a lot of criticism.


December 22, 1849. A date that could have interrupted the life and work of the writer. At this time, the author is sentenced to execution “in the Petrashevsky case.” Many things appear before the writer in a new light.

But the author was not destined to die that year. His death sentence at the last moment is changed to a “softer” one - hard labor. He tried to convey all the sensations that the author experienced at that moment in the monologue of Prince Myshkin from the novel "Idiot".


During this period the author does not write anything. This is a stagnant period. The fact is that the author is in exile in Omsk. After the author served his time in hard labor, he was sent to serve. Fyodor Mikhailovich went to the Siberian battalion number seven, where he served as a simple soldier.

Here the writer meets the traveler and ethnographer from Kazakhstan, Chokan Valikhanov. During these years, Dostoevsky also met Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva. She was married to an official on special assignments. Who has been retired for a long time. Dostoevsky and Isaeva begin an affair.


After Isaeva's husband dies, Dostoevsky marries her. But their marriage could not be called happy.

As for creativity, after hard labor, the writer changes his worldview. If in the early work the writer had no ideals, then during this period an ideal appears - Christ.

IN 1859 — The writer's family, consisting of his wife and adopted son Pavel, moves to St. Petersburg from Semipalatinsk. But he is being unofficially monitored.


At this time, Dostoevsky, together with his brother Mikhail, worked in various magazines:

  • Time.
  • Epoch.

Also, over the years, the author’s iconic works were written.

IN 1864 year the writer's brother and wife die. This undermined the writer and he begins to play roulette, losing all his money. The author gets into debt. The money quickly ran out and the writer is going through hard times.

At this time he wrote the novel “Crime and Punishment”. The work was written one chapter at a time and sent to the magazine. This was the only way he could avoid losing authorship of this work. For the same purposes, the author begins to write the novel “The Player”. But he lacked the physical strength to write two works at the same time. That is why the writer decides to hire stenographer Anna Grigorievna Snitkina.

Novel "Player" was written in just 21 days.

In 1867, Snitkina became the writer's second wife. She accompanies him abroad and takes care of all financial matters. They go abroad with the money they received for the novel “Crime and Punishment.” Snitkina compiles a diary about a joint trip with her husband.

Author's last years

The last years of his life passed fruitfully in Dostoevsky’s work. In recent years, the author and his wife lived in the city of Staraya Russa, which is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region. At this time, the novel “Demons” was published. A year later, “A Writer’s Diary” appears. In 1875 he published the novel "Teenager". And a year later the story comes out "Meek".

In 1878, the writer was invited to the palace of Alexander II. The Emperor introduces the writer to his family.

Over the last two years of his life, Dostoevsky created one of his main and best works - the novel The Brothers Karamazov.

On February 9, 1881, the writer dies. His long-standing illness of emphysema worsened. This happened due to severe stress. Dostoevsky had a fight with his sister, who asked the writer to renounce his inheritance. The inheritance included the estate of Kumanina's aunt.

It is worth recognizing that fame came to the author during his lifetime, but some works became popular only after his death. As a result, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was recognized as one of the greatest writers of Russia, who touched upon pressing issues of everyday life in his works.

Dostoevsky's biography was full of various events. Let us present you with a few facts from the writer’s life:

  • At that time, Dostoevsky’s name was worth millions, but now it’s worth nothing. But it is worth noting an interesting fact: despite the fact that the novel “Crime and Punishment” sold large copies, Dostoevsky was not a rich man. For his labors he received about 150 rubles for each sheet. If we compare with Turgenev, who received 500 rubles for one sheet of his work, then these are mere pennies.
  • Dostoevsky was married twice. The first time he married the widow Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva. It is worth noting that their romance began during the life of Isaeva’s husband. But their marriage with Dostoevsky was not happy. Isaeva suffered from consumption. This affected her character and behavior. She constantly suspected Dostoevsky and took it out on him. The author found peace only in literature.
  • In 1861, Dostoevsky's brother began publishing a new magazine, Vremya. Dostoevsky moves to St. Petersburg after his service and exile. He works at a magazine. It was in this magazine that the writer published his work “Humiliated and Insulted.”
  • 1864 was a very difficult year for the writer. This year, two of the writer’s relatives are dying – his wife and brother. The writer found it difficult to bear the loss. This led him into debt. He entered into an agreement with the publication, where he undertook to provide a new work by November 1, 1866.
  • If you look at the biography of Dostoevsky, he always lived on the edge, but in the last moments fate itself tries to help him. At this point, help came in the form of stenographer Anna Snitkina. She helped the author publish the novel “The Player”. After that they got married.
  • Fedor was very jealous. That's why he made a list of rules that his wife had to follow. It was thanks to his second wife that Dostoevsky found happiness and paid off all his debts.

So, we provided a chronological table of Dostoevsky, and also gave a description of Dostoevsky. Who is Fyodor Dostoevsky, who was he? Fyodor Mikhailovich was a great Russian writer. His life is full of trials, which are reflected in his works. We tried to briefly tell the story about the life and work of the author, touching on the main dates in his life.

Dostoevsky F.M. - biography Dostoevsky F.M. - biography

Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821 - 1881)
Dostoevsky F.M.
Russian writer. Fyodor Mikhailovich, the second son in the family, was born on November 11 (Old Style - October 30) 1821 in Moscow, in the building of the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, where his father served as a stacker. In 1828, Dostoevsky's father received hereditary nobility, in 1831 he acquired the village of Darovoye, Kashira district, Tula province, and in 1833 - the neighboring village of Chermoshnya. Dostoevsky's mother, née Nechaeva, came from the Moscow merchant class. Seven children were raised according to the traditions of antiquity in fear and obedience, rarely leaving the walls of the hospital building. The family spent the summer months on a small estate purchased in the Kashira district of the Tula province in 1831. The children enjoyed almost complete freedom, because They usually spent time without their father. Fyodor Dostoevsky began to study quite early: his mother taught him the alphabet, French - in half board N.I. Drashusova. In 1834 he and his brother Mikhail entered the famous boarding school of Chermak, where the brothers were especially fond of literature lessons. At the age of 16, Dostoevsky lost his mother and was soon assigned to one of the best educational institutions of that time - the St. Petersburg Engineering School, where he acquired the reputation of an “unsociable eccentric.” I had to live in cramped circumstances, because... Dostoevsky was not accepted into the school at public expense.
In 1841 Dostoevsky was promoted to officer. In 1843, upon completion of the course at the St. Petersburg Military Engineering School, he was enlisted in the service of the St. Petersburg engineering team and sent to the drawing engineering department. In the fall of 1844 he resigned, deciding to live only by literary work and “work like hell.” The first attempt at independent creativity, the dramas “Boris Godunov” and “Mary Stuart” that have not reached us, dates back to the early 40s. In 1846, in the “Petersburg Collection” Nekrasov N.A. , published his first essay - the story "Poor People". As one of equals, Dostoevsky was accepted into the V.G. Belinsky circle. , who warmly welcomed the newly minted writer as one of the future great artists of the Gogol school, but good relations with the circle soon deteriorated, because members of the circle did not know how to spare Dostoevsky’s painful pride and often laughed at him. He still continued to meet with Belinsky, but he was very offended by the bad reviews of new works, which Belinsky called “nervous nonsense.” Before the arrest, on the night of April 23 (old style) 1849, 10 stories were written. Due to his involvement in the Petrashevsky case, Dostoevsky was imprisoned in the Alekseevsky ravelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress, where he stayed for 8 months. He was sentenced to death, but the sovereign replaced it with hard labor for 4 years, followed by assignment to the rank and file. On December 22 (old style) Dostoevsky was brought to Semenovsky Parade Ground, where a ceremony was held over him to announce the death penalty by firing squad, and only at the last moment the real sentence was announced to the convicts, as a special mercy. On the night of December 24-25 (old style), 1849, he was shackled and sent to Siberia. He served his sentence in Omsk, in the “House of the Dead”. During hard labor, Dostoevsky's epileptic seizures, to which he was predisposed, intensified.
On February 15, 1854, at the end of his term of hard labor, he was assigned as a private to the Siberian linear 7th battalion in Semipalatinsk, where he stayed until 1859 and where Baron A.E. took him under his protection. Wrangel. On February 6, 1857, in Kuznetsk, he married Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva, the widow of a tavern supervisor, whom he fell in love with during the life of her first husband. The marriage increased Dostoevsky's financial needs, because... He took care of his stepson for the rest of his life; he more often turned for help to friends and his brother Mikhail, who at that time headed a cigarette factory. On April 18, 1857, Dostoevsky was restored to his former rights and on August 15 received the rank of ensign (according to other sources, he was promoted to ensign on October 1, 1855). He soon submitted his resignation and was fired on March 18, 1859, with permission to live in Tver, but soon received permission to live in the capital. In 1861, together with his brother Mikhail, he began publishing the magazines “Time” (banned in 1863) and “Epoch” (1864 - 1865). In the summer of 1862 he visited Paris, London, and Geneva. Soon the magazine "Vremya" was closed for an innocent article by N. Strakhov, but at the beginning of 64 "Epoch" began to appear. On April 16, 1864, his wife died, having suffered from consumption for more than 4 years, and on June 10, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s brother, Mikhail, unexpectedly died. Blow after blow and a mass of debts finally upset the business, and at the beginning of 1865 “Epoch” was closed. Dostoevsky was left with 15,000 rubles in debt and a moral obligation to support the family of his late brother and his wife’s son from her first husband. In November 1865 he sold his copyright to Stellovsky.
In the fall of 1866, Anna Grigorievna Snitkina was invited to take shorthand notes for “The Player,” and on February 15, 1867, she became Dostoevsky’s wife. To get married and leave, he borrowed 3,000 rubles from Katkov for the novel he had planned (“The Idiot”). But of these 3000 rub. hardly even a third of them moved abroad with him: after all, the son of his first wife and the widow of his brother with their children remain in his care in St. Petersburg. Two months later, having escaped from creditors, they went abroad, where they stayed for more than 4 years (until July 1871). Heading to Switzerland, he stopped in Baden-Baden, where he lost everything: money, his suit, and even his wife’s dresses. I lived in Geneva for almost a year, sometimes needing the bare necessities. Here his first child was born, who lived only 3 months. Dostoevsky lives in Vienna and Milan. In 1869, in Dresden, a daughter, Lyubov, was born. The brightest period in life begins upon returning to St. Petersburg, when the smart and energetic Anna Grigorievna took financial affairs into her own hands. Here, in 1871, son Fedor was born. From 1873, Dostoevsky became the editor of Grazhdanin with a salary of 250 rubles per month, in addition to the fee for articles, but in 1874 he left Grazhdanin. 1877 - Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In recent years, the writer suffered from emphysema. On the night of January 25-26 (old style) 1881, the pulmonary artery ruptured, and was followed by a seizure of his usual illness - epilepsy. Dostoevsky died on February 9 (according to the old style - January 28) 1881 at 8:38 pm. The writer's funeral, which took place on January 31 (according to other sources, February 2 according to the old style) was a real event for St. Petersburg: 72 deputations took part in the funeral procession, and 67 wreaths were brought to the Church of the Holy Spirit in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. He was buried in the Necropolis of Masters of Arts of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The monument was erected in 1883 (sculptor N. A. Lavretsky, architect Kh. K. Vasiliev). Among the works are stories and novels: “Poor People” (1846, novel), “Double” (1846, story), “Prokharchin” (1846, story), “Weak Heart” (1848, story), “Someone else’s Wife” ( 1848, story), "A Novel in 9 Letters" (1847, story), "The Mistress" (1847, story), "Jealous Husband" (1848, story), "Honest Thief", (1848, story published under the title "Stories" an experienced person"), "The Christmas Tree and the Wedding" (1848, story), "White Nights" (1848, story), "Netochka Nezvanova" (1849, story), "Uncle's Dream" (1859, story), "The Village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants" (1859, story), "Humiliated and Insulted" (1861, novel), "Notes from the House of the Dead" (1861-1862), "Winter Notes about Summer Impressions" (1863), "Notes from the Underground" (1864 ), "Crime and Punishment" (1866, novel), "The Idiot" (1868, novel), "Demons" (1871 - 1872, novel), "Teenager" (1875, novel), "Diary of a Writer" (1877), "The Brothers Karamazov" (1879 - 1880, novel), "The Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree", "The Meek One", "The Dream of a Funny Man". In the USA, the first translation of Dostoevsky into English (“Notes from the House of the Dead”) appeared in 1881 thanks to the publisher H. Holt; in 1886, a translation of the novel “Crime and Punishment” was published in the USA. The attitude towards Dostoevsky in the USA was much more restrained than, for example, towards I.S. Turgenev. or Tolstoy L.N. , many prominent American writers did not understand or accept his work. In the USA, interest in it increased after the publication in English of a 12-volume collected works (1912 - 1920), but a characteristic feature of the statements of many American writers, including E. Sinclair and V.V. Nabokov. , there remains rejection. Dostoevsky's work was highly appreciated by Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Eugene O'Neill, Arthur Miller, Robert Penn Warren, Mario Puzo. Puzo. __________ Sources of information:"Russian Biographical Dictionary"
Encyclopedic resource www.rubricon.com (Great Soviet Encyclopedia, Encyclopedic Directory "St. Petersburg", Encyclopedia "Moscow", Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, Encyclopedia of Russian-American Relations) Project "Russia Congratulates!" - www.prazdniki.ru

(Source: “Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of wisdom.” www.foxdesign.ru)

Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms. Academician 2011.

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    Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821 1881) Russian writer, humanist thinker. Major works: “Poor People” (1845), “Notes from the House of the Dead” (1860), “The Humiliated and Insulted” (1861), “The Idiot” (1868), “Demons” (1872), “A Writer’s Diary” (1873) ),… … The latest philosophical dictionary

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The personality of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is known not only to our compatriots, but also to literature lovers around the world. This is the greatest Russian writer who created such brilliant works as “The Idiot”, “The Brothers Karamazov”, “Demons”, etc. On the agenda is a biography of Dostoevsky, as well as some interesting facts from the life of the writer.

Fyodor Dostoevsky himself claims to be a representative of the Russian people. This is evidenced by the writer's autobiography. It cannot be otherwise, since the writer was born in Moscow, grew up in St. Petersburg, and even served his sentence in his native country. Only in later years did he begin to travel, having mastered Europe. However, researchers have found that Fyodor Mikhailovich’s roots are far from Russian and even Slavic in origin.

The writer’s nationality is of Tatar origin; his ancestor was the Golden Horde warrior Aslan-Chelebi-Murza, who left the ranks of the khan and converted to Orthodoxy in 1389. The people called the son “Wide Mouth”, and all the other descendants were called the Rtishchevs. It was this surname that stuck to the family until 1506, when Danila Rtishchev, the founder of the Dostoevsky dynasty, was born. It is difficult to identify nationality, since Danila was originally from Pinsk district in Belarus, and his ancestors were both Tatars and Slavs.

Danila was awarded the title “Dostoev”, and the descendants, having already become Dostoevskys, were ranked among the Polish gentry. Later, this surname lost its title of nobility and was completely integrated with Polish-Lithuanian names. Further information about the surname is interrupted, and again the Dostoevskys emerge in Volyn (Ukraine). It was in this area that the grandfather of the Russian writer was born, who served in the Bratslav province. After the second partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, these lands became part of the Russian Empire, and the writer’s parents already bore the title of Russian nobles.

Early years

The future author of famous novels was born in Moscow on October 30 (November 11) in 1821. The parents were representatives of the noble elite, and in addition to Fedor, the family had six more children. According to Wikipedia, the first sad event in Fyodor’s biography occurred when the future writer was only 16 years old - his mother died.

From that moment on, he and his older brother went to study at the boarding house named after K.F. Kostomarov to St. Petersburg, where he later lived most of his life. Fedor received his education at the Engineering School, but his main passion turned out to be philosophy and literature.

In the same year when the mother died, another tragedy occurs - Pushkin, the most beloved of writers, dies in a duel. It is worth noting that it was this author, the “golden” classic and the face of Russian literature, who had a huge influence on the formation of not only Fyodor Mikhailovich’s further work, but also on his worldview.

The further history of his life turned out to be no less sad: - in 1839, serfs killed his father. Hardly experiencing the loss with his brother in St. Petersburg, the author is finally formed both as a philosopher and as a person. He begins his creative path with a translation into Russian of Balzac’s play “Eugenie Grande”.

The beginning of a creative journey

Creative biography begins in 1844. It was at this time that Fyodor Mikhailovich wrote his first novel, “Poor People.” The work was received with a bang by both the public and critics, thanks to which the personality of the young author became popular and recognizable. Moreover, we emphasize that during this period Fyodor Mikhailovich met Belinsky and Nekrasov, and also became a member of the informal literary community.

The next creation, the novel “The Double,” encountered unimaginable criticism. He was not accepted in the literary community, and ordinary readers did not even understand the essence of the events described.

Arrest and a new stage of life

Let’s try to talk about this period briefly, but it’s worth noting right away that it was the arrest and subsequent hard labor that became not just a turning point in the writer’s life, but literally a new birth of a creative and mental personality. It is very difficult to study this period of time in full, so we will note the most important thing, and also below in the table we will provide dates that have become very significant for the author.

On December 22, 1849, Fyodor Mikhailovich was sentenced to death in the Petrashevsky case. It is easy to assume that before his impending death, the person began to see everything in a completely different light, but the sentence was changed to a more merciful one - hard labor. In subsequent years, Dostoevsky poured out all his thoughts, experiences and considerations in Myshkin’s monologue in the novel “The Idiot.”

In the period from 1850 to 1854, he served his sentence in Omsk, and therefore his work was suspended. New stories in Dostoevsky's life begin after his release and joining the ranks of the soldiers of the seventh linear Siberian battalion. There he makes acquaintance and friendship with Chokan Valikhanov, a famous ethnographer and traveler, and also begins an affair with the wife of an official on special assignments, Maria Isaeva.

Soon, the husband of Fyodor Mikhailovich’s mistress dies, and he marries his beloved, and also accepts her son from his first marriage. Together they move to St. Petersburg, and there he gets a job at the magazine “Time” and “Epoch” along with his brother.

During his hard labor and service, Fyodor Mikhailovich greatly changed his worldview. Previously, he was more frivolous in his thoughts and speculations, but from now on he became extremely pious. Christ became his ideal, and every judgment or conclusion was criticized by biblical dogmas.

It would also be useful to note that the main dates in Dostoevsky’s creative life also fell in the period from 1860 to 1864. During this period, he wrote his famous novel “Notes from the House of the Dead,” which describes his impressions of being in prison. Then new works are published:

  • “Humiliated and Offended”;
  • "Notes from the Underground";
  • “Winter notes about summer impressions.”

Time of Decline

In 1864, Fyodor Mikhailovich’s brother and wife died simultaneously. The characteristics of this period are the darkest and most difficult, since after the death of loved ones the author becomes depressed and also begins to lose his fortune in a casino. Having lost most of his savings, he finds himself broke, but, as it turned out later, this stage became another new start in his work.

While in debt, the author wrote his most popular novel, Crime and Punishment. In it, he not only reflected the essence of Raskolnikov’s sinful soul, but also veiledly presented interesting facts from life that happened to him at the moment of his decline.

This masterpiece was followed by a less popular, but very entertaining novel, The Gambler. Dostoevsky himself no longer had the strength to type, so he hired a stenographer, Anna Snitkina, who completed the work in 21 days. Subsequently, Fyodor Mikhailovich married her, and they went abroad together.

Life outside Russia

During his trip to Europe, he painstakingly worked on a unique work - “The Idiot”. It is believed that this novel is not like all the others, since it does not touch on religion, politics or love, but describes the simplest truth - “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

Also, being far from his homeland, the author begins to create the most political work called “Demons”. In it, he sheds light on the coming Red Revolution, calling communists demons and white liberals fathers. At the same time, he is working on the creation of such novels as “Teenager” and “The Brothers Karamazov”, which became the author’s last creation.

Interesting fact! Dostoevsky's biography formally fell on the Tsarist years. But he, like any philosopher, was a bit of a prophet and was able to accurately predict the coming of the communists and the overthrow of the emperor. Lenin nicknamed the writer “arch-nasty”, since in his novel “Demons” he used this very term to call the Bolsheviks.

In 1881, Fyodor Mikhailovich dies of emphysema, having previously quarreled with his sister over an inheritance. Despite the fact that the writer did not live long, he left behind spiritual food for at least 300 years to come. Most philosophers and writers, both domestic and foreign, still draw knowledge and inspiration from the works of Dostoevsky.

Useful video: biography of Fyodor Dostoevsky

Life stages

In order to clearly look at the main dates of the writer’s life, we decided to compile a table. It will feature both creative moments and personal ones. After all, as we have already understood, it was his personal life that had a huge influence on Fyodor Mikhailovich’s worldview, which was reflected in his novels.

1821 Birth in Moscow on Novaya Bozhedomka
1837 Death of mother, murder of Pushkin
1839 Father's death
1844 A translation of Dostoevsky's novel by Balzac "Eugenia Grande" has been published
1845 Novels "Poor People" and "The Double"
1847 Dostoevsky becomes a member of Petrashevich's literary circle
1848 Novel "White Nights"
1849 Arrest and sentence
1850 Arrival in Omsk prison
1854 Joining the ranks of soldiers in the Semipalatinsk battalion
1857 Wedding with Isaeva
1859 Return to St. Petersburg
1860 Novel "Notes from a Dead House"
1863 Release of the series “Winter Notes on Summer Impressions”
1864 Death of the writer's wife and brother
1866 Novel "The Player"
1867 Marriage to Anna Snitkina
1868 Publication of the novel “The Idiot”
1869 Birth of daughter Lyuba
1871 Birth of son Fedor
1872 Novel "Demons"
1875 Novel "Teenager"
1880 Novel "The Brothers Karamazov"
1881 Death and burial of Dostoevsky

The chronological table of Dostoevsky makes it possible to familiarize yourself with the dates of the most important events in his life. There are no premises or conclusions here, there are only facts. But only his literature, works and achievements can give a much more detailed and correct description of Dostoevsky’s personality. They fully reflect not only the writer’s inner world, but also the reality in which he lived.

Important! It is Fyodor Mikhailovich who is considered the most realistic and believable writer in Russian literature.

Useful video: calendar of important dates in the biography of Dostoevsky


The surname Dostoevsky is synonymous with the concept of “Russian literature and philosophy.” An author who not only wrote the most interesting and believable novels and stories, but also a thinker who was able to carry through all his work one theme, eternal and unshakable - the theme of the Lord. His stories are read with pleasure all over the world, and his worldview has become the basis for the formation of the views of many psychologists and philosophers.