Elegant makeup for blondes with blue eyes (50 photos) - Make up step by step. Blondes are the most beautiful and desirable girls. Curvy blonde with blue eyes

How attractive blonde women are! They give the impression of cute simpletons, fairy-tale princesses - those whom you want to pamper and protect. It's no secret that not everyone is blessed with blond curls by nature, but you want them! This is how interesting and at first glance diametrical combinations of golden hair and dark eyes are born. But you must admit - blondes with brown eyes are deadly attractive with their main weapon - a hot, deep look framed by innocent girlish strands.

To demonstrate the truth of the phrase about hot blonde brown eyes, we have selected a small photo bank of celebrities that fit this category:

These girls may not have had such golden hair by nature, but now their contrasting look is a recognizable brand. And it's time to talk about makeup for brown-eyed blondes.

What's in the brown-eyed seductress's makeup bag?

The palette of cosmetics for brown-eyed blondes consists of bronze, brown, peach, beige and gold shades. As for powder, a pink-yellowish tone looks harmonious on golden brown eyes.

You can also take lipstick in pink shades; in general, the entire palette of pink will suit them. If the blonde also has a piquant tan, then she can safely choose lipstick in coral tones or even orange, but this is quite bold!

Shadows: For a party, beautiful brown eyes need to be colored with blue, gray, bronze. For daytime makeup, it is better to use semi-translucent shadows in natural shades so as not to weigh down your eyes.

We discussed “hot” blondes, who in a past life were not blondes at all, but blossomed in exactly this color. Now let’s look at the true “blond beasts”, in which the hair color is most classically combined with crystal clear eyes.

Pure beauty: blondes with blue eyes

These girls look like angels. Nothing disturbs the perfect harmony of colors in their appearance. Light - to light: cold ash curls to cold blue eyes. They look like snow queens in their fragile transparent beauty. It must be said that these women are the real blonds, from birth.

The type of Russian woman is light brown blonde with blue or gray eyes. Scandinavian ladies, as well as German women, are also blue-eyed, but with lighter hair.

Anything suits blue eyes! The ideal option for emphasizing the beauty of crystal blue eyes is lilac, violet, bronze, silver and brown shadows. Blue shades of shadows give an interesting effect - the blueness of the iris seems to spill out beyond the eyes and they become even larger, like an endless sea.

Blondes' favorite lipstick is a delicate light pink, and for an evening out - a transparent pale red. But no one has canceled the classic - juicy red lipstick, which appears on an innocent porcelain face like a call.

Girls with emerald eyes

Green eyes shimmer and sparkle like precious stones. They shimmer in many shades. It is rare to see pure green eye color; usually it is a variegated mixture, including splashes of gold, brown, dark pearl and even blue. A blonde with green eyes, she is a mystery woman who does not reveal all her secrets so easily. The emeralds of her eyes can drive anyone crazy, and her blonde curls complement the look with a fresh and juicy note.

Blonde beauties with green eyes should not use blue and pink eyeshadow. Your emeralds will magically highlight golden, peach, plum, and purple tones. Variegated eyes (brown-green) will be decorated with rich green color. Lipstick for green-eyed blondes is caramel, light pink, peach or pale coral.

Dear readers, probably among you there are representatives of one of the three types of appearance. We will be glad if you share your makeup secrets. And watch a useful video on how to apply everyday makeup. Be beautiful!

Even if the blond strands are not natural, but highlighted, makeup for blondes with blue eyes is selected according to general rules that should be strictly adhered to. Any cosmetic products for the skin, eyes and lips should be selected in strict accordance with the type of appearance.

Makeup for blondes with blue eyes: 12 rules

There are unshakable rules of makeup, violation of which can lead to unpredictable consequences for your appearance:

  • Any makeup rests only on a basic foundation: the skin should be sufficiently moisturized, and the pores should be protected from foundation particles.
  • The purpose of using a foundation is only to hide defects and even out, so the foundation is selected only to match the skin tone. Any discrepancies even by half a tone can cause the face to turn into a rough mask.
  • Even in the evening it must be applied in moderation.

  • You should not mix cold and warm tones in your makeup: for example, orange lipstick and cold silver shadows do not go together.
  • Excess blush visually makes the face look older; Apply them also in moderation.
  • Both too thin and, on the contrary, densely drawn eyebrows look unnatural on the face. For daytime makeup, it is better to replace the eyebrow pencil with shadows that match the hair color. Black color is allowed only when your own locks are very dark; in other cases, eyebrow shadows should be gray or dark brown.

  • Black eyeliner not only looks too harsh, but also visually reduces the size of the eyes. Replace it with dark green, gray, gold, brown or blue. The top line in evening makeup can be drawn a little more clearly, and the bottom line is always shaded.

  • With a lip pencil, only their outline is clearly outlined. If you don't want to look vulgar, you shouldn't marry him.
  • Makeup should not be overloaded: highlight one thing, only the eyes or just the lips.
  • Rule 12 (most important). Don’t forget that in the 2017 season, naturalness is especially valued, so even in evening make-up, try to keep it in moderation!

Eyeshadow for blondes with blue eyes

Blue color has many shades. The main ones include:

  • classic blue: goes perfectly with medium-saturated shadows;
  • light blue: too dark shadows are strictly prohibited, otherwise the look will immediately lose expressiveness; they can be used to a minimum only as a contour;
  • deep blue: perhaps it is closest to blue; It is not recommended to “extinguish” this color with too light shadows;
  • grey-blue: eyes of this color can very easily change shade depending on the color of clothing and cosmetics; ideal makeup for blondes with blue-gray eyes - shadows slightly darker than the iris itself.

In fact, there are many shades of eyes, so it is simply impossible to fit them all into a standard classification. Plus, if, for example, light silver shadows from one manufacturer were ideal for you, then the consistency and density of cosmetics from another company may differ significantly. That is why at first try to purchase only samples. Through trial and error, over time you will find exactly the colors that suit you.

Advice! The color of eye shadow should under no circumstances match the color of the iris of the eyes. Otherwise, these colors will merge and the look will “float”.

Makeup based on skin type

The most suitable shades for blue-eyed blondes are:

  • gray or steel;
  • beige;
  • golden or peach;
  • lavender;
  • green.

Depending on the intensity of the color of blue eyes, only the saturation of the shadows changes from the lightest to the darkest. Lilac color also suits almost all blondes. However, you should be as careful as possible with it - if you have too much of it, your eyes will look red and tear-stained.

Owners of bluish “cold winter” skin need to use colors with an admixture of ash: steel, gray, ash rose, pearl or silver shadows. The eyeliner pencil is also selected in similar shades.

Summer skin types also have a bluish undertone, but it is less bright, so the cosmetics chosen are more muted. Representatives of “spring” skin with a slight golden tint are better off using cosmetics in peach or brown tones.

Advice! Luscious and sensual makeup is ideal for a romantic date. Bright colors are only good for a nightclub. For office makeup or daytime makeup for blondes with blue eyes, it is better to choose calm pastel shades.

Choosing the shade of mascara and eyeliner

Blondes with blue eyes should beware of too dark makeup. Stylists advise those with cold winter or summer skin types to choose mascara and eyeliner in gray tones, but “spring” or “autumn” girls need to opt for cosmetics in warm brownish shades.

It is necessary to combine colors with a shade of shadows. Very dark mascara and light shadows are nonsense. But they shouldn’t blend in color either. For example, light brown, golden shadows or pastel shades are selected for brown, bronze or copper mascara. Green mascara will be combined with silver or pearl shadows and eyeliner of the same color.

Advice! It is necessary to select a foundation only in natural or sufficient artificial lighting. After all, only in this case can one distinguish the smallest shades. To select the desired color, foundation is applied to the jaw line, not the crook of the arm.

Everyday make up step by step

The main emphasis in daytime makeup should be well-groomed and radiant skin, shiny, expressive eyes and luscious lips. A skillfully selected everyday make-up should only emphasize all these advantages, while not being conspicuous at all.

So, step by step makeup for blondes with blue eyes:

  • before applying it, the skin of the face must be lubricated with a moisturizer, and the lips with any suitable balm; their excess is removed with a napkin;

  • To make foundation look natural, it can be mixed with day cream; for the eye area it is selected somewhat lighter;

  • Apply a little powder on top of the foundation; for these purposes, use a large brush rather than a sponge;

  • circles under the eyes and pimples are additionally hidden with a concealer; it is applied only pointwise and carefully shaded along the edges;
  • blush is an essential component of even everyday makeup; without it, the face will look unnatural; for daytime makeup choose peach or bronze shades;

  • mascara is first applied to the ends, and only then distributed along the entire length;

  • You can slightly change the shade of blue eyes if you apply a thin strip of shadows of the desired color below, closer to the eyelashes;
  • arrows are most often not used for daytime makeup; if necessary, they are made as thin as possible;

  • It is advisable to apply lipstick with a small brush - this way it will go on smoother and last longer;

  • when using lipstick of a neutral shade, it is not necessary to draw a contour; but bright lipstick requires a clear contour, as close as possible to the main color; If you don’t have a similar shade on hand, it’s better to skip outlining your lips altogether.

Advice!You can visually enlarge your eyes with the help of light shadows and eyeliner, which is done only at the bottom. It is brought out slightly beyond the eye shape and slightly shaded.

Smoky Eyes for blue eyes

This term refers to the layer-by-layer technique of shading shadows and eyeliner - they should flow into each other as smoothly as possible, creating a light haze effect on the eyes:

  • first, using a pencil, arrows are drawn, gradually widening and slightly rising to the temples;
  • in smokey eye makeup, the arrows must be shaded with a very thin brush with a beveled edge;
  • shadows are traditionally used in 3-5 shades; they are applied only from the inner corner of the eyes towards the outer corner with a circular motion of the brush;
  • light shadows are applied under the arch of the eyebrows and in the inner corners of the eyes;
  • midtones are distributed in the center of the upper eyelid; they are also applied in the form of a very thin strip and under the lower eyelid;
  • the darkest shadows are located in the outer corners of the eyes;
  • the border of color transitions is very carefully shaded;
  • if you don’t have suitable colors at hand, you can use the following technique: first, dark shadows are applied, and then, to lighten them a little, they are mixed on the skin with flesh-colored powder;
  • mascara is applied last; We begin to paint the next layer only after the previous one has completely dried.

Evening makeup

Since artificial lighting slightly obscures facial features, evening makeup for blondes with blue eyes is more expressive. The stages of applying it are no different from daytime makeup:

  • First, the foundation and foundation are applied;
  • if necessary, use a corrector or concealer;
  • the arrows become a little more expressive;
  • shadows and eyeliner are selected in more saturated shades;
  • eyebrows are painted half a tone brighter;
  • Blush and lipstick, as well as eye shadow, should match your skin tone.

Advice!If you have close-set eyes, you can “pull them apart” a little using a special technique: pluck the eyebrows completely at the bridge of the nose, and then slightly extend their tips. On the contrary, with wide-set eyes, the eyebrows are drawn on at the beginning, and the inner corners of the eyes are painted over with dark shadows.

Wedding makeup

Wedding makeup is fundamentally different from both daytime and evening, so we’ll talk about it separately today. Of course, on this special day it is better to use the services of a makeup artist, but you must know exactly what kind of makeup you want to get in the end.

Naturally, it should ideally match the shade of hair, eyes and skin tone, the color of the outfit and the time of year. But that's not all. Wedding makeup for blondes with blue eyes, as well as makeup for brunettes or brown-haired women, should be:

  • more durable than evening or daytime and can withstand laughter, tears, kisses and long stays in a closed room stuffy with a large number of people;
  • brighter than daytime, but more gentle than evening - the bride should not look vulgar in the daytime, but also not fade under artificial lighting; wedding makeup should look perfect in the photo; in the case of a themed wedding, of course, “combat” intense coloring is allowed, but this is the exception rather than the main rule.

That is why a few days before the wedding it is better to do a trial makeup and capture it in a photo. It will help the makeup artist decide whether any changes will need to be made to it.

Lately, a lot has been written about blondes. A huge number of anecdotes, gags and theories. Some argue that blondes are obviously more attractive, others are of the opinion that brunettes are more passionate and intelligent, and blondes at the same time they are cold and have less intelligence. Which one, blonde or brunette?

The concept of beauty is very complex. Each historical era gave birth to its own idea of ​​beauty. True, blonde hair became popular and fashionable back in ancient times. Why did blondes turn out to be more attractive and desirable? The answer is probably simple - what kind of hair should a goddess of beauty have, no matter how golden. And so, the very first blonde is the mythical goddess Aphrodite. Ancient Greece – strict and noble beauty was in fashion. First of all, golden-haired blondes with blue eyes and white skin were valued.

In Ancient Rome, the cult of blondes, blond hair and fair skin also flourished. The wives of Roman patricians used whitewash to whiten their skin, skin care products, and milk. During their travels, in addition to their retinue, they were accompanied by herds of donkeys, in whose milk they bathed. The hair was rubbed with goat milk oil and beech tree ash. And then we sat in the sun for a long time, uncovering only our heads, to bleach our hair. At the same time, they put a special hat with a brim on the head so that the hair was open and the face was covered. Light blonde hair was considered the ideal of beauty.

During the Renaissance, a different understanding of beauty emerged. A special hair color, beloved by Venetians, is coming into fashion - golden-red. The value of hair was so great that if a beauty had dressed up in the most luxurious dress, adorned herself with gold and other jewelry, but had not put her hair in order, no one would have thought about her beauty. “A woman’s hair should be thick, wavy and long, its color should be like gold, or the burning rays of the sun,” as it is said in the treatise “On the Beauty of Women.”

Empress Eugenie, the wife of Napoleon III, was blonde, and the ladies of the court tried to imitate her in everything, even in hair color. It was then that the Parisian hairdresser Hugo found a means to bleach hair - hydrogen peroxide. And soon there was not a single dark-haired lady left at court. And even now this drug continues to turn women into blondes.

Where are blondes most often found? Of course, among residents of northern countries.

What determines the color of our hair? Hair color depends on the amount of pigments: eumelanin (black or brown) and pheomelanin (yellow-red) present in the hair. Their percentage ratio, as well as their density, gives a wide variety of color shades.

Light blonde hair can be divided into shades as follows:

1. very light, almost white blondes
2. linen
3. platinum blondes
4. golden
5. bright yellow
6. light brown (gray and yellow shades)
7. light brown blondes - (light brown color.)

The popularity of blondes became the reason for the creation of a whole series of hair dyes.

To bleach the pigment, a mixture containing alkali and hydrogen peroxide is applied to the hair. The alkali opens the hair scales and, combining with peroxide, provides an oxygen release reaction - the pigment is partially destroyed, and voids are formed in the hair. Now the hair is bleached, but at the same time weakened. Now they need to be filled with pigment again, otherwise they will be lifeless and dry, like tow. Next, the hair is tinted in the appropriate shade that the lady desired. When highlighting, the hair also needs to be tinted. This must be taken into account so as not to be left with lifeless hair in the future.

Nowadays there are many hair products and dyes that can help you become blonde. Besides the fact that there are preparations that not only lighten hair, but also fill it with new pigment, i.e. lighten and tone at the same time.

It is better to entrust hair coloring to a hairdresser. And after visiting the hairdresser, listening to the advice of the master.

After all, you can harm your hair yourself. Burnt hair is the result of a violation of dyeing technology. Unfortunately, not only you yourself, but also an ignorant hairdresser can burn your hair. Therefore, if you come to the master and he does not ask the question - when and how your hair was last dyed, and also does not warn about the possible consequences and results of coloring your hair, then you may have problems.

Even if everything is taken into account and the artist turns out to be the best, the coloring result may not be what the client would like. It is possible that your own pigment is too stable, or maybe the day before you were alarmed by something, and your physical condition is not the best at the moment, and taking medications can also affect the result, etc.

So, if you want to have hair color like Marilyn Monroe, you will have to try. It should be noted here that Marilyn Monroe's hair color is the merit of cameramen rather than hairdressers. And Marilyn Monroe's own hair was brown.

It is possible to become an absolute, perfect blonde without ruining your hair, but it will take time, patience and money. There is no way you can become blonde overnight.

As far as we know, texts and knowledge are very good, because knowledge is potential power, but the Internet is the Internet, and here you can’t live without photos and pictures, so in addition to the text, we will periodically add photos of blondes - the most beautiful blondes!

The most beautiful Blondes with perfect appearance

And these are the most glamorous blondes you can ever meet)))

I will not rank these delightful, beautiful, chic women by age, beauty, or popularity. Each of these actresses is beautiful in their own way, some have perfect and undeniable beauty, while for others, beauty lies in charisma and energy, and for others it is simply impossible to take your eyes off. But! Marilyn Monroe And Brigitte Bardot I’ll still put them at the top of the list, since it’s no good for them to hang out in the middle, and especially at the end of this post! Although, looking at these beauties, you will understand how multifaceted female beauty is, how diverse, unique and attractive it can be!

Brigitte Bardot– French actress Born 1934. If Marilyn Monroe is considered a sex symbol of America, then Brigitte Bardot is rightfully sex symbol of Europe. Brigitte not only an actress, but also a singer and public figure. This busty blonde ended her acting career at the age of forty to devote her life to protecting animal rights. Brigitte starred in forty films, but became the most popular among them "And God created woman". U Brigitte Bardot have a son Nicolas, who was raised by his father after the divorce.

Marilyn Monroe– American actress Born 1921, died when she was 36 years old. Merlin Monroe and after many years have passed since her death, and she died more than 50 years ago, she is considered the main sex symbol of humanity. No matter how many beautiful, charming actresses appear on modern screens, this diva will remain the main queen of blondes for a long time!

Abbie Cornish– Australian actress 1982 birth. Luxurious, chic blonde with brown eyes. I saw her in the mini-series "Klondike", in the film "We. We believe in love", and of course in "RoboCope". And because of the charms of this beauty, the actress’s marriage broke up Reese Witherspoon And Ryan Phillippe. Abbie Cornish had an affair with Ryan on the set of the film "War of Forces".

Alicia Silverstone- American actress Born 1976. Surely you know this beautiful blonde with huge green eyes. Alicia acts in films with 17 years old, and this actress also starred in the group’s videos Aerosmith and has been a model since childhood. WITH 1997 year this gorgeous blonde is happy with the lead singer of the group S.T.U.N., the couple's son is growing up Bear Blue Jarecki.

Amanda Seyfried– American actress Born 1985. This fatal blonde has a very extensive filmography, in which there are many leading roles, and all this despite her young age. Many people remember this beauty from films "Little Red Riding Hood", "Time", "Les Miserables". In her personal life, this blonde is not as successful as in the movies, but nevertheless, her main love is still ahead!

Brooke Shields– American actress and model Born 1965. This beautiful fair-haired actress is known for her scandalous roles. The fact is that she started acting very early, for example, one of the brightest films with her participation was the film "Lovely Child", where twelve-year-old Brooke Shields played a young corrupt girl who fell in love with an adult man. And even earlier, namely at the age of ten, the mother of this actress gave her consent to the shooting of her undressed daughter in a magazine. This actress prefers to dye her hair brown; she can be seen with blonde hair in the film "Bob the Butler". WITH 2001 the actress is married and is raising two red-haired daughters with her husband.

Cameron Diaz– American actress 1972 birth. Became famous after the release of the film "Mask". There in the role Tina Carline twenty-two year old Cameron simply magnificent. This slender blue-eyed blonde once dreamed of becoming a zoologist, but ended up becoming a model and then an actress! And very successful. Cameron broke her nose three times, twice while surfing and once on a glass door in her house. German, English and even Cuban blood flows in the veins of this beauty. Currently, the actress is married, but has no children.

Catherine Deneuve– French actress 1943 birth. This gorgeous brown-eyed blonde is known to many, because behind her 121 film roles! U Catherine has a daughter together with an Italian actor Marcello Mastroianni and a common son with the director Roger Vadim.

Cate Blanchett– Australian actress 1969 birth. I would call this blonde graceful, fragile and incredibly talented. Two Oscars ("Aviator" 2005, "Jasmine" 2014), three Golden Globe awards And three BAFTA awards("Elizabeth" 1998, "Aviator" 2005, "Jasmine" 2014). This actress was brought to the cinema by chance; she was invited to play a role as an extra in an Egyptian film. What are the paths of fate! The actress is married to a screenwriter Andrew Upton, the couple has three sons, the youngest of whom the actress gave birth to at the age of 39.

Charlize Theron– American actress 1975 birth. This blonde is truly luxurious and fatal, the beauty of this woman is perfect and flawless. Sherlize Theron was not afraid to play a flabby, ugly, corrupt woman, a serial killer in the film "Monster" and I was right - because I received a prize for this transformation Oscar. Life Theron was not cloudless; at the age of fifteen she witnessed a murder. Mother Sherlize killed her husband in self-defense. This charming blonde got into cinema by accident, and began her career as a model. Before you become famous Sherlize Theron It was very difficult both materially and morally. To get a role in a film "Devil's Advocate" the actress had to fight for her for three months and the same amount of time was spent preparing for the transformation.

Claudia Schiffer– German supermodel, actress 1970 birth. This blonde can rightfully be called one of the most beautiful women in the world. Claudia successfully married a film director Matthew Vaughn, and this wonderful couple has three children growing up - a son Caspar and daughters Clementine And Cosima Violet. Cosima Schiffer She gave birth at the age of forty.

Amber Valletta- American top model, actress 1974 birth. This blonde with green radiant eyes may be remembered from the film "Removal Rules: Hitch Method", where she got the role of the beautiful Allegra, whose heart the friend of the protagonist wanted to win. Amber married to a volleyball player, the couple has a son, Oden.

Amy Smart– American actress 1976 birth. This blonde has played fatal beauties more than once, and with just one glance the guys lost their heads once and for all. This was her role in the film as well. "Butterfly Effect", where Amy starred with Ashton Kutcher. But in the film "Adrenalin" this blonde surprised many by doing this with the main character right on the stadium field and all this in front of a stunned audience. At present Amy Smart married to a TV presenter Carter Osterhaus, the couple has a daughter born through a surrogate mother.

Amber Heard– American actress 1986 birth. This beautiful, bright, independent and proud blonde fell in love with the actor Johnny Depp. AND Johnny, who is 23 years younger than his beloved, he did Amber marriage proposal. And this despite the fact that with his past beloved ( Vanessa Paradis) the actor was inseparable for more than ten years. Amber And Johnny met on the set of a film "The Rum Diary", where the actor played a drinking journalist who arrived in Puerto Rico, and the actress played the unfaithful wife of a certain millionaire. Brilliant Amber Heard you can also see it in the movie "3 Days to Kill", there she reincarnated as a secret agent, a cold-blooded killer girl. In real life Amber Heard is bi, which she openly declared at a certain public event. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard broke up after a scandal, having previously spoiled each other's reputation.

Drew Barrymore– American actress 1975 birth. This pretty blonde has been acting in films since childhood, because this actress belongs to a large acting clan Barrymores. U Drew She had a difficult childhood - she smoked, drank alcohol and used cocaine. In the present tense, all addictions are in the past, the actress is divorced, and she has wonderful daughters growing up Olive And Frankie.

Diana (Diane) Kruger– German actress and model 1976 birth. This blonde seems tender, fragile and incredibly feminine, but this woman has a strong character. Talent, a lot of work and luck brought Diana to the pinnacle of success. If you want to watch this actress, then I will recommend the film to you "Unknown" where she starred Liam Neeson, as well as the film "Mr. Nobody", where she played opposite Jared Leto and she was a brunette! The tape will not leave you indifferent either "Inglourious Basterds". At 41, this actress gave birth to a daughter.

Gwyneth Paltrow– American actress 1972 birth. This blonde is an award winner Oscar for the main role in the film "Shakespeare in Love". The actress was married to a musician Chris Martin, with whom she broke up in March 2014. U Gwyneth daughter is growing up Apple and son Moses.

Heidi Klum– German supermodel, TV presenter and actress 1973 birth. This blonde is truly beautiful, luxurious and fresh, and all this despite her mature age and the presence of four children! With her second husband, a black singer Silom, this beauty met while pregnant with her first child - daughter Helen. Strength And Heidi They lived in perfect harmony for the time being, and nothing seemed to foretell trouble, but as often happens, star marriages rarely stand the test of time, because there are so many temptations around! After breaking up with Silom resilient blonde dated her bodyguard for two years Martin Christen, who, in the absence of his beloved, devoted all his working and free time to her four children. But this load is too long Martin couldn’t stand it, because he so wanted love and affection Heidi Klum, and she was constantly not around. And also Heidi the funniest costumes on Halloween: sometimes she will dress up as an ancient old woman, sometimes as a dissected corpse, sometimes as a giant rat, or even as a gorilla.

Hilary Duff– American actress 1987 birth. This petite blonde is only 157 centimeters, but despite this, her career is going uphill, besides this, Hilary sings, writes books and does charity work. From marriage to a hockey player Mike Comrie she has a son Luca Cruz.

Grace Kelly– American actress 1956 birth, died in a car accident when she was 52 years old. This beautiful, sophisticated, graceful blonde is a legendary personality. Born Grace in the family of a wealthy industrialist, in 24 years old she was already a famous actress Hollywood, and in 27 years old she married the prince Monaco Rainier III and left her acting career. U Grace Kelly left three children, her son is the current prince Monaco.

Gwen Stefani– American singer, actress and designer 1969 birth. This beautiful, cheerful blonde became known to us primarily thanks to the song " Don't Speak", which she performed as part of the group No Doubt. Much water has passed under the bridge since then, and Gwen there were many amazing albums and songs, the time came and the singer made a solo career. Besides Gwen successfully married and is the mother of three sons, the youngest of whom she gave birth to 44 years old!

Jane Fonda- American actress and writer 1937 birth. In their 80 years old this blonde looks absolutely amazing! Possessor two Oscars, four Golden Globes, two British Academy awards And one Emmy! Jane has adult children - a daughter Vanessa and son Troy.

Jennifer Aniston– American actress 1969 birth. This cheerful blonde became popular thanks to the series "Friends", where she played the role Rachel Green. Mostly this actress plays comedic roles and knows how to pull out even the weakest script with her charisma. Jennifer was married to Brad Pitt, with whom I broke up after filming "Mr and Mrs Smith" unfaithful husband had an affair with Angelina Jolie. To date Aniston dating an actor Justin Theroux, the couple is engaged. The whole world is waiting with bated breath for when Jennifer Aniston a baby will be born! But the years go by, and this opportunity is equated to zero, which greatly upsets the actress, although she states that children are not the most important thing in our lives.

Jessica Simpson- American singer, actress, television presenter 1980 birth. Not everything went smoothly in the life of this luxurious beautiful blonde, there were downtime in her career, a difficult divorce and depression, but Jessica pulled herself together and luck smiled at her again. At present Jessica Simpson married to an American football player Eric Johnson, the couple has two children growing up - a daughter Maxwell Drew and son Ace Knute.

Sarah Michelle Gellar– American actress 1977 birth. This pretty blonde is known to many primarily from the TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". U Sarah there were other projects, but this was the peak of her career. It is also worth noting several films with her participation - these are "Cruel Intentions", "Scream" And "I know what you did last summer". Not long ago Sarah Michelle Gellar starred in the film "Veronica Decides to Die", and according to fans, the actress coped with her role perfectly! At the moment Sarah married to Freddie Prinze Jr, the couple are raising a daughter Charlotte Grace and son Rocky James.

Scarlett Johansson– American actress 1984 birth. Did you know that this luxurious actress has twin brother? And besides this, Scarlett there are two more older brothers and an older sister. By the age of 30, this actress had participated in more than forty television projects. And it’s even difficult to single out any of them, because the face Scarlett We see her often, she is very popular and successful! At the mention of this name, almost all men smile mysteriously and cannot contain their delight remembering her rounded shape. But at the moment the heart of this actress Hollywood busy, Scarlett engaged to a journalist Romain Dauriac, A in 2014 the couple had a baby daughter Rose.

Sharon Stone– American actress 1958 birth. What adjectives are you ready to reward this blonde? Beautiful, luxurious, fatal, charming! Sharon starred in many films, but first of all, many viewers associate her with the film "Basic Instinct" where her partner was Michael Douglas. This actress has no biological children, but she adopted three boys.

Tara Reid– American actress 1975 birth. This luxurious blonde became famous in Hollywood after starring in the film "The Big Lebowski", and consolidated her success after filming in films "American Pie". But a great career Tara I didn’t make it and, alas, I didn’t become a leading actress. Although who said that everyone must become super popular and be born super talented? Someone has to star in stupid comedies too! Tara Reid She is currently married, but this actress has no children yet.

Chloe Moretz– American actress 1997 birth. This blonde is still very young, but by the age of seventeen she has managed to take part in more than 50 projects! And our most memorable and favorite movie was "Kick-Ass". What's interesting is that the actress has two older brothers, two of whom are gay.

Elle Fanning– American actress 1998 birth. Another young promising blonde Hollywood. You might have seen this beauty in the movie "Maleficent", "Super 8", "The Nutcracker and the Rat King".

Imogen Poots– English actress 1989 birth. This beautiful and gentle blonde with an unusual name has more than 30 television projects under her belt and many of them are very successful. But I’ve only seen her in two films so far, namely in "Centurion", where she played a girl expelled by a tribe due to false accusations of witchcraft and in the film “Chat”, where Imogen played one of the users stuck in a virtual network.

Lily James– English actress 1989 birth. You could see this aspiring blonde beauty in the series "Downton Abbey", where she played one of the main characters. Movie coming out soon "Cinderella" starring this actress.

Natalie Dormer– British actress 1982 birth. This charming blonde is best known to viewers from the series "Tudors", where she played the role Anna Boley and on the series "Game of Thrones", where the actress played the role Margaery Tyrell.

Elizabeth Banks– American actress 1974 birth. This gorgeous, sultry blonde Hollywood the same one Effie Trinket from "The Hunger Games"! . Before, I didn’t even know who was hiding under a ton of makeup in this role! Role Effie played brilliantly! A Elizabeth Banks even received a channel award "MTV" for the best transformation! But for the first time, many of us could see this actress in the series "Clinic", where she played a doctor who was expecting a child from the main character. The movie came out not long ago "Blonde on Air", and although the ratings for this comedy are not the highest, I really liked this film, and Elizabeth it's simply magnificent there. At the moment, this actress is married, but due to the fact that she was unable to get pregnant for a long time, Elizabeth decided not to delay the birth of the babies and asked the surrogate mother to carry them for her. Thus, Elizabeth Banks and her husband Max Handelman V 2011 son was born Felix, and in 2012 son Magnus. And despite the fact that Elizabeth she didn’t have to bear her babies herself; she played a pregnant woman several times in her life, which she did very well!

Kirsten Dant– American actress 1982 birth. This actress became famous thanks to the role Claudia– vampire girls in the film "Interview with the Vampire", where she starred with already famous actors by that time - Tom Cruise And Brad Pitt. Today, the sweet, hardworking blonde has a huge number of film works behind her, the vast majority of which are leading roles! It is also worth noting that exactly Kirsten Dant was the lover of the main character in all three parts of the film "Spider-Man".

Kim Basinger– American actress 1953 birth. This luxurious and sultry blonde has a lot of great films in her treasury, but many Kim remember it from the movie "9 1/2 weeks", where she starred as a fatal beauty Elizabeth. And although this film collected as many as three anti-prizes "Golden raspberry", it is still considered a classic of sensual cinema. On the set of the film "The Habit of Getting Married" 38 year old Kim meets 34 Alec Baldwin, the couple is getting married, and soon 42 year old the actress gives birth to her only daughter Ireland. Now Alec And Kim divorced and their daughter Ireland trying to make a career as a model.

Kate Hudson– American actress 1979 birth. Because of this fatal blonde, the actor Owen Wilson tried to commit suicide! Kate is the daughter of a famous Hollywood actress Goldie Hawn and singer Bill Hudson. But in fact, the father did not take part in raising his daughter; the stepfather took on this role - Kurt Russell. At the very Kate there are two sons, Ryder Russell from a musician Chris Robinson And Bingham from current boyfriend Matthew Bellamy.

Katherine Heigl– American actress 1978 birth. This beautiful blonde with brown eyes became famous thanks to her role as a doctor. Izzie Stevens in the series "Grey's Anatomy". Today we can say that most often Catherine starred in comedies such as "Big Wedding", "Very dangerous thing", "Life as it is", "A little pregnant", "Naked truth". All these comedies are somewhat of the same type, a light, carefree video for a Friday night. In this blonde's personal life, everything is much more interesting; she is married to a singer Josh Kelly, the couple has two charming adopted daughters - Nancy Lee(girl from South Korea) And Adelaide Marie(dark skinned babe from the state Louisiana). And in 2016, the actress gave birth to a son.

Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting– American actress 1985 birth. The main achievement as an actress for this chic, sultry blonde is participation in the series "The Big Bang Theory", where she plays a cute but stupid blonde - the neighbor on the landing of two physicist friends. The heroine of the series has one of them Penny A love affair arises from time to time. Interestingly, in real life these two dated for two years. Today the actress is married to a tennis player Ryan Sweeting.

Kate Upton– American model and actress 1992 birth. This busty blonde beauty is more of a model than an actress, but who knows what's in store for her. The beginning of her acting career has already been laid, this beauty already has three films under her belt, one of them is a completely successful comedy "The Other Woman", Where Kate played one of the main roles. The most amazing thing is that thanks to such plump things as Kate Upton, beautiful, plump, healthy girls can come back into fashion.

Kate Winslet– British actress 1975 birth. This gorgeous, buxom blonde can rightfully be considered one of the most beautiful and talented actresses Hollywood. For many viewers, she will forever remain Rose from the film "Titanic", but this actress has a lot of other very interesting roles. Here are the most popular films from Kate Winslet: "The Life of David Gale", "Shine of the Spotless Mind", "Reader"(award Oscar for best actress) "Magic Country". U Kate there are two sons - Joe Alfie Winslet Mendes(father is a director Sam Mendes) And Bear Blaze Winslet(born from current millionaire husband Ned Rocknroll).

Renee Zellweger– American actress 1969 birth. This cheerful, charming blonde is known to us primarily from the film "Bridget Jones's Diary", for the sake of this role, the thin actress gained thirteen kilograms in a very short time. Renee is the proud winner of the award Oscar, which she received for her supporting role in the film "Cold Mountain". But in the actress’s personal life, not everything is so serene, Rene there were many novels and even one marriage, but all this did not bring happiness to the woman. At the moment Zellweger dating a musician Joel Bramhall, and everyone who is not too lazy is discussing the unsuccessful plastic surgery of the unfortunate woman’s face Rene.

Reese Witherspoon– American actress 1976 birth. This beautiful, charming, sultry blonde is an award winner Oscar for the main role in the film "Walk the Line" where she played June Carter- second wife of the legendary country singer Johnny Cash. It is worth noting such films of this actress as "So it's war", “Water for the elephants!”, "Between Heaven and Earth", well, it's over "Legally Blonde"! Despite the fact that Reese Witherspoon very popular in Hollywood actress - she has three children! The two eldest (daughter Ava Elizabeth 1999 and son Deacon 2003 - were born from the actor’s husband Ryan Phillippe) and younger Tennessee James(from second husband - agent Jim Toth).

Pamela Anderson– American actress 1967 birth. This blonde became famous thanks to her huge silicone breasts. The first role that viewers remember was the main character in the series. "V.I.P", Where Pamela played Vallerie Irons– an unprofessional bodyguard for a security agency. But his acting career Anderson didn’t work out, perhaps she was cast in low-quality films because viewers were eager to see this girl’s luxurious body, and not her acting skills. Nevertheless Pamela Anderson has become one of the ero symbols all over the world. Thanks to her, thousands of girls acquired the same unnatural, huge silicone breasts. This fatal blonde is also famous for her scandals in her personal life. But, despite all this, Pamela has two wonderful sons from a musician Tommy Lee, the boys' names are Brandon Thomas Lee And Dylan Jagger Lee.

Nicola Peltz– American actress 1995 birth. This blonde was not blonde until recently, and has brown hair from birth, but this beauty probably decided that she would conquer Hollywood and the hearts of the audience will be much lighter having blonde hair than dark hair. Nikola is the daughter of a billionaire Nelson Peltz, who is currently married for the third time, thus thanks to the fertility of his father Nikola there are six brothers and one sister! It is not surprising that billionaires marry beautiful, charming models, and as a result they have beautiful children. This way beauty can stay with money. Many girls realized this, and now they are standing in line at the beds of the oligarchs. But here Nicole Peltz she won’t have to do this, and she won’t even have to get her roles through bed! This actress is young, but you might have seen her in "Transformers: Age of Extinction" and in "The Last Airbender".

Uma Thurman– American actress 1970 birth. This beautiful, luxurious tall blonde with an unusual name became known to the world thanks to the film "Pulp Fiction", where she played the role of the girl of a crime boss. And in two films "Kill Bill" Uma consolidated her success, and was forever remembered by the viewer as a woman who could always stand up for herself. Umu Thurman is rightfully considered the director's muse Quentin Tarantino. Gorgeous Uma was officially married twice, from her second marriage the actress had a daughter Maya Ray and son Levon Rohan, and in the third unofficial marriage this blonde had a daughter Rosalinda Arusha Arkadina Altalun Florence.

Michelle Pfeiffer– American actress 1958 birth. This graceful blonde is incredibly beautiful and attractive. It is difficult to list all the films in which she starred. I will mention only a few of those that I saw myself and which I really liked. First of all it's a movie "The Story of Us", in it Michelle starred with Bruce Willis. This is a film about a married couple who are on the verge of divorce, but love works wonders, and what seemed long lost forever can still be returned. The second film I would like to mention is called "One Fine Day", partner Michelle became in it George Clooney. This story is about a couple who met on the very day their children were late for an excursion. Watching this film, I admire this actress, it’s hard to take my eyes off her, she is so beautiful, elegant and talented! Years go by, but she is still charming. But Michelle At school I was a tomboy, a truant and a fighter! It’s amazing how often it turns out that talented actors upset their parents with their performance at school. What else should you know about Michelle Pfeiffer, is that she adopted a black girl named Claudia-Rosa, and then married to her second husband, the actress had a long-awaited son John-Henry.

Claire Danes– American actress 1979 birth. This blonde is not so much beautiful as she is talented! Before I saw the series "Motherland"(or "Stranger Among Our Own"), I was very cool towards this actress. IN "Romeo and Juliet" she didn’t seem pretty and feminine enough to me, but "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" Her role generally seemed ridiculous to me, this is not how I imagined my wife John Connor! But my opinion changed dramatically, and I saw in Clare amazing actress. If an actor can play love - real, ardent, passionate, forgiving and painful, this means that he can play everything else. How often do we see fake feelings on screens? The actors play people who have just met and are madly in love, but in reality everything looks as if their feelings had faded away ten years ago. Except for falling in love in the series "Motherland" the actress also played madness. In general, not in vain Claire Danes grabbed four "Golden Globes", two of them per series "Motherland". At the moment Claire Danes married to an actor Hugh Dancy, and the couple’s son is growing up Cyrus Michael Christopher Dancy.

Jennifer Lawrence– American actress 1990 birth. You most likely know this busty blonde from the movie "The Hunger Games", although there Jennifer was brown-haired. Here's the movie "Silver Linings Playbook", for which this actress received an award Oscar, I never watched it - the title scares me away.

Denise Richardson– American actress 1971 birth. In my opinion, this blonde is simply perfect in appearance, she is very beautiful. But I only saw her in one film, and it was the picture "Starship Troopers", though this beauty was still a brunette. U Denis have three daughters, two of them are natural ( Sam And Lola Rose from marriage with Charlie Sheen) and one adopted ( Eloise Joni). More Denis Richardson known for being bi.

Anna Nicole Smith is an American actress, supermodel and magazine cover girl. Anna Nicole was a notorious figure, a former stripper who suddenly became the wife of a 90-year-old billionaire. Pleasure and money rule the world! The fifth silicone breast size will remain in price for a long time, although this beauty had what she needed in her natural abilities. Unfortunately, the life of this blonde ended sadly, at the age of forty Anna Nicole Smith died of a drug overdose. But nevertheless, this actress still has a beautiful little daughter, who is already eight years old at the time of writing this article.

Naomi Watts- English-Australian actress 1968 birth. Another blonde actress on our long list. Although this actress is very popular all over the world, I noticed her only in a few films - "House of Dreams" And "Impossible", but many could see her in a popular film "Diana: A Love Story", Where Naomi played the princess Diana. I never would have thought in my life that Naomi Watts has topped various lists of the most beautiful and desirable women in the world more than once, but this is a fact! This actress has two sons - Alexander And Samuel from the actor Lev Schreiber.

Heather Graham– American actress 1970 birth. This blonde is very beautiful, she has everything in her appearance that will attract the attention of any, even the most sophisticated, man. No wonder the famous magazine "People" included this gorgeous woman on my list 50 most beautiful people in the world for 2001. Of the most famous films in which she starred Heather Graham, can be called "Boogie Night" (1997), "Scream 2" (1997), "From Hell" (1997), "Bachelor Party in Vegas", from the series this "Clinic". At the moment, the actress is not married, but this blonde is not trying to get into family ties.

Margot Robbie- Australian actress Born 1990. This gorgeous and one of the most beautiful blonde actresses in Hollywood is known to us thanks to the film "The Wolf of Wall Street". In this film, the actress played the wife of the main character, played by Leonardo DiCaprio. It is known that in life this Kasavita is not as slender as in this famous film; her figure was corrected using a digital program. But still, this actress is simply gorgeous!

Rosamund Pike– English actress 1979 birth. This charming blonde with green eyes 35 years old is just starting to gain momentum in her Hollywood career. Although, starting in 2002, viewers noticed this actress in the film "Die Another Day" where she played with Pierce Brosnan And Holly Berry. Since then there have been quite a lot of films in the filmography of this talented blonde, it is worth noting such films as "Pride and Prejudice", "Surrogates", "Jack Reacher"(starred with Tom Cruise), and of course "Gone Girl"- motion picture 2014. In the film "Gone Girl" Rosamund Pike revealed all her acting talent, played a thoughtful vengeful bitch who decided to take revenge on her unfaithful husband, while faking her disappearance and murder. Her partner in the film this time was a magnificent handsome man Ben Affleck. Despite being busy Hollywood Rosamund Pike is a mother two little sons: born in 2012 and 2012.

Rounding out our list so far is the Australian actress Mia Wasikowska, this beauty has Polish roots. The girl is really very beautiful, but directors prefer to shoot her without makeup in their films. Blonde Mia became famous thanks to the film "Alice in Wonderland", where the actress played a girl who finds herself in a magical land.

Blue eyes and blond curls are a truly gentle, seductive and incredibly beautiful combination. Young ladies with such an appearance only need to competently emphasize their beauty, and properly executed makeup can be a faithful assistant in this.

Choosing makeup shades for blondes with blue eyes

When choosing the optimal tones for your makeup, you need to familiarize yourself with the main rules for applying make up for blue-eyed seductresses, which will help you study. Blondes should opt for diluted watercolor shades: pearl, light blue, gray, soft purple, silver, lilac, pastel pink. For daytime make-up, you don’t need to get carried away with pearlescent glosses, while for an evening out they will be an excellent choice. It should be borne in mind that delicate blue-eyed beauties rarely suit turquoise and bright blue colors.

Blondes should not use black eyeliner, as well as black pencil for their eyebrows. It is best for such young ladies to use gray pencils, and for the eyebrows to select gray shadows or pencils. It happens that brown pencils also suit blondes with blue eyes, although many makeup artists do not recommend using them for everyone.

Blondes often have light, barely noticeable eyelashes. Black mascara will help solve this problem. However, in order to avoid an overly vulgar look, it is better to paint over only the tips of the eyelashes with black mascara. You should also be wary of blue mascara, so popular among blondes. She is certainly good, but only on young girls who have planned to go to a party. Older women are better off purchasing the classic version.

Choosing makeup according to your appearance type

When choosing the optimal make up, it is extremely important to take into account your type of appearance. Thus, blondes are usually divided into four main types. Each type has its own specific foundation, shadows, eyeliners, lipsticks and mascaras. So, there are blue-eyed blondes:

- With blonde curls from Mother Nature and pale skin; - With light skin tones, as well as with all known tones of light brown hair; - With ashy strands and pale skin; - With dark skin tone and different variations of blonde hair.

Based on this division, the following rules must be observed: if you are light-eyed, fair-haired and also light-skinned, then dark tones should not be used in your makeup. You should use only muted and calm shade options. This rule applies to both eyes and lips. Young ladies with warm notes in their image (brown hair, dark skin) are a little more fortunate, since they are not forbidden to use brighter, more noticeable, warm tones.

It should also be taken into account that blond strands can make the skin tone even lighter than it is. It would be nice to emphasize this golden glow of the skin with cosmetics in warm, slightly shiny tones. In this case, an excellent solution could be a liquid transparent foundation for future makeup with reflective particles, which will “illuminate” the skin.

Daytime makeup for blue-eyed blondes

Blonde-haired “blue eyes” will love the barely noticeable, natural Nude Look. It is he who is able to adequately emphasize all the grace and elegance of the image, and he will also give the appearance freshness and innocence. The main requirement of Nude makeup is a little makeup and no flashy heavy colors. Before you “put on” this look, make sure that your skin is perfect - without acne, rashes, unevenness, etc.

After the foundation is applied to the skin, it will become a little porcelain and doll-like. A light shade of blush can give a healthy glow. A darker shade of eyebrow pencil will make your look more expressive. For the eyes it is better to use one mascara, otherwise the image may turn out too bright and unsuitable for a daytime appearance. When choosing mascara, do not forget about the color type. Dark brown mascara suits the cold type, and black mascara suits the warm type.

If shadows are still involved in makeup, then the following tones are suitable: amber, peach or champagne shades. All of the listed tones will highlight not only the eyes, but also the radiant curls, as if visually illuminating the face.

Evening make up for blue-eyed blondes

Evening make-up requires your special attention. Girls with such an appearance can instantly turn into a plain-looking person who will be associated with a gray mouse. Also, do not forget about caution in using bright colors so that the image does not smack of vulgarity.

If you nevertheless decide to use bright colors, then you will only need to use mascara; in this case, it is better to forget about eyeliner. If we talk about the shadow palette, it may include the following tones: brown, dark burgundy, gold, light pink, dark blue, light blue. If shadows are not used, then you can draw graceful arrows.

Skin tone must be simply flawless. Blush in evening makeup should be barely noticeable. Well, the final touch will be the sponges. If arrows are chosen for going out, then you can apply juicy, bright lipstick, for example, red.

Makeup for blue-eyed blondes: photo