Global environmental monitoring. Environmental law of Russia Environmental monitoring of the state of the environment

The environmental monitoring system includes the following main procedures:

Definition of specific monitoring goals and objectives,

Definition of monitoring objects,

Collection of information and preliminary examination of monitoring objects,

Drawing up an information model of the observation object,

Development of an analytical monitoring program,

Development of technological regulations for individual measurement parameters for monitoring objects,

Taking samples and performing measurements,

Assessing the reliability of the results and documenting them,

Assessment of the state of the observation object and identification of the information model,

Adjustment of the information model and monitoring programs,

Forecasting changes in the state of the observed object, developing the necessary corrective measures.

Objects of monitoring: surface, underground and waste water, atmospheric air, industrial emissions into the atmosphere, soil, waste, biota, etc. For example, waste water is water discharged in the prescribed manner into water bodies after its use or received from a contaminated area.

When developing environmental monitoring programs and selecting monitoring objects, the following information is analyzed:

Information about background pollution of environmental objects;

Information on potential sources of pollutants entering the environment - on emissions into the atmosphere, discharges of wastewater into surface and underground water bodies and onto the terrain, on the introduction of pollutants and nutrients into the soil layer, on places of burial and storage of production and consumption waste, about possible man-made accidents, etc.;

Data on the transfer of pollutants and their possible transformation and accumulation in environmental objects, including data on the processes of landscape-geochemical redistribution of pollutants.

When developing monitoring programs, the following can be selected as objects of environmental monitoring:

Surface and underground waters (including those used for drinking water supply),

Atmospheric precipitation, snow,

waste water,

Atmospheric air (including on the territory of the industrial site, within populated areas),

Industrial emissions into the atmosphere (ventilation emissions),

Emissions into the atmosphere from mobile sources,

Soils and soils,

Bottom sediments,

Remains of vegetation,

Objects of the animal world (tissues of fish, mammals, etc.).

The selection of environmental monitoring objects precedes the determination of specific indicators to be identified in each of the monitoring objects.

Monitoring programs (background monitoring, monitoring of pollution of environmental objects, monitoring of pollution sources, monitoring in emergency situations)

To solve specific problems in environmental management, comprehensive short-term (for 1-2 years) and long-term (for 5-10 years), as well as separate targeted monitoring programs are being developed.

For each type of monitoring, based on the goals and objectives set, the target program defines:

Types and number of observations for each type of natural objects,

The list of harmful substances for which observations are carried out is

Frequency of observations, start and end dates of observations,

The number of stationary and temporary points (points, sites, posts) and their spatial reference to natural and industrial objects,

Timing and form of presentation of results, algorithms for their processing and areas of use.

Depending on the types of monitoring, the program may include various additional tasks:

During background monitoring - determination of the background concentration of a pollutant in environmental objects, trends in changes in background concentrations over time;

When monitoring objects of the natural environment - determining the degree of anthropogenic impact on the environment, assessing the ability of natural ecosystems to take on additional load, assessing the potential maximum impacts that will not cause irreversible changes in ecosystems, assessing the acceptability of environmental objects for various types of environmental use (human habitation, water intake, wastewater discharge, air emissions, waste disposal, etc.);

When monitoring sources of pollution - determining the contribution of each source to environmental pollution, checking compliance with established standards for maximum permissible impacts on natural objects (emissions, discharges, waste disposal, etc.);

When monitoring in conditions of accidents and emergencies - determining the real harm caused to the natural environment, predicting the directions of development of the emergency situation and developing measures for its localization and elimination, determining the volume of liquidation work (area of ​​the land plot subject to reclamation, etc.).

When developing programs for monitoring sources of environmental pollution and monitoring the environmental objects themselves, the list of indicators and frequency of observations depend on the list of standardized pollution indicators and on the permitted values ​​of gross emissions into the atmosphere, discharges into water bodies, and waste disposal. As a rule, monitoring of pollution sources is carried out in such cases for the purposes of industrial environmental control and is carried out according to a schedule agreed with government authorities at the stage of obtaining permission for the discharge of wastewater into water bodies, the release of pollutants into the air, and for the temporary disposal of waste .

When forming a background monitoring program, the main condition is the representativeness of the sample of values ​​(i.e., the length of the time series of observations), therefore observations under the background monitoring program should begin in advance of the start of economic development of the territory. The background concentration of a substance is taken to be a statistically justified upper confidence limit of possible average concentrations of this substance, calculated based on the results of observations for the most unfavorable meteorological or hydrological conditions or the most unfavorable time of year. When calculating background concentrations, one should take into account only those observation points for which there is data for at least 1 year - with a monthly or ten-day sampling system, for at least a two-year period - with 6-8 observations per year, at least over a three-year period - with 4-5 sampling times per year. The main condition is that observations were carried out for at least a year and the minimum number of points during the calculation period was at least twelve. The frequency of observations during background monitoring depends on the error in determining background indicators that is allowed when assessing environmental impacts. The list of background monitoring indicators is determined based on the profile of the proposed economic activity in a given territory.

When forming a monitoring program in emergency situations, the list of pollution indicators is determined by the nature of the accident and its potential consequences, taking into account the physical and chemical processes occurring in environmental objects during and after the accident. The frequency of monitoring depends on the scale of the accident, the speed of the processes occurring, the chosen technology for eliminating the emergency and its consequences. The monitoring program should be designed not only for the period of elimination of the emergency situation, but also for the period of liquidation of its consequences.

Thus, the target monitoring program for a waste disposal facility should include observations of the state of ground and surface water, atmospheric air, and soils in the zone of influence of the facility. The draft of such a monitoring program is agreed upon with state regulatory authorities. The monitoring system for a waste disposal facility should include not only instruments, but also special devices and structures - pits, wells, observation wells. In addition to the creation of observation structures, it is necessary to equip a control structure upstream of ground and surface water in order to determine the background values ​​of polluting indicators. In groundwater and surface water samples taken according to a schedule (for example, planned sampling is carried out once a week, unscheduled sampling - after heavy rain, during a flood, during a thaw, etc.), the pollution indicators provided for by the program are determined (based on the composition waste disposed at the facility), for example: ammonium ion, nitrates, nitrites, bicarbonates, chlorides, sulfates, iron ions, petroleum products, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), pH value, cadmium, chromium, lead, dry residue and etc. If in samples taken downstream a significant (several times) increase in the concentrations of the determined indicators is established compared to samples at control (background) structures, it is necessary to increase the sampling frequency and expand the number of determined indicators, as well as take measures to limit the entry of pollutants substances into groundwater to the level of maximum permissible concentrations.

The monitoring system for a waste disposal facility also includes constant monitoring of air quality. It is necessary to collect and analyze air samples quarterly on the territory of the facility and on the border of the sanitary protection zone. Pollution indicators characteristic of those types of waste located at the facility are subject to determination. The list of indicators and frequency of sampling are justified when developing a monitoring project. When analyzing atmospheric air samples, the list of pollutants may include carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, total hydrocarbons, methane, hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, benzene, etc. If, based on monitoring results, concentration values ​​are established that at least for one component exceed the maximum permissible values, measures must be taken that adequately take into account the level and nature of pollution.

In the zone of possible influence of the waste disposal facility, observations of the condition of soils and vegetation are carried out according to a separate program. For this purpose, soil quality is monitored by chemical elements included in the monitoring program; As a rule, these include general impurities, nitrites, nitrates, sulfates, petroleum products, and heavy metals.

The specifics of economic activity often predetermine the mandatory inclusion in all monitoring programs of an assessment of soil pollution with petroleum products. When oil and petroleum products enter the soil, profound changes occur in the chemical, physical, and microbiological properties of the soil, and a significant restructuring of the entire soil profile occurs. Due to the lack of legally established maximum permissible concentrations of petroleum products in soils, pollution is assessed by comparison with background values.

Soil pollution with oil and oil products is considered to be an increase in the concentrations of oil products to a level at which

The ecological balance in the soil system is disrupted,

There is a change in the morphological and physicochemical characteristics of soil horizons,

The water-physical properties of soils change,

The ratio between individual fractions of soil organic matter is disrupted,

The productive capacity of land is decreasing.

Potential sources of soil pollution are drilling sites, drilling and production pits, oil fields, flares, oil and gas pipelines, oil storage facilities, and ground transport.

A monitoring program for soil pollution with petroleum products may include visual observations, physical and chemical analysis, and biological analysis.

The essence of the visual method is to examine sources of pollution and their registration, a preliminary assessment of the degree of soil contamination and the state of vegetation. Instrumental monitoring is carried out at occasional and routine observation points. Episodic points are determined by the need to clarify a specific source of pollution; security points are installed at emergency spill sites. As such points, areas can be selected after backfilling of sludge pits and waste disposal, areas of active flares, oil reservoirs, as well as areas near populated areas, forests, and water bodies.

Local environmental monitoring is most developed in resource-extracting industries and the petrochemical industry. Existing hydrometeorological observations in large cities are carried out, as a rule, within the framework of federal monitoring.

Questions for self-control

1. Formulate a definition of local environmental monitoring.

2. Determine the purpose of local monitoring.

3. Determine the main and specific tasks of environmental monitoring of the enterprise.

4. Name the main directions of organizing observations of the natural environment.

5. Basic requirements for observations when developing programs for monitoring sources of environmental pollution.

6. Features of background monitoring observation programs.

7. List the main provisions of the monitoring program in emergency situations.

8. What are the indicators for monitoring a waste disposal facility?

9. Give examples of enterprises where it is necessary to monitor soil contamination with petroleum products.

8. The procedure for developing an analytical program and technological monitoring regulations

Monitoring programs are the basis for the preparation of specific analytical programs, which are developed separately for each unit carrying out environmental monitoring. If necessary, a consolidated analytical program can be developed for any level of information synthesis. Then technological regulations are developed for each object of analysis included in the analytical monitoring program.

The basis for the development of an analytical program is the terms of reference for monitoring, developed and approved by the environmental service of the enterprise. The assignment must clearly and unambiguously indicate:

Goals and objectives of monitoring,

Sources of financing for work, amount of financing,

Territory and time of monitoring,

Monitoring objects,

The specific contaminants and physical parameters to be measured during monitoring are

Specific forms of finding pollution indicators in environmental objects,

Forms for presenting monitoring results,

The procedure for processing and transmitting results.

Creating an analytical monitoring program in the general case involves performing work that can be divided into several stages (Table 3).

Table 3

Stages of execution of the analytical program

End of table. 3

Justification of the need to perform subcontracting work by other organizations List of subcontractor organizations and scope of observations performed
Calculation of costs for various options for implementing a monitoring system Cost calculation
Justification of the timing of transmission of monitoring data at various levels of management Draft regulation for the transmission of control data
Justification of the composition of data to be transferred to government management and control authorities List of data transferred to government agencies
Justification of requirements for archiving and summarizing information at the object level (forms of tables, storage periods, etc.) Draft instructions for maintaining archival documents at the monitoring site

If necessary, to prepare an analytical monitoring program, research organizations and analytical laboratories may be involved, which will participate in the monitoring. When drawing up an analytical program, the capabilities of environmental monitoring units are taken into account and the need to involve contract subcontractors in the work is determined.

The analytical program, agreed upon with the heads of the laboratories involved in its implementation, is approved, as a rule, by the environmental service of the organization.

The next stage of work is the development technological regulations for each object of analysis included in the analytical monitoring program. Technological regulations are developed directly by laboratories performing monitoring using standard forms. Technological regulations include all stages of work directly performed by the laboratory in accordance with the analytical program and procedures adopted in the laboratory, including:

Placement of specific observation points and sampling sites,

Determining the timing and frequency of observations and sampling,

Sampling and delivery to the laboratory,

Preparation of samples for analysis,

Carrying out analysis,

Documentation of results,

Confirmation of the reliability of the results, etc.

Standard forms of regulations are given in the form of tables for each of the monitoring objects.

As an example, a standard technological regulation for monitoring atmospheric air is given (Table 4).

Table 4

Technological regulations for monitoring air pollution with sulfur dioxide

Procedure for developing sampling programs

Technological regulations for carrying out monitoring observations related to the sampling of environmental objects for the purpose of chemical analysis must include sampling programs, which are formalized as an integral part of these regulations. When developing sampling programs, it is necessary to take into account the requirements regulated by regulatory documents. Special requirements for sampling tools for environmental monitoring are related to the need to ensure representativeness and reproducibility when sampling environmental objects, as well as the possibility of losing some information during transportation and storage of samples.

Current regulatory documents establish various requirements for sampling equipment. Thus, electric aspirators used for sampling atmospheric air and industrial emissions into the atmosphere must provide:

Continuous operation for 20 minutes,

Maintaining stable air flow during selection,

Sampling simultaneously through several channels,

Determination of volumetric flow with an error of no more than 5% for atmospheric air and 10% for industrial emissions into the atmosphere.

Special requirements are also imposed on devices for sampling soils, surface, underground and wastewater, bottom sediments, atmospheric precipitation, etc. When developing sampling programs, one should take into account the need to preserve various types of samples, features of sample transportation, follow the procedure for registering the sampling procedure in special acts, etc. .d. If all necessary requirements are not met at the sampling stage, the monitoring results cannot be considered reliable.

Thus, soil sampling is carried out twice a year: after the soil thaws in the spring and in the fall - before frost. The depth of sampling is 20-40 cm. For comparability of results, it is important that the timing and methods of sampling are identical. To study vertical migration - determining the depth of oil infiltration, other pollutants, the presence of intrasoil flow, the nature of the transformation of the soil profile - soil sections and “digs” are laid. The size of the reference cut is 0.8 x 1.5 x 2.0 m (respectively, the width of the short “front” wall, the width of the long wall and the depth of the cut). The incision is positioned so that the “front” wall is illuminated by the sun. A measuring tape is lowered into the section, along which the depth of penetration of the pollutant and the depth of each soil horizon are noted. The “front” wall describes the morphology of soil horizons (color, humidity, structure, density, mechanical composition, new formations, inclusions, the thickness of the plant root system, etc.), and marks the depth at which the soil boils from the addition of 10% hydrochloric acid acids.

Soil samples are taken first from the lower horizons and gradually move to the upper ones. One soil sample weighing 0.5-1.0 kg is selected from each genetic horizon. If the thickness of the genetic horizon exceeds 0.5 m, two samples are taken - from the upper and lower parts of the horizon, respectively.

In case of emergency spills of pollutants, soil samples are taken diagonally across the contaminated area every 8-10 m, starting from the edge. The contamination of the territory from the impact of the torch is controlled by taking soil samples every 500 m with a total length of up to 3 km, and in all other cases - along the perimeter of the site after 8-10 m, retreating from the border of the contaminated area by 10 m.

The network of security control points should be dynamic and reviewed annually, taking into account the results of analyzes and other information. The composition of indicators to be determined in soil samples is given in Table 5.

When developing a sampling program for natural and waste waters, it is necessary to take into account the provisions of GOST R 51592-2000 “Water. General requirements for sampling”, which regulates in detail the requirements for equipment for sampling water, determines the procedure and procedures for the preservation of samples, their preparation for storage, requirements for recording the results of sampling, the procedure for transporting samples and accepting samples in the laboratory.

Table 5

Main indicators for determination in soil samples

No. Indicator name Regime observations Episodic observations Availability of initial data for reclamation Completion of reclamation work
Contents petroleum products - - + +
Fractional composition of petroleum products + - - -
Soil moisture - - + +
Soil structure - - + +
Volumetric mass of soil - - + +
Total porosity - - + +
pH of salt extract + - + +
pH of aqueous extract + + + +
Humus content - - - +
Total nitrogen - - + +
Calcium and magnesium - - + +
Nitrates - - + +
Exchangeable sodium - - + +
Mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium - - + +
Chloride ions + + + +
Sulfate ions + + + +

End of table. 5

* + defined; - not determined; the content of petroleum products is determined by the ICS method

Questions for self-control

1. List the requirements for the terms of reference for drawing up an analytical monitoring program.

2. Describe the sequence of development of an analytical monitoring program.

3. Reveal the content of technological regulations for objects and analytical monitoring programs.

4. Features of sampling in various natural components.

5. Make a list of the main indicators to be determined in plant samples.

9. Ensuring the reliability of analytical monitoring data

To obtain reliable results of environmental monitoring and their compliance with the requirements established by legislative and regulatory legal acts and state standards, when designing and operating an environmental monitoring system, it is necessary to ensure compliance with metrological rules and regulations governing the use of measuring instruments, means of metrological support for measurements, auxiliary and testing equipment , application of measurement techniques.

The main requirement measuring instruments(hereinafter referred to as SI), used in environmental monitoring, is to conduct tests for the purpose of approving the type of measuring instruments (in accordance with PR 50.2.009-94 “GSI. Procedure for testing and approving the type of measuring instruments”). After receiving a positive test result, such measuring instruments are included in the prescribed manner in the State Register of Measuring Instruments (PR 50.2.011-94 “GSI. Procedure for maintaining the State Register of Measuring Instruments”). It should be borne in mind that a certificate for measuring instruments of the established type is issued for a certain period (no more than 5 years) and upon expiration of the period it is necessary to renew it.

A mandatory requirement for measuring instruments is periodic verification in accordance with the methodology developed at the testing stage of measuring instruments in order to approve the type of measuring instruments.

When operating an SI, it is necessary to comply with the scope of application established in the technical passport of the SI: both the durability of its operation and the reliability of the results obtained with its help depend on this.

Separate regulatory documents set the lower limit for the detection of pollutants in environmental objects - usually it ranges from 0.1 MAC (for soil) to 0.8 MAC (for atmospheric air).

Particular attention should be paid to compliance during the measurement process with the measurement error standards established by regulatory documents (GOST 27384-87 “Water. Error standards for determining indicators of composition and properties”, GOST “Nature conservation. Atmosphere. General requirements for methods for determining pollutants ", etc.).

Universal-purpose measuring instruments (spectrophotometers, polarographs, chromatographs, etc.) must be provided with certified measurement techniques (hereinafter referred to as MMI).

Special requirements are imposed on SRs containing sources of ionizing radiation. Such measuring instruments are subject to mandatory registration with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Health of Russia at the place of operation of the measuring instruments, and the operation of such measuring instruments is prohibited without obtaining a license from Gosatomnadzor of Russia.

Auxiliary laboratory equipment includes devices and devices that are not used directly to obtain an analytical signal, but are used in the process of sampling and preparing them for analysis: means for recording the analytical signal that are not part of the measuring instruments (potentiometers, plotters, etc. ), devices for providing the necessary measurement conditions (ventilation equipment, transformers, etc.), laboratory centrifuges, rotary evaporators, equipment for producing distilled or deionized water, filter units, etc.

In the absence of mandatory regulatory requirements for auxiliary laboratory equipment, the desired characteristics include durability, operational reliability, low water and energy consumption, ease of installation, absence of side effects during operation (extreme noise, vibration, electrical interference, etc.), compactness, safety for personnel.

Requirements for testing equipment (i.e., equipment that reproduces any external influences on the test or analyzed sample or sample, if the magnitudes of these influences are determined in the measurement or testing procedures, and indicating the error in measuring such influences) are quite clearly formulated in GOST R 8.568-96. An example of external influences reproduced using testing equipment is heating a sample (reaction mixture) at a certain temperature and humidity, irradiation with ultraviolet radiation of a certain wavelength, etc.

Mandatory test equipment requirements include:

Availability of an approved methodology for certification of each unit of testing equipment,

Timely conduct of certification and registration of its results in the form of an act;

The presence in the testing equipment of measuring instruments that allow monitoring the parameters of external influences during testing.

When performing environmental monitoring work, the metrological measurement equipment is subject to the same requirements as the measuring instruments that are formulated in GOST R 8.315-97 “Standard samples of the composition and properties of substances. The procedure for manufacturing, certification and use."

The means of metrological support for eco-analytical control include: standard samples (of composition or properties of a substance), certified mixtures, comparison standards, calibration gas mixtures, various generators (for example, thermal diffusion, “zero” air generators, etc.) and diluents (dynamic) of gaseous substances, sources of microflows of media, etc.

Calibration gas mixtures (CGMs) and reference samples (RMS) must be entered into the appropriate section of the State Register of Measurements; specific copies of the CGM and RM must not have an expired expiration date; it is unacceptable to use RM or ASG with an expired RM type approval. Each copy of the RM must be properly labeled, etc.

It should be noted that without metrological support, obtaining reliable data from eco-analytical control is impossible.

When performing measurements for the purposes of environmental monitoring, the use of only certified methods (MVI) is allowed. The norm establishing a restriction on the use of only certified measurement techniques in the field of environmental protection is contained in Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”. Specific requirements for the development, certification and use of MVI are set out in GOST R 8.563-96 “GSI. Methods for performing measurements."

The production premises of the laboratory must comply with established sanitary and hygienic standards

By illumination (according to SNiP 23-05-95);

By air humidity and temperature (according to SanPiN;

In terms of noise and vibration levels (SN 2.2.412-1);

According to the air quality of the working area (according to SanPiN

It is also necessary to monitor the conditions for performing measurements described in specific measurement techniques (temperature, illumination, humidity, etc.) and related to the specific operation of certain types of measuring instruments.

The production area must be sufficient for the normal work of analysts (at a rate of 12 m 2 per analyst), for the placement of storage facilities, for receiving and preparing samples, for processing the results of analyzes and measurements.

In the production premises of laboratories, separate rooms should be allocated for the weighing room, for the distiller, for analytical instruments, for storing reagents and solvents, and for eating.

Rooms for receiving samples and preparing samples for analysis must be equipped with effective exhaust ventilation. At the same time, the operation of exhaust ventilation should not affect the operation of weighing equipment, analytical instruments and other equipment.

The laboratory must ensure control over the microclimate parameters in the premises, the air quality of the working area and the level of harmful physical parameters. The laboratory must be provided with the necessary controls.

It is necessary to comply with electrical safety requirements, grounding of measuring instruments and laboratory equipment. The grounding resistance is measured annually, and the measurement results are documented in a corresponding document.

Laboratory personnel directly performing tests must be provided with personal protective equipment (safety glasses, aprons, gowns, gloves, etc.). It is necessary to comply with fire safety requirements in the laboratory.

Access of unauthorized persons to the laboratory premises should be limited.

Metrological support of measurements

Mandatory requirements for the results of environmental monitoring:

· measurement results must be expressed in established units of physical quantities;

· the error of each result must be known;

· the error of the results should not exceed the established error standards.

The last two requirements actually establish requirements for the reliability of the results. The reliability of monitoring results is ensured by a system of metrological measurements, the components of which are internal laboratory control and external control over the activities of monitoring laboratories.

Intra-laboratory control procedures are regulated by the Quality Manual and internal instructions of the laboratory.

The quality of laboratory results is ensured by:

Quality control system;

Organizational structure of the organization;

Highly qualified personnel;

Material and technical equipment;

Methodological and metrological equipment;

Regular monitoring of the head of the laboratory and group leaders, performers over the fulfillment of the requirements of regulatory documents for chemical analysis and measurement procedures, over the correctness of calculations, filling out work logs and protocols of analyzes and measurements;

Participation of the laboratory in interlaboratory comparison experiments;

External control.

Intra-laboratory control procedures include:

Monitoring the availability of updated RD for the composition and methods of chemical analysis;

Monitoring the correct application of ND and compliance with the procedures provided for by the relevant MVI;

Quality control of performers’ work with relevant administrative conclusions;

Operational control of quality indicators of CA results,

Statistical control,

Intralaboratory control using encrypted samples (analysis by two independent methods), etc.;

Interlaboratory comparison experiments;

External control.

The procedure for internal control of the quality assurance system for chemical equipment is carried out in accordance with MI 2335-95 “Recommendations of the SSI. Internal quality control of the results of chemical analysis", RD 52.24.66-85 MU "System for monitoring the accuracy of measurement results of pollution indicators of the controlled environment" and other industry documents on the procedure for organizing and conducting internal control.

Working samples are subjected to operational control of convergence using analysis methods in accordance with technological regulations for certain types of measurements and chemical analysis. Operational control of the accuracy of the QCA results is carried out in accordance with the criteria determined during the certification of methods using standard samples, additive methods, etc. Operational control of reproducibility is carried out by comparing the results of chemical analysis obtained using another standardized or certified analysis method. The results of operational control are recorded in the work logs of the performers.

Operational quality control of chemical and chemical equipment carried out by the contractor performs the functions of preventive control and serves to take prompt measures when the error of control measurements does not meet control standards. Operational control is carried out every time during the chemical analysis for a prompt response to the chemical analysis process.

Control methods are an integral part of each analysis method used in the laboratory, and control standards are established in the methods of chemical analysis or in the methods recommended by MI 2335-95.

Operational control is also carried out when equipment is changed, when it is out of repair, when new reagents are used, etc.

If the discrepancies exceed the control standards, then the measurements are repeated. If the re-measured value is not within the established tolerance, analysis using this method is stopped until the reasons that caused the excess of the standards are identified. If necessary, the work is transferred to another performer or another analysis method (technique) is chosen.

Internal control on encrypted samples is carried out in order to assess the real quality of the chemical analysis of working samples performed over a controlled period, the quality of the performers’ work and the effective management of this quality. Internal control is based on comparison of primary and control test results with the standards permitted by regulatory documents.

Internal control is organized by the heads of departments (groups). It is carried out by analysis of encrypted samples by performers or analysis carried out by two independent methods. The group leaders discuss the results of intra-laboratory control with the performers, evaluate the quality of their work and the correctness of the chemical analysis, and record the results in the intra-laboratory control log.

The frequency of intra-laboratory control is at least once a quarter.

If necessary, department heads take corrective measures:

Checking the serviceability of equipment;

Checking the reagents used, standard solutions, samples, etc.;

Checking the compliance of chemical analysis objects with chemical analysis methods.

If a cause of discrepancy is discovered, measures are taken to eliminate it.

Quality control of the QCA results when introducing new methods or existing ones in relation to new QCA objects is carried out using standard samples in accordance with MI 2335. If positive results are obtained after the above quality control procedures, an act of introducing the new MVI in the laboratory is drawn up. The head of the laboratory determines a group of performers working according to this method and appoints someone responsible for the timely implementation of the accuracy control procedure. If negative results are obtained, consultations are held with the developers of this MVI.

Quality control of the QCA results when changing equipment or when it is out of repair is carried out using standard samples, comparing the QCA results obtained on another device with another certified MVI.

For the correct organization and documentation of intra-laboratory control, technological maps can be developed, which include (Table 6): the name and designation of the measurement technique, the controlled metrological characteristic (convergence of results of parallel determinations, stability of the calibration characteristic, reproducibility of measurement results, measurement error, etc. .), a link to a document regulating control procedures, the value of the control standard, the frequency of control, and the method of documenting control results.

Indeed, many and almost countless observations of changes and phenomena that occur in the air ... were made by natural scientists and ... reported to the scientific world, so that one could rely on deliberate authenticity in predicting the weather ...
M.V. Lomonosov. “A Word about Aerial Phenomena, Occurring from Electrical Force”

General concepts

In various types of scientific and practical human activity, the method of observation has long been used - a method of cognition based on a relatively long-term, purposeful and systematic perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. Brilliant examples of organizing observations of the natural environment were described back in the first century AD in the “Natural History” of Gaius Secundus Pliny (the elder). Thirty-seven volumes containing information on astronomy, physics, geography, zoology, botany, agriculture, medicine, history, served as the most complete encyclopedia of knowledge until the Middle Ages.

Much later, already in the 20th century, the term arose in science monitoring to determine a system of repeated targeted observations of one or more elements of the natural environment in space and time.

In recent decades, society has increasingly used information about the state of the natural environment in its activities. This information is needed in people’s daily lives, in housekeeping, in construction, and in emergency situations - to warn about impending dangerous natural phenomena. But changes in the state of the environment also occur under the influence of biosphere processes associated with human activity. Determining the contribution of anthropogenic changes presents a specific challenge.

In accordance with the now canonical definition, environmental monitoring -an information system for observing, assessing and forecasting changes in the state of the environment, created to highlight the anthropogenic component of these changes against the background of natural processes.

Fig.1. Block diagram of the monitoring system

The environmental monitoring system must accumulate, systematize and analyze information:

  • about the state of the environment;
  • about the causes of observed and probable changes in condition (i.e., about sources and factors of influence);
  • about the admissibility of changes and loads on the environment as a whole;
  • about existing biosphere reserves.

Thus, the environmental monitoring system includes observations of the state of elements of the biosphere and observations of sources and factors of anthropogenic impact.

State report "On the state of the natural environment in the Russian Federation in 1995." defines environmental monitoring in the Russian Federation How a set of observations, assessments, forecasts carried out according to scientifically based programs and recommendations and options for management decisions developed on their basis, necessary and sufficient to ensure management of the state of the natural environment and environmental safety.

In accordance with the above definitions and the functions assigned to the system, monitoring includes three main areas of activity:

  • monitoring impact factors and environmental conditions;
  • assessment of the actual state of the environment;
  • forecast of the state of the natural environment and assessment of the predicted state.

It should be taken into account that the monitoring system itself does not include environmental quality management activities, but is a source of information necessary for making environmentally significant decisions. Term control, often used in Russian-language literature to describe the analytical determination of certain parameters (for example, monitoring the composition of atmospheric air, monitoring the water quality of reservoirs), should be used only in relation to activities that involve the adoption of active regulatory measures.

The Dictionary of Nature Conservation defines environmental control as follows:

Environmental control -activities of government bodies, enterprises and citizens to comply with environmental standards and regulations. There are state, industrial and public environmental control.

The legislative framework for environmental control is regulated by Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection"

Article 68. Objectives of environmental control.

1. Environmental control sets as its objectives: monitoring the state of the environment and its changes under the influence of economic and other activities; verification of the implementation of plans and measures for nature protection, rational use of natural resources, improvement of the natural environment, compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation and environmental quality standards.

2. The environmental control system consists of a state service for monitoring the state of the natural environment, state, industrial, and public control.

Thus, in environmental legislation, the state monitoring service is actually defined as part of the overall environmental control system.

Classification of environmental monitoring

There are different approaches to the classification of monitoring (by the nature of the tasks being solved, by levels of organization, by the natural environments being monitored). Reflected in Fig. Classification 2 covers the entire block of environmental monitoring, monitoring the changing abiotic component of the biosphere and the response of ecosystems to these changes. Thus, environmental monitoring includes both geophysical and biological aspects, which determines a wide range of research methods and techniques used in its implementation.

Fig.2. Classification of environmental monitoring

Global Environmental Monitoring System

Today, the network of observations of sources of impact and the state of the biosphere already covers the entire globe. The Global Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) was created through the joint efforts of the world community (the main provisions and goals of the program were formulated in 1974 at the First Intergovernmental Monitoring Meeting). The priority task was recognized organization of monitoring of environmental pollution and the impact factors causing it.

The monitoring system is implemented at several levels, which correspond to specially developed programs:

  • impact (study of strong impacts on a local scale in-I);
  • regional (manifestation of problems of migration and transformation of pollutants, joint impact of various factors characteristic of the regional economy - R);
  • background (on the basis of biosphere reserves, where any economic activity is excluded - F).

Table 1. Classification of pollutants by priority classes adopted in the GSMS system

Class Pollutant Wednesday Program type
(monitoring level)
1 Sulfur dioxide, suspended particles Air I, R, F
Radionuclides Food I, R
2 Ozone 1 Air I(troposphere),
F (stratosphere)
Organochlorines and dioxins Biota, man I, R
Cadmium Food, water, man AND
3 Nitrates, nitrites Water, food AND
Nitrogen oxides Air AND
4 Mercury Food, water I, R
Lead Air, food AND
Carbon dioxide Air F
5 Carbon monoxide Air AND
Petroleum hydrocarbons sea ​​water R, F
6 Fluorides Fresh water AND
7 Asbestos Air AND
Arsenic Baking soda AND
8 Microbiological contamination Food I, R
Reactive contaminants Air AND

An impact monitoring program can be aimed, for example, at studying the discharges or emissions of a particular enterprise. The subject of regional monitoring, as its name suggests, is the state of the environment within a particular region. Finally, background monitoring, carried out within the framework of the international program "Man and the Biosphere", aims to record the background state of the environment, which is necessary for further assessments of the levels of anthropogenic impact.

Observation programs are formed according to the principle of selecting priority (subject to priority determination) pollutants and integral (reflecting a group of phenomena, processes or substances) characteristics. The priority classes of pollutants, established by experts and adopted in the GSMS system, are given in Table 1.

Determining priorities when organizing monitoring systems depends on the goals and objectives of specific programs: for example, on a territorial scale, priority of state monitoring systems is given to cities, drinking water sources and fish spawning grounds; With regard to observation environments, atmospheric air and fresh water deserve priority attention. The priority of ingredients is determined taking into account criteria reflecting the toxic properties of pollutants, the volume of their release into the environment, the characteristics of their transformation, the frequency and magnitude of the impact on humans and biota, the possibility of organizing measurements and other factors. Appendix 1 provides information on the sources and characteristic factors of possible impacts.

Of great importance in organizing rational environmental management is the study of environmental management problems at the global, regional and local levels, as well as assessment of the quality of the human environment in specific territories, in ecosystems of various ranks.

Monitoring is a system of observations, assessments and forecasts that allows us to identify changes in the state of the environment under the influence of anthropogenic activities.

Along with the negative impact on nature, a person can also have a positive impact as a result of economic activity.

The monitoring includes:

monitoring changes in environmental quality and factors affecting the environment;

assessment of the actual state of the natural environment;

forecast of changes in environmental quality.

Observations can be carried out based on physical, chemical and biological indicators; integrated indicators of the state of the environment are promising.

Types of monitoring. There are global, regional and local monitoring. (What is the basis for such a distinction?)

Global monitoring allows us to assess the current state of the entire natural system of the Earth.

Regional monitoring is carried out at the expense of the system’s stations, which receive information about territories subject to anthropogenic influence.

Rational use of natural resources is possible with the availability and correct use of information provided by the monitoring system.

Environmental monitoring is a system for observing, assessing and forecasting changes in the state of the environment under the influence of anthropogenic impact.

Monitoring objectives are:

Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the state of air, surface water, climate change, soil cover, flora and fauna, control of wastewater and dust and gas emissions at industrial enterprises;

Drawing up a forecast about the state of the environment;

Informing citizens about changes in the environment.

Forecast and forecasting.

What is forecasting and forecasting? During different periods of social development, methods of studying the environment changed. Forecasting is currently considered one of the most important “tools” for environmental management. Translated into Russian, the word “forecast” means foresight, prediction.

Therefore, a forecast in environmental management is a prediction of changes in natural resource potential and needs for natural resources on a global, regional and local scale

Forecasting is a set of actions that allow us to make judgments regarding the behavior of natural systems and are determined by natural processes and the impact of humanity on them in the future.

The main goal of the forecast is to assess the expected response of the natural environment to direct or indirect human impact, as well as to solve problems of future rational environmental management in connection with the expected conditions of the natural environment.

In connection with the revaluation of the value system, the change from technocratic thinking to ecological, changes are also taking place in forecasting. Modern forecasts should be made from the standpoint of universal human values, the main ones of which are man, his health, the quality of the environment, and the preservation of the planet as a home for humanity. Thus, attention to living nature and to people makes forecasting tasks environmental.

Types of forecasts. Based on the lead time, the following types of forecasts are distinguished: ultra-short-term (up to a year), short-term (up to 3-5 years), medium-term (up to 10-15 years), long-term (up to several decades in advance), ultra-long-term (for millennia and more). -more forward). The lead time of the forecast, i.e. the period for which the forecast is given, can be very different. When designing a large industrial facility with a service life of 100–120 years, it is necessary to know what changes in the natural environment may occur under the influence of this facility in 2100–2200. No wonder they say: “The future is controlled from the present.”

Based on territory coverage, global, regional, and local forecasts are distinguished.

There are forecasts in specific branches of science, for example geological and meteorological forecasts. In geography - a complex forecast, which many consider general scientific.

The main functions of monitoring are quality control of individual components of the natural environment and identification of the main sources of pollution. Based on monitoring data, decisions are made to improve the environmental situation, new treatment facilities are built at enterprises that pollute the land, atmosphere and water, forest cutting systems are changed and new forests are planted, soil-protective crop rotations are introduced, etc.

Monitoring is most often carried out by regional hydrometeorological service committees through a network of points conducting the following observations: surface meteorological, heat balance, hydrological, marine, etc.

For example, monitoring of Moscow includes constant analysis of the content of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide, the amount of nitrogen oxides, ozone and dust. Observations are carried out by 30 stations operating in automatic mode. Information from sensors located at stations flows to the information processing center. Information about exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of pollutants is sent to the Moscow Committee for Environmental Protection and the capital government. Industrial emissions from large enterprises and the level of water pollution in the Moscow River are automatically monitored.

There are currently 344 water monitoring stations in the world in 59 countries, which form a global environmental monitoring system.

Environmental monitoring

Monitoring(lat. monitor observing, warning) - a comprehensive system of observations, assessment and forecast of changes in the state of the biosphere or its individual elements under the influence of anthropogenic influences

Main monitoring tasks:

monitoring sources of anthropogenic impact; monitoring the state of the natural environment and the processes occurring in it under the influence of anthropogenic factors;

forecasting changes in the natural environment under the influence of anthropogenic factors and assessing the predicted state of the natural environment.

Classifications of monitoring based on characteristics:

Control methods:

Bioindication - detection and determination of anthropogenic loads by the reactions of living organisms and their communities to them;

Remote methods (aerial photography, sensing, etc.);

Physico-chemical methods (analysis of individual samples of air, water, soil).

environment. This system is administered by UNEP, the UN's special environmental body.

Types of monitoring. Based on the scale of generalization of information, they are distinguished: global, regional, impact monitoring.

Global monitoring- this is monitoring global processes and phenomena in the biosphere and making a forecast of possible changes.

Regional monitoring covers individual regions in which processes and phenomena are observed that differ from natural ones in nature or due to anthropogenic impact.

Impact monitoring is carried out in particularly hazardous areas directly adjacent to sources of pollutants.

Based on the methods of monitoring, the following types of monitoring are distinguished:

Biological (using bioindicators);

Remote (aviation and space);

Analytical (chemical and physico-chemical analysis).

The objects of observation are:

Monitoring of individual environmental components (soil, water, air);

Biological monitoring (flora and fauna).

A special type of monitoring is basic monitoring, i.e. monitoring the state of natural systems that are practically not affected by regional anthropogenic impacts (biosphere reserves). The purpose of basic monitoring is to obtain data with which the results obtained by other types of monitoring are compared.

Control methods. The composition of pollutants is determined by methods of physical and chemical analysis (in air, soil, water). The degree of sustainability of natural ecosystems is determined by the bioindication method.

Bioindication is the detection and determination of anthropogenic loads by the reactions of living organisms and their communities to them. The essence of bioindication is that certain environmental factors create the possibility of the existence of a particular species. The objects of bioindication research can be individual species of animals and plants, as well as entire ecosystems. For example, radioactive contamination is determined by the condition of coniferous trees; industrial pollution - for many representatives of soil fauna; Air pollution is very sensitive to mosses, lichens, and butterflies.

Species diversity and high numbers or, conversely, the absence of dragonflies (Odonata) on the shore of a reservoir indicate its faunal composition: many dragonflies - the fauna is rich, few - the aquatic fauna is poor.

If lichens disappear on tree trunks in a forest, it means there is sulfur dioxide in the air. Only in clean water are caddisfly larvae (Trichoptera) found. But the small scale worm (Tubifex), the larvae of chironomids (Chironomidae) live only in heavily polluted water bodies. Slightly polluted water bodies are home to many insects, green single-celled algae, and crustaceans.

Bioindication makes it possible to timely identify a level of pollution that is not yet dangerous and take measures to restore the ecological balance of the environment.

In some cases, the bioindication method is preferred because it is simpler than, for example, physicochemical methods of analysis.

Thus, English scientists discovered several molecules in the liver of flounder - indicators of pollution. When the total concentration of life-threatening substances reaches critical values, a potentially carcinogenic protein begins to accumulate in liver cells. Its quantitative determination is simpler than chemical analysis of water and provides more information about its danger to human life and health.

Remote methods are used mainly for global monitoring. For example, aerial photography is an effective method for determining the extent and extent of pollution during an oil spill at sea or on land, such as a tanker accident or a pipeline rupture. Other methods do not provide comprehensive information in these extreme situations.

OKB im. Ilyushin, the aircraft builders of the Lukhovitsky plant designed and built the Il-10Z, a unique aircraft to perform almost any task of state environmental and land monitoring. The aircraft is equipped with control, measuring and telemetric equipment, a satellite navigation system (CPS), a satellite communication system, and an interactive on-board and ground-based measuring and recording complex. The aircraft can fly at altitudes from 100 to 3000 m, stay in the air for up to 5 hours, consumes only 10-15 liters of fuel per 100 km and carries two specialists on board in addition to the pilot. The new Il-103 aircraft of the Aviation Center for Special Environmental Purposes, based at the Myachikovo airfield near Moscow, perform remote monitoring for environmentalists, aviation forest protection, emergency services and oil and gas pipeline transport.

Physicochemical methods are used to monitor individual components of the natural environment: soil, water, air. These methods are based on the analysis of individual samples.

Soil monitoring involves determining acidity, humus loss, and salinity. Soil acidity is determined by the pH value in aqueous soil solutions. The pH value is measured using a pH meter or potentiometer. Humus content is determined by the oxidability of organic matter. The amount of oxidizing agent is assessed by titrimetric or spectrometric methods. Soil salinity, i.e., the content of salts in them, is determined by the value of electrical conductivity, since it is known that salt solutions are electrolytes.

Water pollution is determined by chemical (COD) or biochemical (BOD) oxygen consumption - this is the amount of oxygen spent on the oxidation of organic and inorganic substances contained in contaminated water.

Atmospheric pollution is analyzed by gas analyzers, which provide information about the concentration of gaseous pollutants in the air. “Multicomponent” analysis methods are used: C-, H-, N-analyzers and other devices that give continuous time characteristics of air pollution. Automated devices for remote analysis of atmospheric pollution, combining a laser and a locator, are called lidars.

Environmental quality assessment

What is assessment and assessment?

An important area of ​​monitoring research is the assessment of environmental quality. This direction, as you already know, has received priority importance in modern environmental management, since the quality of the environment is associated with the physical and spiritual health of a person.

Indeed, a distinction is made between a healthy (comfortable) natural environment, in which a person’s health is normal or improving, and an unhealthy environment, in which the health of the population is impaired. Therefore, to maintain the health of the population, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the environment. Environmental quality— this is the degree of correspondence of natural conditions to the physiological capabilities of a person.

There are scientific criteria for assessing environmental quality. These include standards.

Environmental quality standards. Quality standards are divided into environmental and production and economic.

Environmental standards establish maximum permissible norms of anthropogenic impact on the environment, the excess of which threatens human health and is detrimental to vegetation and animals. Such standards are established in the form of maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants (MPC) and maximum permissible levels of harmful physical impact (MPL). Remote control panels are installed, for example, for noise and electromagnetic pollution.

MPC is the amount of a harmful substance in the environment, which over a certain period of time does not affect human health and does not cause adverse consequences in his offspring.

Recently, when determining MPCs, not only the degree of influence of pollutants on human health is taken into account, but also the impact of these pollutants as a whole on natural communities. Every year, more and more maximum permissible concentrations are established for substances in the air, soil, and water.

Production and economic environmental quality standards regulate the environmentally safe operating mode of production, public utility and any other facility. Production and economic environmental quality standards include the maximum permissible release of pollutants into the environment (MPE). How to improve the quality of the environment? Many experts are thinking about this problem. Environmental quality control is carried out by a special government service. Measures to improve environmental quality. They are combined into the following groups. The most important are technological measures, which include the development of modern technologies that ensure the integrated use of raw materials and waste disposal. Choosing a fuel with less combustion product will significantly reduce emissions into the atmosphere. This is also facilitated by the electrification of modern production, transport and everyday life.

Sanitation measures contribute to the treatment of industrial emissions through various designs of treatment plants. (Are there treatment facilities at the nearest enterprises in your locality? How effective are they?)

The set of measures that improve the quality of the environment includes architectural and planning activities that affect not only physical, but also spiritual health. These include dust control, rational placement of enterprises (they are often moved outside the territory of a populated area) and residential areas, landscaping of populated areas, for example, with modern urban planning standards for cities with a population of one and a half million, 40-50 m2 of green space is required , it is mandatory to allocate sanitary protection zones in the populated area.

TO engineering and organizational Measures include reducing parking at traffic lights and reducing traffic intensity on congested highways.

To legal Activities include the establishment and compliance with legislative acts to maintain the quality of the atmosphere, water bodies, soil, etc.

Requirements related to nature protection and improvement of environmental quality are reflected in state laws, decrees, and regulations. World experience shows that in developed countries, authorities solve problems related to improving the quality of the environment through legislative acts and executive structures, which, together with the judicial system, are designed to ensure compliance with laws, finance large environmental projects and scientific developments, and control compliance with laws and financial costs.

There is no doubt that improvement in environmental quality will be achieved through economic events. Economic measures are associated, first of all, with the investment of funds in the replacement and development of new technologies that ensure energy and resource conservation, reducing emissions of harmful substances into the environment. The means of state tax and price policy must create conditions for Russia’s inclusion in the international system of ensuring environmental safety. At the same time, in our country, due to the economic recession, the volume of introduction of new environmental technologies into industry has decreased significantly.

Educational measures aimed at creating an ecological culture of the population. The quality of the environment largely depends on the formation of new value and moral attitudes, the revision of priorities, needs, and methods of human activity. In our country, within the framework of the state program “Ecology of Russia”, programs and manuals have been developed for environmental education at all levels of knowledge acquisition from preschool institutions to the advanced training system. An important tool in the formation of environmental culture is the media. In Russia alone there are over 50 environmentally oriented periodicals.

All activities aimed at improving the quality of the environment are closely interconnected and largely depend on the development of science. Therefore, the most important condition for the existence of all measures is to conduct scientific research that ensures improved environmental quality and environmental sustainability of both the planet as a whole and individual regions.

However, it should be noted that measures taken to improve environmental quality do not always bring a noticeable effect. An increase in morbidity among the population, a decrease in the average life expectancy of people, and an increase in mortality indicate the development of negative environmental phenomena in our country.

Environmental monitoring is a set of organizational structures, methods, methods and techniques for monitoring the state of the environment, changes occurring in it, their consequences, as well as activities, production and other facilities that are potentially dangerous to the environment, human health and the controlled territory.

Environmental monitoring is a complex activity from an organizational and technical point of view, which is carried out by various bodies and their officials. The information they collect and analyze is extremely diverse in its content, forms of recording, legal status, procedure for provision and distribution. It is used by state authorities of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments to develop forecasts for socio-economic development and make appropriate decisions, federal and targeted programs in the field of environmental protection of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and measures for their implementation.

Environmental monitoring is carried out by a special observation network. This is a system of stationary and mobile observation points, including posts, stations, laboratories, centers, bureaus, and observatories. In Russia, the creation of a unified state environmental monitoring system began in 1993.

The main objectives of environmental monitoring are:

  • monitoring the state of the environment, its pollution, including the atmosphere, surface waters, marine environment, soils, near-Earth space, radiation conditions on the Earth’s surface and in near-Earth space;
  • assessment and forecast of climate change, water resources, pollutants.

The objects of environmental monitoring are:

  • the environment in general and its individual elements in particular;
  • negative changes in environmental quality that can have a negative impact on people’s health and property, and the safety of territories;
  • types of activities assessed by law as posing a potential threat to the environment, human health and environmental safety of territories;
  • equipment, technologies, production and other technical facilities, the existence, use, transformation and destruction of which pose a danger to the environment and human health;
  • emergency and other sudden physical, chemical, biological and other circumstances - accidents, incidents, other emergency situations that can have a negative impact on the environment and human health;
  • territories and objects with a special legal status.

Subjects of environmental monitoring include:

  • executive authorities of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • local government bodies;
  • specialized organizations authorized to implement environmental monitoring functions;
  • organizations and persons carrying out economic activities;
  • public associations.

There are various types of environmental monitoring, which are distinguished depending on:

depending on the scale of the monitoring system:

  • global;
  • national;
  • regional;
  • local;

on the level of human modification of the environment:

  • background;
  • impactful;

from the monitoring object:

  • actually environmental (air, water, soil, wildlife, hazardous waste);
  • radiation;
  • social and hygienic.

The national (Russian) environmental monitoring system includes radiation, complex, background, space, as well as state monitoring of the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone. In addition, special structures and, as a rule, on the basis of separate legal acts, carry out social and hygienic monitoring, monitoring of wildlife, atmospheric air, water resources, and lands.

Local environmental monitoring occupies a specific place in this system. The fact is that, unlike other types of monitoring, it is carried out at a separate production facility (or part thereof), an object of legal environmental management, a separate area of ​​territory that permanently or temporarily has a special legal status (for example, in a state reserve, in an ecological zone disaster).

The most important types of monitoring existing in Russia include social and hygienic monitoring. This is a state system for monitoring, analyzing, assessing and forecasting the health status of the population and the human environment, as well as determining cause-and-effect relationships between the health status of the population and the impact of environmental factors. It is carried out at the federal level, at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities to form a unified information data fund based on long-term observations of the state of health of the population, physical, chemical, biological and social factors of the environment, natural and climatic factors, the structure and quality of nutrition, for food safety.

Information is information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation.

Documented information (document) is information recorded on a tangible medium with details that allow it to be identified.

An information system is an organizationally ordered set of documents (arrays of documents) and information technologies, including the use of computer technology and communications that implement information processes.

Information resources - individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other information systems).

Relationships arising in the formation and use of information resources based on the creation, collection, processing, accumulation, storage, search, distribution and provision of documented information to the consumer; creation and use of information technologies and means of supporting them; protection of information, rights of subjects participating in information processes and informatization are regulated by Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection.”

The main directions of state policy in the field of informatization are:

  • providing conditions for the development and protection of all forms of ownership of information resources;
  • formation and protection of state information resources;
  • creation and development of federal and regional information systems and networks, ensuring their compatibility and interaction in the unified information space of the Russian Federation;
  • creating conditions for high-quality and effective information support for citizens, government bodies, local governments, organizations and public associations based on state information resources;
  • ensuring national security in the field of informatization, as well as ensuring the implementation of the rights of citizens and organizations in the conditions of informatization;
  • promoting the formation of a market for information resources, services, information systems, technologies, and means of supporting them;
  • the formation and implementation of a unified scientific, technical and industrial policy in the field of informatization, taking into account the current world level of information technology development;
  • support for informatization projects and programs;
  • creation and improvement of a system for attracting investments and a mechanism for stimulating the development and implementation of informatization projects;
  • development of legislation in the field of information processes, informatization and information protection.

The legal regime of information resources is determined by the rules establishing:

  • procedure for documenting information;
  • ownership of individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems;
  • category of information according to the level of access to it;
  • procedure for legal protection of information.

State information resources of the Russian Federation are formed in accordance with such areas of competence as:

  • federal information resources;
  • information resources that are jointly managed by the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • information resources of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

State information resources of the Russian Federation are open and publicly available. The exception is documented information classified by law as restricted access. Documented information with limited access, according to the terms of its legal regime, is divided into information classified as state secret and confidential.

It is prohibited to classify as restricted information:

  • legislative and other normative acts establishing the legal status of state authorities, local governments, organizations, public associations, as well as the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of citizens, the procedure for their implementation, as well as affecting the rights of citizens;
  • documents containing information about emergency situations, environmental, meteorological, demographic, sanitary-epidemiological and other information necessary to ensure the safe functioning of populated areas, production facilities, the safety of citizens and the population as a whole;
  • documents containing information on the activities of state authorities and local governments, on the use of budget funds and other state and local resources, on the state of the economy and the needs of the population, with the exception of information classified as state secrets;
  • documents accumulated in open collections of libraries and archives, information systems of state authorities, local governments, public associations, organizations that are of public interest or necessary for the implementation of the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of citizens.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” and in order to streamline the system for providing information services in the field of hydrometeorology and monitoring of environmental pollution, increasing the efficiency of use of hydrometeorological information and data on environmental pollution, a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation was adopted from November 15, 1997 No. 1425 “On information services in the field of hydrometeorology and monitoring of environmental pollution” (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 28, 2008 No. 214).

Information services in the field of hydrometeorology and monitoring of environmental pollution include the provision of the following types of general and special purpose information:

  • operational and prognostic;
  • analytical;
  • regime and reference;
  • specialized.
Operational and prognostic information
Information about natural hydrometeorological phenomena Factual data on natural hydrometeorological phenomena
Information about extremely high environmental pollution Factual data on identified cases of extremely high environmental pollution
Forecasts for 1-3 days about the occurrence of natural hydrometeorological phenomena Information about showers, strong winds, floods, typhoons, snowfalls, drought, dust storms, rough seas, severe frosts and heat
Weather forecasts for 1-3 days in areas of natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes The content of forecasts during emergency rescue and restoration work in emergency areas is in each case agreed upon with the authorities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
Forecasts of the distribution of pollutants, including radioactive ones, as well as their concentrations in atmospheric air (water) based on data on emissions and discharges in emergency situations The content of the forecasts is determined by the received information about the emergency situation and its development.
Weather forecast for the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for 1-3 days Air temperature at night and during the day, weather phenomena (precipitation, snowstorms, fog, frost, thunderstorms, hail, wind direction and speed, cloudiness)
Forecast of the pressure field and geopotential over the territory of the Russian Federation for 5 days Numerical hydrodynamic forecasts of atmospheric circulation at the Earth's surface (Po) and at the 5 km level (H500) for 1-3 days (regional for the European and Asian regions)
Forecast of the expected state of winter grain crops at the beginning of the growing season Areas with different conditions of winter grain crops at the beginning of the growing season by economic region and in the Russian Federation as a whole
Forecast of productive moisture reserves in the soil by the beginning of spring field work Areas where sufficient or insufficient reserves of productive moisture are expected in the meter layer of soil under winter grain crops and under fallow land
Forecasts of yield and gross harvest of main agricultural crops Expected yields and gross grain harvests for winter wheat and rye, spring wheat, spring barley, corn, buckwheat, all grains and leguminous crops, sunflower seeds, sugar beet roots, potato tubers by economic regions of the Russian Federation
Forecast of maximum spring flood levels Level height (in cm) on rivers: Volga. Kama, Don, Ob, Angara, Yenisei
Rain flood forecasts Level height (in cm) along the Amur River in July-September (compiled as the flood develops)
Forecast of water inflow into the reservoirs of the Volga-Kama, Angara-Yenisei cascades and the Tsimlyansk reservoir for a month and quarter Amount of water inflow (in cubic km)
Forecast of the state of the magnetosphere and ionosphere of the Earth for one day Solar activity and radiation conditions on the flight path of manned space systems, the state of the Earth's magnetic field, the state of the ionosphere
Maps of monthly average distribution of total ozone fields Monthly averaged values ​​of total ozone content in deviations from the climate norm
Operational maps of the distribution of anomalously low values ​​of total ozone content Daily values ​​of total ozone in deviations from the climate norm during periods of observation of low values ​​of total ozone
Observation materials on the total ozone content and altitudinal ozone distribution in Antarctica during the development of the spring anomaly Daily and monthly averaged values ​​of total ozone content in deviations from the climate norm in Antarctica (Mirny and Molodezhnaya stations)
Analytical and regime-reference information
Materials for inclusion in the State Water Cadastre Data on water resources, their quality and water use by constituent entities of the Russian Federation and large river systems
Review of agrometeorological conditions for a decade across the territory of the Russian Federation (with the attachment of maps of precipitation for a decade and month) Characteristics of weather conditions, assessment of the influence of agrometeorological conditions on overwintering, field work, growth, development and yield formation of main agricultural crops
Meteorological Yearbook Basic meteorological characteristics averaged over months (air temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, etc.)
Agrometeorological Yearbook Agrometeorological observation data summarized for the year
Review of environmental pollution in the Russian Federation and materials for inclusion in the State report “On the state of the natural environment in the Russian Federation” Data on environmental pollution summarized for the territory of the Russian Federation
Review of the background state of the natural environment Generalized materials of background observations of the state of the natural environment
Yearbook of surface water quality of the Russian Federation Data on surface water pollution generalized for the territory of the Russian Federation
Yearbook of the state of surface water ecosystems in Russia (according to hydrobiological indicators) Generalized data on the territory of the Russian Federation on the main hydrobiological indicators of the quality of land surface waters
Yearbook of sea water quality by hydrochemical indicators Generalized data on pollution of the seas washing the territory of Russia
Yearbook of the state of pollution of environmental objects by pesticides in the Russian Federation Generalized data on pollution of natural environment objects with pesticides
Yearbook of the state of air pollution in cities in the Russian Federation Data on air pollution in cities generalized across the territory of the Russian Federation
Yearbook of soil pollution in the Russian Federation with toxicants of industrial origin Generalized data on soil contamination with toxicants of industrial origin around cities and industrial centers
Annual review of the ecological state of the seas and individual areas of the World Ocean Results of studies of ecosystems of inland and surrounding seas, assessment of the ecological situation of controlled areas of the seas
Yearbook “Radiation situation on the territory of Russia and neighboring states” Data on radioactive contamination of the natural environment summarized for the territory of the Russian Federation and CIS countries
Monthly information on emergency and extremely high pollution of the natural environment and radiation situation Data on identified cases of high environmental pollution
Monthly information on natural weather phenomena, hydrometeorological conditions and their impact on the activities of the main sectors of the economy Data on the number, intensity and duration of natural hydrometeorological phenomena and economic damage by constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Quarterly bulletins on the state of the ozone layer Characteristics of the state of the ozone layer
Annual Review of the State of the Ozone Layer Characteristics of changes in the ozone layer

Information in the field of hydrometeorology and general purpose environmental pollution monitoring is provided to users (consumers) free of charge or for a fee that does not fully reimburse the costs of these services, which are compensated from the federal budget. Free information in the field of hydrometeorology and general-purpose monitoring of the natural environment is provided to government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and bodies of the unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations. Information in the field of hydrometeorology and general-purpose environmental monitoring is provided to other users (consumers) for a fee in amounts that cover the costs of its preparation, copying and transmission over electrical and postal networks. Specialized information in the field of hydrometeorology and monitoring of environmental pollution is provided to users (consumers) within the framework of joint programs (agreements), as well as under contracts for information support services.

In order to increase the efficiency of meeting the needs of the state, individuals and legal entities for hydrometeorological, heliogeophysical information, as well as information on the state of the natural environment, its pollution, by order of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring dated October 17, 2000.

No. 150 approved the List of federal works in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields.

It, in particular, provides:

  • collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of information products, as well as emergency information about hazardous natural phenomena;
  • preparation (publication) of regime-reference data and materials:
    • meteorological yearbooks;
    • agrometeorological yearbooks;
    • observation data for the interdepartmental annual publication “Surface and Groundwater Resources, Their Use and Quality”;
    • annual data on the regime and resources of surface waters and long-term data on the regime and resources of surface waters of the state water cadastre (rivers, canals, lakes, reservoirs, seas, sea estuaries, characteristics of the degree of pollution of surface waters);
    • observation data on evaporation from the water surface, at water balance and swamp stations, over snow cover and precipitation in the mountains;
    • annual reviews of environmental pollution (atmospheric air, surface water, marine environment, soils and radiation conditions), as well as comprehensive background monitoring in biosphere reserves;
    • annual data on hazardous natural (hydrometeorological and heliogeophysical) phenomena;
  • providing the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, court authorities, prosecutors and police with general-purpose information, as well as emergency information about hazardous natural phenomena, actual and predicted sudden changes in weather and pollution natural environment, which may threaten the life and health of the population and cause damage to the environment;
  • hydrometeorological support (including the provision of environmental pollution monitoring data) in the area where an emergency situation occurred at the federal and regional levels, carrying out rescue and restoration work to eliminate the consequences of an emergency situation;
  • preparation and publication of scientific, technical and scientific methodological literature;
  • maintaining the Unified State Data Fund on the state of the natural environment and its pollution;
  • maintaining state water records and state water cadastre.

Sources of environmental information- these are all kinds of documents (data carriers) containing data about the environmental situation and its changes.

It can be expressed:

  • in applications, complaints, letters from citizens;
  • in direct appeals from citizens;
  • in materials published by the media;
  • in official documents drawn up by control and supervision bodies in the field of environmental management and environmental protection (orders, materials of audits, inspections and surveys, in protocols, acts, orders, resolutions and responses to them by managers of enterprises that committed environmental violations, journals and accounting books, in automated accounting data);
  • in documents drawn up by natural resource users;
  • in the direct detection of an environmentally significant event or phenomenon.

In the practice of environmental management, the function of accounting for the state of the environment, changes in it, and other indicators is implemented through monitoring and other types (forms) of information and analytical activities.

These include:

  • maintaining cadastres;
  • actual accounting;
  • maintaining registers and other registration documents (in the latter case, information support is subordinated to other purposes - permitting and legalizing, therefore they are considered as administrative and legal means);
  • preparation of reports for natural resource users.

Records primarily include records (reports) maintained by the State Statistics Committee of Russia (Federal State Statistics Service) and its territorial divisions, containing information on the protection of atmospheric air, other environmental measures, and their financing. The role of records maintained by such departments as the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and the Russian Ministry of Agriculture is significant. Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. For example, in accordance with the Rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 1, 2001, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia maintains state records of indicators of the state of fertility of agricultural lands. The goals of this accounting are to obtain complete and reliable information about the state and dynamics of land fertility, to identify and prevent negative results of economic activity.

This type of accounting is an orderly system for collecting and processing information on the state of fertility of agricultural lands obtained during soil, agrotechnical, phytosanitary, environmental and toxicological surveys. Indicators are recorded separately by type of agricultural land (arable land, fallow land, hayfields, pastures, perennial plantings), and the data obtained are subject to inclusion in the state land cadastre. Information is open and publicly available. The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of data, storage of accounting documents and objectivity of the information provided.

Inventories are one of the main sources of information about natural resources. They represent a systematic system of information about the quantitative and qualitative state of resources, their economic, environmental assessment and social significance, as well as the composition and categories of users. Inventories play an important role in planning and information support for the use and protection of the environment.

Currently in Russia there are several types of natural resource cadastres:

  • cadastre of real estate, which includes the land cadastre;
  • water;
  • animal world;
  • forests;
  • deposits and manifestations of minerals;
  • specially protected natural areas;
  • waste.

All of them have state status and reflect the results of accounting for the state of individual components of the environment. Data from individual inventories must be compatible and comparable with each other.

The land cadastre is a systematic collection of documented information obtained as a result of state registration about the location, intended purpose and legal status of the lands of the Russian Federation and about territorial zones and the presence of objects located on land plots and firmly associated with them. The units of cadastral division of the territory of the Russian Federation are cadastral districts, districts, and blocks. Each land plot is assigned its own cadastral number, information about a specific land plot is provided in the form of extracts for a fee and free of charge. The documents that make up the land cadastre are divided into three groups according to their legal status, content and form.

The main documents include:

  • unified state register of lands;
  • cadastral affairs;
  • duty cadastral maps (plans).

Supporting documents include:

  • books of records of documents, issued information;
  • catalogs of coordinates of points of the reference boundary network.

Derivative documents include:

  • documents containing lists of lands owned by the Russian Federation, its constituent entities, and municipalities;
  • reports on the status and use of land resources;
  • statistical reports;
  • analytical reviews;
  • other reference and analytical documents.

The cadastre of deposits and occurrences of mineral resources includes systematized information for each deposit on the number of main and co-occurring minerals, the conditions of their development (including environmental ones), and a geo-economic assessment. Along with the cadastre, a state balance of mineral reserves is maintained, which reflects the degree of their exploration, industrial development and other data.

A water cadastre is a systematic collection of data on water bodies and their water resources, water use, and categories of users. In addition, water balances are maintained to assess the availability and degree of use of water resources and determine water needs.

The forest cadastre is a collection of information about the legal regime of the forest fund, the quantitative and qualitative state of the forests of the Russian Federation, including the composition of tree species, the age composition of the forest, groups and categories of protection, and economic assessment.

The cadastre of fauna is systematized information about the geographical distribution, abundance, species composition, economic use, protection measures, as well as the habitat of fauna objects.

The cadastre of specially protected natural areas is a collection of data on the status, geographical location and boundaries, special protection regime, nature users, scientific, environmental and other values ​​of these territories.

The waste inventory includes information about waste taking into account its hazards, sources of generation, measures for use, and locations of disposal.

Territorial cadastres of natural resources and objects contain data on the location, quantity and quality of natural resources, their socio-economic and environmental assessment. They are comprehensive in nature, since they reflect information about all natural resources on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Thus, cadastres are the most important form of recording the state of environmental objects and environmental management. Their existence is inextricably linked with other - sometimes separate, sometimes forming an integral system of accounting and registration - special registries and registries. Russian legislation in most cases regulates in detail the procedure for conducting them.

Finally, environmental reporting as a source of environmental information is becoming increasingly widespread. In many acts of environmental legislation, among the responsibilities of natural resource users (legal entities and individuals), the need for them to submit a certain range of data to regulatory and (or) management structures is highlighted, and the deadlines, forms, and frequency of reporting are determined. In addition, in a number of cases sanctions are provided for failure to provide relevant information or for violations of reporting procedures and deadlines.

In conclusion, mention should be made of departmental (industry) reporting related to recording data on control, supervisory and other activities carried out, as well as departmental reporting in areas related to environmental protection (for example, on the state of health of the population of Russia, on tourism). Along with monitoring data, cadastres, records, registers in a generalized form, environmental information obtained from this kind of accounting and statistical documents is used in the preparation of annual State reports on the state of the natural environment of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Federation, the State report on the state of protection of the population and territories of the Russian Federation from natural and man-made emergencies.

A special source of environmental information is the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Red Book of the Russian Federation is an official document containing a collection of information about rare and endangered species (subspecies, populations) of wild animals and wild plants and fungi living (growing) in the territory of the Russian Federation, on the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, as well as about necessary measures for their protection and restoration. It is published at least once every 10 years.

Objects of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book are subject to special protection. They are determined by order of the State Committee for Ecology of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 1997 No. 569 “On approval of lists (lists) of fauna objects included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and excluded from the Red Book of the Russian Federation” (as amended on November 5, 1999, September 9 2004). Their removal from the natural environment is permitted in exceptional cases in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Environmental monitoring is a complex of observations carried out on the state in which it is, as well as its assessment and forecast of changes occurring in it under the influence of both anthropogenic and natural factors.

As a rule, such research is always carried out in any territory, but the services involved in it belong to different departments, and their actions are not coordinated in any aspect. For this reason, environmental monitoring has a primary task: to determine the ecological and economic area. The next step is to select information related specifically to the state of the environment. You also need to make sure that the data received is sufficient to draw the right conclusions.

Types of environmental monitoring

Since many tasks of various levels are solved during observation, at one time it was proposed to distinguish between three areas:

Sanitary and hygienic;

Natural and economic;


However, in practice it turned out that the approach does not allow clearly defining zoning and organizational parameters. It is also impossible to accurately separate the functions of subtypes of environmental monitoring.

Environmental monitoring: subsystems

The main subtypes of environmental monitoring are:

This service monitors and forecasts climate fluctuations. It covers the ice cover, atmosphere, ocean and other parts of the biosphere that influence its formation.

Geophysical monitoring. This service analyzes data from hydrologists and meteorologists.

Biological monitoring. This service monitors how environmental pollution affects all living organisms.

Monitoring the health of residents of a particular territory. This service observes, analyzes and forecasts the population.

So, in general, environmental monitoring looks like this. The environment (or one of its objects) is selected, its parameters are measured, information is collected, and then transmitted. After this, the data is processed, their general characteristics at the current stage are given and forecasts are made for the future.

Environmental Monitoring Levels

Environmental monitoring is a multi-level system. In increasing order it looks like this:

Detail level. Monitoring is implemented in small areas.

Local level. This system is formed when parts of detailed monitoring are combined into one network. That is, it is already being carried out on the territory of a district or a big city.

Regional level. It covers the territory of several regions within one region or region.

National level. It is formed by regional monitoring systems united within one country.

Global level. It integrates the monitoring systems of several nations. Its task is to monitor the state of the environment throughout the world, to predict its changes, including those occurring as a result of impacts on the biosphere.

Surveillance program

Environmental monitoring is scientifically based and has its own program. It specifies the goals of its implementation, specific steps and methods of implementation. The main points that make up monitoring are as follows:

List of objects that are controlled. An exact indication of their territory.

List of indicators of ongoing control and permissible limits of their changes.

And finally, the time frame, that is, how often samples should be taken and when the data should be provided.