How to eat to get rid of acne. What products help get rid of acne. Top Products for Acne

Acne diet– included in the anti-acne complex, because as I said, acne cannot be treated with just one miracle remedy (5 main mistakes when treating acne), acne treatment requires an integrated approach.

I never paid much attention to diet until my acquaintance with a dermatologist, which I described here. One of the points of my healing was diet, which was directly aimed at getting rid of acne.

Today I will tell you my diet, what foods to avoid, and what is advisable to eat for acne.

The doctor prescribed me to follow certain rules, following which I significantly increased my chances of getting rid of this disease

Many people claim that the food we eat has no effect on the appearance of acne. Yes, it really is! But! Food in the most direct way affects our digestion, and a healthy gastrointestinal tract gives a huge success rate in treating acne. Abdominal diseases are one of the main causes of acne. They say correctly: “What’s in our stomach is on our face.”

So watching what we eat is our direct responsibility. Of course, if you really want get rid of acne. And if you don’t want to, you can safely stop reading this article and drink a “delicious” Coca-Cola.

So, let's look point by point at what rules need to be followed:

1 Limit your consumption of sweets. That is, for the first time it is advisable to refuse chocolate, various sweets and the like. Chocolate sweets clog the esophagus, which can cause digestive problems.

Now, I admit honestly, sometimes I like to eat chocolate or some chips. Rarely and in moderation, naturally. Fortunately, I have already passed the time when I had to eat only herbs to eat them :). This stage is still ahead of you (if you are serious, of course). But at first you still need to follow this advice, because it will be a shame if this was precisely the problem for you.

2 Eliminate drinks with dyes from your diet. This is a required item. It is better to limit all kinds of forfeits, colas, and sprites or eliminate them altogether. I know a friend who spent his entire first year at university buying Coke every day (!!!). He never had skin problems, but when I saw him in the summer, I was horrified. The face was very neglected. He said his stomach hurts all the time.

It's good that you were smart enough to see a doctor. Now my face has become good again, although worse than it was before, before I discovered this drink. Cola, by the way, hated :).

3 Don't eat fried food– skin oiliness increases. I already talked about oily skin and how to reduce it. The higher the fat content, the more “food” for the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes.

4 Avoid drinking alcohol and (if possible) try to quit smoking. Or at least reduce your cigarette consumption. A mandatory item, that’s what the dermatologist immediately told me. I also talked about how to do this (link to the left).

5 Try to alternate products: today rice, tomorrow buckwheat, the day after tomorrow pasta (you shouldn’t overuse pasta). This way we will receive all the necessary substances and show the stomach that there is no need to relax.

You might ask, what is possible then?

My acne diet looked something like this:

Morning– Tea, cheese sandwiches, a few fruits (banana + apple for example).

Dinner- Soup is a must. It will help normalize digestion, which will help in the fight against acne. Rice or buckwheat with soup, or mashed potatoes.

Afternoon snack– juice, some fruit.

U gin- cottage cheese, tea with the same sandwiches, you can drink a glass of kefir at night.

Such diets I stuck with it for several months. It is clear that you should always stick to it like this diets It won't work, even if you really want to. However, when you are faced with the choice of whether to buy pizza and eat a big meal or yogurt and wait until you get home, choose the second, this is especially important at the beginning of the journey.

But still, a lot depends on willpower and whether you really want to get rid of acne. Willpower needs to be trained, I think so. There is always a choice and it depends only on you!

If you feel strong and really want to cure acne, try following this regimen for at least a day or two, and it will go from there, I promise you that! Don’t let me down or (most importantly) yourself!

But products that contribute the appearance of acne, you need from your diet delete. Your body will thank you over time and will remove acne, good exchange, isn't it =)


I showed you my diet, which I followed for several months, and also told you what foods to avoid. Many people believe that diet does not help improve the condition of our skin, that this is a myth, but I do not agree with this. I believe that it was my adherence to the diet that was the impulse due to which the condition of my skin began to change for the better.

Well, that’s all for today, stay tuned for site updates - subscribe to RSS. This way you will be the first to know when new articles are published. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions - write in the comments immediately, let's talk everything over, discuss the issues.

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In the end, there is a different point of view on diet, but what is important, expressed by a dermatologist. My doctor told me something completely different, but there are so many people, so many opinions =) . But I still believe that a clean and healthy stomach will help our face more than anything else. Well, for general development, I’ll leave the video, watch it. Whole milk, it turns out, is also not allowed. Well, I didn’t know =) .

Hello! Today we will talk about the skin, and what can be the main cause of inflammation and acne. Skin health depends on what a person eats. The wrong foods can cause problems throughout the body.

This has been known for a long time. For example, it can harm internal organs, problems with which we will not immediately notice. Or it will be expressed in the form of acne.

If rashes appear on your face and body, then something is wrong in the body. Of course, acne may not always appear due to food; this phenomenon is individual for each person.

Often the cause of acne in adolescence is hormonal imbalances, but the foods you eat make their contribution.

One can eat unhealthy foods all his life and still have clear skin. And another may eat right and take care of his skin, but his face may be covered with acne.

If you still have skin problems, pay attention to your diet. Now I’ll tell you in detail about what foods provoke acne in both teenagers and adults.

Acne is a problem that can befall us at any time of the year. Wind, sun, frost, bad cosmetics, hormonal imbalance or poor nutrition can ruin your skin and mood.

Yes, sometimes the reason is trivial - eating the wrong food. How to eat properly, what not to eat, to avoid acne?

What causes acne on the face?

Eating certain foods is bad for our skin. If you eat them often or rarely, rashes will not slow down to appear.

What foods are bad for your skin?

  • fast food;
  • chocolate;
  • sweet pastries;
  • fatty cheese;
  • soda;
  • fatty meat;
  • instant coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • salinity;
  • butter;
  • spicy seasonings.

This is a list of prohibited foods for acne. They are the ones who spoil the skin and cause rashes.

What not to eat to avoid acne? What other foods are bad for your skin? Crackers, chips, seeds - all this causes rashes on the face, which means you can’t eat them. Acne from chips appears very quickly, because this product contains a lot of salt and fat. But acne from seeds does not appear so quickly; seeds are healthier than chips. However, if you eat them fried with a lot of salt, then inflammation on the face cannot be avoided.

Products that cause acne include unnatural juices and drinks, milk, and processed foods. Unnatural drinks contain not only a large amount of sweetness, but also other substances harmful to the body and skin. When milk enters the body, it promotes the production of insulin and testosterone in large quantities, which disrupts metabolism. As for semi-finished products, their consumption provokes the development of intestinal and stomach diseases.

The skin sends us signals that not everything is okay with the body. If the stomach, liver and intestines are unable to cope with their functions, the skin comes to the rescue. That is, toxins, waste and other substances are removed through it. And this causes the formation of acne, inflammation and redness.

How should you eat to avoid acne?

You already know what foods cause acne. So they need to be excluded from the diet or their consumption reduced to a minimum. In general, nutrition should become balanced and healthy. But this does not mean that you should completely give up your favorite treats.

After the rash goes away, you can expand your diet and occasionally include your favorite but unhealthy food, chocolate, for example, or chips. The main thing is that you do this rarely, otherwise the rash will appear again.

What should a diet for clear skin include?

Of course, vegetables, cereals, rye bread, fruits, lean fish and meat, fermented milk drinks, green tea, clean water - this is a list of healthy foods.

Pure water is the most important product in the diet. It cleanses the body of toxins and removes excess fluid. You need to drink it a little at a time, but during the day you should drink a large amount. Another healthy drink is green tea.

You can eat any cereal. It is better to cook them in water, without adding milk. Since white baked goods and loaves should be excluded, since these are also products that cause acne on the face, bran and rye bread should be consumed for the skin.

Fruits and vegetables must be included in the diet. It is better to eat vegetables fresh in the form of salad. As a dressing, you should use different oils, and not sour cream, and certainly not mayonnaise (spicy and fatty sauces are products that provoke acne). You can also stew or bake vegetables, this will also be useful. Fruits should be eaten between main meals. Then the processes of food rotting will not develop in the body.

What foods cause acne on the face? This is fatty meat. Its use should be reduced, and completely eliminated while getting rid of rashes. What kind of meat can you eat? This is rabbit, turkey, beef, chicken. You can also eat lean fish - pollock, pink salmon. They also need to be cooked correctly - stewed, boiled, baked. You cannot fry meat and fish, because this also causes rashes.

What foods won't cause acne? These are any fermented milk products - cottage cheese, whey, kefir, yogurt, natural yogurt, low-fat cheese. They saturate the body with beneficial bacteria, which help digest food well and quickly. They also cope with constipation, which also affects the condition of the skin.

Folk remedies

You can also try traditional medicine. An infusion of calendula flowers cleanses the skin well. You need to pour 500 g of boiling water over a tablespoon of the plant and after half an hour you can wipe your face.

Essential oils are also effective against rashes. You can make baths with lavender, pine, sage, and tea tree oils.

Garlic tincture, which should be taken orally, is also useful for cleansing. It’s easy to make – just chop up a few cloves of the vegetable and pour in a small amount of vodka. When the tincture turns yellowish, it can be diluted with water and drunk. You need to start with five drops, increasing the amount every day, you need to reach 25 drops. And then also reduce the amount. The tincture should be stored in the refrigerator.

If you know what foods cause acne on your face and do not consume them, then rashes and inflammation will quickly disappear from the skin. Especially if you add folk remedies. But it’s not enough to cleanse the skin, you need to consolidate the result. How to do this?

Preventing rashes

Since you know what food causes acne and inflammation, it means that to prevent this problem, harmful foods should be consumed in very small quantities. You can sometimes treat yourself to fried and fatty meat or a bag of chips, but you should do this extremely rarely. For example, once a month.

It is also very important not to overeat - this can also cause rashes. As for the harmful method of cooking - frying, it should be avoided in any case. It not only causes acne and inflammation, but also harms the entire body.

So, want to keep your skin clear? It's simple!

You can’t eat junk food, it’s better to avoid prohibited foods altogether, you need to prepare meals properly and drink more water. It is not difficult to follow these rules. As a reward, your face will be clean and fresh.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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Poor diet is often the cause of acne, so to get rid of these breakouts, you will need to go on a cleansing diet. It will remove waste and toxins from the body, normalize the functioning of the digestive system, cleanse the intestines and optimize the density and amount of secretion from the sebaceous glands, which will certainly have a positive effect on the health of your skin.

The main stages of cleansing the body

To understand how proper nutrition helps cleanse the body and face, you need to know the main stages of cleansing.

Malfunctions of the digestive system, the inability of the intestines to cleanse themselves, and an increase in pathogenic microflora are negative factors that contribute to the formation of rashes on the skin. The fact is that if the intestines cannot cope with the removal of harmful substances, then the skin takes on this work. Through its pores, waste products begin to be excreted, and as a result - blockage, acne, blackheads and pimples.

To restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to introduce dietary fiber. They bind toxins, free radicals and a number of other harmful compounds and remove them from the body, and also create a favorable environment for the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms.

Restoring the normal composition of sebum

The secretion of the sebaceous glands or sebum includes fat-soluble compounds - triglycerides, fatty acids, cholesterol, wax esters, sterols and keratinized cells. Ideally, it is produced in optimal quantities, making the epidermis elastic and creating a protective layer that prevents the development of pathogens. With excess secretion production, the risk of acne increases.

The composition of sebum and its quantity depends on various conditions, including the products consumed. Thus, a large amount of salt, simple carbohydrates, and animal fats in the diet increases its density, which disrupts the outflow of fat and provokes stagnation in the glands. And, for example, fermented milk products or vegetables help stabilize its composition, which helps cleanse the skin.

In addition, if the skin is prone to redness, avoid spices, alcohol and smoked foods, which can dilate blood vessels and provoke it.

Diet rules

If you decide to follow such a diet, you must follow the basic rules:
  • When preparing dishes, they use: boiling, baking, stewing, steaming.

    The best option is to use a multicooker or double boiler, since they preserve the maximum amount of useful substances and eliminate the need to use a large amount of vegetable oil.

  • To gently cleanse the intestines, do not use laxatives or enemas. Prunes, kefir, watermelon and fresh plums have a mild laxative effect.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of pure still water. This helps remove toxins and renew epidermal cells.
  • The diet should contain two types of products: some cleanse the digestive system and remove harmful substances, others replenish the lack of nutrients or maintain their levels, providing nourishment to the skin.
Food choice is a key issue in this diet, so you should pay close attention to it.

Must-have products

Be sure to introduce foods with dietary fiber, which will help improve intestinal motility and cleanse it of accumulated waste and harmful substances. Richest in fiber:
  • cereals – buckwheat or pearl barley, wild or brown rice;
  • whole grain pasta;
  • wheat bran;
  • cabbage – white cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts;
  • beans, green peas;
  • spinach;
  • flax seeds.

For healthy skin, zinc is necessary, which is part of collagen and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Its sources are:
  • brewer's yeast;
  • seafood;
  • brown algae;
  • asparagus;
  • liver;
  • egg yolk;
  • from plant products - nettle, rose hips, parsley.
Selenium plays an important role in the development of healthy skin cells and their nutrition. It is found in wheat grains and nuts;

Antioxidants are of great importance for skin health, these are vitamins A and E:

  • Retinol (vitamin A) is found in orange and dark green vegetables. These are carrots, corn, apricots, spinach, and fish oil. Since this vitamin is fat-soluble, it is consumed with a small amount of fatty foods - vegetable oils, sour cream.
  • Sources of tocopherol or vitamin E are nuts and oils - olive and sunflower.

Be sure to eat fish rich in omega acids. It can be replaced with fish oil capsules or flax seeds or oil.

You also can’t do without B vitamins. They are rich in:
  • hard cheeses;
  • liver;
  • egg yolk;
  • cabbage, spinach;
  • buckwheat and wheat groats;
  • representatives of the legume family.

In addition to these products, during the diet you must include in your diet:
  • Ginger root. It perfectly cleanses the blood and strengthens the immune system.
  • Parsley. It is recommended to consume a decoction of greens every day, which has also proven effective in cleansing the blood.
  • Lemon. Its juice normalizes metabolism and improves immunity.
  • Garlic– a natural antibiotic. It synthesizes antibodies that help the body resist negative influences, stimulates blood circulation and destroys pathogenic bacteria, delivering a targeted blow.

List of prohibited products

Like any diet, the acne diet has a list of prohibited foods:
  • potatoes and bananas because they are rich in starch;
  • polished rice, pastries and bread made from wheat flour, corn flakes;
  • fast food;
  • strong tea, coffee, sweet carbonated drinks;
  • sweets – candies, honey, chocolate, jam, baked goods, cookies;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty and spicy foods;
  • fatty meat and fish, lard;
  • alcohol.

The skin will clear up faster if you not only change your diet, but also use lotions and creams to locally combat pimples.

Menu for the week

We present to your attention a sample diet menu for acne for a week. Please note that between main meals it is allowed to have snacks with fresh fruits, nuts, drink fermented milk drinks, as well as parsley decoction or ginger tea.


  • In the morning, cook oatmeal in water, eat fresh fruit, and drink unsweetened green tea.
  • During the day, prepare any soup cooked in chicken broth, boil an egg and brew green tea.
  • For dinner, boil a piece of fish, cut vegetables as a side dish, eat a piece of bread made from whole grain flour, and drink rosehip infusion.


  • In the morning, prepare buckwheat with milk, fruit salad and drink cranberry juice.
  • During the day, cook borscht in low-fat meat broth, stew cabbage with a piece of turkey, make a salad of fresh carrots, flavoring it with olive oil and sprinkling with lemon juice.
  • In the evening, bake beef with vegetables in foil and drink a glass of fermented baked milk.


  • For breakfast, eat a portion of low-fat cottage cheese, a couple of bread rolls and a tomato, and drink freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • In the afternoon - chicken broth with a boiled egg, brown rice and fruit.
  • They have dinner with vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge cooked in water, and a glass of fermented baked milk.


  • For breakfast, they cook millet milk porridge, eat fresh fruit and drink rosehip infusion.
  • In the afternoon - vegetable soup, brown rice with seafood, tomato salad with olive oil and garlic.
  • For dinner they make sandwiches from bread, cheese and low-fat ham, fruit salad, and green tea.


  • Breakfast - muesli, to which add a handful of nuts and chopped fresh fruit, a cup of green tea.
  • For lunch, prepare pureed pumpkin soup with fresh herbs, bake veal, boil beans or asparagus as a side dish, and drink a glass of fruit juice.
  • For dinner - a piece of steamed red fish, a salad of fresh vegetables - carrots, radishes and cucumbers, a glass of citrus juice.


  • For the morning meal, prepare an omelet from a couple of eggs and low-fat milk, eat fresh vegetables and drink a glass of juice.
  • In the afternoon - borscht with meat broth, whole grain pasta with stewed chicken pieces, weak black tea.
  • For dinner, boil cod, make vegetable salad and compote.


  • Breakfast – milk buckwheat porridge, bran flour bread and ham, orange juice.
  • Lunch – cabbage soup, mashed potatoes with steamed chicken cutlets, fresh fruit.
  • For dinner, stew vegetable stew and drink a glass of green tea.

At the very beginning, the diet may cause an increase in the number of pimples, but this should not be a reason to stop it, as this means that the body is actively eliminating toxins. Soon this process will normalize and the skin will begin to cleanse.

The diet can be followed for an unlimited amount of time; it can become the basis for proper nutrition.

Acne diet for teenagers

In adolescence, the appearance of pimples is not such a rare occurrence. The main reason is hormonal changes, but poor nutrition also aggravates skin problems. Therefore, to avoid severe rashes, you definitely need to reconsider your diet.

It should not contain:

  • Sweets - candies, chocolate, sugar. At the beginning of the diet, they are completely abandoned, and subsequently their use is limited.
  • “Chemical” drinks containing dyes and artificial flavors. You'll have to forget about Fanta, Pepsi, Sprite, including coffee.
  • Fried foods, as this contributes to increased oiliness of the skin.
Nutritional features of a teenager:
  • Eat fresh or steamed fruits and vegetables every day.
  • The menu must alternate dishes so that the body receives all the necessary nutrients. Therefore, a variety of dishes is welcome.
  • Breakfast should start with cereals, which also need to be alternated. For example, buckwheat, rice, millet, oatmeal, wheat, pearl barley.
  • At least 2 times a week there should be boiled or steamed lean meat on the plate.
  • Fermented milk products must be present in the diet.
  • You should forget about bad habits if they appeared at such a young age.
  • It is necessary to combine products correctly. Meat is not eaten with potatoes, pasta or porridge; fresh vegetables are served as a side dish. Fish is eaten with baked vegetables.
  • White bread is abandoned or replaced with baked goods made from wholemeal flour or bread made from buckwheat flour.
  • During the diet, seafood is completely excluded from the menu.

One of the causes of acne is an unhealthy diet. A prerequisite for getting rid of acne is following a special diet. This will remove toxins from the body, normalize intestinal function, and optimize the amount of sebum secreted. What does a diet for acne on the face include? Let's try to figure it out.

Cleansing the body

This issue deserves special attention. Before we talk about products that help improve the condition of the skin, you need to understand the process of cleansing the body. The first stage is the normalization of intestinal functions. Any malfunctions in the intestines lead to the development of pathogenic microflora. This is a negative factor that contributes to the appearance of acne. Everything is quite simple: if the intestines cannot cope with the removal of harmful substances from the body, the skin begins to perform this function. As a result, harmful waste products begin to come out through the pores, clogging them. Acne and pimples appear on the skin. To restore proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you need food rich in fiber. Fiber binds free radicals and toxins, as well as other harmful substances, and removes them from the body. In addition, they create a favorable environment for beneficial microelements.

Composition of sebum

What should be the diet for facial acne for teenagers? To avoid skin problems, it is necessary to eat foods that normalize the composition of the secretion of the sebaceous glands. In a normal person, it contains fatty acids, cholesterol, sterols, wax esters, as well as keratinized particles of the epithelium. Sebum should be released in optimal quantities, thereby creating a protective layer. With increased secretion production, the likelihood of acne on the skin increases significantly. What products affect the composition and amount of sebum? Eating salty and fatty foods can increase secretion density. This contributes to clogged pores. Vegetables and dairy products, on the contrary, stabilize the composition of sebum and improve the condition of the epidermis. If we are talking about a high tendency to redness, then it is better to refrain from consuming smoked foods, spices and alcohol. They dilate blood vessels, which leads to changes in skin color.

Basic principles

Let's look at this in more detail. What is a diet against acne on the face? What are its basic principles?

There are several rules to follow:

  1. To prepare dishes, use heat treatment methods such as stewing and boiling. It is best to cook food in a double boiler or slow cooker. Such cooking methods allow you to preserve the beneficial properties of products as much as possible, and also do not require the use of vegetable oils.
  2. Eat foods that help gently cleanse the intestines. Fresh plums, prunes, kefir and watermelon are best suited for this purpose.
  3. You should drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. The body's water balance is very important for removing toxins and renewing skin cells.
  4. The whole must consist of two types of products. Some are necessary to remove harmful substances and cleanse the digestive system, while others are necessary to replenish the lack of nutrients and vitamins.

The right choice of products is the main issue in any nutrition system. A diet for cleansing facial skin from acne in this case is no exception. Next, we will consider which products must be included in it.

List of required ingredients

If you want to forget about such a problem as acne forever, be sure to introduce foods containing dietary fiber into your diet. They will help normalize intestinal motility, and also help cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

Fiber-rich foods include:

  • wheat bran;
  • cereals: buckwheat, rice, pearl barley;
  • products made from whole grain flour;
  • green peas and beans;
  • white cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • flax seeds;
  • spinach.

Vitamins and microelements

To maintain healthy skin, the body requires zinc. It is this component that is part of collagen and is responsible for the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. As you know, brewer's yeast, algae, seafood, liver, asparagus, yolk, parsley, nettle and rose hips are rich in zinc.

Selenium is responsible for skin cell renewal. This substance is found in nuts and wheat grains. To keep your skin healthy, nutritionists recommend consuming sprouted wheat grains. But not every day.

Natural antioxidants are of great importance for skin health. These include vitamins A and E. Therefore, a diet to clear your face of acne must include the consumption of foods rich in retinol. The main sources of this substance are carrots, corn, spinach, fish oil, and apricots. Vitamin A is fat-soluble, so it should be consumed with foods such as vegetable oil or sour cream.

For healthy skin, you must include foods rich in vitamin B. A diet for facial skin against acne must include hard cheeses, egg yolk, liver, spinach, cabbage, wheat groats, buckwheat and legumes.

Specific Ingredients

There are a number of products that help cleanse the body and reduce the amount of sebum secreted.

These include:

  1. Ginger: Helps strengthen the immune system and cleanse the blood.
  2. Parsley: It is recommended to consume a decoction of this herb daily. This helps cleanse the blood.
  3. Lemon: normalizes metabolism and helps improve immunity.
  4. Garlic: is a natural antibiotic. This product helps to synthesize antibodies that resist negative influences. Garlic also stimulates blood flow and destroys bacteria.

Prohibited Products

What should a diet for acne on the face consist of?

Under no circumstances should the menu include the following products:

  • bananas;
  • potato;
  • pastries and bread;
  • cornflakes;
  • polished rice;
  • coffee and tea;
  • carbonated drinks with sugar;
  • sweets;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty and spicy foods;
  • fish and lard;
  • alcoholic drinks.

To effectively combat acne on the face, it is important not only to follow a diet, but also to use topical creams and lotions. These products will help dry out acne on your face.

Diet for the week

So what is it? Let's look at a sample meal plan for a week for acne on the face. It does not prohibit having snacks between main meals. Nuts, fresh fruits and dairy products are best suited for this purpose.

So, let's look at the menu for the week in more detail:

  • Day 1: breakfast - oatmeal with water, fresh fruit, green tea; lunch - chicken soup, boiled egg, green tea; dinner - boiled fish, fresh vegetables, a piece of grain bread, rose hip decoction.
  • Day 2: breakfast - buckwheat with milk, fruit salad, cranberry juice; lunch - borscht in low-fat broth, stewed cabbage, turkey, fresh carrot salad with olive oil and lemon juice; dinner - baked beef, vegetables, fermented baked milk.
  • Day 3: breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese, bread, tomato, freshly squeezed orange juice; lunch - chicken broth, boiled egg, brown rice, fresh fruit; dinner - vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge with water, fermented baked milk.
  • Day 4: breakfast - millet porridge with milk, fresh fruit, rose hip decoction; lunch - vegetable soup, brown rice with seafood, fresh vegetable salad with garlic, dressed with olive oil; dinner - sandwiches with low-fat ham, cheese and bread, fruit salad, green tea.
  • Day 5: breakfast - muesli with nuts and fresh fruits, green tea; lunch - pureed pumpkin soup with fresh herbs, baked beef, boiled beans or asparagus; dinner - steamed red fish, fresh vegetables (carrots, radishes, cucumber), citrus juice.
  • Day 6: breakfast - an omelet of two eggs and low-fat milk, fresh vegetables, a glass of juice; lunch - borscht with meat broth, whole grain pasta with stewed chicken, black tea; dinner - boiled cod, fresh vegetable salad and compote.
  • Day 7: breakfast - buckwheat porridge with milk, bran bread, low-fat ham, orange juice; lunch - cabbage soup, boiled potatoes with steamed chicken cutlets, fresh vegetables; dinner - stewed vegetable stew, a glass of green tea.

At first, such a diet for acne on the face may provoke the appearance of new rashes, but in no case should you stop following it. Simply consumed foods promote enhanced removal of toxins from the body. When this process normalizes, the skin will clear. A diet for acne on the face for a week can be a great start on the path to proper nutrition.

Simple dishes

Let's look at easy recipes that are suitable during a diet for acne.

Stewed vegetable salad:

  • 4 long thin eggplants;
  • 4 zucchini;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 1 small red pepper, yellow and green;
  • 60 ml olive oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic, halved.

For refueling:

  • 60 ml olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons chopped parsley


Slice the eggplant and zucchini diagonally into 1cm thick strips. Cut the tomatoes in half lengthwise and cut the peppers into short strips. Place all the vegetables in a bowl, add olive oil and garlic. Mix well.

Heat a frying pan and grease it with oil. Fry all vegetables for 2-4 minutes on each side until lightly browned. After this, add a little water to the pan and leave it on low heat to simmer. This will take another 5-7 minutes. Transfer to a serving plate and let cool.

To prepare the dressing, mix all ingredients, salt and pepper. Pour the dressing over the vegetables and toss lightly. Serve at room temperature.

Steamed meatballs

The salad described above will go well with steamed meatballs. They will need:

  • steamed rice - 100 g.
  • minced chicken/turkey/beef - 400 g.
  • onion (finely chopped) - 30 g.
  • spices to taste.

To prepare the meatballs, mix all the ingredients and form the mixture into small balls. Place them in a steamer or pressure cooker. Cook for no more than 30-35 minutes. The finished dish can be decorated with herbs.

Nutrition for teenagers

Most often, people encounter such an unpleasant problem as acne during adolescence. It is during this period of time that a global restructuring occurs in the body. Poor nutrition can only make the situation worse. Therefore, a diet for facial acne for teenagers is mandatory.

To avoid severe rashes on the face, you should exclude the following foods from your diet:

  1. Various sweets, candies, chocolate. At the beginning of the diet, these ingredients should be completely abandoned.
  2. Drinks containing large amounts of dyes and flavor enhancers. You can't drink soda. It is also undesirable to drink coffee.
  3. Fried and fatty foods, which can contribute to increased sebum production.

for teenagers

What are its features? A diet for acne on the face in adolescence involves the inclusion of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet. Dishes on the menu must be alternated so that the body regularly receives all the necessary microelements and nutrients. The more varied a teenager’s diet is, the better. It is recommended to eat porridge for breakfast. To avoid getting bored of them, try to alternate them. You should eat boiled or steamed meat at least twice a week. The diet must include low-fat fermented milk products. It is also important to correctly combine products with each other. For example, meat should not be eaten with porridge, pasta or potatoes. Fresh vegetables go best with this product. It is better to serve baked vegetables with fish. It is better to avoid white bread altogether. You can replace it with bread. For drinks, it is preferable to drink cranberry juice, green tea and vegetable juices. In the cold season, in parallel with following a diet, you should take a complex of vitamins.