Natural food-grade unrefined sea salt, rich in minerals. “Sea at Home” - unrefined sea bath salt Unrefined salt

The topic of today's article is somewhat unusual - the choice of salt. It would seem that what is so difficult here? Isn't all salt the same? Of course not! There are different types of salt, which I will discuss in this article. I will also touch on the main nuances of the process of buying salt in a store and say a few words about some salt manufacturers.

Types of salt

First of all, it is worth considering the main types of salt - food salt, of course.

Rock, self-planting, evaporated and sea salt. We mainly sell salt that is mined from special deposits by mountain or opencast methods - from mines or quarries. This is rock salt, but it is only one of the types of raw materials for producing table salt (a finished product suitable for human consumption).

Another way is to extract salt from the bottom of lakes; This type of salt is called self-settling salt. In addition, salt is extracted from so-called underground brines. The brines are extracted from the bowels of the earth using drilled wells, purified and then boiled in one way or another. The resulting salt is called evaporation salt.

There is also sea (cage) salt, which is obtained from sea water through the process of evaporation. This salt is distinguished by the presence of more minerals, its taste is slightly different from the taste of standard, familiar salt. It is rarely found on sale and is expensive. It is worth remembering that not all sea (cage) salt is table salt, but the one sold in grocery stores is naturally ready to eat.

Table salt. This salt is obtained as a result of purification and primary processing of rock salt. This salt is ready for use. Table salt is also called evaporated salt, self-salting salt, and planting salt. In fact, table salt is table salt, which is used in cooking. Some cooks believe that it is best to use table salt made from rock salt. For health, however, sea (cage) salt is best. It contains more different minerals (including useful ones) than stone. However, some scientists are very skeptical about claims about the supposedly greater benefits of sea salt and say that this is rather a marketing myth.

Refined and unrefined salt. The first is distinguished by its white color and the absence of foreign grains of sand. Usually it is quite small and crumbly. The second is gray and larger, sometimes slightly stuck together. Refined (actually, purified salt) is artificially bleached (lightened) and dried. Of course, as a result of such processing, the result is perfectly clean, smooth and white salt, but it is actually harmful to health (in particular, it contributes to the formation of gallstones and edema). It is better to eat unrefined salt, despite its rather unsightly appearance. Moreover, it costs less.

Coarse and fine salt (coarse and fine salt). It differs in the size of the crystals: in large ones they are quite large, in small ones they are very small. Salt has the smallest crystals extra" Of course, the smaller the crystals, the more expensive the salt. It must be borne in mind that only coarse salt is suitable for pickling; for preparing soups and hot dishes, it is also advisable to use fairly coarse salt. For salads and other snacks, fine salt is better, but in the salt shakers you need to pour pure white “extra” salt - so to speak, for the sake of decency. But in general, I do not recommend regularly using “extra” salt.

Regular (pure) and iodized salt. As you might guess, iodized salt is additionally enriched with iodine, a very beneficial substance for the human body. It is better to use it for regular consumption, although some people do not like it because of its specific taste. For pickling cucumbers, mushrooms, etc. you need to use only regular, classic salt - without adding iodine. In terms of price, iodized salt usually differs very little from non-iodized salt.

The main nuances that you should pay attention to when choosing

Package. It is better to give preference to salt in transparent packaging. The opaque cardboard packaging can contain anything. For example, I still remember table rock salt from the Ukrainian company “Artemsol” in a kind of cardboard box. It was really made of stone: the package contained several giant, dirty, unsightly crystals that were quite difficult to crush. This is the packaging, pictured below.

And the point here is not necessarily the manufacturer - in the store itself, the salt could have been stored in a damp room, it could have been transported in inappropriate conditions, and so on. This is why it is advisable to be able to see what you are buying through a transparent plastic bag.

Convenient jar packaging. It is not necessary to buy salt in such packaging regularly; it is enough to buy it once. For example, Sol Bryansk sells “extra” salt in strong plastic jars with a unique lid. On one side of the lid there are holes drilled (which can be covered from above with another lid), on the other side there is a hole into which salt can later be poured from ordinary bags.

Of course, salt in such a jar is expensive (about 28 rubles for 750 grams), but later you can buy salt in bags and pour it into this jar, which is convenient to use when cooking. However, if you have a special glass jar for salt with a similar lid, this option is not relevant for you.

Package Contents. Look what's in the package. There is no need to be afraid of greyish, coarse and slightly sticky salt: all this indicates the absence of chemical treatment carried out to give the salt an ideal, beautiful appearance. It is better to buy this salt for pickling, and it is also great for cooking. The only thing is that it should not be dirty (not very good if it was trampled on by boots) and the crystals should not be gigantic and very hard.

If you buy salt to put it in a salt shaker or salt for guests, then it is better to give preference to pure and fine white “extra” salt. Yes, she is quite harmful, but she still looks decent.

GOST. It is better that Russian GOST is indicated on the packaging. For salt, this is GOST R-51574 (sometimes it is indicated as GOST R-51574-00 or GOST R-51574-2000). GOST should be looked for only on packages of Russian and Belarusian salt.

Manufacturers. As I indicated above, the Ukrainian company Artemsol disappointed me. But the Belarusian Mozyrsol seems to be a fairly conscientious enterprise. Our Russian salt “Iletskaya” (it is produced by “Iletsksol”), mined in the Orenburg region, is also good. Of course, there are other enterprises, for example, Uralkali, which produces salt in the Perm region. He considers the products of the Usolye-Sibirskoye plant, located near Irkutsk, to be good salt.

On the Internet I came across information that Spanish salt mined in the Cadiz region, Polish salt (from the Wieliczka region), and Californian salt (USA) are good. However, imported salt is rare in our stores, it is expensive, and I have not tried it. And I don’t think I’ve lost anything, frankly speaking.

Happy shopping and bon appetit!

Perhaps it is salt - this ancient seasoning - that can be confidently called the most controversial. There was a time when salt was more valuable than gold, but today the fame of this seasoning is quite controversial. Some people believe that salt is a necessary element for the normal functioning of most living beings. Some, on the contrary, call for moderate consumption, and often for complete abstinence from salt, substantiating their opinion with multiple studies indicating a connection between high blood pressure and body swelling with the consumption of salt in significant quantities.

Scientists claim that a 30-gram dose of salt is fatal to the human body, since the simultaneous consumption of such an amount of salt will inevitably lead to swelling of the tissues and brain. So what is salt? Does the human body need it or vice versa? And if needed, then in what quantity?

Functions of salt

The human body absolutely needs salt. To understand this, you just need to take a short excursion into the school biochemistry course. The main elements of salt - sodium and chlorine - perform specific functions in our body. Sodium is an important participant in maintaining acid-base and water balances; in addition, it ensures the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contractions. Chlorine is necessary in the process of producing gastric juice. It also performs a number of other important functions, including the production of amylase enzymes, which are necessary for the absorption of carbohydrate-containing foods. In other words, salt is a natural enzyme stimulant, and if it is completely excluded from the diet, the functioning of the digestive system will be disrupted, which can lead to loss of the sense of taste, weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, convulsions and interruptions in heart function.

Is salt harmful?

Even such convincing evidence of the usefulness of salt does not remove the question of its harmfulness. After all, excessive salt consumption can actually increase the risk of developing various heart diseases, liver and kidney pathologies. Reducing salt intake can prevent the occurrence of edema, proteinuria (high protein content in the urine, which is a kidney disease) and deterioration of vision. A salt-free diet is very effective for excessively oily skin and for getting rid of acne, and excessive salt intake can threaten potassium deficiency and osteoporosis.

Refined salt is harmful salt

Regular table salt of the “Extra” class is the most common refining product. After undergoing chemical and thermal treatment, it not only loses all its beneficial properties due to a change in the original structure, but also receives carcinogenic properties in return, ultimately becoming exactly that harmful product that increases blood pressure. Before reaching the shelves of stores and supermarkets, such salt is dried in huge ovens at temperatures exceeding 650°C. Salt molecules simply cannot withstand such temperatures and burst, completely changing their structure. But even this is not all.

The next stage of production is the addition of a chemical moisture evaporator, which “dries” the salt, preventing it from sticking together into an “unappetizing” lump. Natural iodine salts are lost during the processing process, and instead of them, potassium iodide, which is quite toxic in case of “overeating,” is added. To retain iodide, dextrose is added to the salt, and chemical bleach is added to remove the pinkish tint from dextrose. Naturally, after this we cannot talk about any beneficial properties of the product.

The ideal salt is sea salt

The body needs salt, but real, natural, not “improved” by civilization! The best option is to use sea salt. It dries naturally in the sun and contains microelements from marine fauna and flora. Only 85-95% of sea salt is sodium chloride. The remaining 5-15% is occupied by various compounds of chemical elements (there are about 84 of them in sea salt). But even an adult should consume no more than 2 grams of organic salt per day. For children, the dose is even less. And one more important point: you need to be sure that the sea salt on the counter is really sea salt, and not refined, which is most often sold under the guise of sea salt - but for a lot of money. Then you can only benefit from salt by consuming it in reasonable quantities.

Salt is the most consumed seasoning in the world. It is also called table, stone or table (food grade), but in fact it is sodium chloride - a food product. Table salt is ground sodium chloride crystals. Table salt is produced both purified and unrefined (rock salt), finely and coarsely ground, pure (“extra”), iodized, sea salt, etc.

Salt is an essential nutrient for the functioning of the human body. The fact is that chlorine ions in sodium chloride are the main material for the synthesis of hydrochloric acid - an important component of gastric juice. The importance of sodium ions is indicated by the fact that they, together with ions of other mineral substances in the body, ensure the transmission of nerve impulses and the contraction of muscle fibers. An insufficient amount of salt in the body leads to increased fatigue, general weakness and many other disorders.

The daily need for sodium chloride is 5-10 g, and in summer - up to 15-20 g. It is worth considering that a person also receives chloride and sodium ions from everyday food - vegetables, fruits and grains.

Calorie content

100 g salt – 0 kcal

How to choose a quality product

Table salt, which is sold in stores, contains 97% sodium chloride, and the remaining 3% is made up of various additives. Most often, these are iodides, carbonates and fluorides.

When purchasing salt, the best option is iodized salt, since most regions have a noticeable lack of iodine in food and water. It is better to choose salt in transparent (plastic) bags.

Rock salt

It is mined from salt deposits by open (quarries) or mountain (mines) methods. This salt is just a raw material for obtaining the finished product - table salt.

Table salt

This salt is obtained by purifying rock salt. It is most often used in the cooking process.

Unrefined salt

Coarse, often gray, slightly sticky salt. This is the most natural product, which is recommended for use.

Refined salt

Purified salt, white, without foreign grains of sand. It is usually small and crumbly, but does not carry any additional beneficial minerals.

Sea salt

It contains a whole complex of minerals and trace elements. To be fair, it should be noted that scientists are skeptical of manufacturers’ claims about the great benefits of sea salt. It's possible that this is just a good marketing ploy.

Salt "Extra"

Has the smallest crystals. It is best used for seasoning salads and snacks. Basically, it is served when setting the table. You cannot use “extra” in constant mode.

Product storage

Salt is stored in a dry place. High humidity turns salt into monolithic pieces.

Salt your way to health

« You are the salt of the earth. If the salt loses its strength, then what will you use to make it salty? She's no longer good for anything..." In the Gospel, human virtues were compared to salt. But in the modern world, salt, as a healing food product, has lost its potency due to its refining. And all the negative effects of salt are associated with refined salt.


In the process of making refined salt, it is bleached, dried at super-high temperatures, and harmful additives are added, such as moisture absorbers, ferrocyanide (a carcinogen) and aluminum silicate (the main culprit of Alzheimer's disease). In some countries (France and South America), salt is fluoridated, which is completely undesirable for the health of the thyroid gland.

A mandatory component of salt processing is depriving it of all microelements, with the exception of two - sodium and chlorine. As a result, the amount of NaCl in refined salt approaches 100%. And in natural salt the NaCl content is about 85%.

It turns out that refined salt is a source of predominantly sodium and chlorine, while natural salt contains more than 80 vital microelements, for example, silicon, phosphorus, vanadium.

And now an interesting intrigue:


And for a decent price.

“What about iodized salt?” - you ask.

Let's start with the fact that iodine evaporates very quickly from such salt. Therefore, it would be wiser to replace iodized and refined salt seaweed. The latter are the product with the highest iodine content.


Recent studies have found that consuming refined salt provokes AUTOIMMUNE INFLAMMATION. At the same time, natural sea or rock salt has exactly the opposite effect.


  • Stabilizes heart rhythm disturbances and regulates blood pressure (in tandem with water).
  • Removes excess acidity from body cells, and especially from brain cells. This makes it easierdetoxification .
  • Restores the balance of blood sugar levels (note to diabetics!).
  • Vital for the absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract, as it activates digestive enzymes.
  • Expels toxins and pathogens from the intestines.
  • Facilitates the cleansing of the lungs from mucus and viscous phlegm (which is vital for patients with asthma and cystic fibrosis).
  • Reduces catarrhal symptoms of the respiratory tract and congestion of the paranasal sinuses.
  • It is a strong natural antihistamine.
  • Prevents the production of excess saliva. Saliva leakage during sleep may be a sign of salt deficiency.
  • Strengthens bones. 27% of the body's salt reserves are concentrated in the skeletal system. Salt deficiency and/or consumption of refined salt is one of the reasons osteoporosis .
  • Acts as a natural sleeping pill. Trace elements from unrefined salt calm the nervous system and reduce the level of stress hormones.
  • Prevents the development of gout and gouty arthritis.
  • Eases muscle spasms.
  • Participates in maintaining sexual function and libido.
  • Inhibits the development of varicose veins and spider veins on the legs.
  • Supports the well-being of the thyroid and adrenal glands. The latter produce dozens of vital hormones. One of the causes of adrenal fatigue is lack of salt. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and other chronic illnesses with symptoms of fatigue often respond positively to increasing the intake of UNREFINED salt to 1-2 teaspoons per day.
  • Eases toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy: pregnant women are recommended to eat saltine crackers. Only the salt should be unrefined.
  • Transforms unattractive skin into soft and smooth skin.

Since ancient times, the most reliable source of salt for hunters and nomads was blood. Therefore, it would be fair to change the reputation of some peoples as “bloodthirsty savages” to “bloodthirsty scientists.”

The thing is that the need for salt depends on the amount of fast-acting carbohydrates in the diet.



Primitive peoples did not have sugar, flour or other refined carbohydrates at their disposal. Therefore, they were forced to look for sources of salt to stay healthy.

Eliminate refined foods from your diet and replace them with natural ones.

Otherwise, electrolyte imbalance may occur. The latter is manifested by headache, dizziness, fatigue, cardiac arrhythmias and muscle spasms.

IMPORTANT: with a low-carb diet, in the absence of salt in the diet, muscle mass is lost. Even if there is a sufficient amount of protein in the diet. It is important to know about this for everyone who is prescribed a low-carb diet for health reasons, as well as those who want to lose weight.

Five grams of salt per day is enough (three grams in food and two grams in bone broth).

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the path to health should definitely be salted. Season with natural unrefined salt. You will find out which salt is the best in continuation .

CAUTION: If kidney function is impaired, increasing the amount of salt in the diet should be avoided.

Tandem of salt and water

The tandem of unrefined salt and high-quality water is the best insurance for health. When dissolved in water, the minerals in natural salt are converted into electrolytes. The latter are critically necessary for the normal function of cells, organs and endocrine glands.

It is curious that a solution of unrefined salt is almost identical in composition to blood plasma and contains building material for the production of vitamins and proteins in the body.

Unrefined salt dissolved in water is necessary for severe stress and trauma.

Mental and emotional stability depends on the optimal ratio of electrolytes and their balance with fluid.

It is unrefined salt that effectively dissolves and facilitates the utilization of iron. The tandem of unrefined salt and water facilitates the cleansing and detoxification of the digestive tract and, accordingly, suppresses the proliferation of pathogens.



I note that thousands of commercially prepared products contain refined salt and make a significant contribution to the formation of obesity, allergies, arthritis, low immunity and other diseases.

The only salt that provides cell rehydration is unrefined sea or rock salt.



Frankly speaking, all natural unrefined types of salt are not much different from each other. The best include Himalayan (pinkish), Celtic (pale Segoro color), RedmondRealSalt (USA) and other types of rock salt. I use Himalayan and Artemovsk salt.

Sea salt occupies an intermediate position between refined and natural. It is produced by evaporating sea water. Therefore, sea salt is poorer in mineral diversity and may contain heavy metals.

Kosher salt is closer to refined salt in its nutritional value. Unless it does not contain all kinds of “additives”.

Many professional athletes start their day with a simple drink: a solution of natural salt and lemon in water.

This drink, accessible to everyone, will improve immunity, digestion and sleep, reduce inflammation and restore hormonal balance. Drinking this drink is a method of mild liver detoxification. What especially attracts me is the effect of clean and radiant skin.

Are you ready to join me?

Then write down the recipe: add the juice of one lemon and a teaspoon of natural salt to 300 milliliters of filtered water.

Just in case, start implementing this morning tradition with a lower concentration of lemon and water and evaluate how the body reacts to the drink.

On the eve of the hot season, I cannot help but draw attention to the fact that sunstroke does not arise from loss of fluid, but from the loss of both fluid and salt. Therefore, it is much more effective to carry out its prevention and emergency measures with a solution of one teaspoon of natural salt in one liter of water.

Concluding the salt trilogy, I want to emphasize that good water and unrefined salt are fundamental factors in restoring mineral deficiencies and rehydrating the body's cells. Without the daily use of these two components, attempts at healing through nutritional correction, supplements and medicinal herbs will be tantamount to building a building without a foundation.

And don’t forget that natural salt will show its talents provided that sweets are limited.