Pedagogical competence of the teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Development of professional competence of preschool teachers. Basic principles of planning

In modern pedagogical practice, it is relevant in the professional training of teachers of preschool educational institutions competence approach.

The study of professional and pedagogical competence is one of the leading areas of activity of a number of scientists (N.V. Kuzmina, I.A. Zimnyaya, A.K. Markova, V.N. Vvedensky, M.I. Lukyanova, A.V. Khutorskoy , G.S. Sukhobskaya, O.N. Shakhmatova, V.A. Slastenin and many other researchers).

In pedagogical science the concept "professional competence" a system of knowledge and skills of a teacher, manifested in solving professional and pedagogical problems that arise in practice.

In the dictionary of social pedagogy "competence"(from the Latin competentio - rightfully owned) is defined as having competence: having knowledge that allows one to judge something. In the conceptual dictionary-reference book on pedagogical acmeology, professional pedagogical competence is interpreted as an integrative professional and personal characteristic, including the merits and achievements of a teacher, determining the readiness and ability to perform pedagogical functions in accordance with the norms, standards, and requirements accepted in society at a specific historical moment.

Professional and pedagogical competence, according to N.V. Kuzmina, includes five elements or types of competence: special pedagogical, methodological, socio-psychological, differential psychological, autopsychological (correlates with the concept of professional self-awareness, self-knowledge, and self-development). Methodological competence covers the area of ​​methods for developing knowledge and skills in students.

N.V. Ippolitova, considering the content aspect of the professional and pedagogical training of future teachers, points out that it includes such components as moral-psychological, methodological, theoretical, methodical and technological training, which, being interconnected and interdependent, ensure the effectiveness of the ongoing pedagogical process. At the same time, “methodological training involves providing students with knowledge of the principles, content, rules, facts, forms and methods of specific areas of education and training. Methodological activities are carried out as special scientific activities aimed at obtaining new products - new methods and means of scientific research.”

These provisions served as a prerequisite for the allocation methodological sphere in the professional activities of educators. And, as a result, the development of the methodological competence of the teacher in the process of professional pedagogical activity has become one of the priority tasks of the methodological service of a preschool educational institution.

Currently, there is a reassessment of the methodological work of specialists in the education system. New models of methodological services are gradually being created that meet the needs of modern society. New directions and forms are emerging. The content is changing qualitatively, a tendency is emerging such as the variability and multi-level nature of this activity, depending on the requests and readiness of educational institutions. T.A. Zagrinnaya and a number of other researchers highlight methodological work as a leading factor in the development of methodological competence, which is an important component of the professional competence of teachers.

A.M. Stolyarenko, considering the methodological side of a teacher’s work, points out that according to the old tradition it came down to methods, and most often to teaching methods. “Later they began to talk about work methods, methodological work, and recently - more and more about pedagogical technology, pedagogical technologies, methodological systems.”

The methodological system of the educational and pedagogical process is designed to set in motion the capabilities of the subjects, means and conditions of this process, direct them in the right direction and effectively implement them.

Domestic researchers T.E. studied the problem of forming methodological (scientific and methodological) competence and methodological training of teachers. Kocharyan, S.G. Azarishvili, T.I. Shamova, T.A. Zagrivnaya, I.Yu. Kovaleva, T.N. Gushchina, A.A. Mayer and many others. T.N. Gushchina defines methodological competence as an integral multi-level professionally significant characteristic of the personality and activity of a teacher, mediating effective professional experience, as a systematic education of knowledge, skills, and skills of a teacher in the field of methodology and the optimal combination of methods of professional pedagogical activity.

I.V. Kovaleva is considering scientific and methodological competence as an integral characteristic of the business, personal and moral qualities of a teacher, reflecting the systemic level of functioning of methodological, methodological and research knowledge, skills, experience, motivation, abilities and readiness for creative self-realization in scientific, methodological and pedagogical activities in general.

Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, research in the field of educational theory and practice, we can conclude that there is no single view on the definition of the concept and structure of both professional pedagogical and methodological competence.

In the structure of methodological competence, scientists identify the following components: personal, activity, cognitive (cognitive), etc.

Personal component of methodological competence We correlate the teacher of a preschool educational institution with the skills associated with the psychological side of the teacher’s personality: communicative, perceptive, reflective.

Activity component includes accumulated professional knowledge and skills, the ability to update them at the right time and use them in the process of implementing one’s professional functions. It also requires the teacher to master research and creative skills.

Cognitive component is based on the skills that make up the teacher’s theoretical training: analytical-synthetic (the ability to analyze program and methodological documents, identify methodological problems and determine ways to solve them, the ability to classify, systematize methodological knowledge); predictive (the ability to predict the effectiveness of selected means, forms, methods and techniques, the ability to apply methodological knowledge, skills, abilities in new conditions); constructive and design (the ability to structure and build the learning process, select the content and forms of conducting classes, select methods, methods and techniques, the ability to plan methodological activities).

The study identified pedagogical conditions for the development of methodological competence teacher of a preschool educational institution in the process of his teaching activities:

Development of a value-based attitude to pedagogical activity based on the integration of the teacher’s personal position and his general cultural, psychological, pedagogical, methodological and methodological knowledge, updating his individual experience;

Inclusion of the teacher in active creative interaction in the systems “teacher - child”, “teacher - teacher”, “teacher - senior teacher (or other person providing support for methodological activities in a preschool educational institution)”, “teacher-parent” based on “subject” -subjective relations;

Implementation of differentiated holistic methodological support for the teacher’s activities, which is analytical in nature, and its results are diagnostic in nature, and provides for the development of pedagogical skills and abilities necessary for independent implementation of teaching activities (self-organization, self-regulation);

Reflection of pedagogical actions at different stages of activity (self-analysis and self-assessment).

The development of methodological competence is a process that continues throughout the professional and pedagogical activity of a preschool teacher, therefore it is not possible to determine the time frame for the stages of formation of methodological competence (as, for example, in a university). At the same time, based on the objectives of methodological work to improve the qualifications of teaching staff and correlating the stages with the levels of formation of methodological competence, we identify 3 levels of development of the methodological competence of a preschool teacher:

- initial or basic(development occurs at the existing level of methodological competence in an individual mode of methodological support);

- main or productive(teacher is an active participant in the methodological system of a preschool educational institution);

- creative(the development process occurs independently on the basis of self-realization, is of a research and creative nature); At the same time, the process of developing methodological competence is considered as multi-level.

Thus, in the light of modern requirements, the development of the methodological competence of a preschool teacher, having gone from learning the simplest actions to select methods and techniques to work within the framework of an entire methodological system, is a necessary condition for the development of the professional competence of the teacher as a whole.

Topic 3. Planning and organization of the teacher’s own activities

Teacher planning his own activities

The teacher must begin planning his activities with observation.

Ability to Observe is one of the important conditions for a teacher’s successful work with children. It is necessary for the teacher, as it allows for an individual approach to each child. Therefore, monitoring the behavior of children should be a special task of the teacher.

Observation should be purposeful, meaningful and systematic, and not a spontaneous and episodic moment in the work of the educator. However, it should not become an end in itself.

Observation should be aimed at noticing problems that have arisen in a timely manner, adjusting one’s own activities in relation to the child, creating conditions for moving forward, and helping him cope with difficulties.

To learn to observe, it is necessary, in addition to everyday or intuitive ideas about a child of a given age, to have scientific knowledge about the patterns of mental development. Otherwise, the teacher will not be able to fully implement the tasks of education, notice possible deviations in the child’s development or special abilities in some area.

The teacher’s task is to monitor each child and the group as a whole. Having formed a clear picture of his students, he can plan individual work with each of them and monitor its effectiveness during subsequent observations. For example, a teacher noticed that a child prefers to play alone all the time. Consequently, the task arises of awakening the child’s interest in peers, in playing together with them, in the process of correctional work, observing how the child’s attitude towards others changes, and on the basis of this, drawing a conclusion whether his pedagogical influences are productive or not.

The observation time depends on what exactly the teacher is going to see. If he wants to clarify how the child plays or how children interact with each other, it is best to do this during the free play of the kids in the group and on the playground. If you intend to analyze how a child communicates with an adult, you should specially organize an interaction situation, for example, invite the child and the teacher to assemble a nesting doll, play with insert forms, or read a book.

An attentive teacher can extract useful information to understand the child’s characteristics even from a short episode of observation, draw conclusions and, if necessary, carry out pedagogical correction or seek help from a psychologist

Example. An adult unfamiliar to the child (new teacher) enters the group. Two-year-old Denis immediately approaches him, hands him his ball, the adult joins in the game, they pass the ball into each other’s hands several times, then the adult throws it up and invites the baby to do the same, but the boy hides his hands behind his back, lowers his eyes and quietly whispers: “I don’t know how.” The adult offers his help and, holding the child’s hands in his own, throws the ball. Denis looks at him guiltily and repeats: “I can’t.” The teacher calms the child down, tosses the ball with him again and invites him to do it himself. Denis tries to repeat the pattern, but his attention is focused not so much on the ball as on the adult’s face. An embarrassed smile accompanies all his actions.

This episode lasts several minutes, but allows an experienced observer to draw the following conclusions. Firstly, Denis has a friendly attitude towards adults and is proactive in communication, as evidenced by his behavior: he quickly approached the adult and invited him to start the game. Consequently, his communicative need is well developed. Secondly, the boy is most likely shy, as evidenced by his embarrassed looks and movements. It is shyness that explains the child’s attempt to avoid performing a new action, the anxious expectation of an adult’s assessment, which obscures interest in the game.

These initial conclusions will be confirmed if this behavior of the baby is repeated in other situations. Then the teacher must conclude for himself that it is necessary to carry out individual work with the boy, develop a strategy of work aimed at strengthening the child’s confidence in the positive attitude of adults towards him, increasing his self-esteem, and liberating the emotional sphere.

For observation to be effective, it is necessary to record its results for the purpose of subsequent analysis. The methods of recording depend on the nature of the observations and the pedagogical goals.

When planning lessons, teachers determine immediately the topic and teaching methods. In some cases, this will be children's practical activities (for example, playing with sand and water), in others - working with visual aids (looking at illustrations). Overloading children with information should be avoided - it should not be too extensive and abstract, maintain a balance between active and calm activities, organized and free time for children.

Within short-term planning teachers discuss the interests and needs of each child, note his successes, determine goals for him and the whole group, organize work taking into account the results of observations of teachers, on the basis of which several learning goals can be outlined for each child. For example, for one it may be learning the skills to negotiate with peers during play and the development of fine motor skills, for another it may be the use of substitute objects in the game and introduction to visual activities. They think about how to organize games, conversations and activities, decide what changes should be made in the group, in the arrangement of toys, etc. The daily lesson plan must include one individual lesson for at least two children. Thus, at least ten children will be able to participate in at least one individual lesson per week.

Team members distribute among themselves responsibilities and tasks for the coming week and the current day. They agree on who will prepare a dramatization of a fairy tale with puppet characters, who will organize games with sand and water; who will call the child’s parents, who will hold a parent meeting. The plan takes into account children’s birthdays, holidays, and joint events with parents.

Short-term planning includes drawing up a daily schedule, which is developed taking into account the age of the children, the number of students in the group, their level of development and individual needs, as well as the wishes of the parents and their work schedule. When creating a daily routine, you should also take into account seasonality (autumn-winter and spring-summer periods), climatic and weather conditions. To take into account all these factors, the daily routine must be flexible and balanced; this will allow general procedures to be carried out even when due to some circumstances the schedule is violated. For example, in good weather, take an extra walk; in bad weather, instead of a walk, organize indoor games. When creating a daily routine, it is important to maintain a balance between children’s sleep and wakefulness, active and quiet activities.

In early childhood and mixed-age groups, maintaining balance is a particular challenge as children have different needs at different age stages. Younger children sleep more and eat more often than older children; older children have a greater need for physical activity. Therefore, if there are children of different ages in the group, the daily routine may include several modes.

Walking times are set taking into account natural and climatic conditions. Thus, in the autumn-winter period, walks are held less often and shorter in time than in the spring-summer. In the southern regions, walks are timed to coincide with the time when the heat subsides.

Basic principles of planning

· Completeness principle provides for the activities of teachers in all areas of child development - physical, social-personal, cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic.

· Principle of integration is closely related to the principle of completeness and means that the solution to each pedagogical problem can be included in classes of different content in visual, musical, theatrical, constructive activities, games, speech development classes, etc.

· Principle of coordination of activities teachers require consistency in planning in order to optimize the educational process (achieve completeness, integrity, systematic program content). So, if a children’s institution employs specialists in physical education, fine art, music, and speech therapists, each of them must take into account the content and methods of its presentation by other teachers, including a teacher working in a group, when planning their activities.

For example, when preparing for a holiday, a speech therapist in classes on speech development can organize games with elements of dramatization, in which the child acts and speaks on behalf of a character in a fairy tale or recites lines from a poem. In music classes, you can solve physical development problems - organize outdoor games to music that promote the development of movements in children. Game activities can be enriched with a variety of plots in accordance with any theme of the program being implemented.

A necessary condition for the successful work of a teacher is coordination of efforts with colleagues: a second teacher, an assistant, teachers working in certain areas of children’s development (physical education teacher, music director, etc.). Joint discussion, participation in note-taking, and making additions will help to better understand the child and develop a joint program for interaction with him.

Planning the activities of a teacher is necessary for the effective implementation of the pedagogical process. With its help, the teacher prepares for the implementation of the educational program: determines pedagogical tasks, distributes them over time, outlines when and what activities should be carried out, thinks through how to organize the environment, what materials, aids and toys to choose. Planning should be long term and short term. The first makes it possible to outline the main activities for a year or several years. The second is done weekly and daily; includes a schedule of events and classes in groups and subgroups. Planning should be based on the principles of completeness, integration, coordination, and individualization.

Development of professional competence of preschool teachers in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education

“Just as no one can give to another what he himself does not have, so one who is not himself developed, educated and educated cannot develop, educate and educate others.”

A. Diesterweg

Pedagogical competence is a set of professional powers and functions that create the necessary conditions for effective activity in the educational space.

A.S. Belkin, V.V. Nesterov

The changes that have occurred in our country in recent years have entailed changes in educational policy and a revision of the foundations of the theory and practice of education. Considering the extreme importance of a child receiving preschool education, it is necessary to ensure the educational process by high-level specialists. At the present stage, teachers are involved in an innovative process related to updating the content of preschool education, forms of its implementation, methods and techniques of teaching content to children, and the need to base their work on a system-activity approach. In such conditions, the development of professional competence of teachers acquires special significance. Therefore, the issue of increasing the professional level of preschool teachers, increasing the requirements for a modern teacher and his level of self-education is relevant. In this regard, first of all, it is necessary to create a set of conditions that facilitate the restructuring of the pedagogical consciousness of educators, which in turn will lead to the development of new personal and professional positions.

Thus, it can be assumed that educational activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard should be focused on the development of the following pedagogical skills, which include a set of competencies in the organization and content of activities in the following areas:

Unfortunately, at the moment there is still a problem of developing a teacher who has competence, creativity, readiness to use and create innovations, and the ability to conduct experimental work. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out systematic work to improve the professional competence of teachers. The system of professional competence of a preschool teacher includes a set of the following competencies:



A key component of a teacher’s methodological competence in implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is an understanding of the foundations of a systemic-active approach

Its essence lies in the fact that the focus is on the joint (partnership) activities of adults and children to achieve jointly developed goals and objectives

Psychological and pedagogical competence

Includes the teacher’s knowledge of the age characteristics of preschool children, their mental development, methods of preschool education and the ability to adequately build an educational route with each child at each stage of their development of preschool education



It consists of practical knowledge of communication techniques that allow for positive, effective interaction with all participants in the educational process

Research competence

The ability to evaluate an educational event from the perspective of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, to analyze the effectiveness of the educational process, methodological work, etc. based on the results of the year or in certain areas



It is expressed in the ability to present the positive experience of one’s professional activities in writing and publishing articles in magazines, on educational websites, speaking at pedagogical conferences of various levels, etc.



Willingness for continuous professional improvement. The ability to choose the necessary directions and forms of activity for professional growth.

Information and communication


Expressed in the ability to own and apply information products, tools and technologies in the educational process

Emotional competence

The ability to recognize and recognize one’s own feelings, as well as the feelings of others, for self-motivation, to manage one’s emotions within oneself and in relation to others

Based on these requirements. It is possible to identify the main ways to develop a teacher’s professional competence:

  • Work in methodological associations, creative groups
  • Research, experimental activities
  • Innovative activities, development of new pedagogical technologies
  • Active participation in pedagogical competitions and master classes
  • Acquaintance with teaching experience, work system, author's findings
  • Conducting open events to share experiences
  • Pedagogical readings
  • Business games
  • Generalization of own teaching experience

Based on the above, we can conclude: the main source of professional competence of a teacher is training and experience. Professional competence is characterized by a constant desire to improve, acquire new knowledge and skills, and enrich activities. The psychological basis of competence is the readiness to constantly improve one’s qualifications and professional development. A teacher who does not develop will never raise a creative, constructive personality. Therefore, it is precisely the increase in the competence and professionalism of the teacher that is a necessary condition for improving the quality of both the pedagogical process and the quality of preschool education as a whole in accordance with Federal State Requirements.

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Final qualifying work



Relevance of the study. Modern preschool education is one of the most developing stages of the educational system of the Russian Federation. New regulatory requirements for determining the structure and conditions for the implementation of the general education program of preschool education have a direct impact on the work with teaching staff called upon to implement the educational process in changing conditions. In different regions of Russia, educational institutions providing the development, upbringing and education of young children are experiencing a number of personnel problems. In particular, there is a shortage of qualified personnel, a weak susceptibility of the traditional education system to the external demands of society, a system of retraining and advanced training that lags behind the real needs of the industry, which hinders the development of human resources capable of providing the modern content of the educational process and the use of appropriate educational technologies.

The priority objectives of preschool education, according to the Concept of Preschool Education, are the following: the personal development of the child, caring for his emotional well-being, developing imagination and creative abilities, developing children’s abilities to cooperate with other people. These tasks are determined by the attitude towards preschool age as a unique, valuable period of personality development. The value of the preschool period of development and its enduring significance for all subsequent human life impose a special responsibility on preschool teachers.

Solving the main tasks facing preschool institutions, new goals and content of alternative preschool education programs expect new relationships between adults and children, denying the manipulative approach to the child, the educational and disciplinary model of interaction with him. However, in the process of training, future teachers and educators in many educational institutions currently receive only specialized knowledge; skills they acquire! independently, through trial and error. Research in recent years shows; that educators, both beginners and experienced ones, have a poor arsenal of means for solving pedagogical problems, insufficient development of pedagogical skills and mechanisms for understanding another person.

The relevance of the research problem at the scientific and theoretical level is determined by the insufficient development of the key definition for this study - “professional competence of preschool teachers.” In recent years, the concepts of “competence” and “competence” have been actively mastered by domestic pedagogy (V.I. Bidenko, A.S. Belkin, S.A. Druzhilov, E.F. Zeer, O.E. Lebedev, V.G. Pishchulin, I.P. Smirnov, E.V. Tkachenko, S.B. Shishov, etc. A large number of dissertation studies are devoted to this problem, but they pay attention to the conditions for the formation of communicative competence in schoolchildren in various academic subjects, technologies for the formation of various types of competencies in students, social-perceptual competence in teachers, etc.

Thus, the area of ​​research mainly affects the school and university levels of education. While the conditions for the development of professional competence in the post-graduate period and, no less important, for working teachers of preschool educational institutions have not been sufficiently studied.

The object of the study is the process of developing the professional competence of preschool teachers.

The subject of the study is a methodological service that promotes the development of professional competence of preschool teachers.

The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate, develop and test a new form of work of the methodological service, focused on the development of professional competencies of preschool teachers, taking into account the individual characteristics of the teaching staff.

The study is based on the following hypothesis:

It has been suggested that the development of professional competencies of preschool teachers can be effective if the following organizational and pedagogical conditions are taken into account and implemented:

The regulatory requirements of the modern preschool education system, the needs of the preschool institution and the teacher in the development of professional competencies in preschool educational institutions have been studied;

Based on a functional analysis of the activities of a teacher in a preschool educational institution, the content of professional competencies was determined, and the levels of their manifestation in the process of teaching activities were identified;

A model of the work of the methodological service of a preschool educational institution has been developed and implemented within the framework of project activities focused on the development of professional competencies of educators, taking into account the level of their manifestations.

In accordance with the purpose, subject and hypothesis, the tasks of the work are defined:

1. Characterize the professional competence of preschool teachers;

2. Consider the role of the methodological service in the development of professional competence of preschool teachers;

3. Identify the forms and methods of developing the professional competence of preschool teachers in the process of activity;

4. Conduct diagnostics of the professional competence of preschool teachers;

5. Develop and implement the project “School for Young Specialists of Preschool Educational Institution” as part of the development of professional competence of teachers;

6. Conduct an assessment of the results of the project “School for Young Specialists of Preschool Educational Institution”.

Research methods.

The work uses a set of research methods aimed at testing the hypothesis and solving the assigned problems, including methods for preparing and organizing the study.


Analysis, study, generalization and systematization of scientific, pedagogical and psychological literature on the problem under study.

Methods for collecting empirical data:

Methods of pedagogical measurements - testing, diagnosing the level of professional competencies of preschool teachers, observation, conversation, survey, questioning, studying the effectiveness of the educational activities of preschool educational institutions and the pedagogical activities of preschool teachers, expert assessment, statistical and mathematical calculations.

Experimental research work on the research topic was carried out on the basis of the educational institution:

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - kindergarten No. 38 of the Leninsky district of Yekaterinburg.

The identified purpose, hypothesis and objectives of the study determined the logic of the study, which was carried out from 2012 to 2013. and included three stages.

At the first stage (September 2012), an analysis of regulatory documents, scientific, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem was carried out, the topic, purpose and objectives of the study were formulated. The practical aspect of the work consisted in conducting a confirmatory experiment, which made it possible to identify the regulatory requirements for teachers of preschool educational institutions of various types and the level of development of professional competencies of teachers.

At the second stage (October 2012-April 2013), the methodological service of the preschool educational institution developed a professional development project aimed at developing the professional competencies of preschool educators and began testing it on the basis of the institution of preschool educational institution No. 38.

At the third stage (May 2013), an experimental test was carried out to test the effectiveness of the professional development process, differentiated by type of educational activity and focused on the development of professional competencies of educators, its evaluation of experimental research work, the results were summarized and conclusions were formulated.

The structure of the final qualifying work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.

1. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of professional competence among teachers of preschool educational institutions

1.1 Characteristics of the professional competence of preschool teachers

professional competence teacher specialist

For a holistic idea of ​​possible ways and methods of developing the professional competence of teachers of preschool educational institutions, we will consider the key concepts: competence, competencies, professional competence.

“Competence” as a phenomenon, despite a sufficient amount of research, today still does not have an accurate definition and has not received its exhaustive analysis. Often in the scientific literature, this concept regarding pedagogical activity is used in the context of bringing into action the internal driving forces of the pedagogical process, and more often in the role of a figurative metaphor rather than a scientific category.

For many researchers, a specialist’s competence is manifested, first of all, in the effective performance of functional duties. But competence is also understood in this way: a measure of understanding of the world around us and the adequacy of interaction with it; a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that allow you to successfully perform an activity; a certain level of formation of the subject’s social and practical experience; the level of training in social and individual forms of activity, which allows the individual, within the framework of his abilities and status, to function successfully in society; a set of professional properties, i.e. ability to fulfill job requirements at a certain level, etc.

Research shows that the concept of competence is closely related to the definition of “competence”. It should be noted that in various explanatory dictionaries the concept of “competence”, despite some differences in interpretation, includes two main general explanations: 1) range of issues; 2) knowledge and experience in a certain field.

In addition, researchers highlight other characteristics of the concept under consideration. Thus, competence means:

The ability to apply knowledge, skills and personal qualities for successful activities in a certain field;

Knowledge and understanding (theoretical knowledge of the academic field, ability to know and understand);

Knowing how to act (practical and operational application of knowledge to specific situations);

Knowing how to be (values ​​as an integral part of the way of perceiving life in a social context).

As research shows, competencies are “expected and measurable achievements of an individual that determine what an individual will be able to do upon completion of the learning process; a generalized characteristic that determines a specialist’s readiness to use his full potential (knowledge, skills, experience and personal qualities) for successful activities in a certain professional field.”

Based on the above definitions, we can imagine the essential content of the concept of “professional competence”, which in acmeology, in its section of developmental psychology, is considered as the main cognitive component of the subsystems of professionalism of personality and activity, the scope of professional competence, the range of issues to be resolved, the constantly expanding system of knowledge that allows perform professional activities with high productivity. The structure and content of professional competence is largely determined by the specifics of professional activity and its belonging to certain types.

Analysis of the essence of the concept of “professional competence” makes it possible to present it as an integration of knowledge, experience and professionally significant personal qualities that reflect the ability of a teacher (educator) to effectively carry out professional activities and achieve goals related to personal development in the preschool education system. And this is possible in the case when the subject of professional activity reaches a certain stage of professionalism. Professionalism in psychology and acmeology is understood as high preparedness to perform the tasks of professional activity, as a qualitative characteristic of the subject of work, reflecting high professional qualifications and competence, a variety of effective professional skills and abilities, including those based on creative solutions, mastery of modern algorithms and methods of solution professional tasks, which allows you to carry out activities with high and stable productivity.

At the same time, the professionalism of the individual is also distinguished, which is also understood as a qualitative characteristic of the subject of labor, reflecting a high level of professionally important or personal and business qualities, professionalism, creativity, an adequate level of aspirations, motivational sphere and value orientations, aimed at progressive personal development.

It is known that the professionalism of the activity and personality of a specialist is manifested in the need and readiness to systematically improve their qualifications, express creative activity, productively satisfy the increasing demands of social production and culture, and improve the results of their work and their own personality. In this case, we can talk not only about the professional competence of the subject of professional activity, but also about his personal competence, which, in general, is important for the “person-to-person” system of professions and, in particular, for teaching activities.

These and other studies describe in sufficient detail the structure, main content characteristics, requirements for the personality and activities of teaching staff in preschool educational institutions. But there are few works that would present a system for developing the professional competence of a preschool teacher. Whereas it is the system that provides the opportunity to see ways, means and methods of achieving professional competence by a subject of a certain field of activity. The system is a unified process of interaction and cooperation between teachers, educators, administration, specialists of psychological and methodological services in developing competencies in the field of educational activities in a preschool educational institution, resolving complex professional problems, making morally informed choices, etc. .

Some elements of the proposed system have already been reflected in the practical activities of various educational institutions, others are just being implemented, some of them require testing. Of course, the proposed list can include other effective methods and mechanisms for developing the professional competence of teaching staff at preschool educational institutions. But the guideline is the idea that the formation of professional competence provides teachers with the opportunity to choose effective ways to solve professional problems; creatively perform functional duties; design successful strategies for professional development and self-development; adequately evaluate and improve yourself; identify factors associated with professional development; establish constructive interpersonal relationships with all subjects of the educational space; make constructive adjustments to the life plan and create a developmental environment for their students.

It is interesting to trace the development of the professional competence of a preschool teacher in the field of education at different stages of the development of pedagogical thought: from the tribal system to the present. Requirements for the professional competence of preschool teachers who educate preschool children, as shown by a retrospective analysis of pedagogical literature, have their origins in the development of family and public education. The requirements for the competence of persons involved in raising preschool children have changed throughout the historical development of our society.

Based on the modern classification of education, under the clan system and during the emergence of feudal relations in Russia, elements of a democratic, humane approach to education are observed. No matter how different the views on women were during this period, they recognized the right to take care of children and raise them in “good manners” (Vladimir Monomakh). The ideas of humanization of education can be observed in the views and pedagogical statements of cultural figures of the 17th century. Karion Istomin, Simeon of Polotsk, Epiphany Slavinetsky. They made the first attempts to determine the basic content of education and training by age. One of the main requirements for the professional competence of educators in the 18th and first half of the 19th centuries. the requirement is put forward to take into account the inclinations of each child and maintain cheerfulness as his natural state (A.I. Herzen, M.V. Lomonosov, P.I. Novikov, V.F. Odoevsky, etc.).

The issues of competence of educators in relationships with students were devoted to the research and scientific works of P.F. Lesgaft, M.X. Sventitskaya, A.S. Simonovich, L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky and others. In this regard, N.I. Pirogov, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, talk about the mechanisms necessary for the teacher to have a special understanding of the child, one hundred specific spiritual world. These considerations are chain for our research in connection with the mechanisms of understanding another person that we consider further: “empathy”, “ability to decentralize”, etc.

In the pedagogical concepts of foreign scientists, we were more interested in the requirements that they place on the competence of a teacher-educator. Ancient philosophers: Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, etc., paid great attention to the issues of professional skill of a teacher and especially his oratory. Zeno of Elea (5th century BC) was the first to introduce a dialogical form of presenting knowledge. A humane attitude towards a child, based on the study of his individual properties, is what progressive thinkers of the Renaissance (T. More, F. Rabelais, E. Rotterdamsky, etc.) valued most in a teacher. The modern model of an anti-authoritarian preschool institution is theoretically based on the humanistic philosophical and psychological-pedagogical concepts of the world-famous scientists R. Steiner, the founder of “Waldorf” pedagogy, and M. Montessori. As necessary conditions for the vague practice of education, they consider a feeling of deep reverence for the child and the ability of the educator to constantly carry within himself a living image of the child's being.

Modern domestic researchers, studying pedagogical activity and the criteria for its success, along with the concept of professional competence, also consider such concepts as pedagogical skill, pedagogical technique, pedagogical skills, etc.

To summarize, the basic requirements for the professional competence of a teacher-educator can be formulated as follows:

Having in-depth knowledge of the age and individual psychophysiological characteristics of children;

Manifestation of awareness in relationships with the student and the existence of developed mechanisms for understanding another person;

Possession of teaching skills and pedagogical techniques;

Possession of professionally significant personal qualities and value orientations.

The concept of preschool education, the authors of which are A.M. Vinogradova, I.A. Karpenko, V.A. Petrovsky and others, laid down new target orientations in the teacher’s work on personal interaction and partnership communication with the child in conditions of cooperation.

When determining the content of the normative-diagnostic standard of professional competence of a preschool teacher in the field of education, we used the following guidelines as the main ones:

The results of a retrospective analysis of the requirements for the professional competence of a teacher-educator at different stages of the development of pedagogical thought;

Regulations on the leading role of communication in the professional activity of a teacher and the mental development of preschool children;

Qualification requirements for specialists from the “Recommendations for the certification of management and teaching staff of preschool educational institutions”.

It should be noted that the definition, i.e. the logical definition of the professional competence of a preschool teacher in the field of education in modern pedagogical theory remains unclear, despite the development of qualification requirements proposed in the “Recommendations for the certification of management and teaching staff of preschool educational institutions.” The development of these “Recommendations...” is due, among other things, to the need to implement changes in the system of training teachers. Now there is a gap between the activities of preschool educational institutions, on the one hand, and pedagogical universities and other educational institutions, on the other hand, due to different mechanisms of their management, and qualification requirements for specialists should also become a guideline for the activities of educational institutions in the training and retraining of personnel.

Research in recent years has shown the need to search for fundamentally new approaches to quality assurance through the implementation of effective management structures, new content and intensive pedagogical technologies. Educational institutions are able to realize this task, subject to the requirements of the regime of continuous development and creative search for progressive technologies and methods, the growth of professionalism at the pedagogical, methodological and managerial level.

The ongoing innovations in the preschool education system are due to the objective need for changes that are adequate to the development of society and the educational system as a whole. The main mechanism for such changes is the search and development of new technologies for increasing professional competence, which contributes to qualitative changes in the activities of preschool educational institutions.

As research results show, today such manifestations of professional incompetence among preschool teachers are found, such as insufficient knowledge of teachers in the field of age characteristics of preschool children; low professionalism in conducting individual diagnostics of the child’s personality and emotional states; the focus of most teachers on the educational and disciplinary model of interaction with children.

The noted difficulties in implementing new target orientations in the field of preschool education allow us to state that the problem of special training of teachers of preschool educational institutions (PSE) and their demonstration of progressive professional competence is relevant. However, shortcomings in the system of training and retraining of teaching staff of all categories of preschool workers, revealed in connection with the changing social expectations of society and the transition from authoritarian to humane pedagogy, make the solution to this problem slow. The existing contradiction between the requirements for the professional competence of a preschool teacher, determined by new target orientations in the field of preschool education, and the insufficiently developed technology for advanced training of preschool teachers in the modern sociocultural situation.

Based on an analysis of literary sources, the professional competence of a preschool teacher can be defined as the ability to effectively perform professional activities, determined by the requirements of the position, based on fundamental scientific education and an emotional and value-based attitude to teaching. It presupposes possession of professionally significant attitudes and personal qualities, theoretical knowledge, professional skills.

1.2 The role of the methodological service in the development of professional competence of teacherspreschool educational institution

Today, all preschool teachers are puzzled by the new situation in the preschool education system - the organization of the educational process in a preschool institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES).

The educational strategy focuses preschool workers on mastering new professional competencies; therefore, the strategic direction of working with teaching staff should be the continuous improvement of the level of professional skills of teachers.

The requirements for the level of qualifications of teaching staff of an educational institution are being increased in accordance with the qualification characteristics for the relevant position.

Teaching staff must have basic competencies in organizing activities aimed at strengthening the health of children and their physical development; organizing various types of activities and communication between children; organization of educational activities for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education; interaction with parents and employees of the educational institution; methodological support of the educational process.

It is planned to improve the qualifications of preschool teachers through the work of the methodological and psychological services of the preschool institution, and the inclusion of teachers in the methodological work.

The most important role in organizing methodological work for its implementation is played by the methodological service of the educational institution.

According to L.N. Atmakhova, the development of professional competence of teachers of preschool educational institutions is facilitated by the activities of the methodological service, functioning in the interrelation of three management levels with the corresponding structural components: planning and forecasting (scientific and methodological council), organizational and activity (invariant block of the program: subject-pedagogical cycles and methodological sections and variable block programs: creative workshops and scientific and methodological groups) information and analytical (expert commission). The author also notes that “the methodological service, in the process of organizing its activities, purposefully trains teachers by improving the cognitive, activity and professional-personal components of professional competence, takes into account the expectations of both a specific educational institution and the individual capabilities of teachers in the content of training.”

According to A.I. Vasilyeva, methodological work in a preschool educational institution is a complex and creative process in which practical training of educators in methods and techniques of working with children is carried out.

K.Yu. Belaya suggests understanding: methodological work is a holistic system of activities aimed at ensuring the most effective quality of implementation of the strategic objectives of the preschool educational institution.

The task of the methodological service of preschool educational institutions is to develop a system, to find accessible and, at the same time, effective methods of improving pedagogical skills.

The goal of methodological work in preschool educational institutions is to create optimal conditions for the continuous improvement of the level of general and pedagogical culture of participants in the educational process.

Pedagogical culture is the professional culture of a person engaged in teaching activities, the harmony of highly developed pedagogical thinking, knowledge, feelings and professional creative activity, contributing to the effective organization of the pedagogical process.

Participants in the educational process (according to the Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”, standard regulations on a preschool educational institution) are: children, teaching staff, parents.

Main objectives of methodological work:

Develop a system of providing assistance to each teacher based on diagnostics and forms of work.

Include every teacher in a creative search.

Particular tasks can be identified:

Formation of an innovative orientation in the activities of the teaching staff, manifested in the systematic study, generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience in the implementation of scientific achievements.

Increasing the level of theoretical training of teachers.

Organization of work on the study of new educational standards and programs.

Enrichment of the pedagogical process with new technologies, forms in the education, upbringing and development of the child.

Organization of work on the study of regulatory documents.

Providing scientific and methodological assistance to the teacher on the basis of an individual and differentiated approach (by experience, creative activity, education, categoricalness).

Providing advisory assistance in organizing self-education for teachers.

The main criteria for the effectiveness of methodological work, in addition to performance indicators (level of pedagogical skill, teacher activity), are the characteristics of the methodological process itself:

Consistency - compliance of goals and objectives in the content and forms of methodological work;

Differentiation - the second criterion for the effectiveness of methodological work - presupposes a large share in the system of methodological work of individual and group lessons with educators, based on their level of professionalism, readiness for self-development and other indicators;

Phasedness - indicators of the effectiveness of methodological work.

The object of methodological activity is the teacher. The subject is a preschool educational institution methodologist, senior teacher, and immediate supervisor of the preschool educational institution.

The subject of methodological activity is methodological support of the educational process.

The process of methodological work in a preschool educational institution can be considered as a system of interaction between subject and object. The teaching staff of preschool educational institutions acts in this process not only as its object, but also as its subject, since the process of methodological work will only be productive when it contains elements of self-education and self-training of the teacher as a professional. Moreover, the process of methodological work between the leadership of a preschool educational institution and the teaching staff transforms not only teachers, but also the organizers of this process: the methodologist, the senior teacher, the immediate supervisor of the preschool educational institution, influencing them as individuals and as professionals, developing personal and professional qualities into one. and suppressing others.

Thus, methodological work in a preschool educational institution unites an object, a subject and a subject.

Responsibility for organizing methodological work lies with the methodologist. By defining the strategy, goals, objectives of the development and functioning of the preschool educational institution, it influences the specification of goals, objectives and the content of methodological work. A teacher-psychologist and teaching specialists participate in the methodological work, advising educators and parents within the limits of their competence.

In all cases, the task of the methodological service is to create an educational environment in which the creative potential of each teacher and the entire teaching staff will be fully realized.

Many teachers, especially beginners, need qualified assistance from more experienced colleagues, the head, the methodologist of the preschool educational institution, and specialists in various fields of knowledge. Currently, this need has increased due to the transition to a variable education system and the need to take into account the diversity of interests and capabilities of children.

Methodological work should be proactive in nature and ensure the development of the entire educational process in accordance with new achievements of pedagogical and psychological science. However, today, according to P.N. Losev, there is a problem of low efficiency of methodological work in many preschool educational institutions. The main reason is the formal implementation of the systemic approach, its replacement with an eclectic, random set of recommendations of an opportunistic nature, the implantation of far-fetched techniques and ways of organizing upbringing and education.

V.P. Bespalko, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, T.I. Shamov points out integrity as an essential feature of any system. In the interpretation of N.V. Kuzmina “pedagogical system” is “a set of interconnected structural and functional components subordinated to the goals of education, upbringing and training of the younger generation and adults.”

The combination of individual pedagogical systems forms a single holistic education system. Preschool education is the first stage of the general pedagogical system, and the preschool educational institution itself, like the school, can be considered as a socio-pedagogical system. Therefore, according to K.Yu. Belaya, it meets certain properties: purposefulness, integrity, polystructurality, controllability, interconnection and interaction of components, openness, connection with the environment.

K.Yu. Belaya emphasizes that methodological work in a preschool educational institution as a system can be designed and built in the following structure: forecasting - programming - planning - organization - regulation - control - stimulation - correction and analysis.

So, methodological work should be considered an aspect of management and viewed as an activity aimed at ensuring the quality of the educational process of a preschool educational institution. It is necessary to highlight its tasks: managing the educational process, organizing advanced training for teachers, organizing work with parents. It should be noted that methodological work should be proactive in nature and ensure the development of the entire educational process, in accordance with new achievements of pedagogical and psychological science.

The restructuring of methodological work in a preschool institution inevitably poses problems, the solution of which inevitably leads to correct answers to the questions: what are teachers taught, what information, what knowledge, abilities, skills and to what extent should a practicing teacher today master in order to improve his professional skills and qualifications . Thus, it is necessary to note the importance of the optimal choice of the content of methodological work in modern preschool educational institutions. The relevance of this choice is confirmed by the results of the practice of methodological work in preschool institutions. P.N. Losev notes that often the choice of content for work with teachers is random, characterized by unsystematicity, the absence or weakness of connections between the main areas of advanced training for kindergarten workers, the absence of a number of necessary blocks of content and the most pressing and pressing problems in the plans of methodological work. In many kindergartens, the real problems of the educational process, the problems of specific teachers and students, and the content of methodological work exist quite peacefully, but in parallel, relative to each other.

V.N. Dubrova believes that content, divorced from the pressing problems facing the teacher, will inevitably be perceived by him as formal, for some unknown reason imposed from the outside.

To overcome these shortcomings and raise the content of methodological work to a new level of modern requirements, P.N. Losev advises making efforts on two levels.

Firstly, to ensure and justify the optimal choice of the content of methodological work for preschool institutions, taking into account the most important problems and trends in the development of professional skills of teachers and the educational process in preschool educational institutions; develop a draft content of methodological work for a modern preschool institution. (This is the task of pedagogical science workers and senior officials of educational authorities, scientific and methodological services and centers). Secondly, to specify the general provisions based on the real, unique conditions of each preschool institution. (This is the task of the organizers of methodological work in the institution). He also believes that problems at the second, preschool level of selecting the content of methodological work cannot be successfully solved without taking into account general scientific foundations. And at the same time, without specifying the general content in relation to the conditions of each preschool institution, without focusing on the problems that are relevant for each specific teaching staff, even the richest content of methodological work will not inspire teachers to creativity, will not contribute to the improvement of teaching and educational work, democratization preschool life. Thus, the content of methodological work in a modern preschool institution should be formed on the basis of various sources, both common to all preschool institutions in the region, and specific, individually unique ones.

P.N. Losev proposes to study, as well as work out and use in the future, the following set of sources for the content of methodological work in preschool educational institutions:

State government documents on the restructuring and socio-economic development of our society, on education, the restructuring of preschool institutions, giving a general target orientation for all methodological work;

New and improved curricula, teaching aids that help expand and update the traditional content of methodological work;

Achievements of scientific and technological progress, new results of psychological and pedagogical research, including research on the problems of methodological work itself in a preschool institution, increasing its scientific level;

Instructional and methodological documents of educational authorities on issues of methodological work in a preschool institution, providing specific recommendations and instructions for selecting the content of work with teachers and educators;

Information about advanced, innovative and mass teaching experience, providing examples of work in a new way, as well as information aimed at further overcoming existing shortcomings;

Data from a thorough analysis of the state of the educational process in a particular preschool educational institution, data on the quality of knowledge, abilities and skills, on the level of education and development of students, helping to identify the priority problems of methodological work for a given kindergarten, as well as self-education of teachers.

Practice shows that inattention to any of these complementary sources leads to one-sidedness, impoverishment, and irrelevance of the content in the system of advanced training for teachers, i.e. the choice of content of methodological work turns out to be suboptimal.

K.Yu. Belaya considers the content of methodological work in the conditions of a modern preschool educational institution to be a creative matter that does not tolerate templates and dogmatism. She notes that the content of methodological work in a preschool educational institution should also be coordinated with the content of other parts of the advanced training system, without duplicating or trying to replace it.

Analysis of literature on methodological work and constructive and methodological documentation, study of the needs for advanced training and skills of teachers K.Yu. Beloy, P.N. Loseva, I.V. Nikishena, allows us to highlight in modern conditions the following main areas of content of methodological work (teacher training) in a preschool institution:

Worldview and methodological;

Particularly - methodological;



Psychological and physiological;


General cultural;


Behind each direction of the content of methodological work there are certain branches of science, technology, and culture. By mastering new knowledge, a teacher can rise to a new, higher level of professional skill and become a richer, more creative person.

So, the analysis of the literature made it possible to determine the directions of the content of methodological work in a preschool institution. In this sub-chapter, we examined a complex of sources for the content of methodological work in a preschool educational institution and noted that in the conditions of a modern preschool educational institution, this is a creative matter that does not tolerate templates and dogmatism. It was emphasized that the content of methodological work should be formed on the basis of various sources, both common to all preschool institutions in the region and individually unique.

1. 3 Forms and methods of developing the professional competence of preschool teachers in the process of activity

The development of the education system is directly related to the problem of professional development of teachers. Modern requirements for the personality and content of a teacher’s professional activity presuppose that he has the ability to work effectively in constantly changing social and pedagogical conditions. Hence, the tasks of the municipal methodological service as a structural element of the lifelong education system become more complicated. The methodological service is required to provide a high-quality solution to emerging problems; only then can it be possible to influence the professional development of the teacher, ensuring a sufficiently rapid pace of his professional development.

Within the framework of various forms, a variety of methods and techniques for working with personnel, which were discussed above, are used.

When combining forms and methods of working with personnel into a single system, the manager must take into account their optimal combination with each other. It should be noted that the structure of the system for each preschool institution will be different and unique. This uniqueness is explained by organizational, pedagogical, and moral-psychological conditions in the team that are specific to a given institution.

The pedagogical council is one of the forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions. The pedagogical council in kindergarten, as the highest governing body of the entire educational process, poses and solves specific problems of the preschool institution.

Also, of the various forms of methodological work in kindergarten, such a form as consulting teachers has become especially firmly established in practice. Individual and group consultations, consultations on the main areas of work of the entire team, on current problems of pedagogy, on requests from teachers, etc.

Any consultation requires training and professional competence from the methodologist.

The meaning of the word “competence” is revealed in dictionaries “as an area of ​​issues in which he is well informed” or is interpreted as “the personal capabilities of an official, his qualifications (knowledge, experience), allowing him to take part in the development of a certain range of decisions or resolve the issue himself due to the presence of certain knowledge, skills."

So, the competence that is so necessary for a methodologist to work with teachers is not only the presence of knowledge, which he constantly updates and expands, but also experience and skills that he can use if necessary. Useful advice or timely consultation corrects the teacher’s work.

The main consultations are planned in the institution's annual work plan, but individual consultations are held as needed. Using different methods when conducting consultations, the methodologist not only sets the task of transferring knowledge to teachers, but also strives to form in them a creative attitude to activity. So, with a problematic presentation of the material, a problem is formed and the way to solve it is shown.

Seminars and workshops remain the most effective form of methodological work in kindergarten. The annual plan of the preschool institution determines the topic of the seminar and at the beginning of the school year the head draws up a detailed plan for its work.

A detailed plan with a clear indication of working hours and well-thought-out tasks will attract the attention of more people who want to take part in its work. At the very first lesson, you can propose to supplement this plan with specific questions that teachers would like to receive an answer to.

Properly organized preparation for it and preliminary information play a major role in the effectiveness of the seminar. The topic of the seminar should be relevant to a specific preschool institution and take into account new scientific information.

Each teacher has his own teaching experience and teaching skills. The work of the educator who achieves the best results is highlighted, his experience is called advanced, he is studied, he is “looked up to.”

Advanced pedagogical experience is a means of purposefully improving the educational process, satisfying the current needs of teaching and educational practice. (Ya.S. Turbovskoy).

Advanced pedagogical experience helps educators explore new approaches to working with children and distinguish them from mass practice. At the same time, it awakens initiative, creativity, and contributes to the improvement of professional skills. Best practice originates in mass practice and is, to some extent, its result.

For any teacher studying best practices, not only the result is important, but also the methods and techniques by which this result is achieved. This allows you to compare your capabilities and make a decision about introducing experience into your work.

Advanced experience is the fastest, most efficient form of resolving contradictions that have arisen in practice, quickly responding to public demands, to the changing situation of education. Advanced experience born in the thick of life can become a good toolkit, and if a number of conditions are met, it successfully takes root in new conditions; it is the most convincing and attractive for practice, because it is presented in a living, concrete form.

An open screening makes it possible to establish direct contact with the teacher during a lesson and get answers to your questions. The show helps to penetrate into a kind of creative laboratory of the teacher, to become a witness to the process of pedagogical creativity. The leader organizing an open show can set several goals: promoting experience and training teachers in methods and techniques of working with children, etc. .

Thus, when planning methodological work, it is necessary to use all types of generalization of pedagogical experience. In addition, there are various forms of sharing experience: open display, work in pairs, author’s seminars and workshops, conferences, pedagogical readings, weeks of pedagogical excellence, open days, master classes, etc.

Practice shows that the study, generalization and implementation of pedagogical experience is the most important function of methodological work, permeating the content and all its forms and methods. The importance of pedagogical experience is difficult to overestimate; it trains, educates, and develops teachers. Being essentially closely connected with the progressive ideas of pedagogy and psychology, based on the achievements and laws of science, this experience serves as the most reliable conductor of advanced ideas and technologies into the practice of preschool educational institutions.

In the methodological office of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to have addresses of teaching experience.

Currently, business games have found wide application in methodological work, in the course system of advanced training, in those forms of work with personnel where the goal cannot be achieved in simpler, more familiar ways. It has been repeatedly noted that the use of business games has a positive effect. The positive thing is that a business game is a strong tool for shaping the personality of a professional; it helps to most activate the participants to achieve the goal.

But increasingly, a business game is used in methodological work as, in part, an outwardly effective form. In other words: the one who conducts it does not rely on psychological-pedagogical or scientific-methodological foundations, and the game “does not work.” Consequently, the very idea of ​​using a business game is discredited.

A business game is a method of imitation (imitation, depiction, reflection) of making management decisions in various situations, by playing according to rules specified or developed by the participants in the game themselves. Business games are often called simulation management games. The very term “game” in various languages ​​corresponds to the concepts of joke, laughter, lightness and indicates the connection of this process with positive emotions. It seems that this explains the appearance of business games in the system of methodological work.

A business game increases interest, causes high activity, and improves the ability to solve real pedagogical problems. In general, games, with their multifaceted analysis of specific situations, allow us to connect theory with practical experience. The essence of business games is that they have features of both learning and work. At the same time, training and work acquire a joint, collective character and contribute to the formation of professional creative thinking.

“Round table” is also one of the forms of communication between teachers. When discussing any issues of upbringing and training of preschoolers, circular pedagogical forms of placing participants make it possible to make the team self-governing, puts all participants on an equal footing, and ensures interaction and openness. The role of the round table organizer is to carefully select and prepare questions for discussion aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Some preschool educational institutions use a literary or pedagogical newspaper as an interesting form of work that unites employees. The goal is to show the development of creative capabilities of adults, as well as children and parents. Educators write articles, stories, compose poems, personal and professional qualities necessary in working with children are assessed - writing, speech skills - figurativeness of statements, etc.

Creative micro groups. They arose as a result of the search for new effective forms of methodological work.

Such groups are created on a purely voluntary basis when it is necessary to learn some new best practices, a new technique or develop an idea. Several teachers are united in a group on the basis of mutual sympathy, personal friendship or psychological compatibility. There may be one or two leaders in the group who seem to lead and take on organizational issues.

Each member of the group first independently studies the experience and development, then everyone exchanges opinions, argues, and offers their own options. It is important that all this is implemented in everyone’s work practice. Group members attend each other's classes, discuss them, and highlight the best methods and techniques. If any gap is discovered in the understanding of the teacher’s knowledge or skills, then a joint study of additional literature takes place. Joint creative development of new things goes 3-4 times faster. As soon as the goal is achieved, the group disbands. In a creative micro-group there is informal communication, the main attention here is paid to search and research activities, the results of which are subsequently shared with the entire staff of the institution.

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“Professional competence of a modern preschool teacher”

The development of modern society dictates special conditions for the organization of preschool education, intensive introduction of innovations, new technologies and methods of working with children. In this situation, professional competence is especially important, the basis of which is the personal and professional development of teachers.

Scientists A.S. Belkin and V.V. Nesterov believe: “In pedagogical terms, competence is a set of professional powers and functions that create the necessary conditions for effective activity in the educational space.”

Competence in relation to vocational education is the ability to apply knowledge, skills and practical experience for successful work activity.

The professional competence of a modern preschool teacher is defined as a set of universal and specific professional attitudes that allow him to cope with a given program and special situations that arise in the psychological and pedagogical process of a preschool institution, by resolving which, he contributes to the clarification, improvement, and practical implementation of development tasks, its general and special abilities.

Modern society places new demands on the competence of a teacher. He must be competent in matters of organization and content of activities in the following areas:

Educational and educational;

Educational and methodological;

Social and pedagogical.

Educational activities presuppose the following criteria of competence: implementation of a holistic pedagogical process; creation of a development environment; ensuring the protection of children's life and health. These criteria are supported by the following indicators of teacher competence: knowledge of the goals, objectives, content, principles, forms, methods and means of teaching and educating preschoolers; the ability to effectively develop knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the educational program.

The educational and methodological activities of a teacher presuppose the following competence criteria: planning educational work; designing teaching activities based on analysis of achieved results. These criteria are supported by the following indicators of competence: knowledge of the educational program and methods of developing various types of children’s activities; the ability to design, plan and implement a holistic pedagogical process; mastery of technologies for research, pedagogical monitoring, education and training of children.

In addition, having the right to choose both main and partial programs and benefits, the teacher must skillfully combine them, enriching and expanding the content of each area, avoiding “mosaicism”, forming the integrity of the child’s perception. In other words, a competent teacher must be able to competently integrate the content of education, ensure the interconnection of all classes, activities, and events based on the objectives of the child’s upbringing and development.

The socio-pedagogical activity of the educator presupposes the following competence criteria: advisory assistance to parents; creating conditions for the socialization of children; protection of interests and rights. These criteria are supported by the following indicators: knowledge of basic documents on the rights of the child and the responsibilities of adults towards children; ability to conduct explanatory pedagogical work with parents and pre-school specialists.

Based on modern requirements, we can determine the main ways to develop a teacher’s professional competence:

Work in methodological associations, creative groups;

Research, experimental activities;

Innovative activities, development of new pedagogical technologies;

Various forms of pedagogical support;

Active participation in pedagogical competitions, master classes;

Generalization of own teaching experience.

But none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions in which the teacher independently realizes the need to improve the level of his own professional qualities. Analysis of one’s own teaching experience activates the teacher’s professional self-development, as a result of which research skills are developed, which are then integrated into teaching activities.

Head of MDOU TsRR - kindergarten No. 3 M.V. Milovanova.

Competence is one of the forms of professional activity, which means the presence of knowledge and experience necessary for effective activity in a given subject area.

A preschool teacher must have the following social and professional competencies that will allow for the cognitive development of children:

1. Social competencies include the exchange of information between individuals, statements about their interests and needs, tolerance towards other people and their opinions, the ability to work in a team and provide various assistance to other people, having emotional stability;

2. Cognitive competencies are expressed in independent processing and structuring of information, searching for new sources of information, concentrating on study or work, the ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in various situations;

3. Operational competencies - defining goals and work procedures, the ability to withstand uncertainty and uncertainty, the ability to make and implement decisions, summarize work results, determine time schedules for work;

4. Special competencies include planning methods for solving a problem, exercising self-control, being active in professional activities, adapting to new situations, evaluating and adjusting plans, identifying errors and adequate ways to eliminate them.

So, professional competencies, being the foundation for introducing a competency-based approach into the pedagogical process, help preschool teachers integrate knowledge, skills and abilities when carrying out innovative activities and using modern educational technologies in practice.

7. Professionally significant qualities of a preschool teacher

Preschool teacher is one of the popular modern teaching professions. It originated in the 17th and 18th centuries. In the modern understanding, a teacher is a person who carries out education and takes responsibility for the condition of life and personality development of another person.

The teacher must be: friendly, sincere, sociable, kind, have a sense of humor, patience, be able to establish relationships with children, prevent and resolve conflicts, expand their knowledge through self-education, must know the methods of preschool upbringing and education.

To effectively perform an activity, a person must be attentive, responsible, responsive, patient, and show a penchant for working with children. The teacher must have stable and voluminous attention. Also, the teacher must have, by the nature of mental activity: verbal-logical memory, by the nature of the goals of the activity: involuntary memory, by the duration of retention of the material: short-term memory.

Communication skills

What is needed is general culture and erudition, competent and intelligible speech, a well-trained voice, the ability to manage a team, and high communication skills.

Emotional-volitional qualities

Resistance to stress, the ability to control one's behavior and emotions, and a strong nervous system are required: the work of a teacher, although not accompanied by increased physical activity, occurs under conditions of constant psycho-emotional stress.

So, an educator, he himself must be a very smart, decent and kind person, so that he can raise more than one generation of children to be the same.